A blur speed through the forest, upon closer inspection revealed a hooded cloaked figure carrying something while speeding through the forest. Under the hood showed a white skull mask covering the figures face, the mask belonged to Kabuto. He was wearing the same disguise that wore when he saved Gaia from the Akatsuki. The medic nin was carrying his lazy blond partner. She too was wearing the disguise she wore during Gaia's rescue minus the hood and mask which set Kabuto off.

"Yang-chan…Why aren't you wearing your hood, we need to be incognito." Kabuto insisted.

"The hood messes up my hair." Yang argued like it was a ligament reason.

"And then what about the mask? It doesn't affect your hair at all." Kabuto asked.

"Oh that thing, I lost it weeks ago." Yang commented nonchalantly. Kabuto sighed as the continued forward; hopefully they didn't run into someone that knew her. Kabuto readjusted the scroll on his back.

'Now that I got everything I need from Sasori's and Deidara's corpses' I'm going to turn in the bounties for money. Hell I wonder how Orochimaru was planning on keeping his village running since he never really pays for the land or materials such as food, water and medical equipment, honestly he's really irresponsible sometimes.

So here I am traveling To Fire country. Mostly because every village and country other than Suna believes The Hidden Leaf killed Sasori and Deidara, and I want to keep it that way. So if someone were to turn in the Bounties in another country some people will be asking questions.' Kabuto thought to himself.

"Kabuto-kun…How far is the bounty station?" Yang questioned.

"Not far…I don't know why your complaining Yang-chan I'm carrying you." Kabuto stated in annoyance, it was true half way through the trip Yang got tired and wanted to be carried.

"You know you love it." Yang teased, and Kabuto sighed.

The duo exited the forest and saw a long dirt road leading to a small building. Yang got out of Kabuto's arms and they walked towards the building. 'I could just Screen Step us there but I shouldn't always use it just because I have it.' Kabuto thought to himself.

Kabuto glanced at Yang to see her playing with her new yellow bracelets that he made for her. Kabuto looked back at the bounty station and trekked forward.

After a few minutes of walking the duo was able to make it to the bounty office without any interruptions. Kabuto strolled into the building and sighed. The bounty office in this building was located in the bathroom and Yang was probably going to make a fuss over this.

"What the hell is that smell and why are we in the men's bathroom?"" Yang complained.

"We're in the Men's bathroom because that's the entrance to the bounty station and the smell is composing bodies…Why do you think the bounty office is in a bathroom in the first place to disguise the scent of dead bodies with the bathroom's smell." Kabuto explained.

"Huh…I guess that dose make sense." Yang said to herself. As a wall in-between urinals opened up revealing a bald man with black eyes, and a black beard. He had a big scar above his right eyebrow and wore a light gray cloak.

"In here." He ordered. Kabuto and Yang entered the hidden room.

"Heh...So I get a visit from you Kabuto, what's with the partner? You usually work alone?" Zangei asked.

"Not any more these days." Kabuto said, and motioned for Yang to introduce herself.

"Oh…I'm Yang." Yang introduced herself hesitantly.

"Don't worry Yang…Zangei won't betray us…If he did that, he wouldn't have a business now would he?" Kabuto asked.

"I guess your right Kabuto-kun." Yang agreed.

"Heh…'Kabuto-kun' is it." Zangei commented.

"Eh...long story…now I got bounties to collect, can we speed it up." Kabuto voiced. Zangei nodded and walked over to the autopsy table. Kabuto unseal Deidra's dead body and lead it down and the autopsy table.

"That's Deidara all right; you caught a big on this time Kabuto. Hmm…its weird there's no burses or marks at all on him. If you don't mind me asking how did you kill him?" Zangei asked.

"My new technique…an illusion that makes the brain thinks it's dead and in turn shuts the body down. When the illusion is lifted the body can't sustain itself and dies…no marks, no cuts and no way to identify the killer…the perfect shinobi technique." Kabuto lied.

"Impressive." Zangei complimented as he handed Kabuto a briefcase with Deidara's bounty reward being at about 55,000,000 ryō.

"I also have one more bounty to collect, but might be harder to autopsy." Kabuto informed as he unsealed Sasori's puppet body.

"My…Deidara the mad bomber and Sasori of the red sands you sure know how to pick them." Zangei stated.

"Hmm…this body is…wooden."Zangei said.

"Yes Sasori was so obsessed with puppets he turn himself into one." Kabuto explained, and Zangei nodded slowly as he inspected the puppet finding several parts of Sasori's real body nothing too big to matter to Kabuto but enough to prove its authenticity. When the body was approved Zangei handed Kabuto the bounty being 76,000,000 ryō .Kabuto sealed the cases with money and went leave the bounty exchange building with Yang by his side. While the duo left the bathroom the felt two large chakra signatures heading towards the bounty office. They quickly hid in the stalls of the bathroom.

The duo peek through the crack in the door to see a tan skinned tall man that wore a white hood and a black mask with his eyes being to only thing visible. He had green irises no pupils and red sclera; he also wore the Akatsuki cloak. From this description he fit the profile of the Akatsuki member Kakuzu.

The figure behind Kakuzu was smaller than him. This member was a woman who had slicked back white hair and magenta eyes. She wore her forehead protector around her neck along with a pendant. She had a torn up looking Akatsuki robes with no shirt underneath only wearing chest bindings. She also had tight black shinobi pants and the standard shinobi sandals a large triple bladed scythe on her back. She fitted the description of Hidane the jashin Priestess.

"Why the fuck is the bounty office in the bathroom?" Hidane complained.

"Shut Up…Or I swear I will find some way to kill you." Kakuzu threatened.

"Again and again that's not something to say to me Kakuzu." Hidane said nonchalantly completely ignoring Kakuzu's threat.

"Hehe…looks like there's trouble in paradise…eh Kabuto-kun?" Yang joked to Kabuto, only for him to shush her which she pouted in response.

