A furious scowl was etched onto Kabuto's face as he sat at the Slytherin table. He was eating breakfast by himself, mostly because Viliangia was encircling Kabuto with Seraph preventing anyone from sitting next to him. The night before Kabuto applied the same seals he put on Viliangia onto Seraph allowing her to be near Kabuto. But like Viliangia, Seraph likes to coil around him.

But Kabuto wasn't mad about his Basilisk; no he was pissed on what he had learned. When he was heading towards the Great Hall he was confronted by several students asking a wide variety of questions which Kabuto ignored. But one question made him stumble.

-Flash Back-

Kabuto pushed through a group of kids but they wouldn't let up.

"Hey aren't you Kabuto from the Naruto series?" A girl asked, Kabuto nearly tripped when the girl asked that.

"W-what?" Kabuto managed to voice out.

"Yeah you look just like him and you're far too accurate to be a cosplayer…so you must be him." The girl continued in a daze.

"What do you mean "Naruto" series and what the hell is a cosplayer?" Kabuto interrogated.

"Oh the Naruto series is a Manga or Anime about Naruto…and you're in it, but you're the bag guy…But I never thought of you as one." The girl said with a dreamy sigh as she stared at Kabuto intently, which creeped him out a little bit.

"And a Cosplayer is a person who dresses up as one of their favorite characters." The girl continued, Kabuto as getting far more weirded out by each passing second. Kabuto slowly walked backwards away from his 'admirer' before he Body Flickered away.

-Flash Back End-

Kabuto watched as several groups of people form the Slytherin house sit at the table. The boy's that he beat down sat the furthest away from Kabuto. He gave them a dark smirk causing them to pale and look away.

Kabuto felt someone sit in across from him and he turned towards them. It was one of the Slytherin girls he saw the other day. "Is there something you need?" Kabuto asked the girl.

"No…I'm just inspecting the person who's supposed to be a champion for Slytherin." A girl with blonde hair and grey eyes stated.

"Oh…what do you see?" Kabuto questioned to the girl.

"I see a lost, scared little boy with abandonment issues…When you fight in the tournament and fail…make sure it is you that fails and not Slytherin…can you do that." The girl said condescendingly.

Kabuto closed his eyes and tilted his head forward slightly and chuckled, causing his glasses to slide slightly. Kabuto pushed his glasses up with his middle finger creating a lens flare and snapped his eyes open revealing his two Sharingan, which caused the girl to flinch slightly.

"Hn…I like your attitude…But if you continue to patronize me…I will kill you and make it look like an accident." Kabuto told her as he aimed chuunin level of Killing Intent at her, causing her to hallucinate different was of dying by Kabuto's hands. Kabuto let up, allowing her to breath.

"Do you understand me?" Kabuto asked softly and she nodded but was still too scared to move.

"Good…Now you have nothing to worry about, I will show everyone how powerful this house is…But with everyone's open animosity towards Slytherin, the odds of me 'legitimately' winning this contest are extremely low…But don't worry, I have my ways." Kabuto said to the girl. Kabuto didn't really need to try and hide his motives or power in this world mostly because everyone here doesn't have the mindset as the Nin from his world.

"Besides I wouldn't want to disappoint Uncle Sev." Kabuto commented off handedly.

"Who's Uncle Sev?" The girl asked with narrowed eyes.

"Severus Snape of course…I mean who else would have 'Sev' in their name and would be affiliated with Slytherin?" Kabuto condescendingly asked the girl.

"Don't talk down to me you Half-blood…I was just surprised that my Godfather was your uncle." The girl commented offhandedly.

"Hmm…Then I guess we have something in common, don't we?" Kabuto asked nonchalantly while he continued to eat his food at a moderate pace.

"I guess we do." The girl echoed. Kabuto stopped eating and faced the girl, then held out his hand towards her.

"Yakushi…Kabuto Yakushi." Kabuto introduced himself to the girl.

"Malfoy…Daronica Malfoy." The girl said as she grabbed Kabuto's hand and shook it lightly.

"Nice to meet you…Daronica." Kabuto voiced to the blonde haired Slytherin. Kabuto watched as the Gryffindor members enter the Great Hall and looked around their table form someone, Kabuto notice Daronica glare in their direction slightly before continuing to eat her food. The Gryffindors looked for Harry Potter and expected him to be at their tables, but were shocked to see him sitting at the Slytherin table and talking to the most villainous girl in Slytherin.

Derik saw the interaction between his brother and his self-proclaimed archrival, and stomped up to them. Derik's two friends Ron and Herminie followed behind him. The fake boy-who-lived swaggered up to Kabuto's location and practically slammed his hands near Kabuto creating a loud echoing slap to sound throughout Hall. Kabuto and Daronica under reacted to Derik's act of attention.

"Can I help you?" Kabuto asked not even looking up to acknowledging Derik's existence.

"Can I help you, can I help you!...You disappear for years, then sit next to my archrival at the Slytherin Table and all you can say is 'Can I help you'!" Derik yelled.

