Chapter 15

Lucy's POV

I wake up extremely weak and my head is pounding. Memories of the fight from last night flooding into my mind were gruesome but nothing compared to that kiss. I didn't even see it coming I was so focused on his neck I didn't see his lust. Oh Mavis that kiss was amazing. I cover my mouth with a hand like somehow it would help me to remember it easier. I vaguely remember tasting blood but it didn't sing to me the way it does when I bite his neck. It was a whole new level of lust that just blew all else away.

I want to do it again.

Where am I? I am in a room that I don't recognize and tucked into a bed that although looks nice is very uncomfortable. I slowly get up and make my way to the only door in the room almost falling over as I did. After what took by far too long I finally reached the door. "Natsu?" I asked as I opened the door, my voice breaking. How long have I been out? Only to be lifted from my feet and cradled in his arms, I could practically feel his fire soothe my aching muscles as he did.

"Luce! You're awake! I thought that last..." He stopped when he noticed me wincing at his words. "What's wrong?" he asked almost in a whisper as he held me tight.

I smile at him trying to reassure him, "I just have a headache, that's all." I groan my words unable to hide how much it actually hurt.

"You need to rest more. It's okay I have been hunting with the villagers and I even helped them fish so we can get a good meal into you whenever you are ready." He sighs in relief cuddling me in his arms. "Heck at this point they might even be able to feed me!" he laughed.

I couldn't help giggling at the thought. "Natsu, how long have I been out?" I can't help asking.

He smiled happily before answering, "Just all day!" You had me worried sick you know?" He joked as he touched his fist to my forehead gently. "Don't ever do that again." He whispered, fear clouding his eyes and thickened his voice.

"Is it bad that I liked that kiss more than your neck?" I ask him slightly worried and nearly silent. A small smile on my face as I hoped it would lighten the mood a bit, it worked.

"Only if you're going to faint every time you do it." He laughed grinning.

"I'm pretty sure I only did that because of how much magic I used fighting. Urg and I still need to summon spirits for the clean up!" I groan after a moment.

Natsu looked at me quietly for a moment and then almost hesitantly asked, "Could you use my magic to summon them and guide the work? Maybe it could keep it from hurting so much if you are guiding the magic?"

I looked at him confused, "Hurting? Magic shouldn't hurt." He shrugged and looked away. Thinking back my magic is more than a little different than those around me. Maybe it does hurt and I just don't know it? I think about it for a minute and touch Loke's key, "Can I try to use Natsu's magic to summon you please?"

I waited for an answer and after a moment Loke did, "Yes, your highness so long as you are guiding the magic then it should be fine."

I nod to myself and then I look at Natsu, "Are you ready?" he nodded and I chanted, "Open gate of the zodiac, Leo the Lion!" And just like normal Loke appeared in the room with us.

He bows and looks up at us. "You will need to stay in contact with him in order to guide the magic but it will not break any of your current contracts." He lifts his head up and then seems to scan me up and down.

I look down to find I am in my clothes from before the battle which in itself is fine except now they are practically rags barely covering me. I squeak covering myself from his gaze and close his gate. "Natsu!" I yelled whacking him on the back of his head as I did.

I called for Virgo whom Loke must have warned that I would need clothes because she already had them in hand. I closed her gate and made Natsu leave while I changed, I can't stand the thought of the council seeing us intimate, I could feel my face reddening at the thought, what if they were watching during that kiss? Urg!

When I was dressed I walked out of the room and stumbled into Natsu's waiting arms. "Luce you need to be careful!" He lectured, arg when did he become the responsible one?

We go out with the rest of the village and Natsu helps me find somewhere comfortable to settle down and sits with me before I start. I grab his hands and start chanting, channeling his magic to summon the needed spirits for the work. The villagers left us be while I sent spirit after spirit to do specific jobs. His magic was actually pretty hard to control. It kept trying to explode in a large burst and I had to syphon it off and calm it down again. I was however able to open all the needed spirits so that we could get it all done at once.

Natsu kept flinching right as I was about to direct more magic only to relax again when I soothed it back down. Hmm maybe the reason my magic hurt him so much is because of how his magic usually works is explosive and mine is more constant and streaming. I had to learn something similar when I first learned rainbow fire magic. I wonder if I can help Natsu reverse it so that he can manage celestial magic easier. After all, I can't use Pan without him.

