Kabuto waited for Yang to prepare for their "Trip" to Konoha and thought about whom else to take with him, the only people who had a problem with the Leaf were Yang himself…and Orika. Kabuto had the most sinister appear on his face and went to Orika's location. Kabuto body flickered to Orika's room and knocked; when he heard her say enter he did so.

The white haired medic entered Orika's room and noticed it was dimly lit by several candles, and Orika herself sat in the center of the room in a throne like chair just like the Orochimaru would do. Kabuto walked up to Orika and bowed his head slightly, mostly out of habit really.

"My Kabuto-kun what have I done to deserve such a visit?" Orika asked seductively.

"U-um..." Kabuto stuttered out, he still wasn't used to this. "Yang-chan and I were planning on raiding the Namikaze estate to steal the notes of Minato Namikaze's Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) and Hiraishin: Ni no Dan(Flying Thunder God: Second Step ) for Yang to learn…And I was wondering if you wanted to help cause some chaos and destruction?" Kabuto asked as he felt Orika out her hand on his cheek.

"Oh Kabuto-kun and you didn't forget about me how sweet." Orika teased as she smirked devilishly. "You want me to help cause destruction in Konoha and steal the man who ruined my dream's prized technique; if you keep doing all these sweet things I'll end up falling for you." Orika said as she leaned in so her face was inches apart from Kabuto before she leaned back again, and gave him a predatory smirk before leaving to her closet to change to her battle clothes but Kabuto couldn't take the eyes off her form. When Orika left the room Kabuto had to shake himself from his stupor, honestly it was like she was trying to rile him up on purpose.

Kabuto just shook his head and left the Orika's room, then headed to his room to get his battle clothes on. He wore the same type of cloths he wore when he saved Gaia from the Akatsuki, along with a modified Cloak he got from the White Snake Sage. The Cloak was Black with Green lining on the inside, with the Slytherin Symbol imprinted on the back and the Symbol of the Deathly Hollows on the front were his heart would be, the hood of the cloak resembled a serpents head with white, green and yellow markings that resembled eyes.

Yang entered the room in her usual outfit and Kabuto had to sigh, was he the only one who had different sets of clothes for different occasions. Orika strode in in her usual outfit too and Kabuto had to suppress the twitch was really the only one who did this.

"What is she doing her?" Yang demanded.

"Kabuto-kun invited me; why else would I be here." Orika replied

"But why you are here? this is our trip." Yang complained.

"Well Kabuto-kun thought I would love to join you in causing chaos for the Leaf…and he was right he knows me so well." Orika teased.

"Are you hitting on My Kabuto-kun?" Yang all but yelled as her hair bursting into flames.

"What if I am? I don't hear Kabuto complaining; in fact I think he likes it." Orika answered with a smirk.

"What are you like forty years old?" Yang insulted.

"Oh not any more…When Kabuto-kun cloned me, he created my body to be in its prime…so your argument is invalid." Orika stated.

"Weren't you cloned from a guy?" Yang asked.

"Weren't You?" Orika replied.

"Arhh…You're Insufferable!" Yang Yelled.

"And you're loud...but you don't hear me complaining." Orika said nonchalantly.

Kabuto just signed at their arguments. He understood why they were arguing mostly due to their conflicting personalities Yang's straightforward, confident, energetic and a bit loud personality conflicted with Orika's is deceitful, slightly arrogant, calm and quiet nature.

Yang unsealed her cloak and dramatically pulled it over her shoulders. Orika glanced at Kabuto expectantly; and he looked through his storage seals looking for a cloak for Orika and eventually found a cloak for her, the cloak was a sleeveless black body-length cloak with a hood, the hood itself had eye like markings on each side of the hood; it had a real serpent look to it.

The Trio exited the Kazekage estate, when the group was outside Kabuto held out his hands for the two ladies, only for Yang to instantly grab it and Orika to look at Kabuto questioningly.

"Trust me." Kabuto said and Orika grabbed onto Kabuto's hand. "Good…and whatever you do don't let go." Kabuto ordered.

Orika was about to question why only for the three of them to turn into smoke and shoot off into the sky. With Kabuto using the pseudo-Apparition the trio was able to arrive at the Hidden Leaf in a few minutes. The Black smoke slammed into the ground and dispersed revealing Kabuto, Yang and Orika.

"Why didn't we land inside the Village?" Yang asked

"The style of transportation leaves a bit of a trail, look." Kabuto pointed out, as Yang glanced behind her to see a long trail of Black smoke leading to their location. "Now let's go, before anyone notices that." Kabuto ordered as the trio speed off.

The trio appeared near one of the Konoha entrances. Kabuto sensed several guards watching the area, 'probably on the watch out for any Akatsuki members.' Kabuto thought to himself. Kabuto activated his Jinton:Hirenkyaku(Swift Release: Flying Screen Step).

Kabuto turned around and grabbed onto Yang's and Orika's shoulders and phased out of existence, the faint figure of Kabuto dragging Yang and Orika speed through the village in the span of a few seconds. Kabuto, Orika and Yang appeared on top of the Hokage monument. Kabuto glanced at Orika to see her staring at the monument in a mixture of resentment and longing, Kabuto put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. That seemed to shake Orika out of her stupor.

"Um…Where is the Namikaze estate?" Yang asked the duo.

"I have no idea." Kabuto commented as he glanced to Orika, who just sighed.

"Follow me." Orika ordered as she started to lead Yang and Kabuto in a direction, Kabuto started to follow her almost immediately but Yang glare at Orika's back but grudgingly followed.

"So how do you know where it is hmm…were you like best friends with Minato or something?" Yang asked annoyed.

"Oh no nothing like that…You just have to know where the man that stole your dream and planned to kill lived." Orika commented nonchalantly and Yang had wide eyes.

"Then why didn't you say so earlier!" Yang complained.

"Well if you weren't asking idiotic questions I could have easily told Kabuto-kun the location." Orika stated.

"And win points with him fat chance!" Yang yelled, the girls continued to argue and Kabuto tried to ignore them but glanced around the surrounding forest trying to sense any chakra signatures. But with the girls arguing their voices could attract attention.