"One…shut the Fuck up! Two…Archrival, what are you nine…no don't answer that I already know the answer. And three why wouldn't I sit here, I happen to like it here…And 'Can I help you' seemed like a reasonable question to ask when someone randomly walks up to you then slams their hands right next to them…So let me ask you again…Can I help you?" Kabuto questioned, that seemed to be the wrong thing to say because Derik looked like he was about to explode.

Derik took out his wand and pointed it at Daronica. "You did this didn't you…you probably put a love potion in his drink, Yeah that's it isn't it. You couldn't get the boy you wanted so you had to enthrall his brother…any matter I defeat you and force you to release him." Derik announced to Daronica, getting nods of agreement from his entourage.

Kabuto had the most confused look on his face, he could say he liked Daronica's personality but he wasn't falling in love with her. Kabuto looked at Daronica to see she was as confused as he was.

"Dude…what the fuck have you been smoking?" Kabuto asked incredulously.

"Don't worry I'll save you Harry." Derik said causing the entire Slytherin table to freeze and stare at the commotion; they learned last night that calling Kabuto, Harry was dangerous. Derik leveled his wand at Daronica but felt something against his neck. Everyone watching was surprised Kabuto appeared behind Derik and held a glowing hand to Derik's neck. Derik's friends were about to defend Derik only to find themselves bound by Viliangia and Seraph.

"You see Derik…I don't need saving…and the odds of Daronica lacing my drink with a love potion within the few minutes we met and me not catching it, are about as likely as my accepting my name…and while I don't 'Love' Daronica as you say, I like her far more that I like you…So if you continue to threaten my companion, I'll use this chakra scalpel to decapitate you…Do you understand that, foolish little brother?" Kabuto questioned.

The only answer he received was a nod. "Good…Now run away." Kabuto command to his annoying little brother, As Derik fled Kabuto threw his companions at Derik using his Basilisks. The Basilisks returned to Kabuto and coiled around him under his cloak.

"Mister Potter!" A stern looking woman shrieked to him.

"What." Kabuto snapped he was starting to get a little pissed especially with everyone's need to yell and not understanding the concept that he changed his name.

"One It's against the Law to have Basilisks in this country, two you're not allowed to bring more than one animal familiar and three if you try to harm Derik Potter or any of my lions again I personally take you out." The women threatened.

"I've read the laws…and I haven't broken any of them…the Law stated a wizard can't 'Breed' a Basilisk and that a wizard should avoid them on the count that Basilisk's are aggressive to Wizards, Viliangia and Seraph are loyal to me so that law is invalid…Also about the rule stating I'm not allowed to bring more than one animal, I don't go to school here so your rule doesn't affect me." Kabuto informed as hey smile lightly as he closed his eyes, before he snapped them open revealing two three tomed sharingan.

"And if you try to threaten me with that Piss-poor threat I'll massacre every single one of your 'Lions' before ending your miserable existence." Kabuto threatened as he placed the women under a Genjutsu depicting him killing everyone from Gryffindor before her eyes. As he released her she fell on her knees and weakly glared at Kabuto only for him to return it with a glare of his own only further enhanced by his sharingan.

Kabuto watched as the women reach for her wand only for Snape to make and appearance.

"What is going on here?" Snape demanded. Causing the most of the non-Slytherin students to cringe and look away.

"Your student just threatened me!" The woman shrieked, only for Kabuto to shake his head and chuckle lightly and deactivated his Sharingan.

"Hmhmhm…Selective memory isn't appropriate for someone of your stature…I'm no student of Hogwarts…and two I merely responded to your poorly executed threat with one of my own." Kabuto said condescendingly.

"Now if you would excuse me Snape, I would wish to finish my Breakfast that I've been so rudely interrupted from." Kabuto voiced as he sat down and started to eat, ignoring the awed stares form some of the students.

A few hours Later Kabuto was exploring through the Castle with Viliangia and Seraph following in behind him. Kabuto felt his Shadow Clone dispel signaling that someone needed him. He stopped and knelt down allowing Viliangia and Seraph to coil up around him under his cloak.

Kabuto body flickered to his Clone's location and saw Snape standing around with his arms folded.

"You're not surprised that I randomly combust?" Kabuto asked.

"With all I've seen I'm rarely surprised these days…With your sudden appearance, Your Harem of girls and Basilisk companions, I'm more or less desensitized me to your surprises." Snape voiced dryly.

"Heh…guess you're right." Kabuto stated. "So what did you need, Uncle Sev?" Kabuto asked.

"You're required to have your wand check." Snape informed, causing Kabuto to nod his head. Kabuto followed Snape as he led him towards to the 'Weighing of the Wands'.

Kabuto noticed the other consistence Fleur, Cedric and Viktor along with the headmasters and Headmistress from the individual schools. He also noticed an old man staring at him in expectance.

Kabuto leaned back against a wall and watched as the other consistence get their wands weighed. Kabuto summoned his wand and hide it inside his sleeve and waited for his turn to arrive.

