Chapter 19

Lucy's POV

I wake up to Erza shaking me gently and I yawn stretching before feeling Natsu's grip around me tighten. "Natsu it's time to get up." I tell him and he starts getting up too.

"I think it's your turn though..." He snuggled me before he curled up back to sleep again.

I smile and let out a sigh, "Okay then I will just tell them that you wanted to sleep more than see them."

"Hey that's no fair!" He called out jumping up before looked around. "Oh." I couldn't help laughing at him as he realized where we were. "Man, I'm getting old." He complained as he stretched.

Even Gray and Erza laugh at that and we exit the train. They don't seem to understand half the things that we talk about, but that's probably because we are not being blatant about it, well maybe we are. I'm honestly starting to get tired of the fact that all of our friends are so oblivious. I pull out my keys as we are walking and tell my spirits that we are stopping at the guild for a while and then we would come home. They were happy to hear it and told our kids the good news. I don't know if they were more excited to get more time with them or that they could make the kids happy by telling them, probably both.

We get to the guild and Natsu kicks the door open and yells, "We're back!" Many of the guild were surprised to see us all together and greeted us like old times, some almost shyly and others with enthusiasm. Wendy came running and hugged both Natsu and I, making most of us laugh.

We went to the bar and Mira came up smiling and asked if she could get us anything. "Strawberry milkshake," Natsu and I said at the same time and we laughed. He hung an arm around my shoulders relaxing as we sat at our old table like no time had passed at all, we watched and relaxed in the noise that was our guild. We all talked and laughed like old times, it really was great until Natsu and I jerked standing up letting our chairs fall over. The guild falls silent as we do, everyone staring at us wondering what was going on.

We stare at the door and clear as a bell everyone hears, "Mommy! Daddy!" The next moment Tidus and Melody came running in tears streaming down their faces. I felt rage fill me at the sight as Natsu and I ran to them and some men came running in wearing black hoods that covered their faces.

"Give us the little thrives! They will pay for their crimes." The one in the center demanded.

"They are children, what crimes could they commit?" I demanded before seeing the red welts on Melody's and Tidus' arms and legs. "Where did these marks come from?" I demanded. I could feel the rage spiking in me, if I wasn't careful it would flare out of control. "Natsu." My voice was flat and deadly and so low that I doubt anyone without dragon hearing could have ever heard me.

"I have them, don't worry." He answered, taking our babies and backing up quickly, leaving me standing in front of them blocking their path, as our kids cried into their fathers chest.

"What did you do?" I demanded I could feel as fire erupted around me.

"Those two are wanted criminals, you should stay out of it." He said dismissively.

"You dare leave welts on MY BABIES and then tell me to stay out of it?" I screamed at him outraged. My body was completely covered in fire that whipped around as if it were being fanned by the winds of hell. "Open gate of sin, WRATH!" I call out not holding a key and having never made a contract with him I was almost relieved when a lion the size of an elephant appeared his coloring changing like an opal as white and blue and purple shined in his coat fluid as any liquid.

Next to him sat a tiny tortoise shell calico cat and they handed me their keys. The Lion, wrath, stepped forward and his flames erupted off of him as my rage fueled him. He then ate all three of the men whole. I know they were fine for the moment, not quite understanding how yet. They would be tortured in his stomach and when he was finally done he would cough them back up like hairballs. The calico cat was the sin of sloth.

They required names so I gave wrath the name Adam and sloth the name Clair. I now have six out of the seven sin keys. Adam would come back when he was done with the men but for now he and Clair went home to the celestial realm.

I slump to the ground exhausted as the rage that seemed to make up every fiber of my being disappeared and then I hear Natsu, "And that is why you never tick off your mother. Do you understand?" I look up to see them both nodding and reaching out for me.

I smile at them and stand up, stumbling, walking back to them to hold them in my arms again. After a minute I pull away and ask them, "What happened? Where are Loke and Aries? You were supposed to be with them when Virgo dropped you off."

They started to cry and I was able to piece together the story. I grab Loke's key, "Loke are you all okay?" I waited only a moment when I was about to run out when he finally answered.

"Yes, your highness. We had some unwanted guests here but they are gone now. Your eggs are safe but I sent Tidus and Melody to the guild so they would be safe."

I sigh in relief, "Yeah Natsu and I have them now. Take them to the celestial realm and then come to the guild. I want Wendy to look you all over." He agreed and I put my keys back on my belt and hugged my babies again.