"Girls you're both pretty, there is no reason to argue…Also your voices could attract attention." Kabuto said, and the girls nodded but stared each other down behind Kabuto's back.

The trio came upon an estate in the woods about quarter of a mile behind the Hokage Monument. The estate itself was simple only being two stories tall house with the Uzumaki clan symbol displayed all over the place. Kabuto inspected the security seal on the gate and pursed his lips a little, he then turned to Yang.

"The security seals need a bit of your blood to unlock." Kabuto informed.

"Okay Kabuto-kun." Yang said happily as she used a kunai to prick her finger and applied the blood onto the security seal. The seal flashed red for a second then the seal started to spread and cover the door, and started to glow a low red. Kabuto narrowed his eyes at this action, the security system activated. 'Why would the seal activate?' Kabuto thought as he glanced at Yang. 'Oh crap she has some of Karin's DNA spliced in her as well, which destabilized the ratio between Minato's and Kushina's DNA.' Kabuto mused to himself.

"Crap the security system's activated…we'll have to find another way in." Kabuto thought out loud, Yang's posture tensed but Orika's face showed annoyance. Kabuto bit his thump and pulled up his sleeve revealing his Replicator summoning tattoo. Kabuto applied his blood on the tattoo and summoned several Replicators.

The Replicators circled around Kabuto and made an assortment of purring sounds. Which had Orika raise an eyebrow, while her original had seen the Replicators Orochimaru never really seen the need for them other than clearing out and creating hideouts.

*Zzzt* *Zzzch* *tot* *tot* *tot* the largest Replicator sounded.

"Yes…I need you to hack into the Seal's security system…don't destroy them…we don't know what kind of traps Minato has placed." Kabuto ordered to his creations. *Zzzzt* *Zzzch* *Zzzzt* the Replicators sounded as they launched themselves at the gate and attached themselves over the Seals, and then they started to decipher the seals.

Kabuto felt several chakra signatures converging on their point quickly stood up and readied for battle and Orika followed suit. Yang was already tense and prepared so she didn't really react. Several blurs landed in front of the trio revealing themselves to be the Godaime(Fifth) Hokage Tsunade, Gama Sennin(Toad Sage) Jiraiya, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto and Sakura.

"KABUTO!" Kakashi yelled, when he saw Kabuto and he looked furious.

"Yes…What do you need?" Kabuto asked, that apparently wasn't what Kakashi wanted to hear because his glare increased if that was even possible.

"Are you aware of the bounty on your head Kabuto especially from my village?" Tsunade asked.

"No not really…and the odds of me caring are really low…so can we hurry this up." Kabuto said nonchalantly as he did a speed it up motion with his hand, which seemed to piss of Kakashi further. 'From what my Intel suggests Kakashi is one of the last living members of Team Minato and he could have possibly looked up to Minato as some sort of father figure…interesting.' Kabuto thought.

While Kakashi, Naruto, Tsunade were focused on Kabuto, Jiraiya and Sakura noticed his companions Yang and Orika.

"O-O-Orochimaru you're supposed to be dead!" Jiraiya yelled, which got the attention of the remaining leaf Nin and they glanced at Orochimaru's clone.

"Hehehe…Oh Jiraiya you're an insufferable idiot as always." Orika commented, and her feminine voice got their attention. The leaf Nin tried to see Orika's face behind her hood; Orika elevated her head slightly dispelling the shadow that hid her face allowing everyone to see her. Jiraiya had a stupid grin on his face and started to drool which creeped the trio out.

"Quit staring at me you perverted lecher." Orika snapped out and scared Jiraiya with her glare. With everyone distracted by the presence of Orika, Kabuto activated his Orochimaru Cursed Seal turning his skin pale and scale-like, his eyes turned yellow and slited with purple markings surrounded his eyes signifying his transition into his Orochimaru Cursed seal state. Yang likes to affectionately call it his "Kabutomaru" state, though Kabuto claimed it would never stick.

"Well isn't it obvious Kabuto cloned Orochimaru too!" Sakura yelled. 'Okay…I'm getting a little pissed at your yelling Sakura…when I'm done with this I'm going to personally tare out your vocal cords.' Kabuto schemed.

"R-really…this could be a breakthrough in medicine." Tsunade said to herself.

"But why is Orochimaru's clone female?" Jiraiya asked and all the Leaf Nin looked at her lost in thought, Kabuto just sighed at their stupidity of spacing out in the middle of battle but their stupidity is giving the Replicators enough time to hack into the Seals.

"Wait…Kabuto cloned Naruto too and the clone was female…Maybe Kabuto's some sort of sick pervert!" Sakura yelled while pointing dramatically at Kabuto, good thing his hood shadowed his features now.

"You are such a bitch! I can't wait to kill you!" Yang yelled as her flame like chakra shrouded her, and her blood red and black sclera eyes glared at Sakura. Orika too shifted her glare from Jiraiya onto Sakura. While everyone focused on Yang and Sakura. Kabuto created a shadow clone to hide and collect Nature Chakra, the Shadow Clone technique was the only clone type able to return there Chakra to the user so the Clone would be able to transfer the Nature Energy into Kabuto without him having to stay still and collect it himself increasing his efficiency. The main reason Kabuto was doing this was because Orika had informed him that Jiraiya too has a achieved some skills in Senjutsu and could use it against them.

"Exactly…If you weren't brainwashed you would be just like Naruto and Naruto would never threaten me." Sakura said in some sort of egotistical logic.

"Or I'm not a complete retard like the original is." Yang countered back.

"HEY!" Naruto yelled only to be ignored by Yang.

"Then why are you loyal to Kabuto hmm…I sure as hell don't see Naruto falling in love with him?" Sakura challenged. 'Boy how ironic would it be if that were true.' Kabuto thought cynically.

"I'm pretty sure that I could stand around and explain the foreign concept of love to you but I'm sure your tiny brain wouldn't understand my complex words." Yang insulted.

"I know what love is, I love Sasuke-kun!" Sakura yelled.

