Chapter 24

Natsu's POV

I wake up much more rested than before and I can't help snuggling into my mate. "Lllluuuuuucccceee," I moan knowing we had to get up but really not wanting to.

"Hmmm?" She responded as she reacted to my snuggles.

"We need to get up," I groan trying to ignore the massive boner I already had.

"Maybe if we have a quicky first?" She yawned, stretching finally opening her beautiful eyes. I can't help the throbbing I felt far below at her words. "Maybe in the shower?" She added knowing how much her words affected me.

"Oh Mavis, yes!" I moan sucking one of her already hard nipples into my mouth, earning the gasp and moans coming from her throat. It was too much to take this early in the morning, I don't even know when it was that I crawled between her legs or lined myself up. Just that I did and the feel of her hot wet center only doubled and redoubled my efforts again and again as each time we came.

I don't know when we finally made our way to the shower but I'm thankful that we did. As soon as we were done washing, my lips were sucking on her clit again. I don't know how long we were in the shower but when we left the water was ice cold not that it really matters with how hot our fire was today.

When we were finally dried and dressed we made our way to the barrier. "Are you ready to see our angels?" Luce asked and I pulled her in for another kiss as my response. As much as I loved Luce, I really needed to see our babies right now.

"Yeah me too," she responded as if she could read my mind. We jump out and find Nashi and Luke crying and Tidus and Melody trying to sing to them.

"Mommy Daddy!" Our two oldest call out happily.

I can't help chuckling before Luce asked them if they missed us yet. They tackled us in a giant hug before dragging us towards the babies. I helped Luce undress so she could feed them and Nashi and Luke latched on hungrily.

When it was nice and quiet again both Tidus and Melody sighed out in relief. I pulled them in cuddling with them as their mother took care of the babies. "I love you two, do you know that?" I asked them before giving them ticklish kisses.

I listened to their squeals of laughter as they agreed and told me how much they loved me too. After a couple minutes I looked around to find us in the infirmary. That's strange didn't Luce make the barrier in the guild hall? I shake the thought from my head, it's not so unusual for the barrier to follow our kids or spirits so that is probably what happened.

"So let's leave Mommy and the babies and go out and play in the guild hall?" I suggested knowing that she would join us when she was ready.

"Yay!" They cheered and I opened the door letting them take the lead as they ran out ahead of me.

"I'll see you in a few," I tell Luce as she nodded in response. I leave the door cracked open and try to follow as Tidus and Melody seem to make a bee line for the bar where Mira was currently talking to Romeo.

I can't help chuckling to myself as I follow them. "Mr. Romeo, Sir could we have some fire please?" Melody asked and I couldn't help laughing at the look on his face just from being called Mr. and Sir.

"What about your Dad? Can't he make you some yummy fire to eat?" Romeo asked slightly confused as he made a couple purple flames for them.

"You can't eat dragon flames silly," Tidus answered as if it were obvious.

"Of course!" I laughed now at their sides again making a few people jump. How didn't they notice me while I was laughing earlier?

"Natsu! I'm sorry I didn't see you there. I hope it's okay." Romeo was squirming while I just looked at him.

"Are you okay Romeo? You're acting kind of strange." I asked slightly concerned.

"I-I'm fine!" he stuttered, earning another odd look from me.

"Right?" I say slowly before looking up at Mira. "Could I get some food please I'm starving," I groaned and as if on cue my stomach growled. "The kids too, they are being spoiled too much," I wink at them.

Mira just laughed saying, "Coming right up!" Before going to the back.

"So where is Wendy?" I asked looking around noticing I didn't see her anywhere.

"She went on a job be herself but she should be back soon," Romeo seemed to deflate as he spoke. Oh, trouble in paradise huh?

It was no secret that they liked each other except maybe from each other. "So," I guide him away from my toddlers before continuing. "Have you told her you like her yet?" Romeo just looked at me horrified and utterly speechless. I stifle the groan that threatened to escape.

"You want her to be happy right?" He nodded in response to my question. "Then tell her, don't let her go through the change because she doubts your feelings, got it?"

"Is that what happened to you?" He asked in a whisper.

