Chapter 20

Lucy's POV

"Mavis, I needed that!" Natsu exclaims stretching now in the middle of the guild.

"Wendy, is there still a good size bath tub here? Never mind we will just go home. It's time." I smile at the younger slayer.

"Really! Oh Mavis I can't wait to meet them." Wendy cheered.

"Who?" Erza asked, being completely ignored by us.

"Griffin could you stay with Tidus and Melody while we take the babies?" I asked him.

"Of course, your highness." He bowed his head to me.

"Wendy stay with him just in case, we have to go home now," I tell her getting a nod in response.

"ARG!" I double over clutching my belly.

"Time to go then," Natsu sighed, picking me up princess style. "Give me a minute, we'll be home in no time." I nod wincing as I did, but to my surprise he called for Cancer and had him run home to get things ready for us. Apparently they had made plans just for this kind of thing.

"What the hell is going on?" Gray demanded but I didn't have the energy to answer him.

"It's okay Luce. Everything is going to be perfect, I promise." He seemed so proud of himself, I couldn't help smiling before the next wave hit me and I was crying in pain. The next thing I know Virgo is there holding our eggs and I heard people murmuring to themselves. But I caught a glimpse of Gajeel and his face was frozen in shock and almost as pale as paper. Natsu quickly and carefully carried me out of the main hall ignoring everyone as he did.

"What is going on here?!?" Gray was screaming until Master put a hand on his shoulder.

"It looks like we will find out soon enough," he tells him. I caught a glimpse of him eyeing Gajeel as the doors closed behind us.

Our babies will hatch the same way I laid them, in boiling hot water with us. I couldn't help the screams of pain ripping themselves from my throat as he rushed us home and into the tub stripping me and placing me in the tub which seemed to soothe the pain somewhat before laying our eggs next to me and Virgo left again before he could strip himself and join me holding me tight in his arms as my screams resounded, bouncing off of the bathroom walls. He tried to hold me to keep me from thrashing too much and possibly hurting our eggs but it seemed like I couldn't control my own body.

I will never be able to tell Natsu how much it meant to me that he was there. The way he whispered reassurances in my ear as he kissed my neck trying to calm me down or at the very least prevent me from getting worse.

"Natsu!" I screamed as the first egg finally cracked. It was the fiery orange colored one. The resulting sound was like a rolling thunder and easily overshadowed my screams. The second egg, the one that looked like the stars above our heads cracked within seconds of the first.

"Natsu, I love you." I whispered as the pain finally subsided a bit. I lazily lift my head to look at the cracked eggs next to me. I picked them up and Natsu and I watched as our babies broke them apart before crying in our arms.

"Nashi and Luke." I sigh out loud as Natsu helped me situate them so they could breast feed.

"Nashi Dragneel and Luke Dragneel, it's about time you two came out to meet the family." Natsu whispers nipping at my neck, kissing on my mark. The motion relaxes me as I lean into his strong arms, our babies sucking hungrily in my arms.

"I want more already," he whispered after watching them for a few minutes.

I can't help laughing and I kiss him gently on the lips before saying, "Me too. Let's start after they are weaned from my breast?" He smiled pulling me in for a deeper kiss as he agreed happily with me.

He helped me burp them and get out of the tub. In fact if not for Natsu I probably would have just slept in the tub holding our babies. He helped dress me and then himself and even helped me put diapers on them.

I didn't even have to call for Virgo and she was there bringing us back a pair of matching outfits for them. Nashi in a dress and Luke in a shirt and pants set with the same galaxy and flame like pattern. Natsu helped me lay down and tucked me in with our young cradled close to me.

Natsu's POV

I grab Luce's keys and pick up Griffin's keys, "they are here," I could feel my pride swelling in my chest as Griffin herded my sleepy but awake toddlers towards me with Wendy's help. It's not long before they are home. We had been locked away the whole day but I knew they were safe where they were. I picked them up and walked back to Luce so that they could see their new baby brother and sister. They were mesmerized by how small they were and were afraid to touch them much to mine and Luce's amusement.

