Kabuto walked through the hallway of the Kusagakure Hideout at a furious scowl etched onto his face. Kabuto arrived at one of his personal armories. Kabuto changed out of his purple medic clothing and put something far more combat oriented on.

Kabuto put on black pants that had interlaced stitching making them far more durable, replacing his usual purple pants. Kabuto had mesh shirting under Black interlaced long sleeved shirt. Instead of the normal Shinobi sandals he wore grey steel toed boots. Replacing his usual purple arm bracers and fingerless gloves he also wore ANBU arm and leg guards. Kabuto loaded two ninja pouches one on each side of his thighs. Topping it all of he wore a long black cloak red lining on the inside. Kumo flared its wings at Kabuto and he nodded allowing Kumo to attach itself onto my Kabuto's back rearranging itself as a backpack. 'I need to be disguised; the odds of the Leaf aiding Suna in saving Gaia are high wouldn't want anyone recognizing me' Kabuto Thought as he put on a menacing skull mask. The mask is white with two thick vertical black stripes, each on one half of the mask which was interrupted at the widened eye-holes and the jaw. Then Kabuto's eyes turned from dark green to sickly yellow and his sclera turned pitch black.

Kabuto left my armory and ran into Yang who was decked out in her battle gear. She wore what Kabuto wore except showed her famine figure and her mask; her mask had a skeletal appearance sporting a horn in the center of the forehead and a row of diamond-shaped markings over the eyebrows. Her eyes turned pure blood red and her sclera was black.

Kabuto created a Crystal clone while Yang created a Shadow clone to take their places. They left the hideout at dawn after a minute of walking Kabuto did the Boar handsign and activated his Jinton: Hirenkyaku(Swift release: Flying Screen Step) and held out his hand for Yang to grab. As soon as her hand touched Kabuto's hand they phased out of existence.

While using the Flying screen step Kabuto crossed Kusagakure in a few minutes opposing the few days it would have taken. Yang and Kabuto stopped at the border of the Village hidden in the Rain.

"That's a lot of water." Yang commented on the ocean surrounding the Village.

"Yang get on my back, I'm not sure I can Screen Step over water while holding you." Kabuto ordered to Yang. She nodded and climbed onto Kabuto's back and nuzzled her head into his neck. When she was secure Kabuto applied chakra to his feet and stood in the water. As soon as Kabuto was balanced on top of the water they phased out of existence again leaving shower of water trailing them.

Kabuto sensed a presence following him which should be impossible. Kabuto glanced to his back to see a man speeding towards him. He had orange spiky hair with a crossed out Ami forehead protector. He had six nose piercings, ear piercings and two lip piercings. But what stood out where the grayish-purple ringed eyes. That was until Kabuto noticed what the person was wearing a Black cloak with Red clouds. 'Shit the Akatsuki here. From what I learned about the Akatsuki they are all s-ranked nin. So that means I might not be able to out run him.'

Kabuto stopped and turned to face his follower. The shift in direction jostled Yang from her la-la land. She glanced around until she noticed their follower. Yang got off Kabuto's back and prepared for a fight.

"Why did you trespass in my protected Village?" The man asked in a monotone voice.

"We were just passing through nothing more nothing less." Kabuto stated with is voice warbled due to a seal on the mask.

"Then who are you?" the man questioned.

"If I wanted you to know who we were, why would I go through the trouble of wearing a mask?" Kabuto replied sardonically. The man didn't look pleased.

"For your insolence I'll show you the true meaning of Pain." the Man declared while flaring his power. 'Yeah I can make a badass proclamation and flare my power to cockbite.' Kabuto thought.

"Well your words are those of a man who knows not true despair. If you know it not, then allow me to teach you. This is the face of true despair." Kabuto replied to the man's threat with his own while flaring my power. Kabuto's chakra shrouded him in a Black and Emerald aura illuminating Kabuto's mask and the Water under Kabuto crystallized into emerald crystals. Yang followed Kabuto's example and flared her Chakra, which shrouded her in a crimson and yellow fire like aura which illuminated her mask as well. 'Man we're so badass.' Kabuto thought.

"You may be powerful opponents but your no match for a God." The self-proclaimed god said.

"Yang don't hold back, we can't afford to underestimate him." Kabuto told to Yang. As the Man held up his palms, Yang mirrored his movements. Both of them released there techniques Yang's technique protected them from the man's devastating attack.