The zombie duo advanced towards the hidden door near the urinals, which the foul mouthed priestess complained about again.

"I still can't believe they hid the entrance behind a urinal…fucking idiots." Hidane complained.

"Hey over here." Zangei ordered.

Kakuzu and Zangei conversed a bit and inspected the body of some sort of monk Kabuto didn't really care that much.

"Hurry the hell up, it reeks in here." Hidane commanded which Kakuzu ignored.

"Kakuzu! Let's GO!" She yelled.

"Hang on. I need to count the money first." Kakuzu stated and went back to inspecting the bounty reward.

"I can't tell whether the stench is piss or that body, but seriously it's fuckin' gross. I'll be outside. "Hidane said before leaving.

Kabuto and Yang glanced at each other and Kabuto nodded. With the room clear the duo was able to sneak out of the bathroom without Kakuzu spotting them. While Kabuto is confident in his and Yang's skills, he's not ready to test himself against the infamous Zombie duo of the Akatsuki. 'Yang and I could probably take on one of them, but both of them will be difficult to handle.' Kabuto thought to himself.

The duo made it out of the building, Only for Kabuto to bump into the slaughtering Priestess. 'Oh fuck.' Kabuto thought to himself. Hidane turned face to face with the duo or face to mask in Kabuto's case.

"Watch where you're going you fucking…" Hidane trailed of until she saw who she was talking to; it was the man that killed Deidara. The two stared down for what seemed like minutes, the two had entirely different thoughts.

'Crap…From my information she's virtually un-killable, from being able to survive poisons and bleeding out to decapitation and dismemberment. She's very dangerous for Yang and I to fight. We can't use are larger more destructive techniques or risk giving our position away to half of the country. I could use the "Killing Curse" but I need to really want to kill her, and it wastes a lot of my chakra.' Kabuto thought logically.

'Could this fucker be the guy the Tome was referring to?' Hidane thought to herself.

"So you're the fucker who killed Deidara." Hidane stated, and Kabuto slowly nodded not knowing where this was going.

"How'd you do it?" She questioned.

"You saw how I killed him…Why do you doubt your own observations." Kabuto shot back.

"No you asshole I just wanted to prove something." Hidane rebutted.

"Oh and what did you need to prove?" Kabuto asked.

"If I should kill you or not. While the Akatsuki wants your head I couldn't care less on what they want they don't let me offer sacrifices to Jashin-sama...But every Jashinest's dream is to find Jashin's incarnation." Hidane explained.

"And you're telling me this why?" Kabuto asked.

"Because it was said Jashin's first incarnate could do things normal shinobi couldn't…By saying strange words and shit happening because of that…Jashin was able to kill just his words…just like you did…It was said he could control people by just a wave of his hand…and it was said he could torture people into insanity by just his stare. " Hidane said almost excitedly.

"Okay I get that…but…What .Does. That .Mean" Kabuto spoke out slowly.

"Well a few hundred years ago Jashin's incarnate surfaced…and gave us our immortality rituals, and constructed our Jujutsu: Shiji Hyōketsu(Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood ) by something he called a voodoo doll or some shit like that. " Hidane explained, Kabuto was about to about to clarify on what he previously meant only for the priestess to cut him off.

"But that's not all he did or could do…In the Tomes it was said he originally came here with amnesia that he couldn't remember where he came from or who he was…but he had an astounding learning rate and had the strange ability to speak to snakes." Hidane finished.

Kabuto's eyes widened behind his mask, and he glanced at Yang to see her eyes and mouth opened in shock.

"I take it by your reactions this means something to you." Hidane said nonchalantly. 'So this Jashin incarnate came from my birth place.' Kabuto thought.

"What was the Jashin incarnates name…if you don't mind me asking." Kabuto asked.

"Oh…umm…Damn the fuck was his name…S something, it was foreign sounding…hmm...Oh it was Salazar Slytherin!" Hidane exclaimed Kabuto's eyes widened as he remembered something.

-Flash back-

Tom sat the Slytherin table with his 'friends'. In actuality Tom manipulated a few pure-bloods into believing that he wanted pure-blood supremacy. Tom gathered these people to keep Dumbledore off his back; he has become far too suspicious for his own good.

When the dinner was over the four houses cleared out and went to their individual houses. Tom himself split off from the sheep and headed to the library. Tom put a Disillusionment Charm on himself making him nearly invisible to the naked eye.

The future dark lord was what one could call obsessed with his heritage; he discovered that his birth mother was a squib from the Gaunt a house descendent from Salazar himself.

From what Tom discovered was that Salazar Slytherin was had the ability to speak to snakes and was the master of the Dark arts. Tom was amazed by his ancestor and eventually tried to emulate him.

-Flash back-

Tom did it he finally found Salazar's chamber of Secrets, said to have been built so Salazar could teach the Dark arts to his students but a disagreement with the three other founders enraged him so he grew a beast to protect the school form the muggle-borns in chamber, but vanished before his work could be done. But Tom felt the beast might still be there and would continue Salazar's work.

The young dark lord walked through the girl's bathroom and walked up to the sink with Snake symbols carved in around the faucet.

§Open§ Tom commanded, the pipes and sink rearranged themselves into a dark entrance the ambient light revealed a far drop.

§Stairs§ Tom commanded and stairs formed. Tom walked down the stairs and held out his wand, he cast a Lumos spell creating a orb of light from the tip of his wand. Tom noticed several torches along the wall tunnels.

With a wave of his wand Tom spoke the words Incendio and several small balls of fire shoot from his wand illuminating the Chamber. Tom trekked forward time he was met by the statute of Salazar Slytherin.

§ Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four! § Tom ordered to the statue. The sound of stone scraping off of stone echoed throughout the chamber. The mouth on Salazar's statute opened and a large snake slithered its way out, the giant snake had dark green and black scales, with deep yellow eyes.

