Third Person-

"Good job Sasuke-kun, your training is nearly complete and you'll finally have your power to kill Itachi" Orochimaru complimented.

Sasuke glared at Orochimaru with his three tomed Sharingan "Don't you dare say his name in my presence" Sasuke threatened Orochimaru. Orochimaru just smiled predatorily and Kabuto signed. 'I'm starting to lose my respect for Orochimaru, while Sasuke's Sharingan is important to Orochimaru's dream he doesn't have to demean himself to appease Sasuke.' Kabuto thought.

The pass two and a half years have been getting far more unbearable with Sasuke around and with Orochimaru's praises, Sasuke's ego has skyrocketed. Kabuto signed as he left the training area with a light sound of clacking metal following behind him.

Kabuto walked through the hallway of their newest hideout, with Orochimaru paranoid they have been switching Bases every few months. Kabuto just hope that Orochimaru would take over Sasuke's body soon. While these years have been productive for Kabuto, that's just because he's been in his lab avoiding Sasuke. Walking through the hallway Kabuto stated to reminisce on one of his most difficult projects cloning Naruto.

'While creating the Clone was easy, preparing the Brain and DNA for the clone where a different matter entirely. When I studied Naruto's DNA, some things I discovered about his DNA were troubling his blood only contained 43% of the Uzumaki Bloodline. Meaning that if I created the clone He wouldn't have been able to access most if not all of the Uzumaki abilities such as advance understanding in Fuinjustu(Sealing arts), Chakra chains, and possibly the Healing bite just like the original Naruto.

So I had to find some more purified Uzumaki DNA to splice with Naruto's, and I knew just the person. I sent a messenger bird to the Hideout near the Land of Waves where Karin was assigned. I asked her for some samples of her blood for the project I was working on and she agreed to it. It took several days for the blood to get to my location so in that time I studied Naruto's blood further and crossed referenced them with Konoha's Hospital records. What I found virtually shocked me Naruto was the child of the Fourth Hokage. Which did make sense most Jinchūriki are related to the Kage of the Village for the Jinchūriki to remain loyal. Naruto's mother was beautiful Jonin level ninja named Kushina Uzumaki she was mostly known for her use of the Uzumaki clans Chakra chains which was good. With Naruto's mother having the Uzumaki bloodline abilities I thought maybe I could awaken the bloodline within the Naruto clone far easier if his mother was able to achieve it.

When Karin's blood got to me I studied its contents, Karin's DNA contained 71% Uzumaki Bloodline. I spliced the Genotype's between Naruto's DNA and Karin's with that done Naruto's Uzumaki Bloodline increased from 43% to 57%. Though not a tremendous leap it was sustainable for the Bloodline limit. Now I had a viable DNA sample of Naruto.

The next thing I had to do was inspect the flash cloned Brain of Naruto. The first thing I did was Hook up the brain to an artificial body to stimulate to the brain that it was active. While it was active I was able to caste a genjutsu on the brain. To use a Genjustu someone uses there chakra to invade another person's Chakra coils, and then use the Chakra coils to enter the mind i.e. the Brain I just took out the middle man.

When I projected his mindscape into my mind I was not surprised at what I saw, it was a sewer.

-Flash back-

Kabuto was walking for what seemed like hours in the sewer until he came across a giant opened gate which he assumed was a representation for the Kyuubi's seal.

He kept walking until Kabuto, came across an interesting sight it was Naruto fighting Naruto. So either Naruto's mind gets its kicks by kicking its own ass or there's something else going on here. Kabuto trekked forward when he noticed the two Naruto's stopped fighting and focused onto him. That's when Kabuto noticed something strange One Naruto looked like he normally did, but the other one is what stood out instead of the bright orange jumpsuit, The other Naruto wore a Black and orange jacket and black pants, and instead of Bright blue eyes this Naruto had Pure blood red eyes with no corneas or pupils and black sclera, he also had a slight evil smirk.

Kabuto signed as he pinched the bridge of my nose. "Okay. I'll bite what's this." Kabuto asked the duplicates.

"I'M NARUTO UZUMAKI AND I'M GOING TO BECOME HOKAGE" The normal Naruto yelled, while Kabuto and the darker themed Naruto scowled.

"Shut up!" the darker themed Naruto shouted, and then he glanced at Kabuto.

