In the dimly light medical room Kabuto was preparing medicine for Orochimaru because his body started to deteriorate. Kabuto glanced at Yang to see her lounging on one of the medical beds and sighed. 'I think she's doing it on purpose now.' Kabuto thought.

When Kabuto was finished preparing the medicine he placed them on a tray. Kabuto glanced at the new focus for his "Magic" He didn't really believe that the energy he uses for that ability would be just called Magic. But he pocketed it just as he left the room.

'While reading through the lower charms and curses books I was able to jog more of Tom's memoires that Tom used the charms or curses in. I was able to study Tom's focus in the memories and recreated it, but form certain memories the focus or "wand" has several properties and materials to make the "Casting" more easily for the caster. Well I had to create a "Core" for the focus, I used Basilisk venom that I got from Viliangia, some of Kyuubi's chakra solidified from Yang, and my blood. After I combined those three materials I created another bone Wand with a hollowed out handle and put the combined core inside it. Then I put a concoction of seals all over the focus to improve it.' Kabuto thought to himself as he let Yang sleep and walked towards Orochimaru's room with his medicine.

'When Hidane joined me…the Akastuki had to replace her but couldn't find anyone to survive Kakuzu. But eventually the Leaf Nin we fought caught Kakuzu killed him. Good thing I left them live…now they killed Kakuzu and hopefully someone else from the Akatsuki later.' Kabuto mused.

'Another plus against the Akatsuki was the capture of Sanbi. While Orochimaru wanted the Sanbi just to disturb the planes of the Akatsuki, I wanted to increase my group's power. So I smuggled Karin from her duties and had her help us in the process. With Yang, Karin and Guren helping we were able to seal the Sanbi no problem but the Leaf Nin came and tried to mess things up only for Guren and Yang to decimate them. So while Yukimaru drew out the Sanbi I used the Hakke no Fūin Shiki(Eight Trigrams Sealing Style) to seal the Sanbi into Karin. With the Seal complete Karin was out for a few days so we had to stay around and nurse her back to health, and be on the lookout for Leaf Nin that eventually came.

-Flash back-

Kabuto, Guren and Yang stared off against Team Kakashi and Team Kurenai.

"My my…it seems we might have to fight." Kabuto stated.

"Of course the Leaf Nin has always been a bit of a nuisance." Yang said as all of the Leaf Nin stared at her in some sort of pity and Yang responded with a glare. With everyone focused on Yang Kabuto leveled his focus at Team Kurenai and aimed his wand at Kiba.

"Avada Kedavra" Kabuto whispered as green lightning hit Kiba square in the chest killing him instantly. "The kiddy gloves are off…you all have lost your use to me…now you can die." Kabuto said darkly. He was really annoyed by the Leaf Nin's constant interruptions maybe a message will do them some good.

"Kiba!" Team Kurenai yelled as they tried to see if he was alright. Kabuto glanced at his team to see the surprised look of Guren and the awed look he received from Yang.

"Avada Kedavra" Kabuto said again as a green lightning hit Yamoto in the chest killing him instantly. Kabuto felt sweat role slightly down his face his limit was only four AK's before he started to feel weak. Kabuto took out Yamoto because he had the Wood Release bloodline and that had the ability to weaken Yang considerably sense she's merged with her Kyuubi's chakra so half of her power would be suppressed. He killed Kiba because of his Taijutsu style so; Kabuto had two more AK's use and he wouldn't waste them on a Jonin who could probably dodge them now.

Guren and Yang sped forward and Engaged Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Sai and Shizune. While Kabuto charged at the remaining Team Kurenai.

Kabuto slammed his hands on the ground "Shōton: Omiwatari no Jutsu(Crystal Release: The Gods' Crossings Technique)" Kabuto whispered as emerald crystal bound Kurenai before she could the hand seals to put Kabuto under a genjutsu. Kabuto went to kill her only to feel himself get hit in the back. Kabuto reacted quickly and evaded what would have been a devastating hit from Hinata. Kabuto jumped up into the tree and analyzed his options.

'The Hyuga's ability to use their chakra in their attacks should destabilize the Crystals and with their 360 degree sight my Swift Release should be less effective. Oh I know what to do.' Kabuto thought darkly.

Kabuto landed next to Hinata. "Yanagi no Mai(Dance of the Willow)" Kabuto whispered as bone sprouted from his palms, elbows, shoulders, and knees, and then launched himself at Hinata. Kabuto stabbed his palms forward only for Hinata to direct them away from her, Kabuto flipped and stabbed his elbows into Hinata's shoulders earning a cry from her. Kabuto stabbed at Hinata with his knees only for her to barely evade but she was still nicked by the blade.

When Hinata was recovering herself Kabuto charged again and successfully stabbed her through the shoulder and attached her to the tree behind her. When she struggled to get out Kabuto pointed a finger at her head and launched a finger bullet through her skulk killing her instantly. Kabuto sealed her body and glanced at Kurenai to see Shino trying use his bugs to eat through the crystal. That action caused Kabuto to narrow his eyes; he grabbed his "Wand" and leveled it at Shino.

"Avada Kedavra" Kabuto whispered harshly as a green light hit the bug user ending his life instantly. Kabuto walked towards the trapped Jonin and leveled a finger at her before she could react she had a finger sized hole in her head. Kabuto released the binding and sealed Shino's, Kiba, and Kurenai's body for later.

