Flash Back-

Kabuto opened the door to Orochimaru's study and entered with Guren nervously trialling behind him. As he walked in, Kabuto saw Orochimaru sitting on his throne-like chair smiling his usual creepy smile.

Orochimaru looked at Kabuto for a second, before his serpent-like eyes glanced away from him and zoned onto the girl behind her. Guren shook slightly under the man's state. 'I'd be nervous too if a man with abnormally pale skin, serpent eyes and had a weird fashion sense, stared at me with such intensity.' Kabuto thought dryly.

"Kabuto-kun, what's the meaning of this?" Orochimaru asked in a dangerously low voice, still smiling.

"Why, Orochimaru-sama. I believe that I've found an asset that would benefit Otogakure immensely." Kabuto answered uncaringly, like he wasn't asked in a threatening voice.

"And am I to assume it has something with the girl cowering behind you?" Orochimaru asked, as he fixed his eyes onto Kabuto.

'Oh, she moved behind me...how wonderful." Kabuto thought dryly, before he reached up and fixed his glasses. "Yes Orochimaru-sama, when I felt some of the Security Seals that we placed, pick up some Cloud Nin passing through our area. I naturally I went to investigate. I came upon them chasing Guren-chan here, in a attempt to kidnap her." He explained, with Guren blushing slightly at the name. "After a 'Kindly' told them to leave Otogakure. They refused and attacked, so I had no other choice but to defend myself." Kabuto said with a dark smirk.

"And being the Good Samaritan that I am, I went to check on Guren-chan. Imagine my surprise when I saw her heal her own wounds with Medical Chakra subconsciously." He lied, but noticed the calculative look cross Orochimaru's eyes. 'Come on, take the bait.' Kabuto thought. "Then not only was I surprised at what I just witnessed. I was almost floored with her Chakra levels, which easily over shadowed some of our own Chuunin. I'm sure you feel it too. And then to find out from Guren-chan that she had no prior Shinobi training. Excluding unlocking her Chakra of course." He informed with a fake disappointment. Kabuto noticed Orochimaru's calculative look shift into a gleeful predatory smirk.

'That's it.' Kabuto thought. "I can only imagine...If she had the right training." He trailed off. "...I'd say she could be the next Tsunade." He commented.

"You were right, Kabuto-kun, you did right by bringing her to me." Orochimaru said gleefully, before his eyes focused on Guren, as Kabuto slowly pushed her forward. But he kept his hand on her shoulder to give her silent support. "My, Guren-chan, Tell me. What do you desire most in this world?" He asked with a sinister undertone.

Guren clenched her fists, as she glared down. "I-I want power...So I'll never be hurt again, Oro-Orochimaru-sama." She manged to force out. Orochimaru smiled evilly, as Kabuto's plan seemed to work.

"Hmhmhm...Good, then you've made the right choice in joining my Village." Orochimaru said with a smirk, before he looked at the ash-haired teen. "Kabuto-kun, lead Guren-chan to an empty room. And get her some new clothing. Also, since you gave her such a high praise you'll be her teacher." He said smugly, as it such a request would upset Kabuto.

Kabuto forced an annoyed look to form on his face, as he grudgingly led Guren and himself out of Orochimaru's study. 'Prefect, everything went as expected...I'm so convincing.' Kabuto thought, as s sly smirk formed on his face. But only Guren could see it. Since they were already walking through the hallway.

-Flash Back End-

'In the following months after Guren admission into Otogakure I started her training. I used Chakra Paper to find out what her initial Elements were. I found out she only had Earth aligned chakra, which makes sense. Crystal is an earth based mineral, so I did my best in helping her master it. I also taught her a lot about the human anatomy and other Medical techniques. She questioned why I was teaching her how to heal people; I told her it's far more difficult to save a life than to end one, and that with one hundred ways to save your allies you can turn that into one thousand ways kill your enemies. She seemed to stop asking after that. I also help her in creating new techniques that incorporated her Crystal release.' Kabuto thought with a sigh.

'After a few months my training she could give a few High-chuunin a run for their money and with a year of training she will be able handle a few Jonin, she in return for the training, helped me try and recreate her Crystal release bloodline limit. She allowed me to take samples of her Chakra and some of her blood for study happily.' The Ash-haired teen remembered.

