Chapter 5

On the official day of Max's 5th birthday, he asked Nora what would happen now that he was a vampire.

"Well, a lot has and will happen." Nora said. "First you will grow up to 18 like a normal human but after that you will seem to that young forever. Every 100 or so years you will gain one year of a humans life time."

"So I will look 18 for 100 years. Well than it would look like I never grow old." I said.

"Yes, that was the idea when I came up with this spell. Also you will be considered extremely handsome once you reach 18. You would be able to seduce anyone you wish. An added bonus is you will even be able to charm any and all future vampires and be able to bend them to your will because you are the first."

"Ok, that will be interesting."

"Yes. You eyes will most likely turn red once you turn 18 and you will gain powers of the mythical vampires."

"What powers are we talking?" I asked.

"You will be able to do things like walk on walls and turn into a bat. But all of your powers will not be activated until you reach 18 and drink blood." Nora answered.

"Now then, let's go back to the my castle."

"I would not do that if I were you. What if you were to get caught? You do relies sense you are still technically a young vampire, you need to drink blood at least once a day. I don't mean you need to kill a human every day, you just some of their blood."

"I see your point. But where els would I go? I don't plan to live in a cave for the rest of my life. I will try going to my castle and use some of the beggars or low class people as a snack at night." I said. Not too many people would care if a beggar or 2 go missing. "I could also bleed them. Like drink like half their blood than leave them to heal than the next day do it on a different one."

"That could work but it is still risky." Nora said.

"Well I am going to do it anyways. I will see you soon. If you want to come to the castle with me, I could call you my savior and my family would most likely give you a huge reward. I am their genius son after all."

"I will do that. It will be a base money for a taken of vampires we could create. And since I can't change your mine about going, I might as well follow you and help you to the best of my ability."

"Well than, let's be on our way."


Me and Nora went on our way to the capital. We were only a surprising 12 hours away from it. It was good that we weren't affected my sunlight or else it would have been weird.


Once we got up to the front gates, it was midnight and two days after my birthday. When the guards saw me being escorted by Nora, they stoped me and Nora.

"Halt, who are you and why are you here so late in the night ." Said a guard. They had been on high alert after the 3rd so. The the king went missing.

"I am Max. 3rd son of the King Robbert. This here is the woman who saved me when I was kidnapped." I said and Nora made a little bow.

The guard looked extremely surprised. The than looked at me once, than twice and said, "Can you prove it? The King and Queen have been worried sick and we don't want to make them angry with an imposter." Said the guard.

"Have a man go the castle and ask for a servant girl named Ava. She has known me sense I was born. She will be able to confirm that i am who I say I am."

Than the sent a guard up to the castle.


After about 15 minutes, I could see Ava running down the street strait for me. Seeing her gave me a sense of relief.

She than stood right in front of me, looked at me up and down and poked places that she knew I tickled in. I made a giggle every time she poked me. "Stop it Ava. You already know it's me. Please, Stop. I will die of laughter." I said in between breath and laughs.

She than gave me a big smile and hugged me. "Thank the gods you are back. Your family had been so worried. Come, let's go back to the castle. And your savior can come with us. I am sure your mother and father will want to meet her."

Than we all walked up to the castle, escorted by 4 of the guards that were at the gate.


Once we made it back to the castle, I was greeted by the guards. They had all known me sense I was a young boy. They instantly opened the huge doors and let me, Ava and Nora in.

I than ran to my mom and dads room. I opened the door with a huge slam. The both looked at me as they were sitting in bed. They looked like zombies.

"Max?" Said my dad as his face seemed to light back up.

"Is it really you?" Asked my mom. She seemed to start crying as they both got up and rushed over to me.

"Yes it is mom and dad. I am back." I said.