Horse → Ox → Boar → Snake Shōton: Suishō Tō(Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Blade) Kabuto created two crystal blades on his arms and engaged the man in taijutsu combat. While Kabuto distracted the "God", Yang appeared behind him with a charged Rasengan, she was about to connect with his back. But he sunk under water. Kabuto quickly put his hands on the water and focused his crystal chakra in it and started to convert the water to emerald crystal to trap the man under water.

After a few seconds the crystal structure and the surrounding water exploded. Yang and Kabuto were sent flying back but were able to regain their balance on the water. Horse → Ram "Suishō Bunshin no Jutsu(Jade Crystal Clone Technique)" Kabuto whispers as he created two Crystal clones while Yang prepared four shadow clones. Kabuto's clones and two of Yang's clones went to distract the self-proclaimed god, while Yang used her remaining clones to preform her Rasenshuriken technique.

Kabuto quickly went through the Horse → Monkey → Ram → Boar handsigns and slammed his hands on the surface of the water "Shōton: Omiwatari no Jutsu:(Crystal Release: The Gods' Crossings Technique)" Kabuto exclaimed as fast stream of sharp crystals raced towards the man, with him distracted by the clones the crystals were able to reach the man effectively binding him. With him bound Yang used Kabuto's back as a spring board and launched herself in the air and threw her Fūton: Rasenshuriken(Wind Release: Spiralling Shuriken) at the bound Akatsuki member.

Before the Resanshuriken was able to reach the bound man everything around him exploded around him.

"How is he able to do that?" Yang asked.

"I think he has a more refined version of your repulsion technique. But I think he as time limit for that ability, he could have used that ability on our clones or the crystal binding." Kabuto observed. "But we don't have time for this we have to save Gaia. Create several clones and have them distract this so called God. With him distracted I can Screen Step us out of here." Kabuto stated. She nodded and created ten clones, she had them attack the Akatsuki member, while Yang hopped onto Kabuto's back. Kabuto quickly phased out of existence. Good thing they left too because Kabuto felt five more signatures approaching their location.

After a few minutes of traveling Kabuto was met with the climate change from a raining weather to a large desert. Kabuto was racing across the desert with Yang on his back and he noticed a small structure out in the distance.

Kabuto was able to arrive at the Hidden sand village with no other interruptions. Yang and Kabuto arrived at the front gates of the Village and Yang got off of Kabuto's back. Kabuto was able to see some destruction throughout the village but wasn't able to pass the village gates. Several Suna Guards stopped him and Yang from entering. But Kabuto did recognized one of the guards.

She had medium length brown hair, dark eyes and fair skin. She had a Sunagakure flak jacket and a black forehead protector around her neck. She wore black shorts with black gloves and stockings. Her name was Matsuri. Kabuto helped Gaia save Matsuri from the Four Celestial Symbols men when Gaia was teaching Matsuri to overcome her fear of weapons. After Kabuto helped save her she saw me as an older brother of sorts.

Kabuto motioned for her to come closer which she reluctantly did. Kabuto moved his mask to the left revealing half of his face, and her face lit up in happiness. She rushed up and hugged Kabuto much to the ire of Yang.

"Oniisan…I knew you would come and help Kazekage-Sama." Matsuri said in joy.

"Of course I would Matsuri-chan. Now what's the situation? The message wasn't clear." Kabuto asked Matsuri.

"Kankuro has been incapacitated by some unknown poison while trying to save the Kazekage and Temari's in Kohona supervising for the Chuunin Exams. So our strongest Jonin are unavailable to rescue the Kazekage." Matsuri explained.

Kabuto looked down. 'With Gaia kidnapped, Kankuro out of commission and Temari out of the village. The village's security is crippled, even if there are still jonin inside the Village; the Sand Siblings are a heavy hitting team that spooked off most of the would be invaders but with them missing the Village is open to attack. I'll have to revive Kankuro and possibly get a message to Temari...hmm this is troublesome.'

Kabuto looked to Matsuri. "Take me to Kankuro I'll do my best to heal him." Kabuto declared. Masturi nodded and lead him into the Village. The guards tried to stop us only for Kabuto to give them the message he received form the sand, they inspected its authenticity and allowed Yang and Kabuto to pass through.

