Chapter 4

"I want you to make me a vampire!" She said.

"Why would I do that? The only thing you have done for me was have me kidnapped and than transformed into a creature that can't survive in sunlight. So tell me, why in the 9 version of hell should I do that for you?" I asked the woman. She had done nothing but hurt me so far so why should I help her.

"Well there are a few reasons. First, I can help you be able to live in sunlight. Next, once you hit the age of 18 as a vampire, you stop growing as long as you drink blood. You see I have knowledge about vampires of this world." She seemed to be really wanting to become a vampire.

"Ok fine. Since you have so much knowledge of vampires if this world that tell me, are their any others? Any other vampires?" I was hoping to know if I could learn from someone who already had the ropes of being a a vampire but her answer amazed me.

"No. There and no other vampires. You are the first one to ever come into existence." I was amazed at her answer. If I was the first vampire to ever have lived in this world, imagine what I could do.

"Well if I am the first vampire, than who would you have knowledge that could help me?"

"Well sense I was the one who created the spell, I can control certain affects of vampires. But this only works before the spell is cast," so she knew more about me right now than I know about my self.

"Ok fine. Plus I think I would be bored if I was the only person of the vampire species."

So I walked over to the woman and asked, "I know of 2 ways for you to become a vampire. One is you die with my blood in you and two is if I drink all your blood and than give my blood to you. Which one will work." I asked the girl.

"The first one is the best way to make a true vampire. If I were to die with your blood in me than I would have a higher chance of becoming a true vampire. If I were to die than drink your blood, I would most likely become a ghoul." She said.

"Ok fine." Than she knelt down so I could reach her neck. I pierced my finger so she would have access to my blood. Than she started to take a sip of my blood and I bit down on her neck.

I drank her blood and it had a different taste to it than the others blood I drank. I seemed sweeter as where the males seemed a bit tart. She was also caressing the index finger that I pierced. Thankfully I was only 5 so I biologically could not get hard but if I was any older, it would be a different story entirely.

I drank her blood for a good 5 minutes to savor the taste of her sweet blood before she was completely drained. She had also drank a fair amount of my blood so there was a high chance she would turn into a vampire.


After about 5 minutes of her being dead, her eyes opened up. She seemed to have the same thirst I had.

"Drink, throat dry." She said horsely.

"One sec." I than ran over to find a pool of blood on the ground. I dragged her over to the pool and she lapped it up.

"I need more." She said. She still looked thirsty but less than she was before. So I lead her out of the chamber and we found ourselves in a forest. It was the dark of night so it was the best time for vampires.

We looked around for a little bit before coming up on a lone traveler. I left the girl in the bushes and crept up behind the man. Than I knocked him out with a single blow the the back of has neck and dragged him over to the girl.

She seemed to smell the blood and instantly chomped down on his neck. It made me feel a little thirsty but I held back because I knew I was really full and did not need anymore blood.

I also realized that I didn't know the name of the girl.

When she finished drinking, the girl sat back up with a blood covered mouth. She seemed satisfied with her drink so I asked, "By the way, what is your name?"

"My name is Nora. But you can call me what ever you want. I have you to thank for my newfound immortality anyways." Nora said.

"No, Nora is fine. I was just wondering because you never told me your name." I said. "Also, my name is Max. Pleasure to meet you my fellow vampire.

"Yes. What a pleasure to finally meet you, my lord." Nora said.


Back at the castle:

"WHERE IS MAX!?!?!?" Yelled Emma, Max's mother. They had been frantically searching for him ever sense the sun rose on his 5th birthday and he did not run around the castle announcing it was his 5th birthday to everyone like he usually did.

"I don't know. We have sent out many search party's but he is no where to be found in the castle or the city streets." Said Robbert, Max's father.

They searched for the entire day but to no avail. Every one was worried about Max.