"Wendy?" I ask and as if she was already there she nudged me to the side and started healing the welts on their arms and legs. The guild remained silent as she worked staring with open mouths as they did and when she was done Wendy scolded them for running through people's yards and getting so hurt.

"That is why they make roads so the path is clear, do you understand?" She ended by asking.

"Yes, Aunt Wendy. We're sorry." They answer together before getting a hug from her and getting swooped up again by me.

"Mira could we get them a couple juice boxes please?" I asked tiredly. "And can I get a strawberry margarita please." She quickly disappeared returning with the drinks and Tidus and Melody thanked her before drinking them. I got about half way through my drink before the guild erupted in questions.

"Quiet!" Natsu bellowed at them getting everyone's attention, "You're scaring the kids." He pointed at the now frozen kids as they held onto me, fear showing in their eyes. After about a minute when our babies had relaxed again I looked around and saw the Master watching us.

"One question at a time, Master." I say and he nods.

"How old are they?"

I smile and instead of us answering Tidus did. "I'm five and Melody is four but her birthday is coming up and so is mine!"

I laughed, "October and November are still a good ways off yet." He grinned happily at me anyway.

This caused several people to awe at them. "What are your names?" Master asked him directly this time.

"I'm Tidus Dragneel and my sister's name is Melody Dragneel." Was his polite reply.

"Who are your parents?" Master asked, lifting an eyebrow at him.

"They are," he pointed at Natsu and I before taking another drink of his juice. His sister remained quiet but was latched on tight to me. Which was perfectly okay considering I didn't want to let either of them go.

"I see. Have you met anyone else here before today?"

This got a quick happy nod from Tidus, "Yeah, Aunt Wendy and our big brother Happy and his mate Carla." He smiled happily, his golden eyes flashing with joy. He looked warily at Gray and Erza before pointing at them, "We saw them this morning but I don't know their names."

"Shhh, now. It's time for you both to be in bed." Natsu intercepted, I have a bad feeling and I won't tolerate my babies being scared.

"Come on now, you can sleep in the infirmary tonight." I cut in picking up both yawning babies. "You two have had too much excitement today," I smile as they curl up in my arms already ready to sleep.

I started singing their lullaby; twinkle twinkle little stars as I carried Tidus and Natsu taking Melody before we left the room. When we have them tucked in and they are sound asleep we kiss them on the foreheads and leave the room.

I see Freed and motion for him to come over, "Can you put a barrier up so that they can't hear all the noise out here but we can still hear them?" He nodded and did as I asked. Everyone seems to be too shocked to ask anymore questions and just stared trying to process what they had seen and heard.

When he is done we go back to our seats, pick them up and wait for Loke to arrive. It doesn't take long and Loke comes running in with Aries and Wendy starts to examine them right away.

"What did they want?" I asked not willing to wait until Adam was done with the men. I needed answers.

"They kept saying that they only wanted the thieves," he groaned, wincing at the pain of his shoulder.

"Hmm Adam should know more soon." I mutter.

"Adam?" he asked, slightly confused.

"Sin of wrath, I also have Clair now her sin is the sloth." I answer almost absent mindedly.

He laughed, "Of course your highness, how silly of me to think someone could hurt the prince or princess without you unleashing your rage." He started laughing hysterically as Aries and I watched him.

"Okay Loke I think it's past time for you to take a nice long rest in the celestial realm. We won't call on you for at least a week so please get some rest." Natsu patted him on the shoulder. I smile agreeing with my mate.

"Yes your highness, but please feel free to call me if the need arises no matter how much time has passed." He bowed now healed before I closed his gate. Aries didn't have anything else to add and was in just as bad of shape physically as Loke had been. So we told her the same thing.

"If you call for Leo please feel free to call me as well," she bowed before disappearing.

After they left I slam my hand on the table frustrated. "Adam, are they done yet?" I asked looking down at my keys.

"I'm sorry, your highness, they most likely will not be ready until about this time tomorrow, maybe not even a few days after that." He answered his voice deep and majestic.

I let out a sigh, "Okay thank you very much, please rest if you can." I kept flexing my hand until Natsu grabbed me and stopped me. I looked down where his eyes were looking and saw that I was bleeding. I must have cut myself with my nails. Shit.

Natsu's POV

I don't think Luce even noticed the obvious pain that she was in. The side of her hand was bruised and her nails were digging into her palms. She looks like she is about to fall over and just collapse right now. I grab her hand, almost scaring her and she looks down to see what I see.