-Few minutes later-

Matsuri showed Kabuto to Kankuro's medical room, when Kabuto walked in he noticed that there were a few med-nin along with an old short woman. Kabuto pulled down his hood and removed his mask. Kabuto heard Kankuro struggle to move and breath. Kabuto walked up to Kankuro and put his hands on Kankuro's chest, and then sent Medical chakra into his chest and looked for were the poison was targeting.

Kabuto Bit back the grimace. 'The poison is laced with high amounts of metals and is destroying the cells in his heart and lungs while slowly making their way to his spine. I have to make and antidote but what to use? Hmm I need a plant with high acidity to dissolve the toxins that are creating the metals but not high enough to dissolve Kankuro's body. But also I need herbs with enzymes to jump start his body's cellular regeneration cycle to help him recover quickly.' With those thoughts Kabuto turned to Matsuri.

"Is there a greenhouse in the Village?" Kabuto asked her she nodded and asked a Med-nin to take him there.

-Hour Later-

After Kabuto gathered the necessary herbs form the Greenhouse he started to make an antidote to Sasori's poison. Kabuto crushed the herbs releasing their healing substances and mixed them together. The antidote took the form of yellowish-brown colored liquid. There was only enough of the Antidote for three separate vials. One to cure Kankuro, and the other two for Yang and himself in case there healing factors didn't work against the poison.

With the Antidote made Kabuto walked at a quick pace towards Kankuro's room. When he made it there Kabuto changed his Black fingerless gloves to his sterile purple medical gloves.

When Kabuto entered the Medical room, he walked towards Kankuro's unconscious body. Several Med-Nins moved out of his way. 'Hmm the antidote will counter the poison but the heavy metal build up might remain I'll need to get rid of them first before I administer the cure.' Kabuto mused.

"I need two bowls one filled with luke warm water and the other one empty, And I need some of you to hold Kankuro down what I'm about to do will hurt him but will filter out the built up metals that are clotting in his lungs and heart." Kabuto ordered.

Several of the Med-nin and guards held Kankuro down while a Med-nin came back with the bowls. Kabuto used his Chakra to hold the water in place around his left hand after that Kabuto placed his water encased hand onto Kankuro's chest. Using Kankuro's pores as an entry point Kabuto was able to use the water to filter out the foreign metals in Kankuro's lungs and heart. Kabuto placed his free hand on other side of Kankuro's chest and pulled the water out of Kankuro. The water had a black liquid in in its center. Kabuto repeated the process of purifying Kankuro's body until the water came out clean. When Kankuro's body was clear of the foreign metals, Kabuto injected Kankuro with the poison antidote.

Kankuro's face seemed to relax and Kabuto let the surrounding Med-nins do their job. Kabuto changed his Purple gloves back to his normal black ones. After a few minutes Kankuro woke up and looked around frantically.

"Calm down Kankuro. You're in the Suna's hospital," Kabuto stated to the distraught puppeteer.

"Kabuto? I have to go save Gaia." Kankuro exclaimed while trying to get up, only for Kabuto to put a hand on his chest pushed him back down.

"Don't move you're in no condition to track down Gaia. My partner and I will save her, just tell me anything that might help the search for her." Kabuto stated to Kankuro, which he grudgingly accepted.

"I got a piece of Sasori's cloak maybe that can help." Kankuro offered. 'I'm not much of a scent tracker and Kumo can't track scents. So I'll have to summon a snake for the job.' Kabuto thought as he nodded.

"It would help indefinitely Kankuro." Kabuto agreed. Kankuro went through his clothing and pulled out a small piece of ripped black and red clothing.

"Thanks Kankuro, I'll save your sister I promise." Kabuto declared to Gaia's brother. He nodded thankfully. Kabuto pulled his hood up and placed the mask on covering his face before leaving for the Village gates. Before he could make it to the door a short old lady ran up to me and grabbed the sleeve of my cloak.

"Why are you trying to save Gaia?" She asked suspiciously.

"Gaia is a dear friend to me, that's why I'm going to save her." Kabuto said the old lady and she nodded slightly.

"Are you Kabuto, The one who changed Gaia?" The old lady questioned, Kabuto nodded. "Then let me come with you so I can help you save Gaia."

