Chapter 13

Lucy's POV

The ride home was quiet, most likely due to Wendy being so motion sick, but Natsu and I helped in whatever way that we could. When we did arrive we stopped at a nice diner to eat and then for ice cream cones for the rest of the way there. My spirits already told me they were ready and we were just outside the guild hall.

"Can I kick the door open with you?" she asked Natsu, earning a laugh from him and a nod. They kicked the door open and the next thing we hear is a really loud "Surprise!" As balloons fell from the ceiling and everyone cheered "Happy Birthday!" It was really nice to see Wendy so happy and I even had Loke change the name on the banner from Wendy Marvell to Wendy Dragneel before we got here. Apparently this caused a bit of a fuss but everyone just laughed it off thinking that Loke had just made a mistake.

We partied as if nothing had changed over the last year. As if we were all happy again and didn't have a care in the world. For today I am okay with that. I now have a little sister. "Hey Dragneel get your butt over here for a picture!" I called out and several people laughed thinking I was joking about the banner.

She happily jumped over and Natsu, Happy, Carla and I had pictures made of all of us. A real family. She hugged us so tight at the end and I swear I heard her whisper, "Thank you for making this the best birthday ever." Then I watched her leave with Happy and Carla in tow to her little apartment in Fairy Hills.

I looked at Natsu grinning wickedly at him, "You know I think this is the first time we have gone a week without, considering we were all sharing a room." My purrs did not land of deft ears either.

"Let's go!" He picked me up and ran us all the way home.

A few days later I stretch as I pull myself out of bed and make my way to the bathroom for a much needed bath. Natsu close behind kissing on my shoulders as I worked.

"Natsu," I giggled as I was finally able to pull away and into the tub, only to pull him in with me.

"Let's have a baby?" he purred against my skin, sending shivers through me.

"First we need to talk about exactly how your built in birth control works," I tease him tapping him on the nose.

"What do you want to know?" he hummed, still kissing on my neck and shoulder as he did.

"Is it just a choice you make or what?" I ask.

"Well we both have to want it, or it won't take." He purred, making me gasp when he lightly bit on my neck. "And it could take time.We might get lucky and you could get pregnant right away or it could take a few months or even a year or two." He bit me again harder this time, my moans of pleasure filled the room.

"Then we better get started." I moan and he pinched my nipples ever so softly as I lifted myself up for him. I can't help moaning with every touch and feel as we made slow sweet love in the warm waters.

Just as I was about to climax he hissed in my ear, "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I moan out and he thrusted a few more times before I could feel him cum hot and hard pushing me hard over the edge. When I finally could bring myself to talk again I asked what is probably the most stupid question of my life. "Again?"

Natsu rolled us over so that now he was on top and pulled me in for a deep kiss, his tongue exploring me as if it had never been there before. "Natsu," I moaned as he nipped at one of my breasts.

When he finally stopped teasing me and thrusted his very hard cock deep into me. Hissing "Yes," It didn't take long for us to finish round two or was it three now? Maybe four. Whatever the case we did finally get out and get dressed. Healing our hickeys as we went.

I put on my favorite heart crop top with detached sleeves and black mini skirt. I could feel Natsu's eyes undressing me as he watched me dress and I loved it. I pulled him through the house and out the door to look for a fun mission to go on. It's time to really get to work now.

Natsu's POV

I swear she is doing it on purpose. Now that we are trying for a baby I can almost smell her sweet arousal as if the memory alone was enough. I wonder if she is really as aroused as she smells? It somehow feels more potent than ever before. We get to the guild and Wendy knocks the air out of me and pulls Luce in for a hug as well.

This of course grabs everyone's attention but no one says anything. We walk to the mission board and ask if Wendy would like to go on a mission with us or not. The look on her face was almost too adorable as I pulled her in for another hug refusing to let her go now.

"I promised a friend that I would go with them though." she pouted.

"Romeo?" Luce asked, earning a squeak from the younger girl. We laughed and told her to have fun. There is always next time.

We wave goodbye before actually looking over the missions posted. "Let's go on a super hard one. I'm all fired up!" I cheer, earning giggles from Luce.

"I wonder why that is?" She teased in a whisper. I slung an arm around her shoulders and purred in her ear so no one else could hear us. It wasn't long before I could smell her arousal stronger than before. That answers that question, I can't help smiling at the thought.

I'm about to grab a mission when Master blocks me and I groan, "Now what, we were just on vacation with Wendy?" I still had my arm around Luce's neck but it was more relaxed than before.

