Kabuto walked towards The Hidden Lead Shinobi Academy with his 'Team' trailing behind him. So they could register for the Chuunin Exams.

'After I delivered the information to Orochimaru, he informed me that he thought Sasuke was impressive. But held no candle to his older brother in the prodigy department. And with Sasuke's team composed with a Dead-last and a civilian born fan-girl, his chances of passing The Chuunin Exams will be lowered significantly. So I have to make sure that Sasuke has a better chance at passing and that means give him information on the competition, give his team advice. And from what I learned from Orochimau's sleeper cell, is that the second Test of the Chuunin Exams would be held in the training Ground 44 or otherwise known as "The Forest of Death." Kabuto thought, before he fixed his glasses. 'Boy won't this be a fun day.' He thought dryly.

After Kabuto and his Team were finished registering, they walked to the designated room 301 for the first part of the test. As Kabuto traveled towards the third floor, they passed a room with a D-ranked Genjutus over the room number 201 stating it was "number 301".

When they arrived at the room 301, Kabuto noticed the famous or infamous, Sharingan no Kakashi(Kakashi of the Copy Wheel Eye) leaning against a wall reading porn. 'Hmm, probably waiting for his team' Kabuto thought. When he entered the First Exam room with his "team", he noticed a fair amount of out of country-nin glaring in his direction if he were in any other situation Kabuto would probably slaughter them all but he'd control himself for the time.

As Kabuto scoped out the competition, he noticed to the far left of the room the Sand Siblings aka the children of the Kazekage. 'The Kazekage sent his Jinchūriki daughter to help aid Orochimaru in destroying The Hidden Leaf from the inside out. My first meeting with her was strange to say the least, but so has every meeting after that. ' Kabuto thought dryly.


When Orochimaru, Kimimaro, and Kabuto traveled to The Village Hidden in the Sand to solidify the Alliance between the Sand and Sound Villages. Orochimaru and The Kazekage had their meeting in private, with Kimimaro following The Sannin like he usually does.

Kabuto waited outside of the building for their meeting to finish. He was outside because the Sand-nin only allowed Orochimaru to be near the Kazekage with only one guard and Kimimaro wouldn't take no for an answer.

The Ash haired teen waited around for a few minutes, before he felt a large chakra signature approaching him from the left. He turned his head in the direction the power was coming from, only to see a petite girl with maroon red hair, that fell passed her shoulders, but obscured the right side of her face. She had blank sea green eyes, with black rings around them. She wore a black and red battle skirt, over her shirt she sore a light gray armor the covered her chest, but stopped above her mid-drift. She also had red boots instead of the standard Shinobi sandals, with a large gourd strapped on her back.

The Maroon haired girl walked towards Kabuto, and stopped with she was about fifteen feet from him. Kabuto raised an eyebrow as he turned to completely face her. 'From what my Intel suggests, she's the Kazekage's youngest Daughter, but also she's Suna's Jinchūriki. I'll have to be careful.'

Kabuto thought with a scowl.

The two stared down for a few minutes, before a steady tension began to rise. Kabuto quickly did a hand seal. "Jinton: Mueishō(Swift Release: Shadowless Flight)" He muttered, before he flickered out of existence, just as a wave of sane tried to kill him. Kabuto appeared a few feet away from the attack, before he reached down and pulled several senbon out of his Ninja pouch. He threw the needles at the Jinchūriki's nerves clusters, to temporarily paralyze her. Kabuto smirked when the girl didn't react to the danger, only for it to fall when he saw her sand rise to protect her. 'So her Sand protects her automatically...Oh, isn't this such a treat.' He thought dryly, before he was forced to dodge more sand.

Kabuto vanished in a flicker, still using the Swift Release, before he appeared behind the maroon haired girl. His fingers lit up in a purple flames, before he jabbed the petite girl int he back of the neck. But to his surprise, he felt sand.

"That won't work my Suna no Yoroi(Armour of Sand) is impenetrable. My mother tells my you'll prove my existence...I will have YOUR BLOOD!" the unstable Jinchuriki declared.

'Well fuck berries. Now she's going to start rampaging' Kabuto thought dryly.

With his Swift Release still active, he started to mold his Crystal Chakra around his left hand. Causing the Kesshō no Yoroi(Crystal Armour) to enclose his fist. Kabuto flickered out existence again, before he appeared in front of the petite girl. In a quick succession he slammed his Crystal encased fist into her abdomen. With the enhanced speed and strength he was granted from the Swift Release, along with his fist being encased with crystallized armor, he was able to shatter her sand armor.