Kabuto walked towards the fight involving Yang and Guren. Kabuto noticed Sai trying to draw something and from his point of view it looked like snakes. Kabuto changed his view and looked at Yang and Guren fighting, Yang fighting Sakura and Naruto, and Guren fighting Kakashi and Shizune.

Kabuto leveled his "Wand" at Sai. "Petrificus Totalus" Kabuto said quietly as the curse paralyzed Sai. Kabuto walked over to his body and knelt down next to him.

"You know Sai…The Leaf may be forgiving for traitors but me…not so much." Kabuto said darkly as he aimed his wand at Sai. "Silencio" Kabuto commanded then stood up and took a few paces away and leveled his wand again. "This…is the price…for Traitors… Crucio" Kabuto voiced harshly as a red light hit Sai. Sai rolled around screaming in pain but nothing came out do to the silencing charm. After a minute Kabuto released the curse and Sai started to seize.

Kabuto knelt near Sai again. "Your abilities are interesting…find yourself joyful that your body can join my collection." Kabuto stated as he ended Sai's life and sealed his body. Kabuto glanced at his team and went to assist.

Yang and Guren broke apart from there fight and landed near Kabuto.

"Kabuto…what happened to the team that was supposed to distract you?" Kakashi demanded.

"Hehehe…that was meant to distract me…I should feel insulted." Kabuto declared. "But they were a good warm up." Kabuto finished.

"What did you do to them!?" Naruto demanded.

"Them…oh Naruto I believe there sleeping with the angles." Kabuto said darkly, Kabuto's reference confused the Leaf Nin they didn't know what he meant.

"I killed them you idiots." Kabuto insulted, Naruto looked ready to charge but Shizune and Kakashi stopped him.

"We need to retreat if he could take out three chuunin and a Jonin we could be in serious trouble…Get Sai…we're leaving." Kakashi ordered.

"Oh…The traitor…I tortured him into insanity and then I put him out of his misery." Kabuto interjected and the four Leaf Nin looked shocked, while Naruto and Sakura look like they might break down. "Now run...run away while you have a chance…your cowardice today will keep you alive to see tomorrow…I won't attack your backs as you run because I want to fight you at your prime!" Kabuto declared hoping they would take the bluff. 'Using three AK's and a cruico in one sitting is still exhausting.' Kabuto thought as the Leaf Nin took the bluff and retreated.

Kabuto, Yang and Guren made it back to Karin and watched over her with no other interruptions.

-Flash back end-

Kabuto stood outside Orochimaru's room and took a deep breath. It was almost time for Orochimaru to switch bodies with Sasuke. Kabuto entered the room and saw Orochimaru in his bed hacking and coughing.

"This is the limit if you take the medicine your body…" Kabuto trailed off only for Orochimaru to knock the medicine out of Kabuto's hands so Kabuto left to get more medicine. But Kabuto felt Sasuke engage Orochimaru in battle and he would prepare for the victor. Kabuto waited around the corner for the only for Sasuke to walk by him.

"Which one are you?" Kabuto asked.

"Hmm…who do you think?" Sasuke replied as he showed a genjutsu of his battle of wills with Orochimaru. "I took him over." Sasuke finished as he started to walk away leaving him wide open.

Kabuto glared at Sasuke and took his "Wand" out of his ninja pouch silently and leveled it at Sasuke. "Stupefy" whispered as the red light slammed into Sasuke knocking him out. Kabuto walked over to Sasuke's unconscious body.

"Obliviate" Kabuto exclaimed as he erased Sasuke's memories of any one that he met in Oto. Kabuto then created a small storage seal on Sasuke's lower back and sealed a Replicator into the seal. Then Kabuto had the Replicators drag Sasuke's unconscious body out of the hideout. 'While killing Sasuke would be fun…his ambition to kill Itachi is enough for me to let him live, if he can he could either weaken or kill Itachi that would be a tremendous help.' Kabuto thought as he walked towards Orochimaru's body.

Kabuto closed his eyes while giving Orochimaru a silent prayer and knelt down to Orochimaru's face and closed Orochimaru's eyes. Kabuto sealed Orochimaru's body for his project later and headed towards Suigetsu's prison. The prison looked like a large water container; Kabuto walked towards the release panel and released Suigetsu. Gallons of water was all the left the tube container but Kabuto didn't go to it he knew of Suigetsu's water ability.

After a few seconds Suigetsu formed out of the water.

"Damn…you took your sweet ass time getting here." Suigetsu complained as he stretched.

"Be thankful I came at all." Kabuto responded dryly as he threw cloths at the naked Seigetsu.

"Oi OI…don't go saying that…Say Kabuto-san you weren't clear on the plan who else are we getting in the group?" Seigetsu asked.

"Karin, Jugo and the last one is a secret." Kabuto informed.

"Eh…don't care much for Karin." Suigetsu complained and Kabuto glared slightly, Suigetsu raised his hands in surrender.

"Plus Yang and Guren are already in this hideout packing." Kabuto informed.

"Hehe…You are one lucky man dude…having all those gorgeous women after you." Suigetsu complimented. "But before we start recruiting…I need to stop by some were and pick something up." Suigetsu informed.

"Hmm…what is it?" Kabuto asked.

