Wizards POV few minutes before Kabuto and Nox arrival-

The students were cheering as the three participants to the Tri Wizard Tournament, Cedric Diggory as the champion of Hogwarts, Viktor Krum as the champion of Drumstrang, and Fleur Delacour the champion of Beauxbatons. Everyone's attention shifted as the Goblet of Fire's fire changed from light blue to pitch black and emerald green fire, the goblet shot out another name.

Dumbledore caught the paper and read the name…"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore exclaimed as he read the note causing a lot of chatter to spread throughout the Hall, Snape's eyes downcast for a second before he focused on the goblet.

Chatter amongst the students mostly talking about the "Real-Boy-who-Lived" being the champion. During Derik's first year Voldemort possessed the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. During that year Voldemort tried to steal the philosopher stone but was foiled by Derik and his friends, Dumbledore, and Derik's parents.

Voldemort laughed at them openly when they tried to have Derik fight him. Derik lost in almost half a second; Voldemort took great pleasure in informing them who he really did try to kill. Explaining Harry was the one who survived his killing curse instead of Derik after breaking Derik emotionally and physically. After Voldemort escaped word spread on who the real boy who lived really was. Dumbledore didn't believe Voldemort at first, but was proven wrong in the second year.

When Ginny Wealsy received a cursed Diary, and possessed her into opening the Chamber of Secrets. But no one was able to find the entrance to the Chamber. Dumbledore tried to persuade Derik into looking in the girl's bathroom only to discover Derik didn't have Parseltongue confirming Derik wasn't the Boy-Who-Lived.

The Third year nothing really happened but Snape's increased hate towards the Potter family. While he loved Lily, she fell in love with the person he hated the most, but he still loved her even after that. Lily and James even had a son during the war which saddened Snape more, but when he saw how they treated the child he couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for the child, Snape knew how it felt to be resented by family. Later during the war he overheard the prophecy and he gave the information to his master, but he didn't know that Voldemort would decide that the Potters and Longbottoms where the center of the prophecy and attack them. But after Voldemort's demise most of his Death Eaters were sent to Azkaban without trial, but Snape asked Dumbledore for help and eventually became a double agent for Voldemort giving information to The Order.

During a meeting with The Order, that is when he personally met Harry. Snape saw how Harry's parent's resentment of Harry spread, influencing to other people and they followed Lily's and James' example. Snape himself was demonized because of his status of a Death Eater though it probably would be worse if anyone knew he was the one who gave Voldemort that information on the prophecy, they would probably try to kill him on sight. Snape still remembered his first meeting with Harry.

-Flash Back-

Snape watched as most of the members of the order coddle Derik for his third birthday, why there was a meeting for just one child is almost laughable to him. But he still noticed everyone went out of their way to avoid him which annoyed him slightly.

Snape felt a small weight sit next to him. He glanced to see a child no older than five sit done next to him. Snape noticed he had abnormally white hair and dark green eyes, and huddled himself in a blanket. He knew this was Harry Potter. The son of the man he hated the most, but Snape's loathing never shifted to Harry probably because Harry didn't look anything like James or acted like him, and hating Harry would be like acting like James which he would never do.

"What are you doing here?" Snape asked in his usual bitter tone followed by a sneer. Harry turned to face Snape though the depressed aura never faded nor another emotion was shone, Harry was use to the combined people from The Order hating him so one person sneering at him didn't bother him.

"Nothing…just siting…and watching." Harry said sadly as he turned to watch his family ignore him for his brother.

"Then sit somewhere elsewhere." Snape snapped out Harry turned to face Snape again and tilted his head in confusion.

"I've noticed how everyone treats me…and I know it isn't normal, but I don't know why…And I notice how everyone treats you…and I don't know why…So I just wanted to give you some…company because that's what I usually want." Harry answered using words far more advance for someone his age.

"But if you want to be alone I understand…people don't usually like to be around me anyway." Harry voiced as he stood and turned to leave, Snape scowled slightly before sighing.

"Now you ignorant child did I tell you could leave…No…Now sit." Snape commanded the obvious distraught child, Harry formed a beaming smile as he sat next to Snape. Harry was finally happy someone actually liked him or didn't out right hate him, and Snape was content he discovered he couldn't hate Harry and was alright with it. The two outcasts enjoyed each other's presence till the meeting was over.

When Snape had to leave Harry was distraught not that anyone other than Snape knew or noticed it. Snape promised Harry that they would see each other again, which Harry hesitantly nodded to. Before Snape left Harry gave Snape a hug which surprised Snape immensely, but Snape awkwardly gave Harry a one handed pat on the back, which to Harry seemed like the most affection he received in years. From that day onward those two would occasionally convers during The Order meetings; during their conversations Snape would admit he was fond of Harry, after some time Harry would call him 'Uncle Sev' which brought a small smile to Snape's face and later Harry would try to act like Snape by wearing all black and scowling at everyone.

