Kabuto and Orika were escorting Gaia to the Kage summit meeting requested by the Raikage to discuss the problem of the Akatsuki. Every one of the Kage's is attending this summit and every Kage is allowed to bring two body guards. But this had Kabuto fuming, when Gaia called for one they all ignored it saying it wasn't their problem. 'But since Sasuke Fucking Uchiha is involved everyone has to shit a fucking brick.' Kabuto thought cynically.

He wishes he could kill Sasuke when he killed Itachi, but it wasn't meant to be. 'A few weeks ago the Replicator I sealed in Sasuke's back relayed the other Replicators info on Sasuke's progress in finding Itachi. But when I got the information that Sasuke found Itachi and went to engage him by himself, I near laughed at Sasuke's arrogance.

But imagine my surprise when Sasuke won. So I had the Replicator unseal itself form Sasuke's back and reversed summoned me to its location. But by the time I got their Sasuke was already gone; I had the Replicator tell me that a man in an orange mask came and took Sasuke's unconscious body away. Good thing the masked man left Itachi's body; so I took Itachi's body for study.

Kabuto glanced at Orika's eyes to see her normal yellow golden slitted eyes flash red for a second then return to normal. Orika glanced at Kabuto and gave him a smile.

'I was able to successfully give Orika, Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan eyes though I didn't just transplant them if I did her eyes would never be able to shut off. I went with the long route in giving her the sharingan eyes.

I had to flash clone several pairs Orika's eyes and studied everything about them until I knew everything about their composition and structure. I then created several flash clones of Itachi's eyes and repeated the process I did with Orika's eyes until I knew everything about those eyes as well.

I then experimented with Alchemy Transmutation changing the properties from Orika's clone eyes to Itchai's clone eyes. The tests were failures at first but I was able to successfully able to achieve perfect combination between the two. I came to Orika about my project and she full heartedly agreed.

First I had to put Orika in the Transmutation circle then knock her out. I then Transmutated Orika's and Itach's eyes, though I was relieved that Orika was able to keep her golden snake-like eyes I actually like them.

-Flash Back-

Orika slowly got up and Kabuto knelt down next to her to give her a hand, which she gratefully accepted. Kabuto was able to see Orika's golden eyes and frowned slightly.

"Did it work?" Orika asked.

"I don't know…try channeling chakra into your eyes." Kabuto commented.

Orika did and her eyes shifted from golden yellow to red with three tomes surrounding a black pupil. Kabuto's eyes widened slightly.

"Well?" Orika asked almost desperately, Kabuto gave her a small smile and a nod.

"It worked, Channel more chakra, maybe you can achieve Itachi's Mangekyō stage." Kabuto suggested. Orika nodded and channeled more chakra, nothing happened for a few seconds but Orika's Sharingan shifted into three spiraling curves circling around the pupil.

"I-it worked Orika, it worked you have the Sharingan and immortality." Kabuto commented. Orika had a full blown smile.

"D-do you know what this means Kabuto-kun?" Orika asked happily "You helped me achieve my dream. I'll never be able to thank you enough." Orika finished.

"You don't have to thank me…It was my pleasure." Kabuto tried to dismiss her thanks.

"Oh Kabuto-kun…you're going to accept my thanks even if I have to force it on you." Orika said darkly as she shoved Kabuto against the wall and slammed her mouth on his. That night the sound of Orika crying in pleasure and flesh slapping against flesh echoed throughout Kabuto's lab.

-Flash Back End-

Kabuto blushed at the memory, Orika like to dominate her "Prey" apparently Kabuto glanced at Orika again to see her looking at him and gave him a predatory smirk like she knew what he was thinking about.

"Why Harry-kun are you thinking of naughty things about me…It's alright I don't mind." Orika teased, causing Kabuto to scowl at what Orika called him. Kabuto was able to create a potions form Salazar's books that allowed him to speed up his memory regression progress and what he learned made him sad and pissed. He learned that his parents resented him, his brother was famous because of Kabuto's actions and he was abused by relatives who hated him. It was also his relatives who caused his amnesia. But he was glad he came here and found a real mother and loves in several women. 'And when I remembered my past I informed my "Harem" and they reacted violently. I was touched by their reactions while my past wasn't as bad as a few of theirs they still reacted that way.'

-Flash Back-

Kabuto was seated on his bed with Yang, Gaia, Guren, Orika, Karin, Tayuya and Hidane were with him. While Hidane didn't think of herself as part of his "Harem" but Kabuto thought of her as such and invited her, which elated Hidane immensely. Kabuto just finished explaining his origins and how he got to this world.

The girls were livid, Hidane was ranting on how when she got their she would slaughter everyone in his name, Gaia was glaring at the ground but her clenched fists gave her anger away, Karin was leaking some of the Sanbi's chakra, Yang's eyes turned blood red and flame like charka shrouded her, Tayuya and Guren were giving vivid descriptions on how they was going to torture them and Orika's eyes narrowed dangerously with her Mangekyō active.

"Girls…GIRLS!" Kabuto announced getting their attention. "As I was saying, I'm still studying Salazar's notes…He did eventually find a way to return to my home world I still have to recreate it…When that's done I'll tell you…then we all can go okay." Kabuto bargained, the girls agreed.

-End Flash Black-

Kabuto screen stepped Gaia and Orika to the Land of Iron the neutral location where the summit is located. When the three fazed into existence near in the land of Iron, they noticed there were dozens of Samurai guarding the area.

The Samurai allowed the trio to pass without trouble. Gaia was lead to the Kage summit chambers with Kabuto and Orika following quietly. The only Kages that arrived right now were the Mizukage Mei Terumi and The Tsuchikage Onoki. Gaia sat next to the Mizukage, Kabuto and Orika waited in the background. Kabuto went into his "Kabutomaru" State to prepare for anything. A few minutes later Danzu the Hokage walked in and took a seat and was followed by A the Raikage.

"Place your hats on the table" Mifune ordered, and the Kages followed the order and displayed their Kage hats.

"You are here today because the Raikage has called this meeting. My name is Mifune. I will be your moderator the meeting will begin." The Samurai leader stated.

"I'll go first. Listen up." Gaia announced.

"The makeup of the five Kages sure has changed. You must be something special to be made Kazekage at your age. Your father must have taught you right, but apparently he forgot to instill in you any manners." Onoki complained.

"I Guess…That's what I'm here a Kazekage." Gaia replied.

"Cheeky BRAT!" Onoki yelled.

"Tsuchikage please stop interrupting…Kazekage please continue." Mei said.

"I'm a host…The Akatsuki captured me and nearly killed my by almost extracting the beast. That's why I believe The Akatsuki is extremely dangerous." Gaia informed.

"I requested aid from the other Kages many times, but the all ignored me." Gaia informed, Kabuto gritted his teeth. "Except for the former Hokage, though at this point with so many hosts captured, it's too late for aid." Gaia finished.

"If a country has had its host captured, it has no business giving other countries orders! It's an embarrassment! You should have tried to recover it in secret! Once it's stolen, you can't expect other countries to help you!" Onoki exclaimed.

"Appearance…honor…I don't have time for that ridiculous old fashioned thinking. " Gaia commented.

"Just because the beasts have been stolen is no reason to be afraid, it takes time and knowledge and skill to be able to control them" Mei stated.

"The hosts must grow with the beasts in order to adapt to them. Even then control is difficult it won't happen immediately…Right Kazekage?" Onoki tried to goad Gaia.

"In any event, the only ones who can truly be said to have controlled the beasts are Madara Uchiha and the first Hokage Hashirama…and maybe the fourth Mizukage Yagura and Raikage's brother killer bee." Danzo inputted, only for the Raikage to slam his fist into the desk shaking the room and causing the Kage's guards to react including Kabuto and Orika. Kabuto landed in front of Gaia and cast a Protego spell creating a blue shield around the both of use, while Orika summoned her Kusangi sword. Gaia didn't even move knowing Kabuto would protect her if need be.

"We are here to talk. Please refrain from such displays of rudeness." Mifune said.

"Stand down, Fu and Torune." Danzo ordered to his bodyguard.

"You too Kabuto, Orika." Gaia said Kabuto nodded, he and Orika body flickered back to the balcony.

"Konoha! Iwa! Suna! Kiri! Akatsuki is made up of missing-nin from your villages! And that's not all! I know that there are those among you including former Kages, who have used The Akatsuki for their own purposes!" A yelled.

"Used the Akatsuki?" Gaia asked.

"I don't trust you! I had no intention of speaking with you!" A yelled a Gaia, Kabuto narrowed his golden slited eyes at him. The arguing continued to escalate but Kabuto knew that there were only two possibilities on what would happen after this meeting, the Kages start working to together or starting an all-out war, all Kabuto focused on was protecting Gaia.

