Chapter 14

Natsu's POV

We look around the island searching for all the little things that were going on. We found what looked like a village and found out from the locals that the monsters had been plaguing them for over a year now.

"We had all given up hope but you're saying that the magic council sent just you two? Do they think so little of us?" The village chief asked us.

I watched as Luce gently patted his arm and smiled at him, "We will free you of them. But is there anything you can tell us about why the island is unreachable except for the new and full moon? Or even dawn and dusk? It would have helped if they could find the island."

"Oh I see, so you're the scouting team then. Yes well that problem will resolve itself in about a month. You see once every hundred years the tides raise and that is what protects the island. One of our ancestors used a magic spell to protect us so when the island would otherwise go under water we stay safe in an air dome. It only last for a year though." Luce and I nod understanding, magic is wonderful but can also be really weird.

I look at her and smile, "So we have one month to clear out all the monsters before the council arrives and try to claim we failed."

I watch her smile, "I bet we can get it done in a week, after all the Islanders have suffered for a long time now." The way her voice purred was pulling me in but I resisted. They are probably still watching us using some kind of magic otherwise how would they know if we actually did the job?

"Do you know how many monsters are on the island?" I ask, forcing my attention back to the chief, Luce is driving me nuts.

"Fifty-six but surely you must be joking? How could you two defeat that many?" He asked us shocked.

I smile real big and pull Luce close, "Don't you know? We are Fairy Tail!" I show them my arm where my insignia is and Luce holds up her right hand showing hers.

Luce calls Aries and Loke and stations them with the villagers and sets up a simple defense in case any get by us. The villagers just watch as Tauros and I cut down some nearby trees and bury them with Virgo's help and Scorpio and Cancer helped sharpen them.

"I think I understand now," I heard the chief whisper in horror as he watched us with the rest of the village. "They didn't send us two people, they sent us an army."

In the space of an hour we had the village fortified and Luce's spirits were teaching a number of the villagers how to drop the logs to knock over attackers and how to drop the covers that concealed the pit of spikes. We would never use these on people and already have quick and easy ways to dispose of them and fill the holes so no one would get hurt after we leave. Virgo and Scorpio being at the center of it. But monsters on the other hand were fair game.

By the time we were done we were exhausted and Capricorn served us dinner without being asked, considering he was already out helping with the preparations. We were lounging on the grass resting after we were done when I jumped up and started stretching.

"How are you feeling Luce? If you're still tired you can rest while I go out and get the weaker ones. You used a lot of magic just getting the village ready." I ask while I flex my legs.

"Oh no you don't we'll go together so if you're ready so am I," she responded jumping up.

"Fine, then let's sleep until tonight and when the sun goes down is when we will attack. Maybe use a bonfire to lure them in. They won't know what hit them." I yawn and see her visibly relax.

The chief offered us his bed considering the fact that many homes had been destroyed over the past year thanks to the monsters. That was more than enough.

"Don't worry about it. We will just be up there," I pointed at the lone tree in the middle of town. The branches were thick and could easily support our weight. "See you in a few hours, but if something happens feel free to wake us up." I yawned again and picked Luce up and jumped into the branches.

It would be better if it were a little more shaded but this will work just fine. Luce closed all of her spirits gates and we were going to put our backs together to support each other but we found a couple branches that were close enough together that we could hang our hammocks together and still be pressed together.

When we were finally comfortable we closed our eyes and cuddled as best as we could until sleep took us.

Lucy's POV

I woke up to silence, well what would have been silence if not for Natsu's snoring. I tap him on the shoulder and he starts and he seems to understand. There was nothing, not a child's cry or a birds chirp. It was far too silent. We silently dismounted the tree and use the nearby buildings for cover searching the town.

We finally found all the villagers in the town square sitting as if waiting for something, the old and young alike. I look around and find the chief in the front along with two small children. A blue wavy haired boy who couldn't be older than four and a redheaded baby girl who looked about half his age, her hair a bunch of spiraling fire red curls.