"Chiyo-baasama, I don't think it's a good idea for you to fight." Baki stated.

"Don't treat me like an old Lady!" Chyio yelled while trying to hit the jonin, Kabuto would have laughed if the atmosphere hadn't been tense. She then turned back to Kabuto.

"So are you going to let me help or not?" Chyio asked, before Kabuto could answer she answered for him. "Is what I would have asked, if I cared what your answer was." She stated before she started to climb on Kabuto's back using Kumo as makeshift ladder, and Kabuto sighed.

When Kabuto walked out into the hallway he noticed Yang lounging in one of the chairs with her mask still on. So Kabuto walked up and kicked her leg making her jump in surprise.

"Even if we aren't at the hideout you still shouldn't lounge." Kabuto stated to a now pouting Yang judging by her poster. "Come on we're leaving, we have a Kazekage to save." Kabuto ordered to Yang.

"Umm what's with the old bag of bones on your back?" Yang asked curiously only to be hit in the head by a sandal.

"I'm no old bag you bones you brat!" Chiyo yield into Kabuto's ear.

"Brat am I, well you look like you could have been a in the first Shinobi war." Yang shot back.

"Oh you better take that back you no good brat!" Chiyo demanded. 'Oh gods please make it stop.' Kabuto internally begged.

"I don't think I will" Yang said defiantly.

"Children these days have no respect for their elders." Kabuto heard Chiyo mumble.

'Thank God.' The three of them were able to make it out of the hospital without any interruptions. While they were headed towards the Village gate Kabuto noticed a group of people heading through it. The first person he noticed was an older Temari. She wore a Black battle kimono with Red wrappings around her midsection. She had her hair done in the usual four pony tails and had her Giant war fan on her back. 'Damn she's gotten hot.' Kabuto thought.

Kabuto continued to check Temari out until he noticed the group following her and he had to hold back a sign. They were Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura. But When Chiyo saw Kakashi she jump off me and tried to attack him.

"This is for my son…White Fang!" Chyio yelled while trying to attack him, only for Kabuto to grab her.

"That's not the "White Fang" Chyio-baasama." Kabuto stated tiredly. 'Honestly I'm sure I could save Gaia without all this trouble.'

"I know I'm just pretending haha" Chiyo lied unconvincingly.

"Come on Chyio-baasama were on kind of a tight schedule here." Kabuto stated urgently.

"Of course silly me." She stated sheepishly while climbing up my back again. Kabuto noticed Temari stare at him in suspicion until a look of realization appeared on her face.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Kakashi asked suspiciously.

"To save the Kazekage you Leaf idiots." Chiyo insulted. "Now let's go!" Chiyo yelled while kicking Kabuto's sides like a horse, this time he did sigh and continued to the Gate. Kabuto glanced at Yang only to see her staring at Naruto intently with her pure red eyes narrowed through her mask, which all of team 7 noticed.

"Yang…Save play time for later." Kabuto said seriously. That seemed to shake her out of her trance and looked at Kabuto. Kabuto motioned to the Gate with his head and she nodded slowly while taking one last glance at Naruto.

"I'm alright." Yang stated when she caught up to Kabuto.

"Who are you and why are you trying to save the Kazekage?" Kakashi demanded.

"I'm afraid I don't have to answer your question." Kabuto stated unapologetically.

"I'm the highest ranking Nin here if you don't answer I'll have you detained." Kakashi threatened.

"Hmm I would have taken that threat seriously…if we had been in Fire Country. Your rank is worth next to nothing here, currently the highest ranking member here is Temari-sama." Kabuto stated apathetically. "So Temari-sama can I save the Kazekage?" Kabuto asked her and She nodded.

Kabuto did a Boar handsign activating his Jinton: Hirenkyaku(Swift release: Flying Screen Step). He held out an arm for Yang to grab, and the three of them phased out of existence.

Kabuto phased into existence at the area were Sasori and Kankuro fought. Doing a quick Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram handsign Kabuto slammed his hands onto the ground. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu(Summoning Technique)" Kabuto exclaimed as he summoned a black and green tinted desert cobra.

The snake glanced around until her eyes landed on Kabuto, 'even with my disguise on she could tell who summoned her interesting.'

§You sssummoned my masster? § The snaked asked. Kabuto glanced at Yang to see the confusion in her eyes.

