Chapter 3

The warmth made me feel like I could get away with it. With anything I could desire. Than the darkness began to fade and there was light of sorts.

I was still in the chamber. I could see the 7 men standing around me. They all looked anxious. Like I was supposed to do something.

Than I had a painfully parched throat. It felt like it was burning up and I needed water quickly.

"Water" I mumbled. "Please, get me water"

The men were all shocked. It was like I was a long lost brother that they were all waiting to see again.

"Please" I urged.

Than they all jumped out of there surprised trance and left to fetch some water.

I saw two of them come out with buckets of water and a ladle in each. One took some of the water out of the ladle and slowly pored it into my mouth.

I leaned to drink it, thinking it would help quench my thirst. But when the water hit my tongue, I instantly spit it out, it tasted horrible. The only thing it did was make me more thirsty.

Than I seemed to smell something good on the man. It was different than any other smell I had smelt before. It did not have a name other than good. I than leaned up to the man, smelling him up and down.

This smell gave me the urge to bight the man. It felt like I had to do it to get rid of this thirst. The thirst had gotten so bad, it felt like I was dying, once again.

Than I lunges as far as I could at the mans neck. He was leaning down so it was not a far distance which was good for me. My teeth got a hold of his neck and my k-nines seemed to grow on both the bottom and top of my mouth, giving me a better hold on the mans neck.

Once my teeth pierced the mans neck, a good tasting liquid fell into my mouth. As this was happening, i heard a woman's laughter but didn't give it too much attention. This new liquid felt good on my tongue and on my dry throat.

At the same time, I seemed to get stronger the more I drank. So I just kept on drinking from this man, all of the warm liquid.

After his body seemed to be out of the liquid, my throat felt better and I seemed to be less thirsty than I was before. All the other men seemed to back away from me now that I had drunk the first man dry.

Than still being a little thirsty, and using this new found strength, I was able to dislodge the cuffs holding me back. When I was out of these cuffs I went for the next man who tried to run away. He was also the guy why had slabbed new and I seemed to have killed the last guy so I had a personal debt with this guys.

"You can't run from me. I am thirsty." I said looking at the man who was still running. I instantly jumped at him. I landed on his back and dug my newly discovered fangs into the mans neck, drinking the warm liquid.

It felt so good just rolling down my teeth onto my tongue than into my throat. It was like the best tased drink there was.

Than, when I drained this man of all his liquids, I felt a new change in my body. I felt taller. Not like an instant 6 ft 5 year old but I had definitely gained some high.

I also felt like I could see better in the dark. I also felt physically stronger and more flexible. I could also see small muscle forming on my body.

I didn't chance after the other 5 men because I was still relishing the taste of the last man that I drank from. I had thought about it for a little bit and realized that I was drinking their blood. At first, it made the human side of my want to upheaval. But there was something keeping it down. I think it was because it was the fact that I liked the taste of the blood.

"Well, I guess I am now a vampire." I said.

"That you are." Said a female voice. I turned around to see who was their. Than I saw a girl about 18 years old. She had long brown hair and just looked pretty.

"Who are you?"

"I am the one who made the first vampire in this world." She said.

"So you are the one who made me this way?"


"Can you change me back?"

"No I can't." She was starting to sound nervous. It seems like she wanted something of me but I am to lazy to figure it out.

"Well than, I have be need for you." I said and began to leave.

Just before I was about to walk into a hallway, she spoke.

"Wait ... please wait." She said.

"And why should I?" I asked.

"I want you to make me a vampire."