Chapter 25

Natsu's POV

So before Aquarius could actually hurt Luce I decide it's time to pick a mission. I sling an arm around Luce's shoulders steering her towards the mission board. If we didn't leave soon the last train would leave and then we might as well pick one for tomorrow instead.

Luce kept looking over her shoulder and I glance back to see Aquarius holding one of the babies and Scorpio holding the other while Tidus and Melody tried to drag them out the door.

"Hey, don't leave until we pick a mission. Who knows maybe we will end up waiting until tomorrow to go!" I call out and see their disappointed faces making me pout. "Hey don't be like that!" Which only succeeded in making Tidus and Melody laugh.

"Why do they hurt me so?" I act all dramatic clutching at my chest like I was having a heart attack. Which succeeded in getting a laugh from Luce. Good she was starting to relax a little. We get to the board only to find one night time mission and it was way too far away.

"Sorry Luce, we can still go on a mission tomorrow though, we could probably even leave tonight if you like?" I suggest and we look at a few others. But honestly my heart wasn't in it. My instincts were telling me to stay here with our babies.

"Arg! It's like we can't even go!" I burst out and before I know it I'm trying to put out my own flames. "What is the matter with me?"

"I think it's because they are so young still. I see a couple missions I would have liked to go on but my body seems to be screaming at me if I just think about taking one of them." Luce mutters.

"So it's not just me. But the price? Can we pay it?" I ask her only to see her shrug. "Maybe we should just stay home for a couple weeks? We could just use a barrier when it comes to the price?"

Luce seems to let out a sigh before snuggling into me. "We just might have to do that."

"What price are you speaking of?" Erza asked, she was just suddenly there. How can someone wearing armor all the time sneak up on people like that?

"Sorry, we probably shouldn't tell you that." I answer stretching arching my back.

"Mommy Daddy! Can Aquarius and Scorpio still stay tonight?" Tidus asked and I look over to see him and Melody looking like they were about to cry. They were obviously listening in on us.

"Of course! How about Mommy and I go on a little date tonight and you all can play together for a few hours? Then maybe we won't feel so yucky?" I walk over to them and Luce follows. I pick up my boy and he cuddles into my arms and Melody reaches up to Luce and she does the same with her.

"Yucky?" I hear someone ask. Come on people don't put me through all of this now! I wanted to scream in my head.

"Mommy and Daddy feel yucky whenever they don't work for too long." Melody answered whoever it was that asked in the first place before reaching for Aquarius again. But she refused to hold her while holding the baby instead of getting upset though Melody just held her hand happily.

I was forced to put Tidus down as well and he held Scorpio's hand. "I'm starting to feel like I was thrown away here." I pouted before Luce grabbed a hold of my arm, making me smile again.

"Natsu, you know it's just because they were so excited," Luce sighed laying her head on my shoulder. I think she is getting sleepy maybe I should make a barrier and we could get some rest?

I groan and slouch still, "But they are always running off with one of our spirits! I need Daddy time too you know!" I'm only acting dramatic but it does sting that they are so quick to run off all the time.

"Daddy!" Melody and Tidus giggle before tackling me to the floor. Of course I just went with it so they could climb up on me. I must have been quite the sight on the floor in the middle of the guild hall with the two of them pinning me down.

"Daddy we love you very much! But we see you all the time and we don't get to see but a couple of them at a time." Tidus lectured me while sitting on my chest.

"Daddy, we just want to spend some time with them too," Melody whined already starting to tear up.

Son of a bitch! Why do they have to be so freaking adorable? "Hey don't cry. It's just that I love you so much that sometimes I just don't want to share." I try to explain to them.

"But Mommy said sharing is good for us," Melody cried.

"Luce!" it's my turn to whine. How can they do this to me?

"Okay, no more crying. Daddy is just being a bit sad and that is okay. We love you very much," she bent down cleaning our daughter's face before continuing. "Now it's pretty late why don't you show Aquarius how to get to our house? I could summon Virgo and Capricorn and they can make some cookies and snacks for everyone? And tomorrow Aquarius can go to the park with us."

Luce is magic, both of them were cheering and giving hugs and kisses to the both of us before they they got off of me. I just laid there a minute while Luce summoned the two spirits and they all left us. Me still on the floor.

"So how long are you going to stay down there?" She asked looking down at me.

