The ambience of the coffee shop is familiar, the sounds of gentle clinks as silverware meets china and soft conversation fills the spaces between. After the first time they'd decided on meeting here, they had agreed to come back for the next, then the next, then the next.
Aiden's already secured their usual table, waving when he sees her come through the door. She makes her way over, keys jangling as she puts down her bag and sits down.
"Sorry I was late, I had to finish some work in the astrophysics lab."
"Always lost in the stars, huh?" Aiden grins. "Sorry. That sounded less stupid in my head."
Elise playfully nudges him. "You're always stupid."
Their easy banter was surprisingly effortless to pick up again, given the number of years they had spent apart. But here they are, teasing each other the way they had when they were children.
What had started off as an intended one-time meeting a month ago soon progressed to weekly, then eventually daily, rendezvous, as each is the other's almost only companion: most of Elise's friends have returned home for the summer while Aiden is still new to the area, only having arrived recently to study under a renowned pianist in the area.
They converse easily, about anything, everything. The topic drifts to music, and Elise has consented to talk about it.
"So what got you into composing, anyway?" she inquires.
A faint hint of red tinges Aiden's cheeks and he hesitates, but he replies soon enough. "It was you, actually."
"The summer of Silverstone Beach… well, that was tortuous, you know."
Elise catches on to what he's referring to, and it's her turn to flush. "Sorry."
"Well, it's in the past now. But anyway, music was an outlet… still is," he says simply.
Is she disappointed by how easily he dismisses the events of that summer? She shouldn't be. It's been years, they've moved on now. Right?
The conversation drifts on, but the thought doesn't disappear from her mind.
Evening has fallen after they exit the cafe and get a quick dinner at a restaurant nearby, but string lights illuminate the plaza as they stroll leisurely by the shop windows.
Elise is contemplating the prospect of getting ice cream for dessert when her phone dings.
"Shoot, my research mentor just messaged me; I have to go back to the observatory tonight and set up something for the experiment tomorrow."
Aiden smiles. "Always working, huh?"
"Yeah… I'm sorry to cut our time short." Aiden has to drive half an hour to get here, and although Elise suggested meeting somewhere closer, he insisted it was fine.
"I am too. I missed you, Elise, really. Before we did this."
She blushes, involuntarily. "So did I."
"Hey, what if I came with you? You talk about your stars so much, I'm kind of excited to check it out."
"They're not just stars, there're also planets and—"
"I know, I know." He grins. "But can I come?"
Elise considers. "Sure, I don't see why not."