"I'm starting a collection…of the swords of the seven swordsmen of the mist…And I heard someone offed Zabuza so I get the chance of collecting the Kubikiribōchō(Decapitating Carving Knife)." Suigetsu stated.

'Hmm…I think I remember Yang saying something about that…what was it?' Kabuto asked himself. "Then let's get it out of the way then." Kabuto stated as he left the prison with Suigetsu following him.

Kabuto and Suigetsu entered a room to see Yang and Guren arguing with each other. Which Kabuto fully ignored but Suigetsu didn't and tried to break it up only get nailed in the face by Yang launching him back to Kabuto.

"Yeah...I should have warned you…don't try and get in-between their arguments or they'll attack you trust me." Kabuto said seriously.

"Thanks for the warning." Suigetsu said sarcastically as his body started to heal.

"You're welcome." Kabuto answered ignoring Suigetsu's sarcastic voice as Yang and Guren walked towards Kabuto.

"Kabuto-kun…can you tell this blonde bimbo that all she's good for is blowing things up." Guren asked,

"Oh you bitch…at least I'm not obsessed with my own crystals…that's right I see you admiring the crystals you make!" Yang yelled at Guren.

"You did not just say that!" Guren yelled.

"What if I did, what are you going to do about it?" Yang challenged things were about to escalate further until they collapsed unconscious courtesy to Kabuto.

"Dude…you're one lucky man to have all these girls after you…but boy are they crazy." Suigetsu commented, Kabuto sighed he knew that was true.

"They're going to wake up in a few minutes, pack what you need we're for a long trip." Kabuto stated Suigetsu nodded and sealed lots of water for himself.

Kabuto left the room and changed from his purple Oto medic uniform to his black combat cloths and black cloak. He sealed a wide variety of quick use medicines and ninja tools in his two ninja pouches, then he sealed his more advanced or time consuming medicines into a scroll for transport. Kabuto then went to the bathroom and walked up to the closest mirror. Kabuto took out a kunai knife and cut his pony tail allowing his hair to become unkempt and fall down to passed his ears and to his neck. After Kabuto removed his head band some of Kabuto's hair fell in front of his face. Kabuto inspected his hair in the mirror and could safely say he looked good.

Kabuto pulled up the hood to his cloak and left to the bathroom and headed to the room he left Yang and Guren unconscious in. Kabuto walked in the room to see Yang awake and trying to piss of Guren and Guren sealing her things, and Suigetsu sitting on a chair entertained by Yang's and Guren's antics.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Kabuto asked to Yang and Guren, and they nodded.

"Good…Yang, you said something about Naruto and his team taking on Zabuza once right…were was it?" Kabuto asked.

"Hmm…Around the Land of Waves I think." Yang answered. 'That was lucky, Karin's located near there.' Kabuto thought.

"Good…lets go." Kabuto ordered as he left the room with Yang, Guren and Suigetsu followed. Before they left the base Kabuto attached Kumo to his wrist and ordered his Replicators to destroy the base and head towards Suna.

The group made it to the Land of Waves after a few hours of tree hoping and walked up to a bridge. That was named "The Great Naruto Bridge".

"Huh." Was all Kabuto said as he read the plaque, Yang was just as dumbfounded. Kabuto just shook it off and continued forward only for Yang to step ahead and lead the group to Zabuza's grave. There were two graves one with a Mist hunter Nin mask and the other was tomb stoned with a giant bladed sword with a circle near the end of the blade and a half circle near the handle.

Suigetsu picked up the large blade with one had which was impressive to both Kabuto and Guren, and placed the large blade on his back over his cloak. Covering the symbol imprinted on the back. Kabuto, Yang, Guren and Suigetsu all wore black cloaks with red lining on the inside, but Kabuto had imprinted a symbol on the back of the cloaks of a silver serpent with a green and silver shield behind it the symbol for Salazar Slytherin to continue Salazar's legacy through him. In the past few months Kabuto went and visited the portrait of Salazar and could say he looked up to Salazar, in a cool uncle sort of way.

With Suigetsu acquiring the Kubikiribōchō the group headed towards the Southern Oto Hideout in search for Karin. While water walking towards the Hideout Suigetsu asked why they were trying to recruit Karin and stated that she is difficult to work with. That got Yang and Guren on his case. 'It's weird how the girls openly insult each other but when an "outsider" does it they defend each other.' Kabuto thought to himself as he ignored their arguments.

The group made it to the Hideout with little difficultly, as they walked through the Hideout or a prison filled with captive civilians they were met with zero opposition from the guards mostly due to the fact that Kabuto was leading the group, and almost everyone knew that Kabuto was Orochimaru's second in command. While walking through the hallway Kabuto saw a figure standing in the center of it, which he recognized as Karin.

"It's you guys after all." Karin said as she glared at Suigetsu, Guren, and Yang, and then smiled at Kabuto.

"So why are you here?" Karin asked.

"Kabuto's got a proposition for you; can you lead us to a room instead of standing around talking? It's been a while since I walked so I'm a bit exhausted." Suigetsu complained which Karin ignored.

"Suigetsu's right, there are too many ears that can listen to our conversation…can you lead us to a room Karin-chan?" Kabuto asked.

Karin led the group to a room with a large L shaped couch. When everyone sat down Kabuto removed his hood revealing his new hair style to Karin, Guren and Yang and they blushed slightly.