"Harr- ah, Kabuto Yakushi your up." Dumbledore corrected himself as he called out to Harry.

Kabuto walked toward the Wand Maker until he was standing in front of him. He pulled out his focus and handed it to the old man. The old man flicked the wand in an assortment shapes before black and emerald lightning sparked from Kabuto's wand.

"A very interesting wand you have her Kabuto…I don't remember selling one like this." The old man said with confusion.

"That's because I made this wand…Where I lived before I came here there was…A shortage of wands so I had to improvise and create my own." Kabuto said in a half-truth.

"I have to say you did a splendid job…But I have to ask what the wood you used was, and what you used for a core?" the wand crafter asked.

"Oh I didn't use wood for my wand…I used my own bones." Kabuto said nonchalantly getting mortified looks form everyone but the wand crafter who looked intrigued.

"How were you able to mend your bone to perfectly shape a wand?" The man asked.

"To understand that, I would first have to give you a little lesson on where I came from, and some of their abilities." Kabuto stated, getting everyone's full attention.

"You see I'm my previous world there were people who had Kekkei genkai or 'A technique limited to inheritance by blood' or Bloodline Limit." Kabuto stated. "They are abilities passed down through blood within specific 'Clans'. There are three types of Kekkei genkai, there's one that allow a person to combine two or more types of the seven elements allowing them to create a new sub-element." Kabuto informed.

"Seven elements I thought there were four." Cedric voiced, causing Kabuto to chuckle slightly.

"No there are seven main elements such as Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, Lighting, Yin and Yang…Yin is the spiritual element that deals with the mind and Yang is the physical element. Through a Kekkei genkai someone can combine these elements to create a sub-element, for example one of the greatest warriors Hashirama Senju was able to combine Earth and Water to create the infamous wood element." Kabuto informed.

"What's so special about wood?" Viktor questioned he didn't see the bid deal.

"In that world there are nine great Demons known as the Bjiuu. Even the weakest of the demons could level cities without even trying. But it was said Hashirama was able to pacify and control the demons with his Wood Release bloodline that was why he was mostly feared." Kabuto replied. "Now to the second type of bloodline the Dōjutsu or the Eye Techniques, All known Dojustu also provide the user with some unique abilities, such as extended field of vision or predictive abilities." Kabuto informed.

"What so great about that?" Igor question.

"Hmm…the weakest Dojustu is the Hyūga clan's Byakugan or the White Eye; it allows the user 360 degree vision and can see 50 meters in all directions. The second ability the Byakugan grants the user the ability to see through solid objects, telescopic vision, and illusions don't affect them." Kabuto informed. "And that was the weakest; I don't even know all the abilities for the strongest Dojutsu the Rinnegan or Saṃsāra Eye." Kabuto voiced causing a lot of people to pale at the abilities of the Dojustu.

"Now onto the last type of the Bloodline limit…The body manipulation Kekkei genkai…One of the most infamous clans that had this was the now extinct Kaguya clan with their Shikotsumyaku or 'the dead bone pulse'. This bloodline allows people to fully manipulate their bones and create new ones in their place…In my time I was able to study several deceased members of the Kaguya clan." Kabuto said as he held up his palm and formed another bone wand in his palm. Surprising almost everyone, Kabuto wasn't worried about giving out this information, mostly because they can't really do anything with this information also he didn't give out information of the Crystal Release, Swift Release and Sharingan plus he wanted a little challenge if they knew one of his possible abilities what would they do with it.

"Fascinating, fascinating…tell me what did you used for the core?" the old man questioned.

"Hmm…I used Basilisk venom, willingly given." Kabuto said as Viliangia hissed and encircled Kabuto while looming over Kabuto's shoulder, but the old man paid no head to her. "Solidified Yokai form the kyūbi no kitsune unknowingly taken and my blood." Kabuto informed, he honestly saw no problem with telling the ingredients to his wand if they stole it the wand would self-destruct and he could always make a new one.

"Interesting…very interesting…The toxic qualities of Basilisk venom and the corrosive properties of a demon's yokai…Are you a healer by any chance?" The old man questioned.

"I heal on occasion." Kabuto informed while pushing up his glasses.

"peculiar, you have a very peculiar wand Mister Yakushi…you have a contradicting wand…the toxic venom of a basilisk and the corrosive properties of a demon's yokai and to bridge their gap healers blood…This wand could be used for the greatest medic…or the darkest killer…you will do great this Kabuto Yakushi, I just wish I was the one who created this master piece." The old man said smiling, Kabuto smiled slightly back, of course the wand he created was a master piece.

"Thank you, sir." Kabuto said with a slight bow of the head.

"Is his wand legal to own, are you sure it isn't dark or cursed?" some dressed up blonde women interrogated.

"I assure you Mister Yakushi's wand isn't curse or dark in any way…and by my standards his wand is ligament." The old man announced.