"Hmm…so the great best that resides within the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk…How fitting. Now it's time to finish what Salazar started." Tom schemed to himself.

-Flash back-

Tom walked through the empty hallways of Hogwarts pleased. The school had been shut down do to too many petrifications and the death of a muggle-born girl. Dumbledore has become suspicious of him, so he threw Dumbledore off the trail.

It was only dumb luck that he Tom came across Hagrid holding a box containing his pet Acromantula, Aragog. Tom freed the giant spider and convinced Head master Dippet that the Aragog was the beast of the Chamber of Secrets.

Hagrid was expelled from the school but was allowed to become the grounds keeper due to Dumbledore's words; And Tom was given a trophy for a Special Services to the school. Due to Dumbledore's distrust and watchful eye Tom split his soul and put it in his diary to hope that one day his and Salazar's work can be started again.

-Flash back-

The future dark lord searched through Little Hangleton for his maternal family. While there Tom met his Uncle who threatened him. Tom proceeded to question his uncle and learned that his father stole all of his mother's family's fortune. Tom knocked his uncle out and stole his wand; Tom used his uncle's wand to torture and kill his father and his family, when that was done Tom used the Fiendly Fire curse to burn the house to a crisp. The dark lord took his property back including the Marvolo Gaunt's ring which had the symbol of a Triangle with a circle and I line thorough it. Tom used the killing of his father to spit his soul further and placed his soul fragment in the ring.

Tom latter re wrote his uncle's memories of what really happened and made his uncle confess to the murders.

-Flash back-

Tom befriended an elderly witch named Hepzibath Smith to get close to her. So he could steal the Sythrien's locket and Hufflepuff's Cup. Tom poisoned the witch and implanted a false memory in her house elf's mind, giving the illusion that the house elf was the killer.

The dark lord split his soul another time and placed it into the Slythrien locket. He used the Crystal Cave to hide his Horcrux. He put a multiple of defenses around the cave including an army of undead Inferi.

-End Flash back-

Kabuto composed himself, and focused onto the violent priestess.

"Are you sure his name was Salazar Slythrien?" Kabuto asked.

"Did I fucking stutter? Of course that's what I said!" Hidane exclaimed and Kabuto narrowed his eyes in thought.

"Hmm…did Salazar leave any books or Tomes before he died?" Kabuto asked.

"Yeah, but no one can read that shit…it seems to be in a whole other language." Hidane informed.

"Did the books have any snakes carved around them in the pages or the cover?" Kabuto questioned.

"Huh…Now that you mention it, I think they did…man that dude had a fuckin hard on for snakes it seems." Hidane said.

"Do you think you could take me to it?" Kabuto asked if there were clues on his past he would do anything to discover it.

"I don't fuckin know if your real or a fraud…prove to me that you can do the shit it said you could do." Hidane challenged.

"How in the hell do I do something a book says if I can't read it genius." Kabuto snapped out.

"How the hell should I know? I just don't want to serve a fake…so do your magic." Hidane ordered not realizing the irony of what she said. Kabuto felt several chakra signatures approaching and looked at Yang to see her glancing at the direction of the approaching nin.

"Um…Miss Hidane there are several approaching signatures…shouldn't we…I don't know take care of them." Kabuto suggested, she crossed her arms and shook her head.

"This is a perfect time to show your stuff…and if you can convince me…maybe I'll take you to the Jashinist temple." Hidane bargained, and Kabuto slowly nodded.

'From the memories I know how to do a Lumos Spell…the Incendio charm…The anti-spider charm…Then Fiendfyre curse…the Cruciaturs Cruse…and I know how to create an Inferi…Oh boy…at least the torture curse will be easier to use than the killing one.' Kabuto thought to himself as he felt the signatures almost there. 'I can't just force these spells…from what I seen in my memories Tom; he used a "Wand" to focus his power so I should to the same.' Kabuto thought as he formed an 11 inch long bone wand form his palms discreetly. The "Wand" looked like Tom's but was pure white. Kabuto twirled it around to get the feel of it, and was able to feel himself extend into the bone which was good. When he did the killing curse wandlessly, he kind of burned the tips of his fingers. With the bone wand, that shouldn't happen. 'This will have to do until I can create a suitable focus.' Kabuto mused.

A leaf Jonin landed near Hidane and threw several shuriken in our direction, Kabuto and Yang quickly evaded the blades but Hidane dodge uncaringly.

But two chuunin tried to stab Hidane from her sides, she was about to move only to discover she couldn't due to the Nara on the roof of the bounty office. The Chuunin impaled the priestess.

"Ouch man…Who the hell are you guys?" Hidane questioned as though she didn't have to blades in her. Yang was unsure on what to do, while Kabuto had an interest in her knowledge Yang didn't know on whether to help her or watch the Leaf nin get there asses kicked.

Kabuto noticed the Shadow holding Hidane in place. He pointed his bone wand at the Shadow.

"Lumos Maxima" Kabuto yelled as a blinding light shined form the tip of the bone, blinding everyone and erasing the shadow link.

Kabuto landed next to the now free Hidane and grabbed the nearest chuunin by the head and threw him a few yards behind him.

"Nice of you to interrupt me…but this is my ritual." Hidane complained.

"Well if I happen to be Jashin's incarnate…shouldn't I just do it myself? Besides I think I know how to show the stuff you were talking about now." Kabuto stated.

"Oh by all means…go ahead ass." Hidane said.

"This is a Leaf matter, we are here for the Akatsuki…but if you get involved we van not guarantee your safety." The jonin stated.

"Look Jonin-san…I don't care what you want…" Kabuto said as he pointed his wand at the leaf nin. "And I don't care what they want…" Kabuto finished as he pointed to Hidane referring to the Akatsuki.