"I'm the Real Naruto; you know I remember what you said to the fake me it actually made me smile a bit" The darker Naruto commented.

"HEY NO YOUR NOT I'LL BECOME HOKAGE AND YOU WON'T" the annoying one yelled. Kabuto glanced at the Darker Naruto

"Can I kill him?" Kabuto asked the Darker Naruto and he sighed.

"Believe me I've tried but he keeps coming back." The Darker Naruto said sadly. 'I like this Naruto already.' Kabuto thought.

"So who are you really?" Kabuto asked the darker themed Naruto.

"I'm Naruto in sense, I'm a manifestation of all his Dark thoughts, Memories, his Hatred all of it, I was everything he wished he could have been until his mask consumed him. Now" The dark Naruto said as he glanced at the annoying Naruto. "That's all that's left of him; he became what he pretended to be, sad really but that's how it is. But I guess you can call me Yami-Naruto" Yami Naruto explained.

"Do you know what I'm doing?" Kabuto asked the darker manifestation of Naruto.

"No not entirely, I just felt more space in my Mindscape and went to investigate imagine my surprise when find a nearly identical Mindscape to my own." Yami-Naruto informed me. 'So the Flash cloned brain is connected to Naruto's real brain.' Kabuto noted.

"I'm creating a clone of Naruto I realized he has potential but has no motivation to actually do something with the power he could achieve. I flash cloned Naruto's Brain; I'm currently in the process to trying suppressing Naruto's annoying personality." Kabuto said while glancing at the annoying Naruto.

"Yeah Naruto does have potential. But is stupidity wasting it on trying to get acknowledged by people who hate him." Yami-Naruto agreed. 'Man I really like this Naruto. Oh I have an Idea.' Kabuto thought.

"How would you like to be the personality that stays? You can be the personality that runs the clone and I would teach you to actually tap into your potential." Kabuto offered.

"What's the catch? What do you get out of this?" Yami-Naruto asked.

"We'll all you have to do is obey me, I won't control you. You'll have your free will but if I tell you to do something, kill someone, destroy something, you'll have to listen that's all. And what I get out of this is a powerful ally." Kabuto said using as much charisma as I could muster. Yami-Naruto mulled over for a bit.

"Fine deal" Yami-Naruto said while holding out his hand. "Oh and one more thing I want to fight Naruto, to show him how strong he could have been." Yami finished, and we shook hands signifying the deal.

-End flashback-

After I made the deal with Yami I started on creating a new batch of Kurōn Hebi(Clone Snakes) their genetically engineered tiny Snakes that multiply at a rapid rate. With the Snakes I can recreate and multiply another beings cells creating a living clone of the DNA donor. I contemplated on using the spring water from The Hole to accelerate the cloning process but further testing on test clones showed that the clone would die after 48 hours.

So I had to use the back method to accelerate the Clone in process. When I put Naruto's modified DNA into the Snakes, I left several seals containing several months' worth of my Yin Chakra to speed up the Cloning process.

I allowed the Clone to form and grow over a few weeks while I prepared the Brain containing Yami's personality and memories. In my free time several more ideas formed in my mind but I waited for my Clone project to be finished before I started on anything else.

After about a month I was able to deduce that the clone body should be done growing and I checked on it. When I walked in the Cloning chamber I saw the clone and I sighed, and at that point I realized the stupidity me splicing Naruto's DNA with someone else especially someone of a different gender. I looked at the clone and I could say that the Clone could pass as Naruto's twin…sister. She had the same shade of Blonde hair and whisker marks he had. And I wasted the entire sample DNA for the Original Clone so I'm going to have to use this, I sighed again Yami's didn't like that at all.

-Flash back-

"WHAT THE FUCK IT THIS?!" a feminine voice screamed.

"Please calm down Yami, this wasn't part of the plan." Kabuto tried to tranquil Yami.


Kabuto scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Hehe…Well you see, I tried to augment Naruto's DNA by splicing his DNA with another Uzumaki's DNA to try and increase the chances of the clone getting the Uzumaki Bloodlines but the only other Uzumaki that I knew was a girl…so yeah." Kabuto explained and all he got was an eye twitch from Yami.

"Calm down. Though I have to admit this form is more aesthetically pleasing than what I was expecting." Kabuto commented trying to lighten the mood.

