Kabuto and Daronica walked to the Great Hall hand and hand. Well actually Daronica was trying to crush Kabuto's hand because he wasn't trying to hold her hand which pissed her off. Daronica glared at Kabuto out of the corner of her eye and blushed slightly before huffing and turning away.

Daronica glanced at her attire; she wore a long black dress that her mother got for her. Along with Black high-heels and black gloves, she was ready to bring the house down. Daronica glanced at her left to see Kabuto and his attire.

Kabuto wore black trousers, a six button double-breasted suit, and a back vest under it. He also had black gloves along with two silver bracelets on his wrists and black shoes. The two were heading toward the Yule Ball.

Kabuto would have asked anyone of his 'Harem' to attend with him, but apparently it was against the rules to ask someone who doesn't attend any of the three schools to the dance. The rule annoyed him slightly but he put up with it, while the girls were miffed at it. Eventually a week before the Yue Ball Daronica confronted him and 'asked' more like demeaned that they go together.

Of course Kabuto refused until Daronica gave her reasons for why they should go together. She gave a number of reasons why they should go together ranging from helping him politically by being seen with her, to helping her family on a social status by being seen with The-Real-Boy-Who-Lived, though they both agreed to never call him that. Kabuto eventually agreed getting bored of watching Daronica bullshit her reasoning's for why they should go together.

The two kept their relationship a secret form the entire school. Kabuto because thought he would get some laughs from everyone's reaction and Daronica hid it to decrease the chances of her father finding out. While Kabuto didn't really hold romantic feelings for Daronica he still liked her as a close friend but he didn't know if she felt the same. Daronica was attracted to Kabuto's power, charisma and looks, which Kabuto knew full handedly but he hoped that she wouldn't eventually end up falling for him.

As Kabuto and Daronica passed several students, they noticed that some of the students did some double takes when they saw the duo. Some of the males' eyes lingered on Daronica's form but realized who they were looking at and quickly looked away. Kabuto noticed Daronica soak up the stairs she received and did her pompous pose which had Kabuto laughing again causing Daronica to glare at him.

"Will you, quit that!" Daronica ordered in a harsh whisper and scolding glare but to Kabuto to was cute, mostly because she was like fifteen and he was twenty-three and she was trying to scold him. It was weird, everyone here for some reason never grasped the concept of his name or age. Only if they were threatened by death would they understand.

"I'm truly sorry, but you just look so adorable when you're trying to be pompous." Kabuto said light, causing Daronica to blush slightly before she gripped Kabuto's hand tighter and tried to drag him.

Kabuto walked with Daronica until they arrived at the Great Hall where they saw dozens of other people dressed up and waiting to go to the Yue Ball. McGonagall walked up to the front of the entrance of the Great Hall and asked the champions to come up.

Kabuto walked forward with Daronica by his side, he noticed the other competitors such as Cedric who was walking hand and hand with an attractive girl who was Asian descent, Viktor was with the brown haired girl that always followed his foolish little brother, and Fleur was with some Ravenclaw dude Kabuto didn't care who he was. When everyone noticed who Kabuto was with they were gasping or doing some other type of dramatic bullshit even McGonagall was surprised.

That annoyed Kabuto slightly; honestly who else did he hang out with at this place other than Nox. He was always ether seen with Daronica or sometimes talked to Fleur on occasion that was it, no one else interested him so he usually just studied the books form Salazar's library both from his Chamber and from his Vault or honed his skills, that was it. It wasn't that he hated the Wizarding world, he was more disappointed. They had the ability to bend reality to their whim, but they choose to recluse from the rest of the world and they look down on everyone if they don't have the right blood. 'Power is power no matter the blood you have.' Kabuto thought, He only acted arrogant to give them their own medicine. He only genuinely hated Dumbledore and his blind supporters along with his parent's hell he didn't even hate his brother he was just that annoying. Kabuto would admit that his world was like that but at least they're trying to change though.

The students kept staring but a glare from Daronica caused the students to flinch and a glare from Kabuto caused some of the adults to flinch, and knocked McGonagall out of her stupor.