"Nashi's hair is the same color as daddy's." Melody awed.

"And Luke's hair is the same color as mommy's." Tidus added.

"Yeah and one day maybe one of our grandbabies will have red hair and another blue." I say ruffling their hair as I kneeled between them. They smiled giving me hugs and kisses as Luce giggled tiredly.

"Okay you two it is way past your bedtimes. Natsu can you tuck them in with us? I want us all together at least for tonight." Luce asked me, her voice was raspy and sounded a bit horse. All of the screaming throughout the process will probably make her lose her voice for a little while.

"Of course," When everyone was tucked in again I lay down next to them. Luce had Nashi in one arm and Luke in the other while Tidus and Melody slept in between us. We fell asleep finally all together, one big happy family. I kind of wish Happy was here but I know he is safe, thankfully Wendy had let herself out after only awing at the twins a little bit so she was probably home already or even sleeping on our couch either way was fine by me. Griffin has closed his gate after meeting the twins, so that he could help me conserve my energy.

I wake up to someone coming into the room, I jump up my hands already on fire as I put myself between my family and whoever walked in. A ring of fire surrounding the bed my family was on, protecting them from the unknown enemy. "OUT!" I growled not caring who it was. It takes a few moments for me to realize it was Master and Wendy was with him.

My eyes kept shaking, almost refusing to work at all for far too long. When they did I relaxed, practically passing out again back where I was with an arm covering my toddlers. Master and Wendy still standing where they had been but I no longer cared, my family was safe. Then everything was black again, the fire now extinguished and sleep having claimed me yet again.

I was woken up by my babies crying this time. I helped Luce sit up and cradle their heads before turning to my stirring toddlers. I tried to hush them so that they could sleep again but they were up. I motioned to Luce that I was taking the toddlers out and she nodded. I'm far to tired to think about cooking so we go to the guild.

When I opened the door a hush seemed to flood the guild hall. I ushered them to the bar where Mira stood almost in a trance.

"Mira could I get two adult breakfast plates with everything and a strawberry milkshake please." I groan before collapsing at the counter.

"Sure, coming right up." She answered the guild remained quiet until she came back with two oversized platters that I then put one in front of each Tidus and Melody taking only the strawberry shake for myself. My stomach is still doing flips from all of the celestial magic that I've been using, thank Mavis that Griffin closed his gate already.

"But..." I hear Gray say and a bunch of other people shushing him. I turn to him and lift an eyebrow at him.

"It's okay, what is it?" I ask waiting to hear whatever stupid question he came up with, I'm too tired to care at the moment anyway.

"How can you expect them to eat all of that? When did you start drinking milkshakes? You hate cold things." Gray asked his questions.

I looked over at Tidus and Melody who were already almost done eating, "Can you finish your food?" They nodded in response their mouths full as they continued to eat and I looked back at Gray, "They are almost done. Why would I take their food away?" Everyone in the guild just stared at my kids making me uncomfortable.

"As far as the milkshakes go, I don't know. Mira it's been what a couple years now? Maybe two and a half. It's not my fault you don't pay attention Gray." I groaned, rubbing my throbbing temple as I talked. "Can I get another one for Luce? Put it in something that won't spill too easily while she is nursing." I turned back to Mira.

"Nursing?" I hear someone ask but ignore it. If they can't speak up then they don't actually want to know, now do they?

"Yeah, sure." She responded before running off hurriedly, it seemed like she was in a daze. Just great I don't think I can handle one of her crazy screams. We should leave quickly.

"You still hate cold things. So what happened?" Gray asked, still confused.

I drop my head and groan, "You ask some really pointless questions way too early in the morning." I take another drink trying to settle my stomach so I don't hurl. "I like ice cream plenty and that's cold," I pointed out to him but he just scoffed at me.

"Magic, that's why. You saw me using Luce's magic right? Well it soothes my stomach so I don't have to feel quite so much pain." I finally answered as my stomach protested against me.

"Lucy's magic is painful?" More than a few people ask confused.