"I think he should have a replacement…How about one of your creations." Dumbledore suggested, Kabuto tensed slightly not in fear but in annoyance and preventing himself from attacking Dumbledore. While Kabuto held back his companions didn't Viliangia and Seraph, they slithered out from under Kabuto's cloak and raised themselves to Kabuto's shoulders and glared at Dumbledore. If they wanted to they could have killed him with just their eyes but they were smart enough to now Kabuto would bear the consequences for their actions so they to held back. The basilisks' glare caused Dumbledore to flinch.

"Suggest something out of line again, I will break you." Kabuto threatened, while aiming Jonin level Killing Intent at Dumbledore causing almost everyone to freeze. 'Moody' aka Barty Crouch Junior, Igor and Snape had flashbacks to their time with Voldemort while Dumbledore hallucinated ways of dying by Kabuto's hands. Kabuto let up a bit before leaving the group.

"Mister Potter." Kabuto heard and annoying voice call out to him, which he ignored.

"Mister Potter!" he heard the voice again and he ignored it.

"Mister Yakushi." He heard casing him to stop, and turn to the voice to see it was the dressed up blonde chick from her body langue and ranging from the expensive clothes and holler than though aura she excluded Kabuto deduced she was journalist, causing Kabuto so sigh. He didn't really need this.

"Mister Yakushi…Can I have a word with you, I'm sure everyone would like to know your story." The journalist voiced. Before she could grab him Kabuto activated his Sharingan and placed her under a Genjustu then gave her a false memory of an interview. Kabuto continued his walk only to be interrupted by another voice.

"Harry James Potter!" Kabuto heard someone very familiar yell at him, but he continued to walk sense who ever wanted to get his attention should use his real name.

"Harry James Potter, listen when your mother is talking to you!" Kabuto heard a male voice yell to him, causing Kabuto to roll his eyes in annoyance. 'These people are obvious retarders if they don't understand that I changed my name.' Kabuto thought cynically.

Kabuto stopped and spared a sideways glance at his birth givers. "Do you require something?" Kabuto questioned dryly.

"You run away from your Aunt and Uncle casing them months of distress and when you return you don't tell us, some son you are." Lily said to their 'son'.

"Um…Are you going somewhere with this?" Kabuto asked not affected by their poor attempts of intimidation.

"Harry, don't talk to your mother like that." James scolded. Kabuto faked surprise and shock and looked around seemingly looking for someone.

"Nope…My mother isn't anywhere near here…in fact I can almost guaranty she died." Kabuto said to the two.

"But I'm your mother." Lily said.

"No…you gave birth to me…But you detested me…you hated me…the only reason you're trying to communicate with me now is for my supposed fame." Kabuto said apathetically as Lily started to form tears around her eyes, causing James to glare at Kabuto.

"It doesn't matter what you think of us but you will tell us where you've been." James said as he drew his wand and fired a stunner at Kabuto. The stunner was about to hit Kabuto only for a wall of sand to intercept.

"Cutting it a bit close weren't you Gaia-chan." Kabuto commented, Lily and James noticed a petite maroon haired girl appeared next to Harry in a swirl of sand. The watched as the sand that blocked James' attack from into a large gourd onto the girls back.

"They always say the hero arrives at the last minute." Gaia said in a monotone voice but Kabuto could hear her amusement.

"And I thought I was the Hero hmm…What am I now?" Kabuto asked in fake sadness.

"You're 'My' Boyfriend." Gaia stated defiantly her defiant look, looked cute to Kabuto.

"Of course, of course." Kabuto said offhandedly but made it sound condescending not to Gaia personally but more to the situation.

"What! You're too young to have a Girlfriend and she's too young to be your girlfriend!" Lily yelled.

"Um…I'm 23 years old, I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to date…and Gaia may look young she's about 17…so shut up." Kabuto informed, causing his birth givers to fume.

"Harry James Potter!" Lily yelled again, only to be interrupted.

"Kabuto." Kabuto said.

"What?" Lily asked.

"My name...is Kabuto. Kabuto Yakushi." Kabuto informed.

"What kind of name is Kabuto?" Lily asked saying 'Kabuto 'in in distaste.

"That is the name my Mother gave to me when I lost my memories…If you talk bad about it again…Birth giver or not…I will kill you." Kabuto said with a sharingan enhanced glare, Gaia herself gave her own glare.

"Now if you would excuse me I would like to spend some time with my girlfriend." Kabuto said as he turned around.

"Now stop right there." James commanded causing Kabuto to sign, and then turn back he just wanted to get this over with.

"What?" Kabuto asked with annoyance.

"We heard what you did to your little brother Derik and we're very disappointed with you." James said.

"Oh you caught me…I guess I'll have to apologize to my little brother." Kabuto said sarcastically, which got to nods from James and Lily.

"If that's all can I leave?" Kabuto questioned, and James and lily nodded. Kabuto quickly left with Gaia before his birth givers remembered that they were trying to capture him.

"Are you really going to apologize to your brother?" Gaia questioned.

