Chapter 11

We made it back to my village after days ride. We only had one problem with bandits but I decided to keep them alive as blood bags. There were 10 people in all so I figured that they would last us a while.

None of the people in the carriage woke up until we got to the village. I saw Bob and the new farmers working on fields with the seeds Nora bought.

When I arrived, I was greeted by Nora.

"Hello their Max. Did you bring me a present?" She asked.

"Well why yes I did." I said. "But before I give him to you, we should make a room like we did in the capital. I brought 10 bandits back with me. They tried to rob me with no avail." I said.

"Fine but I hope my present is good."

Than we got to building. We used one of the rooms in the newly upgraded manor. It was now 3 stories. Nothing to big. There was a room on the third floor that was not being used for anything so we strung the bandits up there.

"Can I see him now?"Nora asked.

"Sure. He is the blond in the chair of the carriage." I said. Nora instantly ran back the carriage and jumped inside. Than she pulled out a now conscious man. The man looked worried.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"He is perfect." Nora said and ran up to one of the bedrooms of the manor. I had a vague idea of what was going to happen so I didn't follow her. Instead I went over to Bob and his ghouls.

"Hay Bob. How's it going?" I asked.

"It's going well. We have planted the seeds so we can expect our first plants within 2 weeks. I also sent some ghouls to go hunting /gathering and they found a lot of berries and other things. Some reported a group of Cows roaming the plains a few mails our side of the forest. We also found a river to the East and west. I believe that if we make your city just the right size, we will be able to have grand trade routs going all over the world."

"Wow. You have only been here a day and have done so much. Also, since you are a vampire, I should inform you that I made a room in the manor with humans that tried to rob me in my way here. Feel free to drink from them if you ever need some blood." I said. I was very impressed with Bobs work. I was doubting if he would help me or just do as he was told. He really did turn out to be a good leader, a loyal vampire and extremely helpful.

After my talk with Bob, I went around my small town. We now had the Manor or town hall, an Inn for passerby's, and about 10 houses that all held around 3 ghouls per house. We had no human residents yet. I was also having 2 of my original 3 should build a barn for the cows. I left all of the food related things to Bob.

We needed more workers now because I would like to make stone pathways in my town. And because I usually go Allure for man power. This time I decided to go north.

This time I went to the kingdom of Wauc. This was one of the few kingdoms that still slowed slavery. It mad covered in cliffs and snowed a lot. If the kingdom of Allure was known for its agriculture than the kingdom of Wauc was known for it minerals.

Out of all of the kingdoms, they had the highest mineral production rate. They were good at stone work and blacksmithing. They produced weapons fit for kings and queens of the world.

I went to get some blacksmiths and some manpower to get a few walls made in my city. I wanted to surpass my brothers and sister. I also wanted to make a bace for vampires sense we can live forever. If I had learned anything in my high school, it was that if you are different the the majority, unless you are helpful, you are segregated and hated.

So, I left my town and went to Wauc. I left Nora in charge but I when I told her she seemed to be having too much fun with her new boy toy. I hoped they they would not breakdown out already unstable town when I was away.

And I was off on my journey to the kingdom of Wauc.


I was told it would take a total of a week to get to their capital by carriage. I wanted to got there because it was the most populated place with the best materials.

It took an entire day to get to the border. As I was approaching, I had a run in with a group of what I could assume were guards that guarded the border between the two countries. There was a border city in on the path. The entrance was guarded by 2 guards right now.

"Halt. Who are you and what is your business in Waus." One of the guards said.

"My name is Max. I am the 3rd son of the kingdom of Allure. I am hoping to hire a few men to work in my newly forming village." I said. The guard seemed to look me up and down. Than he looked at the ghoul who was driving my carriage. The ghouls just looked back at him with his silver eyes and his silver hair. He looked like someone who was experienced in the art of killing. The ironic part was the person in the carriage who he ignored had done more killing than the ghoul had ever done.

I use the ghouls as workers or drivers but never guards. It might be a god idea once I built my wall.

"I am sorry, Sir, but we are not allowing any of the Allure royalty into Waus." the guard said.

"Might I ask why?"

"Apparently your wh**e if a sister had the audacity insulted the princess of Waus. Than we were told to not let anyone related to royalty, or those who worked for them, into Waus." The guard said.

I got out of my carriage. "Oh my gods. My sister has to make everything hard for me. I am sorry my sister insulted your princess but I am not her. Nor am I that stupid to insult the royalty of this land."

"Well than turn around and came back to what ever castle you came from."

"But, I will not have anyone insulting my sister, even if she is an idiot." I said. I could not have anyone insult my family even if I didn't really care about them.

The guards instantly looked worried. They pointed their spears at me.

"Get back in the carriage and drive away. We really don't want any trouble." The second guard said.

"Well you brought trouble on your selfs the instant you insulted my sister." I said