McGonagall open the door to the Great Hall revealing it was decorated with a Christmas theme. Which Kabuto smirked slightly to, all the Nox members had no idea what Christmas was so Kabuto had to explain it to them and their reactions were unique. McGonagall lead the students into the Hall but had the Champions and their 'Dates' for the opening dance.

Slow music started playing to start the Ball. The other champions started to dance; Kabuto pulled Daronica close to him flustering the blonde girl. Kabuto grabbed Daronica's left hand with his right hand and placed his left hand on Daronica's hip and they slowly started to dance.

Kabuto noticed Daronica tense as they started to dance, while still trying to keep her glare focused on Kabuto but he could tell there was no heart in it.

"You better not mess this up for me." Daronica harshly whispered, but Kabuto could hear the fear and worry in her voice. Being raised the way she was, with image being everything to her and her family. So messing up in front of the everyone with the entire school and faculty watching would crush her and Kabuto knew that. And he wouldn't do that to Daronica because he sees her as a friend but he would jump at the opportunity to crush Dumbledore and the Potter family sense he can't touch then due how the 'Wizarding' world sees them as.

Kabuto focused on the steps to the dance as the tempo started to pick up. Daronica's worry was shining through put Kabuto inched closer and used his left hand to have her lean her head on his shoulder. The dance continued but Kabuto still kept up with the tempo easily which surprised Daronica.

Kabuto huffed silently, did she really have so little confidence in him. Being trained in the art of assassination you have to learn how to Cook, Clean, Eat, Talk and Dance like a high-class noble to blend in and assassinate Daimyos, Nobles or other high-member people. So Kabuto knew how to dance perfectly well.

"Don't worry 'Princess', this dance will go flawlessly." Kabuto whispered into her ear, and missed the almost atomic blush that formed on the blonde's cheeks.

"Thanks." Daronica mumbled into Kabuto's shoulder. The song's tempo increased again as the other students joined the dance. After a few more songs played while Kabuto and Daronica danced, Kabuto noticed Daronica had a large smile almost the entire time which pleased him slightly.

The two left the dance floor and they sat at one of the tables. Kabuto frowned as he sensed four energy signatures approaching his location, he recognized two of them as his 'Parents' but the two other ones were similar. Kabuto turned to Daronica and back to the direction where the mysterious signatures were coming from and deduced they were likely relatives or her parents.

"Harry!" Kabuto heard a shrill voice announce at his side causing him to groan and lay his head on the table for a second before shooting a glare at his 'mother'.

"What." Kabuto snapped to his delusional parents.

"Um…Kabuto aren't they your parents?" Daronica asked innocently, Kabuto would have snapped at her if she had known what was actually going on but sense she was clueless to the situation he let it slide.

"No…Their delusional people, who don't understand the concept of my hating me name…They probably want me to kill them or something. And I have to say, it's pretty tempting." Kabuto said as he cast a sidelong glare to the two adults causing them to flinch slightly.

"Harry why don't you like your name?" Lily asked weakly.

"Oh it's fairly simple." Kabuto was all he said not even answering their question. But James noticed Daronica to Kabuto's left.

"Hello miss, are you Harry's date?" James asked while smiling though it the smile seemed forced.

"Of course she is, why else would she hang around me at a dance if we weren't." Kabuto snapped out. His 'Parent's' were pussy-footing around with something and it was annoying him. Kabuto originally wanted to make his 'Parent's' feel the meaning of despair but he was questioning if all this annoyance was worth it.

Daronica stood and faced Kabuto's parents, and did a hybrid form of her pompous pose with scolding glare as she stared at the two adults.

"Yes, I'm Kabuto's date…what of it?" Daronica demanded.

"Oh I just wanted to know the name of my son's date." James stated, causing Kabuto to roll his eyes. Now he knew what his parents wanted, they knew that Daronica wasn't from Nox and they assumed that they could influence her to influence me.

"I'm Daronica…Daronica, Malfoy." Daronica voiced in a superior and haughty tone. As soon as the name Malfoy was said the Potter's smiles dropped and their plan was ruined before it could begin.