In the few seconds Kabuto had, his right hand and subsequently his fingers were engulfed in a purple fire. Before he lifted the girls shirt slightly, and applied the Five Elements Seal on her exposed stomach. With her chakra destabilized her sand fell, Kabuto deactivated his Swift Release, and canceled the Crystal Armor.

The maroon haired girl collapsed on her hands and knees, and then started panting hard. 'When I used the Five Elements Seal on her I blocked off her use of the Ichibi's chakra so she can't control her sand subconsciously, and with her chakra disrupted she's wasting too much chakra trying to force her sand to move.' Kabuto mused, before she looked up at him and looked absolutely terrified.

Kabuto sighed as he glanced around, only to see the area was clear of any civilians and Sand-Nin. 'Seems they fled as soon as they saw her approaching.' Kabuto mused as he looked down to her. 'Curse my weakness for girls in distress.' He thought, as touched her shoulder and did a half Ram hand sign. "Shunshin no Jutsu(Body Flicker Technique)" Kabuto muttered, before they 'Body Flickered' to a nearby building roof.

As soon as they arrived on the roof, the girl pushed herself away from Kabuto, as she put her back against a wall. "S-stay away from me! I-I won't allow my existence to end...I-I don't want to be forgotten." She announced, as she began to curl herself into a ball and held herself.

Kabuto closed his eyes. 'she reminds me of myself a little. We're both just trying to figure out who we are in this bid world.' He thought with a sigh, before he knelt down and gently rubbed the girl's back. But the girl only flinched at the touch.

"...It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." Kabuto said, in the kindest voice he could muster. The Maroon haired girl slowly looked up at the teen with tear and pain filled eyes. Kabuto smiled slightly, trying to reassure the distraught girl. "It's okay. I won't end you're existence..." He said quietly. "...It's alright to let it all out." He said. In a instant the petite girl latched onto Kabuto and buried her face into his chest and started crying. The ash haired teen rubbed her back, as he tried to give her reassuring words. 'She's emotionally starved and would attach to any one who'd give her a sliver of kindness. Orochimaru would probably take advantage of this...but...I won't.' Kabuto thought.

After a few minutes, the girl calmed down before she composed herself. The petite girl looked up and stared intently at Kabuto. After a few minutes Kabuto got a bit weirded out by the girls staring, so he decided to break the silence.

"Are you alright?" Kabuto asked. The Maroon haired girl stared at him for for a few seconds.

"Why didn't you kill me? I tried to kill you...shouldn't you want revenge?" The girl asked melancholy.

"Because..." Kabuto began, before he looked around to make sure no one was near to hear him. "...Because you remind me of myself, when I had absolutely nothing." He informed.

"W-what did you do to change" The maroon haired girl asked hopefully. "W-will it be able to help me?" She questioned.

"Orochimaru was one who helped me validated my existence." Kabuto admitted as he looked up and signed. 'I sure hope this won't bite me in the ass later.' He thought, before he looked down at her. "And if you need it, I will help validate yours. I won't think of you as the monster that everyone fears you as and I'll like you even when everyone fears you." He declared to her. She stared at Kabuto for a minute, until she started to stand up and slowly walk towards him until she was a foot in front of him.

Before Kabuto could react, the girl wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. Kabuto raised his hands above his head instinctively. He looked down to see she was resting her head on his chest, with her eyes closed. Kabuto looked around to make sure no one was around, before he slowly brought his hands down and awkwardly hugged her back.

After a few minutes, Kabuto felt that that hug had gone on long enough. "Well I think we should return, before anyone realizes we're missing." He suggested. The petite girl's response was to hug Kabuto tighter. It took a few minutes to actually convince the girl to release him. Kabuto grabbed onto her shoulder, before the both vanished in a swirling wind, to where they fought.

Kabuto glanced around, before he turned to face the maroon haired girl. "Is it alright if you can lift your shirt up, so i can unseal your Chakra?" He asked seriously. The petite girl nodded, but she had a small blush on her face. Before she lifted her shirt high enough to fully show the seal.

"Prepare yourself, this might be...unpleasant." Kabuto said with concern, as he reared his hand back before his fingers were engulfed in blue flames. "Gogyō Kaiin(Five Elements Unseal)" He muttered, as he slammed his hands onto the Seal on her stomach. The petite girl gritted her teeth in pain, but when her Chakra was unsealed. Her sand came to her defense, and it pushed Kabuto back.

