
They've emerged from the concert hall with the rest of the crowd, people chatting and slowly making their way down the stairs of the entrance.

Elise hurries down the stairs, not looking back to speak directly to Astrid. "You go on ahead, go find Lyon. Tell him I enjoyed it."

"Wait, Elise, where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a moment!" She walks faster — "Excuse me" — dodging various huddles of people gathered in the open plaza.

She figures the entrance to backstage must be around the back of the building, given that it is — well, a backstage. The flow of people in tuxedos and long sweeping dresses also signal where the performers are emerging from.

Then — she sees him. At least she's pretty sure it's him. Even if it's been four years, she can recognize the back of his head: that tousled brown hair is the same as always.



Aiden is joking with one of his friends after the performance with the adrenaline from the performance still high, when he hears a voice calling his name.

He turns around, searching for the source of the sound, when his eyes meet that of a young woman, in a simple but elegant black dress, blond hair spilling over her shoulders, and striking blue eyes. Eyes he recognizes in an instant, but he's not sure if it's real or not.



Green eyes. The emerald with small flecks of iridescent blue-grays that she knows so well, has seen a thousand times.

Her eyes crinkle up in a smile. "Aiden!"

She steps forward, meaning to hug him, but it's been so long, so many years, she isn't sure anymore. She sidles back, hands clasped together as she stands awkwardly.

"Um, great performance today," Elise says, wincing at how obvious the statement is. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Thanks. Yeah, I didn't either." He, at least, seems just as taken aback.

"Hey, Aiden, you coming?" This is one of Aiden's friends, Elise guesses, who she notes is trying to hide a smile. She hopes it's not insinuating anything.

"Uh, yeah." Aiden turns back to Elise. "Sorry, we were planning to go to dinner right after this."

"Your friend could come along." The guy from before winks.

"Oh, no, I have physics problems I was working on before this; I was going to go back to do that." Elise's hands turn in circles, as she tries to explain.

The corner of Aiden's mouth lifts up in a slight smile. "Always physics."

"It's fun." She shrugs, grinning. "Well, I'll let you guys go to your dinner."

"Yeah." He steps forward, then, as if on an afterthought, he turns back. "While we're both in town, we should meet up sometime. You know, to catch up. As, uh, old friends, not anything…" he coughs. "It's been a while," he finally adds, lamely.

"Yeah, that'd be fun. I'll talk to you later then? You haven't changed your phone number, right?"

"Yep. See you, then."