The four competitors stood near the shore of the Black Lake waiting to being the second task. Over the few months Kabuto increased his abilities in Magic. Mostly because he only had offensive Dark based magic and healing Paresltongue techniques.

He requested the aid of Snape to help him learn how to brew potions. Even with Snape's help Kabuto still had trouble brewing potions and he didn't know why, probably because it just was just one of those things that you don't have an affinity towards. But Kabuto was able to get up to the level where the potion wouldn't blow up in his face that was a good sign to him, and he changed his potion making method from these 'Wand Wizard's' version to Salazar's, that was depicted in his books.

In which you create a potion by using only seven ingredients. One for each sense, one for the mind, and one for the soul then add your magic that method worked well for Kabuto. But doing that method didn't allow him to create the wide variety of potions these 'Wand Wizards' had. The potions he could create were the usual love potion which he didn't need, possible night vision, healing, sensory enhancement those supplementary types of potions.

Next to Kabuto's potion education, he also learned Warding. While theses 'Wand Wizards' didn't know what Warding was or even considered learning it Kabuto found several books in Salazar's Vault explaining the subject. Wards were basically defenses that range from detection to shielding to explosive mines. There's a difference between Runes and Wards, Runes used symbols for it to function while Ward are manifestations of the user's magic and formed into what the practitioner wants and they can't be seen or felt normally.

Though Kabuto only got so far in the subject that he was only able to create alarm Wards. He only had two months to learn this art and could very well say that Warding was a very complex art.

Anyway the Four competitors stood at the shore of the black lake where Barty Crouch Sr. was explaining the objective to the Task. Well to those that wouldn't know the task if they didn't use the Golden eggs from the First Task to discover the objective. Kabuto already knew the objective thanks to Barty Jr. The objective is to retrieve something that was taken from the competitors and return within the hour.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them!" Kabuto heard a loud voice announce, before a loud banging sound echoed signaling the start of the task. Three of the champions jumped into the water leaving Kabuto standing there without a care.

Kabuto strolled towards the water until he was at the edge of the lake. Kabuto shrugged off his cloak and allowed his Basilisks' to un-coiled from him. The crowed watched in confusion as Kabuto knelt in front of the water and stayed still.

What no knew was Kabuto activated his Orochimaru Cursed seal and gathered Nature Chakra to enhance his sense and locate who he was supposed to save. He just hoped that the wizards didn't use his brother that would annoy him. Kabuto collected Nature Chakra faster than he usually would which surprised him, but it made sense he was located in an energy filled area. With his senses enhanced Kabuto was able to locate and figure out who he was supposed to save. Kabuto's eyes widened slightly before they narrowed, his dismissed his Senjutsu as he turned slightly to glare at an unaware Dumbledore.

The crowd watched as Kabuto stood up and stepped forward. They watched curiously wondering why he was just walking towards the water only to gasp in surprise as he stood and walked on water. Some of the more religious people started freaking out.

Kabuto ignored the crowd's yells or screams as he started to sprint across the water leaving a shower of water in his wake, after a few seconds of sprinting Kabuto stood over the area where the 'Hostages' where being held. He glanced down and looked through the water; he activated his Sharingan to enhance his sight. Kabuto's Sharingan shifted to his Mangekyō Sharingan and he disappeared in a swirling vortex.

In the calm water a small black hole formed and expanded forming Kabuto. With him in his 'Kamui Intangibility' state the water passed harmlessly through him. The Snake Sage walked along the lake floor until he stood in front of the four hostages. His blood red pin-wheel eyes spun as they zoned on the hostages, he noticed Derik's little friend, The Girl Cedric brought to the Ball, Fleur's little sister Gabrielle whom he met several times and Daronica.

Kabuto didn't really care about the first two hostages but Daronica and Gabrielle were a higher priority. Kabuto grabbed the rope holding Daronica In the water and pulled her to him, he made sure to only make his hands solid so he wouldn't drown. When he held onto Daronica's body, Kabuto summoned his Bone wand and leveled it at the rope binding Daronica to the ground.

"Sectumsempra" Kabuto whispered launching a white light at the binding rope. The dark cutting curse slashed through the rope completely. With Daronica un-tethered Kabuto activated his Kamui sending the blonde girl to his personal dimension.

Kabuto looked to Gabrielle then turned around and stared into the distance behind him using the enhanced perception of the Mangekyō Sharingan to locate Fleur. He found Fleur being surrounded and attacked by what looked like Grindylow a squid-like underwater demon. Kabuto saw that she was losing and sighed before he disappeared in a swirling vortex.

Fleur was losing the battle between the hordes of the underwater demons, she launched several spells at the demons but the water weakened the effects of the spells and she couldn't use her fire based attacks under water either. One of the Grindylows grabbed onto Fleur's hand and yanked her wand out of her hand leaving her defenseless, more of the Grindylow wrapped around her trying to pull her deeper into the water. One Grindylow tried to wrap itself around her face to suffocate her only for a white spike to stick out of its face.

Fleur saw Kabuto appear behind the water demon and stab it through its skull with a white sword. Kabuto grabbed two Grindylows and tore them off of Fleur; with his fingers wrapped around the Grindylow's necks he sent five bone bullets into both of their necks killing them. Fleur watched in awe and confusion as Kabuto moved through the water without resistance.