"No…you don't love Sasuke you love the idea of him…When you think of Sasuke you think of a sad lonely child who needs coddling and love…When you think of Sasuke you think of a boy who needs guidance and protection…But in reality Sasuke is a cold, apathetic boy with an Inferiority Complex along with a Superiority Complex. " Yang informed, "You all are so naïve. I mean look at Naruto…You all probably think he's brash, idiotic, inattentive and exuberant…But that's what he wanted you to see, to never see him when he's weak…because he learned that weakness will get you killed…You all probably think Naruto doesn't have a hateful bone in his body…Well your sort of right because all of the hate, the pain, the anger, the lust, the emptiness, the greed, the anxiety, the grief, the humiliation, the felling of worthlessness all of them Naruto suppressed…He created a split personality…He created me." Yang finished with a dark smirk that Kabuto only seen on the Yami personality.

"So you may think I'm a clone…But I'm far more close to the original then Naruto will ever be." Yang stated.

"But if you are part of Naruto's original personality, why are you with Kabuto?" Tsunade asked.

"Because Kabuto only created me to create an ally…not a weapon…A friend…not a tool for his needs…He saw potential in Naruto so he created me to achieve that potential…He didn't need to manipulate me into joining him I volunteered to join Kabuto, unlike the manipulative Third Hokage." Yang explained.

"Hey Old Man Hokage wasn't like that!" Naruto yelled.

"Hehe…So your that narcissistic than huh?" Yang questioned.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked confused.

"You really believe that the leader of the Village would care about one single orphan." Yang asked sarcastically as she glanced at the Namikaze mansion making the Tsunade, Jiraiya and Kakashi's eyes widened. "That he would personally enroll you in the shinobi academy…Or how he knew about the Kyuubi and didn't tell you, but had the greatest idea of telling the entire village causing your childhood pain…Have you ever thought about where your dream of becoming the Hokage came from, It was his suggestion really by informing you that all the Hokage were recognized as the greatest and respected…Or how about your rigged academy test especially the clone test, he knew about your larger than normal chakra reserve but didn't think to warn you at all." Yang ranted off and Naruto's face deflated.

"When we were younger Naruto, I was your best friend…your only friend…your only family…I was everything you wanted to be…everything I had you worked to achieve…you hated this place…you hated your tormenters…but that mask you created…the mask you wore…It eventually consumed you, made you weak…That mask killed you…I lost a brother and a friend when that happened, and when that mask took its place you started to suppress me…But when Kabuto cloned me, he gave me a purpose and the acceptance I craved after you resented me…now I'll never leave Kabuto-kun because I love him." Yang finished her passionate speech, Naruto looked visibly sad by her speech.

"Enough talk…let's fight." Orika said, and the Leaf Nin tensed. Yang readied her fists and channeled Chakra into her bracelets activating them, her bracelets spread and covered Yang's hands and forearms forming into gauntlets and acted as arm guards.

Yang launched herself at Team 7, Orika launched herself at Tsunade. Yang, Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura collided in their own fight and separated from their groups as did Orika and Tsunade. Kabuto stared at his now chosen opponent Jiraiya and the two stared down.

Kabuto lifted his head allowing Jiraiya to see Kabuto's Orochimaru-like features causing Jiraiya to take an involuntary step back. That distraction was all Kabuto need before he was already in front of Jiraiya with a chakra scalpel and aimed the scalpel at Jiraiya's neck, the scalpel connected only for Jiraiya to combust into smoke.

Kabuto's danger sense went off and he did a handspring back-flip to avoid an oil filled fire ball. The fire spread across the ground and ignited it as well. Kabuto reached the outer ring of the fire perimeter to see Jiraiya protected by his own flames, Kabuto waited for the flames to die out. Before Jiraiya could attack Kabuto again, Kabuto slammed his hands on the ground "Shōton: Suishō Meikyū no Jutsu(Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Labyrinth Technique) " Kabuto whispered as entire area surrounding himself and Jiraiya were trapped in a large crystal labyrinth, the interior on the labyrinth was covered in mirrors giving the illusion Kabuto was everywhere.

Kabuto created two bone swords from his hands and attacked Jiraiya's back, only for Jiraiya to intercept it. Jiraiya slammed a Rasengan into Kabuto's abdomen, only for Kabuto to turn into emerald crystal.

"Sen'eijashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands) " Kabuto said as he held out his hand towards Jiraiya and launched four black and green snaked. The snakes made contact with Jiraiya and trapped him.

"Hmm…That was to easy…It's probably a clone." Kabuto whispered to himself as his snakes bit into Jiraiya to inject venom into him, only for Jiraiya to combust into smoke. Kabuto nodded his head as his theory was proved.

Kabuto saw light distort near the edge of the crystal and a small blue light start to carve into one of the crystal walls. "Kesshō: Kyodai Rokkaku Shuriken(Crystal: Giant Hexagonal Shuriken)" Kabuto whispered as he created two giant crystal Shuriken that resembled snowflakes and threw them at the light distortion. The shuriken were instantly at the end of the Labyrinth imbedded in the wall. Kabuto appeared next to the shuriken and noticed a large amount of blood put no dead body; Kabuto dismissed the shuriken and allowed the crystal wall the regenerate.

The smell of oil reached Kabuto, making Kabuto turn to his left to see Jiraiya spitting out oil and then ignited it causing an explosion to destroy half of the crystal labyrinth causing Kabuto to exit the crystal trap and landed on the ground. Under Kabuto the earth started to liquefy into a swamp like substance. Kabuto jump up, "Shōton: Hashō Kōryū(Crystal Release: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon)"Kabuto exclaimed as he crystallized the nearby earth and trees into a Crystal like dragon, and landed on top of dragon allowing him to escape the swap like ground. Kabuto rode the Crystal dragon to Jiraiya and manipulated the dragon to crash into the toad sannin.

Kabuto jumped into the air again at the same time Jiraiya jumped to evade the Crystal Dragon, Kabuto activated his "Shōton: Shuriken Ranbu (Crystal Release: Shuriken Wild Dance)" Kabuto said as he condensed the dust particles in the air into hundreds of crystal shuriken and allowed it to rain on Jiraiya.