§Yess I need you to track the ssscent of thiss piece of clothing, take usss to where it came from. § Kabuto hissed out the order to the snake as he took the piece of Sasori's cloak and held it near her face. The snake flicked her tongue over the clothing a few times, then she flicked her tongue over the sand then she face a direction. Kabuto glanced to Yang to see winded eyes beneath her mask and Chiyo's mouth agape. Looking down Kabuto saw the cobra face a direction.

§They went in that direction. § The cobra hissed. Kabuto held out his right hand and allowed the cobra to coil herself around it.

Kabuto stood up and held out his left hand for Yang to grab onto, which she did. The three phased out of existence again, after a couple of stops to allow the snake to confirm that they were going on the right track. They arrived at a boulder that had a seal in the center of it and the cobra de-summoned herself.

"It's no use, that's the Gofū Kekkai(Five-Seal barrier) it's protecting the entrance well need to deactivate all five seals at once." Chiyo informed us, and Kabuto sighed. 'Nothing can ever be easy.'

Kabuto rolled up his sleeve and his arm bracer revealing a spider like tattoo. He bit his thump and smeared the blood on the sealing tattoo and slammed his hand onto the ground. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Repurikēta( Summoning technique: Replicators)" Kabuto exclaimed. The smoke cleared to reveal four Spider Replicators.

"Go out. Find the Four surrounding sealing tags, when you all find them wait for Kumo to get into position over the Fifth tag then destroy them simultaneously." Kabuto ordered to my Replicators.' One of the Replicators strongest attributes is what there hive minded allowing them to adapt and have permanent awareness.' They flared there wings slightly and went to look for the Seals, after a few moments Kumo un-tangled itself from Kabuto's back causing Chiyo to jump from his back as well.

Kumo climbed up the Rock and positioned himself over the sealing barrier tag and released its acidic boil release onto the seal dissolving it and then started to devour the sealing material, then left the boulder. Kabuto grabbed onto Chiyo's shoulder pulling her back a bit. Then he looked at Yang.

"Yang-chan you think you can destroy that?" Kabuto challenged to her. Her unmasked eyes seemed to glare at Kabuto slightly.

"You bet your ass I can." Yang declared. She turned to face the boulder and held out her palm. As a dark purple orb formed in her hand and several white rings surrounded the dark orb on different axis until the white rings started to orbit the purple orb in the same orbit.

"Rasenringu(Spiralling Fear Wheel)" Yang exclaimed as the attack was launched towards the Akatsuki hideout entrance. After the blinding flash faded, there was a hole were the rock use to be.

Yang, Chiyo and Kabuto entered the cave like hideout. Kabuto noticed seven holographic figures staring at them; Kabuto glanced through the holograms and noticed the highest one had the same figure outline as the self-proclaimed god that attacked Yang and him in The Hidden Rain. Form his expression he was surprised to see us.

Kabuto looked lower to see a hunchbacked figure and an effeminate blonde male. What pissed Kabuto off the most was that the blonde male was sitting on Gaia's unconscious body. Kabuto's eyes narrowed dangerously at him and he seemed to notice because he started to chuckle.

"Oh my, what have I done to earn such a nasty glare?" the blonde man taunted. 'I'm going to kill you.'

"Get…Off…Her…NOW!" Kabuto growled out. His mask changed from its watery voice changer to a duel layered voice, one layer sounding insane and the second sounding pissed.

"Oh and what are you going to do kill me, I'm an S-rank nin and my partner is right next to me?" He asked Kabuto condescendingly while slapping Gaia in the face. 'I'm going TO KILL HIM.'

' §if you want to kill him just say the words…Say the words that haunt your dreams…Say the words that end your nightmares…say the worlds that will protect your allies…Say the words that will slaughter enemies…NOW SAY THE WORDS. § 'A raspy voice hissed in Kabuto's mind and he reacted on instinct. Everyone watched curiously as Kabuto's poster frozen then relaxed as he raised his hand towards the annoying Akatuski member. Kabuto pointed his Index and middle finger towards the blonde man and drew a tilted S.

'§Now Say them…Say the words…You know them…Say them with me…§' Kabuto glared at the Blonde man with luminescent glowing green eyes as he said the words. "… Avada. "Kabuto said in echoing whisper. "…KEDAVRA!"