Chapter 17

Natsu's POV

It didn't take long to realise we would have to get supplies quickly. Between us, Luce and I would both summon a spirit to watch our little angels while we left on different jobs during the day and hopefully returned that same night. Most of the time we would try to budget two days so that Tidus and Melody were never disappointed.

We had plenty of money and after about a month of us going on different jobs nearly everyday. Then we started just going on jobs once a week instead so we got to spend plenty of time with them. Luce always looked so happy too, Mavis really did look out for us.

We loved taking them to the park and would often spend a couple hours a day there playing with them. Somehow we never saw any Fairy Tail members around. We certainly didn't hide them, most of the grocery store staff knew them by name. Trying to spoil them when we weren't looking. Life is good. The seasons changed as time passed us by. The kids adored winter, spring, summer and fall was nearly over it should honestly be winter again but it was warm this year.

Luce and I were setting up our picnic and I looked up to see Melody playing with another little girl, Tidus close by waiting for her to come back.

"Melody, Tidus; it's time to eat!" Luce called out getting their attention.

"Mommy! Can Kathy join us? Please." Tidus asked his eyes big when he did.

I can't help laughing and Luce giggles a little. "If her mother says it's okay then yes." She told him and he ran back to Melody and the little girl and then I saw another lady before they all came back.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see her ask them and we..." She started but trailed off when Luce handed her a heaping plate of food.

"Like the wife says, it's time to eat." I laugh winking before Luce kisses me having already set three plates on the blanket for the kids. We actually had a good bit of fun talking and eating under the shade of an old tree. "This is the life," I sigh, having already finished my plate and had handed out juice boxes for the kids and handed a clean glass of tea to the woman. Her name was Lisa and she was a single mom. She was having a hard time and from the smell of her and her daughter they would have gone without today if we didn't hand them their plates.

It was really cute when Kathy asked for more at the same time as Tidus and Melody did. Her mother was so red, if I had to guess she was probably embarrassed. "Good, because we have way too much!" I told them all as I filled all of their plates again, including Lisa's.

"I can't thank you enough," the woman said quietly when the kids went back to playing nearby in the clearing. From the sounds of it Kathy was showing Tidus and Melody how to braid the dry grass to make bracelets.

"Don't think anything of it. But if you really want to thank us you could take the left overs with you." Luce tells her and I wink at the woman. She was startled but then nodded a small smile on her lips when she did. I can't help smiling at Luce.

"I'll return the basket as soon as I can. Where should I return it?" She asked and she looked pretty determined about it too. I guess she was kind of proud.

"We are members of Fairy Tail so if you want you can just leave it with the barmaid Mira that will be okay, just tell her it's for Natsu or Lucy." I say as I lay my head on Luce's lap as she started playing with my hair.

She seemed a little shocked at that, "You're members of Fairy Tail?"

"Yep!" I answer and Melody and Tidus come back with Kathy and they give us each friendship bracelets to wear. "Who are the best kids ever?" I asked, grabbing Melody and Tidus and tickling them on the ground.

"We are!" They squealed in laughter and after looking at Lisa and getting a nod I pulled Kathy over too.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear that. Who are the best kids ever?" I teased them as the three of them squealed in laughter that they were the best.

We played for a little while longer before saying our goodbyes. The warm winter day was nearly over as all three kids were falling asleep and we were carrying them our separate ways. If we saw them again that would be nice but even if not, today the kids had fun and we kept another child from going hungry even if only for today.

We laid our angels down in their cribs to sleep and were just leaving the room when I heard a knock on the door. Who could that be? Only Happy and Wendy should know where we were, the old house still stood where it used to and Happy and Carla lived there with Wendy now. This one was much farther back on the property and you couldn't even see it from the road.

None of the other guild members ever did try to come over. Not since I asked them where they were when I was dying. I need to get around to fixing that.

I opened the door to find Wendy, Happy, and Carla at the door. "Why are you knocking?" I asked, letting them in. A winter wind was blowing in and we would be getting snow soon. Today was probably our last day at the park for a while.

"I wanted to see my niece and nephew, is that a problem?" Wendy huffed being her teenager self I can't believe the little devil was 17 now.

"No just confused why you are knocking. You know you're always welcome here. Just don't walk into our bedroom." I shrugged and led the way to the kitchen where Luce was making dinner with help from Aries and Virgo. "Luce, family's here." I kiss her hugging her hips from behind.

"Just in time, Happy Carla could you two go and bring the kids down? Wendy please set the table?" Luce instructs and they go while I get the plates down.