Kabuto watched as one of the Mizukage body guards discover that Danzo was manipulating Mifune into giving him control. Before anything could happen a white human looking thing sprung up from the ground

"Sasuke Uchiha is here somewhere…question is where. Let's all search for Sasuke! COME ON!" the white abomination yelled. Kabuto was pissed now…'Sasuke this, Sasuke that, Sasuke this, Sasuke that…Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke, Fuckin SAUSKE I'LL KILL YOU' Before anyone could do anything Kabuto appeared in front of the With Zetsu, the speed Kabuto achieved knocked the hood covering his face revealing his Kabutomaru state. Kabuto appeared in front of white Zetsu with one hand on its head.

"Tell Me…where Sasuke is?" Kabuto demanded.

"Hehe…I'll tell you if you ask nicely." The Zetsu teased.

"Hmhmhm…HEHEH…Who said anything about asking." Kabuto responded in a deadly tone and with a flick of his wrist he summoned his bone wand, and then raised it to the Zetsu's temple.

"Clear your mind…and reveal your secrets…Legilimency "Kabuto whispered harshly as he tore through the mind of the Zetsu clone. After a few seconds the clone started to spaz out then melted.

"Huh? That wasn't supposed to happen." Kabuto commented.

"Sasuke was lead here by that..." Kabuto informed as he pointed to the goo. 'That Zetsu clone had so much information…this is disconcerting…I guess I'll ruin Obito's and Madara's plans…' Kabuto thought to himself.

"Okisuke, Urakaku give the order or everyone to search for Sasuke and prepare for Battle." Mifune ordered to his Samurai. The Raikage smashed a hole through the wall and ran out.

"Kazekage-sama, can I engage the target?" Kabuto asked to Gaia and she nodded. Kabuto allowed a dark smirk to spread across his face and his snake like tongue licked the air before he sped off leaving an afterimage.

Kabuto appeared to watch Sasuke fight the Raikage. The fight was interesting until Sasuke started to use his Mangekyō. Kabuto watched as the Raikage was about to hit the Black Flames of Amaterasu, But Green crystal enclosed his body.

"The Kazekage's guard…what's the meaning of this…If I don't like your answer I won't let you off easily." The Raikage threatened.

"If you had touched those flames…you would have been more harmed than he would have been." Kabuto stated. "Besides I want a go at him."

The Raikage reluctantly agreed mostly due to his injuries. Kabuto turned to Sasuke to see him getting up, Kabuto deactivated his Orochimaru cursed mark to us that as a surprise latter. Sasuke saw Kabuto and a slight shock formed on his face.

"K-kabuto…what are you doing here…why did the Raikage say you were guarding the Kazekage?" Sasuke demanded.

"Oh Sasuke never showing respect as always…I'm here to guard the Kazekage of course…But I'm here to also retrieve something…Something that was once lost, but now I've found it again…and to think that you had it..." Kabuto said as he went through several hand signs. "Jinton: Kinjutsu : Yunizon No Burokku To Pasu(Swift Release: Forbidden technique: Unison of Block and Pass)" Kabuto whispered and he sped towards Sasuke. Sasuke activated his Susanoo only for Kabuto to pass through it shocking Sasuke, and Kabuto slammed his fist into Sasuke's face sending him flying back.

'My Unison of Block and Pass uses both the Pass Through and Block Off abilities and combine them together allowing me to alternate between Intangibility and impenetrability. It's a forbidden technique mostly because you have to have perfect control, or else you could randomly switch, then you could get stuck in an object…and trust me getting stuck is a bitch.' Kabuto thought to himself.

Kabuto saw Sasuke glare at him as his eyes bled, then launched black fire at hm. The black fire moved slowly for Kabuto but he knew the dangers of it, Kabuto appeared behind Sasuke and gave a bone shattering hit ho Sasuke's skull sending Sasuke through several pillars.

Kabuto pulled Sasuke out of a pillar and threw him through several more pillars. Sasuke's Susanoo surrounded Sasuke and caused the room to collapse. The Raikage and his guards protected themselves, but Kabuto didn't do anything as the ceiling collapsed. The debris passed through Kabuto harmlessly. Kabuto saw Sasuke run off, then he deactivated his Unison of Block and Pass, and switch to his Screen Step.

The Snake Sage followed the insane Uchiha through the hallways to see him enter the room full of the Kages. Before Sasuke could attack anyone Kabuto summoned his bone wand and aimed it at Sasuke's back. "Confringo" Kabuto exclaimed as he fired the blasting curse at Sasuke's back sending him tumbling; Kabuto noticed Danzo trying to sneak away but leveled his wand at him "Avada Kedavra" Kabuto yelled as the green lightning hit Danzo in the back killing him instantly.

Danzo's body fell lifeless and Kabuto turned to Sasuke's body as he tried to crawl away from Kabuto. Kabuto leveled his wand at Sasuke's knees. "Defodio" Kabuto harshly whispered as he sent gouging spell through Sasuke's knees causing him to scream in pain.

Before Kabuto could do more multiple Zetus bound everyone, when the Zetsu's tried to bound Gaia and Orika Kabuto leveled his wand at the Zetsus "Evanesco" Kabuto said twice launching two vanishing spells at the Zetsu causing them to vanish.

Kabuto saw a Zetsu try and heal Sasuke only for Kabuto to level his wand at the White being. "Evanesco" Kabuto exclaimed as he vanished the Zetsu.

"You know Sasuke…you caused me so much problems...So much annoyance…Do you know what I do to those that do those things to me? I destroy them…I kill them…I torture them…I Mutilate them…and I completely…and utterly discard their existence." Kabuto threatened as he leveled his wand at Sasuke. "Crucio" Kabuto hissed as a red light slammed into Sasuke's chest causing Sasuke to scream in pain.

Kabuto stopped the curse…"Avada …" Kabuto was about to send a killing curse to Sasuke only for him to disappear in a swirling vortex.

The Raikage came back to see Sasuke disappear in the vortex. "What the Hell…It was my job to Kill HIM!" A yelled.

"You still have your chance so quit your whining, Raikage." Obito informed. 'So that's the Obito from Zetsu's memories.' Kabuto thought.

"My name is Madara Uchiha…I'm here to explain something to you…I just want to make that clear…I want to tell you about my goal, The Moon Eyes Plan." Obito stated only for the Raikage to charge at Obito and pass right through him. Kabuto narrowed his eyes, 'It didn't look like the Pass Through ability…it could be another form of Intangibility' Kabuto thought to himself. Kabuto watched as Obito suck Sasuke's body in a swirling vortex the originated from Obito's eyes. 'Hmm…I plane between dimensions perhaps.' Kabuto theorized.

"I have no interest in hearing the twisted plans of the Akatuski…I cannot understand you people." The Raikage insulted.

"Hand over Sasuke!" A demanded.

"First you listen to my explanation. I may comply depending on your situation." Obito stated Onoki said that they should listen and the Raikage reluctantly agreed. Obito jumped back and stood above the other Kages.

"Now, then it looks like you're all ready to listen ladies and gentlemen. Now that Sasuke's part in trying to weaken you has failed, I guess I should explain my plan and hopefully you choose the right option I give." Obito said. Kabuto farrowed is eyebrows and focused his magic into his eyes and when his eyes glanced at Obito's 'Legilimency 'Kabuto thought as tired to read Obito's surface thoughts. 'Hmm… so my magic still affects you even in your intangible state…Hmhmhm…hehehe…Oh I'm going to enjoy killing you.' Kabuto though menacingly.

"It certainly is a shock to hear that Uchiha Madara is still alive…But why would you a man of your caliber resort to using such underhanded tactics…surely a man with your power could accomplish anything you wanted. " Onoki exclaimed.

"The wounds from my battle with the first Hokage are too deep right now I'm a shell of my former self." Obito lied.

"SO this operation is for to return to your power." One of the Raikage's voiced.

"Well…that is one way of putting it but is not all that it entails." Obito informed.

"What are you plotting…That is the "Moon eye Operation"?" Mifune asked.

"I would like to take my time with this tale, if you don't mind I'll just take a seat." Obito started. "My plan is to have everything become one with me! I mean achieve a complete form, in which all is united. There is a stone monument passed done amongst the Uchiha for Generations…Even now, it lies beneath the Village of Konoha. Upon it are recorded the secrets left to use by the Rikudou Sennin(Sage of the Six Paths) Without our eye, it is impossible to read. What's more, the Mangekyou Sharingan can decode more than the Sharingan, and the Reinnegan still more than that." Obito informed causing Kabuto to smirk he had a Mangekyou user in his group.

"That's ridiculous…the Rikudou Sennin?!" Onoki said in disbelief.

"I speak the truth the Sennin existed, he left us this monument." Obito argued.

"Enough of this…What has the Rikudou Sennin got to do with this plan of yours?!" the Raikage yelled.

"Do you know why it is that he became the stuff of legend, worshipped by the shinobi world almost like a god? Therein lays the connection between that man and my goal." Obito informed and Kabuto frowned at the surface thoughts he received form Obito.