"Tsubaki no Mai (Dance of the Camellia)" Fleur heard Kabuto announce and she watched in morbid fascination as Kabuto's shoulder split open and pulled out his shoulder bone. She noticed his shoulder heal instantly, but Kabuto now held a bone sword in his right hand. The Grindylows charged at Kabuto believing their numbers would help.

Kabuto smirked as his pin-wheel Sharingan eyes darted between all of the approaching Grindylow. When the underwater demons were within range Kabuto stabbed his Bone Sword at the demons chaotically at an incredibly fast pace leaving afterimages of himself confusing the demons. Before the Grindylow could react they were skewed by Kabuto's bone sword.

With most of the Grindylow dead the remaining ones retreated knowing they were in the presence of a larger predator. Kabuto walked towards the shocked Veela and put a hand on her shoulder knocking her out of her stupor. Fleur became alert of her situation and went on the defensive, this was a competition after all.

Kabuto raised an eyebrow and smirked before he held up her wand, showing her he had her only weapon. Kabuto handed Fleur her wand back surprising her with this action. That action basically stated that he trusted her enough not to attack and that he had peaceful intentions.

"You really should be more careful Fleur." Kabuto said in his usually condescending voice, Fleur wasn't bothered by his condescending tone mostly because he talked to everyone like that and when he talked to his friends like that he was either joking or didn't realize he was doing it.

"Be z'at as it may, I'm still z'ankful z'at you saved me. " Fleur said smiling, causing Kabuto to smile slightly.

"Hn…I will always protect 'My' friends." Kabuto voiced saying 'My' with barely concealed possessiveness.

"I think you should retrieve your captive before the other competitors retrieve theirs." Kabuto suggested causing Fleur's eyes to widen before she swam off towards the hostages. When Fleur was gone Kabuto glanced around at the dead Grindylows' dead bodies and sneered at them.

Kabuto lifted his Bone sword and stabbed himself in the shoulder and absorbed his bone back into himself. Kabuto walked towards the dead Grindylows and made his hand tangible before he softly touched one of the dead Grindylow's head.

"Such a shame you all could have lived long lives…But you had to cross me…To challenge me…and take something that belonged to me." Kabuto harshly whispered as he dug his fingers into the Grindylow's skull.

"I treasure the bonds I have and you tried to take one of them from me…You see I'm a very selfish person." Kabuto explained to the dead demon, knowing that there were still Grindylow alive and hiding. He could feel there Killing intent aimed at Fleur for reasons he didn't know but he knew if he left they would attack her again when she was helping her sister.

"And if any of you try and attack what's mine again I will slaughter every single one of your species wiping you out for ever." Kabuto finished as he crystallized the water surrounding the corpses of the dead Grindylow and turned them to crystal dust. Before Kabuto flared his own killing intent that chilled the water he was in, the hidden Grindylow got the message that the Veela where off limits.

Kabuto sensed the presences leave, with one satisfied nod he disappeared in a swirling vortex. He appeared in the Kamui dimension and saw Daronica lying unconscious on one of rectangular platforms. Kabuto picked Daronica up bridal style then disappeared in swirling vortex again appearing above on the surface of the water that was above the hostage's location.

The Snake Sage walked towards the shore of the Black Lake at a moderate pace trying not to disturb the blonde in his arms. He didn't want her to wake up in his arms mostly because she might freak out that one he's carrying her and two he's walking on water and he could cause him to accidentally drop her into the water. Kabuto felt Daronica snuggle into his chest and released a content sigh causing him to roll his eyes.

Arriving at the shore Kabuto heard multiple of cheers and screams waking Daronica up and realizing her position. Kabuto expected her to freak out but to his surprise she just snuggled deeper into his chest. Kabuto strolled casually from the water onto the land seamlessly. While on the shore Kabuto saw the medic witch come towards him. And again she tried to drag Kabuto again only for him to not even move an inch.

"What do you want?" Kabuto snapped out.

"I have to check up on you, and 'Daronica'." The healer voiced saying Daronica with slight disdain, which Daronica tensed too.

"I…see" Kabuto said slowly as he closed his eyes and gave the healer a small smile, but the intense primal fear she received suggested Kabuto wasn't happy at all.

"You obviously don't know me…insult Daronica again I'll take away your ability to heal…permanently." Kabuto threatened, as he glared at the healer with his dark green eyes causing the healer to flinch. "Now leave." Kabuto ordered.

With the annoying healer gone Kabuto knelt down allowing Daronica to sit up properly. Kabuto's hand glowed a soft green and he placed a hand glowing hand on Daronica's back and her chest, then sent medical charka into her body to see if she was alright. While Kabuto was healing Daronica, she herself was in absolute bliss her crush 'saved' her, told off the healer that hated her and her family off and is healing her himself, and the energy he's using is absolutely exhilarating.

"Mmm…Oh…Don't stop." Daronica moaned out as Kabuto applied Medical Chakra into Daronica's body. Kabuto's eye's widened slightly as he deactivating his Mystic Palm Technique causing Daronica to groan in disappointment.

"Why did you stop?" Daronica whined.

"Because I can." Kabuto stated. 'You wouldn't want to know what happens to those who have medical chakra healing an already healed person.' Kabuto thought morbidly. He ignored her pout as he helped her up.

"There you go." Kabuto voiced, he turned as he felt several eyes upon him. Kabuto noticed a few girls from the Slytherin house looking at him in suspicion or looking at Daronica in jealously. Kabuto lead Daronica to her group of friends. When he heard them talking to each other Kabuto smiled slightly before he cast a sideways glare at Dumbledore's unsuspecting form.

