Chapter 16

Lucy's POV

Natsu and I arrived on the island in the middle of the night and they had an actual bed ready for us, claiming that everyone had a bed and not to worry. So when we were finally alone again I demanded his attention. The train ride had only wet my appetite, the swim having done nothing to calm me, and I was not going to let him get away again. The way he filled me was thrilling and the fact that we had to be quiet had my heart racing, whenever he came it would flood into me like a hot spring that was finally free. We did not sleep and we got up plenty early for another round in the shower before having to go out with the villagers.

We were having fun with the villagers eating food and dancing much to Pan's delight. He agreed that the only punishment would be whatever sore muscles we got in exchange for coming out and that the pain was only the cost for fighting. The villagers loved him; they danced and partied around the bonfire all day until it was quite late at night.

Suddenly the music stopped and I looked at Pan who just shrugged at me. Before the chief started talking;

"Today is the farewell moon, the first full moon after the sea becomes the sky. Fitting as it is also the first full moon since Fairy Tail left us after they saved us from all of those horrible monsters!" He paused as the villagers started hooting and hollering and then he waited for them to settle down before continuing. "Today is also the day we say goodbye to the spirits of our loved ones who passed on during our difficult times." The crowd grew silent as if they were sobered by the thought of all their late friends.

"We still have left to vote, the fate of these two children!" He announced and I saw the blue haired boy and curly red haired girl from before again. I looked frantically at Natsu who was also wide eyed. "Is there anyone here who would take these two small children into their home as they are now?" The silence was more deafening than any music, several minutes passing in silence.

"What will happen to the children if none of you will take them in?" I was unable to take the silence any longer, my heart was breaking and the longer the silence the more it hurt.

"They will be sent to the mainland in hopes of brighter futures there." A woman whispered in answer to my question, the chief ignoring me as he waited for an answer from any of the villagers.

"But why won't any of you take them in? Don't they have any family among you?" I asked loud enough to be heard.

"These two are family only to each other. Their family was killed by a monster not long before you two arrived to help us. They were outsiders but they were friends." The woman answered me again, they were orphans. They had nobody in this world at all...

I looked at Natsu, my heart hurt, my heart hurt more than it had a right to. I wanted to take these babies and hold them tight, to tell them everything was going to be okay. I wanted to beg Natsu but two kids at once? Is that really a good idea? The war raged inside of me, my heart and head unable to agree wholly with each other.

Natsu smiled gently, pulled me in and kissed me in front of everyone. It wasn't a heated kiss it was sweet and gentle but passionate. When he finally released me, still looking into my eyes he raised his voice so anyone and everyone could hear him, "We will!"

The gasp from around us would have been audible even without our enhanced dragon hearing. The murmurs drifted into the air as if confused.

"You don't have to do this." The chief tried to explain. "They are still very young and they could easily find homes on the mainland. They will not go without."

I can't help smiling at my mate, it's time. "If you want us to wait until they get there to adopt them we can, but they are ours now. It's kind of a dragon thing." Natsu laughed a little looking at the kids squatting down so that he wouldn't tower over them.

"The only ones who have a right to decline are these two. What do you say? Do you want us to be your parents?" I waited squatting next to Natsu as he asked them looking at them. I wanted so desperately to hold them, to sing to them, to tuck them into bed. I wanted to hear them call me Mama and Natsu Papa or Daddy. I wanted to see them smile and hear them laugh as we played in the sun together as a family.

I waited though I watched as the little boy walked closer. The baby girl holding his hand slowed him down a little but he walked right next to us. He looked at Natsu with sharp eyes as if searching for any sign that he was anything but what he claimed to be and after a minute he smiled. This boy could not have been older than four yet he seemed wiser than many in our own guild.

He looked at me with the same soul searching eyes as I held my breath taking in his pale skin and dark wavy blue hair. It looked much like Wendy's did but his eyes, they were golden like Natsu's when he used dragon force.

The little girl holding his hand had the same pale skin but her spiraling mess of red curls seemed to bounce with every breath she took, her cheeks already showing signs of strawberry freckles and her eyes were the color the deepest, darkest green I have ever seen. They matched Natsu's natural eyes perfectly. It was the little girl who spoke surprising everyone. "Mama?" Her question pierced my heart and I couldn't take it anymore. I picked her up and snuggled her in my arms. The boy who held her hand tightly followed and was snuggled as well. I could feel his smile as he finally let go of his sister's hand and wrapped his little arms around my neck.

