Month later-

'Orochimaru's condition has got steadily worse and i had to increase the dosage of his pain-killers. He has been adamant on prolonging his pain to use his Fushi Tensei(Living Corpse Reincarnation) on Sasuke. But the Sound Four have yet to arrive with Sasuke's body, it needs to get here quick Orochimaru is almost at his limit.'

'In other news Tsunade was made the 5th Hokage. She has also agreed to an Alliance with Suna on the word of Naruto. Gaia wasn't made the Kazekage yet, but from what my information suggested the Suna council is close to on nominating her for the position. '

'Guren was given an assignment to watch over a small Oto prison near the Hidden Mist village. Though I did give her communication seal so we could talk, she still hates her new assignment. She does sometimes keep herself occupied by killing or experimenting on some of the more annoying prisoners. But that's pretty much all she can do at the moment other that train.'

'Karin's assignment to collect information the Hidden Grass Village ended. She came to this hideout but I told her to avoid Orochimaru, he might have killed her in his rage. I asked her how her how far she went into her training, what she said surprised me she said she was able to completed it. It seems I found another prodigy in the making; I gave her one of my new communication seals and more advance scrolls for her to train with so she doesn't die from boredom. A few days later she was sent on her new assignment watching over the Southern Hideout off of the coast of the Land of waves.

'It's seems Kimimaro's Condition has gotten worse he'll probably die in the next few weeks. Then I'll finally get to study his body so I can learn to recreate Shikotsumyaku (Dead Bone Pulse).'

I walked towards Orochimaru's room, only to hear him yell in hi shower. 'He's probably trying to ease the burning sensation in his arms.'

"AARRRRGH…UGH" was what I heard when I entered the bathroom.

"GAAAAH!" Orochimaru yelled. "Sasuke…Where is Sasuke" Orochimaru yelled a question.

'We're running out of time. He is almost to his limit.' "Orochimaru-sama we've got plenty of bodies ready, besides…you can use me." I offered knowing he wouldn't take the offer he was predictable that way.

"It's got to be Sasuke-kun. Do you know how long I've waited!?" Orochimaru yelled.

"This is an Emergency! The third's curse was stronger than expected. If you don't transfer now, you might lose everything!" I snapped out to him.

"I'll ready the best of the best. Leave everything to me" I declared before leaving. "I'll also deal with the salvage of Sasuke-kun." With those words I was out the door. 'Should I use Kimimaro?'

I walked towards the dungeon cell balcony, and released all of the prisoners to the center. "Everyone listen closely...I want you all to kill each other until there's only one left standing. I'll release the last one from this prison." I stated with a smile before heading to one of the medical labs. To see a young male hooked up to various machines.

"I was not called, again Kabuto-sensei I am…" Kimimaro said only for me to interrupt him.

"Your job is to take care of your body; your duties are already over Kimimaro you are no longer one of the "Sound's Five"." I told him.

"I Still…" Kimimaro started only for me to interrupt him again.

"We have already found your successor, also he possesses a seal with equal power you your "Earth" seal. That is the "Heaven" seal. Not only that, he's got a bloodline limit." I informed him.

"HeHe…I wonder who is stronger you or him." I wondered out loud. I noticed Kimimaro twitch and started to get out of his bed and try and remove the medical equipment.

"What's wrong!? Don't excite yourself too much." I warned him.

"How long do I have?" Kimimaro asked.

"You shouldn't talk anymore." I suggested.

"I've realized recently that everyone is given life for a reason. Everyone has something important to accomplish. The quest to discover what that is…is the only freedom God has given to us humans" Kimimaro philosophized.

"I understand what you want to say, Orochimaru-sama is certainly in great pain, and it is critical situation like never before. However, I must say this firmly. What can you do as of now? You've lost your purpose as a container. Right now, we have a new container on his way to the Village. Well, that in itself is late as well" I said, as I started to manipulate Kimimaro.

I watched as the last prisoner survive the free for all. Then demanded to be set free, which I did but in more of a metaphysical sense. I watched as Orochimaru approach the new "Vessel" I saw Orochimaru take over the prisoner's soul and body .

'Now, he will have to stay in a body that won't permit transfer for another few years but we have next time.'

