Chapter 12

Lucy's POV

I know Natsu feels guilty for just ripping into our friends the way that he did. After all, we are mated and if they would have come looking for us they would have seen us very hungry and naked devouring each other. Only Happy and Wendy got a pass and that was because they were trying to give us space for me to say yes even bringing supplies for us; Wendy food and Happy clothes.

We couldn't however hide from them so now that a couple weeks have passed us by we were heading to the guild again. Wendy's birthday party would be in a week and I didn't want it to be awkward if I could help it. Natsu kicked the door open like usual and we greeted everyone like nothing happened going straight to the mission board. Thankfully now that a few weeks have gone by it was littered with interesting missions again but at the same time none of them really appealed to me.

I look at Natsu and see that he isn't really thrilled either. "Hey Natsu, you want to just take a vacation? We did only just heal from the last one, we could use a break." I smiled when I saw him doing the same.

"That sounds great, but let's see if Happy and Wendy want to go?" he asked and I nodded happily. Already planning to have Loke and Virgo unpack all the presents and decorations while we are gone. Like the rest of the dragon slayers she didn't know when her actual birthday was so she celebrated the same day as her Exceed, Carla, just like Natsu did with Happy and now that Gajeel had Panther Lily he did the same.

"Wendy! Happy!" I yelled out laughing as I did, but neither came. I frown and walk over to Mira and ask where they are.

"They went on a mission with team Nats-" she cut herself off before starting again. "With the rest of your team. They should be back anytime now." She answered sadly, she tried to smile for what it was worth but I'm afraid that Natsu's words a few weeks ago were still hanging off everyone's minds. I refuse to let Natsu apologise though. He has every right to be upset with how they just ignored him. Regardless of how it turned out.

"Okay, then when they come in could you tell them we want to see them? We will be at the park for a while I think." I smile as if nothing was wrong, like my smile could just make everything better again.

She gave me a small smile and agreed and I turned leading Natsu out of the guild hall. "Time for the park!" I cheer hooking elbows with him, smiling for real this time when I see him. We laughed and talked like we were an old married couple not caring what anyone thought. If anything they probably thought we were just trying to get through each day as normal as possible. Ignoring the fact that we held onto each other tighter or closer. Ignoring the fact that Natsu and I actually were happy and not just smiling to try and fake it. I never realized just how much our guild mates ignored what happened right in front of them before. Now I can't stop seeing it.

We chased each other around the park playing silly childhood games like tag and then we would spar a little just to keep our blood flowing. It was actually starting to get late, the sun was setting and we were watching it seated from a little hilltop as I leaned into his arms, finally relaxed again.

I sigh happily, as angry as our friends made me they were still Fairy Tail. They are still family. "I guess we should just let it go now." I snuggle into his shoulder before pouting, "But you're not allowed to say sorry. You didn't do anything wrong." He chuckled a little, kissing my forehead before agreeing.

"Natsu, Lucy!" we heard Wendy call out from behind us after a while and a good ways back behind us. We had laid down on the hilltop and were watching as the stars appeared in the sky above us, seemingly one at a time. We jumped up and wave for her to come over. When she finally arrived she had both Carla and Happy with her neither of which would look us in the eye.

"It's about time you guys got here," I giggled pulling Wendy into a hug and grabbing Happy by the scruff of his neck so he couldn't get away from my hugs this time.

"Lushie!" he whined, but when I released Wendy I just snuggled him harder.

"Nope! You're my baby and there is nothing you can do about it now." I laugh and start to tickle him leaving him in tears when I'm finally done with him.

He was gasping for air when I stopped and he looked up at me with big eyes and asked, "Do you really mean it? I'm your baby?"

I smile and snuggle into him, "Absolutely!" It was nice feeling him hug me back and knowing how much it really meant to him for me to say that. Sorry Lisanna, you can't have him, I don't care if you did help hatch him.

"So what did you two need? No one seemed to know only that you wanted to see us when we got back," sweet little Wendy asked, looking a bit out of place until Natsu slung an arm around her shoulders. As if somehow claiming she was a part of the family. If she was just a little younger than I would have actually suggested adopting her, but as it stood she will just have to settle being my baby sister.