"Harry how could you be with this, this Harlot." Lily demanded, Kabuto noticed Daronica's smile drop as a hurt look flashed across her face before she composed herself. While she was hated by most of the school that was because she made it so, but to be insulted by adults you didn't even know it hurts and it didn't help that she was an impressionable teenage girl.

Lily looked like she was about to continue her insult but was cut off by a small metallic spider latching onto Lily's mouth effectively sealing it shut, James was about to yell only for an identical spider to seal his mouth shut too.

Lily, James and Daronica looked t Kabuto to see him aiming his wrist at them. Daronica notices Kabuto's bracelets missing and the spiders that closed the two adults mouths shut had the same color and texture of his bracelets. She put two and two together and deduced Kabuto did this.

Kabuto stood up and turned to his Birth givers, and glared at them with his natural eyes which sometimes are as menacing as his Sharingan and Serpent eye's.

"While I have only known Daronica for a few months, I see her as a…friend." Kabuto stated, getting a small smile from the blonde. "And I take insults to my friends very seriously… "Kabuto continued as he stepped slowly towards his shocked 'Parents' like a Snake inspecting it's cornered prey.

"So…How do you imagine your death to be? Long and painful, or how about insanity inducing pain filled torture that breaks war-veterans and for that to last for years." Kabuto almost said gleefully yet made it seem like he could do far worse, like these options were only off the top of his head.

Lily and James shook their heads violently. Kabuto chuckled with a smirk, as he took another step towards them. 'Good thing the music is loud or else this would be the center of attention' Kabuto thought.

"Hmm…should I have my Replicator's crush your jaws until those bones are forced through the top of your mouth into your brain, or have my Replicator's spray their highly corrosive acidic mist into your mouths and melt your face to nothing but liquid." Kabuto suggested, Lily and James' eyes widened as they looked at the robots attached to their mouths.

"Huh…I wonder." Kabuto whispered before a devious grin appeared on his face. "I can kill you, but Daronica is the deciding party sense you did insult her." Kabuto said as turned to her, Lily and James looked at Daronica with pleading eyes.

Daronica looked conflicted while some students would say she was dark or even evil she never killed anybody, but she didn't want to disappoint Kabuto. Daronica glanced at Kabuto with fearful eyes, but he just smiled slightly. "You can spare them, Kabuto." Daronica said and looked at Kabuto expecting him to snap at her, but he continued to smile.

"Heh, so you allow them to live?" Kabuto asked causing Daronica to flinch slightly. But to her surprise the Replicators holding Lily and James' mouth shout let go and crawled to their master. "Do you here that Potters…Daronica saved your 'life'…You could say you owe Daronica a little 'debt.' "Kabuto said putting extra emphasis on the words Life and Debt casing Daronica's, Lily's and James' eyes to widen. Kabuto had single handedly created life and death situation and had Daronica unknowingly save Lily and James putting them in a Life Debt with her all because they insulted her.

"W-why Harry, why did you stand up for her?" Lily stuttered out.

"Oh this reason, that reason…Because I wanted to or maybe I did it spontaneously…But what I do know is I like Daronica far more than I like you." Kabuto stated.

"But you're a Potter!" James exclaimed.

"No actually I'm a Yakushi…but if I had to choose, I'd rather be a Malfoy than a Potter any day." Kabuto informed, causing Daronica to smirk and the Potter's eyes to widen in shock.

"So this is the Infamous Harry Potter or is it Kabuto Yakushi…and to think he'd make such a bold proclamation." Kabuto heard a male voice form behind him; he didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"F-father...mother, what are you doing here?" Daronica asked in surprise. Kabuto wasn't surprised he sensed them there since the beginning of his conversation with his 'parents' and could partially sense there emotional distress when they insulted their daughter.

"Of course Daronica, we would never miss your big debut." Kabuto heard a female voice announce. Kabuto turned half-way so he could see both his 'parents' and Daronica's at the same time.

Kabuto saw Daronica's parents and noticed her father staring at him with a wide arrange of emotions some being protectiveness for his daughter, disdain and superiority for probably being a half-blood, and respect that could have been for the new fortune he achieved, defeating Voldemort or gaining Daronica's attention and standing up for her, he didn't really know they were all assumptions really.