"Fuck no." Kabuto replied, causing Gaia to smile. Gaia reached for Kabuto's hand and held it while they walked through the hallway.


Gaia glanced around and noticed no one around, and then pushed Kabuto into an empty closet.

Kabuto and Gaia smashed their lips together. Kabuto held Gaia up against the wall, one of his hands wrapped around the back of her neck and the other hand snaked its way through Gaia's pants. Kabuto inserted a finger into her wet pussy.

"Mmm…Ah…Mmm." Gaia moaned into Kabuto's mouth, allowing Kabuto to snake his tongue into Gaia's mouth allowing him to taste her.

Kabuto increased the motion of his finger in Gaia while ravishing Gaia's mouth. The moans that came from Gaia increased but Kabuto didn't pull away from her mouth. Kabuto felt Gaia slowly losing the battle of tongues. Kabuto pulled Gaia's tongue into his mouth and sucked on it, casing Gaia to moan again.

Kabuto felt Gaia tighten around his finger and quickly inserted another finger into her pussy to increase her pleasure. Gaia parted from Kabuto's mouth and threw her head back and almost screamed in pleasure. Kabuto pulled his fingers out from Gaia's pussy and put them near his face.

Gaia watched as Kabuto slowly licked her juices from his fingers, and his face lit up in delight as he tasted her which amused Gaia.

Gaia gave Kabuto a sultry smile, though to Kabuto it looked adorable. She went to her knees and un-did Kabuto's pants and pulled out his member. Gaia wrapped her small hands around Kabuto's member and gave a few pumps to make sure Kabuto was hard. Gaia leaned forward and licked the tip of Kabuto's cock.

"Mm…You taste good." Gaia muttered as tasted Kabuto's pre-cum. Gaia engulfed the head of Kabuto's cock into her mouth, can continued to engulf Kabuto's member until it was ¾ into her mouth. Gaia started to bob her head back and forth causing Kabuto to groan. The sound of slurping sounded throughout the closet as Gaia continued to bob her head while sucking on Kabuto's cock.

Kabuto out a hand on the back of Gaia's head and pushed her further onto his cock with his hips pushing himself further into Gaia's mouth. Gaia looked at Kabuto with cute lust filled eyes almost sending him over the.

"Don't stop Gaia-chan." Kabuto grunted out as he felt himself about to climax. The encouragement caused Gaia to bob her head faster and tried to engulf more of Kabuto's member. After a few seconds Kabuto came in Gaia's mouth and down her throat. Kabuto watched as Gaia release his cock and clean of his cum with her tongue.

"My Kabuto-kun…you gave me such a treat." Gaia voiced softly as she finished enjoying Kabuto's seed. Kabuto helped the sand user up; she wobbled for a second before regaining her balance. When Gaia regained her balance she gave Kabuto another sexy smirk before putting her hands on the closet wall and bent her ass out.

"I'm still ready for more Kabuto-kun." Gaia said cutely as she swayed her ass out slightly.

"Gaia-chan, when did you turn into such a nympho?" Kabuto questioned as he pulled Gaia's pants and panties down revealing her wet swollen nether lips.

"I'm only a nympho when I'm with you Kabuto-kun….Mmm." Gaia moaned when she felt Kabuto pushed the head of his member into her pussy.

Kabuto slowly pushed his member in Gaia expanding her on the inside. She moaned and grunted in pleasure and pain as Kabuto expanded her. Kabuto was able to fully sheath himself in Gaia's pussy causing her to moan in pleasure and relief. Kabuto started to pull out and slam back into Gaia causing her to moan loudly again.

Gaia moaned louder and louder as Kabuto slammed into her faster and faster. The sound of their flesh slapping off each other echoed throughout the closet, and the smell of their sweat and musk lingered in the air. Kabuto felt himself about to climax and slowed down slightly, and bent forward and began to message Gaia's breast through her cloths.

Kabuto felt Gaia's tighten around his member and speed up his motions so they could climax at the same time. When Kabuto fully sheathed himself in Gaia one last time, Gaia couldn't hold it anymore and climaxed with screaming in pleasure. Kabuto filled Gaia's womb with his seed, Gaia almost collapsed from her climax high only for Kabuto to catch her.

Gaia regained her breath and used Kabuto to stand herself up. Gaia felt herself leak some of Kabuto's seed and tried to hold it in. Gaia turned around and kissed Kabuto passionately which he happily returned. The two cleaned themselves up and pulled their pants up and quickly left the closet room.

End lemon

When they left Gaia's hair was more disheveled then it normally looked and her clothes were wrinkled, while Kabuto's disheveled clothing was covered by his cloak. Kabuto felt Viliangia and Seraph coil around him again he was slightly creeped out to know that his Basilisks watched as he had sex with Gaia but just put it to them being protective of him.