Several hours go by sitting like this. Directing magic and giving directions. Thankfully Loke knew most everything that was going on and I could leave directions to him as I focused on the magic. Poor Natsu must have been bored out of his mind but he remained silent and it seemed like he was trying to focus on how I was directing his magic. Because it seemed to grow easier as time went on until I finally closed the last gate and we both just collapsed on the ground where we were sitting.

We were laying there gasping for air and when the village chief came over frantic we just waved him off. After we finally caught our breath we started laughing.

"Of all the things I thought I would do, I never once thought I would have to try and control your magic as a power source for mine." I laughed and Natsu joined me laughing again. We probably looked crazy sprawled out on the ground laughing and gasping for air.

"I need food, but I feel sick," Natsu groaned.

"Yeah it sucks, future reference Mira's strawberry milkshakes help a lot with that. I love all the flavors she comes up with but the strawberry is the best when it comes to this." I told him laying there. After a few minutes I add, "I need sleep." Natsu actually yawns as I say this and I giggle a little.

"Okay, sleep then home." Natsu groans as he gets up and when I try to join him I fail. But Natsu ignores it and picks me up walking away from the building that I had been sleeping in and towards the tree where we had hung our hammocks what seemed like ages ago. It didn't take long for him to jump up there even while carrying me and for us to get comfortable.

Natsu's POV

I'm glad that we could get the job done and the way Luce handled my magic was so relaxing. It was almost like floating in a pool of water the way my magic pooled and flowed in a rhythm that seemed to just ease me. It's so weird but it felt so right.

I had Luce comfortable next to me and when I laid down in the hammock next to her she reached over and held my hand and directed my magic to surround us in a thin protective barrier. It wasn't that much but it was enough to help relax me to sleep.

However when I woke up, Master was literally right in front of my face. I am not ashamed to say that I yelped you know what screw that I screamed and nearly jumped out of my skin. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" After I finally figured out it was him.

"Oh good you're awake," he sighed as if he were about to take a drink of tea.

"What the hell does that even mean?" I ask, still clutching at my chest. In answer he just pointed at Luce next to me, she was still asleep. I just look at him again and ask, "AND?" I waited but he just looked at me.

"She slept through all of your screaming and you are not concerned?" He asked, lifting one of his bushy eyebrows at me.

"She has used a lot of magic but she is fine." I just eye him like he is crazy.


I rolled my eyes at him and showed him our hands which were currently glowing from both our magic maintaining the barrier she placed. Wait a minute, that doesn't make sense Griffin said that his barriers only required magic to be created or destroyed but not maintained.

I sit back and clear my mind and try to feel what she was using magic for just to find she is regulating mine, to ease all the pain from the last few days.

I sigh in relief and relax again ignoring Master for a minute. "So what are you doing here?" I ask when I was done.

"Well when you two didn't come home after a month the council called me. They really should have called long before now though." he huffed.

"A MONTH!!!!" I screamed, I looked at Luce and cut my magic off and woke her up. "Luce!" She immediately gave me an evil glare until she saw Master.

"Master?" she asked just as confused as I was. I filled her in on what he told me. "Urg Pan!" she groaned.

"What?" Now I'm confused.

"Every sin has a price to pay for using their power. Pan is the sin of gluttony." She groaned before going on, "He is a glutton for punishment so my guess is that he was not happy that I was canceling out the pain. Is that about right?" she asked looking down at her key ring now.

"You know me too well to have had my key for so little," I hear Pan's voice with music in the background.

We both groan before I say, "Well that answers that." and flop back in my hammock.

"What does?" Master asked, watching us.

"My spirit agreed with what I said," Luce replied before throwing an arm over her face trying to block out the light.

"So much for finishing the job in a single night." I grumble.

"What did you just say?" Master asked hesitantly.

Luce and I get up stretching after she broke the barrier around us taking our hammocks down with us. "I said so much for finishing the job in a single night. What good is it to finish in one day when we spend the rest of the month sleeping?" I ask him grumbling mostly to myself.

"It's okay Natsu. Let's just go and check on the villagers and see how they have been holding up?" Luce pats me on the back before we jump down. I agree and we find the village chief.

"By the gods you're alive!" He nearly jumped out of his skin when we found him.