-Flash Back End-

When Snape heard Harry disappeared he was far more crestfallen then he thought could possibly be. Snape started at the Goblet of Fire for a few seconds before something appeared in front of the goblet. Everyone noticed some sort of symbols that looked like a mixture of cursive and runes form a circle and spread out in a web like pattern. After a second the symbols gleaned as the light for a second then disappeared and revealed a metallic spider.

*Zzzt* *Zzzz* *Zzzzch* the spider sounded before it started looking around, but it honed onto the Goblet of Fire and crawled towards it. The sound of its steps echoed throughout the hall. Before the spider reached the Goblet of Fire a blue light slammed into it pushing it back a few feet. The light was absorbed into the spider then continued to crawl towards the Goblet sensing its creator's energy coming from it. Another light hit the Replicator sending it back a only few inches this time; it then turned to face Dumbledore who held his wand towards the Replicator.

*Zzzer* Zeerch* The Replicator sounded as it flared it's wings at Dumbledore and speed towards him, then jumped at the attacker before the Replicator reached Dumbledore The Replicator froze mid-air before it was launched back and was slammed into the wall behind it, the Replicator shattered releasing hundreds of small blocks. The professors were relived and some of the Students were curious, but as some people prepared to approach the now "dead" Replicator the blocks started to re-arrange themselves recreating the Replicator again. The Replicator ran up the wall and hide in the ceiling.

Before anyone could follow the Spider another Circle appeared at the same spot the original came in. The Circle eclipsed the original circle's size 13:1. The circle gleaned again as the light cleared thirteen people stood in the circle's place.

At the far left one teenager male stood at 6.6 feet tall with spiky orange hair, red-orange eyes and looked entirely calm. The teenager wore a long black cloak with red lining. What some people noticed was he had the Slythrien symbol imprinted on the back of his cloak, he was Jugo.

Next to the tall teen stood another male that had a lean-built average height, straight white hair with a light blue tint to it, he had purple eyes and shark like teeth the teen displayed with a blood thirsty grin which sent shivers down almost every one of the student's spines. He wore a purple, sleeveless shirt with blue pants, sandals and a belt around his waist. But what everyone noticed the large menacing sword strapped to his back, he was Suigetsu Hōzuki.

The girl next to the white and blue haired teen, had crimson eyes, fair skin and red hair which was uniquely styled her hair was short and spikey on the right and long and straight in the left. She wore brown glasses, a lavender uniform that exposed her abdomen, black short shorts, long black thigh high stockings with black sandals she was Karin Uzumaki.

Next to the redheaded girl was girl with long untamed pink hair with a black hat on top her head, she wore a long loose-fitting black shirt with black shorts with black sandals, and she wore a purple rope around her waist using it to hold her shirt in place she was Tayuya.

The person to the pink haired girl had fair skin, red lipstick, dark eyes, and light blue hair which was kept in a spiky ponytail with long strands of hair framing her face. She wore a green dress with a long left sleeve and a short right one, a red turtle-neck which had a white fluffy collar and brown gloves. She also had calf-length brown sandals she was Guren.

The person to Guren's left had light brown pupil-less eyes, and black hair which had a blue tint to it. Her hair was styled in a short, spiky and fanned-ponytail. She wore a tan overcoat with a fitted mesh body suit that stretches from her neck down to her thighs and wore a dark-orange miniskirt along with pale grey shin guards along with shinobi sandals though her attire did get several blushes and stares from the teenage boys. She was Anko Mitarashi.

On the far left of the group was a woman who looked far more sinister than had ever seen, She had ash pale skin, along with yellow serpent eyes with purple markings around her eyes, she had long raven black hair that went to her waist, and had some of her hair covering the right side of her face. She wore a purple tight fighting shirt along with a white loose fighting zip-up shirt, She had long tight fighting black pants that went down to her calves and She had open toed shoes, over her attire she wore a black sleeveless cloak and a hood with the hood down, and the Slytherin symbol on the back. She was Orika.

To Orika's right was a boy with face-paint with a purple line staring from one cheek to his lips and ended on the other cheek and another line from the top upper lip to the bottom of his chin, and an black outfit consisting of a long top and trousers with a red sash around his waist, along with a scroll on his back, he was Kankuro.

To Kankuro's right was a girl with teal eyes and blonde hair that was gathered into four ponytails. She wore a short-sleeved black kimono that reached down to her legs, with a slits long the side. She had a red slash around her waist, she also wears black fingerless gloves and along with black sandals with a large fan attached to her back, she is Temari.

Next to Temari was probably the shortest of the group, the girl has fair skin, long spiky maroon hair that went passed her shoulders, and some of her hair covered the left side of her face hiding her tattoo. She had pupil-less sea green eyes along with black rings around her eyes that only brought out the intensity of her eyes. She wore full-length black pants along and black boots, with a long-sleeved crimson coat that went passed her butt. Over her coat she wore a grey vest that held a strap on the back that carried her gourd full of sand, she was Gaia.

