Chapter 8

On the first day of being the lord of my new land, I was had to set up a base. So I cutdown a few trees start my house. First I tried to make walls. Using my vampiric strength and a saw, I cut down some trees and did my best to make 2 x 4s with them. I was beginning to get a little thirsty.

I brought some sealed glasses with me that contained some blood. Enough for at least 2 weeks. So I took one to quench the thirst I was having and got back to building.


My the end of the first day, I had made my little makeshift hut. I didn't set up anything to fancy because I was planning on improving it tomorrow. Than I went to bed.


They next day, I found Nora standing over me when I was sleeping.

"Is this the new lord castle?" She asked jokingly.

"Ha ha. For now it is. I was holding you would come over and help me with some upgrades from this rigging shack. Ether that or get me a human or two that I could use." I said.

"I am already ahead of you." She said as she motioned to the 3 unconscious people on the ground. All three of them were male.

"These will be perfect." I said with a devilish grin on my face. "I have a question, what are ghouls like?"

"They are monsters who are extremely loyal to their creator. They will do anything he or she wants them to do. They do have their own mind and own thoughts but will do whatever their master tells them to do." Nora said. "Some also have powers."

"Well sweet. Now than, I am going to experiment with ghouls. If you would like a drink, go ahead. You said they needed to be dead before they drank my blood."

So me and Nora had a good time, drinking there's men dry. Than I have them some of my blood.

We had to wait a few hours before they woke up and became ghouls so I showed Nora what I was doing. We adventures into the forest until I came across the river. I started to cut down some more trees with Nora's help.

By the time we were don e cutting down these trees, the ghouls had finally woken up. They had a few physical differences. For one their eyes were now a sliver color. They also gained silver hair.

"Hello there, my ghouls." I said to the newly made ghouls.

They didn't seem to speak so they just did a bow in front of me. Than I proceeded to give them jobs. I made one of them collect wool, the other go looking for the caves for stones and the third was to start making my house.


By the end of the week, I had a little house going. It had the main rooms for me and Nora along with space for future vampires. It had living room which was a common space. It also had a separate house for the ghouls. And finally, they made a room for my new tech.

In this tech room, I had monitors and I had finally completed my first hologram tech. It was only able to show shapes and nothing in too much detail but I though it was pretty good. I installed the solar panels on the roof for the energy.

Now that I had that all figured out, I went to go and find Nora.

"Would you go to a town with a ghoul and get some seeds and other foodstuffs?" I asked her.

"Ya. I figured this would happen sooner than later." She said.

"Thank you."

So Nora and one of the ghouls went with her. I had the ghouls made her a small carriage and trailer for the items.


In the time she was gone, I looked to the other two ghouls.

"I want you guys to go and find me some metal. We are going to prepare for some more visitors."

The ghouls went into the caves and found some metal. We than made some iron axes and started to hack away at some trees. I cleared a huge thing of land that stretched all the way to the road.

This whole process took about a week. Nora also came back with a lot of seeds.

"Hay Nora, could you look over construction on an Inn here? We will need a place for travelers to stay when they start to come." I said. I had also picked this place because it was close to a main road in between country's.

"Where are you going?" Nora asked.

"I plan to go and crest some other vampires. We need more man power if we ever wish to truly work. I am also running out of blood." I answered.

"Ok fine. Just bring a good looking boy back for me, ok?"

"As you wish".