"We want to know if you would go on a trip with us? Of course Carla can come too. Just the five of us to the beach. What do you say?" Natsu asked her, he only pausing enough to add in the part about Carla.

"But I thought you guys were mad at us." Wendy blurted out before covering her mouth and looking away.

"You two are the only two that cared," Natsu told her quietly.

"Wendy, you brought us food daily and Happy you tried to make us as comfortable as possible running to get Natsu's things. Why would you think that we would be mad at you?" I tell them, pulling them both into a hug. It was a bit awkward because Natsu didn't let her go so it was the four of us hugging with Carla flying awkwardly close by.

"So what do you say?" Natsu asked them, looking down between us at them.

"Yes!" they cheered together and Carla nodded just accepting what happened.

"Great, it will last about a week so go and pack accordingly we leave first thing in the morning!" I smile and lean against Natsu as we waved goodbye to our friends. Winking at Carla when Wendy was looking away. She had been helping me plan the surprise party for our little Wendy since she is literally the only one that can keep a secret.

When they were finally out of sight I summoned Loke, Virgo and Capricorn. "She is going with us to the beach, you all know what to do?" I asked as if I hadn't been planning this for months.

"Yes, your highness." They bowed to me. I don't really get why they switched from calling me princess to highness but they never stopped.

I looked at them all again, "Do you need any of the other spirits help? I know I put a lot of work on you three all the time. I really don't mean to." I really am sorry about it. They are all so much like the staff I had back home. Virgo is always in a maid outfit and Capricorn actually used to work for mom not only as a spirit but as a part of the staff. The fact that Loke tries to act like a valiant knight all the time and always dressed in a suit didn't help either.

"If I may?" Loke lifted a finger getting my attention. I nodded for him to continue. "Aries would be greatly appreciated. She is worried that you are not happy with her since you summon her so little anymore."

I'm a little shocked to hear that. I summon Aries and ask her if she thinks she wanted to go over her contract again. I was a bit more limited summoning her than the other three. She started to cry and I tried to explain and it ended up being Loke who explained it to her.

"So the reason you don't call me more is because of my contract?" she asked me sniffling as she did.

I nodded and rubbed her back, "I had no idea you weren't happy until Loke said something. Of course I could summon you more. We could get you a maid outfit like Virgo's and you can add some of your cute pink wool to customise it how you like. Then you could help with everyday things just like these three." I smiled reassuringly at her.

"Yes, please! I want to very much." she looked at me with her big watery eyes.

I look at Loke and Capricorn, "Please make sure she has everything she needs. If she gets too tired let me know and I will close her gate so she can rest but let her help as long as she wants." I look at Virgo and sigh, "I guess I should do it now?" I asked her.

"Yes please. Punishment time!" she answered so excitedly that I couldn't help the groan that escaped me. I waited for her to tell me how she wanted it this time. She bent over and turned away from me making me bright red. "Spanking please!"

"But..." I started choking on my words. Why does she want it done in public? Sometimes I think she is torturing me more than herself.

"Could Natsu give me my punishment today?" she asked looking at me with what looked like starts in her eyes, for once not looking expressionless as she asked. I could feel rage building up in me as I covered my face with my hands. I wanted to scream and then I heard a loud smacking noise and my head shot up.

I glared at Natsu just for him to hold his hands up in defense. "It wasn't me!" I looked back at Virgo to find Aries blowing gently on her hand.

After a minute she looked up surprised, "Was I not supposed to do that?" We all gaped at her and I turned my attention back to Virgo who was so happy she was drooling.

"Do you want to do it for now on?" I asked her and Virgo shot up and bowed to the two of us.

"Yes, please! I know your highness does not like to give punishments and Aries was most excellent!" I'm a little more afraid of both Virgo and Aries now. I look at Loke to find him blushing and with a slight nose bleed. Correction: I'm a little more afraid of all of them. I eyed Capricorn who stood expressionless, his sunglasses as always were on as I nodded my agreement.

