Chapter 14

After I sent the blacksmiths and stone mansions on their way, William found me and took me to the inn he got rooms at.

When I entered with William, the crowd in the lobby, which was also a restaurant, instantly died down. They all looked at us with weird expressions they were a mix between wonder and fear. I guess that Dracula really did have the people of this land scared.

We asked passed all the people in the lobby and went strait to the rooms. They were small but not too small which was nice. So I went to sleep.


The next day, I woke up at the crack of dawn. I went down to the lobby. I was the inn keep at he door talking to someone.

He noticed me and started talking faster. Than he pointed at me and a guards helmet popped in the door. They than rushed inside.

I saw this and ran up the stairs to Williams room. I barged in, waking him up. I said one word to him.


He instantly understood the meaning and jumped out the window. I followed him just as the guards knocked down the door.

I hit the floor with William right in front of me.

"Go to the village and have them start creating walls and defenses. In my private room, there is a peace of blue paper. Show it to the blacksmiths and have them start making it. Go now." I told him.

William instantly started running away and towards the exit. As he ran, I ran the other way. The guards followed me and left William because he was already in a crowd of people.

I ran as fast as I could, taking turns left and right but after a while, I took a wrong turn and ended in a dead end. The guards now blocked the exit. With about 20 of them there I knew I stood no chance. I could take on a maximum of 5 with my body.

They instantly bound me in rope and dragged me out to the street. They than escorted me to the castle but turned just before the door and went strait to what I could assume was the dungeon.

After a lot of walking down into the pits of this castle, we reached a door. The guards opened the door and shoved me inside, rushing to chain me up on 2 of the chains hanging from the ceiling.

I was clamped up and than with a huge slam of the door, the guards had disappeared.


"My lord, we have apprehended the rumored Dracula." Said a guard.

"Good. Keep him there. If he tries to escape, make him regret it." The lord said.

"Yes, my lord"

Than the lord rushed out of the room and towards the dinning room where his daughter and wife were having breakfast.

"My dears, the guards have just told me that the apprehended the so called Dracula. He is being held in the dungeon right now." Said the king.

The princess instantly stood up and jumped out of her chair.

"Really?!" The princess was amazed. It had only been one day and they had already found him.

"What about the silver man. Did you find him?"

"The guards said that they saw him but were unable to catch him."

"I want to go and see this Dracula right now." Said the princess.

"I will take you to see him but only when we are finished eating." Said the king.

The princess instantly gobbled up the rest of her food in a record time of 1 minute. She than got up and went to one of the guards and told him to take her to the dungeon. The guard looked at her father and he nodded.

The guard and the princess started their way to the dungeon.


I just remembered that I hadn't drank blood today. I was beginning to get thirsty but it was not unbearable.

I than heard foot steps coming down the stairs and towards the door. The continued to get louder and louder until they stoped at the door to my room. I heard keys jungle and a lock ruble and the door squeaked open.

Than entered a lady with long dark hair and olive eyes with a blue green iris. She seemed about as old as me and was obviously important because she had a guard trailing her and was in the castle in the first place.

She looked at me with wondering eyes. And leaned in. I could almost see the blood vessels in her body. I leaned in, slowly growing my fangs wanting the taste of the girls sweet blood.

The guard saw this and pulled the princess back just before I could nip her.

"My lady. Look at his teeth." The guard said. She looked and saw my fangs protruding out of my mouth. She back away when she saw them.

"Y ... you really are Dracula." She stuttered.

"Yes I am." I said admitting what she already knew.

"But how? This Dracula has to be at least 20 with the amount of men he has killed. And based in pure strength of him in the rumors, he couldn't be a kid." The guard stammered.

"Well I am. And I am getting pretty thirsty. You see, I am not in my full form and I need lots of blood to say alive for the next 6 years." I said.

"Why six years?" The princess asked."

"When I turn 18, I will become a full fledged vampire." I said.

"But vampires are only legend"

"You would have been correct about 7 3/4 of a year ago. I am was the first vampire ever created. I have made 3 others and I don't know how many they have made." I said.

The both looked astonished. How could a 12 year old kid be the first ever vampire in this world.

"I don't believe you. You can't be the first vampire." Said the guard.

"If you want to conform, look for a woman named Nora in a new village in Allure. I assume you are going to go to war anyways because my idiot sister insulted your princess. Oh my the way, my real name is Max and I am the 3rd son the king of Allure. I am also the smartest person in that kingdom."

They were both amazed. This kid was not only a vampire but also a prince.

"Now than, could one of you please come closer, I need a drink."

Both of them slowly back away from me. Than they both exited in a hurry. I got a little annoyed because the thirst was still there. But, I couldn't do anything about it so I had to suck it up.


The princess ran to her father who was just exiting the dinning room.

"Father, he is a vampire. He is also the a prince of Allure and the brother of the annoyance of a princess." The princess reported to her father.

"How interesting. We could use him as a bargaining chip when we go to war with them. Is there anything else he said?"

"He also states that he was not yet a full vampire but would turn when he was 18."

"Very good. Make sure he dose not get anything until he turns 18. If he is a true vampire, he will show us his powers than."