"Maybe until I stop feeling so old," I grumble looking away pouting.

"Don't be mad, you know when you were their age the mention of food would have had all of your attention too." She teased me.

"Is that how you become their hero all the time? By deciding how I would have acted as a child?" I ask her genuinely curious.

She laughed a little before answering, "We are their heroes because we are their parents." She reached down holding a hand out for me to grab. "Besides I think I heard my husband say something about a date?"

I laughed as I jumped up pulling her into my arms and giving her a kiss. "I have the perfect place in mind. Formal to start and maybe a bit childish to end." I wink at her making her giggle.

"I guess I better have a change of clothes ready then." She purred as she wrapped her arms around my neck. The things I would do for you!

"Be ready by 8, I'll meet you at home." I kiss her sweetly before she walks away and right there at the door she uses dragon force and before the doors could close I see her take off into the air.

"Fuck," I groan and start running my hands through my hair. I have to hurry.

"Wait!" I feel someone grab my shoulder as I was about to run off and slam me onto the ground. Just why? Am I really not already old enough that they have to add bruises? Actually how old am I now? All that time in Luce's barriers make it hard to keep track.

I look up to see Erza looking down at me. "Why do you feel a need to hurt people for no reason?" I groaned before struggling to my feet again. Fuck I feel old. I try to shake the thought out of my head.

"I do not understand what you mean," she answers. No wonder I was so dense I was always around ice for brains and this monster who knows nothing about social interactions.

"What do you want? I have to hurry if I'm going to get everything ready in time," I look at the clock 6:30 damn it.

"When did you get all sappy?" Gray asked.

I roll my eyes, "When did you get so perverted you watched people in bed?" I retorted. That got everyone's attention and he was almost as red as our hair when we used the duel sin key's stardress, he was actually glowing slightly too.

I'm standing again and dusting myself off, I'll have to use a barrier to clean up in time. "We know everything that happens in our barrier with a few exceptions like if the intruder was knocked out or whatever but we would know once they woke up again." I stretch finally ready to run again, fuck I really am getting old.

"Now if you would excuse me, I'm not the kind of guy to leave his date waiting," I growl and use dragon force before running out of the guild hall to set everything up.

Lucy's POV

I know that everyone in Fairy Tail probably at least tried to block Natsu from leaving but I hope he isn't too late, I think to myself.

We never get to go on actual dates anymore. We go out to eat and my barriers give us plenty of us time but it's not the same. Dates are pre-planned and it's nice to feel special when Natsu puts so much effort into them, and he always does.

I feel a small drain on my magic, Natsu must be using some of my celestial magic. I have the keys so he has to use a tiny bit of my magic in order to use them. I wonder what he has planned? Cancer just finished my hair and I look at the clock it's time. I close his gate and walk down the stairs to put on my shoes.

"Wow, Mommy looks so pretty!" Melody cheers and I look up to see her and everyone else in the doorway to the living room while I stood at the front door.

I smile at my babies, "You are so sweet!" I give them kisses getting giggles from the all four of them.

"Married life is well suited for you, you actually look happy instead of pretending all the time." Aquarius states getting all sorts of questions from Tidus and Melody in the process.

"Thanks I think." I look at the clock it's 7:58, "I hope he isn't late."

Just then the door opens and I see Natsu dressed in a fancy suit that seemed to be cut just for his muscles and his hair was styled. He must have called Cancer to help with his hair. He looked good, the kind of good that would have resulted in a hoard of girls following drooling, kind of good. The kind that usually resulted in me dragging him into a barrier for several days. I try to shake the thought from my head, not now.

"You clean up good, but I already knew that." I smile.

"Wow Daddy looks pretty too! They must be going somewhere extra nice!" Tidus gasped making us laugh.

Natsu's POV

Luce was wearing a sexy pink cocktail dress that hugged every beautiful curve in the most amazing way. She couldn't have looked better unless she were naked. I'm about to start drooling when I hear her sweet voice practically purring to me. "You clean up good, but I already knew that." Oh Mavis the way she smiled at me. Fuck am I even going to be able to stick to the plan?

"Wow Daddy looks pretty too! They must be going somewhere extra nice!" Tidus gasped making us laugh. Thank you! Now I can think straight again.

"I do have somewhere very nice planned, good thing too, Mommy looks to good to go anywhere else." I kiss her hand and she seems to glow.