"It's time Karin-chan…Orochimaru's been slain by Sasuke so you have no reason to continue your work here." Kabuto informed. "I'm gathering our strongest allies together, and moving the group to Suna to set up an operation there. After that our group's main goal will be to destroy the Akatsuki." Kabuto informed.

"Why?" Suigetsu asked.

Kabuto glanced at Karin. "The Akatsuki are after a special group of people… The Jinchūriki…and we have two them in our group…That the Akatsuki will eventually be after…Karin and Gaia." Kabuto informed to Seigetsu and he nodded slightly. "And from what my info suggests…The Kirigakure no Kaijin (Monster of the Hidden Mist) Kisame Hoshigakione of the former Swordsman of the Hidden Mist and wielder of the Samehada(Shark Skin) sword is in that organization." Kabuto informed to Seigetsu and a bloodthirsty grin spread on his face revealing his shark like teeth.

Kabuto looked at Karin expectantly for an answer. But she looked sort of conflicted on how to answer. "But what about all the captives?" Karin asked.

"There's no reason to keep them here if Orochimaru's dead…and I have no reason to study them…so release them." Kabuto stated. "Yang-chan…release the captives will you." Kabuto ordered.

"Hmm…I love a man who takes charge." Yang teased as she left the room.

"So…what do you say Karin?" Kabuto asked again.

"Alright…let me get my things…but for our group, who else are we recruiting?" Karin asked.

"I'm also recruiting Jugo and the last one's a secret." Kabuto informed and everyone's face showed there shock.

"W-what…Jugo…you're going to take him along too?" Karin asked in shock.

"Of course…I'm sure he'll follow me." Kabuto stated as he stood up and walked to the door. "We'll be waiting for you outside of the hideout." Kabuto finished as he walked out of the room with Guren and Suigetsu following.

The group met up with Yang as the excited the hideout. After a few minutes Karin came out of the hideout and Kabuto tossed her a black cloak with the Slytherin symbol displayed on the back, after Karin put the cloak on the group sped off to the Northern Hideout.

After a few hours of traveling via tree hoping the group arrived at the Northern Hideout. Kabuto would have Screen Stepped to save the time, but carrying one person with him is difficult carrying four people is near impossible and he can't transport people with his Screen Step while using clones either.

While arriving near the entrance of the Hideout Seigetsu sat down in exhaustion. "Hey…aren't you guys tired? Can't we rest for just a bit?" Suigetsu complained as he drank water.

"You're so lazy! We haven't even gotten to the North Lair yet!" Karin yelled at him comically and Suigetsu sighed.

"Besides why are you following Kabuto-kun?" Karin asked and Suigetsu sighed again.

"When I was captured by Orochimaru…he experimented on me to the point I thought I might have gone crazy…But Kabuto helped he…When Orochimaru moved on to a new project Kabuto healed me and took care of me…Even though I already have a brother I would see Kabuto as one too." Suigetsu explained to Karin. The two joined up with Kabuto who was sitting with Guren and Yang.

"So what's the big deal about this Jugo person?" Yang asked mostly because she was created after most of jugo's incidences so she never heard of him.

"From my time hear I've had to fight him…and he's got some strong abilities…but from my point of view I could never tell what he was thinking." Suigetsu voiced. "And from what I heard he came to Orochimaru of his own will…that just speaks about how crazy he was."

"Well think about it why would he have come to Orochimaru on his own?" Karin asked Suigetsu.

"I don't know maybe because he's retarded?" Suigetsu offered.

"No you idiot…to be rehabilitated." Karin stated. "from what I hear Jugo was psychopathic and killed, so he joined Orochimaru to lock him up." Karin finished.

"So he is crazy." Suigetsu stated.

"No." Kabuto interjected. "Jugo's not crazy or joined Orochimaru by himself…I convinced Jugo to join us so he could be locked up…Jugo's ability is what Orochimaru wanted and Jugo wanted isolation, they both got what they want…you all may be wondering what Jugo's ability is…its complicated…Jugo has the passive ability to absorb nature energy and sense his body can't cope with the increase of energy he goes into a fit of rage so to speak." Kabuto explained. "And that's what Orochimaru uses as a bases to create the curse seal, Jugo's DNA."

Kabuto finished the explanation and stood up, and started to walk in the Hideout's direction. His group stood up and followed him, they continued until they found an injured man lying on the ground away from the hideout. Kabuto and Karin knelt down next to then man being the most experienced Med Nin there.

"He came from the North Hideout…He's still alive." Karin informed.

"What happened? " Kabuto asked the injured guard.

"Kabuto-sama…please save us." The guard pleaded.

"What happened to you?" Suigetsu asked.

"It started as soon as we heard Orochimaru was dead…and then our captives started to riot." The guard managed to breathe out before he died.

"Oh…he's dead." Suigetsu said nonchalantly as a mutated human landed near the group and glared at everyone before a green lightning slammed into is chest killing him instantly. The group glanced at Kabuto to see him putting away a weird looking stick.

"We don't have time for this let's go." Kabuto ordered.

The group walked into the facility to find a horde of mutated hybrid like humans glaring on their direction.

"Oh my God…all the prison guards are dead and the poisoners have all broken out." Karin stuttered out.