"But she has answers to several of my questions…so you know how it is." Kabuto rambled off, and the Leaf nin tensed.

One of the chuunin charged quickly, but fortunately/unfortunately Kabuto was far faster. Kabuto leveled the bone wand at the chuunin's body and said. "Crucio" Kabuto harshly whispered, a red light shot form his bone wand.

The red light slammed into the Chuunin's chest and he dropped almost instantly.

"AHHHH…ARGH…AHHHHHH" The chuunin yelled as he thrashed around violently. Hidane seemed to get off on it a little, before Kabuto released the curse. Kabuto tried to turn only to realize he was trapped in the Nara's shadow jutsu.

"You're trapped." The Nara stated.

"Not for long…Lumos Maxima." Kabuto whispered before the light destroyed the shadow. With the nin blinded Kabuto launched several Incendio spells at the nins, the Jonin put his body in front of his team to save them burning his body in the process.

The jonin's team glared in Kabuto's direction for hurting there sensei. Kabuto glared back and quickly glanced around at the still burning fires and smiled.

He pointed his wand at the leaf group and cried out. "Fiendfyre" all the surrounding fires combined to form a giant flame snake that towered over the leaf nin, and launched itself at them. From what Kabuto knew from Tom's memories the Fiendfyre was difficult to control but would actively seek out to destroy his enemies.

Kabuto sent the semi-sentient flame snake at the Lead nin, which the nin tried to evade. The jonin and his team were able to escape the cursed flame but the two chuunin weren't so lucky. Kabuto moved the flames away from the dead chuunin revealing charred dead bodies.

"Hmm…Now watch the magic happen." Kabuto said darkly to Hidane as he pointed his wand at the dead chuunin. "Vade in terra viventium… Custodi in thesauris meis…Dissipate mea… Et nunc veni, surgere meum…Inferi(Rise upon the living…Protect my treasures …Slaughter my enemies…Now come rise my…Inferi)" Kabuto chanted as a pitch black lightning shot from his wand and connected with the dead chuunin.

After a few seconds the dead bodies started to twitch slightly. The bodies started push themselves up and moved erratically towards the leaf nin. The Leaf nin, Hidane and Yang watched in morbid fascination as Kabuto reanimated the leaf's corpses.

'From Tom's memories the Inferi are weak to light based attacks such as lightning and fire…which from my information suggests the Jonin has a wind affinity and his students have yet to delve into their affinities, and if the try to use a fire based jutsu I can have the Fiendfyre intercept it.' Kabuto thought.

The sound duo and the immortal watched as the younger leaf nin freeze up on the sight of the once comrades coming to kill them, while the jonin took out a pair of brass knuckled trench knifes. The blades were surrounded in a blue glow, meaning the jonin was channeling his chakra into the blades increasing their cutting power. The jonin engaged the inferi in battle.

Kabuto turned towards a dumbstruck Hidane. "So does that prove anything?" Kabuto asked dryly.

"How the fuck did you do that?" Hidane questioned.

"I just do." Kabuto stated. 'I could say magic…but that would sound so fucking cheesy.' Kabuto thought cynically.

"Don't bullshit me…How the hell did you do that?" Hidane demanded.

"How can I explain it if I don't know myself…But if I could read Salazar's Tomes I could possible explain my abilities." Kabuto said. 'And I can learn about the abilities of my birth place and there is the possibility that Salazar regained his memories, and made a record of his own techniques that I can learn off of.' Kabuto thought.

Hidane contemplated with herself. This person could be the incarnate of her god, the god of destruction and death. If he was his the incarnation then it's her responsibility to follow and serve him. But he could be a fake and if he was she would kill the blasphemer. Even though he has the powers of the first incarnate the only true way of proving himself would be to read Salazar's tome.

"Fine…I'll take you to the fucking temple…just let me finish my ritual…I haven't killed anyone in a while." Hidane agreed.

"By all means the…the jonin is injured and his students are frozen in fear…heheh…Show them the meaning of despair." Kabuto said as he dismissed the Fiendfyre and Inferi. Kabuto watched in interest as Hidane drew a symbol into the ground with her sandals. The symbol looked surprisingly similar to the symbol on the Gaunt's family ring. The line in the center was missing and the Triangle and the Circle were reversed.

The priestess threw her tri-bladed scythe at the tired Jonin and nicked his cheek. Hidane pulled the bloodied blade to her face and licked the blood. Hidane took on a grim-reaper like appearance with Black skin and white skeletal markings.

Hidane took out a retractable spear and stabbed herself in the leg making the jonin collapse holding his leg in pain. Drawing confused looks from his team and Yang. Kabuto motioned for Yang to come closer, which she did.

"We both know that Hidane has a form of Immortality right." Kabuto said to Yang, and she nodded.

"Well with her unique circumstance…and her religion…she can create a link with someone and transfer the pain she feels through her link to her enemy...like a Voodoo Doll." Kabuto explained and Yang nodded.

"What's a Voodoo Doll?" Yang asked confused.

"Huh…I don't know." Kabuto stated. 'Must be something form my memories…but I sounds right.'

The duo watched as Hidane toyed with the Leaf jonin, and the jonin's students tried to help but couldn't due to the risk of hurting their sensei. That was until Shikamaru used his Shadow Imitation Technique on Hidane and tried to make her move out of her jashinest symbol. Before Hidane was out of the Circle Yang appeared behind Shikamaru and heel kicked him in the neck forcing him to the ground.

With Shikamaru's shadow imitation cancelled, Hidane stabbed herself in the chest killing the Leaf jonin. Team 10 ran to Asuma to see if he was okay, than there was when a murder of crows that blocked everyone's vision when the crows cleared the team and chuunin corpses were gone.

"Well…that was a thing." Yang commented about the situation and Kabuto nodded in agreement.

