
A cheerful chime sounds as Elise pushes open the door to the quaint little coffee shop in the downtown area near her school. She was the one who'd first suggested this place, the quaint little cafe where she'd spent so many hours studying. Despite the familiarity, she's a bit nervous now, although when she thinks it through she really doesn't have good reason to be.

She grabs a seat in a sunlit corner, drumming her fingers on the table with one hand as she scrolls on her phone with the other. It's 5:27 now, which means he should be here soon. Sure enough, before the minute hits 28, the door chimes again and she glances up to see him.

"Hi," she waves, trying not to sound as awkward as she feels.

Aiden smiles as he comes to the table. "Hey!"

She thumbs the paper menu as he gets settled. They'd planned a meeting, catching up as old friends, but why does this feel so awkward? She supposes it can't be helped—after all, it's been so many years—yet she cringes internally.

"You know this place, right? Any recommendations on what to order?"

"Hm, I usually get the mango green tea. I haven't really tried much else." Elise smiles sheepishly.

"Well, if you get it every time, it's bound to be decent, isn't it?" Aiden chuckles. "I'll try it."

They place their orders, then come back to the table, where Elise returns to drumming against the tabletop. "So what brings you to California? I thought you were attending the conservatory in New York?"

"I'm studying with a professional pianist here, actually, for the summer; the concert you saw me at was my first performance here. Speaking of, what were you doing there? If I know anything about you, it's that you wouldn't attend a classical music concert of your own free will."

Elise laughs. "It wasn't. Well, not really. One of my friends was performing, and I got dragged there."

"Whaat? And you refused to come to my performance in Boston that time." Aiden acts offended teasingly, but maybe there's a note of disappointment in it.

"That was way farther. And I had a physics exam the Monday after that weekend!"

"Excuses, excuses." Aiden tsks.

Perhaps he's right and she had been avoiding him that time, but Elise's not going to admit it. "How come you didn't say anything about coming here, so close to my school?"

"I didn't realize that the university was near here! California's big, you know, and I didn't bother studying the maps. Anyway, I would've expected you to be back in Massachusetts; it's summer vacation, after all."

"What's the point of vacation if you don't get anything done?" Elise grins. "I'm working on research for astrophysics, so I'm staying here during summer too."

"I guess we'll be seeing more of each other, then?" Aiden winks. He quickly adds, "Not…romantically, I mean. But as friends? I've missed talking to you."

"I have, too."