Chapter 10

Lucy's POV

I woke up to the train coming to a stop and shook Natsu awake as well. I let Mira who still seemed to be shell shocked out first so I could make sure that she actually made it off the train. We ended up guiding her to the guild again and once we were there left her with Master. 

"What happened?" Master demanded to know. Mira was back in her shocked silence that made her completely useless. I managed not to roll my eyes at her, what could be so shocking about us finishing a mission?

"I guess she is still shocked that we didn't need her help with the mission." Natsu shrugged and turned to leave.

"What?" Master gaped at the back of Natsu's head, he just waved barely turning his head, smiling as he walked out and I shrugged and followed him out. I could clearly hear Master demanding to know if it was true or not from the now unresponsive Mira. I couldn't help the giggle I let out before leaning against Natsu's shoulder as we walked. 

"Tired?" he asked me. I nodded and he let me climb onto his back and he carried me back home as I would doze in and out on the way there. When we finally arrived home we took a quick shower and climbed into bed not bothering to get dressed again. 

Natsu's POV

I woke up to Luce stretching out against me and was instantly hard. "Luce!" I growled warning her. Only earning a giggle in return. I could smell that no one else was in the house and so I decided to take full advantage; pulling her close and kissing her. 

When we were done we took a quick shower and got dressed going to the guild kind of planning on relaxing for once. Not really caring about going on another mission. I kicked the door open and we yelled out our usual greeting and to what seemed to be everyone's surprise we went to the bar instead of the mission board. 

"Lucy!" I hear Wendy yell and come flying seemingly out of nowhere towards her. Ever since we mated Wendy has become well passed attached to her. I can't help smiling. I'm sure it's just because she senses a change in her even if she doesn't recognize it herself. It won't be long before she turns 16 and Luce has been planning a surprise party for her. 

"Hey Wendy!" Luce laughs and I relax next to her waiting for my special food order and Luce's too. When Mira brings it I tap Luce on the shoulder and she leads the way to our table with Wendy firmly latched onto her waist and me carrying everything. It wasn't until we were comfortable and I was already half way done with my food that Erza and Gray came in the door. 

"Looks like flame brain decided to join us today for once!" Gray taunted me. Normally I would retort but I just rolled my eyes more interested in the food than him. 

"I see flame brain won't be talking so this should be a great conversation." he taunted some more. I just took another bite of my food and glared at him. Luce likes it better if I don't fight with him for some unknown reason, but he was getting on my damn nerves.

"So Lucy is it true that you two went on a S class mission with Mira and she didn't need to help at all?" Erza asked, ignoring both Gray and myself. 

"Yep, but she acted all weird about it after the fact." Luce answered shrugging. I finished my food in relative peace as Gray just sat there staring at us. 

"How?" Gray finally asked confused and his face showed exactly how he couldn't wrap his head around it, I couldn't help laughing at it.

I shrug and Luce just took a drink of her shake while I answered, "We made a plan, she just listened and when it was obvious that she wasn't going to help with the plan we just did it." I shrug again before smirking at Gray. 

"You made a plan and stuck to it?" Gray asked, surprised. I just rolled my eyes at him. Luce was almost done with her shake and we were already tired from yesterday.

"I think I'm going to work on my novel today." Luce stated while smiling happily. I nod and stand up waiting for her to do the same. 

"See you guys tomorrow," I waved and not just Gray, but Erza also looked back shocked. 

"You're not going to go on a mission today?" Erza asked loud enough the rest of the guild went silent. Really? We don't go on THAT many missions.

"We went on a S class mission yesterday. We're tired," I shrugged standing at the open door before following Luce out of it. 

Of course as soon as the door closed behind us we could hear their crazy talk but it was Erza, Mira and Gray that stood out the most. 

"I told you they were acting weird!" Mira yelled out. 

"I see what you mean," Erza seemed to be talking more to herself than anyone else. 

"Did anyone else notice that he didn't call me one stupid nickname?" Gray asked them all. There was a murmur of agreement throughout the guild hall.

"I wonder why Natsu followed Lushie when she said she was going to write in her book?" Happy asked almost to quiet for the others.

But Erza heard clearly, "Let's follow them!" she ordered more than requested. 

I looked at Luce and we both rolled our eyes. "So where do you want to write today," I asked after a minute of walking.

"I was kind of thinking the park is that okay with everyone following us?" she asked quietly. 

