Chapter 21

Natsu's POV

I step out of the barrier holding Luce's hand and pull her into my arms, I kiss her sweetly before we separate and we pick up the babies to lay them down in the bed. Griffin follows us to the infirmary and keeps watch over them as we leave the room closing the door behind us again. Tidus and Melody come running towards us and jump into our arms.

"You two make everything 100 times better, you know that?" I ask them and they reply giggling before squirming out of our arms and back to Scorpio and Virgo to play more tag. We sit back in the booth we left maybe 30 minutes ago snuggling into each other's arms.

"Wow that was quick. Two pump chump much?" Gray snickered.

"You realise you're a virgin right?" I ask looking at him like he is stupid.

"How about you tell us?" Luce asked making a barrier of her own and shoving Gray in there with Juvia. In a blink they seemed to vanish. I can't stop laughing my ass off, as I think of all the time they are spending in there.

"What is so funny?" Erza demanded which just set me off more.

"It was what half an hour that we were gone?" Luce paused and Erza nodded. "Time moves a lot faster there, it might be a week or could be a month. Time is a little hard to keep track of in there."

"So he is probably spending about a month alone with Juvia and unless his dumbass confessed to her already things are going to drag on forever." I laugh clutching at my sides.

"Don't worry there is an easy exit but they are going to have to work together to get there. Otherwise they will be spit out in about ten minutes." Luce smirked. "Maybe she won't call me love rival anymore?"

"Anyway where were we?" I finally ask, feeling hungry again. "Mira, I'm starving." She laughed and brought a large plate of food to the table, and I thanked her before I started to devour it.

"You were telling them about when you adopted us!" Melody laughed jumping into my lap.

"I see how it is, you're not interested in your Daddy unless he has food. Is that about it?" I pouted and pretended to cry.

"No, Daddy! I'm not even hungry. I just like to listen to the story of how you adopted us." She smiled sweetly. I look at her brother and motion him over and give them each a burger that they took happily.

"Yeah, sure. Not hungry at all." I tease them. Before looking up at Luce who smiled and waved for me to finish the story.

"So there we were before we even started the mission and we had just woken up from a nap; our plan was to attack when it was dark and light up a bonfire to attract them but the village was utterly silent. We snuck around the buildings looking for an intruder or worse when we found everyone surrounding these two beautiful babies and the village chief. To our horror we hear them trying to decide what to do with the babies."

I lift my arms being all dramatic for the kids sake. "We decided right then to finish the mission in just one night! So that maybe things will be easier and the babies wouldn't be taken to some unknown foster home on the mainland. We do the unimaginable, we summon Pan!" Melody and Tidus shriek in mock horror. "The sin of gluttony and wouldn't you know it he is a glutton for punishment! He made us use his stardress and he played his music at his DJ booth. The horror of having my clothes change with each and every song!" I gasped as if it were too much. And Melody and Tidus couldn't stop laughing completely absorbed in the story.

"Of course your mother looked amazing in everything, I cannot say the same for myself. Yuck!" I paused for their giggles. "Then when we had most of the monsters defeated I just couldn't take the magic anymore and Luce finally closed his gate. And then..." I stop for dramatic effect. "She summoned Yuri and Lee and used their stardress!" I clutched at my heart as if it were too much, while pretending to get knocked out.

I could see Master's amusement as the story played out. "You know how your mother is when she calls those two?" Tidus and Melody nod and hide their faces in my chest.

"Hey!" Luce exclaims acting like she is hurt and they quickly crawl over me and hug her giggling.

"So there she is black as night her eyes and hair solid red glowing in the darkness only showing the black of her pupils and her black leathery wings were stretched out as she destroys the monsters tearing them to little bite size pieces!" I wink at Master to let him know I was exaggerating before going on. "Just when I think the magic is too much for her to control she is diving towards the village and I, of course, am using dragon force so I am trying to cut her off and she stops directly in front of me..."

I wait and wait and Master just lifts an eyebrow wanting to know what happens next but I wink and wait until Melody and Tidus practically scream, "And then?"

I laugh and tug on Luce's face and place the sweetest most gentle kiss I could on her quivering lips. "I kiss her. Right there in front of everyone on the island that cared to look our way. Then of course she had to pass out in my arms." I chuckle kissing Luce on the forehead, skipping the part about her blood lust and us extinguishing the forest fire first. There is no need to frightened them after all.