"Luce what's going on? You smell like you were sick again. Wendy is here just please ask her to give you a check up?" I ask her worriedly. She has been getting sick a lot lately and I don't like it. She always seems miserable and today has been by far her best day in over a month.

"After dinner, alright?" She asked, finally giving in.

"Thank you." I kiss her after putting the plates down.

"Eww," Wendy groaned coming back into the kitchen. Before giggling and walking over to us. "I have dragon hearing too you know?" She started scanning Luce and after a few moments she jumped as if shocked.

"What?" I ask even more worriedly, holding Luce closer to me.

"Lucy, you are pregnant." Wendy looked up almost afraid of our reaction.

I turn to look at my mate to find her smiling and pull her in for a kiss. "We are having a baby!" I pick her up and twirl her around in the air and her giggles fill the room. "I love you." I tell her earning the kiss I get. We have only had Tidus and Melody for about a year now but this was still perfect. The past year has been so precious, spending time with our little family and hanging out at the guild.

"Um, Natsu. You're having two babies. They are twins. I can't tell if you're having boys or girls yet though." Wendy corrected.

"Twins?" Luce squealed and jumped up wrapping her legs around my hips kissing me.

"I know four is a lot but-" she kissed me again, "I can't be happier." she purred. I agreed with all of my heart. Just then Happy and Carla came in with the kids.

"Guess what?" I asked them, too excited to keep it to ourselves.

"What?" Tidus and Melody asked, a bit confused.

"You're going to be a big sister and bigger brother soon!" I laugh and Luce jumps off and we grab them pulling them into a hug. Our little family keeps getting bigger and I am loving it.

Lucy's POV

I was a little worried that the kids wouldn't like it but that worry was quickly resolved when they started cheering and laughing with us. Natsu told them that they would have to help me a lot more now and even more as I got farther along. At least until I laid our babies eggs, I couldn't help rolling my eyes at that but smiled anyway. That's right I would be laying eggs and Wendy was pretty quick to tell us how far along I was, about two months so I should be able to lay their eggs in another month or so.

So I wouldn't actually have to show for too long maybe about a week and then their eggs will protect them until they are ready to hatch. The weeks go by and Natsu agrees to let me come on one more S class mission before the eggs are laid but I couldn't actually fight. I kind of roll my eyes but agree on the condition that I could still go on regular missions and still fight.

Time passed quickly, I was just getting home from a mission to help clean a library for the spring, I was so tired and ready to sleep that I called for Loke to help me get to bed, my feet were so swollen. All of my spirits were super excited at the news of the babies. After their eggs are laid Wendy would be able to tell us if they are a boys or girls so for now we are flying blind.

"Thank you Loke," I sigh as he covers me, tucking me in.

"Anytime, your highness." he bowed slightly.

"Hey Loke?" He stopped and waited for me to continue. "Why do you and the others call me highness now? You used to call me princess, I don't understand."

He smiled and kissed my hand before answering, "That's because you are stronger now. You have collected all of the zodiac keys and gained the right to summon a sin key, you even have four of them. If you somehow collected all seven then we would call you majesty and Natsu as well because he is your mate." I nod in understanding.

"Thank you Loke. I don't know what I would do without you all." I started crying and the worse part is that I don't even know why I'm crying.

"Luce I'm home! What's wrong? Loke?" Natsu asked coming in.

I saw Loke mouth the word, hormones, which made me cry more. "Luce is there anything I could do to help?" Natsu asked all sweet like.

"Loke can you watch Tidus and Melody for a little while?" I forget which spirit was with them today. He nodded and walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Luce should I rub-" I cut him off by grabbing him and kissing him.

"I need you," I moaned when I finally let him go. Just for him to continue the kiss anyway.

Natsu was only too happy to eat me out. It was almost as if he had been craving it the way he dug in. I'm getting frustrated and I want to suck on him a little too. "Natsu?" I beg and as if he knew exactly what I wanted he stood up and helped me sit up and was only too happy to let me do as I pleased. When we did finally climax I could feel sleep sinking it's claws into me as he held me.

"I love you," I moan before I could fall asleep. Knowing it was getting close. "Natsu it will be today. Please stay close." I was nearly silent as I tried to talk.

"Shhh, I know. It's okay I'll be here with you the whole time." He answered.

