Dying was supposed to be the end, but it wasn’t, so I will make the best out of it
I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com
First novel, I hope you guys enjoy, please let a comment and review if you feel like it.
Love y’all.
With this one, I'll totally forsake my usual way of giving reviews and will go straight to the point. Writing Quality: 4/5, It has some grammar mistakes here and there, even though it says it has an editor. Stability of Updates: 4/5, I recently caught up so I don't really have a way to calculate the releases except for looking at the chapter dates which I will certainly not do... However, for some reasons I will mention later in this review, I give it 4/5. Character Design: 5/5. Nothing to say here, absolutely loyal to the original. World Background: 5/5. Again, absolutely loyal to the original. Now let's get straight to the point of this fking sht... I FKING LOVE THOSE RAVENS!!!! whoever you are reading this review. I don't care if you don't like GOT, or if you're a Harem fan and this doesn't have one, I don't care!!! Read it for the ravens!!!!! you won't feel disappointed my friend you will enjoy this! Now, that I released my idiot fan tendency, let's get serious. This novel is ABSOFUCKINGLY (word by the author) AWESOME I have not read or seen or watch or anything related to input to the brain... Game of Thrones, not more than a few chapters and I totally lost interest of it for whatever reason. But this fanfic just got me to love it (maybe because the ravens give it a lot of comedic sense and it gets rid of all the cruelty and madness in that world) My ranking of characters I love the most beings is like this: -1 .- Roda 0.- Nick Ravenicus 1.- The Ravens 2.- The horses 3.- The Krakens 4.- Daenerys (I love you girl but sorry, U can't compare) 5.- The Dragons Every character in this novel is so true that you get refreshed from all the harem, xiaxia, chinese bullshit that you get to usually consume in this site. Forget about harem BS, I like harems but I'm totally convinced it is the wrong path, novels like this one, hidden marriage, the genie, etc... convince me of that. This thing is so damm vanilla that you will get out of here with diabetes but happy and satisfied, those with corrupted hearts come here. This novel is for serious people. Just like serious people can watch something like GOT, don't expect everything to go perfectly or according to MC, or according to your own liking. However, it is indeed much better than the original version in that regard, at least here you can like characters (for now, who knows it is a trap from the damm author, the flaws have risen but that's how far it gets) As I said before it doesn't have a harem, a lot of people probably came here expecting one, since this is GOT lmao there are no lacking girls one may like to make happy here, but then again, this is a more mature and realist way of making them have a good end. Now let's give some briefing: MC came to the world of GOT under some bigger plot he doesn't know and we don't know either, he has three good and balanced powers for this world: 1.- Super Soldier Serum 2.- Zero no Tsukaima's Gandalfr (Mastery over any type of weapon) 3.- Zero no Tsukaima's Vingalfr (Speak and be loved by animals) from there he shall begin his conquest. The thing I like the most: It is about to end, the author is not trying to get every penny he can from it, this is also why I like the release rate because even if I have to wait sometime, it is guaranteed the chapters are going to be good, so far every single one has been. You can usually judge if a novel is good or bad, based on this fact: If you can skip many chapters and still understand what's happening, then that novel is rubbish. In this novel, if you skip a chapter there is a big chance you missed something big. The story is fast passed but very well told and written and I absolutely recommend it.
This is a very good story! Keep it up don't drop it! As for mc and Sansa hook up I think that you could really make it work. It makes a lot of sense if you think that the Starks are that far into the mc's revenues taxation. It would be absolute political suicide to walk away from this marriage. On top of that if Sansa were to be killed it would be a plot killer!!!!!
Not memorable. Seeing less than 10 comments on the final chapter as thanks to the author speaks volumes to the quality of this story. I have finished this story after dropping a couple of times, and it does do some things alright but not enough. The worldbuilding and character design is ok but lacking in many ways. The setting is important to any story and to often do fanfic authors take for granted that they are copying it from another work without re-establishing it on their own. There are many characters who are not introduced or explained in addition to locations. The biggest flaw that pervades this novel is the repetative use of Deus ex Machina and the forced plot elements. The author tries to add their own spice to the game of thrones world, but the execution is not very good and adds many Illogical plot holes. It is all very unnecessary, especially in the given setting. GOT fans want political drama, intrigue, kingdom building, romance, and wars. Not as much fantasy, gods, and especially good vs. evil. The beginning is a op mc reincarnation with wishes (** the kingdom building is all time skips and he gets nerfed)but 40 chapters in the author decides to alter the GOT world to a battle between the god of light and darkness who are toying with the MC. Literally the God of darkness and his champion could wipe out the mc who is now the champion of the god of light, multiple times but doesnt out of hubris. Again and again things happen for ‘reasons’ where logic and prior character molds are thrown out the window. Overall, if you are starved for GOT content then maybe you will like some of this but there is a reason so many people stopped commenting on this novel and its plot holes. They gave up and left.
More!!!!!more and moreeeeee....More!!!!!more and moreeeeee....More!!!!!more and moreeeeee....thanks for the effort author-san and More!!!!!more and moreeeeee....
It had a pretty good start but went pretty downhill after that... Canon characters are ooc and the politics and world-building are both very cliche... The premise had great potential but the execution was pretty lackluster, though...
It's very good , give it try. The pace is good, the mc is smart.
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop Please don’t stop
Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site! Best GoT fanfic on this site!
I didn't think my rating for this would be so bad but I have to be honest. With all that PLOT ARMOR, the MC didn't need those abilities. I think the author should just skip trying to write too many details about how the MC made his house richer, the inconsistencies just made me cringe. Also, he should add AU to this because some characters are just OOC. Tywin trying to stop him getting rich is just ridiculous.
More please...............
Its a damn good novel. Writing, Romance, power, Everything is Awesome. MC isn't stupid, and he's smart. CAWRN!!! For the Corn!! #NoHaremSect4Life
What are you doing here?! CAW! Move along!
To be fair, the main reason I give this a full score is because we're still only at the start. So much can still go wrong. But so far, it's great. I'd give writing quality a 4.5 if I could(occasional spelling errors etc). But it's still very much readable, and the general grammar is great. We will see if I have to change my mind about the score in the future. But for now, I enjoy it quite a bit. And curse that there are no more chapters to read.