About two weeks later Kabuto stood in a tent with the other champions being told what the first Task to the Tri-Wizard Tournament was. Kabuto of course already knew the task from Barty disguised as Mad-eye 'Moody', Barty was actually a pretty good asset and Kabuto was ecstatic Barty joined him or else he would have had to kill such a potential ally.

Kabuto glanced to his sides inconspicuously and observed the nervous looks that the other three competitors then sighed slightly. It seemed that the other competitors knew what they were facing but he honestly didn't care if they knew they were fighting dragons it would make things more interesting. Several people entered the tent. Them being Dumbledore, Igor, Maxime, Barty Crouch Sr, Barty Crouch Jr disguised as Moody, and the dressed up blonde chick he didn't bother to learn the name too.

Crouch Sr. informed the competitors of the task and the objective, and held out a bag for the competitors to reach into. Fleur pulled out a model of the Common Welch Green dragon, Viktor pulled out a model of a Chinese Fireball and Cedric pulled out the Swedish Short-snout.

When Kabuto reached into the bag he pulled out a small model of the Hungarian Horntail which got gasps from the adults that knew what it was, but Kabuto smirk slightly at the challenge. The champions faced their respective Dragons with Cedric going first, then Viktor, then Fleur with Kabuto going last.

Kabuto didn't really care if what happened to the other competitors he just wanted to see how 'vicious' these dragons can be. When Fleur returned with slightly burned clothing Kabuto stood up to and headed for the tent exit, only to be intercepted by several blurs.

Kabuto was tackled by Yang, Hidane and Guren. This surprised him slightly. "Can I ask why you three decided to tackle me?" Kabuto questioned.

"I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to show your power to these fuckin heathens, if they don't believe that your powerful than fuck em." Hidane voiced, causing Kabuto to sigh and smile at the same time.

"Hidane-chan, you misunderstand…This tournament isn't to disprove my status as your god…no if I don't do this tournament the Goblet will tear out my powers…That is why I'm doing this…" Kabuto informed. Keeping the part of wanting to show off the powers he had to these wizards that could never achieve them, out of the explanation.

"W-what how dare that fuckin blasphemous object try and take your powers Jashin-sama…I'll destroy it." Hidane announced.

"Now, now there will be none of that…The Goblet is nigh-invulnerable, so if you attempt to try and destroy it you might destroy yourself in the process…And I couldn't bare moving on without one of my most faithful followers." Kabuto teased as he leaned dangerously close to Hidane's face causing her to blush immensely.

"O-o-of course Jashin-sama…I won't touch the Goblet." Hidane declared.

"Good Hidane-chan…But maybe later you can kill the person responsible for the tournament…Or even the person who was supposes to guard the Goblet that could have prevented this from happening." Kabuto said as he inclined his head toward Dumbledore who was trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Oh fuck yeah…Jashin-sama you can count on me no matter want." Hidane said as she gave Dumbledore the most bloodthirsty grin she could muster as she shivered in delight imagining the pain she would put the heathen that displeased her god through.

Kabuto turned to Guren. "Now why did you tackle me?" he questioned.

"I wanted to wish you good luck in defeating a dragon and wanted you to know if you need help all you have to do is ask." Guren informed.

"Thanks and if I ever need anything I'll ask you personally but…this task is something I must do alone." Kabuto stated, causing Guren to nod in understanding. Kabuto faced Yang.

"So why did you tackle me?" Kabuto asked.

"Mostly Because Hidane and Guren were doing it, so I thought why the hell not." Yang said as she shrugged her shoulders. "Plus it's kinda fun tackling you." Yang added in an afterthought.

"Oh my…Reports say Harry Potter was dating one girl but to be flirting with three more girls…Could Harry Potter be a womanizer? How would the world see him, if this were ever to be discovered?" The dressed up blond said out loud getting the fours attention.

Kabuto turned to her. "Um…were you talking to me?" Kabuto asked.

"No, I was just saying. What would the public think if you were a sleazy womanizer?" The blonde voiced. Kabuto raised an eyebrow and looked form Yang, Hidane and Guren, then back to the blond journalist.

"Are…are you blackmailing me?" Kabuto asked in fake confusion. The journalist smirked.

"If the boot fits." She stated, causing Kabuto to nod to seemingly nothing.