I nodded and put my arm around her shoulders and whispered in her ear, "Of course it is. We are not hiding us." She smiled from ear to ear at that and tapped me on the arm before running away. She looked back smiling and a giggle ready just behind her lips. She wants to play.

I take off after her and we play tag all the way to the park, the others easily getting left behind as we do. It's good to know that we can lose them if we really want to but we go to the park anyway. It only took a couple minutes to get comfortable and I was laying on the grass under the cool shade of a tree while Luce sat at a picnic table nearby already writing in the book that Virgo handed her before returning back to the celestial realm again without so much as a word from Luce, she did get a flick to the forehead from Luce as a reward. Virgo sure is weird. 

After about ten minutes Mira, Erza, Gray and Wendy were all there just watching as I seemed to sleep on the grass and Luce worked hard on her book nearby. They stayed watching us do nothing for over an hour. 

Lucy's POV

At last I can't stand to sit still and stretch out groaning as I did, waking up Natsu in the process. I looked down at his sexy body as he laid there almost drinking up the sun as the sun passed overhead moving the shade away from him. I call out Virgo and give her my book back and ever so silently tell her to wait until Natsu and I get home. She wanted her punishment and since mating with Natsu I have been giving her just a little something from a forehead flick to a pinch whenever I called her for something. 

"Natsu? You want to practice a bit?" I ask him. Earning a grin from him as he sat up. Using Aries stardress I create a barrier of pink wool a good distance around us so that our peeping friends were still well within it. They want to see what we are 'hiding' let's just show them.

I release the stardress and Natsu squares off against me a good distance away. One moment we were standing still the next moving so fast that it sounded like a bomb went off between us as we collided. We spared for a few minutes letting ourselves work up a bit of an appetite before we actually got serious. 

I look at him and smile, "Are you ready now?" I tease him playfully knowing full well our friends are shocked already. 

He lights himself on fire, "You bet!" I use Griffin's stardress and feel as the lion's fur like pants cover my legs and what looks more like a bra than a shirt covered in eagle feathers takes the place of my clothes. I do like this stardress a lot. I guess you could say I take pride in it, it shows off all of my curves in all the right places and Natsu tended to have issues lasting too long while I was in it. 

"Cheater!" I hear him growl under his breath and we really start fighting. We didn't stop until the first drop of blood was spilled and this time it was Natsu who lost. 

"No fair! That was a cheap shot!" Natsu whined playfully. 

"No one likes a sore loser," I tease him smiling as I gloated sticking out my tongue at him. The scratch I gave him was on his forehead and he had the tiniest tail off blood dropping from it.

I released my magic and we laughed for a while. Waiting for the pink wool to slowly disappear. We ended up laying on the ground looking up at the clouds while we waited. I know I could hear our friends clearly and so I know Natsu could as well. 

"What!" They seemed to be far too confused to care about being quiet anymore but we ignored them. 

When at last the pink wool was gone we got up and decided to go eat. "I'm hungry," Natsu complained, rubbing his stomach like it was empty. We laughed and found a nice place to eat without worrying about our peeping friends, but I word the now dropped blood off before we got there.

I like the fact that Natsu doesn't eat like a pig anymore and I'm not willing to share that side of him with anyone. When we go out like this the staff tended to look terrified of us until we actually ordered and ate peacefully and paid our bill. The fact that we arrived looking like we just fought for our lives now goes ignored for the most part. 

"The usual?" the waiter asked, lifting an eyebrow taking in our appearance. We nodded, smiling happily and he led the way in; effectively stopping our friends at the door. 

We enjoyed our peaceful dinner before leaving again and walking towards home. I wonder if they are still watching for us?

"Luce why don't you stay over tonight? Your hammock is already up and you look tired," he pretended to ask as he led the way to our house. 

"That sounds good." I yawn again and he picks me up princess style, running home with my arms comfortably around his neck. As he ran by I saw our friends yet again shocked faces around the corner of the building. I pretended not to notice as I laid my head against his shoulder. I guess we are kind of hiding it now. I shove the thought away, why should it matter that we want to be left alone for a while?

We are just so comfortable with the way things are that neither of us wants it to change. Natsu laid me down in our super soft bed, hammocks long ago forgotten in the corner as we drift off asleep in each other's arms. 