"The Rikudou Sennin saved the world…Saved it from a monster." Obito said ominously.

"A monster?" Gaia questioned.

"Gaia…you're playing home to but a portion of that monster. The monster is question was the fused form of all the Bijuu…a being that possessed the ultimate chakra….The Juubi(The ten tail)…the fusion of all the tailed beast…The ichibi through Kyuubi are nothing more that beings created from the divided chakra of the Juubi…by the Rikudou Sennin of course. The Rikudou Sennin developed a certain ninjustu in order to protect the world from the Juubi…by creating a seal that is now passed down that creates the Jinchuuirki…The Sennin was the original Jinjuuiriki…On his death bed he split the Juubi in nine parts and sealed the body of the Juubi in the moon." Obito explained

"I will re-unite the Nine Bijuu and seal it into myself…then I will cast my Genjustu upon all humans living upon the Earth's surface…Controlling all of humanity with within that Genjustu, I will become one with the world…It will be a world without hatred or conflict…everything will be one with me; everythin united that is my Mooneye plan." Obito ranted.

"Now, hand over the remaining Ichibi, Hachibi and Kyuubi and cooperate with my operation. Otherwise a war will be upon us." Obito stated. 'Hmm…he doesn't want us to know he doesn't have the Sanbi…interesting.' Kabuto thought as he ignored the arguing Kages and stealthy aimed his wand at the Madara imposter.

Kabuto took a couple steps forward. "You know…you are really annoying me today first by sending Sasuke to ruin this summit…then you give out your plan for world domination…And you take the name of one of the greatest shinobi that lived…" Kabuto stated.

"What are you talking about…I am Uchiha Madara." Obito declared.

"Oh no, no, no…you see I know all of your little secrets…Uchiha….Obito." Kabuto said darkly, casing the masked man to stumble slightly.

"Thanks for the story though it was informative… Sectumsempra" Kabuto exclaimed as a white light raced from his wand and headed towards Obito, but the arrogant Uchiha didn't move. The light hit Obito's chest, causing him to flinch slightly. Everyone watched as blood started to flood out under his akatsuki robes and fell gasping for air, before anyone could get him several Zetsu's took him and fused with the ground.

'Thank you for the curse…uncle Sev.' Kabuto though sadly when he remembered one of the only people who liked him in his world.

"It seems that the Fourth Great war is upon us now…but I don't regret my decision in silencing him." Kabuto said in a whisper that seemed to echo throughout the room. "I believe we should fight this Imposter…what do you think?" Kabuto asked to the group which started an argument between them.

They all agreed to go to war with the Akatsuki but questioned themselves on what to do with the remaining Jinjuuriki. Onoki suggested they use the remaining Jinjuuriki to strengthen the troops,

"Unhinkable…protecting them is vital object to this war." Kabuto interjected.

"I know the reason Obito decided to start the war…because they already have 6 Bjiuu…and he wants us to bring them to the battlefield to lure them…" Kabuto informed.

"How do you know?!" The Raikage demanded.

"Because when I tore through the White Zetsu's mind I saw their plans, how they were going to do it and who it was centered around." Kabuto stated. "The most vital Jinjuriki they need are the Ichibi's and the Kyuubi's…The Akatsuki need to seal the Bjiuu form the Ichibi to the Kyuubi in that order, from least to greatest number of tails if they don't the fusing will be ruined…so the Jinjuuriki we must protect the most are those two...And I think it would be a good idea to keep the jinjuuriki as far apart from each other as we can." Kabuto informed to the Kage after the Kages discussed more thing.

"The question of who will lead the shinobi alliance is still up in the air!" The Onoki stated.

"I think having Raikage-dono Take up the Responsibility is the best option…" Mifune voiced.

"Didn't you say that he was unqualified because of his emotional nature and reliance on strength?" Onoki questioned.

"There's no question when we consider the 8 tails is still alive, Raikage-dono is also more composed than he was earlier. What I said earlier was hasty…please forgive me." Mifune explained, "Also, as you all cooperated earlier our counter attack was swift…furthermore the Hachibi, which will be the key to success, can only be controlled by Raikage-dono." Mifune finished.

"Mizukage, Kazekage, are you alright with that?" Onoki asked.

"This is no time to be arguing here…I'll trust Raikage-sama." Mei said.

"Let's entrust it to the Raikage." Gaia voiced.

The Raikage asked Onoki to join him, after a sappy speech he too joined.

"What about the Kazekage? She can't lead her shinobi if she's hiding from the Akatsuki." The Raikage informed.

"I have that covered Raikage-sama…Kabuto will lead my Shinobi." Gaia informed and the other Kages agreed, if Kabuto could hurt the leader to the Akatsuki he would be a great asset. After the meeting was over the Kages went tout to look for the Hachibi that escaped form the Akatsuki.

Kabuto, Orika and Gaia were speeding through the snow covered forest looking for the Hachibi container. Kabuto stopped causing the Gaia and Orika to stop too, Kabuto stood completely still and activated his Kabutomaru form and started to gather Nature chakra to find the Hachibi's location. When he found its location Kabuto dismissed his Sage mode and Cursed Seal, he grabbed Orika and Gaia then Screen Stepped to the Hachibi's location.

Kabuto, Gaia, and Orika appeared near a battle between Killer Bee and Kisame. Kisame was using the revealed form of the Samehada, and Killer Bee using some of the Hachibi's chakra.

"Try to bind Kisame and keep him out of Samehada's reach…I'll knock out the jinjuuriki." Kabuto ordered.

"Bis Stupefy" Kabuto whispered as a red light shot from his wand and split into two different stunners hitting Killer Bee and his companion. The two fell unconscious. Kabuto looked to Kisame to see him bond everywhere by Sand and Snakes the only thing that wasn't bond was his face. Kabuto walked up to the bound Kisame put a hand on the side of Kisame's face to hold him still, and aimed his bone wand at Kisame's forehead.

"Now clear your mind Kisame…and embrace the darkness that's to come." Kabuto whispered hypnotically. "Legilimency" Kabuto finished as he tore his way through Kisame's mind. "Hmmm" Kabuto sounded.

"What is it Kabuto-kun?" Gaia asked.

"It's nothing but the information I got from his mind was useful." Kabuto stated.

"You can read people's minds?" Orika asked surprised.

"No…the mind is not a book to be opened at will and examined…the mind is a complex and multi- layered thing…however there are those in my world that have mastered the ability to enter a person's mind without anyone knowing, I on the other had just tear through the mind killing the people in the process." Kabuto informed.

"That's an amazing ability." Orika commented.

"That's nothing compared to someone I know." Kabuto stated before turning to face the bond shark-like Nin. "Avada Kedavra" Kabuto harshly whispered as the green lightning killed the missing-nin. "Defodio" Kabuto cast the gouging spell to sever Kisame's head form his body and destroyed Kisame's remaining body.

Kabuto walked towards the Samehada and picked it up. The sentient bladed hummed and vibrated for a few seconds before Kabuto felt some of his chakra deplete. After a few seconds the blade purred and wrapped its handle around Kabuto's forearm.

"Gi-Gi-Gi-Gi-Gi" The Samahada sounded to Kabuto.

"You want me to be your wielder?" Kabuto asked.

"Gi-Gi-Gi-Gi-Gi" The sword sounded.

"You like my Chakra…I guess I could wield you." Kabuto thought out loud. The blade purred as Kabuto attached the now bandaged blade to his back and turned to his followers.

"Come on…we must get the Hachibi Jinjuuriki to the Raikage before anything else happens." Kabuto ordered they nodded and walked towards the unconscious Jinjuuriki. Kabuto created a clone and had it grab onto Killer Bee while he himself grabbed Gaia and Orika, then the four of them shot up into the sky as black smoke.

The four landed near the location of the Raikage. Which were a few miles from Killer Bee's original location; after the trio gave the Raikage his brother Kabuto and Orika pulled up their hoods and applied blank masks. Most of the Kages believe that Suna and the Leaf are allies so Gaia had to inform Kakashi about the shinobi alliance.

So as the trio ran into the leaf nin Gaia informed them on what Danzo was doing and that he died. They took it surprisingly well, though Naruto looked blankly about. The Trio left, as soon as they were out of the Leaf Nin's sight Kabuto apperated them to Suna.

During the few weeks of preparation for the war Kabuto had his Replicators work double time on increasing their numbers, and looted several graves across the elemental nations. From Zetsu's memoires there were hundreds upon thousands of White Zetsu clones and Obito learned the Edo Tenesi from some of Orochimaru's old notes. But with Zetsu's knowledge Kabuto was able to get the location of all of the remaining Akatsuki members such as Obito, Black Zetsu, and Sasuke. Another thing with Tsunade awake from her coma the war meeting will be awkward since Kabuto will be Gaia's proxy for the Kazekage. Kabuto also trained himself in improving his magic repertoire mostly with Runes and Alchemy, with his Runes Kabuto was able to beef up the protection of Suna by carving Rune's into the surrounding walls that protected Suna, the Runes themselves cloaked the village and created a large semi-transparent dome shield around Suna making Suna almost impenetrable and with the Desert infested with hundreds of Replicators, Cloaking ability, and an impenetrable shield over the Village, Suna is definitely going to survive the Fourth Shinobi war.