I nod, "The secret is that no dragon has to go through the change. It's common but not required. Only when their bodies refuse to be tortured anymore." I groan remembering it. I looked back at him again before growling the next part, "If you make my little sister cry for no reason I will show you exactly how much fire can actually burn." He gulped, backing away slowly. I smile, "But if you don't love her like that it's okay, just tell her so that she can look somewhere else. If she isn't going through the change then she still has time to find someone. Do you understand?"

He sighed as if relieved, making me eye him curiously. "Don't get me wrong I do love her, it's just so much to take in. The thought that I wouldn't really have a choice in the matter and it scared me a bit," he whispered.

"But now you feel better about it?" I asked him and he smiled nodding. As if on cue Wendy walked in looking a bit upset until she saw me and the kids standing at the bar. I don't even think she noticed Romeo yet.

"Natsu! Tidus! Melody!" She squealed flying over using her sky magic tackling us all in a hug.

"Hey how's it going?" I groan losing what little air I had in me.

"Great, now that you're back. Where are Lucy and the babies?" She asked, turning me around as if they were hiding behind me.

I couldn't stop from laughing, "Luce is nursing the babies. They have the appetites of dragons you know." She laughed with me until we heard a hush cover the room. I looked up to see Luce holding the babies standing at the door to the infirmary. I rush over and help her down, giving her a sweet kiss as Nashi and Luke gurgled and giggled in her arms.

"Hungry?" I ask her and her stomach answers for me. I can't help laughing a little and guide her to the bar next to the kids before taking the babies from her.

Mira chooses then to walk in with three large platters filled with food and setting them down in front of me and the kids.

"You go ahead Luce, I'll wait for the next one," I turn my attention back to the babies after asking Mira for another platter.

I loved hearing them giggle and coo as I made funny faces at them. After several minutes Mira shows up with another platter of food that I thank her for but then ignore as I chose to keep playing with the babies. It's not long before they are yawning and I look up to see Tidus and Melody playing tag on the floor running around and Luce just sitting there watching me.

"Do you remember doing that to Melody and Tidus when we first brought them home?" She asked me and I noticed things go fairly quiet around us as people tried to listen in.

"Yeah, they kept saying I looked silly and ran away turning it into a game of tag." I answered as she then took the babies so that I could eat my food.

I was almost done eating my food when I felt my pants being tugged on. I looked down to see two fairly sleepy toddlers looking up hopefully. I can't help chuckling and picking them up and putting them in my lap.

"Who wants the chicken and who wants the fish?" I ask after seeing that was all that was left.

"Can we split it in half?" Melody asked and Tidus nodded happily.

"Of course," but before I could find my knife Tidus already had both cut up evenly between the two. I watched as they ate their food and when they were done they snuggled into my arms.

"Daddy, I'm tired." Melody whined and Tidus nodded in agreement.

"Daddy when can we go home?" Tidus asked looking up before he yawned. "It feels like we've been here forever!" He whined making me chuckle. I looked outside to see that it was already dark outside, I must have spent hours playing with the twins.

I look back at Luce to see her nodding and standing up. "It's time to go home now. Are you going to make Daddy carry two big kids all the way home?" She asked them only getting quiet smiles in return as they snuggled into me.

"It's okay Luce. They will always be babies to me." I whisper as I adjust them before standing up myself, both of them already fast asleep in my arms. I led the way out of the guild hall as Luce carried the twins behind me. The guild just watched us in silence.

Lucy's POV

It's not long before we have all of the babies tucked into bed for the night. Melody and Tidus in a bed and Nashi and Luke in the crib. My spirits did a really good job cleaning up whatever mess there was because if it wasn't for everything else that happened I would not have really noticed except for the odd missing chair or lamp here or there.

I closed all of their gates and Natsu and I dragged ourselves to bed again. We put on some real pajamas this time. Natsu in just a pair of pants and a tank top and soft shorts for me. Tidus and Melody liked to wake us up in the morning so we learned a long time ago to wear appropriate clothes when sleeping at home. I crawl into bed next to Natsu who is barely awake and he wraps me in his arms sighing in relief as we fall asleep in each other's arms.