Kabuto left Daronica with her small group of friends and nonchalantly sauntered towards Dumbledore. While walking Kabuto closed his eyes and forced a smile.

"Dumbledore." Kabuto announced getting the old man's attention.

"Oh. Kabuto my boy." Dumbledore said in a grandfatherly tone, causing Kabuto to twitch slightly not that Dumbledore noticed.

"I have a small question and I was hoping you could answer." Kabuto said, getting Dumbledore to smile slightly at the chance at getting on Kabuto's good side.

"Oh and what would that be?" Dumbledore questioned.

"These tasks…there Ingenious I have to say…Only someone incredibility smart could've come up with theses task…I have to ask, who came up with them." Kabuto asked his eyes still closed not that Dumbledore cared.

Dumbledore smirked at the chance to get on Kabuto's good side, He assumed that Kabuto would respected his intellect. "Why I came up with the task of course." Dumbledore boasted.

"Oh I see, I see…" Kabuto voiced with fake respect, Dumbledore smirked at Kabuto's reaction. "Then I know exactly what to do." Kabuto finished as he opened his eyes revealing his spinning pin-wheel Mangekyō Sharingan. Kabuto put a hand on Dumbledore's shoulder before he could even react Dumbledore disappeared in a swirling vortex.

Kabuto glanced around to see no one around. He pushed his glasses up and smirk devilishly as he strolled away. 'A little time in an endless void should do you some good Dumbledore, plus the Replicator's would enjoy a little fun especially because of what you did to one of their brethren.' Kabuto thought darkly.

Kabuto returned to the competitors to see Fleur and Gabrielle had returned along with Cedric and his hostage. Kabuto strolled towards the two Veela and was immediately hugged by the younger of the two which surprised him slightly.

"Z'ank you Kabuto, Fleur told me 'ow you saved her." The small girl gushed into Kabuto's abdomen.

"No problem." Kabuto said awkwardly as he patted Gabrielle's back slowly. Kabuto softly pushed Gabrielle off him and knelt down to eye level. "Are you feeling alright?" Kabuto asked seriously but in a soft voice.

The young girl blushed under Kabuto's intense gazed, before she looked herself over. "I don't know, I don't feel 'urt." Gabrielle said confused. Kabuto nodded in understanding she was young, placed in freezing water for god knows how long and her nerves could have been numbed so she might not feel any pain.

"Ok, hold still so I can make sure you're alright." Kabuto voiced confidently. Fleur and Gabrielle watched in curiosity as Kabuto make a strange hand sign.

"Shōsen Jutsu(Mystical Palm Technique)" Kabuto whispered as his hands glowed a soft green. Kabuto placed his glowing right hand on Gabrielle's chest and his glowing left hand on Gabrielle's forehead. Gabrielle leaned into Kabuto's touch.

Kabuto narrowed his eyes slightly as he concentrated on inspecting Gabrielle's health. First he fixed her numbed nerves allowing her to actually feel. Gabrielle started to moan and tried to lean in deeper into Kabuto's touch, causing him to deactivate his Mystical palm technique. Gabrielle groaned at the loss of pleasure.

Gabrielle opened her eyes to see Kabuto's glasses with his dark green eyes behind them. The intensity of his stare caused her to blush before Kabuto stood up and rubbed Gabrielle's hair affectionately.

"You have nothing to worry about Gabrielle, I awoken your nerves faster so you could feel again." Kabuto stated.

"Did you find any Z'ing else?" Fleur asked with obvious concern.

"Just the beginning of a cold but I quickly got rid of it." Kabuto bragged slightly.

"Oh Z'ank Kabuto, you don't know 'ow much Z'is mean's to me." Fleur said with a smile that practically gleaned in the light. Which Kabuto assumed was a side effect from her allure.

"I'm just doing what any friend would do." Kabuto modestly stated only to receive a hug from the blonde Veela, Gabrielle joined the hug too. Kabuto felt the burning glare of most of the male audience behind him, Kabuto turned and gave the majority of the males a sideways glace and released a pulse of Killing Intent at the males paralyzing them in primal fear of a bigger predator being in their presence and caused them to look way. Kabuto smirked darkly before he returned the hug he was receiving form the two Veela.

Eventually Viktor arrived with his hostage. With all the champions there the judges cast their votes on the champions with Kabuto using a disguised clone to take Dumbledore's place; Kabuto was a shoe in for receiving the highest score. All of the judges gave Kabuto a high score for completing the task in the time needed and helping Fleur which earned a raised eyebrow from Kabuto. 'So they knew she was in danger and didn't think to help her?' Kabuto thought darkly to himself.

Kabuto got the highest score with Fleur following behind him with second highest score. The other two competitors Kabuto didn't really care about so he ignored them and went to retrieve his Cloak and Basilisks'.

After the Competitors got their scores they left to talk to their friends or do whatever it was they did Kabuto didn't care mostly because he had some Horcruxes to hunt. With Dumbledore out of the way Kabuto could check the headmaster's office for Tom's Diary. From the records Kabuto scrounge up, Ginny Weasly mysteriously got her hands on a cursed Diary that started to possess her. Before she could open the Chamber of Secrets Dumbledore caught wind of it and confiscated the cursed book and gave it to Derik to see if he was Voldemort's Horcruxes. When Dumbledore discovered Derik was a dud he placed the Dairy in his office.