"Of course, of course silly me." Kabuto said to himself before he started to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" the journalist demanded.

"Why your attempt to Blackmail me…calling me a Womanizer…I'm a polygamist, meaning I take more than one Girlfriend or wife…your information is useless…Besides I'm with every girl I arrived here with so you really can't turn them against me, well minus Temari of course. " Kabuto informed he didn't see Temari like that, While Temari was smoking hot he has to wait to see if she has feelings for him for anything to happen. Hidane blushed at Kabuto's proclamation of being with her, while she didn't see herself worthy of being in a relationship with her god Jashin, he did see her as such which delighted Hidane.

"W-what that's…that's what?" The journalist stuttered out as she tried to make sense of everything. Dumbledore was just as surprised as she was, Harry was supposed to be lonely and starving for attention but this is all wrong.

"Now if you would excuse me I have a task to complete." Kabuto voiced as he left tent. Kabuto shrugged off his cloak and handed it to Hidane revealing his black clothing with two Basilisks coiled around him. Viliangia and Seraph un-coiled from Kabuto and coiled around Hidane the Basilisks liked Hidane the most, mostly because she was as devoted to their master as they were, and everyone else in Nox were to sacred to hold them do to their poisons venom and death stare Hidane and Orika were the only two immune to those two things.

"Now to our LAST CHAMPION KABUTO YAKUSHI!" an announcer sounded throughout the stadium. Kabuto nonchalantly strolled in the stadium while running a hand through his disheveled ash white hair. With Kabuto's cloak gone the audience could see he wore a black short sleeved shirt with the Slytherin symbol displayed on the front, along with Black jeans and black boots. With Kabuto having a short sleeved shirt everyone could see the Replicator Summoning Tattoo on his left wrist, his Basilisk Summoning Tattoo on his right wrist and Kabuto's Fire Transmutation circles on the front of his hands.

Kabuto heard Slytherin cheering his name while Gryffindor and Hufflepuff booed him. He honestly didn't care if those two houses disliked him. Kabuto inclined his head downward to see a Dragon glaring at him he also noticed a golden egg, which was his objective.

He could easily take the egg with Swift Release or Kumai but where would the fun in that, Kabuto wanted to let loose a little. In the Elemental Countries he was always holding back but here he can have a little fun. The two serpent like begins stared down, The Snake Sage stared at the dragon. Kabuto's eyes shifted into red three-tomed eyes, and the Dragon reared its head back and launched a stream of flames at Kabuto.

With The Sharingan's enhanced perception he was able to see the flames approach in slow motion, in that time Kabuto was able to see that there was energy infused into the flamed causing Kabuto to smirk, in a split second Kabuto used Kumai to summon the Samehada sword and leveled it in front of himself. As the flames made neared Kabuto the flames parted in front of Kabuto protecting him.

"Gi-Gi-Gi-Gi" the Samehada sounded.

"Sorry, Samehada…I'll try and not have you eat fire again alright." Kabuto apologized to his blade.

"Gi-Gi-Gi" It sounded again, Kabuto nodded and sent Samehada back to the Kumai dimension. Kabuto turned and stared at the Dragon with half-lid Sharingan eyes.

"So…you like playing with fire huh?" Kabuto said to himself as he raised his right hand and leveled it at the dragon. The Transmutation circle on Kabuto's hand glowed lightly signifying he was transmutating the air around the dragon to a combustible state. Before the Dragon could even move Kabuto created a spark with his charka igniting the oxygen surrounding the dragon, encasing it in a pillar of a raging inferno.

The younger wizards were amazed at Kabuto, the older wizards were amazed too but for an entirely different reason. No one had used Alchemy for combat or even thought of doing what Kabuto did. Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at Kabuto even he didn't think of using Alchemy like that. Barty disguised as Moody was awed at his new master's ability to use complex art that is Alchemy.

The Snake Sage ignored their awed looks mostly because he didn't know they were there, he focused entirely on his opponent. Kabuto lit the Dragon again before going through several hand-seals. "Suiton: Ja no Kuchi (Water Release: Snake's Mouth)" Kabuto exclaimed as he spat out gallons of water, and shaped the water into a large serpent. The water slammed into the still hot Dragon, The complete 180 from scorching hot to freezing cold put the dragon into a state of shock.