"I must agree, I no longer have the capacity for the Metempsychosis. In fact, it's quite difficult to discover my purpose now that I've lost everything. However I finally understand. Although he may not be me, I will bring the new "Container' here even if it costs my very life. This is how I show my thanks to Orochimaru-sama and my way of repaying my uselessness." When he declared that I smirked. 'Seems like I'm getting study his body far earlier than I expected.' I watched as he left. I went through a Horse and Ram hand-sign "Suishō Bunshin no Jutsu(Jade Crystal Clone Technique)" I said.

I had the Clone take my place and I went to tail Kimimaro. So I could seal his Dead body when he succumbed to his illness.

-Kabuto's Clone POV -

"I'm quite surprised he was able to move with his body Kabuto, I don't know what you told him, but that was a little…Cruel" Orochimaru said.

"Oh, no no. There wasn't any "Order" I prefer not to force things upon others. He moved on his own, for you, whom he worships. "I said giving a dark smirk.

"Kabuto, you certainly have a twisted personality." Orochimaru stated.

"Orochimaru-sama, Kimimaro was a perfect existence for you. His ideals were soaked in darkness like yours, and he looked on you as a deity, and pursued you like a zealot. "I said incredulously. "In addition to that he was an heir to a ninja clan that possessed the most perfect and most powerful bodies of all, and inherited all their abilities. Well at least he was." I finished.

"Yes. It still makes the hair on my back stand up thinking how we lost him. I still believe that he was the body I desired for the most." Orochimaru said.

"Also. If he wasn't tainted by illness, then the assassination of the Hokage would have gone smoothly and we didn't have to go through all of this suffering." I stated.

"Things don't always go according to plan." Orochimaru said.

-Kabuto's POV-

I followed Kimimaro while I was in my Meisaigakure no Jutsu(Hiding with Camouflage Technique).

Kimimaro entered the forest on the other side of the Valley of the End and I quickly followed. I watched as he berated Tayuya and took the canister that Contained Sasuke.

He raced towards Otogakure with Sasuke on his back. Only to be interrupted by Naruto who was chasing after him. I watched as Naruto landed near Kimimaro. Naruto eyes were blood red and slitted, and his whisker marks were more pronounced.

Kimimaro looked at Naruto with an apathetic gaze. "Now, how should I cook this one?" I heard him ask himself. Naruto just stared at Kimimaro intently why I don't know, but it sure was to creep even me out. Then Naruto stared to growl.

"What does Orochimaru want?! Why is he after Sasuke!?" Naruto demanded, and Kimimaro looked like he was contemplating on answering the question.

"Orochimaru-sama has already completed the jutsu of immortality, In order to acquire all jutsu and the entire world he needs time." Kimimaro explained.

"What does that have to do with Sasuke?" Naruto yelled again.

"Immortality doesn't necessarily indicate the immortality of his body; He must replace his body with a newer stronger one before his current one succumbs." Kimimaro continued.

"That, That's what Sasuke's for?!" Naruto yelled.

"Yes…Exactly" Kimimaro said while forming a thin bone sword from his palm.

"I won't let you do such a thing!" Naruto declared while forming a cross finger handsign, and started to make shadow clones.

-Kabuto Clone POV-

"This is quite unexpected for the "Four" to take this long. Did the Leaf send strong ones capable of stopping them, or are they spending too much time playing around?" I asked out loud.

"Haha…I'd assume the first one to hamper the team's progress is Jiroubou who always gets hungry, Or Kidoumaru who tends to play around way too much." Orochimaru threw out his ideas.

"But the most troublesome one is Sakon, who has the worst temper He won't stop until he kills the enemy, even if he should hurry on. He tends to be very proud of himself just because he's the strongest of the Four." I continued.

"Who knows Tayuya has a personality just as bad." Orochimaru said "Well there is no "if" once Kimimaro is there he will clean up anything that is no use to me." Orochimaru finished.

-Kabuto's POV-

"Ah" I heard Kimimaro say, while he looked around.

"I won't let you take Sasuke" Naruto declared.

"Interesting" I heard Kimimaro say while he inspected the hundreds of clones surrounding him.

"Come" Kimimaro ordered while forming two bone swords from his palms, Naruto charged and the carnage began. All the Kybuuified Naruto clones charged in sync with there creator.

Over and over the clones charged only to get decapitate, stabbed, or slashed at quickly ending their short existence. I watched as Kimimaro removed the top of his shirt to only to pull a Bone larger Sword from his Shoulder.

Naruto quickly threw several of his shuriken only for Kimimaro to defect them with his bone sword.