Kabuto phased out of existence and appeared at the entrance of Hogwarts in a span of a few seconds. Using the memories of Tom, Kabuto was able to map out the Headmaster's office and he disappeared in a Swirling Vortex.

Kabuto appeared in what looked like a large room that had a multiple book shelves covering the walls. But something caught Kabuto's eye. There was a crimson colored phoenix, which is incredibly rare especially do to the race of creatures it was from.

The Snake Sage slowly walked towards the phoenix, the phoenix itself faced Kabuto causing him to freeze in his steps. Kabuto was surprised when the phoenix didn't react threateningly it only sang a sad song. When Kabuto reached the phoenix he leaned in to until he was foot away from a powerful creature.

"Hello little phoenix, what is someone of your stature doing in a place like this?" Kabuto asked the immortal bird slowly. The only reply Kabuto got was a sad song.

"I know what you are." Kabuto stated, getting wide eyes from the phoenix.

"But what is a something as high as Sidhe doing with a senile wand wizard?" Kabuto asked to the Faerie. He learned from Salazar's libraries that Faerie as a race of creatures that reside in a different plane of existence called the Nevernever. Kabuto wasn't skeptical about the idea of different planes of existence having traveled from a different universe before. But from Salazar's books most Faerie belong to two different 'Courts' the Summer and Winter courts. From the Phoenix's colors Kabuto deduced it was from the Summer court. What had Kabuto stumped was why such a being as a Sidhe would willingly work with such a low-tier powered being, a wand wizards.

Kabuto noticed the Phoenix looked down sadly causing Kabuto to narrow his eyes. "You don't follow him willingly, do you?" Kabuto questioned. "He's bound you to him." Kabuto finished, the Sidhe nodded slightly. Kabuto rubbed the bridge of his nose, and then he looked at the phoenix intently.

"Hmm…you probably assumed that sense he was a wand wizard he wouldn't know how to bind so you gave him your name." Kabuto theorized, the phoenix nodded its head sadly. Kabuto narrowed his eyes in thought. 'I could free the Sidhe from its binds and could gain the Summer Courts Favor, or I could try and use the Mangekyō to try and control the Sidhe. But I don't know how high this faerie is on the scale of power and if I fail at taking it over it could try and kill me with the rest of the Summer Court along with it. And with the Sidhe being masters of True Magic my fight would be short, only if I use Senjustu would I match the middle-tier Faerie in power but most Faerie are hundreds of years old so they beat me in experience. So I should go with the first option.' Kabuto debated with himself.

"I'm curious what would happen if I freed you." Kabuto said out loud causing the phoenix to look up to him in hope.

"I know how Sidhe operate…As soon as I set free you, you are free to do anything…and you could try and kill me." Kabuto voiced, the phoenix cooed softly as it nuzzled its head into Kabuto's hand trying to encourage him.

"I will release you but I need a thrice promise that you won't intentionally or unintentionally bring harm to me…or those I care about or the wand wizarding world." Kabuto stated, the phoenix looked down before nodding to Kabuto. Kabuto heard a soft androgynous voice sound throughout the room promise three times that the phoenix wouldn't attack. A thrice promise from a Sidhe is the closest to an absolute promise you could get from a Faerie.

Kabuto sighed silently he really wanted to torture Dumbledore for a few days but helping a Sidhe is far more productive. The Phoenix watched in slight amazement as Kabuto's eyes turned blood red with three comas' circling around his pupils the comas started to spin and mend together and created a pin-wheel design.

The space a couple feet in front of Kabuto a vortex opened up allowing Dumbledore to fall out. Kabuto watched as the phoenix glared at Dumbledore. Dumbledore slowly got up revealing that he had several burns across his body.

He turned and glared at Kabuto before he brandished his wand. Before Dumbledore could attack Kabuto took a step towards him. The ground under Kabuto caved in as he appeared in front of Dumbledore and angrily slammed his fist into Dumbledore's chest.

Dumbledore's breath was forced out of him but before he could regain it, a blinding pain exploded from his back. Dozens of bone spikes exploded out of Dumbledore's back, Kabuto made the bones jut out and attach themselves into the nearest walls pinning Dumbledore. Kabuto glared at Dumbledore with menacing fiery only to look far more threatening with the Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Did…You…Bind that creature?" Kabuto demanded through angry breaths as he pointed to the Phoenix. Dumbledore looked to 'his' Phoenix before he turned to Kabuto.

"No Fawkes willingly came to me." Dumbledore lied. Only for a crystal encased fist to slam into his jaw shattering it. Kabuto held Dumbledore's shattered jaw and healed it.

"Don't lie to me…you can't hid the truth from these eyes." Kabuto stated as his pin-wheel eyes spun.

"Now tell me Did You Bind That Creature." Kabuto interrogated as he stabbed Dumbledore in the thigh with a bone spike.

"YES! Yes…stop please." Dumbledore begged, only for Kabuto to backhand him. Kabuto's anger increased partially activating his Kabutomaru state. Kabuto pulled back and paced angry in front of Dumbledore.

"Do you have any idea what you did?" Kabuto demanded.

"N-no…all I wanted was a powerful familiar." Dumbledore tried to reason but was scared from Kabuto's new look and threatening aura.

"You bound a fucking Sidhe!" Kabuto announced.

"What?" Dumbledore questioned, Kabuto had to suppress the eye-twitch.