"Today we mourn the loss of two good people, friends to most but family only to these two poor children. I know we are on hard times, we all are. Look at how many are simply sleeping outside, even our savior's are sleeping in a tree because we have so very little." The chief's voice rang out. The area was silent as they all listened.

"We are here to ask an important question, what will we do with these poor souls? Will one among us take them in as their own? Or will we try to send them off the island in the hopes they have better luck elsewhere? We cannot allow children to pay for the mistakes of adults after all. I know many of you have lost not only mothers and father's but children and even grandchildren. Is there anyone here that will take them now as they are?"

The chief sounded off. Like there was no feeling left in the words that he said. How often does someone have to say something before they lose interest in their own words? I squeeze Natsu's hand unable to believe something so horrible but thinking back I can't help but remember Gray's own history, I know that it happens far too often. Natsu squeezed my hand in return.

"Let's try to finish this in just one night?" He whispered to me. I nod in agreement and we walk out as if we didn't just hear everything that was just said.

"It's a beautiful night for monster hunting don't you think?" I ask loudly with a smile, stretching as I did.

"I bet we could do this in one night 56 isn't that bad, it's not like we are fighting Zeref again," Natsu answered.

"I bet I could get more than you," I tease light heartedly.

"Tell you what we can use Pan to wipe out most and them and we can separate from there and compete. You know he is a glutton for punishment." He laughs poking fun.

"Now there is a plan!" I laugh and look around. "Why is everyone so quiet?"

"I'm sorry, we don't have anything more to offer you to eat before you fight." The chief bowed as if he was asked for food.

"Fighting on a full stomach is bad for you besides we will be using a lot of advanced magic it could literally spoil and make us sick." I frowned as I said that.

"Speak for yourself my fire dragon slayer magic only burns hotter when I eat a lot," Natsu retorted.

I roll my eyes, "Natsu you just said that we were going to use Pan first. That means my magic. I know you're not used to it but you have to be careful when you eat when it comes to my celestial magic."

"Oh," he replied dumbly. I know he is acting at the moment but it's times like these that remind me why I love him. He tries so hard to lighten everything up that he will make a fool out of himself if that means others will smile.

I stretch my legs and look at him, "Are you ready to try your first stardress?"

"You mean star suit right?" He grinned and I slug him in the arm playfully.

"We don't know that, yet. After all Pan said it requires two to dance." I lectured him.

"Fine, fine. Let's do this. I'm all fired up!" He cheered.

"Open gate of the sins; Pan the sin of gluttony!" I summoned the satire who was wearing something like a disco outfit; sparkly white jumpsuit and had a giant afro.

"Please do not let me regret this..." I hear Natsu whine behind me just from the sight of him.

"Hello Earthland! Who is ready to dance?" He sang out into the silence. When no one answered he glared at me and Natsu.

"Oh, uh us?" I stammered.

He rolled his eyes and a microphone seemed to materialize out of thin air, "Then let's get this party started. First put on you star dress and we can rock!" He banged his head and in an instant he had long straight black hair and heavy metal goth like cloths including a black leather jacket with silver spikes.

"56 mon-" I started to tell him and he held up a hand and pointed at my clothes. I groan, so not only is he a glutton he is also a diva, a very high maintenance diva at that.

I turned his key to my chest and yelled "stardress!" and handed the key to Natsu who mimicked me. We are now wearing black jumpsuits.

"I already regret this," I hear Natsu groan behind me earning a glare that he flinched from.

"Alright now it's time to get this party started!" Pan cheered and a DJ booth appeared out of nowhere and he was actually floating with it. Just why?

Then the music started and our clothes changed into a lot of black leather and chains as some heavier rock music started to play and we were lifted from the ground. "We can't have a dance party without the guest, am I right? Monsters bash, literally if you know what I mean? Hahaha, Now some lights and some extra base. No monster in their right mind, or out of it, will be able to resist the temptation that is my dance party!"

I already see that I will not be summoning Pan often, by any stretch of the imagination. The next thing we know we are literally kicking monster ass and honestly it was kind of great. Pan kept changing it up from pop to hip hop there was even a country song thrown in there. But I think the best part was that everytime the music changed the look in Natsu's eyes when he saw me. Lust was very much in the forefront and could have easily been seen if anyone was close enough to even look.