To Gaia's right was girl with blonde hair that flowed in a loose and disheveled manner. She wears a tan vest with gild lining, a yellow low-cut crop top. Her vest has puffy cap sleeves with black cuffs, she wears a brown belt she wears black shorts under her belt and wears a pleated skirt in the back and sides. She wears an orange scarf around her neck and brown, knee-high platform boots. She also wears fingerless gloves and yellow bracelets, she was Yang.

Behind Yang was I women slicked back white hair that went to her shoulders and magenta eyes, she had a torn up black Nox cloak, but underneath her cloak she wore chest bindings and tight black pants and sandals. Though what grabbed most of the people's attention was the large triple bladed scythe on her back, she was Hidane or Kabuto's only acolyte.

The figure in the center was the person who got most of the people's attention. It was a man with black rimmed circular glasses, dark green eyes, and ash-grey hair. His hair was unkempt and went passed his ears and his neck. He wore a black log sleeved shirt and long black pants that was covered in a Black colored cloak with a hood though his hood was down. On his back was a large blade that was covered entirely of bandages, some people noticed his cloak twitch and move slightly, he was Kabuto.

Some of the Muggle born, Muggle raised or manga/anima watching wizards recognized who he looked like. He looked like Kabuto Yakushi a antagonist from "Naruto" the series.

"Harry Potter?!" Dumbledore bellowed to the group but his eyes focused on Kabuto.

Kabuto pushed up his glasses creating a lens flare. "Present…and I go by Kabuto Yakushi now." Kabuto announced, causing the people who knew of Kabuto to widen their eyes. Snape himself focused on Kabuto to see if he really was Harry and he could see the similarities.

"It's so good to see you alive and well Harry my…" Dumbledore tried to say only to be interrupted by Kabuto.

"I said it once and I'll say it again Dumbledore…MY name is Kabuto Yakushi." Kabuto informed with a dangerous undertone. He didn't like his original name because it came from the people he resented; the Name Kabuto Yakushi came from someone he considers his real mother.

"I'm sorry but I know your parents and they would be devastated if I called you anything but that…Harry my…" Dumbledore tried to say again only for several sounds to interrupt him, a loud echoing hissing sounded throughout the hall that originated from under Kabuto's cloak and the sound reminiscent to the robotic spider that first arrived sounded throughout the hall. A black and green tinted Basilisk emerged from under Kabuto's cloak and glared her sickly yellow eyes at Dumbledore while looming over Kabuto's shoulders.

"I don't care about the devastation you may cause the people who gave birth to me…but if you call me Harry I won't be sympathetic to what happens to you." Kabuto threatened, and Kabuto's basilisk curved herself so she'd be in front of Kabuto and prepared to strike.

Dumbledore got a good look at Kabuto's snake and recognized it as a basilisk and quickly paled. His theory was correct it seemed, Harry became Voldemort's Horcrux and received the ability to speak to snakes though he was sure Harry would never use that ability seeing who his parents were he should resent the serpent species or even out right hate them. Dumbledore's mind raced, his pawn shouldn't be powerful enough to control a basilisk maybe if he were to get on Harry's good side Harry would eventually follow him without question.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry…Kabuto was it?" Dumbledore asked in a grandfatherly tone causing Yang, Orika and Kabuto to narrow their eyes. Yang recognized the similarities between the Third Hokage's fake grandfatherly tone and Dumbledore's, Orika recognized the manipulative gleam in his eyes, and Kabuto remembered that tone when Dumbledore conversed with Tom, plus Kabuto felt Viliangia tense around him. Kabuto nodded to Dumbledore's question.

"Then come on…Kabuto…let's bring you to the other champions." Dumbledore instructed as he tried to approach Kabuto only to get his body bound by sand from Gaia, have a large blade touch his neck courtesy to Suigetsu, a triple bladed scythe to the back of his neck by Hidane, Guren held a crystal blade over Dumbledore's heart, Yang's flame covered fist was inches from Dumbledore's face, and Dumbledore's arms were bound by snakes that came from Anko's and Orika's sleeves', Jugo, Kankuro and Temari appeared in front of Kabuto, Tayuya was behind Kabuto and held her flute to her lips ready to cast an illusion.

"I have a tiny problem with your little instruction...You see Dumbledore, I have no idea what is going on…and I get a little angry when information is withheld from me, an when I get angry I destroy what's casing it…Do you understand me…or shall I get a little angry?" Kabuto asked condescendingly, as he asked that Anko and Orika increased the pressure the snakes administered, Gaia started to implode her sand, and Suigetsu and Hidane applied more pressure to the blades near Dumbledore's neck.

"R-right, you were chosen to be the fourth champion for the Tri-Wizard Tournament." Dumbledore managed to voice out.

"Are you mentally retarded by any chance?" Kabuto asked offhandedly, which got an uproar form the Hufflepuff, Griffindor, and the Ravenclaw houses, and several of the professors. The Slytherien house and Snape actually smiled at Kabuto's question.

"W-what?" Dumbledore stuttered out he didn't expect that kind of reply.