This gave Kabuto enough time to go through another set of Hand-seals. "Shōton: Hashō Kōryū(Crystal Release: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon)"Kabuto exclaimed as he crystallized the surrounding earth into three large emerald green eastern dragons.

Kabuto had the Crystal dragons slam into the real dragon sending the Dragon into the ground or the surrounding walls. The Snake Sage thrust his hands at the Dragon "Sen'ei Tajashu (Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands)" Kabuto exclaimed as he launched dozens of snakes at the dragon bounding it.

Everyone watching was awed at Kabuto's powers. First by summoning Water and shape it into a snake 'wandlessly', Then Transfigured the surrounding rock's into crystal and animate them without a wand, then conjure dozens of live snakes 'wandlessly' they were absolutely amazed by Kabuto's display.

Kabuto was indecisive on whether to just take the golden egg or kill the Dragon. Kabuto smirked darkly as activated his Shadowless Flight technique, then went through several hand-seals. Kabuto clutched his hand as Black and Emerald lightning encased his fist with the sound of birds chirping echoing throughout the stadium.

Kabuto stood up straighter as he released the snakes that bound the Dragon. The Dragon glared at Kabuto defiantly and flared its wings. Kabuto took one step towards the Dragon then disappeared completely. Kabuto appeared under the Dragon and slashed at the Dragon's underbelly, the enhanced strength Kabuto received from the Shadowless Flight technique plus the Chidori's own enhancements the Dragon was launched several meters into the air.

The Snake Sage fazed into existence to where he first activated the Chidori. With the Dragon still in the air Kabuto reared his abnormal colored lightning encased fist back then thrust it forward. "Chidori Shinsō(One Thousand Birds True Spear)" Kabuto whispered as he launched a Black and Emerald Lighting spear into the Dragon. Kabuto increased the potency of the lightning creating a large electrical explosion into the Dragon effectively killing it.

Kabuto dismissed the Chidori and casually walked towards the golden egg, and then picked it up. He heard cheering echo from the entire stadium and smirk slightly as he left the arena. The Snake Sage met up with Yang, Hidane and Guren. Viliangia and Seraph coiled around their master and nuzzled their snouts into his chest and neck, causing Kabuto to rub their head lovingly.

Hidane handed Kabuto his cloak which he happy took and quickly put in on. Kabuto inspected the Egg for a second before opening it only to hear a deafening scream and closed it immediately. The group stared at the egg before Kabuto shrugged and the egg disappeared in a swirling vortex.

The group watched as the Judges give their scores. Barty Sr. gave Kabuto a 10 mostly because Barty Jr was using the imperious on him, Maxime gave a 9 for advance displays of 'Magic', Igor gave a 7 but he wanted to give Kabuto a lower score but the favoritism would be to obvious, and Dumbledore gave him a 9 mostly to get onto Kabuto's good side which didn't work.

Kabuto just sighed and returned to the competitors' tent were he saw Cedric, Viktor and Fleur getting healed by some lady.

The woman looked at Kabuto and tried to drag him and force him to sit down only to realize she couldn't move Kabuto. "I'm fine." Kabuto said, he was an excellent medic he didn't need someone forcing him to go through checkup.

"You just faced a bloody dragon; of course I need to check up on you!" The lady demanded. Kabuto sighed at her un-needed dramatics.

"Ma'am, I too dabble in art of medicine…so I know when I'm hurting, and believe it or not, but I don't feel myself hurting." Kabuto said in a condescending voice, the woman glared at Kabuto before returning to check on the other competitors. Hidane glared at the woman for both glaring at her god and thinking such a lowly beast could have hurt him.

"That Was AWESOME BROTHER!" Kabuto heard a voice yell. Turning to his side he noticed it was his clueless brother with his annoying parents. Yang, Hidane and Guren looked at them in confusion mostly because they never met them before.

James and Lily looked from Kabuto to his female group. "Harry, are you going to introduce us to your friends?" Lily asked. The girls looked at Kabuto confused, usually anyone who calls him Harry is usually on good terms with, but Kabuto regarded these people with annoyance.

Kabuto turned to the girls. "Ignore them they're delusional…and possible retarded." Kabuto said in thought.

"Harry James Potter! You Do Not Talk To Your Parents like THAT!" Lily yelled, the parent comment got the girls attention and they changed from their carefree poster to their hostile ones.