"These are no ordinary bones, these bones are compressed to maximum density meaning they are as solid as steel. " Kimimaro informed with little to no emotion.

"So what, I'll break those bones to pieces" Naruto yelled.

"I've mastered the "Five" dances; don't assume that you know all of my powers from just looking at them." Kimimaro commented though I could pick out the annoyance in his voice. "Behold the Dance o the Camellia" Kimimaro declared and with that Kimimaro charged, there where hundreds of pops signaling that the clones where killed. But Naruto kept on creating more clones it got kind of tedious to watch until Kimimaro destroyed the last of the clones.

"And then there was one." Kimimaro said as he faced the remaining Naruto. "It's almost time the first step of Orochimaru-sama's ambition." Kimimaro stated as the canister containing Sasuke smoked, and the seals holding the lid shut broke. Sasuke left the container, his face covered in black flame tattoo marks.

"SASUKE! What the hell are you doing with these guys!?" I heard Naruto yell to Sasuke. Only for Sasuke to insanely laugh, then took off. Kimimaro went for a sneak attack with Naruto distracted, only for a green blur to intercept it and kicked Kimimaro.

"And you are" Kimimaro asked the perpetrator while standing up.

"The Leaf's proud azure beast has reincarnated I AM ROCK LEE!" Rock Lee yelled. I heard Naruto warned Rock Lee about Kimimaro's bone ability and left after Sasuke. I created another crystal clone to tail Naruto, if Naruto is incapacitated or killed it could get some samples from his body for my project.

I watched as Rock lee use his mastery of Taijutsu to match up against Kimimaro's mastery of the Kaguya Dances. There fight was very interesting to watch; well compared to Naruto fighting any fight is better in comparison. I saw Rock lee become exhausted.

"Please Wait!" Rock Lee announced. 'Umm can you ask your enemy to stop fighting in the middle of a fight?'

"…What is it?" Kimimaro asked annoyed.

"Excuse me…but it's time for my Medicine! Sorry, but I must drink it!" Rock Lee insisted. "I've always been bad with medicine." Lee said as he chugged the medicine. "Medicine always has a bad taste" Lee complained. Then his poster changed completely to that of a drunken person's.

The fight continued though it was one of the weirdest fights I ever witnessed and it was slightly comedic at times. But Lee in this state is far stronger than his original 'I wonder what he must have taken to enter this state. In this style he is far too unpredictable for Kimimaro to hit.' Lee was strong enough to force Kimimaro to use his partial first stage "Earth" curse seal. The fight got more gruesome as Kimimaro used his Ribs, Arms and Finger bones to attack Lee.

I noticed that Lee got several cuts on his cheeks, when that happened his style changed back to its original state. Kimimaro Forced bones to grow out of almost every point in his body, 'Whoa, I'm likening this Bloodline more and more.' Kimimaro was about to Kill Lee, only for Sand to pull him away. 'Hmm now this is interesting.' This fight now had my full attention. If Gaia was going to fight Kimimaro I want to see how it goes.

I looked at Gaia, Thanks to my "Dreamless Drug" she looked a lot healthier, and grew a few more inches from the last time I saw her. Her hair was longer, and wore a longer set of her original clothing.

"Gaia of the Sand" Rock Lee stuttered out.

"Hmm Gaia, so it was you." Kimimaro said in a monotone voice.

Kimimaro launched his Teshi Sendan(Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets) at Gaia only for sand to intercept the bone projectiles several inches from her face, and Gaia didn't react at all like a badass.

"You're too hasty" Gaia commented to Lee, "When you fought me before you had more speed and edge to your moves" Gaia finished angrily. 'WAIT WHAT. Gaia fought lee, oh now I understand why she was embarrassed. Heh must have been a fun fight.'

"I'm not holding any grudges but, I've gone through quite a bit of hassle because of you." Lee said.

"I see" was Gaia's only reply. 'GO Gaia! Kick his ass.' "I'll handle this" Gaia declared.

"NO! You can be the backup." Rock lee stated as he started to run at Kimimaro only for Gaia's sand to grab his leg tripping him it was actually kind of funny.

"Please let go!" Rock lee yelled only to flinch in pain do to his injuries.

"You can't do anything right now." Gaia stated. "I'll handle this."

Kimimaro quickly launched ten of his fingers toward Gaia only for her sand to protect her. Gaia channeled her wind chakra into her sand making them far more aerodynamic and sharper than before, and then launched her sand bullets at high velocity towards Kimimaro.