"CALM DOWN! When YOU change into a girl I'll consider CALMING DOWN!" Yami yelled hysterically, while her eyes started to change from bright blue to Blood red and black sclera. 'So Yami still has those badass eyes, awesome.' Kabuto thought.

'Hmm from what I gathered, Naruto and Yami are two sides of the same coin while they have different attitudes they both want to be accepted. So I guess I'll accept Yami and maybe she will calm down a bit, at least I hope so.' Kabuto contemplated.

"It's alright Yami even in this form your still you and I'll accept you as you are." 'I'm taking a big risk for this but if it will help I guess I'll have to,' "I realize this is my mistake and if you choose to take it out on me then I understand" Kabuto said as he handed Yami a kunai. She stared at the knife for a minute then to Kabuto. Kabuto noticed her staring at the ground with her hair shadowing her eyes. She dropped the Kunai and sighed.

"No Kabuto it wasn't your fault, you were just trying to make this body stronger no one could have known this would have happened." Yami said as she started to calm down.

"If it's any consolation I never meant for this to happen, but I'll still train you for your fight with Naruto." Kabuto stated and she nodded slightly.

"And I think we should really get you some clothes." Kabuto said jokingly. Yami looked down and noticed that she was naked, and then blushed in embarrassment.

"GET OUR YOU PERVERT!" Yami screamed and Kabuto quickly did so.

While outside of the room he thought. 'Hmm it seems that Yami's mind is adjusting to estrogen, this will be a difficult few months.' Kabuto thought depressingly.

-End flashback-

During the month of Yami's assimilation into the female clone were strange. At some times Yami would get pissed at the most random things like me taking too long in shower. Then she was all sweet and flirty with me though I did try to ignore most of it, I knew that Yami's personality changes were related to her mind trying to adjust to her bodies female hormones, After a few months changed Yami's name to something more appropriate and we decided on Yang.

With Orochimaru distracted with Training Sasuke I started train Yang. While Yang was more mature and quieter than Naruto, she only knew what Naruto knew and what Naruto knew wasn't very much. So I had Yang create about ten clones and had them study subjects that the original Naruto would have ignored such as Math, Science, History, etc.

With Yang and her clones studying I went to the Fire Country Monk Temple. I heard several rumors that there was a Pseudo- Jinchūriki living there. I planned of syphoning the Chakra from the Pseudo- Jinchūriki into Yang increasing her over all power.

When I arrived at the temple I sensed hundreds of chakra signals ranging from genin to chuunin. There was only one Jonin level monk from what I sensed. I used my Hiding in Camouflage and searched for the Pseudo-Jinchūriki, I found him in a cave practicing a Wind release jutsu. I quickly knocked him out and kidnapped him.

I was able to successfully kidnap the Pseudo-Jinchūriki and take him to the Hideout with Orochimaru none the wiser. I created a safe room surrounded by Chakra barriers so when I syphoned the Pseudo- Jinchūriki's Chakra no one would be able to sense it. When I informed Yang to what I was doing, she quickly agreed to become a Pseudo- Jinchūriki. She already had One-tail of the Kyuubi's chakra, from when I took more blood from Naruto after his fight with Sasuke when he used the one tail cloak.

After I syphoned the Kyuubi's Chakra into Yang we tested how much of the Kyuubi's chakra she had. The result were astonishing She had five tails worth of the Kyuubi's Chakra, and was able to access four tails worth of it before she lost control of herself. After she showed me her four tailed state I was impressed she looked badass in her four tailed state.

With Yang being a Pseudo-Jinchūriki she had access to more chakra which was good and bad. Bad because her Chakra control was shot to hell, and I had to have her relearn it. I also had her relearn the Rasengan and improve her control over it, from what I noticed Naruto had to use shadow clones to create one that isn't practical enough so I had Yang constantly try and create a Rasengan over and over again until she could create one instantaneously. Then I had Yang create larger far more destructive Rasengans, she was able to create a Rasengan that were three times the normal size and the results of it were impressive.

I re worked Yang's non-existent taijutsu style into a far better more refined one, though she still liked to brawl up close. I also used Chakra Paper to learn her chakra affinity, it turns out her affinity was Wind. So I helped her try and master her affinity with her use of the shadow clones she was able to master her wind affinity in a week which was impressive. While I didn't know any wind jutsu's personally Orochimaru had some in his Library so I stole some and gave them to Yang.