"I can't be having you two clearing out the mission board all the time. You need to leave some for the other members," Master lectured before smiling. "So I have decided to grant you both S class status if you can complete this mission in my hand." he waved a flier in front of us and Luce snatched it.

An island full of monsters has disappeared mysteriously and the council wants answers. Not only that they also wanted us to defeat all the monsters roughly ten to twenty of them cleaning up the mess as well. It would take about a month if we were careful. Then it listed a reward and I'm sure that Luce's jaw dropped at the sight. There were some other minor details like how you can still see the island at dawn and dusk and on the nights of either the full or new moon you could see the island all day and night long.

"So if we do this, then we will be S class?" I asked again, there has to be a catch. It seems far too simple.

"You won't be able to take anyone else with you. It can only be you two." he answered.

I look at Luce and see her smile, "We can take the council's money and gain S class in one go, don't you think?" I could feel my blood rushing at the prospect of how much this could save us in time and money and how we wouldn't have to wait on either Mira or Laxus anymore. I couldn't stop grinning.

I look at Master and see that he is watching us very closely as if seeing us for the first time. I smile, "I'm all fired up now!" He seemed to relax hearing me say that he took the flier himself and stamped it approved.

Luce and I walked out and when the doors shut, I pulled Luce to a stop near the side of the door and held a finger to my lips.

"They took the mission." I hear Mira say almost in a monotone.

"Yeah, Mavis protect them. I don't know what the council wants with those two but it doesn't sit well with me." Master answered. I see Luce's eyes widen a fraction.

"If they hurt our nakama..." Erza threatened almost too low to hear.

"If either of them get too hurt doing this the council will have waged war against Fairy Tail. You are all my brats and that is how it will always be." Master answered I couldn't help the smile on my face as I heard him announce to the entire guild that tonight we party but tomorrow we train. Yep, Fairy Tail is still family.

Luce and I left and ran to catch the train in time. Thankfully we were able to get a private cabin and once the door was locked I closed the curtains as well.

"This probably means that we will be watched the whole time once we get there." I groan sinking into one of the seats.

"Then I guess we better enjoy ourselves a little before we get there," I hear Luce purr. I look up to find she has already removed her top and is currently working on her belt. Fuck. I stop her hands and guide her to sit down, spreading her legs apart as I did. Her scent sent waves of lust through me. I lifted her skirt up and moved her panties to the side licking my lips as I did.

I look up and see her gently playing with her breast as she watches me. I pull her closer and whisper, "Thanks for the meal," before licking up and down her beautiful lips and thrusting my tongue in. Once she started moaning I just couldn't stop; her smooth skin, gasping moans and the sweet cum that seemed never ending just pushed me over. I pulled away far enough to replace my mouth with my cock and my tongue took hers to swallow her screams of pleasure. The train ride was supposed to last most of the day, but it seemed to end far too soon.

We aired the cabin out a little bit opening a window and cleaned up what mess there was and thanks to Virgo who brought us some cleaning supplies we finished just before we arrived. Aries was summoned and Virgo received her punishment and they went back to the celestial realm and we got off the train.

Lucy's POV

Natsu looked far too happy and I know I probably didn't look much different. Part of me wonders if we should have waited to start trying until after this mission but there was no way we would have known about it before, so there really wasn't a reason to fret over it.

We checked in at the hotel and we can only assume that since the council provided it there would be cameras or whatever watching our every more. To make things more awkward they only gave us one room and one bed. Oh well I guess it's pretty much common knowledge now that Natsu sleeps with me anyway. I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower and dress for bed before letting Natsu have a turn.

I'm comfortable and almost asleep when Natsu climbs in wearing only a pair of shorts, he lays on top of the covers and I curl up next to him. We will have to finish this mission long before a month. I don't see how we can go a month without, especially now that we are trying to have kids.

When we wake up we clean up, pack up our things and check out before finding a place to eat. We eat well and then decide it's time to start making our way to the island. We went to the beach and sure enough we could still see it with the full moon in the sky.

"Aquarius stardress!" I call out and the next thing I do is walk out into the cool water. "The water feels great, you want to race there?" I asked Natsu who shows me his already folded clothes and I call Virgo to take them to the celestial realm.

"You are on!" We stretch for a minute and then jump into the water. If anyone would have seen us they would have thought we were crazy to try and swim to the island that could barely be seen from shore. Little does anyone know we are Fairy Tail and we love crazy fun things.

We arrived on the island to find there were a lot of monsters. Way more than twenty. We made sure we were on the right island and then shrugged. "We did want a hard mission, right?" I asked Natsu who grinned back.

"I'm all fired up!"