Kimimaro dodged most of the sand projectiles but some managed to hit him tearing through his skin exposing some of his bones and muscles. His skin healed over his bones but not his muscles, When Kimimaro was distracted with the pain, Gaia used the sand that she tunneled underground to grabbed his legs. The Sand climbed up consuming Kimimaro's form.

"Sabaku Kyū(Sand Binding Coffin) " Gaia said as she made an open fist. "Sabaku Sōsō(Sand Waterfall Funeral)" Gaia said as she closed her fist. The sand surrounding Kimimaro imploded. After a few seconds a blood covered Kimimaro pulled himself out of the sand coffin with his first stage Curse Seal Active. 'Hmm so Kimimaro used his bones to cover his body before he was crushed.'

Gaia put her hand together "Ryūsa Bakuryū(Quicksand Waterfall Flow)" she said as a giant wave of sand erupted from the ground 'hmm so Gaia used her sand to grind up the minerals into more sand.' Gaia used the high amount of sand to slam into Kimimaro and burying him. Gaia slammed her hands into the sand and yelled "Sabaku Taisō(Sand Waterfall Imperial Funeral)" as the sea of sand compressed creating a shock wave. 'Whoa now that was badass.'

Kimimaro emerge from the sand in his Second transformation, Gaia used several Sand waterfall funerals on Kimimaro's exposed body but he took the damage and headed towards Gaia. A sand wall came up and to block Kimimaro, only for him to bust through it. Colliding with Gaia and Lee, Gaia's sand armor started to crack and Lee kicked Kimimaro in the side of the head. Gaia was able to repair her armor with the distraction Lee provided.

I watched in morbid fascination as Kimimaro pulled out his own spine and use it was a whip/sword. But Gaia was able to block most of his attacks with her sand. Kimimaro formed a giant Bone drill from his arm. I was prepared to intervene just in case something happened to Gaia. But Gaia formed a Shield of sand that looked like the Shukaku.

-Kabuto Clone with Orochimaru POV-

"Kabuto…Kimimaro has secured the situation be now has he not?" Orochimaru asked.

"Presently it would seem so." I answered 'though I'm sure with our track record something has bound to have happened, what is taking the Boss so long'

"Also, his medical treatment has been taken care of, but I couldn't find much information regarding his body" I stated regarding his illness. "If we had his Family's medical history, medical treatment or other data, I think our situation would be considerably different." I finished.

-Kabuto's POV-

I watched as Kimimaro slammed his Bone drill into Gaia's Shukaku shield, only for Kimimaro's drill to completely shatter upon contact.

"Inheritable indeed" Kimimaro stated looking at where his hand where the bone drill use to be.

"From underground I collected the strongest of minerals, with my chakra I pressurized them into dense sand around me" Gaia explained in her usual monotone voice. Gaia pulled Kimimaro down in what looked like quick sand effectively burying Kimimaro underground.

"You'll sink to a depth of 200 meters underground and be held there with the pressure of the sand clinging to your body, you'll immediately be unable to move even a finger." I heard Gaia say.

I few seconds later I saw a countless amounts of bone structure rise up from the ground, until it formed a forest of bones. Gaia used her sand to save herself and Lee before getting skewered. When out of nowhere Kimimaro appeared out of one of the bone columns, and tried to stab Gaia only to die of his illness.

Gaia set Lee and herself out of the Forest of bone, and I meet up with them. I quickly pinched a nerve in Lee's shoulder knocking him out, and then I deactivate my camouflage jutsu revealing myself to Gaia.

"Hey Gaia long time no see." I said to her. "I almost didn't recognize you." I walked to her and sat down next to her.

"I saw your fight with Kimimaro; I have to say you were really something out there. You kept your cool and the thing you did with the Water fall of sand was pretty awesome." I Complemented and she smiled slightly but then she frowned. "Is something bothering you?" I asked her.

"When I fought Kimimaro, the way he was devoted to Orochimaru hit me. Orochimaru is an evil person and you know it yourself. Yet Kimimaro was so devoted to Orochimaru. Because Orochimaru gave him a reason to exist, Kimimaro did whatever Orochimaru had asked even destroy himself in the process." Gaia said. Then she glanced at me. "When you helped give me a purpose, I admired you greatly and I will continue admire you no matter how good or how evil you may become. But I don't want to end up like Kimimaro foolishly destroying myself in the process; I want to be by your side to help you accomplish your dreams." Gaia said passionately.