"There's no real way to tell which one is Jugo with all of them like that…Kabuto?" Suigetsu asked.

"None of these are Jugo…Jugo would never willingly leave his cell…which is the most secure." Kabuto stated.

"So we can go crazy then." Suigetsu said with a bloodthirsty grin.

"Hehe…kill till your hearts content." Kabuto said as Suigetsu pulled the Kubikiribōchō off his back and prepared for battle, Guren activated her crystal blades, Yang flared her flame like chakra and the three of them attacked the prisoners. Kabuto and Karin went to look for Jugo while the prisoners were distracted.

The duo eventually made it to Jugo's cell and Kabuto had to sigh at the ridiculousness of having a giant steel door with dozens of individual locks.

"How are we going to open this…we don't have a key?" Karin asked out loud.

Kabuto took out his bone wand and aimed it at the door. "Alohomora "Kabuto whispered as a yellow-ish light shot from Kabuto's wand and connected with the steel locked door. The sound of locks unlocking echoed through the hallway.

Kabuto pulled open the door to reveal an orange haired boy that was chained up against the wall. He was about to react but he saw Kabuto's face and pacified.

"Kabuto-sama." Jugo managed to say out.

"Yes Jugo-san…it's time to leave." Kabuto said.

"But I'm not cured yet…I can hurt somebody...lock the door" Jugo begged.

"Orochimaru is dead Jugo…and the facility will crumble with that…you can come with me...I will keep you in line…and I will contain your murderous intent." Kabuto promised and Jugo looked convinced, he had already seen Kabuto's power and new he could do what he promised.

Jugo walked out of his cell revealing a man with spiky orange hair and was almost a foot taller than Kabuto. Kabuto unsealed a larger version of his black cloak and tossed it to Jugo, and the trio trekked back to the entrance and meet up with Suigetsu, Guren and Yang. While the group was exiting the facility, 'Hmm…Our group has Yang and Jugo for our heavy hitters, Suigetsu for our Kenjutsu expert, Guren and Gaia for our long range fighters, Karin for our medic, Tayuya will be our genjutsu expert, Hidane is the wild card, and then there's me.' Kabuto thought as he expected the group.

Kabuto glanced at the group as they were outside the facility and sighed slightly, his clone taking care of Tayuya hadn't dispelled yet but form the messages they are a good distance away. The trip would take a few days to get there. 'Hmm…I could use that.' Kabuto thought to himself as he created five clones and had them stand in front of the group with one of their arms raised, that got confused looks from Jugo, Suigetsu and Karin but Yang and Guren knew what he meant and grabbed onto his arm. Jugo, Karin and Suigetsu followed their action, the Kabuto clones took out their bone wands and the clones along with the group turned into black smoke and shot into the sky leaving a trail of black smoke in their wake.

Kabuto watch his group use Tom's personal style of Apparition, then Kabuto turned on the spot and he too turned into black smoke and shot into the sky.

A black smoke slammed into the ground at the entrance of the island hideout, the Smoke solidified revealing itself to be Kabuto. After a few seconds five more streams of black smoke slammed into the ground and solidified becoming Jugo, Yang, Karin, Guren and Suigetsu when the group solidified the crystal clones dispelled.

"What are we doing here?" Yang asked.

"We're picking up our last recruit…hopefully my clone hasn't pissed her off." Kabuto thought that last part as he led the group to the abandoned facility.

"The last I heard this place was abandoned by Orochimaru, who would be located here?" Karin asked out loud.

"Someone who Orochimaru thought was dead." Kabuto stated as he knocked on the entrance door. A few seconds later another Kabuto exited the building with a tense look on his face. That was until it saw its creator and sighed in relief and instantly dispelled itself.

Kabuto held his head in pain but it passed quickly, mostly due to the fact that Kabuto already has 70 years of memories from Tom so an additional two years is not that much in comparison. Kabuto sorted through the memories and blushed slightly. Apparently the clone and Tayuya were alone for better most of two years and with her healed all she could do was train, and she got bored of that so she seduced the clone but had the fetish of dominating. After she seduced the clone she figured she liked him and continued to have sex, but with her need to dominate, the clone didn't really have a good time which was why he was tense most of the day.

The medic had to sigh and push forward, he walked through the entrance with his group following. Kabuto pulled his hood down when the doors closed, the group wondered why he was so tense but decided to ignore it for now.

Kabuto lead the group to wear the clone would work and sealed most of the medicines, poisons and projects the clone created. The group minus Kabuto jumped when they heard the door near them slam open.

"Kabuto…Who the fuck are these shitheads…and what the fuck do they think there doing in the base?!" Tayuya yelled. "And what the hell happened to your hair…actually strike that keep your hair like that it." Tayuya ordered.

"You!" Karin, Guren and Suigetsu yelled as they realized who it was.

"Of course it's me you assholes who else would be here!" Tayuya snarled out.

"But you're supposed to be dead." Karin managed to get out.

"Well I'm fuckin hear now ain't I…Now I'll ask again who are you assholes!" Tayuya demanded.

"I know your well aware that the Kabuto that was with you was a clone…I'm the original." Kabuto stated Tayuya narrowed her eyes at Kabuto and walked up to him, and roughly slammed her lips onto his then wrapped her arms around Kabuto's neck holding him still. After a few seconds Tayuya let Kabuto go.