"Mommy! Daddy! It's time to get up!" I hear right before Melody jumps on me and I see Tidus jump on Natsu. "Nashi and Luke are hungry," she added and I can't help laughing a little. Of course it's the babies who are hungry. The babies who are still fast asleep and sleeping soundly I might add.

"Okay, let me get something cooking. Who feels like pancakes?" I laughed as they responded with repeated "I do," over and over again as they jumped up and down.

We all get up and Natsu takes Tidus and Melody and gives them a bath while I cook an otherwise absurd amount of pancakes and put the large stacks on the table with peanut butter and honey and another platter of scrambled eggs. Natsu could dish it out while I fed the babies. Thankfully while they are in the tub they can't complain about me eating while I cook, sometimes I wonder if I would have starved if not for Wendy teaching me a little sky dragon slayer magic. Then I wonder sometimes if I would have gotten fat if I hadn't learned to eat air.

I feed both Nashi and Luke and take them to the tub for their own baths only to find Tidus and Melody still in there with a now very wet Daddy. I can't help laughing and Natsu turns to look at me making the whole thing even more hilarious as I see his wet hair plastered to his face.

When I can finally breathe again I ask, "Can we join you?" and Tidus and Melody agree happily and then not wanting to be left out Natsu takes his now wet pajama pants off and gets in with us. The toddlers were super careful not to splash like normal, afraid to hurt or upset the babies if they did.

They happily hold the babies while I wash my hair and Natsu makes sure they keep their heads above the water. I can't help smiling at the whole thing. This is my family. Natsu and I should go on a mission soon if we relax too much. We found out that it could drastically increase our 'needs'.

To the kids and well everyone else at the guild we only just passed out earlier this week but for us it has been years thanks to our hibernation and my barrier magic. We get the kids dry, clothed and fed and they put on their shoes pulling us along wanting to go to the park like we normally would.

"Okay, okay. We're going!" I laugh as Natsu and I each take a twin and a toddler holds our hands and they hold each other's hands. We laugh happily as we walk towards the park and we are swinging our arms as we walk.

"Hello Melody, Tidus! We got a new flavor of cookie so be sure to come in soon!" The grocery lady calls out seeing us and waving towards us.

The toddlers look up hopefully before Natsu and I laugh letting them lead the way to the store. We buy a couple packs for after we eat lunch putting them in Natsu's backpack with the lunch I packed. The staff and customers awed at how cute the twins were and how much of a good big brother and sister Melody and Tidus would be. When we finally escape another store worker is trying to flag us down.

We ended up going into several stores and getting everything from little snacks to the occasional baby toy for the twins. Thankfully the toddlers were not jealous they were only too happy to play with the babies 'showing' them how their toys worked.

"Natsu, Lucy!" I want to groan as I hear yet another shopkeeper calling out to us. We shop too much. We turn smiling ready for whatever new treat or toy they were going to try and sell us.

"Oh my goodness it's true! You have two more precious babies!" The green haired woman with purple eyes squealed.

"Hello Mrs. Holly." Melody and Tidus beamed at the woman. Of course they would be on their best behavior with her around. She owns the biggest candy store in town.

She giggled at all of them giving each of the toddlers a sucker and little yogurt bite things for the twins. "That's more for around three to six months old but it never hurts to stock up." She beamed at us. We thanked her before continuing on our way.

We finally reached the park and when the toddlers ran off to play we set the twins up so they were safe and out of the sun before we crashed to the ground.

"When did going to the park get so exhausting?" I grumble almost to myself.

"When we started raising little angels." Came Natsu's sarcastic reply. I groan agreeing with him before getting up to set out lunch. Thanks to all of those stops it took us a couple hours just to get to the park. Natsu took care of the twin's dirty diapers and played with them while watching Melody and Tidus nearby.

I was just setting out the condiments and drinks when they came running up with Kathy of all people.

"Aunt Lucy, Uncle Natsu!" She cried before tackling us in a hug and she met Nashi and Luke for the first time. I watched as Tidus told her how important it is to be a good big brother and big sister as she looked at them in awe.

"Sorry; Lucy, Natsu. Kathy was just sure that you would all be here and as it turns out she was right." Lisa laughed, finally catching up to her daughter.