"Yeah, it feels like every fiber of my body is being ripped and shredded if I use it too long. It's not that bad anymore, Luce doesn't even feel the pain anymore, she didn't even know it was painful until I pointed it out to her." I answer now slouching back into my seat.

I turn my attention back to Tidus and Melody to see them with empty plates and sleepy eyes. I chuckle a little before picking them up again. "Come on you two, you just woke up? How are you already ready for bed again? I ask them as they snuggle into my arms one to each side of my neck.

"Natsu it's 2 in the afternoon, it's their nap time." Wendy informed me.

"Ah," I look down at my babies again. "Well let's get you two back home and into bed then. Wendy could you grab the shake for Luce please?" I see Wendy hop up and grab the cup and follow me out of the guild. It didn't take long to get home and I laid them down in their own beds as she handed Luce her cup, the twins already laying down sleeping again in our bed.

I watched as Luce seemed to down the drink and Wendy took the cup back before leaving us again. I kissed my mate and we all went back to sleep again.

This time I woke up to my stomach growling. How long has it been since I ate real food last? I look around and find that Tidus and Melody are already gone. I didn't freak out like I thought I would. I still did, just not as much as I thought I would. Luce and the twins were safe so I ran around the house and finally see a note from Wendy, she had taken them to the guild because they couldn't stay quiet and she knew we needed our rest. I left the note where Luce would easily see it and I ran to the guild and sure enough I saw them both sitting at the bar with a plate in front of each of them.

I had ran like a mad man to get there and I felt myself hit the floor right there in the doorway after seeing them, not even caring that people were staring at me as I clutched at my chest trying to calm down as my heart raced, my knees already feeling bruised.

"Daddy!" I hear them yell and like magic I was up and next to them again, smiling as if my heart hadn't just tried to explode in my chest.

"You two know how to scare me," I pouted as I hugged them and tickled them where they sat in their seats.

"Daddy scared? No way!" Melody stated like it was obvious.

"Well maybe of Mommy," Tidus giggled and Melody joined him agreeing.

"That's not fair! You know how your mother is." I pouted again which they decided to shove food in my face making my stomach revolt again. I actually released them and take a step back before covering my mouth trying not to hurl.

"Sorry babies, daddy's stomach isn't ready yet." I tell them and they nod knowingly. This happened whenever Luce would have me training hard and they would see for themselves that my otherwise huge appetite turned into nothing. I stepped forward hugging them again. "Mira could I get another shake please?" She nodded and rushed off to make it.

It's not long before she is back and I down the shake like it's a life line. In a way it was. I am so hungry right now I might pass out if I don't eat something. I groan looking at my kids now empty plates as they chat happily before asking for their toys.

"You should be at home playing in your room, you know?" I laugh but I still I reach for my belt and find Luce's keys still there and grab Virgo's key. "Can you bring something for the kids to do?"

"Of course!" She replied. I summon her and she has her arms loaded with different toys and coloring books and crayons, all new.

"I didn't mean new ones." I groaned and she just laughed evilly. She as well as all of the rest of the spirits knew that we don't want to spoil them but they are always waiting for a chance to do so if we are not on our guard. Like now.

"Thank you Virgo, I'm sorry I still have Capricorn and the duel sins summoned so I can't keep your gate open long." I tell her apologising knowing full well she wanted to stay. Shit is Cancer still out? I hold his key but don't sense my magic. Thank goodness his gate is closed.

"I understand your highness. Please call me again when you close their gates." I nod at her request and she returns to the celestial realm to Tidus and Melody yelling thank yous and getting a quick hug before she is gone.

"You still have spirits summoned from the other night?" Mira asked, amazed.

"Of course, Luce needs her energy for the twins." I reply starting to feel the drain on my magic again.

"Twins?" I heard several people ask confused.

Just then Luce walks in carrying the twins and I jump up and take one with one hand and help her to the bar with the other. "Natsu you know that summoning the sins is harder on you than me. Why did you summon Yuri and Lee?" She demanded as she sat comfortably at the bar next to our coloring toddlers.