"Uh huh...and I might consider doing that when you call me by my name." Kabuto said "And…If you even try and compare yourselves to the level of 'My' parents and dishonor their name…I'll kill you." Kabuto threatened as he leveled Jonin level Killing Intent and glared at them with Sharingan eyes.

"H-harry." Lily stuttered out.

"His name is Kabuto, you fucking heretics…Oh forgive me Jashin-sama I spoke out of turn." Hidane announced as she bowed toward Kabuto.

"It's alright Hidane-chan you don't have to hold back on my account." Kabuto said as he rubbed Hidane's head causing her to lean into his hand.

"Thanks Jashin-sama." Hidane said smiling.

"Harry, are you and this girl boyfriend and girlfriend?" Derik questioned, Hidane looked down slightly.

"Yes." Kabuto stated, causing Hidane look at Kabuto with happiness clearly written on her face. James and Lily looked outraged.

"Harry Potter, your cheating on your red-headed girlfriend already we didn't raise you like that!" Liliy yelled.

Kabuto rolled his eyes slightly honestly is he not saying his name loud or clear enough for them. "Yeah…I'm a polygamist…and you didn't raise me at all." Kabuto voiced with annoyance.

"But that's not fair to them!" Lily yelled, only for something cold to touch her neck.

"Excuse me bitch, talk badly of Kabuto-kun again and I'll gladly paint this room in your blood." Guren threatened as she held a crystal blade to Lily's neck.

"I'll gladly join that action." Yang said as she punched her fist and glared at Lily.

"Hell yeah lets massacre some fuckin heathens!" Hidane yelled as she readied her triple-scythe. Kabuto watched the interaction with a smile on his face, he found this utterly amusing.

"There's no need for violence is there?" Dumbledore asked as he walked in on the probable battle field.

"There's always a fuckin need for violence ass hat!" Hidane yelled to Dumbledore causing him flinch at Hidane's vulgarity.

"No, no Hidane…I think he's more of a cock bite." Yang added, causing all the onlookers to look at her angrily.

"I will not address Dumbledore in such a fashion!" James yelled.

"Oh Sod off you smeggy little smegpot!" Kabuto snapped to his genetic donor in an obvious fake British accent to mess with them.

"Oh you cheeky little spaff…What did you just call me?!" James demanded as he drew his wand, only to feel cool steel rest upon his neck.

"If you raise a single fucking hand against My Jashin-sama, I'll slaughter you." Hidane whispered darkly into James' ear.

"ENOUGH!" Dumbledore boomed scaring or shaking almost everyone, well almost everyone the Nin weren't affected by Dumbledore's display of power.

"Har-Kabuto, control your subordinates or there will be dire consequences." Dumbledore threatened, causing Kabuto to smirk at Dumbledore's threat.

"Hmm…So the old man has a back bone does he…This Is a rare sight, the last time I've seen you threaten someone was with…Tom." Kabuto commented, causing Dumbledore to pale slightly at what Kabuto hinted to.

"How do you know that name?" Dumbledore demanded, only he and Slughorn should know Voldemort's real name.

"Oh you know…here and there…but mostly here." Kabuto said as he poked his temple. That bit of information caused Dumbledore to pale further; Kabuto had no reason not to tell Dumbledore this information and would enjoy watching Dumbledore squirm trying to give out this information without trying to harm himself in the process.

"Now let go of them Hidane and Guren…We don't need to hang around here longer than we have to." Kabuto voiced, Guren let go of Lily and removed the crystal blade from her neck, and Hidane released James and returned to her God's side. Kabuto nodded off to the competitors, then face his 'Family' and Dumbledore and then nodded to them as well but somehow made it seem condescending before he and the girls left the tent. Kabuto left leaving a fuming Lily, James and Derik and a contemplative Dumbledore.

"Hmm…That was an interesting match…Kabuto." Kabuto heard a female voice announced. Kabuto turned to face where the voice came from the see Daronica and two large males at her sides but slightly behind her.

"Thanks, but I can till you were expecting something different." Kabuto stated causing Daronica to smirk.

"Of course I expected you to lose spectacularly…but alas it seems fates against me." Daronica said dramatically but Kabuto could tell it was forced.