Kabuto pushed himself back up, and noticed the girl was molding her sand into a gourd onto her back. She quickly walked up to Kabuto. "I-I'm sorry." She said, hoping she didn't hurt her new...and only friend.

"Eh, it's alright." Kabuto waved off, before he realized it didn't introduce himself. "Now where are my manners, I totally forgot to introduce myself. My name's Kabuto Yakushi. So that's the name of my new friend?" The ash-haired teen asked curiously.

"...Gaia no Sabaku." she answered quietly.

"Hm The Earth Goddess of the Sand Waterfall...Interesting it fits." He complimented, while giving her a smile. She blushed at the comment. "I think we should head back to the Kazekage tower."Kabuto suggested Gaia nodded, though she seemed annoyed with the idea.

As Kabuto started walking, he felt something grab onto his hand. He looked down, only to see Gaia holding on to his hand tightly. He looked to her face, only to see she was looking at him blankly as if daring him to take his hand away. And Kabuto eventually relented, but he looked out of the corner of his only to see she was smirking.

When the two arrived at the tower, Kabuto noticed two figures near the entrance. One was a male dressed in a cat suit, along with white and purple war paint. with a bundle on his back with bandages around said bundle. Of course Kabuto recognized him as Kankuro, the Kazekage's son.

The other was a female with sandy blonde hair tied in four different pony tails, She had a purple shirt that extended into a skirt, and had the standard shinobi sandals, with a large fan on her back. This is The Kazekage's first born Temari.

When we the two noticed them, Kabuto felt Gaia was now walking slower. He turned to look at her, only to hear the voice of Kankuro stutter her name. Kabuto looked at them, only to see the Kankuro and Temari frozen in fear by Gaia's presence.

The Ash-haired teen, felt Gaia's hand shake slightly, causing the medic to give her a reassuring squeeze. Kankuro and Temari noticed Kabuto near Gaia, before they gave him variations of sympathy...or maybe it was pity. That caused Kabuto to scowl slightly. 'Okay, now I'm starting to get a little pissed.' He thought with narrowed eyes.

It took The two to notice Gaia was holding onto Kabuto's hand, before they turned their gazes to her, and then back to the hand, and then to the medic. Kabuto just shrugged at them.

Kabuto let go of the Maroon haired girl's hand, getting a pout from Gaia. He just ruffled her red hair. "See you another time, Gaia." The Medic said with a slight smile, getting a small smile from the girl. Kabuto turned around and began to walk away. As he walked through the desert Village, Kabuto scowled. 'That Cockbite better not have left me here.' He thought, hoping Orochimaru didn't leave him in a desert.

-Flashback end-

Kabuto quickly noticed Gaia was looking in his direction, before he sent a slight nod in her direction. Getting a smile from the maroon haired girl.

While Kabuto was reminiscing, he noticed three out of four of the Hidden Leaf Shinobi had arrived. Team Guy, with Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee, and Tenten. Team 8, with Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzaka and his partner Akamaru. And Team 10, with Choji Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara, and Ino Yamanaka. 'Now all I need is Team 7 to make an appearance.' The Medic thought dryly.

After a few minutes, Kabuto saw the door open up, with Team 7 barging in. 'Now to play the waiting game.' He thought with a sigh.

"Sasuke, you're late!" Kabuto heard the voice of Ino Yamanaka yell. He watched as the blonde practically jump on Sasuke's back. 'Hmph, What a weirdo. Honestly who dose that?' He mused. "I thought I'd be able to see you for the first time in a while, so l was waiting in excitement." Ino announced.

'So she came to the Chuunin Exams for him, so she basically wants to die for him wow now that's committed.' Kabuto thought dryly. 'More like obsessed.' He added.

Kabuto watched as the pink haired girl, He remembered her name being Sakura. He watched as Sakura's pupils and iris completely disappear and shriek out "Get away from Sasuke! Ino-Pig!" She yelled comically.

"Oh, my. It's Sakura." Ino commented uncaringly. "Your Billboard Brow hasn't changed, eh..Ugly!." She insulted.

'Really they think these are insults, ugh what idiots.' Kabuto thought with annoyance.

"What did you say" Sakura said in apparent outrage.

'So there not only are they idiotic, they're partially deaf as well, and what's with all the yelling aren't shinobi supposed to be quiet?' Kabuto thought, as he watched Ino pull down her on her eye lid and stick her tongue out. He sighed and shook his head 'So childish'. He mused.

Kabuto saw Ino's two Teammates come up behind her. "What's up with this?" He heard the Nara ask and Naruto's reply was "Huh?"