"Uh, yeah. Are you guys all right?" I ask him unsure if it really means anything to ask someone already acting crazy.

"But you haven't eaten or drank anything in almost a month you have been up there without moving a muscle through thunderstorms and tropical storms!" He exclaimed dramatically. I just shrugged and then stretched some still waiting for him to answer my question.

"Natsu, he is just confused. Don't be so hard on him." She chided before turning back to the chief. "Our magic took a lot out of us and we just sort of hibernated after the fact that's all. Thank you for your concern. We truly appreciate it." I nodded in agreement which earned me a whack up the back side of the head so I bowed to him instead before standing back up rubbing my head, wincing as I did.

"We would normally ask if there was anything else you needed help with but I am deeply sorry for worrying you about our health." She continued to say. I wanted to roll my eyes but stopped when I saw her glaring at me.

"Right, very sorry!" I agree bowing again. Master just watched everything and listened to what was said, not intruding at all.

"No! I- I mean we can't thank you enough for what you have done! You saved us from 56 terrible monsters and you even cleaned everything up. We were able to go back to the way life should have been the morning right after you fell asleep. Thank you! From the bottom of our hearts." Then all of a sudden we were surrounded by all of the villagers who had slowly trickled out and gathered while we talked. And as if they had been begging for a chance they all yelled out their thanks many multiple times and all were full of energy.

I couldn't help smiling at Luce and she returned it. "I guess that's why we do it in a single night." I whispered in her ear as the people around us were cheering. I think Master might have heard me but he didn't say or do anything to confirm my suspicions. They fed us a good meal and when they found out the little man standing behind us was the master of our guild things got weirder.

They all dropped to their knees and bowed to the ground, their foreheads ticking the ground, their hands above them. "Thank you! We do not know what would have happened if not for your guild sending us help. Our savior's must truly believe in you to call you Master. Fairy Tail will forever be welcome here, no matter what happens or who chases them." The chief announced as they all kept bowing multiple times.

"Please stand child, all of you. We are not to be worshipped but if you ever need our aid again feel free to call on us." Master helped the chief up as he spoke and Luce and I helped some of the other, older, villagers get up as well.

Master left saying we found our way here we could find our way back smiling as he did before leaving on the boat he came on. We waved goodbye and continued to talk to the villagers for a while. They set a giant bonfire and brought out many dishes enough food for a feast. Apparently they were doing quite well now that the monsters were gone. They had even cultivated most of the land that we had torn trees out of for weapons or defense so it was being put to good use.

We laughed and celebrated but soon it was time to go home.

"Please, come back in one month on the night of the next full moon. You were here when the sea became the sky so you should be here when we prepare the send off." The chief told us and then explained that the send off was when they prayed for the lost souls, giving farewells.

I smile as Luce tells them, "We would be honored to come back." Then just like how we arrived we left; swimming now towards the beach.

When we made it to shore we left to catch the last train towards the council and claim our reward. They were not happy to see us in such healthy and happy spirits but seemed to shrug it off since they didn't need to send anyone to make repairs from us.

Then we went home.

Lucy's POV

"Natsu?" I ask standing in the doorway to our bedroom in sexy red lace lingerie. The teddy did extremely little to cover me but I could see the lust in Natsu's eyes as he seemed to drink in my appearance, he was sitting up waiting for me. I'm already wet, I haven't felt him in a month apparently and I needed the kind of sex that made an erotic novelist blush. I bit my bottom lip as I waited for him to react.

That seemed to set him off, the next moment I was slammed on the bed with him on top of me, his lips slightly parted as he tried to control himself. I moan and arch my back effectively grinding my thigh against his already very hard shaft through his boxers. He attacked my lips as if he could have eaten me, his tongue desperately trying to ensnare my own before he suddenly jumped off and pulled my hips towards his face.

He licked and sucked, teasing me through the fabric of the g-string that I was wearing. "Natsu!" I moaned more than a little irritated with the teasing.

I feel him smile against me as he untied the strings on each side removing the now most likely ruined garment. Then his tongue was directly against me sending spasms through me as he would thrust it as far as he could. It's not long before I feel myself building, my release coiling up inside of me but it wasn't enough. I needed much more than just his tongue.

"Natsu!" I practically scream, angry that he wasn't giving me what I really need.