Sense Yang has High amounts of Chakra she isn't able to perform Genjutsu so I taught her how to escape them instead. By stopping the flow of her chakra and starting it again.

After three months of constant training I could safely say that she could fight Sasuke on even ground. I had her fight prisoners and several of my crystal clones and she was able to destroy all of them efficiently. So with Yang's strength improved I went to introduce her to Orochimaru, and boy what a meeting that was.


Kabuto walked towards Orochimaru's training room with Yang walking at his side. Yang wore a tan vest with gold piping over a yellow Low-cut crop, with a black swirl over her heart. Her vest had puffy cap sleeves with black cuffs. She wore a brown belt with a buckle and a pouch. She wore a pair of black shorts under her belt, which resembles a pleated skirt in the back. Over her short shorts but under the belt is a white asymmetrical back skirt. Yang also wore a orange scarf around her neck, and has brown knee-high platform boots that looked like they were made of leather, with orange socks of differenr lengths. She also wears fingerless black gloves.

As Yang and Kabuto walked into the training room almost all sounds of training stopped, Kabuto glanced around to see Sasuke looking at Yang confused and Orochimaru glaring in Yang's direction.

"Naruto…What are you doing here and why are you hedged as a girl?" Sasuke said his voice sounding as confused as he looked.

"I'm not Naruto you asshole." Yang stated annoyed and Kabuto nodded in agreement.

"She's right, Yang-chan isn't Naruto-kun they are both separate people, separate minds and separate attitudes. But Yang-chan does have the potential that Naruto-kun has and the drive to use it." Kabuto stated to Orochimaru and Sasuke while pushing up his glasses.

Orochimaru gazed intently at Yang like he was trying to solve a puzzle until his gaze shifted to Kabuto and looked impressed.

"Kabuto you really have passed my expectations to be able to clone a human being, is no small feat." Orochimaru complimented.

"But why would you Clone the dobe, why not me?" Sasuke asked while Yang glared at him. 'oh god I can barely stand one of you.' Kabuto thought.

"Well I would have to take blood samples, bone marrow samples, Spinal fluid samples, tissue samples, and Flash Clone your brain. Are you telling me you want me to do all that to you?" Kabuto asked him with a dark smile, and Yang smiled sinisterly at the thought.

"N-no. That won't be necessary" Sasuke said pale faced, 'Ha what a pussy.' Were both Kabuto's and Yang's thoughts.

"Is the clone loyal to you Kabuto?" Orochimaru asked.

"I'd trust her with my life." Kabuto stated, and Yang smiled at his comment.

"Well how strong can she be if she's a clone of the dobe." Sasuke commented, faster than Sasuke could react he was being held by his throat and glared at by pure red and black sclera eyes, with her hair taking on a flame like appearance.

"Naruto might be fine with you shoving a lightning encased fist through his chest, but I'm not if you threaten me or even glare into my direction I'll claw your eyes out and tear your spine out of your ass GOT IT" Yang Threatened. 'Oh the look on your face Sasuke is priceless.' Kabuto thought.

"Yang-chan." Kabuto said. Her demeanor changed instantly and smiled sweetly in his direction.

"Yes Kabuto-sama?" She asked innocently.

"We wouldn't want to harm Sasuke-kun now would we? Because I would be the one who has to fix him remember." Kabuto said to Yang and she nodded happily then returned to my side though her eyes remain the same red and black color.

Kabuto turned to Orochimaru to see him staring at Yang, only to turn his attention back to Sasuke. 'Hmm I guess he doesn't really care if I allow Yang to be here, good.' Kabuto thought as he turned around and left the training room with Yang following him.

-End flashback-

After Yang met with Orochimaru, I had her open the Scroll of Sealing. Inside the Scroll were the instructions on how to perform the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu(Shadow clone technique), Hakke no Fūin Shiki(Eight Trigrams Sealing Style), Shiki Fūjin(Dead Demon Consuming Seal), and the Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei(Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation) all of them were insanely powerful but I had no use for the Dead Demon consuming Seal, Shadow clone technique or the Eight trigrams sealing style unless I wanted to unseal the Kyuubi from Naruto. But I did save the Edo tensei for later study.