'What I found out in her chakra was the alignment, while earth based, it was laced with concentrated amounts of Yin chakra. Which is why the chakra paper only picked up her earth element. Chakra Paper can only pick up and distinguish between Fire, Wind, Lightning, Water, and Earth chakra nothing more. With more study, I was able to discover the Crystal Bloodline Limit's mechanics. The Crystal release was the combination of Earth Chakra and Yin Chakra. While Earth chakra creates the earth, the Yin chakra transforms the shape and properties of said earth, specifically crystallizing its molecules. While testing the properties of Guren's crystal release structure, I was able to discover that her Crystals weren't weak to lightning like its earth counterpart. Though the weakness I have discovered. Is that her crystals cannot crystallize raw energy or someone else's chakra. What I mean is that if Guren's Crystals were to come in contact with Earth or Water, the crystals would convert their molecules to match it and crystallize them, it would in turn use them to spread and continue the process. While Fire, Wind, Lightning and Charka based attacks like the gentle fist would just be deflected or redirected. Unless it over powers the crystals but that's really difficult to accomplish. The other weakness that I discovered is that a certain sound frequency that bats use for echolocation seems to destabilize the crystal's molecules.' Kabuto thought with a scowl

'With several months of experimentation I was successfully able to recreate it, though another interesting fact I discovered was the color of my crystals while Guren's crystals are pink colored, mine however happen to be striking Emerald green.' He reminisced. As Kabuto stopped reminiscing, about recreating the Crystal release he allowed his mind to enter the state of unconsciousness.

- Next day early morning-

Kabuto woke up as sweat rolled down his face. He got up grabbed a towel and another pair of clothes, then walked to the door. Kabuto walked across the hallway to the bathroom were the showers where located. As he undressed and started the shower he thought back to his dream. 'While I only remember bits and pieces it revolved around a Blood red stone, and some raspy voice demanding he needed it. Hmm weird' Kabuto thought as he finished his shower, dried off and threw on a new set of cloths.

As Kabuto walked through the hallway aimlessly, he thought about the recent assignment Orochimaru assigned me. 'I'm supposed to check the progress of the new Shinobi of The Hidden Leaf genin, that is including Sasuke Uchiha. Along scoping out the defense's The Hidden Leaf has. And if possible sabotage them' He thought with sigh. 'I'm a genin again, with a pair of Otogakure spies that have been in the Hidden Leaf for a few years. Yoroi Akado and Misumi Tsurugi are their names while there abilities are interesting. There not that interesting to actually learn from them. They are also annoying, arrogant and question almost everything I do. I'm always contemplating whether to go through the effort of making them disappear or not. I wish Guren was here so I can at least have an intelligent conversation.' Kabuto mused.

As Kabuto exited the hideout, he took a look around to double check and make sure that no one was near to see him. With one final look he launched myself onto the closest tree and started jumping across them. After a few minutes of Tree Jumping, Kabuto landed near the outskirts of the Hidden Leaf and traveled to the Shinobi Hospital. With his clearance as a med-nin Kabuto could gather all there medical information he needed, especially on the rookie genin teams and maybe some info on Sasuke.

When he entered the hospital, several passing Nurses and med-nin glanced at him but then returned to their work as though he were unimportant to them. Kabuto continued down the bright white hallways, occasionally passing one or two patients doctors. As he continued walking he notice a doctor walking his direction and looking the other way, Kabuto 'accidently' bumped into the doctor, while the doctor was distracted Kabuto snatched his ID card. Then Kabuto continued on like nothing happened until he found what I was looking for, a Room with a Computer Directory filled with a collective of Medical information on all active shinobi. 'After collecting the information on the Rookie genin I'll sneak into the Shinobi Directory.' Kabuto thought as he used the ID card that he swiped off of a passing doctor to enter the room and he used the coding imprinted on the card to gain access onto the computer.

Kabuto attached a USB disk into the computer and logged on and looked for the Rookie genin. 'The information here will not be as in-depth into their Shinobi abilities but more on their medical history, lineage, blood type, Allergies, and phobias. That sort of stuff, anything we can use against them the better.' Kabuto Smirked as he did a quick read through of the files and downloaded them his USB disk.

Kabuto wiped his presence clean, and quickly left the hospital. He headed toward the Shinobi registry building that was not too far away. As He neared the building Kabuto quickly hid in a nearby ally, he did a Tiger hand sign and activated his "Meisaigakure no Jutsu (Hiding with Camouflage Technique)" then quickly suppressed his chakra. While using a small amount of chakra to jump into an open window Kabuto was in. 'It was surprisingly easy to break into a shinobi building were most of their secrets are held. With a few years of peace time Konoha's security has become lax. Well there incompetence is my gain.' Kabuto thought with a dark smirk.