"It's okay, care to join us? We have plenty," I asked, holding up a plate with a chicken salad sandwich and all sorts of sides on it.

"If you're okay with it." She nodded laughing and sat down to join us. I quickly make up a plate for Kathy and call the kids to the picnic table before making myself a plate. Setting a pack of the cookies in the middle of the table so they could see what they got when they finished all of their food.

We ate happily and like normal the toddlers got seconds but Kathy asked if she could just have another sandwich instead of all of it. I know better than to think everyone could eat like mine did and happily hand her another sandwich. When they are done they go running off to play tag knowing that the cookies would be after they let their stomachs rest a bit first.

Natsu and I talked to Lisa and she even got to hold the twins and gushed about how adorable they were.

"So how old are they? I don't remember seeing you pregnant." she asked while still cooing at Nashi as Natsu takes her away to change another dirty diaper.

"They hatched just a couple days ago," I answered when Natsu had them both safely out of reach.

"Hatched?" She asked, confused.

"Yeah we're dragon slayers remember? We have a lot of their senses and abilities including laying eggs instead of live births. But they take forever to hatch." I explained as I put away the leftovers making sure she didn't want anymore first.

"Wow, I didn't know that. It must be easier in the long run huh?" She asked while sipping her tea.

"Not really," I shrugged before continuing. "I have to go through labor twice; once while laying their eggs and again when their eggs are hatching. It's kind of rough if you ask me."

"Oh my goodness, you poor thing!" She exclaimed. I shrug it off and Natsu brings Nashi and Luke back to play and cuddle before running off to play with the toddlers.

"I'm going to get you and eat you!" He roared as they giggled, running away squealing as they did.

Lisa and I watched them play and she even helped me set the twins up to nurse while Natsu continued to play. We talked catching up on different little things. She was shocked and outraged that anyone could want to hurt our babies.

"Are you sure they are safe now? From the curse magic I mean." She asked worriedly.

"Of course, the Celestial Queen even checked them over to be sure. They are perfectly healthy and curse free." I tell her handing her Luke to burp as I burped Nashi.

"Oh good, I don't know what I would do if anything happened to your little angels." She cooed making silly faces at the baby she was holding now. Which was now Nashi and I held Luke.

I take the sleepy babies and lay them down in their playpen and they both fall asleep.

"Lucy! Natsu!" I hear someone yelling out getting my attention again. Who could that be? Whoever it was they were a good ways away still and Lisa didn't even notice.

I didn't need to wonder long because Natsu roared a large fire dragon's roar into the air as he chased the now sleepy toddlers back towards us. Letting anyone and everyone know where we were.

Melody and Tidus curled up on a blanket close to the playpen and were fast asleep and Kathy was rubbing her eyes and seemed to be debating on whether or not to join them.

"Okay time to go home," Lisa announced and we said our goodbyes before she picked her up and was heading back to the train station to go home.

It's not long before Levy appears from behind the treeline and sees us. We are sitting on the ground and Natsu was fast asleep with his head in my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair. If it wasn't for the fact that I heard someone calling for us I would have summoned a spirit to watch over us all and fallen asleep too.

'I wonder what Levy wants?' I think sleepily to myself as I wave her over. Thankfully she doesn't yell again seeing the babies fast asleep.

"How long have they been asleep? I could have sworn I just saw Natsu's roar just a minute or two ago or was that you?" She asked, making sure to keep her voice low.

"They knocked out as soon as they laid down. It's pretty normal really." I yawned effectively letting her know that we all tended to fall asleep after a long morning of play.

I summoned Griffin and he bowed already knowing why I called for him. He settled down close by and I got up careful not to disturb Natsu too much. I walk away and Levy follows me. We only walk a couple picnic benches away before I take a seat ready to hear whatever it was that she wanted to tell me. She got comfortable and smiled happily at me.

"So what did you need?" I ask her and without realizing it Virgo comes over serving some tea for us and some left over cookies from lunch. I smile back at her and she quickly makes her way back to the kids and Natsu watching them sleep. They like to take turns showing up and when we are at the park they know it's okay to open their gates to see them.