"Oh you wound me with your negativity Daronica, one might think you have little confidence in Slytherin's champion." Kabuto said.

"I would never do that…If I did that I would lose a great friend." Daronica stated sarcastically while smirking, Kabuto laughed lightly. When he and Daronica met up they usually traded some barbs, but they got along well enough. Kabuto thought her personality was interesting and refreshing, while Daronica liked hanging around Kabuto mostly because she was sick of insulting the idiots at her school who took things way to seriously and sometimes didn't understand they were being insulted, and while Kabuto was a half-blood Daronica recognized that he was in a league all his own even Kabuto's power could probably outweigh Voldemort's, but she had no reference to compare it to so she was waiting and watching. If Voldemort ever did return and went after her family Kabuto could protect them if he were to like her enough.

While Kabuto said not to manipulate him she knew that Kabuto probably saw through her manipulations, Daronica got the feeling that Kabuto was on his own level in his skills in manipulations and she was right. Kabuto was able to use passive Legilimency on her to 'Read' her surface thoughts, Daronica had some skills in Occlumency but they only protected her deeper more personal thoughts and memories but Kabuto wasn't looking for them.

"Oh so I'm a great friend?" Kabuto asked.

"Certainly only my greatest friends get the privilege to talking to me personally." Daronica said in fake arrogance.

"Is that so? Then I must say it's a great honor to be conversing with you, your highness." Kabuto gallantly announced, the two didn't realize their insults shifted to flirting but Yang, Guren and Hidane noticed and glared at the blond haired witch.

"I know it is." Daronica voiced as she stuck her nose in the air and put her hands on her hips. Kabuto laughed at Daronica's pompous posture.

"Hey don't laugh…I worked hard on that pose." Daronica pouted, before crossing her arms and huffed while turning her head slightly. Kabuto laughed but forced it down while Daronica naturally gave off an arrogant and grandiose aura though when she tried to force those feelings she would look incredibly funny and somewhat cute.

"And I'm sure you did…but you looked incredibly funny and cute." Kabuto commented offhandedly, which got Daronica to blush lightly until she forced it down and gave Kabuto a chilling glare, which got an amused smirk from him.

"I do not look funny and I'm NOT CUTE!" Daronica yelled while stomping a foot down.

"Of course you're not." Kabuto voiced condescendingly as he patted the fuming blonde on the head, which she tried to slap away. "Anyway off the subject of your cuteness I have to ask, what are you doing here?" Kabuto questioned lightly to not give the impression that she wasn't wanted.

"I came to make sure you weren't hurt." Daronica informed but narrowed her eyes at Kabuto and glared slightly. "But that doesn't mean I like you so don't expect me to do this again." Daronica added, Kabuto looked at her oddly and formed a sweatdrop, 'Geez, tsundere much.' Kabuto mused.

"Yeah, fine whatever." Kabuto waved off. "I'm appreciative that you would check up on me for whatever reason you had Daronica." Kabuto said truthfully causing Daronica to blush slightly before glaring again and turned away. 'Yep definitely a tsundere.' Kabuto thought. Daronica gave Kabuto one last weak glare before leaving with her 'Body guards'.

Kabuto turned to face the girls. "I'm going to collect some information…Do any of you want to come?" Kabuto asked.

"Ah look at the time, Gotta go bye!" Yang said quickly as she sped off leaving a cloud of dust in her wake.

"Me too, wait up Yang!" Guren yelled as she ran off too. 'What the hell is their problem?' Kabuto thought to himself.

"What about you Hidane-chan?" Kabuto asked.

"I won't abandon you like those fucking heretics!" Hidane declared, 'Um…I wouldn't say they abandoned me but, ok.' Kabuto mused.

"Then let's go Hidane-chan." Kabuto ordered and Hidane happily followed him. When the two left the area filled with people Kabuto stopped and held out his hand for Hidane to grab onto, which she gleefully did. The duo disappeared in a swirling vortex originating from Kabuto's right eye and they appeared in the Kumai dimension.

Kabuto focused on the memories he had of Diagon Alley and used the memories to get the location of the Alley. As soon as he did that Kabuto and Hidane disappeared and reappeared in a dark alley in Diagon Alley.

