Chapter 13

When morning came, I had reached the front gates. We were greeted the same was as in the border town but this time I used my name but not my title.

They let us in without any hitches. I told William to find a place to put our carriage. I went to explore the city. There was lots of fine metal peace's, all three houses were made of stone, it seemed to be a well oiled trade market. And with a big city like this, it has an underground. The parts of the city which are not to the likings of humanity's society.

This was the place of gangs and prostitutes and every dark and vile thing you could ask for. I would go their if I ever needed a drink.

Back to the market. I looked around, trying to find some good blacksmiths or stone workers that I could use. I wondered until I come across what looked like a a parade.

I was a horse drawn carriage with a young girl in it. She seemed no older than me. She was accompanied my lots of armed men. I would assume that she was the princess of this nation. The one my idiot sister insulted.

I think I cot her eye because see looked at me and didn't look away for as long as I was in view. I also noticed that William had come up behind me. I decided to spook her a little bit and showed my fangs.

I saw her eyes widen at the sight of William and even more at my fangs. She even gave out a little squeak. She quickly stoped waiving. The rumors of Dracula had even reached the gossip of this country's courts. How fast word of men fly.

I spent the rest of the day with William looking for a good in and some capable blacksmiths and stone mansions.


The castle in the kingdom of Waus:

"My lady, please stop acting to frightened. There could not have been something that scared my lady that much." Said a made to the princess who got off her carriage.

"But Jen, I would swear to any other living soul that this child had fangs in his teeth and was guarded with a silver eyes and sliver haired man. He fits the story's of Dracula perfectly." Said the princess. She was standing in front of her father and mother when talking to the maid.

"Darling, if it would get you to calm down, I can have the guards search for him. You said you saw this boy, right? That means he must be in the capital." Said the princess father.

"I agree with your father dear. We will alert all the guards to look out for this boy. And when we find him, we will be able to put these Dracula rumors to rest." Said the mother.

The princess still looked frightened. "Fine, but I want to see him when you get him. He looked about my age by the way." Said the princess.

"I will go inform the guards right away." Said the father.


Later that day:

I wonder what I will do. I have spotted a few good looking blacksmiths that weren't very popular and there were a lot of stone mansions put out of worm sense the city had been built and they were no longer needed.

I told a few of them that I was a lord from another city and I was looking for some stone mansions to help build a castle fit for a king and walls to protect it. Almost all of them accepted the job so I had William draw on a map where they would find our village and told them to ask for a woman named Nora. She was my second in this case.

They all left soon after, I was happy that I was finally able to get half of my mission finished on the first day. I told William to go and get us 2 rooms for the night.

When he went to go to the Inn, I left to find some blacksmiths. Most blacksmiths were well off because things would constantly need repairs and new things would need to be made. But every once in a while, a blacksmiths does something stupid.

I was surprised to find that there were a lot of them in the slave market. There seemed to be really 2 types of blacksmiths. The lucky ones who were able to make something useful or were good at repairs or the unlucky one's who were not able to make what they wanted and fell into debt, only to be later sold as slaves.

I decided to get a daw slave blacksmiths and set them free as long as they worked for me. I would pay them and give them proper housing if they complied.

"Here ye, hear ye, fellow men. Today in the stand we have 5 ex-blacksmiths. They were hard working but fell into debt. We will start the bidding at 1 gold coin."

"2 gold"

"2 gold and 5 silver"

"3 gold"

"75 gold for all 5" I said.

The entire crowd turned. Every one was stunned. How could a kid have 75 gold.

"Do I hear any better offers?" Said the auctioneer.

"Going once ... going twice ... and ... sold to this young man for 75 gold."

I raised the price so drastically they no one would even thing about trying to raise me. I was handed the chain that bound the blacksmiths. I led them away from the stands and into a back street.

"Why would you pay so much for 5 blacksmiths?" One of them asked.

"It was because I needed some blacksmiths in my town. I am starting a new one from scratch and I was hoping that you would come and do your work in it." I told the blacksmiths.

"But why us?"

"Because ... well because you were slaves and I didn't want to hire any of those hotshots for an more unreasonable price. 5 blacksmiths that will eventually get me lots of money? Of course I will pay 75 gold coins."

They must have felt weird having a kid tell them way to do.

"Anyways, I want you to go to my town. It is actually in the kingdom of Allure. We don't have slavery there so you will be treated like all the other men and women at that village. You will want to find a girl named Nora. She will get you started." I told the blacksmiths.

"Are you not afraid that we will run away when traveling to your town?"

"Well you could, but I don't think you will. This is because you are Waus blacksmiths and you are going to Allure. You could be considered the greatest blacksmith in the kingdom even if you were lowly slaves here." I replied.

They all nodded their heads. I did the same thing I did with the stone mansions and sent them on their way.