"Almost," he replied, thrusting his fingers in and out as his tongue worked my clit, my body reacting violently to each touch as if anything at all could send me over the edge. I could feel my juices flowing with each movement of his fingers and suddenly they were gone only to be replaced by his mouth again as he ate me out. It was slow and torturous being so close for so long. I didn't even notice his hands until they grabbed my breasts, fondling my nipples. That is what did it, I was a screaming, moaning mess as my orgasm hit, his tongue inside as he drank me up.

When it finally subsided, I was even hornier than before, I looked down just in time to see him lick my clit sending pleasure coursing through me again. "Oh I'm not done down here yet," I see him smile just before he licks me again. "We have so much time to make up," Again he licked slowly my body jerking. "I don't know when we will sleep again." This time thrusting his tongue in just briefly before licking up to my clit.

I create a barrier and throw him into it before jumping after him. We don't have time to worry about being walked in on so I set it to be ridiculously fast. We don't come out for about twenty minutes but for us time was lost, almost constantly cumming and passing out and cumming again. Thank goodness we don't age in my barriers, for all I know we could have been in there for years, I really don't know.

We are currently laying on our bed exhausted and I'm trembling. I want more, but I know that we need rest. I look over at him to find he is coated in sweat and he is just glistening, the way his body shivered with each breath was just too much.

"Fuck it!" I hiss before climbing on him again and I'm met by his very hard pulsing cock as it slides in, moaning as if we hadn't just climaxed a minute ago. "Your mine!" I growl and he nips at one of my breasts. I could feel my eyes rolling back and he turned us over pulling himself on top and thrusting as if our very lives depended on it.

This time when we cum, we pass out still clinging onto each other as we did. His cock still pulsing, cum filling me. If I had even an ounce of energy left I would have kept going but I just couldn't move anymore as the darkness claimed me.

Natsu's POV

The following month was filled with training for both of us. Luce was doing extremely well with learning fire dragon slayer magic and I think I'm doing pretty good at celestial summoning. I even had a couple contracts of my own with them so if she was knocked out I could call them for help. Most of my training was just keeping one of them out while they taught me how to use their weapon.

That night on the island had shown me exactly how lacking I was and I didn't like it one bit. We took several missions and we trained ourselves by completing then without using our primary magic. To say it was hard not use my flames would be laughable. We even used barriers to extend our training so what was only a month had turned into years upon years of training. Not that we didn't reward our efforts of course.

We are all ready to go and Luce is having me keep Virgo and Capricorn summoned at home while we are gone. "It's only for two days and you have plenty of magic you just need to make it flow better." I know she is right but that doesn't stop it from being exhausting. I'm just happy it doesn't hurt anymore. I think she has been talking to Wendy about learning some sky dragon slayer magic as well which really isn't fair. How is she doing so well? How the hell did she get so strong so quickly?

We are currently riding the train and we would be arriving any minute now, our plan was to go ahead and swim to the island tonight so we wouldn't be late.

"Natsu, when we get back I'm going to talk to Wendy about us trying to have a baby. I want to make sure we are doing everything right." I pull her in for a kiss, I love this woman. We hadn't forgotten by any stretch of the imagination but I think she is a bit self conscious that we haven't succeeded yet. The kiss was getting deeper and she was more than happy to receive it until we were interrupted by one of the train workers that earned our glares.

"Can we help you?" I ask the woman who was frozen in place just staring at us. I hadn't let Luce go so she was practically laying on me.

"Tttt-tickets?" she stuttered her question.

I rolled my eyes and we showed her our tickets and when she just stood there I stand up still holding my mate and asked, "Anything else?" she quickly shook her head no and I closed the door in her face and Luce slumped out of my arms and against the door giving me one more kiss before opening it and walking out by the still frozen solid train worker.

I groaned and ran my hands through my hair a few times and grabbed my scarf which had fallen off on the seat and followed her, glaring at the lady as I walked passed.

The train was coming to a stop when I caught up to her by the door and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders like I normally do in public and I saw a few guys eyeing her before quickly looking away.

I know we didn't have time, I just really wanted to give her something. Preferable something hot and hard. I lay my forehead on her shoulder, I must have looked sick because everyone stayed away and I was way too happy to get off the damn train when we were allowed to. Ha, deja vu.