"To hunt down those who would hurt them," I whispered trying not to let them hear me. I failed, they both looked up scared. "Hush now, you both know Mommy and Daddy would never let anyone hurt you." I coo at them seeing them relax at my words.

"I still want to know what it is that they think they stole. They are babies they should never have come after them." Luce hisses, rocking Nashi and Luke in her arms.

"Is no one going to ask them?" Gray finally yelled, startling us both. Oh yeah we are at the guild and everyone is staring at us. I guess we knew this would happen eventually.

I shrug, "What do you want to ask Popsicle?" I ask, smiling at him.

"When were you going to tell us?" He said it like everyone should have known.

"Tell you what?" Luce asked, playing along with me.

"Urg, tell us about you two! About your family. You have a four and five year old that none of us even knew about. Where did the babies even come from? Your spirits seem to know everything and since when has your magic caused pain?" Wow he just let it all out.

"When you asked. We never lied to you, we just didn't make a big announcement about it. Tidus and Melody are loved by a bunch of people like I know Griffin told you all the other night we never hid them. Most of the stores both kids stores and grocery stores, even know their names. As we told you the morning before the mission we like to take them to the park a couple hours a day everyday." I watched as he flinched at the facts. "As far as the pain my magic causes that is something I have lived with my whole life. It is neither new nor interesting."

"Why though," Gray was getting more than a little irritated."Kids are a big deal. We would have been excited to help you with them. To celebrate with you. Did you two even get married? Did you just decide that none of us would even want to know let alone attend."

I hear Gajeel spit out his drink, choking getting several stares in the process. "Gajeel why don't you answer the marriage questions, I think I can eat now." I say turning around and looking at Mira. "Just a small sized plate I don't think I can finish one the size you gave the kids earlier." She nodded and brought a moderate sized plate with a cheese burger mashed potatoes and green beans.

I try to eat as everyone just stares at Gajeel. "Why do I have to tell them?" he grumbles before trying to walk away.

"Do you want me to?" I hear Luce ask tiredly before I glared at Gajeel with my mouth full.

"No, no I'll do it." He grumbled turning around looking at our friends. I know he has to be terrified of pissing off my mate. Especially now that he knows our eggs only just hatched last night there is no way he couldn't know after seeing the eggs and now seeing the twins.

"Dragon's don't get married the way you lot do." He said as if that answers everything and Luce and I rolled our eyes.

"What the hell does that mean?" Gray yelled.

"Kids!" I shouted my mouth finally empty, I glared at both Gray and Gajeel.

"Daddy, what does he mean dragon's don't get married like everyone else?" Melody asked, starting to cry.

I could feel the anger radiating off of Luce while I turned to our babies. "Just that we do it differently, you see when a dragon takes a mate that is all there is to it. Our magic binds us together so that no matter what we can always find each other." I tell her hugging her and Tidus to me, I am no longer hungry.

"We dragons have it hard sometimes, when we feel a certain way about someone we go through something called the change. We have to decide if we want to ask them to be our mate or suffer through the pain that is our magic until we can't feel that love anymore. At least not romantic love like Mommy and Daddy. We can always choose to adopt and feel love for our child." I tell them snuggling them.

"Just like us! So if you and Mommy didn't mate you could have still adopted us?" Tidus asked curiously and I heard more than one person choke. Seriously? Of course we didn't make them we would have been way too young for that, I can't help thinking to myself. I'm only 23, as is I was only 20 when we did adopted them, Luce was 19.

"Of course, my little prince. But your mommy is a really special lady. I couldn't imagine raising you without her. We are a team after all." I kiss him on the head before doing the same to Melody and hear their sweet giggles. "You will always be our babies, no matter how many more kids we have. Nashi and Luke are your baby brother and sister and it's up to you two to take care of them. Do you understand?"

"Just like how Tidus takes care of me, Daddy?" Melody asked hopefully.

"That's right princess," I laughed, snuggling them. "So who is going to help daddy finish his food?" I laughed as they both volunteered. I only ate about half of my burger and haven't so much as touched the rest. Unable to stomach the smell much less the taste. I sat them both on my lap so they could reach and cut what was left of the sandwich in half for them to share.