Jiraiya did his best to evade the raining projectiles but several of them hit his body successfully. Jiraiya went through several hand signs and summoned a large toad with a shield and pitched staff. Kabuto rolled up his sleeve revealing his Replicators summoning Tattoo and applied some of his blood on the sealing matrix and slammed his hand on the ground.

The area around Kabuto exploded in smoke, only to clear revealing Kabuto standing on top of a giant robotic beetle, which looked like it was made up of thousands upon thousands of Replicator Beetles. The Giant Beetle Replicator itself was about as big as the Toad matching its height and width.

The two summoners and titans stared down until they both charged.

-With Yang-

Yang charged forward towards the stunned Team 7 and slammed her gauntlet fist into Sakura's face, the gauntlet's mechanism activated a seal inside of the Gauntlet launching the combined form of hers and Kyuubi's Chakra into Sakura's face and exploded sending her flying back.

Kakashi attacked Yang from behind with a Kunai only for Yang to skillfully evade and grabbed his wrist, and twisted herself behind Kakashi while still holding his wrist. Yang locked Kakashi's arm behind his back holding him in place. Yang stomped on the back Kakashi's knee causing Kakashi to collapse on his knees. Yang then slammed her gauntlet into the back of Kakashi's head creating an explosion knocking him out in the process.

Yang held Kakashi by the back of his neck and threw him aimlessly. Yang then turned to face Naruto nonchalantly, like she hadn't just token down a jonin and a chuunin in a few seconds.

"Are you going to stand around like a complete idiot or are we going to fight?" Yang asked, shaking Naruto from his stupor.

"I might not remember you from my past but…I'll save you from Kabuto and that's a promise!" Naruto declared. Only for Yang to glare at Naruto with the utmost furry she has ever had. Yang lifted her arms up and slammed them together creating a pillar of her chakra that surrounded her in the process. Yang rushed at a stupefied Naruto and slammed her fist onto Naruto's face. The force sent Naruto tumbling and breaking through several trees behind him but he kept going. Yang sprinted parallel to Naruto's tumbling form and twisted herself, and sent a devastating kick towards Naruto's body. Naruto was launched in another direction until he crashed into a rock immobilizing him.

Naruto slowly got up and the damage Yang dealt slowly started to heal. He stared at Yang in determination, which pissed Yang off further. Naruto formed a Rasengan and charged, Yang followed his action by creating an orange-ish Rasengan but unlike Naruto she threw it. The Rasengan projectile destabilized without proper control and exploded right in front of Naruto, disrupting his constriction with his Rasengan and it too exploded.

Naruto held his wounded hand but the determined look never left his face. Naruto created several Shadow clones and had them charge at Yang. Yang prepared to fight; the first clone charged and aimed a fist at Yang's face only for Yang to catch the fist and slam her fist into the clone's elbow causing it to cave in before it dispelled. Yang turned around avoiding Naruto's kick but Yang trapped the clone's leg in-between her armpit and slammed he elbow on the clones thigh bone causing the leg to snap up before the clone dispelled.

Yang glanced at the real Naruto to see him forming a Rasengan with the help of a clone then the clone grabbed Naruto's arm and threw him in Yang's direction. Before Naruto's Rasengan was about to make contact with Yang she caught his wrist and crushed it dispelling the spiraling chakra sphere. Yang slammed her gauntlet covered fist into Naruto's chest creating an explosion sending Naruto a good distance back. Naruto charged again and aimed a fist at Yang's abdomen only for her to weave out of the way, Yang then ducked avoiding a fist that was heading toward her face leaving Naruto exposed. Yang gave Naruto a devastating uppercut the explosion that followed launched Naruto into the sky. Yang ran up a tree and used it to jumped, she used her gauntlets to launch herself higher than Naruto and heel kicked him into the ground. With Yang still in the air and Naruto in a small crater, Yang shot several condensed chakra shots at his downed form creating a magnificent explosion of red and yellow flames before Yang landed near the crater.

The flames cleared revealing nothing, which got Yang's attention. Yang felt herself get pulled underground only leaving her head free. Yang saw Naruto pop out of the ground with a grin on his face. Yang fumed at the audacity of him assuming this would hold her.

Yang activated her gauntlets causing them to shoot underground and create several explosions; the explosions were able to make enough room for Yang to put her hands together and Body Flicker out of the trap.

Yang appeared behind Naruto and lifted him up with her hands on his shoulder and lower back. Yang shot her gauntlets into Naruto's back launching him into the air. Yang shot several chakra shots at Naruto, with each explosion sending him further up in the air until he was barely visible. After a few seconds Naruto came falling down. But before he was about to impact the ground several of his clones caught him.

Naruto's features started to kyuubify as he skipped the first two tails and entered his third tail state. His red slited eyes started onto Yang before he launched himself at her. Just before his clawed hand came in contact with Yang's face, several golden chains bound Naruto's form, the golden chains started to pacify Naruto by absorbing the Kyuubi's chakra.

"Isn't this interesting…you being bound by the technique our mother was famous for." Yang commented.

"M-m-mother?" Naruto stammered out.

"Of course…don't you know?" Yang asked sarcastically because she already knew he didn't know who their parents were.

"N-no the Old man said he couldn't find any records of my parents." Naruto said.

"Now isn't that interesting…Kabuto-kun was able to figure out our lineage in a few days yet the all powerful Hokage couldn't…now doesn't that sound…I don't know…suspicious?" Yang questioned.

"No." Naruto commented confused.

"Then you are an idiot…let me so helpfully explain it then…The Hokage is supposed to know every Nin they are supposed to command…Yet when he told you that your parents were heroes who died fighting the Kyuubi on that faithful night He didn't know who they were…We have the most blindingly bright blonde hair, yet there are almost no one in Konoha who has blonde hair other than the Yamanaka clan and one other person…now remember who it is." Yang ordered.

"Well there's the Fourth Hokage but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything." Naruto stated confused and Yang had to suppress the face palm.

"Our father is the Fourth Hokage you dumbass!" Yang yelled.

"Huh? That's not possible." Naruto said dismissing that fact.

"…You are a lost cause Naruto." Yang commented, Naruto was too stupid and brainwashed to understand the facts she was saying. Yang used her chains and threw him towards Kabuto's and Jiraiya's battle.