"It doesn't matter clone or not you're still mine." Tayuya stated only for Yang, Guren and Karin yanked Tayuya off of Kabuto and dragged her into the other room leaving Kabuto alone with Jugo and Suigetsu.

"Dude…I have no idea how you do it…but you're so fuckin lucky man." Suigetsu said as he nudged Kabuto in the side. "You think you can teach me your awesome ways." Suigetsu added.

"Suigetsu I have almost no idea how I did this…I just go with the flow with things like this." Kabuto replied tiredly. The sound of yelled and screams echoed form the room the girls entered followed by several loud bangs, then a bunch of perverted giggles before the four girls left the room while staring at Kabuto with grins on their face's which creeped him out a bit.

"Okay Kabuto-kun, I'll follow you." Tayuya said but she had a different tone in her voice that he couldn't decipher. "But…you'll have to do something for me." Tayuya finished, 'ah there it is.' Kabuto thought.

"Fine what is it?" Kabuto asked with a sigh.

"Hehe…oh you'll soon figure out." Tayuya said with a sadistic smile and she put her hand and Kabuto's chest before she walked away to pack her stuff. When she came back Kabuto handed her a black cloak as they left the abandoned facility.

Kabuto created six clones this time and had his group grab onto them. As soon as they grabbed the clones the six of them turned into black smoke and shot up into the sky with Kabuto following.

Seven streams of black smoke slammed into the desert ground forming Kabuto, Suigetsu, Jugo, Yang, Karin, Guren and Tayuya. Tayuya ran off to the side and threw up due to the feeling of Apparition. She then turned and glared at Kabuto.

"No matter how awesome that was…fuckin warn me next time you fuckin do whatever it is you did!" Tayuya ranted.

"Fine, fine I'll warn you next time I promise." Kabuto said condescendingly which got a glare from the hot headed red head and he ignored the scolding glare.

Kabuto lead his group to the Suna Gates and he was stopped by the guards. The group was eventually let in by Matsuri whom had orders from Gaia to let them in. The group of seven was led by several of the Suna's ANBU to the Kazekage tower. The group conversed with themselves mostly with Suigetsu complaining about the heat and Karin yelling at him, the arguments themselves were funny but Kabuto chose to ignore them. Eventually the group made it to the Kazekage tower and met up with the Kazekage.

Kabuto walked in into the Kazekage's office to see Gaia dressed in her Kazekage's outfit. "Kazekage-sama these people are here to see you." The Kazekage's secretary said and Gaia nodded. Gaia saw Kabuto walk in and smiled at him, but glared at the other girls.

"Dude come-on the Kazekage too…is there anyone else I don't know about." Suigetsu ranted only to get hit in the face by Karin and his head turned into water. After the comedic scene ended the group spit apart some leaning against the walls or sitting on the floor, Kabuto himself sat on a chair in front of the Kazekage's desk waiting for the last member of their group.

"Get the fuck out of the way you jackasses…I'm going to see Jashin-sama! If you don't move your fat asses I'll sacrifice you to him!" A feminine voice yelled on the other side of the door.

"It's alright let her in." Gaia announced, after a few seconds the door opened revealing the priestess of Jashin Hidane.

"Jashin-sama!" Hidane yelled happily as she appeared next to Kabuto and bowed to him. "I'm so happy you're here…this place is hell, everyone here is a heathen and I couldn't sacrifice anyone in your name!" Hidane complained.

"There, there…Um… it's alright I guess." Kabuto said awkwardly. "Good now that, that's out of the way let's get down to business." Kabuto said seriously and everyone paid attention.

-Few Weeks later-

Kabuto breathed a sigh of relief as he exited the shower, after he dried himself off he got dressed. While putting on his shirt he noticed a three tomoe cursed seal on his shoulder, like Sasuke's and Anko's it looked like the cursed seal of Heaven but instead the seal being full black the seal was pale white with a purple outline. After Kabuto was dressed he walked up to the mirror and channeled chakra into his seal allowing it to spread across his body, when the seal spread Kabuto looked at the reflection to see his golden serpent slited eyes along with purple markings around his eyes, he also had pale white scale like skin. Kabuto sent chakra into the cursed seal again, allowing the seal to recede turning Kabuto back to normal.

'Like Salazar I look up to Orochimaru…So I decided to continue Orochimaru's legacy as well by creating a cursed seal based around Orochimaru's DNA. I originally planned on splicing my DNA with Orochimaru but decided against it mostly due to the fact that the DNA splicing could affect my magical abilities. Another advantage to the Orochimaru cursed seal is it modified my body to be able to use Senjutsu, and while looking through Orochimaru's notes I was able to find the Ryūchi Cave were the White Snake Sage lived and I was able to convince him to teach me the Snakes version of the Sennin Mōdo. But I can only use Senjustu when I use the Orochimaru cursed seal. 'Kabuto reflected on the cursed seal as he left the bathroom of the Kazekage estate.

Over the month and a half Kabuto started to train Suigetsu and Jugo. Mostly because Jugo just went in and crushed his opponents and Suigetsu swung the Kubikiribōchō like a club. 'So I asked Jugo to demonstrate most of his abilities, he naturally rampaged but a Stupefy quickly knocked him out. But I was able to help him learn to control the influx of Nature Energy due to my master of the Snake Sennin Modo. After that his personality mellowed out a lot, but his loyalty to me skyrocketed because I cured him of his bi-polar disorder. I eventually tried to discover Jugo's elemental affinity only to discover he didn't have one mostly due to the fact his affinity was Nature Energy itself. After that I had Yang teach Jugo her style of fighting which usually dealt heavy hits to vital areas of the body, which was most of the training I gave to Jugo.