Kabuto pulled up his hood and left the alley with Hidane following him. Most of the 'Good' Wizards and witches avoided Kabuto's and Hidane's path, with Kabuto looking like a dark wizard and Hidane carrying a wicked looking tri-bladed scythe. While the 'Good' wizards and witches avoided them the more shady people weren't as threatened and tried to grab Kabuto or Hidane to pick-pocket them only to fall down dead curtsey of Kabuto's Basilisks'.

The Snake Sage headed towards the Wizard banks Gringotts. The duo walked past several creatures dressed up in armor without trouble. But when they entered Hidane got a clear look of what the creatures looked like.

"What the fuck are these fucking things!" Hidane almost yelled, but luckily none of the creatures heard.

"They're called goblins…And don't openly insult them, they do hold all of the wizards' money." Kabuto informed, and Hidane heeded his words.

"What do you want?" a goblin snapped and Hidane had to hold back the urge to slaughter this miserable creature that dared to talk to her god that way.

"I need several things actually…An inheritance test, and I need to set up an account." Kabuto informed, the goblin glared but wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Kabuto.

"Now leave me alone." The goblin snapped again. Kabuto just turned and walked away not even acknowledging the insult, but Hidane openly glared at the Goblin with her magenta color eyes.

"Hidane-chan, don't worry about it." Kabuto called out not even turning to face her or the goblin. Hidane quickly compiled and returned to Kabuto's side.

"Jashin-sama, you shouldn't let such lowly creatures talk to you like that! I should massacre them all!" Hidane exclaimed.

"It's alright Hidane-chan…Goblins are like parasites for every one you kill two more take their place…Besides the goblins have their uses." Kabuto commented quietly, though Hidane pouted slightly. Kabuto walked up to another Goblin that was at a desk taller than the actual goblin.

"Can I help you?" the Goblin queried.

"Yes…the teller pointer me to you when I asked for an inheritance test and to set up an account." Kabuto informed the goblin sighed loudly.

"Follow me then." The goblin got up and leads the duo to the inheritance room. In the inheritance room was almost empty except with the stone dish in the center of the room with strange writing all over the dish. Kabuto looked at it with narrowed eyes.

"Now all you have to do put your blood in the dish and say your name." The goblin said with a grin. Kabuto narrowed his eyes further and turned to the smiling Goblin.

"So you plan on using Thaumaturgy?" Kabuto asked quietly, causing the Goblin to widen his considerably.

"What the hell is Thaumaturgy?" Hidane questioned.

"Thaumaturgy is the process of linking and binding a person or an object and using magic to attach it to another person or object." Kabuto informed while glaring at the Goblin.

"Yes it's true but, we use this to show all the active links a person has specifically if you're linked to a family with your blood or vault." The Goblin explained, he never met a wizard who actually knew Thaumaturgy which was no short of amazing.

"But how will blood or saying your name bind you to something?" Hidane questioned confused.

"Blood has a type of power over us individually because no two people have the same blood not even twins. While some people share the same 'type' of blood that doesn't mean it's the same. Blood in essence is the representation of our very soul, that is why vampires feed off it to sustain themselves…and that is how you use your Jujutsu: Shiji Hyōketsu (Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood ) it works with someone's blood you can create a link that person. " Kabuto explained, with the Goblin nodding in agreement.

"And Names like blood are specifically to each person and by saying your name first, middle and last name, someone with knowledge of Thaumaturgy could bind you. While some people can share the same name with someone else, everyone pronounces their name differently, so you specifically have to say your name for a link to be created." Kabuto explained, and the Goblin was impressed by Kabuto's knowledge.

"I promise I or any of the goblins won't use your blood or name against you." The Goblin promised Kabuto nodded to it. During the month he's been here he read Salazar's library and learned far more than he learned from Tom's memories. Kabuto learned wizards and magical creatures take promises very seriously mostly because if they don't, their magic might kill them.

"Fine…let's get this over with." Kabuto stated as he pulled out a knife and sliced his palm. His crimson blood flowed out of his cut and filled the stone chalice. The markings on the goblet lit up. "Harry…James…Potter." Kabuto said his 'Real' name, the name he was born with. Kabuto felt a slight tug on his psyche. A paper near the chalice formed words before the tug let up.

"The ritual is done." The goblin remarked. Before anyone could react Kabuto's blood combusted into flame curtsey to Kabuto. Kabuto then reached for the paper and read its contents. He found a family tree as well.