While Daronica and her mother had a loving moment, Kabuto and Daronica's father stared down. That was until Daronica's father raised his hand while leaning on his snake cane slightly.

"Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy." Lucius introduced himself but his voice was practically dripping with superiority and arrogance. Kabuto grabbed his hand.

"Yakushi, Kabuto Yakushi." Kabuto replied sounding condescending and manipulative. Kabuto had to smirk at his luck, he knew form the information he gathered who Lucius was. He also knew Lucius's personality, an Opportunist to the core. While Lucius wasn't as powerful or skilled as Barty, he did have wealth, connections everywhere and a silver tongue that kept him out of Azkaban. While Lucius is very zealous in his pure-blood beliefs he would kill every pure-blooded wizard if Voldemort commanded it, because Voldemort has the power to wipe Lucius out. But Lucius uses his wealth and power to help Voldemort, to keep him and his family alive. Kabuto could protect him and his family if Dark Lord were to turn on them, and Kabuto would get an ally and connections in the process.

"I've heard so much about Mr. Malfoy." Kabuto commented.

"All good things I hope." Lucius replied as he spared a glance at the Potters. Before he returned his gaze back on Kabuto, Oh he had heard of him. How could he not, the missing Boy-Who-Live returned and showed open animosity towards Dumbledore and the Potters. Openly threaten them, while wielding strange yet powerful abilities and he even had a small army of his own. Yes Kabuto was a new player to the game with an entirely different set of pieces to command, With Voldemort and his Death Eaters, Dumbledore and his Order, and now Kabuto with his own personal group. Lucius knew that Voldemort was returning and he would have to answer for his 'absence' in not helping Voldemort's return, and could cause Voldemort to turn his ire onto his family. And Lucius knew never to keep all his eggs in one basket.

"Entirely…But some slander dose come through the grape vine, though I don't trust the words of biased people especially their opinions." Kabuto stated getting a short nod from Daronica's father.

"Smart." Lucius commented he knew that as well that while opinions could be manipulated, facts are where things usually matter and having the right facts could allow you to control almost anyone. Kabuto saw movement in the corner of his eye as his 'parents' approached the group.

"Malfoy." James said the name with contempt and a little bit of hate.

"Potter." Lucius merely replied with superiority which pissed James off further. Kabuto noticed Daronica focus entirely on the conversation between her father and James. Kabuto backed away from Lucius, James and Lily mostly because he didn't want to get dragged into the argument that was sure to come.

Kabuto joined with Daronica whom was with her mother. Kabuto was able to get a good look at her and could safely say Daronica got her good looks from her.

"So you're the boy who my daughter writes about." Daronica's mother voiced, Kabuto could hear the coolness in her voice. Kabuto could definitely see the similarities in Daronica's and her parent's personalities, with Daronica getting her father's arrogance and superiority attitude, along with her mother's cold and somewhat snobbish personality.

"Mother!" Daronica almost yelled in betrayal, before she glared at her mother but she did have a blush on her face.

"Yes Daronica?" Daronica's mother asked.

"You're embarrassing me." Daronica whispered but Kabuto still heard the conversation, Daronica's mother ignored her companies as she faced Kabuto completely.

"Pleasure to you, I'm Narcissa Malfoy…Daronica's mother." Narcissa introduced herself in a cool manner.

"Kabuto Yakushi, I'm Daronica's date." Kabuto voiced politely. Narcissa narrowed her eyes on Kabuto's form and gazed at him in scrutiny.

"So I've heard, and I've heard you helped Daronica archive the highest grades in her classes." Narcissa stated.

"Naturally, Daronica is talented in many fields of Magic. It wasn't hard to improve herself…You should be proud." Kabuto said coolly.

"I'm always proud of Daronica. I just want her to reach her full potential." Narcissa replied just as coolly.

"I'm right here you know! Don't talk as if I'm not!" Daronica interrupted.

"Be silent Daronica, The grownups are talking." Narcissa reprehended. Daronica pouted slightly while glaring in a random direction.

Kabuto had an amused smirk as he watched the interaction. "As amusing as this is to watch. I assume that there are more ulterior motives for you conversing with me other than just complementing me on helping Daronica." Kabuto deduced.