-With Orika-

Tsunade aimed a chakra enhanced punch towards Orika's face only for Orika to bend unnaturally out of the way, Orika did a partial handstand and wrapped her legs around Tsunade's arm then violently twisted her body pulling Tsunade's arm out of its socket. Orika used her enhanced flexibility to twist herself around Tsunade's body until she was at Tsunade's back, Orika but a hand under Tsunade's chin and on top of her head before Orika could snap Tsunade's neck, Tsunade substituted herself with a log.

Orika glanced around but noticed a shadow over her and quickly avoided Tsunade who was heel kicking the ground creating a creator. Orika narrowed her eyes slightly then jumped back and aimed her sleeves at Tsunade"Sen'ei Tajashu(Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands )" Orika exclaimed as dozens of snaked launched themselves at Tsunade and bound her. The snaked injected their venom into Tsunade's veins but Tsunade managed to escape, and charged at Orika. Tsunade's fist made contact with Orika's face and launched her into a tree, Tsunade was about to gloat only for Orika's body to dissolve into mud.

Tsunade felt a pair of hands wrap around her ankles and pulled her underground. Orika canceled her hiding like a mole technique allowing her to come out of the ground.

"Hehe…Tsunade-baachan you seem to have gotten slower in your age." Orika commented.

"Don't call me old you snake bitch!" Tsunade roared.

"That hurts right here Tsunade-baachan…but I'll let it slide for now." Orika replied.

"So who's that master you or Kabuto?" Tsunade asked.

"Why Kabuto-kun's the master of course." Orika said happily which surprised Tsunade.

"Orochimaru would never take being second best…what did that sick freak do to you?" Tsunade asked, the sick freak comment earned a glare from Orika.

"Why Kabuto-kun promised to help me achieve my dream of course…and already help me achieve half of it." Orika explained.

"W-w-what did he give you." Tsunade questioned fearing the answer.

"Hmhmh...Hehehe…Immortality!" Orika exclaimed gleefully.

"N-no that's impossible immortality is just a ploy a fake no one can achieve it." Tsunade tried to convince herself.

"HeHe…immortality is possible for my Kabuto-kun to achieve…and my body will stay young as long as I want it to." Orika bragged freezing Tsunade on the spot mostly because Tsunade wanted to stay young for most of her life.

Tsunade used her enhanced strength to break out of the confines of the ground. Tsunade charged at Orika again but her movements were far sloppier due to her emotions and the snake venom in her body started to take effect.

Orika avoided the easily readable attack and sent a fast jab at side of Tsunade's neck, then punched her shoulder then alternated here attack by sending a devastating hit towards her sternum. That attack combo stunned Tsunade long enough for Orika to launch her Kusanagi from her mouth and stabbed Tsunade through her stomach. Orika pulled the sword out and watch apathetically as Tsunade collapsed on her knees. Orika narrowed her eyes at Tsunade and thought on how pathetic the fight was.

Before Orika could react Tsunade sprung up with her rhombus seal spread across her forehead and grabbed Orika's arms and ripped it off completely. Orika just stared at the place where her limb used to be then she glanced at Tsunade to see her smiling in achievement. Orika just stared nonchalantly as if her arm wasn't even torn out of her body, after a few seconds red lightning danced around her stump and an arm started to grow out of it.

"H-how…how you've never had any healing jutsu?" Tsunade stammered out, in shock at seeing Orika re-growing her limb without even trying, even that was out of her reach.

"When I said Kabuto-kun gave me immortality…he gave me immortality…no matter what wound may give me, no matter how many times you kill me…I'll always return." Orika stated as she twisted unnaturally and kicked Tsunade in the face launching her into a tree.

Orika quickly took a deep breath "Fūton: Daitoppa (Wind Release: Great Breakthrough)" Orika exclaimed as she expelled a strong wind tunnel at Tsunade sending her threw several trees. Orika leisurely walked towards Tsunade's wounded form.

"You know Tsunade-baachan… I excepted more from you, this was pathetic." Orika taunted.

Orika glanced at the direction of Kabuto's and Jiraiya's fight to see a giant Replicator beetle and Giant toad fighting each other and were in a stalemate. She glanced at Tsunade's downed form and back in Kabuto's direction and speed off in that direction.

-With Kabuto-

Kabuto and Jiraiya both de-summoned their summons. Jiraiya because the Toad was worse of wear with its weapons and shielding melted off and the toad also had many burns across its body. Kabuto dismissed his Replicator mostly because the Beetle Replicators holding the Giant beetle Replicator together were falling apart due to the strong kinetic energy destroying the link between the Replicator blocks.

The Toad Sage panted heavily, while Kabuto himself had some sweat rolling down his forehead. Kabuto saw Naruto's body fly by causing Jiraiya to catch him. Naruto groggily got up with the help of Jiraiya, as Yang landed at Kabuto's left. Kabuto sensed Orika heading towards their location, after a few seconds Orika landed at Kabuto's right.

"So did your girl's fight satisfy you?" Kabuto asked Yang and Orika.

"No my fight sucked again." Yang said as she pouted

"My fight wasn't remotely satisfactory." Orika stated in annoyance she really wanted a good fight with Tsunade mostly because Orika remembered Orochimaru got his ass kicked by Tsunade in his last fight.

"Hmm…if it makes you feel better…after we get what we came here for…we'll give Konoha a little going away present." Kabuto informed darkly, that earned a smile from the girls. The trio looked to the forest to see Tsunade limping towards Jiraiya and Naruto. The three Leaf Nin stared in the trio's direction then they bit their thumbs. Kabuto quickly bit his thumb too with Orika and Yang followed his action, Kabuto lifted his right sleeve revealing a Slytherin symbol on his wrist which doubled as a self-created Summoning matrix. Yang deactivated her gauntlets and rolled up her sleeve revealing her summoning Tattoo, Orika revealed her snake summoning Tattoo and the trio applied their blood on their summoning tattoos and all six of the Nin slammed their hands on the ground.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu(Summoning Technique)" All six of the Nin exclaimed as Six large explosions of smoke covered the area. The smoke cleared to reveal Jiraiya standing on top of Gamabunta the Toad summoning Boss, Naruto standing on top of a giant green toad with two katana on its back, Tsunade was standing on her Blue and White Giant slug.