When I got what I needed from the Scroll of sealing, I continued Yang's training. Yang had several Ideas for jutsus for her to create. One jutsu she created was a wind infused Rasengan which was to unstable to use up close so she used Kyuubi's chakra to make the Wind infused Rasengan throw able Yang named the technique Fūton: Rasenshuriken(Wind Release: Spiralling Shuriken). The Jutsu was able to create thousands upon thousands of microscopic wind blades destroying things on a molecular scale. Yang's next destructive technique could rival her Rasenshuriken in destructive capabilities, she didn't explain to me her process in this technique but I certainly can say it was destructive It looked like a dark purple orb surrounded by a spiraling rings, Yang called her attack Rasenringu(Spiralling Fear Wheel).Yang's final technique she created was far simpler than her two previous techniques she compressed her Chakra into the palm of her hand then expels it all at once pushing everything in her direction away.

After a few months of training Yang could take several jonin level nins and leave uninjured. I spared with her continuously and didn't hold back, Yang wanted to be powerful and I gave her the power she wanted.

Kabuto continued to walk through the Hallways with the sound of soft metal clanking following him. 'After two years of my training Yang could probably take Kakashi and win.' Kabuto thought as he walked in the medical lab to see Yang lounging on one of the medical beds and he sighed.

Kabuto walked up to her leg and kicked it, she sprung up and too a defensive stance. She looked around until she saw Kabuto; she blushed and scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Kabuto-kun why did you wake me I was having the most wonderful dream, you were in it and I of course was in it…and us…we…" Yang trailed off with a blush. 'While Yang has fully integrated into her body she still has the darker personality of Naruto so she has all his lust. It creeped my out at first until I thought of the Yang personality as just a "personality" and not a person, originally Yang took the form of Naruto's darker personality. Now she's Yang my student and Naruto's rival, all she has from Naruto is his memories.' Kabuto mussed.

"You know the rules of lounging on the medical beds Yang-chan. "Kabuto reprimanded her as the sound of clanking metal echoed itself and Kabuto signed.

"You can come on out Kumo. You suck at following me silently. "Kabuto said out loud, a few second later they heard the sound of metal clanking Kabuto looked to his left to see four legged metal spider with two small long wings at its side. The spider looked like it was made of hundreds of metal blocks combined together.

'Kumo was one of my Jiko robotto no fukusei (Self-replicating Robots) or Replicators for short. It was my second favorite project next to creating Yang. The Replicators were small robots that ate other metals or other minerals to create more of themselves. I created the Replicators to help clear and create the hideouts for Orochimaru; they were also part of the security system within the tunnels to kill unsuspecting nin. But I originally created them to serve me first and form most. The original Replicators are composed of individual building blocks that I created from my Yin Release; with Yang's help I was able to apply a concoction of seals onto the blocks. Each block was capable of exerting a reactive and modulating energy onto the other blocks allowing the blocks to form the Replicating Spiders or other forms if need be.

The Replicator's defenses were located under and in front of it. I placed several seals that allowed the Replicators to release a combination of Water and Fire Chakra perfectly re-creating the Acidic Boil release. The replicators used the boil release to melt or weaken minerals before the devour them and use the minerals to create more blocks thus creating more Replicators. Another defense they have, are they can absorb pure energy so any Lightning, Fire, Wind or pure chakra attacks are absorbed into the Replicators.'

Kabuto held out his arm, after a few seconds Kumo launched itself onto Kabuto's arm.

"Why do you keep that stupid thing around?" Yang asked. Kabuto saw Kumo turn to face her and it made a threating pose at her a flared its metal wings at her.

"Calm down Kumo I'm sure Yang-chan didn't mean it. Call it sentimentality; Kumo was one of my first creations next to you of course. While Kumo can be a bit difficult sometimes he's a good companion to have." Kabuto said to Yang.

"What about the snakes?" Yang questioned.

"Snakes are good to, but I can't call them for every little problem I have, Kumo and the rest of the Replicators are for that." Kabuto explained and she nodded.

"Also sense you don't have a summoning contract I have a found a way around that." Kabuto told Yang and her face lit up while he, Orochimaru and Sasuke could summon snakes and Naruto could summon toads Yang wanted an edge in battle herself so Kabuto created an artificial contract with the Replicators.