"See…The last time I checked "Tri" meant three and "Wizard" meant Wizard, and "Tournament" meant competition. So if I put them all together I get "Three Wizard Competition", so if you have a four wizard competition but named it a three wizard competition…Then you must be retarded, oh I'm so sorry I meant an exceptional Individual." Kabuto said with almost visibly condescension.

"No… The Goblet of Fire has chosen you to become the fourth champion for Hogwarts…And it would only have chosen you if you put your name in the Goblet." Dumbledore informed.

"Are you saying I have to be a champion to a School I don't attend and are you accusing me of putting the name that I hate, in a Goblet I didn't know existed in a place I've never been?" Kabuto asked with some amusement.

"Well of course you're attending Hogwarts why wouldn't you…And you don't have to lie we all understand why you would want to place your name in the Goblet even if you're under age." Dumbledore said in his grandfatherly voice.

"Yeah…no…I'm not attending and how old do you have to be to enter the Competition?" Kabuto asked rhetorically mostly because he was probably the oldest competitor here.

"You have to be seventeen or older, and sense you don't pass the age require meant you could get in serious trouble so you should attend Hogwarts so I'll have jurisdiction to protect you." Dumbledore lied.

"Oh my I have to be Seventeen or older…" Kabuto said in fake shock causing Dumbledore to smile and nod. "That's good because I'm 23." Kabuto said blandly causing Dumbledore to frown slightly.

"Now that I got the information I needed you can release him." Kabuto stated to the members of Nox causing them to reluctantly release Dumbledore.

"But Jashin-Sama I wanted to sacrifice this heathen in your name." Hidane whined almost cutely causing most of the students and faculty's eyes to widen in shock.

"One, you want to sacrifice everyone in my name and two maybe later…if he pisses me off." Kabuto said nonchalantly, getting yells of outrage.

"Mister Potter you shouldn't talk so lightly on killing if your parents were…" A strict woman started to scold Kabuto only to be interrupted by a kunai blade nicking her cheek. Everyone one looked to see where it came from only to noticed Kabuto's hand outstretched towards the women but Kabuto himself hadn't taken his eyes off of Dumbledore.

"Speak of my 'Parent's' Again and I'll have Hidane-chan sacrifice you." Kabuto threatened, causing Dumbledore to frown slightly at Kabuto's obvious resentment of his parents.

"Excuse my…um Kabuto…We should really allow you to meet the other champions." Dumbledore tried to persuade to Harry and hopefully get him alone so he could examine Harry's mind and possibly erase his memories.

"Fine but I'm not going anywhere without Nox." Kabuto stated, causing Dumbledore to frown again but it faded when he realized he could take down whoever this Nox was and get to Harry.

"Sure you can bring your friend with you." Dumbledore said grandfatherly.

"Good they were coming with me even if you said no…you just made it easier on yourself." Kabuto voiced as he left with the members of Nox plus Temari and Kankuro following him.

"I'm afraid that I can't allow them to follow you." Dumbledore said while trying to sound sad, Kabuto closed his eyes and lowered his head causing Dumbledore to smile thinking that Harry gave up on the argument, only to flinch when Kabuto's eyes snapped open revealing blood red eyes with a pin wheel design.

"You assumed I was asking your permission Dumbledore…If you continue to try and annoy me…I will kill you." Kabuto threatened as his eyes and Dumbledore's connected. Dumbledore tried to use Legilimency on Kabuto, only for Kabuto to counter with the Genjutsu: Sharingan(Illusion Technique: Copy Wheel Eye) ability to place Dumbledore in an illusion. Kabuto projected the illusion of his Susanoo looming behind him and induced the primal feeling of fear into Dumbledore activating the humans Flight or Fight response instinct.

To everyone else that watched the interaction they only saw Kabuto glare at Dumbledore with weird looking eyes but the people who read the "Naruto" manga knew what they were, then Dumbledore fell on his knees panting heavily.

Kabuto walked to Dumbledore's knelling form and knelt down in front of him.

"You assumed I would be weak didn't you? You assumed you could control me? You assumed I would jump at the chance at destroying evil…But there is no evil or good…there is only power and those too afraid to use it…and I have Power…and I'm not afraid to use it." Kabuto whispered to Dumbledore but his voice echoed throughout the hall. Dumbledore paled at Kabuto's words, they almost mirrored Voldemort's.

"Now…Dumbledore take me to the other champions." Kabuto ordered he wanted to get this done as quickly as possible. From the information he just got form Dumbledore's mind the Goblet would have taken his magic away if he hadn't have come here killing him in the process, so that's probably why Jashin wanted to speed up the destruction of Madara and Obito.

Dumbledore lead the group to where the other Champions were. Kabuto stopped before he entered the room getting a strange glance from Dumbledore.

"Guys stay out here…Orika, Yang, Gaia and Hidane follow me into the room…If any one tries to attack me…kill them all." Kabuto ordered. 'Orika, Yang, Gaia and Hidane are probably the best to bring in close combat, Jugo and Suigetsu would probably just destroy everything if I bring them along.' Kabuto thought as he walked into the room with Yang, Gaia, Orika and Hidane following him and hiding in the shadows.