While Kabuto increased Suna's defense he also increased his own offensive abilities and fixing his weaknesses. Kabuto increased his time limit in his Snake Sage mode form five minutes to ten which would help immensely. Also with Samahada constantly draining his chakra, his reserves tried to compensate increasing by itself by ten percent. Though Suigetsu seemed upset that Kabuto got Samahada he seemed okay with it and help Kabuto in Kenjutsu. Kabuto also dealt with his weakness for fire. While Kabuto has elemental techniques that deal with Wind, Water, lightning and Crystal he doesn't have many fire based attacks other than the Incendio charm that combust things and the Fiendfyre curse. So he used alchemy for his fire technique by creating a Transmutation Circle Kabuto is allowed to manipulate the oxygen in the air increasing the density of it and by creating sparks with his charka he can light the oxygen on fire, and can manipulate how large, small or wide-spread the fire will be. That was all Kabuto could do before the Kages met again.

Kabuto, Suigetsu and Karin were making their way towards Kumo to meet up with the other Kages they all wore their standard Nox cloaks but all had a Suna head band displayed on them. Karin wore it as a forehead protector, Suigetsu wore it as a belt and Kabuto wore it on his shoulder.

The group made it to Kumo hours earlier due to Kabuto apperating them there. The trio entered the Raikage tower and saw several out of country Nin there 'Probably to help guard their Kage' Kabuto thought as he saw Chojuro one of the Mizukage's guards and the wielder of the Hiramekarei blade. Kabuto glanced to see Suigetsu eyeing it.

"Now Suigetsu play nice…I wouldn't want Gaia-chan to get in trouble because you couldn't control yourself." Kabuto stated.

"Tch…Fine whatever." Suigetsu said before crossing his arms and looking away, Karin smirked at Suigetsu getting scolded like a little kid.

"Now Suigetsu you'll have to stay out here…Karin will be coming in with me to the meeting of the Kages…Why don't you look around…flirt with a girl…buy some candy…do whatever the hell you like just don't start a national incident." Kabuto suggested.

"Sure whatever Mom." Suigetsu commented sarcastically as he walked off. Kabuto sealed his cloak away revealing his black clothing, and walked into the Raikage's office. Kabuto saw that the Raikage, Mizukage, Tsuchikage and Mifune there. Kabuto took a seat next to the Mizukage and Raikage, Karin stood behind Kabuto and the Kages waited for the Hokage.

Kabuto glanced around to see the Kages talking to their advisors or each other; he glanced to his right to see the Mizukage give him a seductive wink before going back to talking to her jonin advisor. Karin saw this and glared at her.

Kabuto sensed Tsunade approaching and silently activated his Block Off ability in preparation for the probable battle. Tsunade walked in with Shikaku and when she saw Kabuto she charged at him. Tsunade sprinted at Kabuto, the man that destroyed ¼ of the village, stole from the Namikaze estate and killed Jiraiya, when she was in front of Kabuto she threw a fist at him just as her fist was about to come in contact with him, Kabuto caught it with his left hand passing the kinetic energy through him causing the surrounding ground and glass to crack and shatter.

Tsunade was surprised for a second before she tried to hit him again only to realize she couldn't move. She looked down to see she was bound by golden chains that they came from Karin.

"Now, now Tsunade...let's not be so hasty here." Kabuto said condescendingly.

"What are you doing here you snake faced bastard?!" Tsunade demanded.

"I'm a liaison for the Kazekage-sama of course." Kabuto informed.

"What did you do to her you sick bastard?!" Tsunade yelled, causing Kabuto to glare darkly at her making Tsunade flinch under his disdainful gaze.

"I may be sick…I may be a bastard…" Kabuto spoke in a harsh whisper as he slowly stepped towards a bound Tsunade. "But if you ever insinuate that I would ever hurt Gaia-chan again…" Kabuto continued as he flicked his wrist and summoned his bone wand, and pointed it at Tsunade's forehead. "I will kill you…and not the quick and painless death I gave Danzo or Deidara…no, no, no, no I'll destroy you…Make you feel the most unimaginable pain…Make you an empty broken shell of what you are now and when you beg for death I won't give it…no I prolong your suffering and when I'm satisfied with how much pain you've endured I'll give you my permission to die." Kabuto threatened.

"Release her…I'm sure she won't attack." Kabuto ordered to Karin, and she complied. With the chains gone Tsunade calmed her anxiety and sat down between Onoki and Mifune. The awkward tension dissolved when Mifune suggest they start the meeting.

"First of all, we need to address the matter of the Ichibi, Hachibi and the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki…And also any information regarding the enemy's headquarters battle strength et cetera." Mifune said.

"Form the locations that the White Zetsu had knowledge of I have sent several people to verify if they are authentic or traps." Kabuto informed.

"We've also assembled a recon team, and they're currently gathering intelligence as well. We need to quickly compare the Intel gathered by each of the villages." The Raikage suggested.

"That being the case, we should unify out intelligence gathering corps into a separate organization." Mei stated.

"That's all fine! And where will we hide the Jinjuuriki?" Onoki asked.

"What?!/Hide?!" The Hokage and The Raikage yelled.

"The Jinjuuriki are a major asset to our combat strength! How can we just hide them away?!" Tsunade yelled.

"That's what I thought as well, but those two are the enemy's targets in this war…Considering the possibilities, we can't send them to the front…We agreed upon that in the last meeting." Onoki snapped out.

"The enemy is Uchiha Madara, if we don't fight with everything we have we'll lose." Tsunade yelled.

"One our enemy is not Uchiha Madara…It's Uchiha Obito get your facts straight…second this war is about protecting the Jinjuuriki so putting them on the frontlines were they could be easily captured is irrational and you can't decide what we can and cannot do, we'll decide by a majority rule." Kabuto said in a condescending tone.

"You little punk…! Naruto is." Tsunade started.

"If its Naruto I know him very well…" Kabuto started. "He'll do something completely stupid for the sake of someone he cares about…and all of Akatsuki knows this." Kabuto finished.

"Before we even consider military strength disunity among the Five Kages preclude victory." Mifune stated.

"Let's decide where to hide the Hachibi and the Kyuubi no objections right Hokage?" The Raikage asked.

"Alright…Let's move on already!" Tsunade exclaimed.

"Mmph…the Location of the refuge has been decided it's a place I've kept in reserve…It's only appropriate that it be in Kumogakure, which hasn't given rise to any Akatsuki members" The Raikage informed.

"Wait what about the Ichibi?" Tsunade questioned.

"The Ichibi and the Kyuubi are more of a priority to the Akatsuki…So I suggested we keep them apart." Kabuto stated. "I could hide the Ichibi in one of Orochimaru's abandoned hideouts that not even the Akatsuki knows about." Kabuto suggested, the other Kages other than the Hokage agreed. The meeting continued with no more interruptions, the Kages split up again going to their villages to prepare their armies.

With the meeting done Kabuto, Suigetsu and Karin returned to Suna. While Suna was preparing for war the Village recalled all active shinobi to return. The runes and Replicators caught several white Zetsu's disguised as Nin trying to enter, but after they were caught Kabuto broke their minds and search through them it seems that Obito took Pain's Rennigan and implanted it into himself and plans on Resurrecting the real Madara, along with the 100,000 White zetsu clones and reincarnated Nin Kabuto prepared his own trump against the Edo Tenesi.

The Kages meet again to share their Intel again a week later.

"According to the advance recon squad, the enemy's forces number at about 100,000 considering that it's likely that only a small fraction will come by sea, but we're in grave danger if they manage to surround us." Shikaku informed.

"I concur…several White Zetsu clones tried to infiltrate Suna…and I was able to get a solid idea on their numbers…and 100,000 sounds about right." Kabuto inputted.

"So that means that the victor will be decided on who strikes first?" Mifune asked.

"Form an ambush squadron! Then split the rest of the forces into multiple divisions and get them in formation!" the Raikage ordered.

The Kages received special headbands for each division from Mifune. All the Shinobi split into several Divisions, The Medical Logistics Company being led by Shizune and The Sensor Company being led by Ao and Inochi.

Kabuto, Kakashi, Darui, Kitsuchi and Mifune stood above a cliff with five large divisions. The Midrange Fighter Divison led by Darui, the Close Range Fighter Division which was led by Kitsuchi, the Close/mid-range fighter division was led by Kakash, The Special Ops Division Lead by Mifune, and the Long Range Fighters which was Led by Kabuto who was also the Commander General.