"Shit." I don't think she even realized she said anything out loud. A grin pulls at my lips but I ignore it. I lift her hand to my mouth and licked up the droplets of blood and I heard the faintest of moans before I caught her limp body.

"Natsu?" She whispers barely conscious as she does.

"Shh shh shh, it's okay. Sleep now, I'll lay you down with our young." I tell her lifting her princess style to carry to the infirmary.

"Protect our babies," she mumbles and I can't help chuckling.

"Of course I will." I tuck her in and I see her dragon's fire ignite around her protecting herself. Letting me know just how tired she actually was. "Rest well my mate." I whisper as I start to close the door behind me. Change my mind and walk back to her and take her keys from her hip and then leave closing the door behind me.

I know I'm usually the one that destroys things but even I know better than to get in my mates way. A mother dragon is not the one you want to piss off for any reason. That's why I let her take care of the men and I took care of our babies.

"Capricorn," I called and he manifested there next to me bowing.

"Yes, your highness?" He stayed where he bowed one hand over his heart.

"It's okay to show your feelings with me, you know that." I tell him and he stands up and I see the rage on his goat face even with the sunglasses that he always wears on. "You remember being in a dark guild?" I asked him as I walked to my seat and Luce's left behind half finished drink.

"For the prince and princess you know that I do." He answered.

"Good, then pull what strings you can to find them. When I get my claws into them they will wish they were never born." I instruct and he seemingly disappears before the glass in my hand had time to fall to the ground, shattered from my grip.

I was having a lot of trouble controlling my inner dragon. The fire inside of me bursting at the seams. "Yuri, Lee." I call and the two demon-like sins appear.

"So this is rage?" Yuri asked. "I cannot say that I like it." I nod in agreement with the succubus.

"The prince and princess mean more to us spirits than I think you realise." Lee voiced. "We cannot have children so yours are the closest we will ever have." I look up and see both of their normally gleeful eyes hardened with hatred.

"There are men knocked out at my house. Do you think you can get answers before Adam the sin of wrath can?" I asked looking them in the eyes.

"We won't kill them, but they will wish for death by the time we are done. What answers they can give they will." Yuri answered.

"You know what we are," Lee stated and I nodded, already growing tired.

"Go, if I do it." I pause trying to find the right way to say it. "If I do it they will not live to answer." I finally answer looking back at the remnants of glass in my hand.

"Young dragon, for the first time since we have started watching you with her I can say that you deserve your place by her highnesses side." Yuri bowed and Lee did as well before they left.

My magic was severely depleted but I still couldn't stop. If I did then the rage will consume me putting both Luce and I out for the count. "Griffin," I called and the sin of pride was next to me in an instant.

"Your highness," he bowed his head before continuing. "You already have two Sins out before me and a Zodiac. It is not wise to call me."

I can't help chuckling at his words. "Yet you know why I called you and came."

"Her highness, yes. I will make a barrier as soon as I can but I must insist that you join her. If not she may wake without her dragon." He answered.

"Fine, if you will take care of our young." I answered almost dizzy with the use of magic.

"Without question or hesitation your highness." I nodded and stumbled forward, falling it off my seat, before he caught me. My arm around his neck he helped me to the infirmary and created the barrier he dropped me into and I landed on a soft bed where I could only stay awake long enough for Luce to land next to me where Griffin laid her.

I have no idea how much time had passed for me but it looked like only a few minutes through the barrier which probably meant months for me inside of the barrier. Time passed as I watched and when Tidus and Melody woke up the next morning complaining they were hungry. My limbs felt numb or I would have gone to them. Instead I see Griffin have them grab some pillows and follow him out of the infirmary. Instead of the barrier staying in the infirmary it seemed to follow Griffin so I could continue to watch. Good. I could relax as I watched over them.

Of course time seemed to drag on forever as I watched them, for me days seemed to go by just them leaving the room. I fell asleep often and watched what happened as it happened in what seemed like slow motion.

Griffin turned to Mira, "Can you bring the prince and princess something to eat?"

"Uh, sure." She looked to my babies and smiled before asking, "What would you like to eat?"

"Fire please!" Tidus cheered and Melody laughed happily nodding in agreement.

"Oh you eat fire?" Mira asked, shocked. It was hard not to roll my eyes, I mean come on she knows they are my kids.

"Yep, our Mommy makes the best fire though. She calls it her rainbow fire and Daddy can't make it." Melody informed her.

"Well if you like rainbow fire, I taught Lucy how to make it. Would you like to try mine?" Romeo asked, stepping forward.