"Hidane…how are you going to guide me to the Jashinest temple if you're stuck with your partner Kakuzu?" Kabuto asked Hidane seriously.

"Fuck…I'll think of something or other…it doesn't really matter…If you are Jashin's incarnate I have to become your acolyte anyway so I'll just leave the Akatsuki." Hidane explained.

"Good when you're done with him you can catch up with us." Kabuto stated as he and Yang walked down the road in the direction of Yugakure the village in hot water, mostly because Hidane was a missing nin from that village.

After a couple minutes of walking the duo felt someone speeding towards them, though they didn't react they knew who it was. A blur landed next to the duo revealing it to be Hidane no surprise there.

"So where is the temple located?" Kabuto questioned Hidane.

"Near The fuckin Village of hot water idiot!" Hidane exclaimed, Kabuto nodded not even affected by her tone and activated his Screen Step he wanted to get this done quickly. Kabuto held out his hand and Yang grabbed it. Then Kabuto grabbed Hidane's shoulder then they disappeared, though people could hear the curses from Hidane as they passed by them.

The trio appeared near the entrance of The Village of hot Water only to be surrounded by three chuunin Nin. Kabuto signed he honestly didn't have time for this shit. He pointed his bone wand at one Nin and pointed his two fingers at others.

"Incendio." Kabuto harshly whispered as the nin com-busted to flame. Before the other two nin could react the had a finger sized hole in between their eyes. Kabuto walked over to the dead bodies and sealed their bodies up. Kabuto glanced to see Yang and Hidane staring in awe, well awe from Hidane…Yang was use to Kabuto's awesomeness.

"What are you staring at lets go." Kabuto ordered, before Hidane scowled and lead them to her temple.

'Hmm…well I wasn't expecting the temple to look like this…I was expecting a pyramid or something but this looks more like a shrine.' Kabuto thought as he glazed upon the Jashinest temple. It looked like the Uchiha's Naka Shrine only with the Jashin symbol plastered everywhere instead of the Uchiha fan symbol.

The trio walked into the temple and Kabuto noticed what Hidane meant by Salazar had a hard on for snakes, there were lots of Snake paintings and status throughout the room. Upon the center of the room was a rock tablet, with a snake carves around the pedestal the tablet was one. Kabuto took off his mask and pulled his hood down. Kabuto carefully picked up the tablet and read it.

"Hmm…"Kabuto sounded.

"Well…don't leave us I fuckin suspense here!" Hidane yelled.

"Oh…this isn't the real Tome, these are instructions on how to find it…Salazar was paranoid that someone might decipher the Parseltongue language and read its contents…But the thing about Parseltongue is that it can be read by someone who learned it but never can be spoken unless they have it. So this is an instruction on what to say to find his Tome." Kabuto explained.

"Oh…One question what the fuck is Parseltoungue it sounds like some sort of sick fetish?" Hidane ranted.

"The born ability to talk to snakes and understand them…well that's what Salazar called it any way." Kabuto explained. Kabuto glanced at the snake on the pedestal.

§ Lead me to Sssalazar'ss Chamber. § Kabuto ordered to the snake carving, and it obeyed. The carving came to life and led the trio to an empty hallway. That had a carving of two large snakes facing each other.

"Well this was a fucking let down." Hidane complained, which Kabuto ignored.

§ Open § Kabuto ordered. The snakes started to rearrange themselves into a weird looking lock and the wall moved out of the way revealing long dark tunnel. Yang was about to walk forward only for Kabuto to stop her.

"What's wrong?" Yang asked. Kabuto pulled out his makeshift bone wand and pointed it at the dark tunnel.

"Lumos" Kabuto whispered, the light revealed a 40 foot drop and hundreds of black and green tinted snakes pilled together.

"Thanks Kabuto-kun." Yang thanked to Kabuto for saving her life.

"Of course…§Stairs….Lights§ "Kabuto ordered and stairs formed out of the walls and the torches lit.

"Damn that's fuckin awesome. I want to try… .SShSththSssSHsTh ."Hidane tried to hiss out.

"So what did I say?" Hidane asked Kabuto.

"'The bush tree fairy killed the rock'…I never took you for a poet Hidane." Kabuto commented dryly, and Yang openly laughed at Hidane's idiocy.

"Shut up whom fuckin asked you." Hidane complained.

"Well if I recall you did." Yang teased.

"Enough picking of Hidane, Yang-chan…We have secrets to discover." Kabuto stated, Yang listened but gave Hidane a cocky smirk which earned a glare.

The trio walked through the tunnels; the snakes came to attack but were pacified by Kabuto. The trio continued forward and came across a giant statue of Salazar. 'huh…Déjà vu…I looks like the Chamber of Secrets form Tom's memories.' Kabuto thought to himself, and he also remembered that there was a giant Basilisk snake in the statue of the original Chamber so there was a possibility that there was one here.

"Um…girls I'm going to need you to close your eyes until I give you the all clear…there is the possibility that there is a giant snake with eyes as deadly as Itachi Uchiha" Kabuto stated, Yang quickly closed her eyes and Hidane followed suit but more hesitant about it.

§ Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four! § Kabuto ordered to the statue. The sound of stone scraping off of stone echoed throughout the chambers, and a loud echoing hiss followed.

§ Massster?§ a feminine echoed from the hole in the statue.

§Um...Yess I'm your new Massster§ Kabuto hissed out unsurely. There was no answer until an echoing slithering sound carried throughout the area, Kabuto glanced up to see a snake possibly as long as Manda but not as wide. The Basilisk had Dark green scales, and deadly looking yellow eyes and far more predatory looking than Orochimaru's.

The Basilisk's deadly eyes stared into Kabuto's dark green. The stare down lasted until the Basilisk submitted and bowed its head. Kabuto raised his hand and rubbed the Basilisk's snout.

§I have two friends with me…isss it possssible for you not to petrify them? § Kabuto asked.