-Mother-Lilly Evans-Alive

-Father-James Potter-Alive

Kabuto noticed Derik wasn't in the in the list, probably because it was Kabuto's blood with his 'Existing' family meaning the family members that were born before or during his birth. Kabuto continued to read ignoring his 'father's' side of the family due to already knowing it and probably discover he had a shit ton of cousins, mostly due to the Wizards inbreeding so he read his 'mother's' side of the family.

-Maternal Grandmother-Daisy Evans-Deceased

-Maternal Grandfather- Ebenezar McCoy-Alive

-Maternal Aunt-Petunia Dursely nee Evans-Alive

-Maternal Uncle by marriage- Vernon Dursely-Alive

-Maternal First Cousin-Dudley Dursely-Alive

-Maternal Half-Aunt- Margaret Gwendolyn Lefay-Deceased

-Maternal Half-Uncle by Marriage-Malcom Dresden-Deceased

-Maternal Half-Cousin-Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden-Alive

-Maternal Half-Uncle Laqueus Raith by Mind control on 'Margaret Gwendolyn Lefay'-Alive

-Maternal Half-Cousin-Thomas Raith-Alive

Kabuto read the contents and frowned slightly. He recognizes the name McCoy form somewhere but couldn't recognize it. But from the way his Aunt used 'LeFay' in her name it could be possible that this Margaret was a magic user and could have passed it into her children.

"Wow you have other living members of your family, maybe they aren't total assholes like Lily and James." Hidane commented causing Kabuto to nod slightly, and continued to read on to his inheritance.

Heir to House of Potter

Access to Salazar's Personal Vault -810

Access to Salazar's Jashin Vault-809

'Hmm…that's all; well I wasn't expecting anything really so this is good.' Kabuto thought to himself as he folded the paper and pocketed it.

"Can you take me to these Vaults?" Kabuto questioned.

"I can't, but I'll take you to someone who can." The Goblin said as he quickly lead the pair to another Goblin.

The duo where lead to an old looking Goblin, that lead them to some sort of rail car. The pair plus Goblin were sped through the bank at blinding speeds and eventually came across the Vaults. The elder Goblin opened the personal Vault by placing its hand on the door causing it to dissolve away.

Kabuto walked into the Vault and noticed it had a small library along with several items. Kabuto picked up what looked like a staff. He inspected it and noticed there were carvings covering the entire staff; he channeled magic through it causing the sigils to glean a low blue. Kabuto but it down and picked up what looked like a Wand but was thicker and it too was covered in sigils, Kabuto channeled his magic into the rod and the sigils gleaned a fiery red.

Kabuto place it back and turned to the small library and read the titles some of the books had. There were some Magical Branch books that Kabuto had never as Ectomancy magic that deals with ghosts, Kinetomancy the magic that deals with movement, Ferromancy the magic of manipulating minerals, and Warding magical defenses. Kabuto looked through the small library to see a small book with the title "The difference between a True Wizard and Wand Wizard" Kabuto picked it up the small book and sped through the pages, causing his eyes to widen.

'T-this is…this is unreal…To think even in this hidden world, there is still more to learn.' Kabuto thought as he finished reading the book. Kabuto took a look at the library with a meaningful gaze and his eyes shifted to red with a pin-wheel design and the library disappeared in a swirling vortex. Kabuto then picked up the Rod and Staff; he attached the staff to his back and held it there with his chakra. Then he placed the rod in his sleeve before leaving the empty Vault and met up with Hidane and the Goblin.

"I'm ready to see the Jashin Vault." Kabuto stated but his mind was still drifting to the book he just read. The Goblin nodded and led him and Hidane to the Jashin Vault. The Goblin made the door open and Kabuto entered the Vault.

The Vault's walls were covered in different types of weapons such as Spears, Swords, Knifes, Kunai, Shuriken, Scythes, Sickles, Fuma Shuriken, Kama or Japanese sickles, Gunbai, Senbon, Daggers almost every type of bladed weapon that could be found in the Elemental Nations, that caused Kabuto to smile slightly mostly because he didn't bring Ninja weapons with him but know he has a large supply weapons.