"So I was wondering if I could ask you something? It's okay to say no I know I don't really deserve it or anything." She looked away sadly. She didn't really participate or anything but she also didn't come looking for me either. But having said that she normally didn't anyway. Not unless a book was involved of course.

I smile back at her, "It's okay. What did you want to ask?"

She then started tearing up and let everything spill. Basically she was in love with Gajeel and didn't know how the whole dragon slayer 'change' thing worked and was afraid.

I patted her on the shoulder across the table and tried to relax her a little bit. I explained how everything worked and that if she was really in love with him she just needed to tell him. Whether he had already been through the change or not I didn't know but the worst thing he could do was say no.

"Levy, if he feels the same way he could be hurting himself just by not saying anything. So you need to decide if you are actually ready to take that step or not. There is no turning back." I tried to both lecture her and soothe her. Honestly it was like no time had passed at all and I prefer it that way.

"Okay, I'm ready!" She stood up, her hands clenched at her sides before she looked back at me. "Thank you Lu, I promise I will try to be a better friend." She smiled shyly back at me.

"Better how?" I ask feigning ignorance before laughing and after just a moment she joined me. We said our goodbyes and she left.

I walked back over to my family and laid down next to Natsu after checking on all of my babies. As if by instinct Natsu reached around me and cuddled into me. I relaxed before taking a short nap.


I was actually the first one awake and went about cleaning and feeding Nashi and Luke before waking Natsu up and he got the toddlers together. We picked up our things and I closed my spirit's gates before we started heading home.

"Mommy can we go to the guild with you and Daddy today?" Tidus asked hopefully and Melody got all excited too.

Natsu and I laughed, we weren't planning on going to the guild today but we could stop on the way home. "Sure we can stop by before going home." Which earned cheers from both of them. We took a right instead of a left and it wasn't long before Natsu and I were kicking the door open.

"Hello everyone!" Natsu and I called out and Melody and Tidus came running between us.

"We're back!" They cheered and immediately started a game of tag running around everyone who looked extremely happy to see us all.

"You're back!" Gray fell out of his chair.

Natsu's POV

I couldn't help laughing at the popsicle when he fell out of his chair. What a moron. Melody and Tidus were right next to him when it happened and they tried to help him up but he kept getting burned by them making me laugh harder.

"Tidus, Melody; Gray can't stand heat even as much as most people. He uses Ice Demon Slayer magic and ice make magic." Luce lectured them.

Tidus seemed to really think about it and after a moment he held out a hand again that Gray flinched from. "It's okay, I promise!" Tidus gave him a large smile the one Luce says looks just like mine.

This time when Gray took his hand he looked at my son shocked. "How?"

"Well we are fire dragon slayers so I figure I just needed to reverse the heat and," Tidus aimed a punch at the empty table next to them and a wave of ice hit it. Not unlike my fire dragon iron fist attack.

I grabbed him and threw him up into the air telling him how super smart and perfect he is. Loving his squeals of laughter that erupted from him. I'm still throwing him up and down in the air when I feel a tug on my pants.

I looked down to see Melody and I squatted down so she could whisper something amazing in my ear. I nod and point at the table Tidus already froze and she took a stance and yelled, "Lightning dragon's roar!" Sending a bolt of electricity hitting the table.

I had set Tidus down next to Luce and then I started throwing her up in the air too. Telling her all the amazing things she will be able to do someday. "One day, you two will be even stronger than either of us!" I twirl her around in my arms.

It's then that I put her down next to Tidus and the two start playing with their fire again. "Make sure not to catch anything on fire!" I hear Luce call out after them.

"Relax Luce, they are our kids." I smile, taking one of the twins and kissing her gently before cooing at my baby princess.

"Who's Daddy's princess?" I swear Nashi was smiling right at me like she was answering me. "That's right, you are. You and Melody!" I sprinkle feather light kisses on her just for her to giggle and grab my face.

I look up at Mira who I find was clicking picture after picture and she had a hard time keeping a straight face as Nashi wouldn't let my face go.

"How did the flame brain get a kid that was smart enough to make ice?" I hear Gray ask someone behind me.