It is taking every bit of my will power not to drag her off to bed. I don't think we will make it. Maybe we could use a barrier if I promise not to ruin her dress? That will never work as is I'm barely able to keep my fire under wraps.

"Shall we?" Luce asked holding onto my arm as she does.

"Okay you all know the rules, be sure to help Aquarius and Scorpio if they need it. We will leave Virgo and Capricorn here as well so be good." I tell them holding onto Luce's hand that she is holding my arm with.

I look down and into her sweet chocolate brown eyes and I swear I can see the stars in them. "Let's go, my Queen." What the fuck is that? I have never called her that before, what the hell is wrong with me?

"Lead the way, my King." She purred. I turned to do just that because otherwise the kids might have seen the hard on I was starting to get. They called out their goodbyes until we were out of sight.

We walk to the restaurant it was a seafood place that I knew the owner of. He was easily able to get us a good table and we enjoyed the food and each other's company. I paid the bill and we were leaving when I pulled her in for a sweet kiss. I could hear all of the gasping from several of the woman and men who had been watching us, we have gotten a lot of attention just from being here. The kiss was sweet but it was also passionate leaving us both a little breathless.

I see goosebumps prickle on her skin before I turn leading the way to the park, holding her hand as I do. I know I said the end of the date would be childish but I have no desire to let her undress herself.

Once we get to the park I gently lead her to the pond. I can't even think straight to follow whatever it is that we are talking about, probably a past mission.

"Luce, I can't let you change yet but we are here." I point at the pond and she smiles.

"Then I'm guessing that I did good picking my outfit then."

"Luce the only way you could look better is naked, while moaning my name," I growl trying to control myself. "But it's time for the really fun part of date then we can end the date on a climax," I breathe trying to keep the boner at bay. Failing but trying all the same. I turn to the lake and use my magic to pull all the heat from the water freezing it solid in seconds not just the surface all of it. Thankfully the surface was fairly smooth.

I look back and see Luce using magic to add skates onto her flats. Thank Mavis she wore flats instead of heels. I summon Pan and he plays some slow music and I pull her onto the ice and we skate in circles twirling around each other. I swear we were moving in slow motion because I saw every movement she made. I pulled her in close when we came to a stop in the center of the pond. The moon was big, bright and full above us and I kissed her like my life depended on it. We spent hours there playing and dancing around with each other. I almost didn't notice Gray and Erza as well as a few others from the guild watching us from the trees, Mavis only knows how they found us.

Lucy's POV

Natsu has all of my attention. The way he twirled me around on the ice was like a dream. His kisses were magic and I swear he only got more handsome as the night went on.

The moonlight ice skating was just the icing on the cake. I circle my arms around his neck as he led us around the ice. I could feel his fire raging inside of him as it grew with every movement and touch. It's not long before I figure out it's not just his fire but my own when I realize that I am actually on fire. I smile looking at him watching him grin and we start laughing before he lights himself to match me.

I can't help the laughter bubbling from inside of me. It's not long before I can't stand it, I pull away and concentrate on just letting my wings from dragon force out leaving the rest of me the same as always. The back of my dress was thankfully the plunging kind that prevented any kind of damage but I still frowned. I wonder if I can make my own wings?

I released the magic and concentrate harder feeling my celestial magic flow through me and without thinking I call out "Celestial Wings!" I look back and see fairy like wings that looked like they were made out of starlight.

I hear Natsu's laughter and look back at him to see him jumping into the air towards me, I hadn't even noticed that I had drifted off into the air. I hear him copy the spell and he had a matching set on his own back and we started flying, fluttering actually, into the air.

Dancing to the music Pan played for us. He had just changed the music from slow songs to classical and we started dancing as if we were in a ballroom.

"I love you," he purred after twirling me in his arms high above the ground.

"And I love you!" I whisper before pulling him into a real kiss. The kind that took my breath away.

"Natsu, I think it's time for us to go home." I bit my lip a little. "Maybe we could take the long way?" I look up into his eyes seeing exactly what I wanted to see; lust, it was right there with the love.

"Luce," He purred kissing me gently before holding up a hand behind me creating a barrier right there in the middle of the sky. "I think it's about time we got you out of that dress." He purred before kissing me leading the way.

"Close gate of sin, Gluttony." I whisper before pulling him with me now finally alone without Pan to eavesdrop.