Chapter 12

"Well you brought trouble on your selfs the instant you insulted my sister." I said.

I rushed the two guards. They tried to stab me with their pears but I was so small and nimble that they were easy to doge. I than got up to one of the guards. They had a spare short sword on his back. I took the short sword and sliced he back of the mans knees. He instantly fell to the ground screaming out in pain. I turned the the other man and dropped my short sword. He dropped his spear and took out his sword. I ran at him as he started to swing at me and bit his now exposed neck.

It was a good drink as the man went limp after trying to take me off of him. I sad over him and drained him. Once I was done, I looked over to the other guy. He had stoped screaming and was in shock as what his partner fell to the ground with my bloody mouth standing by over him. He tried to scamper away but with out his legs, he could get nowhere.

I picked him up but did not drink from him. Instead, I dragged him up to the wall and with his blood I painted a word on the wall. I than put their dead body's, completely drained of blood, under the word and entered the city as if nothing happened.


The next day:

"Hay Larry, What is that on the wall?"

"I don't know, Jenny. It looked red."

"What are the two things under it?"

"I don't know about the things under it, but the word says 'Dracula'."

"I am going to go look at the black things under it"

The man named Larry went up to the words. Before he was 10 get away:

"Oh my gods."

He ran back to Jenny.

"Jenny, we need to get out of here. There are two body's of guards under the wall. I knew this was a bad idea."


I did that on purpose. I wanted a rumor of a man named Dracula who left body's drained of blood in his wake. It was mostly for the fun of it.

Anyways, now that I am in the border city, it is a 4 day ride to the capital. I stayed in the border city for the night with my ghoul carriage driver.

The next day, we started our journey to the capital. Along the way, each day, we came across groups of travelers. Most were only 3 people big. And each night, I took one of them. I would now leave one of them alive because dead men tell no tails.

When I was in the city before the capital, I kept hearing rumors about a child who was driven by a silver eyed monster and 2 undead horses who drained men and women of their blood and he only attacked at night. And his name was Dracula. Every time I heard this, I giggled a little bit. Who knew that my story's would be spread in three days all the way here.

There was one more day long stretch. We stoped here to get some food. It tasted like a classic hamburger. It was the closest thing in this world to In-and -Out so I was overjoyed.

"My the way, what is your name?" I asked my ghoul driver. I had realized that I didn't know his name after all this time.

"My name is William, my lord." He said.

"Well William, it is good to officially meat you." I had known him as one of my ghouls for the longest time for he was one of the three first, but I never learned any of there names.

After lunch, we were back in our way.


Along our way we came up one one group of people. There were 4 males, and they were all walking in the same trail we were. It was the middle of night so this would fit perfectly with my timeframe.

As they walked up, they saw my silver haired driver. They had heard the story's of Dracula even in the capital.

"We should let them pass. Just in case this is the carriage of that rumored Dracula." One of them said.

"You really believe that crap? It is all a rumor. It can not possibly be real. A man who drains other of their blood? Please." Said a third man. The other two were skeptical about it.

"Well I am going to ask for some food. We have been walking for 2 days and you dimwits didn't bring any food." Said the second guy again.

Back in my carriage, I was feeling a little thirsty and the group seemed to be tasty. I told William to stop when we came up to them.

They ran up to my carriage before William could get to the whole group.

"Good Sir, do you have food to spare? My comrades and I done have any food left and we fear we will not be able last until the next village." Guy 2 said.

"We have money to pay for your trouble." Guy 1 said going along with guy 2 as I was their best bet for food.

"Give me one silver for one person and I will give you some food that should last you on your journey." They each payed me a silver coin.

"Mr. William, will you help my friends here and go open the chest of food we have?" I asked William.

"Of course my lord." William said as he went to the back of the carriage. I got out after they turned their backs.

William opened the chest on the back even thought it only had a few of my blood bags in it.

Right as they looked inside, all of their heads were hit by ether me, William, or the trunk head that he slammed down on heads.

Only one of them ever woke up after that night.