§ If the massster wisssshess it § The Basilisk stated as she closed her eyes, to prevent any accidental petrification's.

"Okay guys you can open your eyes." Kabuto said.

"The hell/ what the fuck is this." Yang and Hidane commented on seeing the giant snake coiled around Kabuto.

"She's a Basilisk apparently I'm her master, I'll ask her were the Tome is." Kabuto voiced.

§ Do you know where your previousss masster kept hiss belongingsss…we're looking for something. § Kabuto questioned, the Basilisk nodded.

§ It'sss behind the chamber in which I ressst. § The Basilisk stated.

§ Thankss…What is your name? § Kabuto asked.

§My first Massster gave me the name Viliangia§ Viliangia informed.

§Well thanks Viliangia…I'll come as often as I can. § Kabuto promised, and the giant snake nodded.

"Come on…I know where to go." Kabuto stated and didn't look back to see if they were following him. Kabuto trekked through the tunnel where the Basilisk came out of with Yang and Hidane trailing behind him. After a few minutes of walking the trio made it to a metal door.

§Open§ Kabuto demanded one last time as the sound of locks unlocking echoed. Kabuto reached for the door and open it. The trio walked in the room and Kabuto glanced at the large bookshelf of Tomes but what drew his eye was the Portrait of a man. The man had long black hair and extremely pale skin, not as pale as Orochimaru but could match against Kimimaro's skin.

The portrait looked to be sleeping, which was weird considering portraits weren't supposed to do that.

"What the fucking hell is this…If I wanted to read I would have gone to the library!" Hidane complained.

"Ahhh…My god that was a good nap." The portrait said in a strange accent.

"AHHHH!/WHAT THE FUCK!/ Huh?" were the reactions of the trio. Kabuto was the least surprised do to the fact that he saw several moving paintings through Tom's memories.

"AHHH…oh that's right…never seen a moving portrait before?" the painting questioned, which got a dumb nod from Yang and Hidane.

"Hmm…so you're Salazar Slythrien or an imprint of him." Kabuto stated and the portrait nodded in slight surprise.

"Yes…and you are?" Salazar questioned.

"Forgive me I'm Kabuto Yakushi or form what my recently surfaced memories suggest…Harry Potter…But I like Kabuto far better." Kabuto informed, Salazar narrowed his eyes.

"Potter…How in the blazes is my descendant in Gryffindor's bloodline?" Salazar asked more to himself than Kabuto, Kabuto just shrugged he had no idea what this guy was talking about.

"Well any way…I was wondering if you had regained most of your memories and if it's possible for me to regain mine?" Kabuto asked.

"Oh yes…your memories will return and from what I observed your memories are starting to surface, soon certain things will trigger more memories and those memories will trigger more and the domino effect will continue until you regain your entire memory back." Salazar informed.

"AH-Hm" Hidane coughed to get Kabuto's attention. 'Oh yeah.'

"Oh yeah…Salazar I have a Jashinest with me and I was wondering where the Tome was to see if I'm Jashin's incarnate." Kabuto said dryly, and a look of realization appeared on Salazar's face.

"Yes, yes, yes…How else would you get without their help…The Tome is right under me actually…All you have to do is read it and you'll understand." Salazar said seriously. 'Huh…why is he serious about this?' Kabuto thought to himself.

Kabuto opened the Tome and read its contents and his face turned from a neutral one into a scowl. 'So this is real…I am Jashin's incarnate and so was Salazar…Jashin is the god of Chaos and Destruction and the Chaos part allowed him to reincarnate himself anytime-anywhere…So I was pulled from my home just to fulfill this thing…what if I had a family that loved me…then why do I feel a knot in my stomach when I think of that….NO… I'm the son of Nonō Yakushi she is my mother…my Father is…is…I don't know...But Orochimaru is my weird older brother…and I have found love here in Guren, Gaia, Karin, Yang and Anko…I will not dwell on what if's and possibilities. When I remember fully I will returned but until then I will live my life with my loved ones.' Kabuto promised to himself, Kabuto glanced up to see the portrait of Salazar giving him a look of sympathy.

"So it's real?" Kabuto asked mostly to himself.

"Yes…I'm afraid so…That's how I reacted when I found out too." Salazar said softly.

"So…he's really Jashin-sama's incarnate?" Hidane questioned and Salazar nodded, and Hidane's eyes widened and bowed towards Kabuto.

"I apologize for my disrespect Jashin-sama." Hidane groveled.

"It's alright Hidane-san, I thought you're hilarious." Kabuto commented lightly, and Hidane still remained in her bowing position.

"Please punish me Jashin-sama." Hidane pleaded. Kabuto looked at Salazar awkwardly, and a shrug was his response.

"Um…ok…" Kabuto said a little weirded out and pointed his bone wand at her. "Crucio" Kabuto whispered as a red light hit her and Hidane screamed. Though Kabuto couldn't tell if it was in pleasure or pain. After ten seconds Kabuto stopped the curse and Hidane was panting with a large blush.

"Okay…is anyone else awkward?" Yang asked out loud and Kabuto raised his hand.

"*Pant* Thank you *Pant* Jashin-sama." Hidane said gratefully.

"Kabuto…how old were you when you entered this world?" Salazar questioned.

"Hmm…About eight …Why" Kabuto asked.

"Then that means you don't have a full grasp on our world's people's abilities…the books in my study are my written forms on parselmagic which mostly deals with healing…Dark arts which deals with damaging…Runes that deal with protecting…And Alchemy which deals in creation and recreation, but with no frame of reference you can't learn any of these things." Salazar stated sadly.

"Is it possible for you to teach me then?" Kabuto questioned the idea of learning new things was exciting.

"No…I'm an imprint of Salazar's personality with few memories…so much information could shorten my life span…But if you came here when you were eight how do you have a wand and know how to use the torture curse?" Salazar questioned.