"How very perceptive, I can see why your Slytherin's champion. Yes, I just wanted to clarify something." Narcissa stated as she stepped closer to Kabuto.

"Oh and that would be?" Kabuto asked. But he felt something poke his abdomen, he didn't need to look down to know what it was.

"If your ever hurt Daronica or break her heart, I will kill you." Narcissa threatened as she applied pressure to the wand she held to Kabuto's abdomen. Kabuto wasn't fazed be her threat but he did understand it, she was just protective of her daughter and he could respect it. He too was protective of Nox and his 'Harem'.

Kabuto chuckled lightly but nodded his head. "I would never intentionally harm Daronica, cross my heart." Kabuto voiced lightly.

"See to it that you do." Narcissa coolly sated as she backed away from Kabuto. As Narcissa turned and faced her daughter Kabuto put the knife he hid in his sleeve back on the table. As Narcissa and Daronica talked, and Lucius and his 'parents' traded insults Kabuto walked away to get some air, not because he was mad.

Kabuto was leaving the Great Hall because it was filled with hundreds of sweaty hormonal teenagers all dancing to shitty music, and the smell was getting to him.

The Snake Sage strolled into the hallway and glanced outside the large window. Hearing some commotion Kabuto focused onto it and heard Igor and Snape arguing. He heard that Igor noticed the Dark Mark on their arm started to get bolder and he didn't know the reason. Igor said they should run and hide. But Snape had none of it and told Igor that if he wanted to hide it was fine by him before Snape left.

Kabuto wasn't surprised by this information Barty informed him that is mark was getting bolder and burned slightly. He placed used the Fūja Hōin(Evil Sealing Method) over Barty's Dark Mark isolating it's effects and latter planned to remove it.

The sound of soft footsteps approached Kabuto's position, but he didn't react sensing who it was. He turned to face the where the sound originated from to see a girl with long blonde her that went down past her shoulders and her hair framed her face, she had grey eyes. She wore a strapless black dress that went down to her ankles; she also wore black high-heels. Kabuto recognized her she was Daronica, he motioned her to come closer which she did hesitantly.

Daronica rubbed her hands together nervously before she looked into Kabuto's eyes. She continued to walk closer to Kabuto until they were a foot apart. "I wanted to thank you for defending my honor from your…'parents'. " Daronica said, as Kabuto leaned against the near wall and listened to her.

"Did you expect me not to?" Kabuto asked with amusement.

"While I admit I did have some doubts." Daronica said with obvious guilt. "I know that I can…Trust you." Daronica voice but was hesitant about saying trust. Kabuto nodded as he glanced outside again.

"And I apologize for my parents...and for what my mother did." Daronica said in embarrassment.

"It's alright." Kabuto waved off, he honestly didn't care if Daronica's mother threatened him, she was just a doing what she though was right. "Now where is the cold and arrogant Daronica I know, she would never apologize." Kabuto commented, getting a glare form the blonde.

"What! How dare…Ugh…I was trying to be nice." Daronica huffed out. "Fine, while I know I'm a bit…difficult to be around, I'm still thankful that you're my friend." Daronica finished before she closed the distance between them and connected their lips. Daronica stood on her toes to reach Kabuto's lips and after few seconds she pulled back revealing her meg-watt blush, she then turned away facing out the window just as Kabuto did before she arrived. Kabuto himself wasn't that surprised by her kiss and joined her in watching the winter moon.

After a few hours Kabuto walked Daronica to her room in the Slytherin Common room and Walked around the Castle by himself lost in thought.

Kabuto sensed someone following him causing him to stop. Glancing behind him, "You can come out now." Kabuto stated, the sound of footsteps sounded near him.

Kabuto turned to face his follower, which turned out to be Guren. "What are you doing here Guren-chan? I thought you guys were asleep." Kabuto commented.

Guren sensually walked towards Kabuto seemingly ignoring his question before she smashed her lips onto Kabuto's. "While the other girls might not be mad about you not taking them to the dance, I am and I want a little compensation for it." Guren whispered into Kabuto's ear before she pushed him up against the wall and slammed her lips onto his again, this time forcing her tongue into Kabuto's mouth.