"Yes please!" They sang together making me and Luce laugh as we lay next to each other watching trying to regain our magic and energy as the days turned into weeks and months.

Mira brought out large bowls of mac and cheese while Romeo made them all sorts of different colored fire for them eat. "So, are you both fire dragon slayers?" Romeo asked them.

"Well Mommy and Daddy are so why wouldn't we?" Tidus asked, confused.

"Lucy is a fire dragon slayer?" He asked and Melody nodded having finished all of her food.

"You ask a lot of questions for people who claim to love them." Griffin interrupted.

"Who are you exactly?" Master asked instead of answering.

"I am Griffin, my sin is Pride, and I was her highnesses first sin key." Griffin answered, his chest puffed out as he spoke.

"What is a sin key?" Master asked, now raising an eyebrow.

"Oooh I know!" Melody laughed, jumping up and down in excitement. "The sin keys are celestial keys that have to be earned and given by the spirit personally. Mommy is the first to ever hold one and she has four!"

Griffin's laugh boomed around the guild and the barrier that Luce and I were sitting in watching as we tried to recover. Enough time had gone by that our physical energy was back but with three Sins summoned my magic was low and the fact that two of them were lust and envy meant we were distracted a lot. But that helped considering how slowly time seemed to move outside of our room.

"That was correct before last night, little princess." Griffin tells Melody who gave him a confused look. "Remember the giant lion? Or the little kitty cat?" He asked them.

"Oh yeah, who were they?" Tidus asked him.

"That was two more sin keys. They gave her their keys after she called for Adam. Your mother is a very special lady to have earned their trust before they could even give her their keys."

"Yeah, Mommy is amazing." Melody yawned leaning against her brother.

"Come now, come up here it is time to rest. There is plenty of room." Griffin instructed them moving over on his platform so that they could lay next to him on the pillows they had brought out with them.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on!" Gray groaned.

Griffin's glare seemed to cut through Gray making him shiver. "For the life of me I do not see why their highnesses wish to rekindle their friendship with you. I still remember your words that hurt her highness so much that day."

Gray stiffened and seemed to deflate. "You remember?" Master asked curiously.

"We Sins watch the holder of the Zodiac keys in the hopes of finding a suitable summoner for years before we ever consider giving them our keys. Of course I had already given her highness my key long before that. We have watched over her highness since she was a very young girl and had only one zodiac key." Griffin answered. "I have watched their hardships, seen their trust grow and the bonds she has built. I have also saw so many of you all destroy that trust." He glared at Laxus. "All because one saw something he did not understand."

"I see, how much are you allowed to tell us? I know that spirits cannot reveal what their summoners do not wish them to." Master asked.

"Both of their highnesses have made it clear that they do not wish to hide anything from any of you. When they first mated they decided then that they would not announce it but they would not hide it either. You all however seemed convinced by your own reasoning and did not wish to listen to what they had to say anyway." Griffin puffed before flexing a wing to cover our babies almost like a blanket and also as a natural barrier so they could sleep without the words of those around them to keep them awake.

"So you're saying they didn't hide their relationship from us? Or their kids?" Erza asked outraged at the thought.

Griffin eyed her for a moment and then asked, "Did you once ask them why they spent so much time together? Or why they always went on jobs together? You met the young prince and princess with the ice mage before you went on a job with them. Did you ask who's kids they were? I seem to remember the ice mage cracking jokes about someone actually letting his highness watch their kids. Though not if they were theirs or not." He lectured her and I watched as almost everyone in the guild visibly deflated.

My attention was pulled away again as I smelled Luce's arousal. We were well sated long before anything more was said or done.

"Looking back I guess none of us asked them." Levy whispered.

"I must say I am surprised you did not. You were her best friend aside from her dragon." Griffin commented.

"Don't!" Gajeel cut in.

"Hmm, yes her majesty seems to have picked the perfect dragon. Your iron seems soft and where it used to be a source of pain for her highness I sincerely doubt you could make her so much as flinch now." He eyed Laxus next and shook his head slightly. "Yes, by far the most powerful dragon as well as the only one capable of gaining her heart.

"Although there was once that I thought she might choose another, maybe even a non-magic user. But they all failed to compare to her dragon in every way possible. It should have been obvious that she would only choose him.

I looked at Luce who was blushing bright red. It wouldn't be long before we went back. If for no other reason than the fact that our babies would be hatching soon, even with them in the celestial realm to slow down their growth. We cleaned up and got dressed as we watched everyone shuffle around uncomfortably. We jumped out, rested and full of energy.