Chapter 9

Lucy's POV

It's been a couple months since that mission with Erza and Gray and word seems to have gotten around to our friends that Natsu can not love anymore because I told him no. Why am I getting turned into the bad guy here? I try to ignore the gossip and strange looks I'm getting. It's really hard now that I basically had all of a dragon's senses but not their magic. I wonder if I could learn it?

Smell was by far the worst, but also the fastest thing to get used to. I looked over at Natsu, we had tried that pheromone shampoo out last week and honestly it was great. Not overpowering at all but a really fast turn on if I let myself get lost in the smell of him. And it lasted for well over a week, because the smell was still very much there. Natsu still smells amazing and we have taken showers nearly every day, without it. Since then just because of the missions we have gone on.

"Hey Luce! Let's go on this one next!" Natsu called out across the guild hall to me while waving a flier in the air.

I smile and without even looking at it agree before turning to Mira, "Can I have a shake to go please?"

"Not so fast! Natsu, you and Lucy have been going on a different mission everyday sometimes more than one! I'm cutting you both off for one week." Master interrupted taking the flier from Natsu as he was running by.

"Why?" Natsu and I were confused. We tried not to take too many and we always asked if anyone else wanted it, if there was someone else at the board before we took it because we knew we were taking a lot. We even started taking our time and walked back from most of them anymore.

"You can't overwork yourselves like this. What happens if one of you got hurt because you were too tired?" He asked us. I frowned thinking back, we really haven't been hurt at all since we mated. I wonder?

"Come on Gramps! We are perfectly fine. You can check yourself if you like." Natsu huffed.

Master smiled really big at that, "Well in that case, Wendy! Can you give these two a thorough check up please?"

"Yes Master!" Wendy smiled happily. I wonder if she just wanted to check on us and didn't know how to ask.

"We get to go so long as we pass right?" Natsu asked, still sulking.

"Yeah yeah, sure." Master answered.

I grabbed Wendy and pulled her to the infirmary, "Me first!" I call out like I beat him at a game. He stuck his tongue out at me as I went into the room with Wendy. I couldn't help all overhearing all the chuckles and seeing the looks of guildhall's were giving us; pity. Why do they look like they feel sorry for us? Wait, I bet it's Mira. She must have something cooked up, after all when doesn't she?

When Wendy was almost done, I smiled at her and said, "You know you only had to ask. You didn't have to get the Master involved." She froze up and timidly looked up at me. I smile at her, "It's okay."

She relaxed and smiled back, finishing the exam rather quickly before letting me go. When I left the room, Natsu took my place and quickly got his done with as well.

When he joined me at the bar and Wendy came skipping out towards Master, "Clean bill of health! Actually they could probably use more exercise. They both seem far too relaxed to actually be going on all those missions." I frown at that. More missions yay! Too relaxed though?

"How can we be too relaxed?" I was confused. Wendy just shrugged and skipped away no longer concerned about our health.

Natsu snatched the flier from Master, "A deals a deal!" and handed it to Mira to stamp. Master just shrugged and went back to drinking.

"Wow, a clean bill of health? Maybe you should go on a S class mission," Mira suggested and Master spit his drink out.

"No, no no. They are not S class mages. Now if you want to take them that is fine but they may not go without another S class mage."

"That's a great idea, Master!" Mira squealed, making both Natsu and I flinch as well as the other dragon slayers throughout the guild. I was unfortunately really close to her so even without the dragon hearing it would have hurt, so my head is swimming in the pain she caused.

Master spit and sputtered his drink again. I frown at the fact that I now need a shower from all the booze on me. I look at Natsu, "Let me know what we are doing. I need to go take a shower before we go." I held up my arms as if showing proof and walked out of the guild hall to do as I said.

Natsu's POV

I nod at Luce and she turns and walks away still very disgusted with how she smells. I can't blame her. I like a good beer just as much as the next guy but I do not however like to smell like beer. I look back at Mira and Master as they went back and forth between the two of them on whether it is a good idea or not, it seemed to take forever and I can't help thinking that Luce should be back soon.

"You said I could take them if I wanted to. I want to see how they do!" Mira answered calmly yet forcefully.

"But who will take care of the bar while you're gone?" Master asked sheepishly. Mira pointed readily at Kinana who smiled happily.

"She doesn't have magic and has clearly stated she wants to work some more hours for personal reasons. I think this is a win win." Mira smiled evilly back at Master. He gulped but nodded in agreement.

I smile at Mira, "You can pick since you are the S class mage." She seemed shocked at that but quickly smiled and got a flier. Something to do with an island summoning that ended bad and now they need help getting rid of the monster they ended up with.

"Cool!" I respond but honestly it's not that exciting compared to when we dealt with Deloria forever ago with Erza and Gray. I shrug the thought away and I hear Luce already outside.

"Well let's go then." I smile hopping off the bar stool and just as Luce is entering the guild she turns around and goes out with me. I could however still hear what Mira says to Master;

"Something is going on with those two and I plan to figure it out." I look at Luce and we both try not to laugh too loud as we head to the train station. It doesn't take Mira long to catch up soon after.