Kabuto noticed a beautiful blonde haired girl, a brooding teenage boy and a pretty boy. From Dumbledore's recent memories' the girl was named Fleur Delacour, The brooder was Viktor Krum, and the pretty boy was Cedric Diggory. Kabuto noticed Fleur give off a subtle illusion but quickly broke through it with his Sharingan. Kabuto was about to attack but he noticed Fluer's intent or lack thereof she wasn't even looking in his direction. 'Hmm…So she's giving off that illusion but not on purpose, but passively.'

Kabuto saw Fleur look at him in some sort of annoyance. Until she noticed that he wasn't looking at her with a daze or like an idiot. Kabuto gave Fleur a small smile and a nod before walking by her and took a seat. Kabuto heard some sort of commotion outside the door.

The door busted open, with several people rushing in. Kabuto watched as Dumbledore, Igor Karkoff one of Voldemort's death eaters or former death eater he didn't really care, Olympe Maxime The headmistress to Beauxbatons Academy, Mad Eye Moody and Snape enter the room. Moody limped quickly to Kabuto and grabbed him by the front of his cloak with Igor joining his side. The two started to try and interrogate Kabuto only for him to ignore them and subtle shack his head to his entourage to not attack.

"How did you put your name into the Goblet?" Igor questioned. "I think it's obvious that this is against the rules, Dumbledore is trying to cheat to win the tournament I'm right aren't I?" Igor demanded.

The other champions looked at Kabuto like they were better than him or in annoyance. But Before Moody or Igor could continue their ineffective interrogation Kabuto announced. "Jagei Jubaku(Binding Snake Glare Spell)" The two adults froze as two large Black and green tinted snakes coiled around them. The killing intent the snaked gave off petrified the two.

"Get…Your…Hand…Off ME." Kabuto ordered to Moody only for him to be frozen in fear. The snake that coiled around Moody crushed Moody's wrist causing him to let go.

"Now that I have your attention…if you're going to interrogate my…then at least do it right, but if you assume that I would be so self-centered to enter a contest I didn't know existed, in a school I never attended then you're all delusional." Kabuto voiced.

"A-all right we believe you, can you please release them Kabuto." Dumbledore stuttered out to the Snake Sage. The two large snakes slowly un-coiled themselves and returned to Kabuto's sleeves.

"Now all we have to do is get you enrolled at Hogwarts…" Dumbledore tried to say only for himself to be frozen, when Viliangia Kabuto's basilisk herself coiled around Dumbledore's body. While Viliangia wasn't ligament summoning Snake Kabuto was able to teach her how to use Killing Intent. Viliangia slowly slithered up Dumbledore's body completely binding him.

"I'm probably sure didn't quite understand me Dumbledore when I said I wouldn't work for you…You probably thought I was joking or even bluffing…But I don't joke, If you continue to try and poorly manipulate me I will donate blood…Your blood…" Kabuto threatened and Viliangia tightened around Dumbledore.

"Do you understand? Or do you need a little more…time to think?" Kabuto asked as Viliangia's mouth opened near Dumbledore's ear and hissed loudly.

"I understand." Dumbledore managed to speak out.

"Good…Viliangia release him." Kabuto ordered to his basilisk without the need of Parseltongue. While Viliangia didn't understand the words, she understood the gesture and released the old man.

"Now onto the problem of where I'll live for a while?" Kabuto asked out loud.

"I know a prefect place where you can live, The Gryffindor House." Dumbledore suggested causing Snape to frown.

"Hmhmhm…Heheh…Hahahaha…Oh…hmhm…Damn…Heheh…I haven't laughed that hard in a while...Putting me in Gryffindor…that was fucking hilarious." Kabuto announced.

"Oh you were serious…Oh No...No, no, no, no I won't be joining the Gryffindor house I have a far…better house in mind." Kabuto said as he turned to Snape.

"I would like to join my Uncle's house." Kabuto stated referring to both Snape and Salazar as his uncle, Snape for being the head of Slytherin and Salazar being the founder of it the house.

"No you must be sorted into a house before to can join." Dumbledore stated and contradicting himself in the process. Orika shook her head at Dumbledore's attempt at trying to control her master.

"Yet I could have joined The Gryffindor house without doing that…I smell poor manipulation…don't you Orika-chan?" Kabuto asked to a shadow in the corner. Everyone was confused until Orika walked out, everyone saw a women with yellow serpent eyes, pale skin and waist length raven black hair but everyone felt the dark, deceitful aura of death she gave off and it seemed far more darker that Voldemort's.

Igor, Moody, and Snape looked shocked, while Snape and Igor looked at her uneasily. Snape looked at Kabuto in worry assuming Kabuto too became her servant like he had to Voldemort.

"I know…this man's attempts to manipulate you are so poor he probably couldn't manipulate Naruto." Orika stated, causing Kabuto to chuckle lightly.

"Sense you yourself don't follow your rule's Dumbledore I won't either…" Kabuto said as he turned to his uncle. "Uncle Sev, can my group and I stay in the Slytherin house?" Kabuto asked Snape nicely, being nice never hurt anybody.