'Whoa Fucking Genius!' Kabuto thought sarcastically, before he sighed. 'I'm really regretting this mission.' He added.

"Are you guys going to take this Bothersome Exam, too?" Shikamaru asked.

Kabuto sighed again. 'I hope he realizes that the Chuunin Exams are optional right, you don't have to take them.' He thought dryly.

"Oh, it's the idiot trio" Kabuto heard Naruto say. 'isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?' The medic asked himself.

"Quit calling us that!" Shikamaru practically yelled, but was too lazy to. "Man, this is a freaking bother" Shinkamaru finish. 'Why is Naruto space out for no reason?' Kabuto thought, when he noticed the idiotic blond zone out.

"Sasuke…is mine. Bleah!" Ino claimed and started sticking her tongue out again. 'honestly, I have to befriend and help these people, whelp fuck.' The Medic thought, before he noticed Team 8 approaching the group.

"Yahoo, I found you!" Kabuto heard the brash Inuzaka heir yell. "My, my, everybody's here" he finished. He could hardly hear what the Hyuga was saying she was talking so quietly.

Kabuto sighed. 'Do these people not understand the art that is subtlety or awareness, they haven't even noticed that almost half of the room has been glaring at them' He thought. 'I guess it's my big debut.' He mused, as he started to walk towards them and ignored the rest of their antics.

"Hey, you guys!" Kabuto said as he walked towards them. "You should be a little quieter." He suggested. 'And what I mean by that is, shut the hell up!' But he kept that last part in his head. "You guys are the 'rookie nine' fresh out of the academy, right?" He asked "Carrying on like that with cute faces… Man. This isn't a field trip" He finished.

"Who're you? Acting all haughty!" Sakura yelled, at him and he had to suppress the urge to tear out her vocal cords. 'haughty...HAUGHTY! The fucking bitch, I'm trying to help and she says I'm acting haughty ' Kabuto thought with a scowl.

"I'm Kabuto Yakushi. Anyway, take a good look around you." He informed, as he glanced around. 'That's right, look at all the people who want to kill you.' He thought, as they looked around the room and caught on to what he was talking about. "Behind you…they're from the Rain Village. They're hot-tempered. Everyone's tense before the Exam. I thought I'd warn you guys before you get your butts whipped." He informed. "I guess it can't be helped. You're rookies, who don't know left from right. You remind me of my old self." He told them. 'Which is a lie my old self would kick all your asses.' He thought.

"You're Kabuto…right?" Sakura asked me 'Wow and I thought she had the top of her class, my bad.' He thought sarcastically.

"Yes" He answered.

"Then, is this your second time?" she asked, 'okay I admit that actually is a reasonable question.' The medic mused.

"Nope, It's my seventh time." Kabuto answered quickly. "This Exam is only held twice a year, so it's now my fourth year." He informed them

"Then that means you know a lot about these exams?! Sakura exclaimed. 'Excellent, it's working.' He mused.

"Kind of." was his reply.

"No kiddin. Kabuto, you're pretty awesome, huh?" Naruto announced.

'it must be so easy to earn that kid's praise.' Kabuto thought dryly.

"But you haven't passed." Shikimaru stated.

"Yeah, well that is the case, yes" Kabuto said, as he attempted to look sheepish.

"Is the Chuunin Exam that high a hurdle?" he asked himself pathetically. "Man, this is utterly bothersome"

'I'm tempted to tell him the Exams aren't mandatory, but where's the fun in that.' The medic thought with smirk. 'Now to go in for the kill.' He thought. "Then, maybe I'll give a bit of Information to my cute juniors..." He said, as he reached into his Shinobi tool pouched and grabbed his ninja Info cards. Kabuto then pulled them out. 'For some weird reason, I have the urge to say 'it's time to Duel'.' Kabuto thought curiously, before he focused on the task at hand. "...With these Ninja info Cards." He informed.

"Ninja info Cards" Sakura questioned.

'Did I stutter, I guess I'll have to dumb it down for them.' The Ash-haired teen thought.

"To put is simply, they're cards that have information burned into them and coded with Chakra." Kabuto told them, as he knelt down on the ground."I spent four whole years gathering information for this Exam. There are close to two hundred of these cards. They are pure white to the eye. To open the data on these cards." He said, as he stared to spin one of the cards on his finger and poured chakra into the card.

"What are you doing?" Sakura asked.

"The way it works is that no one can see the info without using my Chakra for example. Like this." Kabuto informed, the card was engulfed in a poof of smoke, only to disperse showing a map of the Elemental countries.