Suigetsu on the other had was far more easier to train mostly due to the fact he had prior to his kidnapping, he was already hailed a prodigy in the art of killing and was said to be the second coming of the Demon of the Mist. Yang, Karin and I were able to put several seals on the Kubikiribōchō, it was a difficult to apply seals on the sword without distorting its ability to regenerate with blood but we were able to apply seals that sealed its weight. But the seals only worked when Suigetsu used the sword anyone else the sword tripled its weight. With the weight change Suigetsu's sword play increased tremendously. I them tested Suigetsu's elemental affinity which naturally was water, so I had him master his affinity and while myself didn't know many water justu I had Suigetsu master all of the ones he originally knew to cut down on his need to use Hand seals.' Kabuto remembered. So while Jugo and Suigetsu increased their strength and skill they still couldn't defeat Kabuto, Yang, Guren or Gaia in a fight.

Kabuto strolled through the hallways of Gaia's estate with no particular direction. When Kabuto turned right at the corner in the hallway he accidently bumped into someone knocking them down in the process, Kabuto held out a hand to help the person up and got a look at her. The girl had Raven black hair that covered the right side of her face and went passed her shoulders, along with golden yellow slited eyes, the girl had purple markings around her eyes and abnormally pale skin. She had a purple low-cut crop top under a white lose-fitting, long-sleeve zip up shirt with a purple rope wrapped around her waist. She also wore tight fitting black shinobi pants with the standard shinobi sandals. This was Orochimaru's Clone/Homunculus, Orika.

Orika gave Kabuto a predatory smirk before passing Kabuto with a sway to her hips which Kabuto couldn't take his eyes off of, before he continued walking again. 'After I used Orochimaru's DNA to create my Orochimaru Cursed Seal, I attempted to create an Orochimaru clone but apparently I'm cursed to creating attractive female versions of the people I originally try to clone. I honestly have no idea how it happened this time, but whatever. I created her by a mixture of Science and my Magical ability, from Salazar's journals it depicted him partnering with a man named Nicolas Flamel. To create something called the Philosopher's Stone that was supposed to turn stone to Gold and create the Elixir of Life said to give someone immortality. But the prototype to said stone needed a sacrifice of a hundred souls to create it which was inhuman in my old world, but not in this one it was surprisingly eyes to find a hundred people to sacrifice. Using those sacrifices I was able to create the prototype versions to the Philosopher's Stone.

I then used my Kurōn Hebi(Clone Snakes) to create a clone body of Orochimaru's body which turned into a female body instead of Orochimaru's original body. Again I just went with it and decided to use it mostly because I wanted to see what would happen. I used Alchemy that I learned from Salazar's books to convert Orochimaru's original brain and mind, to a female mind set.

When Orika woke up, she was mildly distressed but I calmed her down. She then realized that I cloned her due to the fact that I allowed her to keep her memoires, she then wanted to know why she was a female instead. I informed her I had no idea why she was a female and that it was an accident though she really didn't seem to mind. I then informed her of the status of Otoagukre and that Sasuke was the one that killed her. Orika was melancholy after hearing her chance at achieving her dream was lost, but I told her that she didn't need the Sharinagn or needed to switch her bodies anymore; that I created her body so she'd stay in her prime and she's be pseudo-immortal until all the souls in the Philosopher Stone run out. Orika was ecstatic to hear that actually and after a defeat from Sasuke she's more down to earth and far less egotistical then the original Orochimaru was.

I kept Orika a secret from everyone mostly due to the fact that Orika was still weak and had to gather her strength back. But after she got her strength back I introduced her to the group that I have yet to name yet.

-Flash back-

Kabuto and Orika were walking towards the area in Gaia's estate at a leisurely pace.

"I just hope they don't over react." Kabuto said to himself.

"Oh and why would they over react?" Orika asked.

"Your joking right…I essentially brought back a person who made them all miserable." Kabuto stated without fear of Orika attacking, she knew it was true.

"Hehehe…good times." Orika commented with a sadistic smile.

"Also there's the fact that some of them will be jealous that you're my second in command." Kabuto informed.

"Oh yes…I still wonder how you hid all those skills from me, to think you recreated the Shikotsumyaku(Dead Bone Pulse),The Shōton(Crystal Release) and the Jinton(Swift Release) Bloodline limits all by yourself…I've complimented your skills before but this is over whelming." Orika commented genuinely, which earned a slight blush from Kabuto, Orochimaru rarely gave genuine compliments but Orika gave him the most praise he's ever received.

"And you had all that power and never used it to usurp me…Oh Kabuto-kun I'm touched." Orika teased, Kabuto had to suppress the blush that was rising agian.

"But…that info you told me about Hidane's demise was false, she is loyal to you to a fault why did you hide her from me?" Orika asked.

"A few reasons actually…One was because I theorized that Sasuke might have retaliated before or during the body transfer, and I believed that once you had Sasuke as your vessel you wouldn't need me anymore and would eliminate me…another reason was because Hidane had immortality and bringing her by you would be sort of an insult to your dream of immortality." Kabuto explained.