The duo made it to the Great Hall mostly because Kabuto and Gaia were hungry. When they arrived Kabuto noticed most of the members of Nox plus Temari and Kankuro were conversing with the Slytherin members. The Duo walked toward the Slytherin table but Gaia walked with a slight limp which the other girls noticed casing them to glare at her. When the duo sat down Gaia flashed a grin to the girls increasing their glare, before she hugged Kabuto's arm and leaned on it.

Most of the students watched the interaction with confusion. McGonagall watched the interaction in disbelieve, Snape just sighed but the smirk that was on his face showed how amused he was. Kabuto saw to red-headed twins stare at him expectantly as he reached for a goblet. In a nano-second Kabuto switched his drink with theirs, when he took a drink from a different goblet the twins looked like they won the lottery only to see nothing happen to Kabuto.

Later the twins drank form their goblet and their prank went off in their faces. Kabuto didn't really care what happened to them so he just continued eating. When dinner was over the students were dismissed and Kabuto dismissed Nox allowing them to roam freely throughout the castle. But Kabuto ordered them to never wander alone which they obeyed.

By himself Kabuto disillusioned himself with a spell then layered it with the Hiding with camouflage technique to achieve 'true' invisibility. Kabuto followed Mad-eye 'Moody' while flashing his Sharingan, Kabuto was able to see through the illusion Barty Crouch Jr. was putting up. From Voldemort's memories Barty was very powerful, if he was able to confound the Goblet a supposed ancient artifact that has never been fooled before speaks of his power.

Kabuto observed as Barty walked into his personal room. Kabuto activated his Sharingan and pushed more power into the eyes activating the Mangekyou Sharingan with the pinwheel design. Kabuto then activated the Kamui in his right eye allowing him to become intangible then walked through the room and didn't set off any of the security measures.

Barty's potion ran out tuning him from his Moody disguise to His normal look (I like to Image Barty Crouch jr. as the one in the movie aka David Tennant). Kabuto deactivated his Disillusion charm and dropped his hiding in camouflage technique. Kabuto activate his Pass Through ability and the Kamui intangibility.

"Hello Bartemius Crouch Junior." Kabuto voiced and apathetically watched all of the curses Barty threw at him pass harmlessly through. With the Kamui and Pass Through active at the same time Most of the lower charms and curses don't affect Kabuto only the darker more destructive can actually hurt him like the three unforgivables.

Before Barty could yell or fire more powerful curses he was bound by both Viliangia and Seraph. The basilisks' faces were side by side to Barty's face forcing him to stare forward unless he wanted to die by a Basilisk's stare. Kabuto calmly strolled towards Barty's bound body and put a hand on his shoulder. They disappeared in a swirling vortex that originated from Kabuto's right eye.

The two appeared in a dimension that looked tons of different sized rectangular prisms that were arranged from different sizes, and the sky and surrounding horizon looked like an endless void.

"Were am I? Why did you take me here?" Barty snapped.

"Here…here is my private place that only I can enter…I can hide, place or do so many things here…and I brought you here for several reasons actually." Kabuto said lightly as he glanced around his personal dimension he got form Obito's Mangekyou.

"I brought you here…to recruit you." Kabuto said not even giving Barty enough time to ask.

"W-why? Why would you…Harry Potter the 'Defeater' of the Dark Lord want a Death Eater to work for him?" Barty questioned.

"One I'm not the Harry Potter everyone makes me out to be…I've read those books these wizards published and to say I'm annoyed is an understatement…While I agree I destroyed Voldemort's body, I didn't kill him." Kabuto said as his Sharingan stared into Barty's casing him to flinch slightly.

"I know what really happened to the Dark Lord, Barty…And I know you're a Death Eater and I honestly don't care." Kabuto informed.

"I will never join you The Dark Lord and I have much in common…Both of us, have disappointing fathers…very disappointing indeed. Both of us suffered indignity, we both had the unfortunate fate of being named after our fathers, and I will be honored beyond all other Death Eaters. I will be his dearest, his closest supporter... Closer than a son." Barty raved on; Kabuto shook his head and sighed.

"You really think that…What a sad diluted fool." Kabuto commented causing Barty to glare at him. "Do you really believe that…I know the Dark Lord even better than he knows himself…You see, when Voldemort tried to kill me he did destroy his body but something else happened that night." Kabuto said as he paced back and forth in front of Barty.

"That night something was torn from Voldemort, something important…A very piece of Voldemort's soul…And it attached itself to me." Kabuto dropped the bomb causing Barty's eyes to widen slightly. "When I was about a few years old my soul assimilated it, absorbed it…and gained all of his memories…his power…his thoughts." Kabuto informed.

"I knew everything about him but I knew the boundary between myself and him. I have some compassion, empathy, restraint, I even have love…But He doesn't." Kabuto told to Barty hopefully giving him a hint.

"Why are you telling me this?" Barty questioned.

"Because…Because I, like you had a master…I wanted to emulate to see as a father but I knew he would never see me as such…He didn't have the compassion or the love for it…neither does Voldemort. I was Orochimaru's right hand man, his most loyal subordinate but I knew that if I lost my usefulness he would eliminate me." Kabuto voiced.