I roll my eyes and throw my own ice at him, shutting him up finally. I look at him now that Nashi finally let my face go. "Want more?" I asked while still holding my baby.

Suddenly I get smacked on the back of the head. I turned around trying to figure out who would do it while I was holding my princess only to start sweating bullets. It was Luce and she was angry.

"Don't go starting fights while holding our babies!" Her voice was so low it sent shivers down to my bones as she whacked me again. I apologized several times before she took Nashi away leaving me with Luke now, effectively saying I was not allowed to fight still.

He is much quieter than Nashi, preferring to sit back and watch the world around him. "There's my little prince," I coo at him, already forgetting all about Gray.

He grabbed my finger and I could swear that he could have held himself up if I let go. "Such a strong grip!"

Lucy's POV

I can't help giggling as I watch Natsu interact with our babies. Nashi is looking at the world around us and I can't help following her gaze. She is looking directly at Master and I take one of her hands helping her wave at him. He smiled at the interaction waving back making Nashi squeal in delight.

I look around the guild hall to see Tidus and Melody playing with fire. I can't help sighing out loud. But before I could go over and scold them Gray stops me.

"How long has he been able to make ice?" He looked at me terrified.

"That was Tidus' first time why?" I ask and see him shaking his head no.

"No, Natsu!" He hissed.

I shrug, "I guess since he was about the same age as Tidus why?"

"But, but." Gray was having a mental break.

"Look Gray, have you ever tried reversing the flow of your magic?" He just stood there gaping at me. "Try it sometime, who knows it could make you stronger."

"Can you?" He asked, his eyes large.

"Well that's pretty much what I do when I force close a gate," I shrug. "But as far as ice goes yeah. Now that I have Adam's key though it is harder to control than before. Anytime I get really mad it goes to ice instead of fire. I don't know why though."

Gray just continued to stare at me. I shrug again and walk away. If Gray is that dense I feel bad for Juvia. I let Nashi pick where to go and it didn't take long for her to realize that whenever she pointed somewhere I would go that way. She was a giggling mess and then she saw Melody and Tidus running nearby and started crying to get their attention.

They came running over and she quickly stopped crying and started reaching out for them.

"Mommy, I think Nashi wants me to hold her!" Melody jumped up and down and I couldn't help laughing at her antics.

"Melody, you know you have to sit really super still to hold her," Tidus lectures her. Making me laugh harder when she apologized quickly taking a seat waiting patiently to hold her sister. I give in and give her Nashi and Tidus is sitting next to her. I turn around and see Natsu holding Luke before he hands him off to Tidus.

Natsu and I encourage them to talk to them and let them play with their fingers which they were only too happy to do. It wasn't long before I looked at the clock. It's already 6.

"Shoot, we really should have gone on a mission today." I groan and Natsu follows my gaze but smiles anyway.

"Well there are a few overnight ones we could still take and we could call for a spirit. They are complaining that it's been too long since any of them have seen the babies." He kind of snorts at that. "It's not like it was only this morning or anything."

I laugh in response thinking it over. "Well maybe if there is one nearby and it doesn't take too long.."

I hold up my key ring and ask, "So who's turn is it now?" I ask and hear them bickering.

"No!" I hear one voice in particular that instantly hushed the other spirits. "I think that considering I have been her spirit the longest and still haven't gotten a turn tells everyone exactly who's turn it is!" It was Aquarius, no one pointed out that her key had been broken the last few years and that was probably for the best.

I get a glass of water and summon her and her decided partner who was of course her boyfriend Scorpio. "Are you sure about this? There are four of them now." I ask her after I hug her. I still can't believe I have her back.

"It will be fine, after all Scorpio has watched them before and it's not like I didn't help raise you or anything so it's not like we are new to this." She hugged me back before hitting me on the head. "So I expect you to call me more often!" I nod still smiling as I rub my head to happy to see her to bother complaining.

She instantly has Melody's attention who was still holding Nashi. "You're a mermaid!" She squealed excitedly making Nashi cry. She instantly tried to shush her and give her kisses to show that everything was alright and after a moment it worked.

"Okay, now that that is settled we should probably actually look for a mission." Natsu laughed, slinging his arm around my shoulders like he normally does.