Yang stood on top of Giant six legged robot spider that matched the same height as Gamabunta, Orika was standing on the head of a giant purple and black striped snake Manda, Kabuto stood on the head of a giant Black and green tinted snake with sickly yellow eyes and deadly looking mouth with a set of menacing looking teeth, Kabuto was standing on the Basilisk form the Salazar's Chamber Viliangia.

"Orochimaru what the hell do you think you're doing summoning…Who the hell are you?" Manda demanded to Orika.

"Oh Jiraiya just how many fights are we going to have with this snake? Wait what the hell is that?" Gamabunta boomed as he saw the Basilisk and Replicator.

"Oh…That's simple really…The being Yang-chan summoned is my creation…the Replicator…and the snake I summoned was…the Basilisk." Kabuto announced as his voice carried throughout the area, Manda's and Orika's eyes widen slightly at that information.

"That's impossible the Basilisks are a myth." Jiraiya argued.

"Deny all you want…but it won't change the reality of your situation." Kabuto stated.

"You may be able to summon the Basilisk, but I'll never listen to this fake!" Manda argued. Kabuto turned to glare at Manda with his serpent like eyes.

§You will lisssten to my command Manda…If you quessstion my command…I will persssonally sssslaughter you and your kin. § Kabuto hissed out angrily. All of the Nin except Yang looked at Kabuto weirdly. But their weird looks turned to surprise when Manda hiss back.

§You lowly insssect think you can threaten me § Manda boomed as it made a threatening pose towards Kabuto, only for Kabuto's Basilisk to face Manda and hissed threateningly at him and prepared to protect her master.

§A lowly insssect am I? I was persssonally taught by the White Sssnake SSsage and learned to harnessss Nature itssself§ Kabuto hissed towards the snake boss, that information caused Manda to back off and bow his head in submission.

"Sorry about that…I had a problem to take care of." Kabuto stated nonchalantly as if he hadn't spoke to the snake boss in its language and made it submit.

"What the hell Manda you're told off by a teenager…oh how the mighty have fallen" Gamabunta taunted but Manda didn't take the bait.

"Enough talk…Tear them apart." Kabuto commanded to his Basilisk, The Basilisk hissed threateningly towards Kabuto's enemies and launched herself at Gamabunta. The Giant Replicator launched itself at the Slug Boss, Orika and Manda attacked Naruto and his summon.

Gamabunta jumped in the air and spat out oil in sync with Jiraiya who spat out fire combining to create a giant flame bomb. Kabuto quickly took out his bone wand and yelled "Protego Maxima". A large blue translucent shield protected Kabuto and Viliangia from the flame bomb.

The giant toad took out his equally as giant sword and sliced at Viliangia, only for her impenetrable basilisk scales to deflect the giant blade creating sparks. Before Gamabunta could pull his sword away Viliangia coiled her tail around the sword and crushed it to dust. Viliangia launched herself at Gamabunta and snapped her maw at Gamabunta's throat, only for him to narrowly avoid it. But some of Viliangia's venom made contact with Gamabunta's skin creating a hissing sound.

The Giant Replicator attached itself to the Giant slug and tried to crush it only or the slug to disperse into hundreds of smaller slugs. The giant Replicator followed her actions by allowing hundreds of Spider Replicators to detach from the Giant Replicator. The slugs spit acid at the spider robots only for the Replicators to shrug the attacks off and continued forward jumped at the slugs.

Manda and Orika sped towards Naruto and his summon and Manda quickly coiled around the toad's body and bit into the toad's body injecting it with his venom and de-summoned the toad. Before Manda de-summoned himself. Leaving Orika annoyed at another unsatisfying fight and a sacred Naruto.

The smaller Replicators attached themselves onto the smaller slugs and released their Boil Release defense, hurting the slugs immensely, while hurting the slugs causing the slugs to de-summon themselves. With the Slugs gone Yang dismissed the Replicator.

Now all that was left was Kabuto and Viliangia, and Jiraiya and Gamabunta. Gamabunta had burn marks on several places of his body due to Viliangia's venom. Viliangia hissed loudly at the Giant toad to distract him from what she was doing. With Gamabunta distracted Viliangia tunneled her tail underground and grabbed Gamabunta's leg and pulled it underground giving Viliangia an opening. With the opening Viliangia coiled around Gamabunta before she could inject her deadly venom Gamabunta de-summoned himself. Kabuto was the only one left with his summon as he stood on top of his Basilisk.

§Thanksss for the assssisstance Viliangia § Kabuto hissed.

§It's no problem massster. § Viliangia said as she de-summoned herself.

The three leaf Nin re-grouped again with Yang and Orika doing the same. Tsunade, Naruto and Jiraiya looked exhausted. But Jiraiya bit his fingers and spread his blood over his eye markings then summoned two small old looking toads. The toads mended into his shoulders and Jiraiya became more toad like in appearance.

"Tsunade-baachan…What's ero-sannin doing?" Naruto asked.

"He's assuming his strongest form…not matter what happens we'll win this fight now." Tsunade declared.

"Hey Jiraiya-chan I know you summoned us to fight a strong opponent but why are you fighting him." The old male toad asked.

"They tried to break into Minato's estate." Jiraiya informed. "Give up now and we might go easy on you." Jiraiya told to the trio. Only for Kabuto to step forward.

"Kabuto-kun I don't think you should do that." Orika tried to dissuade Kabuto from fighting a Sage Mode Jiraiya.

"Orika…trust me…I have a few more tricks up my sleeve." Kabuto stated as pulled is arms into his cloak and shrugged it off his entire cloak, reveling his Orochimaru-like featured which startled Naruto and Tsunade, and got a slight blush from Orika, Kabuto pulled of the Orochimaru look very well.

"Yes it's Kabutomaru!" Yang declared.

"I told you Yang-chan that name is never going to stick." Kabuto stated not realizing how wrong he was.