I looked up for the first time noticing that tears were streaming down my face and I was smiling like I was crazy. I guess I was though, I could feel the purr erupting from my chest as Natsu put his arm around me. Then I hear him talking only barely hearing what he said over the sound of my own purrs, "That settles that. They are now Dragneel's. Could we get someone to give us a ride to the mainline in the morning? We swam here." I could hear the smile in his voice, the very pride at saying they were Dragneel's.

I have a baby boy and girl now. We have a daughter and a son! We spend the rest of the night getting to know them. Their birthdays, favorite colors and we even tasted their blood. I know that sounds insane but it was more like instinct. Natsu and I each bit our forefinger and waited for them to do the same, never saying a word. Then we pressed our fingers to each other and waited for them to mimic us. Then we held our finger for them to lick. Natsu had to motion for them to do it and they did. We leaned forward and opened our mouths waiting for them to put their own fingers in our mouths.

When we were done the cuts were gone and there was a golden glow that shined around us but it was quickly gone again. I don't know what possessed me to do it. Natsu had never once told me anything about it at all but we did it as if it were the most natural thing in the world for us. The kids were only too happy to sleep in our room with us and none of us wanted to separate when the chief offered to have someone watch them for us.

Tidus Dragneel his birthday was November 2nd and he only just turned three years old. His favorite color was sunset orange and he loved to watch Natsu's fire magic. Melody Dragneel her birthday was October 28th she only just turned two, and she loved rainbows. We stayed up far too long playing with them but they were fast asleep before we knew it.

I looked over at Natsu who was smiling at them as if he was truly their father. I pull him over gently and give him a soft kiss before lying down to sleep with our babies.

The next morning we lazily got up and dressed, I called Aries who happily got new clean clothes for our babies. It didn't take but a moment for her to call them Prince and Princess. Pan must have told everyone in the celestial realm last night after I closed his gate.

We were coloring outside with books and crayons that Aries had brought with her when they said they were ready to take us to the mainland. I smiled happily up at them before Melody jumped into Natsu's arms and Tidus jumped into mine. We laughed happy to carry them and I called for Loke to help us out. He picked up their coloring books and crayons for us and offered them each little cups of chocolate milk before grinning and disappearing to the celestial realm.

They happily drank their milk while we rode the boat and I could see their eyes drooping. It was almost noon and they are still babies after all. I sing them twinkle twinkle little star as they slowly fall asleep, safe in our arms.

We were just about to reach the shore when our guide silently whistled. "If I hadn't known them their whole lives I would have sworn that they were always yours. How is that?" He asked us almost in awe.

"Dragons will always take care of their babies. I was raised by a dragon, Igneel Dragneel, he was the King of the fire dragons. He adopted me." Natsu answered unsure how to finish.

"My mother was Duchess Layla Heartfilia. She showed me what a mother's love should be. Natsu is my mate and I am his and these are our babies." I added having finished the song some time ago.

"I envy Tidus and Melody somewhat, I know that regardless of anything else they will be loved." The man whispered.

I giggle a little, "Not to mention Fairy Tail is a family. They will always be surrounded by loved ones." I adjust Tidus in my arms ready to stand up.

"Fairy Tail is family huh? Then the little one room building will always be for Fairy Tail and any of you that ever need a place to stay it is open." The man bowed. I smiled I remember now, he is the chief's son and the next chief in line.

"Thank you," I say before stepping out of the boat and onto the pier, Natsu close behind me with Melody in his arms.

It didn't take us long to get a private cabin and the ladies at the ticket counter were only too helpful getting us one with a couple beds so they could sleep comfortably during their nap. We even ordered a few meals for the trip where we would usually just wait until we arrived.

Melody and Tidus slept for a good two hours and Natsu and I were even able to get in a short nap with them before they woke us up wanting to play. We played with dolls and even some toy cars. When we were tired of that we colored for a while. Then the food came and the kids ate a lot. Natsu and I couldn't help laughing at their appetite. Tidus offered me a chicken leg with a bite taken out of it but I declined saying he was a growing boy and needed to eat.

He liked that a lot. I have the distinct impression that they were a very poor family and rarely were allowed to eat however much they wanted so that will have to change. I will make it my mission in life to make sure they never go hungry again.

It was late at night when we finally arrived in Magnolia, well past midnight, and the babies were asleep again as we carried them home "Natsu, I'm so happy, but I feel guilty. If we would have arrived a little sooner then..." I couldn't finish my sentence. They would still have their parents that's what.

"He reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear after shifting Tidus. Melody fast asleep in my arms. "Luce, we can't think about the what if's only what is. They are ours and we will do everything we can to make them happier for it."

For some reason that was all I needed to hear. I looked at the sleeping toddlers and I couldn't stop smiling, I must be the happiest Mama in the world.