Orika leaned dangerously close to making her face inches from Kabuto and put her hand on his cheek. "Oh you're so sweet Kabuto-kun… And I would never get rid of you." Orika whispered seductively, before she leaned back and the predatory smirk Orochimaru was famous for formed onto her face. Then she continued to walk, Kabuto was stunned for a few seconds before he caught up with Orika though the smirk never left her face.

The duo arrived at the primary room where most of the members of our group meet, and Kabuto put a hand on his face subconsciously to hide the face splitting grin that was forming on his face as he open the door. Gasps could be heard as the duo walked in. Kabuto glanced around to see Suigetsu hiding behind Jugo, Tayuya frozen in shock, Guren, Karin and Yang had wide eyes until Yang understood what happened, Gaia had a raised eyebrow and Hidane didn't really care.

"W-what is he doing here?" Suigetsu stuttered out.

"I'm a girl…Suigetsu-chan." Orika said condescendingly and Yang locked eyes with Kabuto, but most of his hand covered his face and tried to give her a shrug. Honestly he didn't mean to create a female Orochimaru, first a female Naruto and now a female Orochimaru people are going to get the wrong impression of him.

"But-but I thought you were a dude…sure, you looked sorta girly with the long hair and stuff…but I thought that was your thing." Suigetsu tried to defend himself.

"I'm not Orochimaru you idiot." Orika snapped out, causing Suigetsu to jump behind Jugo again.

"Yeah…She isn't Orochimaru…I had Orochimaru's DNA and tried to clone him but…you see what happened." Kabuto explained half-assed he honestly didn't know where to begin on explaining.

"If you cloned Orochimaru how come he's a girl?" Jugo asked confused.

"Fuck if I know…all I know is I created a body using his DNA and it became a girl's body…that's all." Kabuto snapped out, it was a sore spot for him to actually get something wrong.

"And don't worry Orika isn't going to experiment on you…at least I hope not." Kabuto muttered that last part to himself but everyone still heard it. "Any ways…Meet Orika the tenth member to our group that I have yet to name." Kabuto announced.

"Are you sure she could be trusted Kabuto-kun?" Gaia asked.

Kabuto closed his eyes for a few seconds and nodded. "I believe she can." Kabuto inputted and Orika looked at Kabuto in slight happiness, during Orochimaru's time he was discriminated against by Konaha due to his looks and wanted to become the Hokage to gain their recognition, but Minato Namikaze became the Hokage in his place causing Orochimaru's dreams of recognition to dull and eventually resent Konaha for how it treated him. That's why he disliked Naruto originally mostly because he reminded Orochimaru of himself. And just like Yang and Gaia Orochimaru wanted to be accepted, and now so does Orika.

After the meeting was over and everyone meet with Orika, they dispersed to do whatever it is they usually do on their own time leaving Orika and Kabuto alone in the room together. Kabuto sat on the couch and laid his head back and closed his eyes, he never realized how exhausting running a counter organization for the Akatsuki would be. Kabuto felt a weight on his lap and quickly looked up to see Orika straddling him and her face was only inches apart from his face, and put both her hands on his cheeks.

"No one has really ever put their trust in my due to my nature…But you Kabuto-kun did…you helped my archive my dream…the dream of lasting forever…Your trust in me will never be misplaced." Orika whispered as she claimed Kabuto's mouth with hers. Orika placed her arms around Kabuto's neck and deepened the kiss; the two parted Kabuto's face shown absolute shock that his glasses almost feel off.

Orika got off of Kabuto's lap and headed for the door but before she gave Kabuto one of her predatory smirks that sent shivers down Kabuto's spine before she left. Leaving Kabuto alone, "What the fuck just happened?" Kabuto asked out loud to no one.

-Flash back end-

Kabuto walked into the training room under the Kazekage estate. To see Yang passed out trying to complete her sealing matrix project. Kabuto inspected it and sighed, he told Yang after she was created who Naruto's real parents were so she's been trying to recreate Minato Namikaze's infamous Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) for a while now but has been working on it for year or two. Kabuto looked at her sleeping form and sighed then shook her awake.

"W-what is it?" Yang forced out groggily.

"Get dressed we're going to Konoha." Kabuto ordered and left the room to prepare for a fight.

Kabuto's Organization-Nox (Night or Nightfall) Ranking and stats

Kabuto/Harry-The Doctor-Leader


Taijutsu-4.5 (5 while using Dead Bone Pulse)



Strength-4 (5 while using Swift Release or Senjustu-6 while using Senjustu with Swift Release)

Speed- 4 (5 while using Swift Release or Senjutsu-6 while using Senjustu with Swift Release)

Stamina- 4 (5 using Senjutsu)

Hand seals- 4.5

Total-35 (max 40)

Orika- Snake Sannin Reincarnated- second in command






Speed -4.5

Stamina- 3.5

Hand seals -5

Total- 35

Hidane-Jashin Priestess








Handseals- 3


Gaia-The Kazekage




Intelligence- 4






Guren- The Crystal Princess





Strength- 2





Yang-The Celestial Flame










Jugo-Of the Scales










Tayuya-Melody of Madness










Suigetsu-The Second coming of the Demon of the Mist






Strength- 5












