Chapter 22

Lucy's POV

Poor Natsu still isn't able to keep my spirits out for long periods of time without getting sick yet. I rub his back as he finally pulls himself together again. "It's time." I tell him and he stands up washing his mouth out. We take our places in front of the whole guild and watch the doors as they open Capricorn enters with a group of men all tied up and drags them to the side. This of course gained a lot of attention from our guild mates. We continue to wait and Yuri and Lee come in with the more interesting people shackled together and shoves them to their knees in front of us.

"So which one of you decided to put a target on our babies' backs?" I asked, raising an eyebrow; my head held high, Natsu to my side holding a similar posture.

"Don't be ridiculous we put out a wanted poster for Sofia and Rudolph Pietra. They are a married couple that we tracked to an island some ways away." An old man spat at us.

I could feel Adam's magic spilling forth so I snapped my fingers and he was next to me in a moment. The giant lion must have been quite intimidating because they started swearing and begging for their lives. I snap my fingers again and he coughs up the three men he swallowed a few nights ago. They sat there almost uncaring and just looked up at Natsu and I.

"Are these your men?" I ask the still dry men.

"Yes, but..." I held up a hand interrupting them.

"You," I point at one of the men at random. "Who were you chasing?"

"Melody and Tidus Dragneel." He answered unflinching, without a care in the world.

"Why?" I asked him as I started to feel my rage build again.

"We were hired to find a lost magic stolen by Sofia and Rudolph Pietra, their birth parents. We believe that they used the magic on their children in the hopes of resurrecting themselves after death."

"What is this lost magic?" I demand my heart nearly stopping at the thought of my babies being hurt.

"Using the blood of a family member they can grow new bodies within their bodies, it is a dark magic that should never be used. It will tear the host body apart when they are 'reborn' again," He answered in a monotone voice.

"Is there a safe way to check if this is the case?" I questioned them.

"Only by dumping enormous amounts of magic into their systems, most would not be safe."

I looked at Natsu letting out a relieved sigh, "Then we have nothing to worry about."

"When they were adopted by dragon slayers it would have cleared that magic threshold easily." Natsu smiles. "The lost magic was destroyed. Leave our kids alone."

"How can you be so sure? If you were even just a hair short they could die because of the curse magic." The dry man in shackles demanded to know.

"So now you admit to putting a target on my babies?" I asked my voice colder than ice. I look down at my grip and find that I froze part of the bar countertop and it had crumbled in my grip. Must be Adam's magic, his seemed to be connected to rage so it could go between fire and ice quickly.

I sweep the mess away ignoring it for now. "The council will hear about this! Mark my words." I look back at the seemingly leader of the group and waited to see if he had more to add.

"That won't be an issue, you see we already have three of the four members of the council here." Master sighed and for the first time I saw them sitting at a table drinking tea, they must have heard the whole story that we had told because no one had come or gone since we had woken up.

Draculos, Warrod, and Jura stood up and walked forward, which meant only one member of the council was missing a Wolf something or another. Oh well, I look at them and see that they actually have a little fear in their eyes as they look back at me. Only to turn their gazes to stone as they looked back at all the men chained and tied up in front of us.

"We are waiting for why you chose to target babies in all of this. Seemingly for their own protection is not enough when their parents are members of Fairy Tail and their Master is a wizard saint." Jura voices the words calmly waiting for their defense.

"But how were we supposed to know that?" They demanded.

He lifted an eyebrow and asked them a question in answer, "You know that they were adopted and what their new names are but it never occurred to you that Dragneel is the name of the dragon slayer who defeated the black wizard Zeref? Or for that matter that The Famous author Lucy Heartfilia, who single handedly took down Tartarus some years ago by using the Celestial King, who even claims her as a friend? Or how about the fact that your men chased the poor children here with welts and bruises on their arms and legs?" Jura listed off each offense with a deep rooted anger in them.

"Then there is the fact that we saw all of these things ourselves. There is no mistaking what has taken place here. You are all guilty of attempted kidnapping and first and second degree assault on minors as well as attempted assault on their parents. You will be going to prison a very long time assuming you can answer one question, that is." Warrod spoke up equally angry.

"What question is that?" The man tried to straighten his spine and look up at them but his chains made this more than a little difficult with how Yuri and Lee were holding their chains.

"How did you come to acquire the lost curse magic to begin with?" Draculos asked his words nearly a whisper were heard throughout the guild hall.

"Well I... I don't really know!" The man looked at them in confusion. To his credit he really did look confused.

"I see," Draculos looked at Yuri and Lee. "What would you do with them if you had free reign to do as you wish?"

"Take them to our Queen. Where they can suffer for the rest of their days unable to escape the endless torment." Lee smiled.

"Where the spirits who all they wronged could conduct their revenge endlessly forever more." Yuri purred.

I can't help lifting an eyebrow at the two but I only put my hand on my keys and asked, "Do you all feel the same way?" To which they all answered "Yes!" so loud that everyone in the room could hear them.

"I see, and do you Lucy Heartfilia feel that is acceptable?" Jura asked me.

I can't help frowning it's been a long time since anyone has called me by my maiden name. "My name is Lucy Dragneel and has been for a few years now. I only keep the Heartfilia for my pen name." I respond and Natsu puts an arm around my waist and tucks his face into my neck giving me a single kiss on my mark. I try to ignore the murmuring from around the room, Natsu is my mate of course I took his name.