I was starting to grow tired, thankfully Pan's key required both of our magic. It requires two to dance. I kind of want to smack myself in the face for that. Natsu is not doing well on his part of the summoning. We will have to fix that eventually.

"Okay, that's 40 down 16 to go. Close gate!" I yell finally free of Pan's music for a breath. I think he could tell Natsu couldn't hold on for much longer.

"Mavis! Luce how can you stand that?" he gurgled as he threw up by a tree now that we are safely on the ground. "Does it always feel like that? For all of them?" he asked, heaving trying to catch his breath.

"The magic part or the dancing?" I asked, earning a glare from him. I laugh and answer, "Yes the magic is always like that. You have to supply not only the magic to open the gate but also anything that they do; be it fighting or casting magic of their own. You are their power source."

"When we are done here I need to teach you some dragon slayer magic." he grumbled.

"That sounds great!" I cheer and laugh some more. "Alright 16 monsters to go, I think I am going to use lust and envy and their stardress so I will need you to use dragon force." I get serous again, "I might need your help for the aftermath though." He straightened his back now standing up.

"Alright then we need to light a real bonfire first, can you use rainbow fire to catch the forest on fire so I have plenty to eat?" He asked and I nodded. It will also be a great way to lure out the remaining 16 monsters.

I set out lighting as much as I could on fire as I then summoned Succubus and Incubus handing them each a torch, "Light as much of the area around Natsu on fire! I'm going to use your stardress." They nodded gleefully. Sometimes I wonder if they are demons rather than spirits, the look in their eyes was sadistic in how they seemed to relish in their sins. I shiver at the thought.

"Duel Stardress; Lust and Envy!" I call out turning their keys to my chest covering myself in their black sin. The slit leather skirt covering my now blackened skin and the skin tight snakeskin clinging to my top as if nothing was actually there. I could feel my hair dance above my head as if caught in an unfelt wind glowing like fire in the darkness. Natsu had told me how I looked as I used this stardress, translation scarier than any demon that Mira has turned into or that he has ever seen.

I don't like what it does to my eyes though. I know how much Natsu likes my chocolate brown eyes, he goes back and forth from chocolate and honey to describe them and when I pointed it out he said that they seemed to change. They were fluid in their beauty. Sometimes I wonder if he is a poet in disguise.

I feel my leather bat-like wings, demon-like more likely, stretch as if they had been cramped for far too long and I jump into the air and screech calling the monsters to me and Natsu who was still on the ground. I don't know how many monsters I killed versus Natsu, it was a sea of blood and tearing flesh to me and scarily enough I enjoyed it. The feel of the different monsters flesh tearing was invigorating despite whether or not they had skin, scales or feathers. I also don't know when we separated from each other.

When at last we were done I dove for the village, I could feel it. I could feel his blood singing to me as he flew seemingly out of nowhere and into my path. His deep red scales gleaming in the moonlight covered much of his face and neck. I wonder if my fangs can pierce them? I can almost see the vein on the side of his neck pulsing with each beat of his heart. I kept trying to look away and into his now golden eyes as he talked to me.

"I need..." I can't finish and my gaze drifts back to his neck.

"I know, and I will give it to you. But first we need to put out the fire." I hear him say only interested in him giving me my needs. I pick him up and take him where he wants to go.

Natsu's POV

I can't help hurling everything that I ate when Luce finally closes Pan's gate. How can she stand that? Truly it felt like every fiber of my being was being ripped apart as I was sucked dry of my magic. It felt so much like when I was going through the change that I almost passed out. My head is killing me.

To make matters worse, Luce knows how to handle all sorts of weapons; a whip, duel swords, a bow and arrow just to name a few. Not to mention all the hand to hand combat training she gets from either the team or her spirits. I never realised just how skilled she is when it came to fighting. I however do not. I am almost exclusively hand to hand combat using my fire magic to increase the damage or pain of my attacks. If not for my fire Luce would easily win in a fight.