"You bind a creature and you don't know what it is, are you fucking kidding me." Kabuto ranted to himself.

"The Phoenix you bound was a Sidhe or otherwise known as a Faerie." Kabuto informed. Dumbledore looked at Kabuto like he was stupid.

"Fawkes is a phoenix." Dumbledore tried to clarify only to get another bone spike shoved through his other thigh.

"You idiot Phoenixes are Faeries just like Centaurs, Elves, Goblins, Trolls, Unicorns there all faeries…but, but to Bind a high level Sidhe and not realize you're doing it…You are really playing with fire Dumbledore…" Kabuto stated as he looked towards the phoenix.

"You could have possibly destroyed your Wizarding world." Kabuto informed causing Dumbledore to gasp.

"Fawkes would never willingly hurt someone, Phoenixes aren't like that." Dumbledore reasoned.

"The Phoenixes in myths are that just that a myth, they aren't the good creatures your legends make them out to be…Phoenixes like the other Sidhe are Dangerous, mischievous, possibly insane, insanely powerful, and quick to anger." Kabuto informed as Dumbledore paled and glanced at Fawkes to see it glaring at him.

"You see I plan of freeing Fawkes." Kabuto stated getting a shocked look from Dumbledore.

"If you do that he'll kill everyone." Dumbledore insisted. 'That's what you know' Kabuto thought.

"How would you feel if you were bound be an ant?" Kabuto asked offhandedly seemingly changing the subject.

"What?" Dumbledore questioned not understanding where this was going.

"In the whole scheme of things, with how much power Fawkes has at his control you're but an ant to him." Kabuto said Dumbledore glanced to 'his' Phoenix only to receive a nod from it.

"Now how would you feel if you were bound to an ant…not even a Fire Ant but the smallest weakest type of Ant and every one of your peers insulted and ridiculed you form being bound to such a weak creature?" Kabuto asked.

"Angry." Dumbledore managed to speak out before he turned to a glaring phoenix. He looked at the Phoenix with regret but the Sidhe didn't care if he felt remorse or not it just wanted to be free and destroy something.

"And there are a few ways to disrupt the bond you hold over 'Fawkes'" Kabuto stated. "One is for you to willingly give up the bond…or Destroy what's creating the bond…and sense 'Fawkes' can't be destroyed due to it being immortal, I'll just have to destroy you." Kabuto said sadistically.

"W-what, I could get rid of the contract." Dumbledore voiced fearfully.

"I wouldn't do that if I where you…you see if you do that 'Fawkes' will be free to do whatever it wants to you…and Faerie magic is far more powerful and potent than yours, and it can deify the laws of reality…'Fawkes' would be able to kill you, then bring you back to life to torture you for years and you would remember everything." Kabuto informed.

"I'll just be putting you out of your misery before it starts." Kabuto said with genuinely kindness. The bones that extruded from Dumbledore's body receded back into Kabuto allowing Dumbledore to fall too weak to move. Kabuto created a clone and watched as it left in a Kamui leaving a weak Dumbledore, a confused Fawkes and a contemplative Kabuto. While Kabuto was sadistic he did have some compassion, even if Dumbledore did ruin his earlier life it was under the guise of the greater good for the wizarding world. Kabuto wasn't evil enough to cause Dumbledore eternal pain especially from Sidhe who are arguably the most sadistic beings he's come across. He would give Dumbledore a quick death and he'll get something out of it.

Before Dumbledore could react a green light slammed into him killing him in an instant. Kabuto watched as the Phoenix glowed slightly before it flew and landed on Kabuto's shoulder and nuzzled its beak into Kabuto's neck before the phoenix disappeared in a flame-like explosion leaving Kabuto alone with Dumbledore's dead body. Kabuto composed himself and deactivating his Orochimaru cursed seal, he was incredibly mad at Dumbledore's stupidity. While Dumbledore was hailed as the strongest and smartest wizard of the Wand Wizards Kabuto knew that Dumbledore was still human and susceptible to corruption. So maybe that's why Dumbledore wanted to bind a phoenix for its power.

Another Kabuto came out of a swirling vortex with two scrolls. When the clone dispelled Kabuto had a slight surprised look. Apparently his clone could use Kamui to travel back to the 'Naruto' world and retrieve what he needed.

Kabuto used the sealing scrolls and un-sealed a large container with water filled with hundreds of small black snakes. Kabuto used a syringe to get some of Dumbledore's Dna then unsealed the Kunai Talisman, then applied Dumbledore's blood on the seal. Kabuto controlled the snakes to form a humanoid shape before he placed the kunai talisman into it.

The snakes slowly changed into a perfect copy of Dumbledore only his eyes where different, having black sclera and white pupils. Kabuto sealed Dumbledore's body only leaving the clone in its place. Kabuto ordered the Dumbledore clone to find some clothes leaving Kabuto alone in the headmaster's office.

Kabuto looked through Dumbledore's desk and eventually found the black diary of Tom Riddle. Kabuto felt a pull from his psyche as he touched the diary. While looking through the diary Kabuto noticed it trying to communicate to him whom he ignored, he already had a plan to deal with the Horcruxes. He planned on absorbing them; and with the dairy as the most powerful of the Horcruxes Kabuto wanted to absorb it first.