"I've been having memories of someone else…someone by the name Tom Marvolo Riddle…though I don't know why." Kabuto admitted. "And the wand, I created it out of my bones, from my recreated Shikotsumyaku(Dead Bone Pulse)" Kabuto informed the to the Sorcerer. Salazar's eyes widened at the information both at the additional memories and recreating a deadly bloodline. Then his eyes narrowed in thought.

"This is perfect…If you can regain more of this Tom person's memories you don't need to relearn the basics in Dark Arts, Runes and Alchemy then you can learn my techniques…and you can learn Parslmagic form the books they are mostly strait forward." Salazar informed. Yang and Hidane were lost but kept quiet because it seemed important to Kabuto.

"Are there any lower level books I can read…you know to jog any memories?" Kabuto asked.

"There are several journals that the real Salazar wrote…maybe those can help and there are some books on charms here as well but there not as harmful as the Dark Arts but could be helpful." The portrait offered, and Kabuto nodded that idea sounded well.

"Salazar-san, is it possible to seal the books so I can keep them with me for when I completely remember, and possible bring you with me?" Kabuto asked.

"You can take the books…they were meant for you after all or the next Jashin whatever…but I'm to remain here for a while." Salazar stated sadly, and Kabuto nodded sadly too, he liked the portrait he seemed likeable Kabuto wasn't sure why people in his world didn't like him.

Kabuto sealed the larger Tomed books written by Salazar and pocketed Salazar's journals into his ninja pouch. Kabuto sealed the charms books in a separate sealing scroll and started to read the first edition of the book. Kabuto bowed to the portrait and said good bye and was followed by Yang and his new acolyte.

By the time they left the Jashiniest temple Kabuto was done with the first book and sighed at the almost childish things that were inhere the only useful ones spells that were in the book. Like the levitation spell, the unlocking spell, the repairing spell and the full body binding spell that was pretty much it. Kabuto, Yang and Hidane walked in no particular direction. Kabuto was skimming through the books looking for useful spells, Yang was wrapping her head around this knowledge and couldn't wait to tell the others, and Hidane was thinking of ways to try and please her god incarnate. All in all it was a weird trip.

After a few days of traveling they felt they were being followed, by several signatures. Kabuto was already on the sixth book and found several more useful spells, but when he felt the signatures he pulled up his mask and hood. Yang again didn't mostly because they already saw her so it would be useless. Kabuto grabbed his bone wand; he wanted to test out his new abilities.

Kabuto heard the sound of whistling, the whistling of sharp metal cutting through the air. Kabuto raised his bone wand instinctively "Protego" Kabuto exclaimed as a blue transparent shield protected the trio form a two trench knifes and that were infused with chakra.

Yang and Hidane prepared themselves for battle, Hidane reading her tri-bladed scythe and Yang grabbed two kunai and got into a defensive position. They heard a rumbling sound and the trio turned their heads to see a large rounded human rolling at them at a fast rate. "Levioso" Kabuto whispered as the spell hit the charging Nin causing him to float midair before Kabuto violently drop him snapping his neck.

Hidane charged at the Nin to checking to see if he was dead, only to be stopped by some unseen force. Hidene's eyes darted around until she glanced do to see her shadow connected to another. Kabuto waited he felt two more signatures waiting so he left Hidane to fight for herself she was an S-ranked Nin for a reason. Kabuto created a Crystal clone and activated his Hiding with camouflage technique.

"I've memorized your face! No matter what happens to me. I'll kill YOU!" Hidane yelled to Shikamrau.

"You stupid aren't you?" Shikamrau said dryly, as he controlled Hidane into attacking Yang and Kabuto's crystal clone.

"Damn MY BODY!" Hidane yelled. "Jashin-sama…Do something."

"Now Kakashi..." Shikamaru ordered, as soon as he said that Kabuto's crystal clone had a hand through its chest. Yang and Hidane had shocked looks on their face only to fade into relief when the body cracked and turned to emerald dust.

Kabuto uncloaked from behind Kakashi and held a crystal blade to his neck. "Bad move Kakashi…and attacking from behind…now what would your students say when they hear about this." Kabuto taunted, and Kakashi's eyes widened.

"Kabuto?!" Kakashi said shocked. Some might be shocked that someone as smart as Kabuto revealed himself, but he was getting tired of hiding. The only reason he hid was to protect Gaia, now she is protected Kabuto sent hundreds upon hundreds of his Replicators to protect Suna so he really doesn't need to hide anymore.

"Maybe…maybe not." Kabuto replied.

"Kabuto…but why did you fight Sasori and Deidara….why are you helping the Akastuki?" Kakashi demanded.

"You know you are in no position to make demands you know…but I might indulge you." Kabuto stated as he moved his crystal blade closer to Kakashi's neck, and turned him to face the battle of Hidane and Yang vs Ino, Shikamaru.

"You see I care about Gaia…and when the Akatsuki tried to harm her I was…a bit displeased…and when someone harms someone I care about they don't live very long…do you understand what I'm saying." Kabuto threatened; making Kakashi forget any plans on harming Gaia, Kabuto did kill two S-rank Nin by himself he wouldn't want him to aim his fury at Konoha.

"Now you see Hidane didn't care about her position in the Akastuki…She just wants to fulfill her duties to her religion…and I just happen to know how to help her…See take a look at her Cloak does it have Red clouds on it?" Kabuto asked.

"No." Kakashi stated and he was right, Kabuto had her change her cloak to one of his but he did imprint a symbol on the back a Triangle with a circle in it with a line running through the center the symbol on the Gaunt's ring or what he read from some of Salazar's journals the symbol of the Deathly Hollows.

"Exactly…so you're attacking one of my new subordinates…and I happen to like my subordinates." Kabuto stated, as the two watched the Leaf nin get their ass handed to them by Yang and Hidane. Kakashi silently created a clone and used it to distract Kabuto to escape and help the two chuunin.