"I know that you don't favor the Replicators that much because they don't listen to you, but I've had the Replicators out collecting the strongest of materials to create several giant Replicator Spiders for you to be able to summon into battle." Kabuto informed to Yang. 'If she doesn't accept then I'll accept that contract being able to summon a giant robotic spider is badass as hell.' Kabuto thought.

"Alright I'll accept the Replicators as a contract, plus being able to summon a giant spider robot would be so awesome." Yang said enthusiastically, 'damn right they are.' Kabuto thought as he looked around his desk for the summoning seal matrix. Kabuto opened the drawer under his desk and found what he was looking for. Kabuto handed the seal to her. The Seal looked like a block spider with several symbols surrounding it.

"Good, here's the summoning seal matrix all you have to do is apply that to your arm and the seal will sink into your skin. then all you have to do is put your blood on the seal and Wa-La you summoned a Replicator. Use a little chakra for you to summon Spider Replicators, a low amount of Chakra for you to summon Beetle type Replicators, a medium amount of chakra to summon giant Beetle Replicators, and a high amount of chakra you summon a Giant Spider Replicator." Kabuto explained to her.

"Wait! There is more than one type of Replicator?" Yang asked confused while she applied the sealing matrix. She's only seen on type of Replicator.

"Yeah there are there six different types of them, but one isn't combat oriented." Kabuto stated while pushing up his glasses. "Anyway I came here to get a change of scenery, watching Sasuke get is ass kissed by Orochimaru gets boring real quick." Kabuto stated while sitting down at his desk and started to examine the Replicator blueprints. 'While the Replicators are a finished project I can always upgrade them.' Kabuto thought.

-Few Days later-

"*Pant**Pant*" Kabuto watched impassively as Yang panted heavily.

"Huh? So your limit is three Rasenshuriken before you become exhausted interesting. "Kabuto said to himself. 'Originally Yang had to use Kyuubi's chakra to perform a single Rasenshuriken, now she can use it three without the power boost quite the improvement.' Kabuto mussed.

"You've improved tremendously, and from what you discovered through your link Naruto has yet to even discover his elemental affinity. Your leaps and bounds ahead of him." Kabuto praised.

"*Pant* Thanks *Pant* Kabuto-kun *Pant* I'm going to take a breather *Pant*" Yang breathed out, Kabuto reached into his ninja pouch and pulled out a small container, and then he walked towards Yang.

"Here take a Hyōrōgan(Military Rations Pill) to replenish yourself." Kabuto told Yang as he gave her a pill which she greedily took.

"Thank you, Thank you!" Yang yelled as she held Kabuto's face and gave him full on kiss. When she released Kabuto she stated asking him questions all hyped up on the Solder Pill. "Kabuto-kun when are you going to teach me the Chakra Scalpel technique? When are you going to teach me more Wind jutsu?" Then she gasped dramatically "Kabuto-kun when are you going to teach me the Chidori? Please…Please." Yang begged. 'Note to self never give Yang a Solder Pill.'

"First Yang your chakra control may be good but it isn't good enough to create a stable Chakra Scalpel. I only taught you all the Wind jutsu that I stole from Orochimaru so you know as many Wind jutsus as I do. And as for the Chidori, you already have the Rasengan and your body wouldn't be able to handle the tunnel vision that the Chidori creates." Kabuto stated to Yang while pushing up his glasses.

"Now come on, we must get going." Kabuto added as he glanced around the destroyed area. "We wouldn't want to run into any locals" Kabuto added and Yang nodded in agreement.

While they were walking towards the Hideout, Kabuto noticed a messenger hawk with the Suna symbol displayed on its back. 'There are only a few reasons why Suna would try and contact. They either want an alliance with Otogakure or someone there is trying to contact me,' Kabuto mussed as followed the messenger hawk until it landed near the entrance of the Kusagakure Hideout.

The Hawk landed on Kabuto's shoulder. He opened the container on the Hawk's back and read the message that came with it and his frown turned into a dark scowl as he continued to read the message. 'So the Akatsuki have started there move, and they kidnaped Gaia…Bad move Akatsuki I'm coming for you.' Kabuto thought dangerously as his eyes glowed a luminescent green as he entered the hideout with Yang following him.