The Snake Sage continued inward and on the wall in the back Kabuto noticed there were several pendants. One pendant had a pentacle and the other had the symbol for Jashin, Kabuto scratched his head slightly wondering if he should leave them here or ware them. 'Eh, fuck it.' Kabuto thought as he grabbed the pendants and put them on. The Jashin pendant shined with a Black and Red light before slowly shifting to a Black and Green color. The pentacle shifted from dark silver to a blue-ish hue as he put on the two pendants. 'I wonder what that meant." Kabuto thought.

Kabuto looked at the room filled with various weapons and absorbed them into his Kumai dimension. With the Vault empty Kabuto left it and quickly meet up with Hidane and the Goblin. The duo plus Goblin returned to the front part of Gringotts. Kabuto then started up his own account replacing Salazar's Jashin Vault and had the Goblins convert the Ryo the he stored in the Kumai dimension.

By turning in the Bounties on Itachi, Kisame, Orochimaru and the left over Ryo from Oto's account Kabuto was rich enough to by land out from under a Daimyo's nose but kept it to himself. With Kabuto taking 1/3 of that money and put it in Gringotts Kabuto could fairly say he was rich. With Ryo being an ancient currency the value of it increased tremendously. Kabuto converted some of the Ryo to 'Wizard' currency and European currency.

After their business was done at Girngotts Kabuto and Hidane left the bank. Kabuto walked through the alleys with Hidane following him, the duo walked in silence mostly because Kabuto was lost in thought. Thinking on the discovery of the possible cousins Thomas and Harry who he might like and the knowledge of real what 'Magic' is and what these 'Wizards' that live here really are.

The duo left Diagon Ally, Kabuto henged his hair to be jet-black and sealed his Nox robes and staff, and then sent them along with his Basilisks to the Kumai dimension for the time being. Kabuto informed Hidane to henge into someone inconspicuous which she did.

Kabuto wanted to get information on the 'Naruto' world, and possible find any information on himself or any members of Nox. Hidane herself was enjoying her alone time with Kabuto and would probably rub it in the other girls faces.

The two continued to walk until they arrived at a local library; some girls looked at Kabuto with attraction though Kabuto tried not to notice. While inside the library Kabuto found a secluded computer and researched 'Naruto'.

Hidane watched with interest, every member of Nox knew of that their world was somehow known in this world but only as a Manga. That creeped out the members of Nox out a bit, by not knowing how in depth the manga was.

"Oh, look me up." Hidane said, Kabuto nodded and searched her on the internet and what turned up surprised them.

"W-what…what the Fuck!" Hidane yelled, which no one heard due to the silencing charm he put on her the second before she yelled.

"Hehehe…Now this is weird." Kabuto commented lightly

"The fucking hell….Why am I a Fuckin guy…I mean I know I curse a lot but…the fuck." Hidane ranted, "And I get killed by that Shikimaru Bastard…" Hidane continued, Kabuto scrolled down.

"Huh?" Kabuto voiced.

"What is it?" Hidane questioned dreading the answer.

"Apparently…I tried to clone you and you still turned out to be a guy…but I used my incomplete cloning technique causing you too die 48 hours later…interesting." Kabuto commented, Hidane glared at the computer.

"Who else should I look up?" Kabuto questioned.

"You should look up yourself see what turns up." Hidane suggested, Kabuto did and read through what the page said about him. Some of the information about his child hood with Nonō was correct, but diverges after that. He continued to read discovering Guren hated him, and he possibly killed Anko. He also joined the Akatsuki and summoned hundreds of shinobi using Edo Tensi to fight against the Shinobi Alliance. He noticed that his encounter with Gaia wasn't mentioned and looked for her.

What he found made him roll his eyes like Hidane; Gaia was a guy for some reason. Did Jashin's interference by merging Harry and Kabuto change so much. Hidane got a laugh out of the information though. Kabuto looked up Yang and Orika but found no information on them, Tayuya didn't have that much information and Guren's was short. Suigetsu and Jugo joined Sasuke for some weird reason and Karin was reduced to Sasuke's fan-girl which pissed Kabuto off a bit. With that information Kabuto left the library with Hidane following.

When they reached the back of the Library Kabuto dropped the henge, summoned his Basilisks to him and un-sealed his cloak. Kabuto grabbed the now un-henged Hidane and they disappeared in a swirling vortex ready to tell the members of Nox what they learned.