Natsu's POV

I am so glad the house is done and we can sleep in our bed instead of pretending to take too long on a mission and staying in a hotel. I used to love sleeping in a hammock but now I just want to hold Luce all the time so a bed is just better. Not that I didn't like it before we mated considering how I used to sneak into Luce's room and sleep with her and Happy before. 

Happy, he always seems busy anymore and he smells strongly of Carla. Like he could have fooled any dragon slayer at all. Even Luce recognized the smell of sex on him. But oh well he will tell us when he is ready, it's not like we haven't been doing pretty much the same thing, only we know how to take a shower when we are done. 

I stretched out and got out of bed, I wanted to make her breakfast in bed. When I came back with the tray she was already up and stretching, her ass in the air legs apart while she touched her toes. I almost dropped the tray before I could put it down again. 

"Evil," I moaned in her ear as I rested my now empty hands on her hips when she came up again. 

"So much for a hot breakfast in bed," she breathed out in response as I led her to the bed. 

It was a good two or three hours later before we left the house heading to the guild as we did. "So are we going to go on a mission today?" I asked her a little surprised. I didn't know for sure if I wanted to or not. 

"An easy one would be nice, I guess." Luce responded, tapping her chin lightly. 

"We could go on a harder one and just take a short vacation after?" I suggest earning a smile from her. I know she has been wanting to go to the beach for a little while now. 

"That's a great idea! Let's go!" she cheered as I kicked the door open. We called out our greeting and headed to the mission board. 

To our disappointment there really wasn't anything all that hard in fact most were ridiculously easy or were dull part time jobs altogether like working as a waiter or entertaining kids. 

I shrug at her and whisper, "We could just take an easy one close to the beach and not come back for a week?" I suggest, knowing full well that it wasn't the best idea. We both wanted to fight and get our blood pumping. Ever since Luce made the contract with Griffin she has taken pride in her fighting abilities and showing them off whenever possible. 

I could see her frowning and try again, "We can wait and see if something better comes in a couple hours?" This time she smiled up at me nodding her agreement. We ended up ordering food and Luce asked Mira if there were any missions not hung up yet. 

"Sorry, Lucy there isn't any. Is there something in particular you two wanted?" Mira asked while handing her a shake. 

"We were wanting a good fight but everything over there is entertaining or something really boring." I groan thanking her for the food when she handed it to me. 

"Do you want to go on another S class mission?" Mira asked, getting both of our attention instantly. We looked at her hopefully and she only shook her head. "Sorry, I can't today but I can ask Laxus if you want?" We were both thanking her and saying yes before she could even finish talking. She laughed and left us to eat our food. 

It wasn't long before Laxus came over smirking his ass off. "So I hear that you two completed a S class mission without any help from Mira?" he laughed, I'm sure that he expected some grand off the wall story and when Luce and I just shrugged and nodded he kind of just froze. 

"You want to see for yourself?" Luce asked him, smiling at him. I can't help holding back a laugh. She is taunting him into a fight and he will lose if he falls for it. She could easily defeat him in a fight.

He frowned but kept his cool, "Sure, how about this one?" He handed us a flier with a large and small S on it. So it was a S class mission and if no one took it soon it would be upgraded to a SS class mission. 

I smiled at Luce, this one was perfect, it was another giant monster, this one was by an active volcano so we could both play a part in it. I waited on Luce and when she looked at me she grinned too. It was finally time to show everyone what we were made of!

"Sure, sounds great. Are you ready to go or do you need to prepare first?" she asked him taunting him again. 

He looked at her frowning. I could see the vein in his head twitching and I'm sure he is wondering if she is trying to piss him off or not. "I'm good, let's go." He leads the way, away from the train station. 

"Oh no, if we walk it will take over a week to get there. We are taking the train." she looked at Laxus again before adding, "Surely if Natsu can handle the train so can you?" Luce you are going to make him attack you and I will love watching you hand his ass to him, I can't help thinking to myself.

I don't know whether or not the mating had anything to do with making us stronger or not but Luce and I have grown a lot. It could just be a coincidence but I highly doubt it. The thought of Luce kicking the ass of one of the guilds strongest mages just couldn't make me happier. I probably looked like a little boy in a candy store judging by the way Laxus kept looking at me like I was crazy. 

He didn't back down from Luce and we boarded the train. I laid down comfortably on her lap much to his surprise. I guess he never knew she would soothe me like this. I relished her fingers running through my hair and I even let out a short purr at one point, but I'm sure he was knocked out well before that happened.