While the Divisions were preparing Kabuto had a Senjustu enhanced clone use Edo Tensei( Impure World Reincarnation) to summon the deceased Akatsuki Members, former Jinjuuriki, and the previous Kages, To mostly prevent Obito from summoning them and using them against his division.

Kabuto watched as several Nin start to argue about his status as the General of the Army mostly saying he once worked for Orochimaru and could turn on them or he was too young. Some of the Suna Shinobi came to his defense before the fights could escalate they were bound be emerald crystals.

"Three times…Three Times We all Have fought world consuming wars…for our Nations, For our Villages…We've hurt and Killed one another…For what…Revenge, Power, Money, Fame, Greed, Lust, Pride, Envy those were petty reasons to slaughter each other to…Hate each other…But the Akatsuki, they aren't at war with us because of those reasons! They're at war with…Us…Not the Sand, Not the clouds, not the Leaf not the Stone or the Mist…But with all of us…if we can't put aside our differences to fight a larger enemy than we're as good as dead!" Kabuto yelled to the Shinobi Divisions. "The Akatsuki won't stop because of who you are…They don't care…The Akatsuki Will destroy our world…Our Way of Life…Our Will…Our Purpose…Our Identify…I'm willing to protect the world but I can't do it alone…So I'll Ask…Will you Help ME?!" Kabuto finished his speech, causing everyone to cheer.

With that the Fourth great Shinobi war started and the Divisions speed off. Kabuto and his division arrived at a large plane filled with stone structures Kabuto stopped and jumped on top one of the large structures causing his division to stop as well. Kabuto saw a sea of white a few miles away, Kabuto focused chakra into his eyes turning them into golden serpent like eyes and looked into the sea of white to discover it was an army of Zetsu clones. Kabuto scowled slightly.

"Kabuto-sama?" one of the Nin asked.

"Prepare for a fight…there are hundreds of Zetsu clones..." Kabuto said lightly to the Nin before he raised his hand and signaled to his Division to fight. Everyone charged forward before the Division reached the Zetsu army Kabuto signaled for a stop.

"All Wind users' front and center." Kabuto ordered Temari and her group landed behind him.

"Yes Kabuto-sama?" Temari asked.

"Prepare your strongest wind jutsu…I want to prevent as many casualties as possible if we can pick off most of the Zetus army before we engage well win this far more quickly." Kabuto explained as he rolled up his sleeve to reveal a tattoo on the front of his hand. The tattoo was the Transmutation Circle that allowed Kabuto to manipulate the air and turn it into fire. Temari readied her war fan as did her squad.

"Now on my mark…Mark!" Kabuto yelled as the wind users activated their strongest longest range wind jutsu as soon as the Jutsu's were activated Kabuto created a spark of lightning form his chakra and ignited every signal Wind jutsu into a large raging inferno. The Titanic wave of fire slammed into the Zetsu army burning almost ¼ of it. When the fire ceased Kabuto signaled his Division to charge.

Kabuto himself joined the fight. Kabuto ran up to the closest Zetsu and jump over him before wrapping his legs around Zetsu's head and twisted himself breaking Zetsu's neck killing him. Kabuto jumped back as a large group of Zetsus charged at him, but he slammed his hands on the ground "Shōton: Suishōheki Hachi no Jin(Crystal Release: Jade Crystal Wall Eighth Formation)" Kabuto yelled as he encased the entire group of Zetsu's in a crystal structure killing them all.

Several Zetus tried to sneak up on Kabuto only for him to suddenly appear behind them and all their heads fell off their bodies, Kabuto deactivated his Shadowless Flight and continued forward. Kabuto saw one of his subordinates get captured by a Zetsu only for the Zetsu to have a bone blade stick out of its mouth curtsey of Kabuto.

Kabuto created two Shadow clones and they all went through several hand seals one clone spat out tons of water only for the second clone to create a tornado, the two techniques combined creating a Water Tornado. "Raiton: Jibashi(Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder)" Kabuto yelled as he expelled his unique Black and Emerald Lighting into the Water Tornado, creating a swirling vortex of Water, Wind and Lightning the technique exploded into the Zetsu army Slicing, smashing and electrocuting them.

When the clones dispelled Kabuto breathed deeply as he watched several of his subordinates get devoured by the Zetsu causing Kabuto to scowl. He may not have been to most caring person in the world but Gaia loved her Village and suggested he lead for her, she believed in him to destroy the Akatsuki, he will do that and keep his Division alive.

Kabuto rolled up his left sleeve revealing his summoning Tattoo; he applied his blood on it and slammed his hands on the ground. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu(Summoning Technique)" Kabuto yelled as seal lines spread around Kabuto's hands but didn't stop there the seal lines continued to spread for about 50 feet and exploded in a large cloud of smoke.

The smoke cleared to reveal hundreds of Spider Replicators, about a hundred of Beetle Replicators, Dozens of Giant Beetle Replicators and three Giant Spider Replicators. Kabuto himself stood on the center Giant Replicator. For hours the self-creating human clones fought the self-replicating robots. Kabuto glanced at the sun to see it set and the moon rise, he also saw the silhouette of Obito before it disappeared in a swirl. The battle carried on but the night soon approached so the Division step up a forward command post, With the Replicators watching throughout the night the Nin were able to rest, and Kabuto was able to heal some of the wounded. Several White Zetsus tried to attack as disguised Nin but were quickly dealt with by the Replicators.

The Day came quickly and Onoki joined the fight. Most of the Replicator's were dismissed so only one Giant Replicator remained which Kabuto and Onoki rode on. The bodies of the Zetsu clones littered the entire area; Kabuto almost gasped in shock as he felt several signatures approaching and looked a head with a furious scowl on his face.

Several people landed on top of one of the stone structure. The first figure made Kabuto's blood boil it was Danzō Shimura the man who made him kill his mother a man he killed with the killing curse, the next person was Shisui Uchiha who was said to have developed a Genjutsu that could influence someone and they wouldn't even notice, the next person was Izuna Uchiha Madara's brother, Fugaku Uchiha Sasuke's father. Shisui and Izuna had their Mangekyō Sharingan active. Danzo had ten sharingan implanted on his arm and one in his left eye. Fugaku had normal three tomed sharingan active.

'Hmm so Sasuke or Obito are only reviving Uchiha or sharingan users…interesting' Kabuto thought. Kabuto and Onoki started at the four resurrected shinobi as the wind blew billowing the Akatsuki cloaks and Kabuto's Nox cloak. The two Kage level shinobi waited for the sharingan users to attack, while in that time Kabuto went into his Kabutomaru state. The Sharingan users split and attacked Kabuto vs Danzo and Shisui and Onoki vs Izuna and Fugaku.

Kabuto looked at his two opponents no words were said, mostly because Kabuto hated Danzo and didn't know Shisui. Kabuto went through several hand-seals "Jinton:Kinjutsu: Henzai suru Shunpo(Swift Release: Forbidden Technique: Omnipresent Flash Steps)" Kabuto whispered as Kabuto stood there and watched as the two resurrected shinobi seemingly fly in random directions only to change course midair and go into another direction. 'This is my fastest technique I have and is the fastest in the world…I move so fast that my body seemingly doesn't react. But in reality I move so fast I create a solid afterimage that acts as a clone of myself and after I attack I switch places with the afterimage giving everyone the illusion that I'm not moving at all.' Kabuto thought to himself. Kabuto watched as Shisui activate his Susanoo creating a green spirit to protect himself.

Kabuto summoned his wand and leveled it at Shisui. "Avada Kedavra" Kabuto yelled as a Green lightning raced from Kabuto's wand and passed through the Susanoo hit Shisui in the chest. Shisui staggered for a bit but stood back up. 'Hmm…So the Avada Kedavra can pass through the Susanoo defence, but can't kill something that's already dead.' Kabuto mused as he felt himself get bound; he glanced down to see he was bound by wood. Shisui charged with an energy sword, Kabuto forced several bones out to skewer the wood. Kabuto was able to turn slightly before Shusui slammed his sword into Kabuto creating a large explosion.

Kabuto appeared a good distance away from the sharingan users and collapsed on his knees and held his stomach. Using Apparition and the Flash Step at the same fucked him over a bit. Kabuto deactivated his Flash Step and glared at the sharingan users. Kabuto created two Shadow clones as Shisui and Danzo charged at Kabuto the two clones turned to Black smoke and shot into the air. One of the black smoke clones headed towards Shisui going through his Susanoo. The Clone partially transformed and grabbed Shisui then pulled him out of his defense. Then the clone trapped Shisui inside a partial Crystal prison only revealing Shisui's body and head were free.