"Well you all know what to do. Have Aries help wherever needed after you get her dressed correctly. Natsu and I are taking Wendy and Carla to the beach this week so I will try not to use my magic too much so you have what you will need." I tell them again. They all bow and set off to their destinations. I notice right away that Loke and Aries are together heading to a dress shop. I had already instructed Loke that he may use what ever funds that were needed this week that would have included clothes for Aries.

"So I take it that I'm not allowed to spank your weird spirits?" Natsu asked and I gave him an evil look and growled. He actually smiled and leaned in before asking, "Can I spank you?" his breath sending shivers through me making me rigid. He laughed and picked me up princess style and carried me home. It was definitely interesting and a huge turn on. But I don't think it's something I want to do again. Now when I spanked Natsu while he was walking by I did like that. So not during sex but leading up to it, I grin.

Natsu's POV

I'm kind of glad Luce wasn't thrilled with the spanking thing. It was a nice change but whatever. We are currently waiting at the train station for Wendy and the Exceeds. I had an arm around Luce as we lounged on the bench waiting. It was a sunny spot and it felt nice especially with the breeze that the trains created. I love to be in the sun.

I look at Luce and smile when I see her grin before I lay my head against her neck. We had a few minutes before the train so it wouldn't matter if I dozed off a little bit, right?

"Luce?" I yawned as I said her name, earning a giggle from her.

"Go ahead, I'll wake you when it's time to board," she tells me. Sometimes I wonder if she can read my mind.

It felt like only a moment before Luce was shaking me awake again. "Five more minutes?" I groan snuggling into her sweet neck again.

"Oh no you don't the train is here and so is Wendy, get up." She tells me giving me another shove this time a bit rougher.

"Okay, okay. I'm up." I groan again actually standing up this time but leaning on her all the same. I don't know where Luce gets her energy. She had kept me up most of the night with some weird, but fun ideas. "Maybe if you didn't keep me up all night?" I whisper in her ear.

"Natsu, are you saying you want me to stop?" she asked pretending to be shocked.

"Nope! I'm awake. I am fully awake!" I tell her no longer leaning on her but holding her tight. She laughed while Wendy, Happy and Carla looked horrified at us. "What?" I ask them. They just shook their heads, mouths clamped shut. I grin, maybe now they get it. Just maybe.

We get on the train and poor Wendy is already motion sick, for once I don't lay on Luce's lap and instead try to soothe the girl, patting her head as she tries to keep from hurling. This just might have been too much for Happy and Carla.

"How come you're not sick?" Happy asked with big eyes looking at me.

I shrug, "Our guess is the change. I haven't been motion sick in a long time." He just looked like a new door opened up and he looked completely amazed.

"Wait but that happened almost a year ago. I've ridden on the train with you since then and you were always curled up in Lushie's lap!" Happy just couldn't leave well enough alone.

"If you could get out of talking to Erza and Gray wouldn't you?" I ask him instead. He nodded as if understanding everything now. "Don't tell them, I still don't want to deal with them." I groan.

"Aye sir!" he answered happily. I think he was just happy that I seemed happy whether he understood the truth or not. I smile at him as he sits next to Carla and I can see Carla look away but hold his hand anyway, they were just being way too cute.

"Natsu, let Wendy lay in my lap, maybe it will help like it did you?" she asked me. I smile, I'm pretty sure she just wants me in her lap just that this is okay too. I help Wendy lay down and rub her back while Luce rubs her scalp effectively making me jealous. It only took about a minute before Wendy started to calm down. Maybe there is something to this?

When we arrived I carried the still motion sick Wendy off the train while Luce and the others followed. I could hear as we walked by people oohing and awing over how cute our family was. This kind of made my chest puff out a little proudly. Shit, this is starting to go to my head.

I know that Luce and I want a large family but when are we going to start? I glance at her over Wendy's head to see her smiling as well. Maybe it's about time we start?