"Mmm, and then I woke up the next night to a very frantic Daddy," Luce teased me, tapping them on the nose before leaning on my shoulder.

"Mommy and Daddy love each other so much!" Melody squealed and Tidus and everyone else listening couldn't help laughing.

"About a month later Master shows up scaring the hell out of me and tells us no one has heard from us in a month. We had fallen asleep and Pan decided that since we were not paying the price of pain he would just make us sleep until someone showed up with enough magic to wake us. We say our goodbyes and train for a month until the next full moon. When the party was." I say as if I'm dying of embarrassment.

"Then when we return for the party we all party like never before and even Pan comes out and joins us. Without his payment of course." I add on as if it were obvious. Then after the moon is high in the sky they announce that it was time to vote on the fate of our sweet babies." I said shocked before snuggling them in my arms.

"We just couldn't let them go, they were just babies. Tidus had just turned 3 and Melody 2, how could we let them be thrown out into the unknown?" I ask grief stricken, only pretending to be acting at this point. The pain Luce and I felt was only too real.

"Then when the chief asks everyone, 'Will anyone take these two as they are now?' Your Daddy pulls me into a kiss in front of everybody and says in the loudest voice he could without screaming." Luce engages in the story telling and looks at me.

"We will." I smile, snuggling them making them giggle again. "They tried to convince us that you would be alright without us but I told them that it was already decided. If they needed us to wait until they got you to the mainline then fine but you were already ours." I say proudly taking a drink of what was left in my cup.

"And then we all live happily ever after! The End! Tidus and Melody sing out laughing and Luce and I laugh with them.

"So it's been two and a half years then?" Master asked quietly.

"Two and a half amazing wonderful years!" I sing out as I toss Tidus into the air and catch him again before Melody demands to be next.

Just then Gray and Juvia are dumped onto the floor next to us and Juvia's clothes are messed up and Gray's, well as always, Gray was missing several pieces. "So how long were you in there?" I ask, smirking at the very red Gray and Juvia as they quickly got dressed correctly and thankfully Tidus and Melody were already running towards the waiting Virgo and Scorpio.

"Shut up! You said we had to work together! How in the hell were we supposed to do that?" He yelled at me before turning towards Luce.

"You could have climbed through the picture of us to come back. What exactly did you try?" She asked slyly.

"I love you," I say before pulling her into another kiss enjoying his reaction as she teased them.

"Just Shut Up!" He kept getting redder and redder as people stared at him.

We laughed a little knowing all too well what it is that they did while in the barrier. It was Luce's magic after all. They all but went all the way. Luce dumped them out before they could go too far, before their ten minutes were up. "You should have just told her how you feel." I tease him.

"SHUT UP!!!" He practically screams.

"You know Luce and I saw it all, so you can't lie." I smirk. He is redder than Melody's bright red curly hair and I can almost see steam coming out of his ears.

"You didn't even last ten minutes by the way," I smirked at him enjoying his reactions.

"Anyway from there we just lived our lives. Going on missions, training to use each other's magic and raising two beautiful kids. We decided that we wanted more and so then comes Nashi and Luke, can't say we were expecting twins but we have had plenty of time to prepare for them considering how long it takes for dragon eggs to hatch." I shrug holding Luce and smiling at the kids across the room; ignoring Gray as he fumed.

"Griffin even demanded to change his contract so that he could have more time with them all. Actually all the Sins did, if it comes to the little Dragneel's they will do anything within their power." I tell them yawning again. "Having three spirits out at the same time though is a lot."

"Well it is about time they came back, anyway." Luce says lifting her key ring. She places a hand on the keys, "Are you done yet?" After a minute she smiles.

"Looks like they are almost here so you can start to relax. They found who it was who put the target on our babies and they are bringing them all here." She frowns. She looks at Virgo and Scorpio, "Close gate. Tidus, Melody I want you to go lay down with Griffin and watch your baby brother and sister please."

"Okay Mama!" They run to the infirmary to do their very important job.

I feel my magic snag and I wince trying to keep all the food down that I ate. "Mira a shake please." I gurgle trying not to hurl. She hands one to me as if she had it waiting already. I down it and it's not enough. "Another!" She hands me another two and I feel my stomach churning in protest.

"Not working." I run out and barely make it to the window before hurling out of it. It's not long before I feel Luce's gentle touch on my back rubbing circles. I don't think I hurled everything, maybe half. But should I count that as a win or a fail because that just means that I have more to throw up later?