While Danzo was distracted by the other clone Kabuto focused on Shisui. Kabuto took a deep breath then focused on Shisui "Shishō Tenketsu(Pressure Points of Harm and Death)"Kabuto exclaimed as he opened Tenketsu two points greatly increasing the flow of Kabuto's chakra, Kabuto's chakra surrounded him in Black and Green colors, then went through several hand-seals and encased himself in a prism of crystal. "Shōton: Isshi Kōmyō(Crystal Release: String of Glory)"Kabuto yelled as he used the crystal prism to focus all his surrounding chakra and fired it from the tip of the prism. The concentrated beam of Kabuto's chakra disintegrated Shisui giving him a painless death. Everything from Shisui's reanimated body was disintegrated on a molecular level destroying everything preventing Shisui from regeneration.

The shinobi watching Kabuto's battle were amazed especially the Suna Nin, They heard of his powers but never actually seen it. Kabuto looked to Danzo to see him fighting black smoke. Kabuto slammed his hands on the ground "Shōton: Omiwatari no Jutsu(Crystal Release: The Gods' Crossings Technique)" Kabuto whispered as green Crystal stabbed Danzo in several places holding him in place preventing him from activating his Izanagi technique. The Black smoke landed next to him forming another Kabuto, Kabuto then created two more clones and they all pulled out their bone wands.

"You know Danzo…I hate you…I hate you so much…I hate you more than anything…You took me away from the orphanage were I was happy…You tricked my into joining your "Root" organization…You forced the only person who I could think of as my mother and made her re-join the "Root"…you brainwashed her into attacking my…and you made me kill her…" Kabuto said his voice full with melancholy, Regret, self-hate and hate in general. "But I know Nonō wouldn't want me to wallow in regret or hate…because that's how she was…she was to kind for that…That's why she wasn't fit for the "Root" because she was more human than any human I know…But when I think back to all the evil I've done under Orochimaru I can image the sad and disappointed look she would give me…and sometimes it hurts here." Kabuto informed as he held his chest. "But I don't regret the evils I've done…If I hadn't been with Orochimaru I would have never met the people gave me a purpose in life...But I'm atoning for my sins, by helping the Kazekage and leading the Shinobi Alliance." Kabuto spoke passionately. Danzo looked ready to talk only for Kabuto to point his wand at him.

"Silencio" Kabuto commanded preventing Danzo from making a sound. "I'm not done…While Nonō might be disappointed if I take my revenge on you…I'll just have to accept that now wont I" Kabuto said darkly as all four Shadow clones and himself aimed their wands at Danzo. "Crucio" All five Kabuto's yelled five red lights slammed into Danzo causing him to scream in the utmost pain he has ever felt but no sound came out. The Kabuto's held the dark curse for minutes causing Danzo to go insane with pain only for the Edo Tensei to fix him starting the cycle over and over again after ten minutes.

Kabuto and his clones stopped the torture curse. Kabuto dispelled the clones and pointed his wand at Danzo "Incorruptibilis" Kabuto yelled as a red light slammed into Danzo disintegrating him into thousands of black and blue particles.

Kabuto glanced at Onoki to see him finishing up with Izuna and Fugaku but Fugaku managed to escape. Kabuto took several deep breaths to calm himself and to regain his bearings. After using Apparition with Flash Steps, Then the Pressure Points of Harm and Death, then five Crucios continuously for about fifteen minutes took a bit out of him. After that battle the other divisions started to converge to Kabuto's location. After a few hours all divisions meet up. All together it seemed like 1/3 of the alliance has been lost Kabuto's division having the most survivors.

"Huh?" Kabuto voiced grabbing several people's attention. Kabuto looked up to see Fugaku appear on top of a tone structure but someone was with him. Kabuto got a good look at him and gasped Onoki looked and gasped too at who he saw.

"What is it who is he?" Temari asked.

"The real…Uchiha Madara." Kabuto managed to stutter out. Kabuto's hands started to shake slightly, this will be his most difficult fight yet. Kabuto calmed himself down and created a shadow clone and had it hide and collect Nature Chakra, The Raikage, Mizukage and the Hokage started to teleported to our location when they got word on who was here. So the shinobi here are all Kabuto has as back up for now. Kabuto himself collected Senjutsu before Madara began to start his assault.

Madara did a horse hand seal and took a deep breath, tipping Kabuto off on what technique Madara was about to do, just as Madara was about to release his breath Kabuto whip his bone wand in Madara's direction "Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku(Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation)/ Fiendfyre" Kabuto and Madara announced at the same time. Madara's massive fire of destruction clashed with Kabuto's Senjutsu enhanced dark cursed fire creating a large explosion glassing the ground under the fire.

With the distraction Kabuto was able to collect enough Nature Chakra to enter Sage mode. The inferno cleared revealing an amused Madara and disconcerted Fugaku, but two words made Madara narrow his eyes slightly and Onoki's eyes widen. "Sennin Mōdo" Kabuto announced allowing everyone to see his transformation. Kabuto bent down on all fours and allowed his tongue to slither about.

Kabuto reared his head back "Mandara no Jin(Formation of Ten Thousand Snakes Silk)" Kabuto exclaimed as he spat out then thousand snaked at Madara. Madara prepared to destroy the snakes only to be attacked by other shinobi getting him impaled by several snake swords but he regenerated, and then charged at the alliance.

Madara tore through the shinobi like it was nothing; Temari blasted him away only to shrug it off. Kabuto appeared behind Madara and slammed a fist to the back of his head only for Madara to intercept it. Kabuto aimed a fist at Madara's kidney only for Madara to evade and counter with a devastating kick to Kabuto's sternum sending him back few feet if it weren't for his Sage Mode Kabuto's chest would have collapsed. Kabuto charged again and aimed for Madara's legs only for Madara to jump up and kick Kabuto in the face launching him up and Madara grabbed Kabuto leg and slam in back down.

Kabuto used his arms to spring himself back up and charged again this time he used his Yanagi no Mai(Dance of the Willow) Kabuto charged forward again using complex turns and spins to evade Madara's attacks while attacking him. The Taijutsu fight's intensity increased as Madara started using his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and Kabuto started using the Karamatsu no Mai(Dance of the Larch) The alliance watched with in awe the two fought, the seemed to move to some sort of un hearable rhythm they were in perfect unison. None of the other Nin risked using their techniques or risk hurting their General.

After Kabuto felt his Sage Mode leave he jumped back to avoid Madara's hits. Madara rushed at Kabuto only for him to summon his wand before Madara came in contact with Kabuto, Kabuto used a Protego to protect himself. "Confringo" Kabuto yelled as an orange fire like orb hit Madara exploding him a good distance away. "Wingardium Leviosa" Kabuto announced as he levitated Madara in the air and continued to levitate him. Kabuto's Sage Mode returned and allowed Madara to fall. Kabuto pocketed his wand and held out his hand.

A Rasengan started to form and Kabuto started to infuse wind chakra into the glowing orb, making the sound similar to a screeching bell. Kabuto threw the Rasenshuriken at Madara only for him to absorb the orb revealing that he had the Rinnegan. Kabuto joined back up with the alliance as Madara jumped on top of a stone pillar.

Madara activated his Susanoo and did an assortment of Hand-seals. The area darkened considerably and Kabuto looked up before any Nin did and his eyes widened considerably. Kabuto quickly created several clones and had them all pull out their wands and aim them up at the sky. ""Protego Maxima/ Fianto Duri/ Repello Inimicum" Several of the Kabuto's yelled as a blue-ish white light came from their wands and started to form a dome like shield over the alliance.

The meteorite that Madara summoned made contact with the shield and the ground vibrated, the Shield cracked, and the shield started to regress focusing all its power on stopping the meteorite. The meteorite stopped half way through the semitransparent dome, and Kabuto collapsed in exhaustion. All is clones holding the barrier dispelled, Kabuto laid on his back breathing heavily.

Kabuto saw a second Meteor over the first meteor but couldn't get muster enough strength to move, Kabuto felt his eyes become heavier and tried to fight the state of unconsciousness further. He glanced slowly to see the debris had crushed his right arm but he was too out of it to realize, before he went under he say several flame like explosions and sand wrap around him before there was darkness.

-Few seconds Later-

Kabuto's eyes snapped open and took a deep breath. He stood up and saw he was in the middle of what looked like a spiraling galaxy with a mixture of Black and Emerald Green. Kabuto felt something behind him and quickly turned to see a dark figure that had pure white glowing eyes.

"Where am I?" Kabuto asked to the figure, the figure stared for a second before answering.

"You're SoulScape."The figure answered its voice having both male and female qualities to it.

"If this is my soul then who are you?" Kabuto asked.

"I have many names…The Destroyer…Seth…Eris…Vaatu…Wotan…Deathwing…Lord Chaos…Lord of Chaos…The Creator…The End…The Shinigami…Death…Master of Death…Salazar Slytherin…Harry Potter…Or you might know me as Jashin…The God of Chaos, Destruction and Death…And you." Jashin said, with every name he said his form shifted to match his name, but as Jashin's final form shifted to look like Kabuto but had an assortment of deference's to it. Like the wide shark-like mouth filled with sharp teeth, two large demonic bat like wings coming out of his back, a long segmented blade-tipped tail, along with completely black eyes with a symbol of eight arrows in a radial pattern or form what Kabuto knew the symbol of chaos.