'Horcruxes work by dividing the soul in half so the Diary basically has half of Voldemort's power and since I already have Voldemort's memories the Dairy will only give me his power.' Kabuto thought as he sat at Dumbledore's desk and placed his hands on the Diary. Kabuto willed his magic into the soul container and started the process of a revers possession. What he was doing was pulling the half soul into him so he could absorb it. With the soul being weak and his will being strong Kabuto isn't at risk being taken over by the soul. Kabuto felt the soul fight back, which surprised Kabuto slightly it, seems the soul has some bite to it.

But after the battle of wills Kabuto eventually assimilated the soul into his. Kabuto felt a rush of power add onto his and he felt far more refined and clear than he originally was. Kabuto felt his body ache as his body adjusted to contain the influx of power. Kabuto sat in the office chair and tried to remember all of the Horcruxes.

He remembered that the Gaunt's Ring was the next Horcruxes that he was able to get. Kabuto had access to almost all of the Horcruxes expect Helga Hufflepuff's Cup and from his link to Voldemort, he split his soul again a few years ago to create a another Horcrux on his familiar Nagini. 'This is why I need Barty to place a portkey on the Goblet of fire. So I can confront Voldemort, and then kill him along with his familiar to kill him completely. Barty himself doesn't know Voldemort's location just in case he were to get captured but he was given a charm to place on the goblet to automatically take me to Voldemort's location. ' Kabuto thought. 'But I need a way to get into the Lestrange vault so I can absorb Helga's cup as well.' Kabuto contemplated.

Kabuto noticed the Dumbledore clone return with actual clothing and stood up. Kabuto pocketed the useless dairy and left Dumbledore's office. Before he left Kabuto turned to face the Dumbledore clone. "Be sure to act just how the original would act, wouldn't want the Wizarding world to become suspicious." Kabuto ordered. The Dumbledore clone nodded.

The Snake Sage left the office and headed towards the seventh floor corridor. 'While I didn't want to kill Dumbledore this quick into the game I'd rather risk the ire of the Wand Wizards than the Ire of the Sidhe.' Kabuto thought. The Sidhe where vicious creatures when there angered, 'If Dumbledore died and I didn't discover the phoenix, it would be free to kill every single wizard it wanted which is why I'm glad I'm the one to destroy the bond. Almost all Sidhe bargain and with me setting the Sidhe free it allowed me to earn a favor from the Phoenix.' Kabuto mused to himself as headed to the Room of Requirements.

"Um…Mister Kabuto sir." Kabuto heard a voice speak out behind him. Kabuto turned to see it was the girl his brother was friends with.

"Yes…?" Kabuto asked as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"I just want to apologize for Derik." Hermione said.

"Apologize for what?" Kabuto questioned.

"Well I know that Derik can be a bit annoying his heart is in the right place." Hermione explained. "See Derik looked up to you as a big brother back then and when you disappeared he was devastated but he continued to try and acted like you. Before you came back Derik was cold to almost everyone that wasn't his friend. Then when you returned he was actually happy again then he saw you with his 'archenemy' he was crushed again and lost control of his emotions. I know I should have stopped him from creating a commotion but I just wanted to give him support. " Hermione continued. "And I'm really sorry for creating a problem and giving you a bad impression of your brother and myself." Hermione finished

Kabuto closed his eyes in thought he was honestly impressed by how mature this girl was actually being. 'I don't hate my little brother he's just annoying, I only hate my parents if I hated Derik for the reason he was more liked then me, than that would be petty…but I guess my reactions to him could come across as such…' Kabuto mused to himself.

Kabuto opened his eyes and leveled his gaze onto Hermione. Hermione shifted nervously under Kabuto's intense stare before he nodded. "I accept your apology." Kabuto stated. "and I guess we did meet under difficult circumstances." Kabuto voiced before he held out his hand towards the teen.

"Kabuto Yakushi." Kabuto informed.

"Hermione …" Hermione introduced only for Kabuto to interrupter.

"A piece of advice…In the magic world never give out your full name, you never know who could use it against you." Kabuto stated seriously Hermione looked at Kabuto in confusion for a second before nodding. Kabuto turned around and started to walk only to hear footsteps following him, he glanced at his side to see Hermione trying to follow him inconspicuously.

"You do realize I know your there." Kabuto announced.

"I-I'm sorry it's just your so mysterious I just want to figure out the puzzle." Hermione voiced nervously. Kabuto was slightly annoyed but he too could understand why she did that. From what he learned Hermione was probably one of the smartest people in the school so not knowing something would get under her skin and Kabuto could respect that.

"You can walk with me if you want." Kabuto offered he saw no problem with it. It was a long walk to the Room of Requirements.

"Thanks Kabuto sir." Hermione said as she miraculously appeared next to Kabuto. 'Huh, that was fast.'

"Drop the sir and let's go." Kabuto stated.

"Um…Kabuto I was wondering…where did you go, when you disappeared I mean?" Hermione asked.

"The Elemental Countries." Kabuto voiced.

"What are the Elemental Countries, I've never heard of them?" Hermione questioned confused.

"The Elemental Countries…The Elemental Countries, are a signal continent that's divided by several different countries that are named after the elements like Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Lighting…I myself lived in the Land of Wind." Kabuto informed which was true Suna was located in the Land of Wind.

"But there are only four elements though; I don't think Lightning was one." Hermione said confused.

"There are actually seven main elements where I come from plus dozens of sub-elements." Kabuto informed.

"What are they?" Hermione asked happily, Kabuto glanced at her. 'She must really like learning new things.' Kabuto thought.