I smiled to Gaia, and then I put an around her shoulders and gave her a one armed hug. "Thank you Gaia. You have no idea how much that means to me." I told her truthfully. "But I will never use you like Orochimaru used Kimimaro. You're important to me so rest assured that I'll never sacrifice you to achieve my goals." I told her while I stood up. I gave her a hand to help her up as well.

I glanced at Kimimaro's now dead body. "I need a little help getting Kimimaro's body down" I said glancing at Gaia, "Think you can help." I asked challengingly and she glared lightly at me.

"Are you insinuating that I can't move a signal dead body?" Gaia said dangerously.

"No, I'd never do that." I said innocently. "Come on." I finished as a jumped into the Forest of bones with Gaia levitating herself on a cloud of sand. It only took a couple of minutes to arrive as Kimimaro's body and I whistled.

"Damn, Gaia you sure don't do things half assed do you?" I asked out loud while inspecting the top half of his body. 'All I really need is his brain, some Bone samples; blood Samples and some Chakra Samples but I'll use all that I can get.' With that thought I Activated my Chakra Scalpel and infused it with my Wind Chakra allowing it to become incredibly Sharp and precise.

I quickly bisected Kimimaro's body from the bone column, allowing it to fall only for Gaia to catch the upper part of his body with her sand. Gaia carried me and Kimimaro out of the forest, and then when we landed on the ground I took out a Sealing scroll and Sealed Kimimaro's body.

"Well, that was a thing." I commented trying lighten the mood.

"Oh before I forget" I said as I dug into my Ninja Pouch pulling out a bottle of pills. "My newly produced Dreamless Drugs. They should last longer than my earlier creations." I finished as I handed her the bottle which she happily took.

"Oh yes I also designed a new seal, It's for communication. See all you have to do is put the seal on a blank piece of paper write your message and the words are sealed inside the seal, and then the words are sent to me. My seal will blink and I apply it onto a blank piece of paper and the words form on to it and vice versa. So while I might not see you as often as I'd like, but we can still communicate effectively. "I told her. When I handed her one of my communication seals, I gave her a hug and she hugged me back. With one final Wave I flickered out of sight.

-Kabuto's Clone watching Naruto vs Sasuke-

'Hmm this is getting destructive' I watched as a one-tiled Naruto clash against a Second stage Cursed Seal Sasuke. I saw them Charge up there strongest attack the, Sasuke's Chidori took the form of black and white lightning and Naruto's Rasengan took the form of a swirling purple chakra.

When there attacks collided a black sphere of chakra was formed surrounding them. Then there was a flash and the area cleared showing Sasuke standing over an unconscious Naruto. Sasuke left Naruto near the river, leaving Naruto all alone now was my chance.

I appeared next to Naruto and I grabbed his body and body flickered into the cave behind the Valley of the end's waterfall. I cleared an area for Naruto's unconscious body. I unsealed a large Jar filled half way to the top with purified Luke warm water, a modded Drip irrigation tubing and needle.

I connected the needle to the modded Drip irrigation tube. I pushed the needle into Naruto's artery and siphoned his blood into the Jar. With Naruto's blood filling the Jar's other half I stopped the siphon. I put my hand over Naruto's head and the other hand into the water and blood filled Jar.

Using my chakra I molded the energy around his head. With the chakra surrounding Naruto's head it started to sink into his skull and entered his brain, then I started map out his brain. 'The process of brain cloning is tedious but affective, while I'm map out Naruto's Brain I'm using my Yin Chakra to control and convert Naruto's Blood that's in the jar. The blood has enough of Naruto's DNA for me to convert its properties into another form based on his DNA like an organ IE the Brain; I have to map the brain perfectly.' The blood in the jar started to form together. 'I want most of the memories intact for the Clone but not the personality, with my Kurōn Hebi(Clone snakes) they can take the form of whatever DNA they assimilate but they also get the genetic memory and personality of their DNA donor . That's why I want a cloned brain of Naruto's so I could seal most of his annoying parts of his personality. But I'll allow the memories to remain so he can keep his techniques he's learned like the Rasengan.' I glanced at the Jar only to see the Brain half way completed.