I looked back at the men in front of me with disgust written all over my face, "Death is too good for them. I agree with my spirits assuming the Queen would be willing to take them at all."

"If she so deems that she wants to extract their punishment then she may have them. They seem to have offended your spirits as well as yourselves more than anyone else." Draculos waves a hand.

I look at Yuri and Lee before asking, "Will she take them?"

"Yes, your highness. She demands an audience, will Fairy Tail receive her?" Lee and Yuri answer at the same time their voices harmonizing together as they did.

"Fairy Tail will receive her," Master answers when I look at him. "What must we do?"

"Nothing at all, we will do it." They answer together again. And fly around drawing in what appeared to be fresh blood but unable to see where it came from.

Tidus and Melody come running into the guild hall and Griffin brings us the twins. "All must be in the attendance of the Queen," he answered my unspoken question and I nodded understanding.

I stood there holding little Nashi while Tidus held my hand Natsu next to me holding Luke and Melody holding his hand as we waited to meet the celestial queen for the first time. It doesn't take long and I feel my magic pull as all of my spirits come out and bow. The sin spirits towards the center of the circle and the zodiac around them with a spot open where Aquarius would have been, then around them were my silver key spirits. I felt faint but I felt Natsu lending me his magic when he leaned in to kiss me. I stand tall with him as my spirits all bow towards the center of the circle.

The sun had set a little while ago and there were only a few lights lit but they all went out before fire seemed to erupt from the ground. The flames seemed to fan themselves and it turned out the fire was in the shape of wings. It took several seconds to realise that they were in fact real wings and soon enough the head of what looked like a bird followed out of the ground.

Before us stood a fiery phoenix her size seemed to be stopped only due to the ceiling of the guild hall. She stretched out her wings and looked down at my family and I. Her eyes a beautiful crystal blue were in stark contrast with the yellow and orange flames that made up her body.

Every single spirit had their eyes fixed on the ground, even the sin of pride Griffin, as Fairy Tail and our unwelcome guest stared openly at her.

"You are truly beautiful but you know that already." I say unable to resist the urge any longer. I stepped forward leaving Nashi and Tidus with their father and siblings. I reached out a hand and waited for her to respond.

Her laughter rang out filling the guild hall like bells, they were musical and light but full of fire. "You dear one are indeed a surprise, everytime we turn around you throw us on our heads again." I smile at her light voice as I continue to walk towards her until I stand right in front of her. Her flames although bright and obviously made of fire only felt warm to the touch as I put a hand to her flaming feathers. She lays a wing across my back and even though she is many times larger than me I felt warm and loved, much like when my mother used to hold me when I was little.

"It's alright dear heart, your heart has sang us a song more beautiful than any other we have ever heard. For this I reward you, hand me your keys." She instructs me and I do as she says. I see as a single tear escapes her beautiful eyes and lands on my keys. They glow more brilliantly than I can ever describe and almost out of instinct I start to cry. There next to me was Aquarius and sure enough when I received my keyring back her key was whole again.

My heart is being shredded as the tears seemed to rain from my eyes. I grab onto my old friend, for the first time in years and bawl as she tries to sooth my hair down. When I finally get a hold of myself again I look at my keys and this time I notice there are three new keys as well and each of the zodiac as well as the Sin keys had a beautiful gemstone in the handle.

"I don't know what to say, thank you seems so cheap compared to how I feel." I tell her hugging her flaming body as I do.

"Your heart says it all dear one. Now you have all seven Sins as well as the King and myself at your call. The price for using the Sin's power is no more and we will all look to you." The queen replied.

"Thank you," I tell her, letting the tears fall as they would down my cheeks.

"Now, for the unforgivable transgressions of these monsters that would call themselves men." The queen turned and her once warm embrace felt hot, even to myself as her soft colors raged red and black. "I am told that I may have them?" She asked turning to the council leaders who I saw blanch and jump back slightly.

"That is correct," Jura answered trying to keep his back straight as he did.

"There will be no going back on your word for this, they will be made to suffer for their crimes until the end of their days assuming they do not go mad before then and then they will continue to suffer as the torture will change to fit their madness. Do you understand?" She asked him.

"We understand and accept these terms." Jura answered and the other two bowed as well, the protest of the criminals ignored by everyone in the room.

"So be it! Those tied up and chained are mine to do as I please as well as the three still covered in the sin of wraths saliva!" She flapped her wings and in one solid gesture all of the men disappeared their ropes and chains falling to the ground.

"Your Majesty, I pray that one day you and I can meet for no other reason than a cup of tea but that time is far off as the king and I require an enormous amount of magic to summon. Until such a day can come please know that we all love and support you." She said looking at me kindly as she did. I throw myself around her for one more hug before she as well as all of the other spirits close their gates leaving us in the black silence of the guild.

"Wendy, help quick!" Natsu called out as I felt myself fall to the ground and it's not long before I notice that Natsu is also on the ground next to me reaching out to me. My body feels like lead; as if even the slightest movement will make me break but I had to try. I reached out my left arm hoping it would be enough as pain shot through my body until I could finally feel my hand in his. Everything else disappeared into nothingness as the cold abyss of sleep finally claimed me.