Kabuto joined with Yang and Hidane then the two groups stared down. Kabuto and Yang glanced at each other and Kabuto signaled for something which Yang nodded to.

Yang created a giant tornado with her Wind chakra and Kabuto ran an electrical current through it the tornado creating a giant Wind and Lightning tornado. "Fūjin to Raijin no Jutsu(Wind God and Thunder God Technique)" Kabuto and Yang exclaimed at the same time. The Lightning infuse tornado collided with the Leaf nin, only for Kakashi to intercept it with a Rakiri.

Kabuto pointed his bone wand at Kakashi "Confringo "Kabuto yelled as a flame like projectile slammed into Kakashi's body and exploded launching him a few feet back only to reveal itself to be a log.

The groups split with Kabuto facing against Kakashi, and with Yang and Hidane fighting the two Leaf Chuunin.

"Now isn't this interesting you and me fighting again…it must be fate we fight and never find who the true victor is." Kabuto stated and Kakashi glared with his eyes.

"Talk all you want…you won't live after this fight." Kakashi threatened as he got in a fighting position.

"Hehe…oh Kakashi you almost got me going for a second… Fūton: Atsugai(Wind Release: Pressure Damage)"Kabuto exclaimed as a large sphere of compressed wind surrounded Kabuto and spread out forcing Kakashi to create a wall of earth to protect himself.

Kabuto sensed Kakashi inside behind the wall, and he pointed his bone wand at it. "Bombarda…Maxima" Kabuto said slowly and a white light launched itself at the wall completely obliterating the wall, the dust cleared to reveal a wide eyed Kakashi.

Kabuto glanced at his team to see Shikamaru trying to lead Hidane to a trap only for Yang to stop her. That aggravated Shikamaru further because his plans weren't working.

Kabuto eventually pushed Kakashi back towards the other Leaf Nin and the groups meet up again though the leaf Nin looked worse for wear. While Kabuto and his team looked fine, but Kabuto and Yang felt four more signatures approaching and landed near the leaf Nin revealing themselves to be Team 7.

"K-Kabuto…and Naurto's clone." Sakura commented. That got reactions from Kakashi, Shikimaru and Ino

"Het I have a name you Bitch…Yang...not Naruto's clone!" Yang exclaimed as her eyes flashed red and her hair illuminated like fire. The leaf Nin that just learned who she was took a good look at her she had some striking similarities with Naruto like her eyes, whisker mars, and bright blonde hair, hell she even reacted was similar to Naruto. Though the question on why she was with Kabuto confused them.

"How are you stronger than Naruto then?" Shikimaru asked.

"When Kabuto cloned me he left me have all of Naruto's original memories…so while Naruto never paid attention in the Shinobi Academy he still heard it so I was able to learn the basics easily…And Kabuto taught me…" Yang informed only for Kabuto to interrupter.

"Too much information is never good to give out." Kabuto commented, and Yang looked slightly embarrassed.

"Then…Why are you working with Kabuto if you have Naruto's memories, shouldn't you hate him?" Shikimaru questioned.


"Will you SHUT UP ABOUT THAT!" Yang yelled as a flame like aura surrounded her. 'Yes Sakura shut up…or Yang will kill you.'

"Why…it's true isn't it he made you infatuated with him." Sakura stated in some sort of triumph but as soon as she finished those words her skull fractured due to the force of an enraged Yang's fist. Sakura was sent flying back only for Yang to catch her leg and pulled Sakura back and slammed another flame like chakra enhanced fist through Sakura's head slamming her into the ground.

All the Leaf Nin were too surprised by Yang's speed to react. But she body flickered back to Kabuto's side before they tied engaged her.

Naruto glared and created two Shadow clones and they charged strait forward but they were demolished by Yang easily. Naruto Created four clones and started to create a Rasengan that had a high pitched whirling sound. Kabuto and Yang narrowed their eyes at this action; they knew what this meant Naruto was creating a Wind Release Rasengan.

"Fūton: Rasenshuriken(Wind Release: Spiralling Shuriken)" Naruto yelled as his clones charged again to distract Kabuto and his team. Which Hidane slaughtered, but Naruto charged with the wind infused Rasengan which got Wide eyes from Kabuto and Yang, and they quickly tried to evade only for the Rasengan to disparate.

Yang smirked and nailed him in the face launching him back. Kakashi and Yamoto were about to attack but stopped when Yang created a shadow clone.

"Now, now…little brother…I believe this is what you were trying to do." Yang teased as she held up her palm as a Rasengan formed almost instantly which got wide eyes form Naruto, Kakashi and Yamoto, and Yang's clone infused wind chakra into her Rasengan creating a large spiraling shuriken.

"Fūton: Rasenshuriken(Wind Release: Spiralling Shuriken)" Yang yelled as she threw the technique at the group, they all tried to evade the spiraling shuriken of destruction and partially succeeded. If it weren't for the two pair of hands that came out of the ground and held Shikimaru and Ino in place, the two chuunin tried to pull their legs free only to realize that they were already dead. When the cyclone of microscopic wind blades cleared Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, Yamato and Sai returned to the battle field and looked for their comrades and enemies only to see their allies remains and the enemies had disappeared.

Kabuto, Yang, and Hidane were already across the country near Suna due to Kabuto Screen stepping them there.

"Why the hell are we near the desert?!" Hidane yelled.

"I need you to go to Suna Hidane…I want you to protect the Kazekage and anyone who tries to harm her you are allowed to sacrifice them in the most gruesome manner." Kabuto ordered, and created a Crystal clone to escort her. Hidane nodded without hesitation and followed the clone as it lead her to the Sand village.

"Come on Yang…We need to get to Otoagukre we still have our jobs to do." Kabuto stated and Yang nodded as they disappeared.