-Kabuto's POV-

With Kimimaro's body sealed I was about to head off to Otogakure until i felt a faint chakra signature in the forest. I headed toward the signature, after a few seconds of tree hopping a came to an area that was completely decimated. The forest was shredded from what looked like was a massive wind jutsu. I went toward the chakra signature and when i got there i sighed.

The signature belonged to the light redheaded girl Tayuya. 'hmm what to do? I can save her but she failed to retrieve Sasuke for Orochimaru. But in doing so aloud me to send Kimimaro to aid you speeding up his illness. Plus your personality is hilarious. hmm what to do, what to do?' I gazed around to no place particular. 'eh...Fuck it.' I got down next to her and lifted the tree off of her. 'huh? The fuck, why the hell was the tree so light?' I thought as i moved the tree over. I looked at Tayuya's crushed legs and grimaced. 'This is going to be a lot harder than i originally thought and sense she failed her task Orochimaru will most likely kill her, so I'll have to take her to a different hide out.'

I created a crystal clone and forced 3/4 of my chakra into my clone. "Take Tayuya to the Island Hideout." I ordered to the clone. 'Orochimaru hasn't used that hideout in years so he either forgot about it or abandoned it either way is good.' When the clone phased out of assistance with Tayuya, turned and faced North and speed off.

I quickly headed towards Otogakure until I felt a very familiar Chakra signature near me. 'Hmm so Kakashi's here, I have to distract him so I get what I need.' A few seconds later Kakashi appeared with a tracking nin dog.

"Hello Kakashi, long time no see...What's with that face, oh excuse me I mean eye?" I asked Kakashi ignoring his one eyed glare. "Now Kakashi you shouldn't aim that angry eye at me you might lose it." I added with my own fierce glare.

"Where's Sasuke?!" Kakashi demanded.

"Oh and what about Naruto-kun? Oh Kakashi such favoritism doesn't suit you." I told Kakashi with a smirk.

"Enough games Kabuto tell me where Sasuke is now?!" Kakashi yelled out.

"Hmm I don't know can you be a little more specific there are lot of Sasukes out there, can you be a little more specific maybe I could help" I offered sarcastically.

"Fine I'll beat the information out of you" Kakashi threatened while lifting up his head band revealing his Sharingan eye.

"Oh I'm shaking in my sandals" I said while discreetly activating my Jinton: Mueishō(Swift Release: Shadowless Flight) and activated my Chakura no Mesu(Chakra Scalpel).

I phased right next to him and slashed at his left shoulder, only for him to turn around and intercept my scalpel with a chakra infused Kunai. I appeared behind his back and stabbed at his unprotected back only to for Kakashi barely managed escape. I phased above Kakashi slashed at his right shoulder he wasn't able to react fast enough before I severed several of his shoulder tendons and muscles. With him distracted pain I was able to phase to his left and disable left shoulder. 'The only reason I was able to hurt Kakashi this easily was because he never knew how fast I really was and still doesn't. His Sharingan eye can only predict what it sees with me constantly going into his blind spots his sharingan i couldn't see me coming.'

Kakashi panted. "You…you were never this fast." Kakashi stated and I shook my head in a negative.

"Oh you have it all wrong Kakashi, I've always been this fast you have just gotten slower" I taunted. I glanced at the Valley of The end when I felt the increase of memories from my crystal clone."Oh by the way if you want to look for your near dead student you should check The Valley of the End. Ta-ta" I said before phasing out of existence. 'I have to let Kakashi live so he can save Naruto. If the Kyuubi jinchūriki were to die Sasuke would be to blame and with him now a Sound nin the Akatsuki might focus themselves onto us.'

I appeared near the entrance of the waterfall when I walked in I noticed a medium sized Scroll with a kanji for "Brain" marked on it. I picked it up and strapped it to my back then I sped off towards Otogakure.

I arrived at the Hideout before Sasuke and quickly placed my Scroll in the med lab. When my Clone left Orochimaru's presence, it dispelled. With the clone gone I started my work. When the alarm seals picked up Sasuke I went to show him to Orochimaru. I walked him through the prison cells and guided him until we met up with Orochimaru.

"kukuku…Sasuke-kun you are the chosen human." Orochimaru said.

"It doesn't matter how…GIVE ME POWER!" Sasuke demanded hysterically.

"Even though his form is different, that is Orochimaru in front of you. If you don't want to die, you should watch your mouth." I threatened. Only for him to glare at me and flared his Charka. 'What power? But mine is far superior. Hmm this is going to be a long three years.' I thought glumly.