"Even if you infused Orochimaru's DNA into your body that's not going to help you win against me." Jiraiya informed to Kabuto, only for Kabuto to tilt his head down causing his hair to shadow his eyes. Jiraiya took that as surrender and stepped forward.

"Jiraiya-chan don't get close to him…I sense something coming." The female elder toad warned.

"What could he possibly have that could match my sage mode." Jiraiya argued before the toad could answer Kabuto spoke two words that widened Jiraiya's, Tsunade's and Orika's eyes.

"Sennin Mōdo" Kabuto whispered as he lifted his head revealing his face. Showing his eye markings to turn dark red and extended to his back, Kabuto's sclera darkened and he grew four horns out of the back of his head. Kabuto followed Jiraiya's posture and went down on all fours and allowed his tongue to flick around like Orochimaru would do.

The two sages stared down only for Kabuto to rear his head up slightly and open his mouth, "Senpō: Mandara no Jin(Sage Art: Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes Silk)" Kabuto exclaimed as he spit out thousands of snakes at Jiraiya all of the snakes spat out Kusangi-like blades ready to impale Jiraiya only for his hair to curl around himself and protect him.

With Jiraiya distracted Kabuto created two crystal clones. Each clone slammed their hands on the ground. "Sawarabi no Mai(Dance of the Seedling Fern )" One of the clones exclaimed as a forest of bones formed out of the ground barely skewering Jiraiya. The other clone exclaimed "Shōton: Suishōheki Hachi no Jin(Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Wall Eighth Formation)" crystalizing the earth under and around the bone forest.

"Kabuto-kun how is all this going to help?" Yang questioned.

"Oh you see soon a enough Yang-chan." Kabuto stated earning a pout from her. Kabuto did an Ox hand-sign

"Senpō: Muki Tensei (Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation)" Kabuto exclaimed as he took control of all inorganic material in the area, mostly consisting of his Crystals and Bones. Jiraiya had to dodge the inconsistent pattern of bones and crystals trying to skewer him, he was only able to successfully dodge because he was in his Toad Sage Mode.

Kabuto jumped into the bone and crystal forest to fight Jiraiya up front. Kabuto saw a large shadow converging on him, he glanced up to see Jiraiya creating a giant Rasenagn about ten times the size of his body. "Senpō:Jinton: Shadan(Sage art: Swift Release: Blocked Off)" Kabuto whispered as his cells compacted, He held out his hands and caught the Rasengan creating sparks. After a few seconds the Rasengan dispelled then deactivated his Block Off ability.

A giant oil flame bomb raced towards Kabuto. Kabuto held out his hand and formed a Rasengan then channeled Swift Release chakra into the orb of energy. "Senpō:Jinton: Rasen Shinkū uzu(Sage Art: Swift Release: Spiraling Vacuum Vortex)" Kabuto exclaimed as threw his elemental infused Rasengan at the Flame bomb, causing the oil flame bomb to collapse on itself and pulled Jiraiya out of his hiding place.

With Jiraiya out in the open Kabuto controlled the bones and crystals to either bound or kill Jiraiya. But Kabuto's Sage Mode faded which Jiraiya took advantage of a charged. Jiraiya aimed a fist towards Kabuto's chest and Kabuto evaded, but Kabuto was still launched buy some unseen force sending him through several of his bone structures.

"AHH…Fuck…that fuckin hurt." Kabuto complained as he pulled himself out of the bones and noticed several bones impaling him. Kabuto opened his mouth wide as two hands came out of his mouth as Kabuto shed his skin like a snake.

Jiraiya charged again and aimed his fist at Kabuto's head only for Kabuto to catch it revealing his Sage Mode was active again. Kabuto slammed his Senjutsu enhanced fist into Jiraiya's face sending him through several bone structures, then quickly slammed his hands to the ground "Senpō: Shōton: Omiwatari no Jutsu (Sage Art:Crystal Release: The Gods' Crossings Technique) " Kabuto exclaimed as Senjustu enhanced crystals bound Jiraiya.

Kabuto created a crystal clone and had it suicide bomb Jiraiya with the Senpō: Hakugeki no Jutsu( Sage Art: White Rage Technique) to blind, deafen, and paralyzed Jiraiya. A blinding red and white light exploded next to Jiraiya completely affecting him. "Senpō :Jinton: Mueishō (Sage Art: Swift Release: Shadowless Flight)" Kabuto exclaimed appeared next to Jiraiya's paralyzed body and clutched his hand as Black and green lightning encased Kabuto's fist."Chidori!" Kabuto exclaimed as he stabbed his abnormal lightning encased fist through Jiraiya's chest killing him, with Jiraiya dead Kabuto dismissed his Sage Mode.

Kabuto appeared next to Orika and Yang, and then he glanced back at a distraught Tsunade and Naruto. Kabuto grabbed Orika's and Yang's shoulder and sped to the Namikaze estate. When the trio appeared at the estate Kabuto saw several Replicators crawling around with scrolls attached to their backs, Kabuto dismissed the replicators allowing them to return to the hideout taking the scrolls with them. Kabuto then transported Yang and Orika to the top of the Hokage monument.

"Yang-chan…Do you think you have a technique big enough to cause some damage?" Kabuto asked.

"Hehe…Oh I know just the thing." Yang said as she held up her palm as a dark purple orb with several rings orbiting around it formed in her hand. It was her Rasenringu technique but was smaller than normal.

"Dai Rasenringu(Great Spiralling Fear Wheel)" Yang said calmly as she formed one of her most destructive techniques.

Before Yang dropped her orb of destruction Kabuto pulled out his bone wand and aimed it at the sky as he yelled "Morsmordre" as a green light shot from his wand and the light exploded into the sky creating a silhouette of a black and green skull surrounded by several snakes his own version of the Morsmordre technique. Yang dropped the Spiraling ring over the Hokage monument, as soon as she did that Kabuto, Orika and Yang shot up into the sky as black smoke. With the trio gone the Ring touched the ground and exploded destroying nearly a ¼ of the Hidden Village.