After he searched around for a few minutes, Kabuto eventually found the Shinobi Information Repository. 'Sense the codes are changed regularly I need to use a Passcode generator program to gain access to the repository.' After uploading the program Kabuto was able to gain access to the information and downloaded the genin shinobi files. Then same as he did in the hospital he erased his existence from this area and left. 'I need to sabotage there defenses, and sort through the data I have recently obtained.' Kabuto reminded himself as he hid in the alleyway again and dropped his Camouflage. "Suishō Bunshin no Jutsu"(Jade Crystal Clone Technique)" Kabuto whispered as he went through several hand seals. When a crystal clone of himself was formed out of an emerald green crystal, he gave it my USB disk to take back to the hideout as he henged into a civilian. Before he walked in the opposite direction. 'I wouldn't want to be caught with that on me.' Kabuto thought as he exited the other side of the ally.

'While Orochimaru is planning to invade the Hidden Leaf next month during the Final test of the Chuunin exams, I have to sabotage several areas of the village to increase our chances of success, areas like ANBU Headquarters, The Shinobi Hospital and the Hidden watch towers that watch the areas around the border of the Village.' Kabuto thought as he headed towards one of the Hidden watch towers and sensed two low-chuunin leveled shinobi on station. He readied several high grade camouflaged explosive seals and that integrated a combined form of Fire Chakra and Wind Chakra to increase the destruction capability, and then climbed up the side of the guard tower. Kabuto was able to sense that the two Chuunin were off looking out into the forest surrounding the village. He went through several hand seals.

"Jinton: Mueishō(Swift Release: Shadowless Flight)" Kabuto whispered, as he used the Swift release to move at blinding speeds. He was able to plant the Explosive Seals expertly before the Chuunin could even realized he was there.

Kabuto continued to repeat this action on the other 5 Watch towers, each of them far easier than the last. As he walked aimlessly he noticed he hadn't eaten for a while and it was getting late so He sat down at a local ramen shop. After he ate and paid for my food he left to wonder back into Orochimaru's hideout.

As Kabuto entered the hideout he felt his Crystal Clone dispel and felt his head rush slightly at the increase of memories. Most of the information his clone learned on the Genin is next to nothing extraordinary. 'The only thing I really learned is that the Leaf genin that are attending the Chuunin Exams are weird bunch. There made up of 7 clan heirs and heiresses Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Shino Aburame, Hinate Hyuga, Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimich and Kiba Inuzauka, a Taijutsu specialist Rock lee, a Hyuga branch member that's a prodigy in the Gentle fist Neji Hyuga, a dead last Uzamaki, a Girl with a weapons obsession, and a civilian born fan-girl.' Kabuto thought as he shook his head. 'Like I said weird bunch, and from what I learned there mostly terrible shinobi. Like being overly emotional, loud, and brash, those are bad shinobi qualities. A shinobi needs to know how to control ones emotions, keep quiet, and aware of your surroundings, these genin have none of these qualities.' Kabuto signed at what passed as a Shinobi these days, as he pushed up his glasses.

It took only a few minutes to arrive at the location on were his clone dispelled. All that was left was emerald crystal on the ground. 'The clone must have run out of chakra to sustain itself and dispelled.' Kabuto thought as he picked up the USB disk lying on the ground, as the remains of the crystals turned to dust and floated away. 'Though most of the data is useless to me, Orochimaru will be pleased by Sasuke's progress ' He mused.

Kabuto bit his thump, before he went through several hand seals. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu"(Summoning Technique)" He muttered, as he slammed his hand on the ground. Before seal like lines appeared, and so did a puff of smoke. The smoke cleared to show a Pitch black 3 foot long snake with glowing green silted eyes. The snake seemed to look around until her eyes zoned onto mime, and then the snake bowed her head to me.

§What do you require, massster § she hissed in her own snake based language. Kabuto handed her the USB disk that contented the information on the Genin and the layout of the defenses that he was able to scope out a week ago. She wrapped her tail around the USB disk.

§ Deliver that to Orochimaru as fast as possible§ Kabuto hissed out in the snake language. She quickly bowed again and vanished in a poof. Kabuto signed is he walked to his room 'Today was a boring day and in a few days the Chuunin Exams officially begin, oh joy' Kabuto thought dryly.