"Never thought I would see the day that Natsu wouldn't finish his food," I heard someone grumble to themselves, if I had to guess I would say it was Romeo's dad.

"Adopted?" Gray asked, almost silently his stupid face almost as pale as his ice now. "What happened to their parents?" I glared at him and shook my head no, hoping that they didn't hear him.

"They died," Tidus stated, shrugging. Melody just looked at Luce and held up a forkful of green beans to try and feed her. She smiled and bent down to take the bite and when Melody turned away again I could see her anger as she stared Gray down.

"Mommy Daddy, can we play with Virgo and Scorpio please!" Melody asked, trying to hop off of my lap now that the food was all gone. I help her down and Tidus joins her waiting hopefully.

I chuckle and Luce giggles as I take one of the twins so she can summon them. I end up taking both Nashi and Luke and Luce summons Virgo and Scorpio who were obviously waiting and holding more toys for them. Luce orders a plate of food, my own gone now and unlike me she eats everything. I can't help making faces at the food.

"There are so many things wrong with this I don't know where to start." I say glaring at the evil food that smelled so good but my stomach lurched at the thought of eating any of it. So instead I made silly faces at my twins as they seemed to smile at me.

Lucy's POV

"It's okay, Natsu you get used to the whole food thing." I tell him patting him on the back before taking our now hungry babies. It's time to feed them again and I looked around finding a booth that was a bit out of the way so I could feed them in peace. Natsu happily helps me settle down before he slouches in front of me in the booth.

"You still have spirits out don't you?" I ask him and he nods. "Who?"

"Capricorn, Yuri and Lee." came his exhausted reply.

"The two sins are too much for you." I frown and he just smiles dryly at me. "Fine, you better get another shake then."

"But I've already had two." He pouted, "I'll just take a nap. I promise."

"Natsu, we both know that a nap isn't going to help you."

Master walks up and pulls a chair up next to me looking down at my still nursing babies before getting comfortable. "So lets start when all of this first started."

"You mean when I went through the change?" Natsu asked, confused.

"Sure, what all happens with the change?" He prompted us.

"Well, it hurts more than using Luce's magic for one thing. It's like having my magic ripped from me and then used against me continuously. It doesn't end not until the choice is made." Natsu answers, shivering at the memory.

"Last time you talked about it you said something about dying?" Master asked prompting him on.

"Yeah, while a dragon is going through the change we are in a kind of limbo. Many end up dying from the pain of being refused or worse never asking at all." I see Natsu almost retreat into his own head. I brush my leg against him bringing him back to the present and he smiles at me as I hand him Luke to burp.

"The pain is unexplainable to anyone other than another dragon or their mate." Natsu cooed, rocking Luke in his arms as our baby fell asleep in his arms.

"Their mate?" Master questions.

"Yeah, when they take a mate they feel the same torture. When Luce took me she had to feel my fire burn her soul, it only last an hour or two but it feels like forever." He looked at me sadly.

"It feels far worse than anything I could have ever imagined. It was a test to see if I could actually withstand his love." I whisper as I cradled Nashi.

"A test you shouldn't have to take." Natsu muttered bitterly.

"It's okay, beside now I can always be with you." I smile as if what I say is an inside joke, "It's always more fun when we are together." It worked, Natsu was grinning from ear to ear. He scooted around the table and leaned in for a kiss which I returned eagerly.

"Mmmm, you have Yuri and Lee out still. You know that is dangerous right now." I purred while I held his gaze captive.

"Only dangerous for anyone unlucky enough to be around." He answers his voice deep, making me suck in a breath making a hissing like sound.

***Cough*** Master seems to have a small coughing fit snapping us out of it.

"You keep mentioning those two spirits, actually you seem to have several new spirits." Master seemed to ask.

I smile in response, "Well yeah, I earned the right to hold their keys. There are 7 sin keys and they have to come to the summoner and present them with their key. I have 6; Pride, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth and Wrath. I think the only one I am missing is Greed but I don't know how I'm supposed to earn their key. I actually got my first sin key before I collected all 13 of the zodiac keys." I laughed a little before I gently caressed the keys on my hip.