The week went by with little to no issues and I even put on a firework show on our last night there. I think Wendy had a lot of fun and she would spend a little time with us training giving Luce a much needed break considering how she already had four spirits summoned and working hard back in Magnolia.

I loved seeing the way that Wendy's face just lit up with every little thing that we did; from sand castles to swimming or from eating in a nice diner, totally freaked Happy out when I used actual table manners while we were there, to the fireworks display.

"Luce," I whispered in her ear while Wendy was distracted by Happy and Carla down the beach. She glanced up and sighed but nodded. "We could still adopt her you know?" I tell her almost holding my breath. I could see the war going on in Luce's head at that. She really wanted to but she also knew that she was honestly just too old compared to us. I kiss her forehead and reply for her, "I know she will be sixteen but it is still an option. I don't mind if you don't."

I watched as a single tear slid down her face before she wiped it away walking towards Wendy. "Wendy let's catch the next train and stop at the park first?" I hear her say, my heart almost stopping. Are we really going to do this?

"We need to get back though." Carla intercepted.

"Why don't you and Happy go on ahead of us then?" I suggest seeing Luce give Carla a wink while I had Wendy's attention. "Then everyone can be happy." I watched as Wendy begged Carla just to agree and that she would be good while she was gone.

"Fine, but you better take care of her!" Carla hissed. We cheered and Luce, Wendy and I exchanged our tickets while Carla and Happy boarded the train.

We stopped by an ice cream parlor and got ourselves cones to eat on the way. "This week has been amazing." Wendy sighed leaning back on the bench we were sitting on and for the first time realizing that I had my arm behind her and Luce's shoulders who was on the other side of her. I chuckle at her reaction when she goes a little red.

"What's wrong, are you afraid of me?" I ask her teasing.

"Well, n-n-n-no." she stammered. "It's just that we look like a family that's all." she continued making Luce laugh. "Not that..." Poor Wendy was bright red and didn't seem to be able to figure out what to say next.

"It's okay, we were kind of wanting to talk to you about that actually." I scratch my neck looking at Luce as I did.

"Wendy, it's no surprise that we love you very much and I know there isn't that much of an age difference between us and we completely understand if you don't want to..." Luce trailed off.

"Would you like for us to adopt you?" I ask her.

"You don't have to answer now, we didn't mean to cut you off from Carla or anything. And if you prefer we could adopt you as a sister instead of as a daughter. We just wanted you to know just how much you mean to us." Luce rushed her words while she was wringing her hands, her nervousness getting the best of her.

I can't help smiling at both of them, "Take you time deciding, okay?" I tell her quietly. Wendy looked so happy and I would honestly be surprised if she said no, but I could live with it if she did.

"Does that mean you two really are mated?" she asked us. I couldn't help laughing and I pulled Luce in for a kiss. It was a sweet kiss and she returned it readily much to Wendy's embarrassment. "But your marks?" she asked when we were done, still staring. Luce pointed at the very faint star pattern on her neck and I showed her mine, loosening my scarf to do so.

"But why are you keeping it a secret?" she asked and I couldn't help frowning.

"We weren't, we just didn't announce it and everyone just assumed for some reason that I said no." Luce explained. "We still don't want to announce it, if they figure it out then so be it. But we are not going to tell them." I nodded in agreement.

"Mom, Dad." she said the words as if tasting the way they sounded. Judging from her frown she didn't care for it either. It was hard not to laugh but at the same time I was a little disappointed.

"It's okay to say no. We will still love you the way you are." I tell her seeing her visibly relax.

"I won't tell anyone about you being mated," she smiled at us both. "Could I take on your name as your sister? Wendy Dragneel?" she asked almost like when we first met her, shy as a mouse.

I smile what has probably been the biggest smile in my life as I hug her. "Absolutely!" I whisper as I squeeze her. "Come on little sister, we have a train to catch." I tell her standing up with Luce as we both offer her a hand. I don't think I have ever seen her so happy as when she took both of our hands and as we walked back to the train station, she was practically skipping. We didn't get a daughter, yet, but our family is growing and that alone made us all very happy.