Snape hesitantly nodded as he quickly glanced at Orika. He led Kabuto out of the room with Orika by Kabuto's side. When Snape. Kabuto and Orika left the room Gaia, Yang and Hidane Body Flickered next to Kabuto surprising Snape in the process.

Snape lead Kabuto, Orika, Yang, Gaia and Hidane to an empty hallway were he stopped. Snape turned to face Kabuto, only for Kabuto to give Snape a bro hug. The girls looked at what transpired in confusion.

"It's been a long time Harry…or should I call you Kabuto?" Snape asked as the two parted.

"Yes it has Uncle Sev…and I don't mind you calling me Harry but I do go Kabuto now." Kabuto voiced, Kabuto noticed Snape giving wary glances towards Orika.

"Harry…are you?" Snape asked while subtly motioning towards Orika. Kabuto narrowed his eyes slightly as two glanced at her, until his eyes widened slightly.

"Oh…No, no, no, no…she isn't in fact it's the opposite in that regard." Kabuto said appease. "I'm here master." Kabuto stated, causing Orika to huff slightly and turn away.

"Good, I wouldn't want my nephew to be someone's servant…it wouldn't fit them." Snape said in some arrogance. Hidane, Yang, Orika and Gaia looked between the two trying to see any similarities between them.

"Excuse me Jashin-sama but how the hell is this guy your uncle? You guys are like opposites?" Hidane questioned which was true. Kabuto had fair skin, disheveled ash-white hair and was tall but had a lean built to him. Snape had slicked back black hair, pale skin and was tall but lanky.

"Yeah I agree with the religious nut over here." Yang added earning a glare form Hidane.

"Harry's not my biological Nephew you dunderhead." Snape snapped at Hidane and Yang with a sneer. "Now where have you been for the past few years? Who are all those people that were with you when you appeared in the great hall?" Snape asked he was genuinely worried for his nephew.

"I've been in their universe for the past few years." Kabuto stated as he jabbed his thumb in Yang's, Gaia's, Orika's and Hidane's direction. Snape glanced at them as they all waved in unison. "And I'll introduce you to my group." Kabuto said as he took the lead.

Kabuto lead Snape to his group with Yang, Orika, Hidane and Gaia following. Kabuto walked in on Guren, Anko, and Tayuya arguing while Jugo was trying to pacify them, with Suigetsu watching with a shark-like smirk, Temari and Kankuro just ignored everything that was happening and studied the scenery. Karin was focused on Kabuto already sensing him approaching.

Kabuto saw them arguing and sighed while pitching the bridge of his nose. Snape watched with some amusement.

"Guys shut the fuck up Jashin-sama is here!" Hidane yelled to the group, Snape looked at Hidane strangely mostly due to her foul language. The entire group stopped and turned to Kabuto to see a man standing next to Kabuto and they prepared to attack.

"Whoa guys calm down…He's with me." Kabuto said pacifying the group.

"Snape this is my group Nox." Kabuto introduced.

"Why Nox?" Snape asked, the entire group listened they didn't know why Kabuto chose that name either.

"While in their universe I vowed to eradicate a group known as the Akatsuki which can mean "Dawn" or "Daybreak", Nox means "Night" or "Nightfall" I named the group that to show it opposes the Akatsuki." Kabuto explained everyone in the Nox group nodded their head it made since to them.

"Why, what did the Akatsuki do?" Snape asked.

"They tried to kill someone I love…so I vowed to massacre them." Kabuto said his voice filled with venom and his glasses lenses reflected the light giving Kabuto an evil look. Snape nodded slightly, he understood why with his upbringing Harry would take protecting his loved ones seriously.

"Now to the introductions…Everyone get in line." Kabuto ordered.

"First is Orika the Snake Sannin Reincarnated." Kabuto said as he pointed to Orika.

"What's a Sannin?" Snape questioned.

"A Legendary ninja." Kabuto stated, Snape raised an eyebrow at the ninja comment.

"Then there's Hidane the Jashin Priestess…Or my priestess…I'm apparently a reincarnated version of her god." Kabuto informed as he motioned to Hidane.

"Here's Gaia no Sabaku or Gaia of the Sand Water fall…Don't let her appearances fool you, she's as deadly as she is adorable." Kabuto stated, earning a blush from Gaia and a weird look form Snape.

"Next is Guren the Crystal Princess…While she may look sweet, she's as sadistic as they come." Kabuto whispered to Snape.

"Then there's Yang of the Celestial Flame…tip don't touch her hair or her Ramen if you do she might kill you." Kabuto informed causing Yang to nod sagely.

"Here's Jugo of the Scales, if you need something destroyed just ask him." Kabuto joked.

"Next is…" Kabuto started only to get hugged form behind by Anko.

"Oh Kabuto-kun…introduce me, introduce me!" Anko whined into Kabuto's ear.

"I was…GETTING TO IT!" Kabuto snapped, causing her to stick her tongue out at him. The group to sweatdroped while watching the interaction.