"You have all of the zodiac now?" Master asked, seemingly surprised.

"Oh yeah, I guess I never showed them off. Yukino wanted a quiet easy life and they wanted to stay with me and keep having adventures." I smile at the memory fondly. "Although now they seem more interested in playing with Tidus and Melody. But I got them before Natsu went through the change."

"Hmm, so what happened next? Where does your story go from there?" He asked looking back and forth from Natsu and I.

"Well I guess we just went on a bunch of missions, it was before we took that mission on monster island. We just spent a bunch of time together, we even decided to start our family." I frown before looking at Master again, "Then like the next day you hit us with the S class mission test."

"Our hormones were going crazy thanks to the way dragons are." Natsu added sleepily before he laid his head on my shoulder, he nipped at my ear playfully before snuggling in.

"Yeah and we figured that the council might be watching us and we didn't want to be watched as we were intimate with each other." I almost groaned, Natsu however didn't hold it back.

"Biggest cock block ever," he groaned.

"Daddy?" He jumped sitting up perfectly straight and looked over at our daughter who had spoken.

"Yes princess?" He asked our little girl.

"Can we have more food please?" Natsu and I relaxed seeing that she hadn't heard what was said.

"Of course, Mira would you mind making them something?" He asked the white haired beauty of a barmaid. I can't prevent the hiss that escapes me. But Natsu just cuddles me happily trying to kiss on my neck until he succeeds, making me sigh out relieved. I could feel my blood pumping in my veins. Yuri and Lee are still out and their magic is affecting us both.

"Natsu, how long are you going to have Yuri and Lee out?" I moan leaning into his touches making those watching us uncomfortable.

"Until they are done." He answers sternly and I feel a shiver go through me.

"Why does it matter that Yuri and Lee are out still? Isn't Capricorn out still too?" Gray asked butting in.

"Capricorn is a zodiac key, Yuri and Lee are sin keys. When we use sin keys we have to pay a price. Like if we use Pan whose sin is gluttony we are forced to withstand physical pain after we use his power." I answer.

"So what sins are Yuri and Lee?" Master asked.

"Lust and Envy." I moan out as Natsu nips at my neck again. I glanced around to see everyone looking away when they realized the price for their power.

"When did you adopt those two?" Master asked motioning to Tidus and Melody as they played with Virgo and Scorpio across the guild.

"About a month after you came to check on us on the island. They asked us to come back for a party to celebrate and one of the purposes of the party was to decide their fates." Natsu whispered before kissing on my neck some more.

"Griffin!" I called, I can't take it anymore, he appears next to me. "We need you to watch over the kids." I gasp as Natsu sinks his teeth into my bare shoulder. My pulse was hammering pretty hard and my blood was racing as I got more and more excited.

"Wait," Gray tried to stop us but Griffin had already made a barrier and I threw Natsu into it climbing in after him after making sure Griffin had the twins.

Just like last time it was almost like a TV screen we could watch when we rested or ignored while I rode Natsu hard. Fuck it all, it really wasn't fair the way he tempted me to my wits end.

I had his cock in my mouth as I watched him jerk and spasm under me. I could feel he was close but I wasn't done with him. How often would he hold me captive to my desires as he ate me out again and again? I take his length and suck as hard as I can letting my teeth graze him as he slid out of my mouth. It doesn't take long for him to cum in my waiting mouth. I don't let up though I keep going until I'm sure he won't go soft and I pull away, this happens several times before I'm satisfied.

"Luce." He pants as I practically swallow his now throbbing shaft. I go up and down all the way making him moan out my name again and again before I go back down again. "Luce!" he begs as I feel him closing in again. The thought of him cumming deep inside of me was almost too much to stand so I pull away from his cock and kiss his lips instead. I lower myself on top of him and after just a couple thrust he seems to explode inside of me.

"Natsu, I'm not done. No where close." I moan panting and I watch him grin.

"Good," and he flips me over and I watch him go down on me again. Days go by like this.