"Well there are of course Fire, Wind, Earth, Lightning and Water…Then there are the more abstract Elements such as Yin and Yang…Yin is spiritual energy that deals with the imagination creating form out of nothingness …and Yang deals with vitality and can be used to bring life into a form ." Kabuto explained.

"That's amazing…what would happen if you combined Yin and Yang?" Hermione questioned.

"You create life." Was all he said.

"Amazing…what were the some of the Sub-elements you were taking about…Can you do them?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"If I were to tell you all my abilities that would ruin my mysterious visage now would it." Kabuto teased, getting a pout from the bookworm. "But I'll tell you some of the Sub-elements I've heard of or studied alright." Kabuto finished getting a smile form the brunette.

"There is the Hyōton or the Ice element which is the combined form of Water and Wind…There is the Shakuton or the Scorch element which is the combined form of Wind and Fire which were so hot it could evaporate the liquid inside the human body in seconds…there's Ranton or the Storm element which is the combined form of Water and Lightning I'm sure you know why that's dangerous…" Kabuto stated getting a quick nod from the brunette. "There's the Futton or the Boil Release which is the combined form of Water and Fire, this doesn't allow you to control hot water it's actually a corrosive mist substance that burns through almost anything." Kabuto explained.

"That's a lot of violent abilities." Hermione commented slightly nervous about the Elemental Countries.

"Of course, with different countries all grouped up on one continent there are bound to be some wars…And before I got here, my group and I ended a war." Kabuto commented offhandedly surprising Hermione further.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Hermione said thinking she might have offended her new friend.

"Don't be, wars are a common thing in the Elemental Countries…besides it gives you a reason to get stronger." Kabuto stated causing Hermione to nod off in thought though she did look depressed still making Kabuto sigh.

He stopped walking and faced the brunette. "Look Hermione from what I hear you're a very smart girl." Kabuto commented getting a blush from her. "And I can tell your hold back a bit, not from getting good grades but in learning…From the way you react to the mention of war I can tell you're not ready for it…But when is anyone really ready for it…But you should use your knowledge and learn how to fight with your hands and with your magic…It will save your life one day." Kabuto stated as he pat her head before he left, leaving a contemplating blushing brunette.

After a few minutes of walking Kabuto arrived at the seventh floor corridor and paced back and forth to activate the Room of Requirements. His want to find Ravenclaw's Diadem activated the Room of Hidden Things where the Horcrux was located.

Kabuto walked into the room and noticed that there was a hundreds of objects that ranging from garbage to jewelry pilling upon themselves. Kabuto just sighed as he started to look for the Diadem using Tom's memories as a starting point. Kabuto eventually found the Diadem which wasn't that well hidden to begin with.

When Kabuto held the diadem he felt the soul of Voldemort but noticed the power of it was small compared to the Diary's. 'That does make sense…The Diary had half of Voldemort's soul leaving Voldemort with half a soul left…He then split his soul in half a second time leaving ¼ of his own soul and placing the other ¼ into the Gaunt's Ring…He then split he soul a third time leaving Voldemort with 1/8th of this soul to himself and 1/8th of this soul in Slytherin's locket…Splitting his soul again left him with 1/16th of his soul as he placed the other 1/16th in Helga Hufflepuff's cup…So by my calculations the Diadem holds 1/32nd of Voldemort's soul…If I were to absorb this I would be more Voldemort than Voldemort himself would be." Kabuto thought to himself.

Kabuto knew that there were no defenses on the Diadem mostly because Tom didn't think anyone would find the Room of Requirements so his own arrogance ruined him in this aseptic. Like Kabuto did with the diary he un-latched the soul from the object and pulled into himself. Kabuto was able to assimilate the soul faster than the Dairy's mostly because it was smaller and far too weak to put up an actual fight.

Kabuto's eyes widened as he felt another rush of power join into him put the pain he received from the Diary didn't happen with the Diadem. Kabuto glanced at the Diadem and narrowed his eyes in thought. 'This Diadem is said to increase the wisdom and knowledge of those who where it but should I use it? Or I could give it to the head of Ravenclaw house and possibly gain some loyalty from him.' Kabuto internally debated.

Kabuto pocketed the Diadem in the ninja pouch that was under his cloak before he left the Room of Lost Things. Kabuto headed to the Ravenclaw common room to find the head of house. Eventually after an hour of looking Kabuto was able to find the short head of house, from what Kabuto discovered Filius Flitwick didn't hold his loyalties to Dumbledore and that he was only loyal to Hogwarts itself.

"Hello mister Flitwick." Kabuto announced causing the small professor to jump.

"Good havens…Oh it's you Harry oh I apologize I meant Kabuto I there something you need?" Flitwick questioned.

"Actually there is." Kabuto voiced. "You see I've come across a lost object and thought I should return it to its rightful owner." Kabuto said as he looked around Flitwick's office noticing dozens of books stacked around the place. 'House of knowledge indeed.' Kabuto thought as he glanced around the room.

"W-what is it?" Flitwick asked as the suspense started to get to him.

"Why the Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw of course." Kabuto stated getting wide eyes from the tiny professor.

"Is it true?" Flitwick asked in suspicion. Kabuto reached into the ninja pouch under his cloak making Flitwick tense slightly only to gasp as Kabuto pulled out the Diadem.

"Is it truly the Diadem?" Flitwick asked himself as Kabuto handed him the enchanted object. Flitwick examined the object and smiled happily as he liked what he saw.