"This is Anko Mitarashi…and sense she's pinching me in the side she probably wants me to add the Sexy to her name *Pinch**Pinch* can't read your mind Anko. *Pinch**Pinch*…Now I just think your pinching me for your amusement." Kabuto said as he turned around only to go face first into Anko's breast. Making all the girls fume.

Kabuto pulled himself out of Anko's breast, but Anko looked happy. Kabuto quickly turned away and re-composed himself.

"As I was saying…This is Suigetsu Hōzuki or otherwise known as Second Coming of the Demon with his knowledge of killing." Kabuto informed lightly.

"Then there's Tayuya the Melody of Madness, just don't try and piss her off you'll keep your sanity longer." Kabuto stated.

"And there's Karin Uzumaki one of the greatest medics I know…other than me of course." Kabuto said with some arrogance. "Those are all the members of Nox, but there's Temari and Kakuro Gaia's older siblings." Kabuto stated.

"Oh yeah…All the females in Nox are all in a relationship with me." Kabuto said quickly "Now weren't you suppose to lead us to the Slytherin house Uncle Sev?" Kabuto asked, trying to avoid the subject of his relationship 'While I'm not embarrassed about my relationships I really didn't like to converse about it.' Kabuto thought.

Snape sighed and gave Kabuto and a look that clearly said they would talk about this later before he led Kabuto to the Slytherin common room with Nox and the Sand Siblings following. Kabuto pulled the hood of his cloak up over his head, giving him a menacing look.

"A tip…Do not show your weakness…if you do they'll pounce." Snape added as the group entered the Slytherin Common room. With a final nod to Kabuto, Snape left the group to their own devices. Kabuto told the group to wait as he himself entered the room.

Kabuto noticed several different groups of people as he entered the Slytherin common room. One group was made up of several girls ranging from 14 to 17 years old, another group was made up entirely of boys ranging from 13 to 17 years old, and a small group filled with girls and boys though they were only about 11 to 13 years old. Kabuto watched as the group of boys glare in his direction as they stood up.

"Well, well If it isn't the famous Harry Potter. Come to the "Snake Den" have you...Think you scare us huh? Potter?" One of the elder boys asked.

"Don't…call me that." Kabuto said to the Slytherin boy causing him smirking.

"Oh that's right you don't like your name…Huh? The Great Harry Potter scared of his own name." the Boy taunted.

"Oh no…You miss understand, I'm not scared of it…I hate it…I despise it…If you continue to call me that…I won't be responsible for what I might do to you." Kabuto threatened as he tilted his head downward and went into his Kabutomaru state.

"You may have somehow deafened the dark lord…but that was probably a fluke and you are a fake…Your threats are meaningless Harry Pot*Squelch *…" the boy didn't finish with Kabuto appearing in front of him and stabbed the boy through his cheek with his bone wand.

"You seemed to ignore my threat…that was your mistake…and a mistake I'll make sure you don't do again." Kabuto whispered but his voiced carried. Along with his now revealed Kabutomaru state the entire Slytherin common room was quiet with either fear or awe. Kabuto gave the boy a sadistic as the boy trembled in fear.

"Oh don't worry I won't kill you…yet, I want you to feel everything…Incendio. "Kabuto announced harshly as he cast the Fire making spell inside the Slytherin boy's mouth burning it completely. Kabuto pulled his wand out of the now unconscious boy and turned to face the boy's friends as they all pointed their wands at Kabuto.

"Come on, come on, hit me, Hit me…I want you to do it. So come on and…Hit ME!" Kabuto yelled to the group of boys and the complied. They launched their spells at Kabuto, and he made no effort in defending or evading. Most of the Slytherins watched in disappointment as Kabuto allowed himself to get hit, the group of boys watched in satisfaction as Kabuto was hit by their spells.

"Hehehe…You missed." 'Kabuto' said as his skin started to crack. Then his entire body burst into emerald crystal and all that was left was Kabuto's cloak. Everyone other than the group of boys looked around for Kabuto only to see him above the boys, standing upside down on the ceiling. With his cloak gone everyone could see the Basilisk coiled around his body.

Kabuto dropped in the center of the boys. Before the group could react, Viliangia launched herself at the person behind Kabuto and clamped her maw on the boy's neck, and then used her strength to slam him into the ceiling. Kabuto grabbed the boy that was in front of him and used him as a human shield to absorb the attacks the remaining group launched at Kabuto. Kabuto closed his eyes then snapped them open revealing two blood red eyes that had three comas rotating around the central pupil.

Kabuto looked into the eyes of the two remaining boys causing them to freeze. He then dropped his now useless human shield, and then he made the two remaining boys fight each other until they were unconscious or died he really didn't care either way.

"Now…they'll be some changes around here…I'm now the leader…If you have a problem now…stand up and fight me..." Kabuto announced as he glanced around to see no one apposed, he saw every member of the Slytherin house watching him.