Pan's stardress would change with each song and each outfit came with it's own weapon. At one point he asked me if I would rather just stick to my fire and I almost hugged him. Thank Mavis he asked away from Luce so she wouldn't have noticed. He even had her using her rainbow fire magic that she learned from Romeo during a lot of the fighting and even fed me a time or two when I was running low. How can she stand that kind of strain on her magic? And to keep it up for long periods of time as well?

We just spent a week with Wendy on vacation and she had 4 zodiac spirits out, not to mention long distance the whole time and she was perfectly relaxed! I see some intense training in my future and I'll be damned if I'm the only one!

"When we are done here I need to teach you some dragon slayer magic." I groan trying to get my bearings again. She is way too happy about that when she actually cheers. Urg. We make our plans and set out to do them as she lights much of my surroundings on fire and as hard as it is I do not eat any yet. It needs to spread before I can get any kind of meal out of it.

I use dragon force and honestly I get a good 5 or 6 monsters down before I see Luce actually destroying them, I mean she is tearing them limb from limb; blood spraying everywhere but her face. Her spirits were taking the carcasses and doing only Mavis knew what to dispose of them. The fact that when she is done Luce will need to drink my blood makes me wonder about their diet way too much than what I am comfortable with.

It's not long before we are done and I look around to find Luce has gotten far too close to the village and I remember what she said about my blood singing to her. Can more than my blood call to her? I have to get there before her and I can almost feel my body tearing as what I'm sure is a wing comes out of my back. Why does dragon force have to be so hard to maintain?

I practically fly to the village to try and somehow cut her off from hurting anyone. I shoot over the spiked barrier and right in front of her as she is only a meter or so above the ground. I am hit again with how beautiful she is. Even with the way this stardress seemed to try to hide it, I can see her luscious curves as if nothing were covering them. The way the black snakeskin covered her breast leaving so very little to the imagination. Fuck I can feel myself harder than any metal just looking at her. I really want to just fuck her until she can only moan in pleasure unable to scream any longer.

"Luce I need you to reign it in a little here. You're going to scare the locals," I try to laugh but she doesn't seem to hear me.

"I need..." she practically moans, making my skin shiver in delight. Even her voice was smooth and silky and I can't lie, the way her fangs slide into my neck as if they belong there is almost as pleasurable as the sex that normally follows.

"I know, and I will give it to you. But first we need to put out the fire." I point at the fire we left behind. I saw her nod and lift me up flying me straight into the fire as I swallowed as much as I could. She made several sweeps and she even put me down and did some kind of zig zag flying almost touching the ground. I have no idea how she didn't break a wing or anything else for that matter and thought back to her clothes. Maybe the snake skin meant more than just a cover up?

Then she was in front of me a good two meters away. "I need you." I hear her moan my cock reacting immediately.

"Come here and I'll give you as much as you need." I almost begged for her to do it. But I regain some control as much as I didn't want to, "Luce we don't have enough time for the other part so just take what you need from my neck. We will have to wait until we are home for the other part. Okay?"

I see her nodding as if she understood but her eyes barely left my neck. "Luce," I moan as her fingers barely touched my shoulder sending pleasure coursing through my veins. Her mouth still in front of my face I can't take it anymore and I smash my mouth to hers kissing her for all I was worth. At some point one of her fangs seemed to cut my lip, and maybe my tongue? But I couldn't stop and she was more than receptive to it.

We were in the middle of a blackened forest and she looked like a demon vampire and I was still in dragon force covered in red scales and we were making out. We were there for several minutes before she seemed to snap out of it and pushed me away releasing the stardress and closing Lust and Envy's gates. I didn't even realise they were still open.

I could only look at her with a boner and gasping for air before she fainted almost landing on the ground before I could catch her. "Fuck Luce, what do you do to me?" I'm still gasping for air as I sit on the ground holding her for what was probably an hour before I finally get up and walk back to the village, my boner finally fading after I promise myself to relieve it as soon as we get home. We are not waiting for dawn or dusk unless that is when Luce wakes up.

We will leave as soon as we can.