A ray of smoke slammed into the dessert ground and solidified revealing it to be Kabuto holding onto Orika and Yang. When the trio arrived back at the estate they were greeted by several Replicators that were carrying several scrolls. Kabuto knelt down to the Replicators and relieved them of their packages. Kabuto read the inscriptions on the scrolls several notes or ideas for Jutsu, the one with the Harishin imprinted on it he handed it to Yang. Yang's face lit up and gave Kabuto a passionate kiss before speeding away to learn the new technique.

Kabuto started to walk only to be stopped by Orika, before he could ask why she too gave Kabuto a passionate before she left too. Leaving Kabuto alone with a slight blush on his face, Kabuto shook it off and entered the estate then headed to his room. In his room Kabuto changed out of his battle cloths and sat at his desk, then started to read Minato's notes.

'Now this is interesting…Minato created the Dead Demon Summoning Technique with the help of Kushina Uzumaki…Mostly because of the Uzumaki shrine, that's said to have a mask that can summon and control the Shinigami…But where is it located?' Kabuto thought to himself as he continued to read through the notes. Kabuto was interrupted by knock at the door and a soft monotone voice asking to enter.

"Come in." Kabuto announced a few seconds later the door opened revealing Gaia in a red transparent nightgown. While Kabuto wouldn't call Gaia sexy per say but she can pull of the Cute and Adorable Loli look no problem. Gaia walked towards Kabuto and straddled his lap, and leaned in until her face was inches apart from Kabuto.


"You know Kabuto-kun I never officially thanked you for rescuing me." Gaia said seductively, as she smashed her lips onto Kabuto's and forced her tongue into his mouth.

Kabuto put his hand on the back of Gaia's head and ran his hand through her hair. Kabuto stood up and Gaia wrapped her legs around Kabuto's waist, as he pushed her back up against the wall. As the two ravished each other's mouths Gaia tore off Kabuto's shirt then moved to undo his pants. While Gaia was undressing Kabuto, his hands roamed all over her petite body unbuttoning nightgown and bra.

Gaia shrugged off her nightgown and bra revealing her b-cup breasts. They took a break from their make put session to gather some air. Kabuto backed up and sat on his bed allowing Gaia to straddle his waist again. Kabuto trailed kisses down her neck to her collar bone, causing Gaia to release small moans. Kabuto kept heading down until he reached Gaia's chest. Kabuto inspected her lithe breast, they were small but Kabuto still liked them.

Kabuto leaned in and captured Gaia's left nipple in his mouth, and used his left hand to massage Gaia's right breast. Causing Gaia to moan in pleasure, Kabuto alternated between breasts.

"Yes...Ah...Kabuto-kun...MM…Right...Ah...there." Gaia moaned out as she snaked her hands into Kabuto's boxers and started to rub his dick causing Kabuto to moan and groan into Gaia's breast increasing her pleasure.

One of Kabuto's hands made its way to Gaia's panties, and then found her wet folds as his hand brushed against them she moaned again. Kabuto twisted Gaia around forcing Gaia on her back; Kabuto trailed south to Gaia's soaking wet panties. Kabuto pulled her panties down revealing her pink puffed out neither lips, Kabuto noticed she had a patch of red hair above her pussy.

Kabuto put his hands around her thighs and spread her legs apart, then gave a long lick from the bottom to the top of her outer lips and Kabuto got a decent amount of her juices to taste her. Kabuto snaked his tongue deeper into her folds, causing Gaia to moan and grab the back of his head and force him deeper into her. Kabuto's nose was pressed against Gaia's pubes, while his mouth and tongue delved deeper into her pussy ravaging its contents.

"Mmm…Ah…Kabuto-kun…Don't stop…Don't Stop!" Gaia screamed out as she neared her climax. Gaia's pussy tightened around Kabuto's tongue and released her sweet nectar for Kabuto to lap up. Kabuto stood over Gaia's laying form and saw her naked body as sweat glistened of her skin.

Kabuto pressed his dick against Gaia's pussy folds, and slowly pushed in causing Gaia to whimper as Kabuto expanded her insides. No matter how many times they had sex her body was still petite so it hurt her slightly but the pleasure she received was worth it.

Gaia cried in both pleasure and pain as Kabuto was fully sheathed into her. Gaia wrapped her legs around Kabuto's waist and used them as leverage to sit herself up. Kabuto put his arms around her back to hold her up as he pulled back and slammed back into Gaia causing her to release a another cry in pleasure. Kabuto continued to pull back and slam himself into Gaia repeatedly making her cry's turn into screams of pleasure as she dug her fingers into Kabuto's back.

Gaia felt her climax approaching, so she started to impale herself on Kabuto at a quicker pace. "Don't stop…Ah…Ah…Mmm…I-I'm Almost their…Keep going…Ah…Ah…Don't Stop! I-I'm …" Gaia screamed out before she tightened around Kabuto's member causing him to climax and filled her womb with his cum.

End Lemon

Kabuto laid Gaia back on the bed and gave her one more passionate Kiss before she fell asleep from her climax high. Kabuto glanced at the clock to see it was about midnight, and then laid down next to Gaia and pulled the covers over them both. Before Kabuto fell asleep, Gaia spooned up next to him and Kabuto wrapped his arm around her body making Gaia snuggle closer to him.

'I sure hope I remembered to activate the silencing seals…eh I don't care.' Kabuto thought to himself as he entered the state of unconsciousness.

-Next Day-

The entire group plus the Sand Siblings sat in the kitchen having breakfast. Kabuto and Gaia sat together side by side, they got embarrassed looks form almost everyone. Apparently everyone heard their little escapade last night and that created some awkward tension to rise. With Yang, Karin, Guren, Tayuya, Hidane and Orika glaring at Gaia, and with Kankuro glaring at Kabuto, Temari blushing and looking away, Suigetsu just ignored them and eat, Jugo was kind of oblivious to the tension so he wasn't effected.

Kabuto just ate his food and spared several glances at Gaia to see her smiling happily. Kabuto then focused back on his food and thought on all he had to do today. 'First I have to finish reading through Minato's notes. Check and recheck Suna's defense and Check the village for spies. Then I'll have to try and create substitute potions to try and cure my amnesia…whoa so much to do so little time.' Kabuto thought depressingly that all changed when he glanced back at "His" girls and smiled.