"Whoa, Awesome! What information is this?" Sakura questioned

"The number of test-takers and participating nations, and the number of applicants from each respective village is individually displayed. Why do you think that the Chuunin Exam is jointly conducted in the first place?" Kabuto asked. And waited, 'and apparently no answer.' He thought with fake surprise.

"It's said it's done to deepen friendship among the Nations first and to boost the Shinobi levels, second." He explained

"It's said?" Sasuke asked

"That's right; the real aim is in the Checking of the Shinobi levels of the neighboring nations and equalizing the balance of power." Kabuto informed.

"Power… equal?" Naruto asked stupidly

"Why such bothersome things?" Shinkimaru asked quietly.

"If that's not done, the weak nations will be invaded by strong nations in no time at all and may end up being controlled unilaterally. There's no point to mutual supervision probably." Kabuto told them, with a shrug.

Sasuke walked forward "Of those cards, are there ones with detailed individual information?" He asked

"Yes, there are. Are there ones you're concerned about?" Kabuto asked him.

"Yes, there are!" Sasuke exclaimed all seriously.

"The information for the applicants this time around is not perfect, but is burned in and saved. You guys included. About the 'ones you're concerned about.' Anything's fine, tell me their Information and I'll retrieve it for you." Kabuto told him.

"Gaia of the Sand Village, and Rock Lee of the Leaf Village." Sasuke requested. 'Hmm so you attracted Gaia's attention, though I have changed her 'killing for her existence outlook' she still enjoys killing strong people to please Shukaku. Man sucks for you Sasuke.' He thought while keeping a straight face.

"Oh, you even know names. That makes it quick." He said as he dramatically grab two cards and hold them up. "Here they are!" Kabuto said.

"Please show me." Sasuke asked. 'Well at least he's polite.' The Medic thought dryly.

"Well then, first is Rock Lee. He's one year older than you guys. His mission experience, twenty D-ranks and eleven C-ranks. His squad lead is Guy. In just this year, his Taijutsu has drastically improved, but his other skills are next to none existents. Last year, he attracted attention as a Genin rookie with his ability, but didn't participate in the Chunin Exam. This is his first time taking the exams, same as you guys. Tenten and Neji Hyuga are on his team." Kabuto informed.

"Next Gaia of the Desert. Her mission experience, eight C-Ranks, B-Ranks…Wow, one B-Rank as a genin, eh. She's a kunoichi from a different land and is a rookie, so there is no further detailed information. But it seems she has returned from all of her missions uninjured." The Medic informed them.

"B-Ranked as a genin...but uninjured?!" Shimamaru stumbled out.

"Leaf, Sand, Rain, Grass, Waterfall, Sound there are lots of exceptional genin from those villages who have come to take the Exam this year as well. As far as the Village Hidden in Sound goes, it's a village of a small nation sprang up in recent years, so there isn't much information. At any rate they're all Hidden Villages with nothing but crackerjacks." He finished.

The three females stared talking so I blocked them out, until Sakura said something smart. "In other words all of the applicants who have gathered here…" she said trailed off.

"That's right! Not just Lee and Gaia, but they're all choice top elite genin from each nation. This isn't going to be easy." He finished for her.

After a few minutes Kabuto noticed Naruto spazzing out only to yell out and point his finger at the other genin. "My name's Naruto Uzmaki! I won't lose to any of you! Got it?!" he declared.

'Man what an idiot, he just painted a large target on his back.' Kabuto thought, as he just started to ignore most of their conversations while forcing a smile on his face. As he waited for the Sound genin to attack, He prepared to force his healing factor down.

When they attacked Kabuto dodged accordingly and switched out his glasses for fake ones faster than anyone could perceive. As the Sound shinobi hit and missed, he stood up and saw his fake glasses break. Kabuto reached up and took them off. before he felt the vertigo effect of the sound shinobi's melody gauntlet and vomited. Kabuto glanced out of the corner of his eyes to see several of the genin competitors staring at them in confusion or in Gaia's case glaring murderously at the sound shinobi. 'Well I guess they'll die soon, ass holes that fucking hurt.' The Medic mused.

Kabuto felt Naruto and Sakura at his side asking if he was alright. "Yeah…I'm okay" he stated as Kabuto let his medical chakra fix the problem.

"Write this on your card. Doubtless Chuunin." The Sound shinobi started only for the Procter entered dramatically.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. I'm Ibiki Morino, proctor for the first test of the Chuunin Exam." Ibiki announced. Kabuto sighed at the Hidden Leaf Shinobi need for dramatics.