Chapter 7

My parents had decided to not let Keven take me because they wanted to protect be until I was able to care about my self. I accepted their decision with a little complaining but in the ends, it made sense. In their eyes, the capital was the safest place for me.

My the end of the dinner, all the plates had been cleared. We all ate as much as we could but the reward had to go to Keven for eating enough food for 3 people.

"Oh my gods Keven, how much room do you have in your stomach?" I asked.

Keven just looked at me and groaned. He had seemed to have eaten too much. We all laughed at him before going to bed.


The next day, I had decided to start a routine I would follow for a while. In the morning before anything happened, I would do a workout that I had planned for me. I called it he One-Punch-Man work out. But I only did a quarter of it because I seemed to get roared easily.

Than I would go to breakfast with my mom and dad. Keven has left back to his lands. Than after breakfast, I would go and see if I could learn anything from my teachers that now seemed like college professors. I was actually starting to learn something from these people so it finally got interesting. My mom and dad were still amazed that I was keeping up with some of the smarted mathematicians and scientists in this world.

Than after my studies I would go and take a lunch brake. Than I would leave the castle and go to my warehouse and have a drink. Sometimes I met Nora their and I learned she had become an adventure and hunted monster and did other things like that. Than I would go home have a little free time. Than I would go to bed.

In my free time, I started to invent things. I was granted a room in the castle for my personal use. In this room I did many things. First, I tried to make guns. It took many tries and about 6 months of design and redesign before I made a good 6 shot revolver. I didn't show this to anyone because I wanted the world to evolve on its own.

After than, I started working on electricity. It was getting annoying not being able to use it. The first thing I did was make solar panels. I hid a few in the attics of the castle.

Than I had proficient power to my room, my life became a lot more interesting. I than created TVs and servers and other needed computer parts. At first, it seemed to get really hot in this room so I had my shirt off a lot of the time. You could see small baby mussels and six pack begin to form on my body. I thought I looked petty good. I had invented fans but there was still some amount of heat in the room.

For a vampire and 5 year old, I was expecting quite a lot.


The time flew by and before anyone knew it, I was ten years old. I had a good 5ft of night on me. I also had gained a lot of muscle. I was also given a debut. I was officially a son of the king now.

After that day, I had was told I would become a lord if land when I was twelve. As soon as I heard this I ran to my father.

"Dad, I heard when I become 12 years old, I would be given my own land." I said.

"You are correct. Do you have any preferences?" He asked.

"Yes. Could you give me land without a city or town in it. I would like to try and create my own town." I said.

He looked surprised. "You do realize that if you do this than you will have surpassed both you brother and sister? You will have completed more than they ever could have."

"I know. But that is not why I would like to do this. I was hoping for a challenge and one finally presents its self to me. I just felt like I had to take it." I said.

We debated it for a bit until he game me a chunk of land to the north. This was good for me because the spot I picked had a river and caves I could use. Now all I had to do was wait until I became 12.

Got the next 2 years, I repeated the same schedule. I started to invent holographic things with the knowledge I had. These were harder because I did not have this kind of tech in my old world.

In the seven years sense I became a vampire, nothing really happened. I made sure to drink from someone every day. I also learned that if I could make the person lust after me mediate drinking their blood it seemed to be that much sweeter.


On my 12 birthday I had a party like I did in all years past. Than we went to the chunk of land I had asked my father for 2 years ago. It had a green forest and not a single city or town in sight.

My family left me with everything I had asked for. It was mostly just the things I had made in my room. My parents had no idea what they are so they gave me one last goodbye and left me to start my town.