"If you try to dis-credit me…To attack me…Or try to manipulate me…I will kill you and wipe your existence from this world…If you don't believe me or you think that I'm bluffing…Then come…come to your death and when you meet Salazar in the afterlife, tell him…tell him how you acted like a bunch Gryffindors trying to attack an enemy that you knew nothing about, and had a power you couldn't comprehend…so heed my words…or don't… It doesn't matter to me at all." Kabuto threatened to the entire house, while his sharingan glowed menacingly.

Kabuto sat on the nearest couch in the Slytherin common room, with Viliangia un-coiling herself from Kabuto's body and coiled herself to Kabuto's left, but she would stare at occupants in the room and waited to protect her master. Kabuto flared his chakra signaling for the rest of the members of Nox to enter the room.

Kabuto watched as Suigetsu sat next to him, and propped his legs up while slamming the Kubikiribōchō in the ground shaking everyone slightly. Kabuto heard the members of Nox conversing with themselves mostly about the stupidity of Dumbledore, the nice scenery or how badly they want to kill or cut someone. Kabuto felt several people staring at him, which annoyed him a little bit and turned to face them. He noticed several girls staring at him some of the younger ones that were around 12-13 were blushing under his gaze; the eldest ones that were around 16-17 were smirking at him arrogantly and the girls that were around 14 were either looking at him in attraction or calculation. Kabuto gazed at the girls for a few seconds before his basilisk faced them as well, Kabuto gave them a devious grin and flicked his serpent-like tongue for a second before turning away leaving a flustered group of girls.

That night with everyone asleep Kabuto snuck out of the Slytherin common room without any hearing, then headed towards the second Girls Bathroom. Kabuto walked through the empty hallways with Viliangia silently following her master. The duo arrived at the empty bathroom uninterrupted; Kabuto entered the bathroom and mirrored Tom's memory.

§Open § Kabuto commanded one of the Bathroom flossiest. The snake carving on the sink moved to towards the other carving causing them to move. The sink eventually moved out of the way revealing the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. Kabuto called for stairs and lights then continued through the Chamber with his Basilisk loyally following behind him.

Kabuto trekked by a giant shedded skin of a Basilisk and speared a glance at it before continuing on. He was met be the statue of Salazar. Kabuto turned around and knelt down to Viliangia; he bit his thumb and applied some of his blood on Viliangia's body. Viliangia increased in size and eventually toward over Kabuto. She flicked her tongue around Kabuto before she nuzzled her snout into Kabuto's chest. After patting her head Kabuto turned to face the statue of Salazar.

§ Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four! § Kabuto ordered to the statue. The statue's mouth opened, and a loud echoing hiss sounded throughout the Chamber. Viliangia tensed and readied to strike while Kabuto didn't do anything as he observed a Basilisk the same size as Viliangia slither out of the Statue.

The Basilisk looked around until its eyes honed onto Kabuto and inspected him under scrutiny which angered Viliangia. Kabuto and the Basilisk stared down form what seemed like minutes until the Basilisk moved dangerously close to Kabuto, then the Basilisk licked Kabuto's face causing him to seal his mouth shut.

§Masster!? § The Basilisk hissed as it coiled around Kabuto, He had to suppress the sigh it seemed that almost every snake he meets happens to be female.

§ Yess…I'm your masster. § Kabuto said to the Basilisk, the Basilisk increased the pressure around Kabuto though not enough to harm him, the basilisk seemed to be trying to hug Kabuto.

§ Um…can you let me go? § Kabuto hissed to the Basilisk. Only for the Basilisk to coil tighter and nuzzle her head into Kabuto's shoulder, 'I guess that's a no' Kabuto glanced to his side to see Viliangia glaring at the Basilisk.

§ Masster I've waited sso long for you to come…Now you're here, I'm sso happy § The Basilisk hissed happily.

§ Um…I'm glad…Are you alright with me being your masster? § Kabuto asked to the Basilisk.

§ Of coursse I'm alright, I'm ecsstatic…You look and ssmell far better than my lasst masster, and your sscent is so wonderful! § The basilisk hissed loudly.

§ That'ss good I guessss…What'ss your name? § Kabuto asked to the ecstatic Basilisk.

§ Seraph§ the Basilisk answered.

§Nice name…Seraph, are you bound to this Chamber? § Kabuto questioned to the Basilisk.

§Only if my masster wissshes it…Are, are you bounding me to the Chamber§ Seraph asked sadly.

§No, no, no of course not…I just wanted to know if I could take you with me. § Kabuto hissed trying to lighten Seraph's mood.

§ But how will you take me with you? § Seraph questioned.

§Don't worry about it…You and Viliangia will stay with me and protect me if you want to.§ Kabuto informed to the Basilisk. §Is it alright if I can insspect Sssalazar's private library? § Kabuto asked to the snake. While Tom never knew there was a possible library, but Kabuto had the experience form the Chamber in the Elemental Nations.

§ Of course you can Masster § Seraph hissed happily, Kabuto nodded and rubbed Seraph's snout as she un-coiled herself from Kabuto allowing him to enter Salazar's library.

The library itself was twice as large as the library from the Element causing Kabuto to smirk at the chance at learning more.