Natsu's POV

I could tell it would be today, I'm not exactly sure how but something in me told me that I had to be here tonight. I used Luce's keys to tell Loke that today would be the day but we weren't sure when. He agreed to put the other two to bed before returning to the celestial realm. Wendy should already be on her way I had told Mira that I needed Wendy to come look at Luce because she was feeling sick and she agreed to tell her as soon as she came in from her mission.

Somehow the guild still didn't know Luce and I were mated let alone that we had kids or that she was pregnant. She barely showed at all. Her stomach was still nearly flat and if not for a very slightest of a bulge I wouldn't have even noticed and I am always studying her body.

I watched Luce sleep before starting a bath for her. Again it sounds so weird but it just felt right. When I finished and came back for her she was stirring. "Natsu?" she asked before she started crying. I gently lift her stripping her of her clothes and set her in the tub while she was still in my arms. We sat in the near boiling water for several minutes until her cries turned into screams as she pushed.

It only took around an hour for her to push both eggs out and I held her knowing the eggs were perfectly safe in our extra extra large tub. Luce, Tidus, Melody and I could all fit comfortably. I held her while she cried and laughed and begged to hold them and then begged not to see them yet. The babies are outside of her body but she is still very much connected to them so her pregnancy hormones were still blazing out of control.

After a while she calmed down and just wanted to know if they were all right. I slowly pulled away and picked them up bringing them to her to see. Waiting for how she would react to the two amazingly beautiful eggs in my arms. They looked so alike and different at the same time. One looked like it was on fire a mix of oranges and reds while the other was nearly black with what looked like stars covering it, it looked like the starry night sky.

Lucy's POV

Melody and Tidus have grown so much. Melody is four now and Tidus is five. Where has the time gone? I watched them play in the warm spring sun, we were at the park and Natsu would be back soon. He had left to go and get us some ice cream.

Loke was at home with Aries and our eggs, it's a little frustrating that dragon eggs take so long to hatch but oh well. It's been over a year now. But so long as they are healthy.

I watched as Melody and Tidus braided the lush grass and I saw them picking flowers every now and again. I can't help smiling at them when I heard someone calling out my name.

"Lucy!" I looked around and saw Erza and Gray. I smiled and wave. I'm not angry at them anymore but it has been a really long time now since I really talked to them.

It's not long before they come over and start chatting ignoring my babies playing nearby. I don't pay it much attention, they were after all playing and I didn't want to interrupt their fun.

"It feels like we haven't seen you in ages, where is flame brain?" Gray asked.

"He went to go and get some ice cream, it's good to see you guys too." I can't help smiling at them. I meant it too. I kept one eye on the kids as they chatted with me.

"Luce! Melody, Tidus I have your ice creams. Lemon for everyone!" Natsu laughed not seeing Erza and Gray yet. The kids dropped their projects and came running cheering happily as they did.

"Oh Erza, Gray. What are you two doing here?" Natsu was surprised to see them.

"We can be here if we want to be, flame brain!" Gray retorted trying to start a fight. He failed though Natsu just shrugged giving out the ice cream cones the kids then ran back to their projects nearby thanking him first and he laughed taking a lick of his cone before handing me mine and putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Who are the kids?" Erza asked, eyeing them from where she stood.

"The blue haired boy is Tidus and the curly red head is Melody." I say proudly. "They are good kids. We like to bring them here almost everyday for an hour or two." I laugh as I talk, proud of how well they behaved.

"Someone lets Pyro watch their kids?" Gray laughed earning a frown from both Natsu and I.

"Did you want something?" I asked my tone colder than his ice. Which didn't go unnoticed by either Erza or Gray.

They eyed each other before looking at me, Natsu had just ditched the conversation and was with the kids playing happily now. "Well we were wanting to see if you wanted to go on a mission with us. It's been a long time, so we thought maybe we could try." Erza answered.

I frowned and thought for a minute and sighed a little. "I guess that would be okay. Open gate of the maiden, Virgo!" She arrived bowing happily waiting to see what I could ask of her.

"Virgo could you take Melody and Tidus home for us? We are going to go on a mission with Erza and Gray." I asked her letting her know the details.

"As you wish your highness." She bowed again and much to Natsu's disappointment they ran happily to her.

"Fine, I see how it is!" He pouted after they were a good distance away.

"We love you daddy and mommy!" They called to far away for either Erza or Gray to hear but we could hear just fine, as we waved to them.

"Alright what is the job?" Natsu asked, still sulking about being left behind. He leaned on my shoulders and pouted. He knows that we need to play nice, we want our friends back and they have just made the first step after all.