"But why are you here?" Kabuto asked trying to wrap his head around what was going on.

"I have a multiple of reasons why I'm here…One reason is you died from exhaustion, bringing you here saved you from that...Right now my energy is slowly reviving you." Jashin informed.

Kabuto slowly nodded. "Why am I here?" Kabuto asked.

"What do you mean? Do you mean in your SoulScape or in this world?" Jashin replied.

"Both?" Kabuto questioned.

"Hmm…So many possibilities, that's why I brought Harry Potter to this world. You many think you're Harry Potter but you're not, your neither Harry Potter nor Kabuto Yakushi…You're them combined…You see Kabuto and Harry are both my incarnations but they individually would never achieve the power my incarnations would receive so I merged you two together." Jashin explained.

"What would have happened if you never merged me?" Kabuto asked.

"Harry Potter's resentment of his family would eventually cause him to join Voldemort and massacre almost every Muggle-born and Half-blooded wizard in Harry's world. Kabuto would never have tried to recreate the Swift Release, Crystal Release and Dead bone pulse bloodlines…" Jashin stated.

"Wait! If I never tried to recreate bloodlines I wouldn't have meet Guren what would happen to her?" Kabuto demanded.

"She would later be found by Orochimaru and became fiercely loyal to him, causing her to hate Kabuto for being his second in command. Sense Kabuto spent more time with Orochimaru Kabuto's personality started to become his…and with no Guren, Kabuto never had love making his personality darker, making him apathetic to Gaia's plight so he never helped her, In the forest of Death Kabuto never saved Karin allowing Sasuke to save her causing her to become infatuated with him…Without Kabuto's support Anko would have never joined with Orochimaru causing him to wipe her memory, Without Kabuto not trying to recreate the Dead Bone Pulse he wasn't around to save Tayuya allowing her to die, and would never get to clone Naruto's brain so Yang was never created…Without my interference Harry Potter and Kabuto Yakushi would be so miserable and later be killed by your individual masters." Jashin said sadly.

Kabuto's eyes were wide and he glanced at his hands then to himself. 'Would I do that…would I never have found love…would I die with nothing to me...' Kabuto thought to himself. "T-thank you…Jashin…If I t weren't for you I would…" Kabuto tried to thank the deity only for him to interrupt him.

"Don't thank me I would always help my avatar." The god of Chaos voiced causing Kabuto to nod. "But why I brought you here is simple…Your world is almost at its end." Jashin informed.

"What?!" Kabuto yelled.

"What…Oh no, no, no that's not what I meant after the Fourth Great Shinobi War there's going to be no more conflicts for a long time." Jashin corrected.

"How do you know this?" Kabuto asked.

"I like to call it Chaos Omnipotence I know every chaotic thing i.e. conflicts or fights that has, is and will come to pass. After this fight with Madara, Obito and the Juubi the other conflicts in this world will be minuscule after this conflict…Which by the way is another reason why I'm here in your SoulScape, so I can give you a portion of my power to end this conflict swiftly." Jashin informed.

"Why this conflict?" Kabuto asked.

"You have business in Harry's world to finish and possibly more." Jashin informed.

"Isn't it a bit much and what would be the price?" Kabuto asked, all power had a price.

"You're my incarnate, it's your birthright...and for the price of using my power it's simple, I'll partially guide you in ending this conflict, but you'll have to train yourself in using my chaotic energy again because if you use it without control the chaotic energy will destroy you in a way that even I'll have a hard time putting you back together." Jashin explained.

"Wait before I go…you said you had many names…and that I had to go back to Harry's world are there more?" Kabuto asked.

"Hehe…more than you know." Jashin said before he raised his hand up and poked Kabuto in the forehead with two of his pitch black clawed hands.


Kabuto's eyes snapped open and sat up instantly. He glanced around to see he was surrounded by purple crystal and sand. "What happened here?" Kabuto asked himself as he used the crystals to support himself, Kabuto used his Crystal Release to break out of the crystal's.

Kabuto left the cocoon of Sand and Crystal to see Obito seal the Juubi inside himself turning himself into some wired looking Jinjuuriki. Kabuto did a double take 'The Juubi…w-were is Gaia?' Kabuto thought to himself as he tried to sense her chakra signature. He sensed her faintly and sighed in relief; he glared at Obito and started to slowly walk in their direction. Kabuto saw the four Hokages and the reanimated Kages his clone summoned fighting Madara and Obito. Obito used the Rinnegan to create a large crater underneath him pushing all the Kages away. Kabuto felt Gaia slowly starting to slip.

'JASJIN…I'll need your help!' Kabuto internally yelled the only indication the Jashin heard was the boost in Kabuto's power and the shell of pitch black mist that surrounded him. The mist cleared to reveal Kabuto with a shark-like mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, two large demonic bat like wings coming out of his back, a long segmented blade-tipped tail, along with completely black eyes with a symbol of eight arrows in a radial pattern. Kabuto felt the rush of knowledge on how to use his abilities but he knew that after this he would forget it, Kabuto stood still and collected Nature Chakra without the need of Orochimaru's curse mark. Dark red markings formed around Kabuto's eyes and four horns formed on the back of his head.

The incarnate of Chaos looked at Madara and Obito, and then vanished in the sound of flapping wings. Kabuto appeared a few feet behind the Uchiha duo. While behind the duo the surviving Shinobi alliance plus all the reanimated Shinobi watched as Kabuto who looked like a demon bat/dragon appear between the Uchiha.

The Uchiha jumped apart, Obito launched a Buujidama at Kabuto only for Kabuto to catch the compressed charka orb and shatter it like glass. Kabuto split in two Kabutos, before Obito could react the two Kabutos were at his sides and ripped him in half. But the Juubi jinjuuriki regenerated and used his Rinnegan to repulse everything away only for him to be crushed be his own technique.

Kabuto watch him impassively as he used his Chaos energy to manipulate the laws of reality around Obito so instead of Gravity pushing everything out of the way, gravity pulled everything in. Kabuto walked to the compressed Obito with each step the ground under him either froze, disintegrated, lit on fire, aged or turned to water. Kabuto grabbed what was left of Obito's body and absorbed the Juubi out of him, Kabuto then raised his hands and release the Juubi in seven different entities recreating the Ichibi, Nibi, Yonbi, Gobi, Rokubi, Nanabi and Hachibi. Kabuto knelt down to Obito's dead body and fixed his head which fixed his Sharingan and Rinnegan, Kabuto ripped out Obito's Sharingan and destroyed his Rinnegan. Kabuto teleported the sharingan away then faced Madara.

"It won't matter if you free them I'll just control them again and recapture them!" Madara yelled.

"No…no you won't." Kabuto said his voice layered with Jashin's. Madara did a horse hand-seal and blow a large amount of fire. Kabuto just stood there; before the fire reached him he opened his mouth and inhaled the flames. Kabuto reared his head back and put his before his mouth and exclaimed. "Karyū no Hōkō(Fire Dragon's Roar)" as a large torrent of flames flew at Madara. Madara used his Gunbai to destroy the flames, and fire cleared to reveal Kabuto gone. Madara noticed a shadow above him and looked up to see Kabuto hovering midair pointing his index and middle finger at him with a Black Orb with green outline forming in his hand. "Cero Oscuras(Black Hollow Flash)" Kabuto announced as the negative spiritual energy shot at Madara, The energy made contact with the ground and created a large green explosion.

Kabuto landed on the ground to see Madara gone. After a few seconds Madara jumped out of the ground looking at Kabuto with an insane glint. "YOU WILL NOT KILL ME! I AM A GOD!" Madara yelled in an insane manner.

"Hmm…and even gods can die Madara" Kabuto said sadly but focused on Madara as he summoned a giant Meteor to crush Kabuto. Kabuto glanced up at the approaching meteor then glanced down at his hands then created a see through glass orb with a model of the meteor inside it. Kabuto disintegrated the meteor inside the orb with the real meteor following. Kabuto turned to and enraged Madara and snapped his fingers causing Madara to explode in gore. Kabuto speed up Madara's molecules regeneration rate until Madara exploded.

With Madara defeated by Kabuto, he disappeared in a sound of flapping wings and appeared next to Gaia's down body. Kabuto force a portion of the Ichibi's charka into Gaia allowing her to live, after he did that Jashin left letting Kabuto pass out in exhaustion.

-Few Weeks later-

Kabuto woke up to see a white room; he glanced down to see that he was in a hospital gown. Kabuto lifted his hands and looked at them, and a melancholy appeared on his face still remembering what Jashin said about him never finding love in any of his girls. He honestly didn't care that 'He' himself shouldn't have existed in the first place, but the thought of never being with Guren, Gaia, Anko, Karin, Yang, and Tayuya really upset him but he focused on something else.