Kabuto moaned into Guren's mouth as her hands explored his body. Kabuto felt Guren's soft cool hands snake under his clothing casing him to moan more into Guren's mouth. One of Guren's hands eventually snaked its way into Kabuto's pants, causing him to tense when Guren's cool hand grabbed his hard member.

"Oh Kabuto-kun, you're getting hard from me. How sweet, allow me to take care of it." Guren whispered as she knelt down onto her knees and her face was at Kabuto's crotch.

Guren un-did Kabuto's pants and pulled them down reveling his throbbing erection. Guren smirked as she grasped Kabuto's member with her cool hands, and brought her face closer to it. Kabuto shivered slightly from her cool hands and her breathe touching his member.

Guren used her hands to work his shaft before she leaned in further and took Kabuto's member into her mouth. Kabuto groaned as he felt himself enter Guren's warm, saliva coated mouth. Guren started to bob her head up and down, increasing Kabuto's pleasure. Guren continued to bob her head taking Kabuto's erection inch by inch until his penis touched the back of her throat.

Kabuto's hands went to the back of Guren's head and slowly tried to go deeper into Guren's throat. Kabuto pulled himself back until he thrust back into Guren's mouth and deeper into her throat causing her to gag slightly. The sound of Guren slurping and gaging on his dick caused Kabuto to increase his pace and thrust harder and faster into her throat.

Throughout the empty hallway the sound of Gaging and Slurping echoed along the sound of flesh slapping flesh. Guren's face started to turn red and her eyes started to tear up, but she continued to take Kabuto's member into her throat hungrily. Guren's obedience and the sounds she made sent Kabuto over the edge causing him to hold Guren's head in place as he came into her mouth, filling it with his sticky hot seed. Which Guren gulped down happily.

Guren pulled her mouth off of Kabuto's member with a pop. Guren breathed heavily as she used her fingers to collect the semen that leaked from her mouth and sucked it off her fingers.

Kabuto laid Guren down on the cold stone floor and pushed her green dress up revealing her red tight one piece suit. Kabuto pushed up her red body suit out of the way to see her soaked puffed out pussy, along with a patch of blue pubic hair. He studied her enticing pussy before he placed his free hand on her pussy and explored it.

Guren adjusted herself so she'd be on her side and lifted her leg up giving Kabuto more access to her aching pussy. Kabuto wrapped his arm around Guren's waist and pulled her closer so her back was on his chest.

After Kabuto was done stimulating Guren He lined his throbbing erection with Guren's soaking pussy then in one quick motion he full sheathed himself into Guren casing her to almost scream loudly in pleasure. He pulled half way out before thrusting back into her, Guren moaned in ecstasy as she was roughly taken on a cold stone floor.

Guren held up her leg and wrapped her arm around it so she wouldn't let go. When she lifted her leg, she increased the tightness around Kabuto's member causing him to moan into the back of her neck. Guren turned her head so she'd be facing Kabuto slightly and Kabuto latched his lips onto hers, and began to wrestle their tongues'.

While Kabuto continued to ram into Guren, he felt himself about to climax and used his hand to stimulate Guren so she's climax as well. Guren's moans increased but were contained in Kabuto's mouth or else the whole castle would have heard her scream. Guren and Kabuto eventually reached there climax and came at the same time. Kabuto filling Guren's womb and Guren ejaculating all over Kabuto's member and the ground beneath them.

Kabuto pulled out his member with creating a slight pop, and watched as some of his semen leak out of Guren's pussy. Guren released as content sigh as she felt Kabuto's semen overflow from inside of her.

Lemon End

"Is that enough *pant* compensation for *pant* you?" Kabuto questioned. Guren weakly nodded as she sat up, but tried to keep Kabuto's semen from leaking out of her. Guren fixed her red body suit and slowly stood up with shaky legs, only for Kabuto to help her stand.

"There, there…you really shouldn't over tax yourself." Kabuto stated with a slight smirk only to get a weak chuckle from the blunette.

Kabuto fixed his attire and gave Guren enough to compose herself before Kabuto Kuami'd them both to his room so they could get a good night sleep.