"And I know he will eliminate you, as soon as your usefulness runs out…And I believe he plans to get rid of you this very year." Kabuto said.

"W-what do you mean?" Barty asked while staring into Kabuto's eyes.

"Think about it…You were sent to Azkaban for the better part of a decade, subjugated to the torments of the Dememtors. Then Kidnapped by your father and placed under the Imperious Curse for a few more years…Do you think anyone could have gone through all of that and not develop some sort of mental problems?" Kabuto asked rhetorically, Barty looked down in thought.

"Then you spontaneously have a mission to infiltrate Hogwarts arguably the most closely guarded place in England, Pose as the best friend of Dumbledore who is said to be a master Legilimens, and Confound one of the most oldest Artifacts that was meant to never be fooled…any of one of these three could be dangerous for any Death Eater, even Voldemort himself would have trouble…Yet he sends you…a possible mentally unstable dark wizard in his place…If this doesn't sound like a suicide mission I don't know what would be." Kabuto said, causing Barty think things over while scowling.

"And say you completed this ruse…Let's say Voldemort gets resurrected…then what, with your mental instability you could slip then get captured by Dumbledore or the Ministry and given the Dementors kiss…Or you could escape and meet Voldemort and he would kill you." Kabuto voiced causing Barty to look at Kabuto with wide eyes.

"Why would he kill me, I'm his most loyal followers!?" Barty demanded.

"Why…You were able to fool Dumbledore…Sneak into Hogwarts…Confound and object made specifically not to be confounded and has never been…Seen Voldemort in his weaken state…If you were able to do all these things it's like practically yelling 'I'm stronger than Voldemort' to his face and his followers…and I know Voldemort isn't someone who would take being second best to well." Kabuto informed to Barty causing him to look at the ground sadly.

Kabuto sat on a higher platform and watched as Barty mull over the facts and make a decision. An hour passed as Barty thought things over, during that time Kabuto just made some Scorpion Replicators from the material Obito left in this dimension.

"Alright…I've…I've made my decision." Barty said quietly, Kabuto activated his Sharingan and landed right in front of Kabuto.

"And your decision is?" Kabuto questioned.

"I'll join you." Barty voiced, Kabuto looked into Barty's eyes with his Sharingan. Even if Barty was a master Occlumency, Legilimency enhanced by the Sharingan would navigate through the shields easily. Kabuto was able to verify that Barty was telling the truth. Kabuto commanded the Basilisk to release Barty and handed him his wand.

Barty kneeled in front of Kabuto only for Kabuto to sigh.

"Dude…you really don't have to do that…I'll accept a quick bow. " Kabuto said to the dark Wizard. Barty stood up quickly and bowed slightly towards Kabuto.

"Let me see your dark mark." Kabuto ordered, Barty quickly pulled up his sleeve revealing his Dark Mark. Kabuto studied it for a few seconds before nodding to himself.

"I want you to continue your plan." Kabuto said.

"What?" Barty asked confused.

"Oh…Sorry I meant continue Voldemort's plan, When the third task begins I want to put a port key on the Goblet of Fire…So he can use my Blood to resurrect himself…I know form Voldemort's memories that he has achieved partial immortality…And I'll need time to retrieve all of the his items to completely kill him." Kabuto informed.

"and then I'll quickly remove that Dark Mark…That Mark allows him so syphon magic form all those who wear it…So the only reason he was so powerful was because he was using you." Kabuto voiced adding more flames to the preverbal fire. Barty glare of into the void of Kabuto's Kumai personal dimension, before he turned to Kabuto with a determined expression.

"I'll do it." Barty declared, casing Kabuto to smirk darkly.

"Good, I'll find a way to get you your ingredients for your Polyjuice Potion…And if you get the chance…you can do anything to get revenge on your father." Kabuto said as he teleported Barty out of his personal dimension leaving Kabuto all alone. Kabuto glanced at the Replicators he store in his dimension and ordered them to spread out and search this place for anything Obito could have left.

Kabuto then disappeared in a swirling vortex and appeared in front of his bedroom door. When Kabuto entered the room, Kabuto felt his arms get bound by something. He glanced down to see they were dark green snakes; he listened as they hissed apologize saying their mistress ordered them to do it. Kabuto sighed it was either Orika or Anko who bound him and he wasn't sure who he wished it was.


"My Kabuto-kun we really haven't had any fun time and to see you have some hot sex with Gaia...I'm feeling a little left out" A voice Kabuto recognized as Anko said, causing Kabuto to pale slightly.

"What are you going to do Anko?" Kabuto asked, only to be hit lightly in the shoulder.

"I told you to call me Anko-chan or Anko-Sama…Why don't you ever listen…But I'm going to have my way with you of course." Anko said deviously, as she lifted Kabuto up by his bound hands and tossed him onto his bed. Anko used another snake to bound Kabuto to the bed.

Anko undressed herself slowly, first by removing her tan over coat revealing her delicious looking breast held by her mesh body suit. Kabuto couldn't help but stare.