On the train I lay down on Luce's lap and relax before Mira could ask too many questions and Luce starts combing through my hair. Several minutes go by like this and I start to think that maybe Mira will leave us alone. But no, I was wrong.

"So you two have been super close lately." Mira clears her throat. I try to stifle a groan but fail; thankfully Mira like everyone else thinks I still get motion sickness and seems to ignore me. Luce on the other hand starts rubbing my neck with one hand which seems to instantly relax me.

"Do you think so?" Luce hums in response.

"You don't?" Mira shot back, it kind of pissed me off. Just let her talk damn Mira take a chill pill.

I feel Luce shrug before answering, "It doesn't feel any closer than usual." Mira must not have had an answer to that because she remained quiet for the rest of the train ride that or I dozed off.

When we arrived at the station Luce gave me a gentle shake and we got up and headed to the client's house. Mira stays quiet the whole way there and even when Luce looks at her at the clients house she lets Luce do all the talking. I just kind of shrug it off. I'm pretty sure that Mira doesn't expect us to do much during the mission and just wants to see how we work together, or whatever. She is in for a treat!

Luce and I are talking strategy and Mira just listens as we talk following behind us as we do. The monster apparently is a wet slimy thing that is immune to fire. Just great, well at least it will give Luce a chance to shine. Mavis knows she needs it with Pride and all.

"Yo Luce, this is probably a good chance to use Pride?" I ask her.

"Yeah you're right he has been getting restless lately and has been demanding to be let out soon. The description of the slime monster will be right up his alley." Luce answers happily.

"What about your stardress?" I ask her next, waiting to figure out the best way I can fight in all of this.

"I am kind of going back and forth between Aquarius and Pride's," she mused out loud.

I hesitate before giving my opinion, but she nods keeping me know it's okay to give her my ideas. "Well if you use Aquarius I can use fire to distract the monster and you can practically swim to the base of it's head since it's body is all gooey, if I understand the monster right." I looked at her and she was cringing but nodding waiting for the rest. "If you use Pride's though you can get up there without swimming and I could still distract it. No matter what you do I think that this one will be mostly you with me as a distraction because of the whole immune to fire thing." I groan.

She patted my shoulder, "I have a better idea if the eyes are like they say then you just need to get in close and blind it. That will honestly be the best and it would help the most I think." My eyes go a little wide and I give her a big grin before slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"That's perfect! Thanks!" I jumped and we both hurried on ahead leaving Mira to follow who seemed amused by our plans.

It wasn't long before we got to the location and the monster was there and the description we were given was practically on point. "Are you ready?" My mate asked me. I smile and light up on fire. She called for Pride and used his stardress too and mounted him before taking off and I shot myself right at the monster's head.

About halfway there I saw that Luce had Cancer's swords out and I smiled. This is going to be way too easy!

Lucy's POV

"Thank you Griffin, the fight went well because of your hard work." I tell him after we land next to Mira where I get off his back again.

His laugh boomed around us and he dipped his head to me. "Your Highness needs to give yourself more credit. Take pride in a job well done." His deep voice seemed to shake Natsu and I to our very cores. We laugh and say our farewells and start to head back to the clients house only to realise that Mira was no longer with us.

We turn back to see her in the same shocked position as before and I just sigh looking at Natsu shaking my head. He nods his agreement and gently turns her around and guides her back from the direction we came from. Thankfully she is still walking by herself she just needed to be encouraged to go. We arrive back at the clients house and get the reward and she is still shell shocked.

"Is she going to be okay?" the client asked us.

"Yeah she is just shocked we did so well," Natsu answered him before turning her around and guiding her to the train station. We got the whole reward because we didn't destroy the surrounding area and when we boarded the train we put it in front of Mira on the little table before getting comfortable again. I love the feel of Natsu cuddling into me even when he is just laying his head in my lap. I just feel so much more at peace.

Natsu's POV

I was just falling asleep when Mira screamed, filling the cabin with her siren like torture. Luce and I were on our knees before she finally let up. For the first time in months I was sick to my stomach and I'm pretty sure that Mira thinks it's because we are on the train.

"I'm so sorry!" she gushed as she regained her composure at last. Luce tries to guide me back to her lap and starts combing my hair again with one hand and the other on my back as I tried not to throw up on her.

"What the hell happened back there?" Mira practically screamed earning winces from both of us.

"Mira please?" Luce asked her, still cringing from the aftermath of the first one.

"Sorry!" she whispered. Still waiting for an answer.

"We made a plan and we followed through with it. You didn't engage with the plan making so we left you behind." I groan still trying to keep my stomach together. Mira's fault I'm sure because I know Luce is feeling sick as well, I could hear her stomach protesting next to my ear.

"But that was a S class mission!" Mira whisper yelled.

"And we completed it. Either it was mislabeled or we are stronger now." Luce responded right before I groaned just as my stomach gurgled so that everyone could hear it letting them know just how knotted up it was.

Thankfully Mira just looked at us shocked and divided the reward only giving herself what she would have otherwise made at the guild working and splitting the rest in half for us. I looked at Luce and she nodded, putting it all into the same bag and putting it away. Luce and I were finally able to relax and fall asleep the fact of the matter being that we were actually tired for once after the mission.