Kabuto relaxed himself and collected Nature Chakra to increase his sensory ability. He sighed in relief knowing he was in Suna. Kabuto pushed the covers off his body and sat up, his vision tunneled for a second as the blood rushed from his head. He stood up and looked around to see a change of his cloths, as he put them on he left the hospital room and passed several doctors that didn't notice him.

The white haired med-Nin walked through Suna heading towards Gaia's estate while walking he heard several muffled cheers but continued forward he was hungry and had no reference on how long he was out. He entered the estate strolled to the fridge and raided it for its contents.

After he was full he felt his reserves return, Kabuto felt around for his wand only to realize he dropped it in battle. With a flick of his wrist he summoned it to himself, then using Senjustu he found Gaia's signature and Apperated to that location.

The sound of a crack echoed as Kabuto appeared near Gaia only to see her giving a speech the Suna Shinobi. Kabuto heard her giving a speech about the hero of the fourth Shinobi War who ever that was. Kabuto sensed all the members of Nox alive which relived him he felt Guren's, Karin's, Jugo's, Suigetsu's and Tayuya's signature in the Hospital but Gaia, Yang, Orika, Hidane and Anko's were fine…'Wait Anko what the hell is she doing here?' Kabuto thought in a panic.

Kabuto listened as Gaia finished her speech and everyone cheered, but what through him off was when she started using his name. 'Why is she using my name? No that's not possible I'm the farthest thing to a hero.' Kabuto thought to himself, but despite that he was smiling slightly as the crowd cheered for him.

After the crowd cleared and Kabuto skillfully avoided being seen by the crowed he made a b-line towards Gaia. Gaia turned when she sensed Kabuto approaching only to be engulfed in a passionate hug by Kabuto.

"I'm so glad you're alright." Kabuto said as he buried his head in her hair.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Gaia asked her voice muffed do to her face being buried in Kabuto's chest.

"The Ichibi was extracted from you and I thought you died." Kabuto almost yelled as he held her tighter.

"It's alright…You saved me and destroyed that monster." Gaia informed. "You're a hero Kabuto-kun, you ended the Fourth Shinobi war and single handedly decimated Madara and Obito." Gaia informed.

"I'm no hero Gaia I did all of this for you…You wanted to protect your Village…So I protected your Village with you." Kabuto informed.

"I'm well aware of that, but still everyone sees you as a hero…even I do." Gaia voiced quietly.

"Kazekage-Sama, Kabuto's missing" A voice yelled the duo turned to see Temari's the one who said that. But she saw Kabuto hugging Gaia and instantly felt relived.

"It's alright he's here with me." Gaia informed, Temari nodded and left the room.

"We should get going...The others will be happy to see that you're up." Gaia suggested Kabuto agreed and they went to the hospital. The duo was outside of a hospital room to hear several voices talking mostly about how Kabuto kicked Madara's and Obito's ass.

The Snake Sage and Kazekage walked in the room to see Jugo, Suigetsu, Guren, Karin and Tayuya in hospital beds and Yang, Anko, Orika and Hidane sitting around the injured and non-injured members of Nox continued to talk animatedly until the saw their leader healthy.

"Kabuto-Kun!/Jashin-sama" Yang, Anko, Hidane yelled as the threw themselves at him tackling him to the ground.

"Ohh...Owww…Fuck that hurt." Kabuto complained, Yang and Anko ignored his complaints but Hidane reacted immediately trying to pull the two girls from hurting her god incarnate. With Kabuto free he sat down in one of the chairs and the members of Nox started to talk to each other the conversation eventually pointed to Kabuto's power up.

Which he explains in detail about what happened when he meet "Himself" aka Jashin. He informed him what he was and how both of his lives would have been if he hadn't have merged. That information sort of depressed everyone but Kabuto said not to dwell on it because he wasn't. Then he informed the group that Jashin told him he had to return to his world to finish what he was supposed to do there. The Group immediately told him that he had to bring them with him. Kabuto tried to refuse but with Yang, Anko, Gaia and Karin's stubbornness he relented.

So for the past week or so Kabuto tried to call what he dubbed as KaosuMōdo(Chaos Mode).But he couldn't achieve the complete form he could only summon his bladed tail and demonic wings but never received the power boost or knowledge he got from it so he stopped that for now. So he created a few clones and had them work double time in looking through Salazar's notes looking for how he travelled through universes.

With the clones searching for a way to transvers the universe, Kabuto repeated the process he did with Orika to give her Itachi's Sharingan to himself with Obito's Sharingan. It took a while but Kabuto was able to clone Obito's right eye and created a pair of the eyes of Obito's. Kabuto used Senjutsu and Swift Release to sneak into the hidden leaf, snuck into the hospital were Kakashi was recovering in. He knocked Kakashi out without him even noticing. With Kakashi down under Kabuto cloned Kakashi's Sharingan eye. Kabuto then "Transmuted" his eyes to the similar properties of Obito's eyes.

Kabuto tested out his Sharingan, It was difficult to actually use the Kamui. But he took a page out of Yang's book and used clones to speed up his training. Kabuto noticed some similarities that Kamui and Apparition had with each other, but Apparition was only transport capable and difficult to use for battle. Kabuto tried to use Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi only to discover he couldn't use them but for some reason he was able to create a Susanoo and like Obito, Kabuto's eyes don't deteriorate with continued use. While Kabuto knew giving himself the Sharingan was making himself a bit overpowered, Jashin hinted that there were other universes to get to and while he's a bit overpowered in this world in another world he could be weak or strong it depends on what world he happens upon. And after he completes what he's supposed to finish in his original world he might explore around, mostly because he would have all these abilities and would have nothing to do with them.

After Kabuto adjusted to his Sharingan he prepared for the dimensionally travel. First by traveling to Salazar's library and informed the Salazar portrait about recent events. Then Kabuto used seals to seal the size of Viliangia the basilisk in the chamber so he could keep her on his person, seals are a tricky art and take their uses literally so when Kabuto applied a seal complex onto the basilisk it literally sealed her size. Viliangia liked to wrap herself around Kabuto's body and hide under his cloak and sometimes liked to slither out from under Kabuto's robe and acts like a tail.

Kabuto entered a room to see all members of Nox plus Temari and Kankuro present dressed in their usual clothing. Kabuto saw their expectant faces and smiled slightly, they were ready to help, defend or hurt people for his sake. Kabuto lead everyone to a large circle with hundreds of different runes carved into the circle along with seals, 'Jashin helped with some specific runes to help put me around the right time and place I just hope it doesn't put me in a stupid place.' Kabuto thought.

"So when are we going?" Anko asked impatiently.

"Not yet we have to test it out first." Kabuto said, as he motioned for a replicator to get into the circle which it did. The circle flared a luminescent Green and blue before the light dimmed revealing the robotic spider disappeared.

Kabuto lifted his left arm and pulled back his cloak's sleeve revealing Kumo attached to his wrist. After a few seconds Kumo sprang to life. *Zzzt* *Zzzch* *Zzzt* *Zzzt* the replicating robot sounded.

"Did it make it?" Kabuto questioned.

*Zzzt* *Zzzch* Kumo sounded.

"Good…does it sense the same energy signature my 'Magic' gives off?" Kabuto asked though when he said magic his voice it was full of sarcasm.

*Zzzt* *Zzzch* *ZzzZzzch* Kumo sounded off again.

"So I worked...Good thanks Kumo." Kabuto stated, as he walked into the circle with Guren, Gaia, Karin, Yang, Anko, Tayuya, Orika, Hidane, Jugo, Suigetsu, Temari, and Kankuro followed him into the circle.

"Are you sure you guys want to come with me? Don't you have jobs to do?" Kabuto asked to Gaia, Temari and Kankuro.

"With the Forth Shinobi over the other villages are still recovering and with the man who defeated Madara and Obito being said to have been living here, along with all the defenses you added to the village I don't need to be here to protect it besides I need a vacation…and whatever you say won't convince me to change my mind." Gaia said stubbornly, causing Kabuto to smile slightly.

"And well go were ever our little sister goes." Kankuro informed with Temari nodding in agreement, causing Gaia to smile lightly.

"So we're settled then ok…" Kabuto said as activated the circle causing all of them to disappear in a green and blue glow.

The group of thirteen appeared in a large room and from what Kabuto remembered from Tom this was The Great Hall. Kabuto noticed hundreds of kids staring at him and his group but some people were more surprised and sacred than others for what he didn't know he never met them before in his life.

"Harry Potter!?" an extremely old man said as he looked at Kabuto in a desperation glee.

Kabuto pushed up his glasses creating a lens flare. "Present…and I go by Kabuto Yakushi now." Kabuto stated causing more people's eyes to widen in shock.