"Oh…you like what you see Kabuto-kun?" Anko asked as she held her own breast and squeezed them. Anko un-buckled the belt that held her skirt up and slowly lower her skirt revealing she didn't have any panties on as well. The only thing Anko wore now was her see through mesh suit. Anko did a small dance in her see through body mesh suit to tease Kabuto and it worked.

Anko finally un-zipped her body mesh suit and shrugged the suit of revealing a naked Anko. Anko sensually crawled on top of the bound Kabuto and pulled of Kabuto's pants revealing his hard member.

"Does little Kabuto-kun want to play? Oh I guess I shouldn't call you little should I." Anko said playfully to Kabuto. Anko continued to crawl until she arrived at Kabuto's face. Anko sat on Kabuto's chest revealing her wet pink pussy to Kabuto's face; he noticed she had a small patch of pubes that matched the color of her hair just above her pussy.

"Now Kabuto-kun…all you have to do listen and please me and I might forgive you." Anko said as she used her fingers to spread her pussy lips, and inched forward. Kabuto got the hint and attacked her pussy with his tongue. Anko moaned in pleasure as Kabuto buried his tongue into her wet lips, and massaged her naked breast with one hand and her other hand dug into Kabuto's scalp as she started to grind her hips against Kabuto's face.

"Mmm…Ah…Mmmm…Oh yeah don't stop!" Anko moaned out as she continued to grind Kabuto's face. Kabuto felt Anko's pussy tighten around his tongue, Anko held Kabuto's head in places as she climaxed releasing her juices all over Kabuto's mouth forcing him to drink it up.

"Oh Kabuto-kun you sure know how to work your tongue." Anko exclaimed, before she turned herself around and spread her cheeks showing Kabuto her clean and clench Anus.

"Now use your tongue…right about here." Anko ordered as she pointed to her anus. Kabuto moved is head back slightly but Anko didn't give him the chance, before she sat down forcing Kabuto lick her which he eventually did. Anko stiffened slightly at the foreign feeling of Kabuto's tongue brush against her anus before she relaxed into it and moaned in pleasure.

Kabuto ran his tongue over Anko's anal hole and it eventually slipped inside. Kabuto felt it was hotter and tighter than Anko's pussy and tried to ignore the taste that came with it. Anko moaned loudly as Kabuto thrust his tongue deeper into her anus, the sensation caused Anko to climax again before she collapsed almost face first onto Kabuto's hard member.

Anko pulled herself off of Kabuto's face and sat on his chest again. "Oh Kabuto-kun with the way you licked my ass so thoroughly I think you like it…oh you naughty boy." Anko teased as she rubbed her ass on Kabuto's member casing him to moan.

Anko leaned in close to Kabuto. "Do you want it Kabuto-kun…Do you want to fuck my tight wet pussy…or fuck my tight hot virgin ass?" Anko asked huskily.

"Yes…I want it…I want both." Kabuto managed to breathe out.

Anko smirked devilishly as she move herself back until she was holding herself over Kabuto's member. In a second Anko took Kabuto's entire length into her wet pussy. Anko moaned loudly and Kabuto groaned, as Anko started to bounce on Kabuto's member. Kabuto felt Anko's tight wet pussy massage his cock and watched Anko's breast bounce in rhythm with her body. Kabuto had the snakes that bound him let him go, he quickly sat up and latched onto Anko's breast with his mouth.

Anko clenched her muscles around Kabuto as she felt her orgasm approaching, With Kabuto sucking and massaging her breast she felt herself loss herself in pleasure. As she climaxed all over Kabuto's member, and relaxed into his chest.

Anko turned herself around still on Kabuto's member, and then lifted herself up and spread her cheeks revealing her clenched anus. She slowly descended onto Kabuto's cock; she slowly took Kabuto into her tight virgin anus slowly clenching in pleasure and pain. When Anko clenched she increased Kabuto's pleasure immensely. Anko leaned back and relaxed as she took Kabuto's entire length into her ass, and enjoyed the feeling of Kabuto being in her.

After a few seconds Anko raised herself and impaled herself again, she moaned loudly as she felt her ass be stretched by Kabuto. Kabuto helped increase her pace by lifting her up and slamming her down.

"Oh…oh…That…feels so….goood." Anko moaned as she repeatedly impaled herself.

In a second Kabuto stood up with himself still inside Anko and bent her over, and then forced her on her hands and knees on his bed. Kabuto increased the pace as he fucked Anko in her tight hot ass. Anko buried her head and dug her fingers into the sheets of the bed, as the pain and pleasure of being fucked in the ass by her lover started causing her to blackout in another orgasm.

"Ah…OH…DON'T STOP KABUTO-KUN!" Anko screamed as she came violently. Kabuto himself climaxed and released his seed into Anko's ass. Anko passed out after her orgasm, Kabuto pulled Anko into his bed the tucked her in. Kabuto himself laid next to Anko and fell asleep at her side.