"T-thank you…Thank you…Thank you! It was one of my dreams to find the Diadem." Flitwick cheered. "You know what Kabuto no matter what anyone else says you are definitely a good egg. With your talent you would have definitely been a Ravenclaw…If you need anything just ask." Flitwick gushed, Kabuto smiled in response and nodded to the short professor before giving a good bye then left.

Kabuto left the ecstatic professor before heading to the Great Hall to get something to eat. With everyone out celebrating the Task the Great Hall was empty allowing Kabuto to eat in peace. After he was done eating Kabuto headed towards the dungeon to prepare to prepare several healing potions just in case he needed them. After Kabuto was done with the potions he bottled them up and sealed them in a scroll and placed them in his Ninja pouch.

With nothing else to prepare for Kabuto left in a Swirling Vortex. The Snake Sage appeared at the outskirts of Little Hangleton, near the entrance of the Gaunt Shack. When Kabuto walked into the Shack he felt the Horcrux near him so he expanded his senses. Kabuto's eyes widened in surprise he found the ring but he also sense several other presences near here specifically a two equally weaker presences of Voldemort's soul smaller than even than the one that the Diadem contained.

'So This is where Voldemort is located…but should I attack him now…I still have the other Horcruxes to absorb and possible subordinates to recruit…I could seal Voldemort now but I don't know how that could affect the Horcruxes, the sealing could pull the soul pieces out of there containers and could potentially create several Voldemorts.' Kabuto thought to himself. 'I'll continue the plan no need to change it now if there are unknown variables that could be introduced to the fight.' Kabuto mused.

Kabuto focused his attention on the Ring he found. The Ring was gold and had a large black stone on it, the symbol of the Deathly Hollows on the black rock. The golden ring glowed as Kabuto touched it. Kabuto pulled out his wand and aimed it at the ring, from Tom's memories he was able to know of the curse that was placed upon it. With knowledge of how the curse was placed upon the ring Kabuto was able to take it off.

With the curse off the ring Kabuto put the ring on and started the process of un-attaching the soul and absorbing it. Like the Diary Kabuto's body started to ache as it adapted to the influx of power. Kabuto felt his magical power increase again and felt Voldemort's memories become clearer but that was it, if it had been any other person absorbing the soul pieces form the Diary and the Ring would drive anyone insane mostly because they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them and Voldemort. But Kabuto got pieces of Voldemort's memories over a period of time allowing him to adjust and adapt.

With the soul absorbed Kabuto inspected the ring specifically the Black stone, when he first came here and confronted Dumbledore in the Great Hall Kabuto was able to use a Sharingan enhanced Legilimency on him. From Dumbledore's mind Kabuto was able to learn that more on the Deathly Hollows and the description of most of them. He also learned that the Potters had the Cloak of Invisibility, Dumbledore had the Elder Wand and from the way this stone looked this was possibly the Resurrection Stone.

Kabuto looked at the possible Resurrection Stone with scrutiny. Before he willed his magic into the Ring he wore. The Black stone gleaned for a few seconds until it dimmed, Kabuto glanced at the stone sadly before he looked away from the stone and nearly jumped out of his skin when he noticed someone in front of him.

Kabuto got a good look at the person and his eyes watered slightly on who he saw. It was a young woman with shoulder length light brown hair with emerald green eyes reminiscent to Kabuto's original eyes.

"N-Nonō?" Kabuto asked in shock, even if he did try and summon someone he loved he didn't think it would work especially across dimensions. Nonō just smiled kindly Kabuto just like he remembered, Kabuto tried to hug her only to pass through.

"Hello Kabuto-kun, you've grown into a fine man." Nonō said causing Kabuto to flinch slightly. "And I see you still have my glasses." Nonō finished, causing Kabuto reached for his glasses with shaking hands as he pulled his glasses off.

"O-of course, in the beginning when I had nothing…and hadn't known anything about myself or my identity…You gave me a name and a tool that I will always treasure." Kabuto said his voice hoarse holding back the tears of happiness and sadness, while he held the glasses to his chest.

"I'm so sorry Nonō…I'm so sorry, I…I didn't mean to hurt you…Y-you…you gave me so much…But I repaid your kindness…By…by killing you…I'm sorry…I'm so so sorry." Kabuto broke down as he faced the women who he loved as his own mother.

Kabuto felt something warm touch his cheeks, he looked up to see Nonō, then as he looked further he only saw the loving expression on her face not a hateful one he expected.

"No, no Kabuto-kun the reason I'm dead is my own…I was the one who was so easily fooled by Danzo's manipulations…So don't blame yourself please Kabuto-kun." Nonō pleaded. Tears rolled from Kabuto's eyes as his mother selflessly tried to take the blame from him, but he reluctantly nodded he couldn't say no to her.

"H-how…how are you here?" Kabuto questioned.

"You summoned me here Kabuto-kun." Nonō said happily.

"But how you…you were in another dimension?" Kabuto asked.

"Oh Kabuto-kun I've always been with you watching over you." Nonō explained causing Kabuto's eyes to widen and he looked down in shame not wanting to see the disappointed look Nonō might give him, only to feel Nonō bring his face to meet hers.

"Look at me Kabuto." Nonō ordered casing Kabuto to flitch at the lack of 'kun' to his name. Kabuto looked up and saw her face only to see she wasn't disappointed.

"I'm not mad or disappointed in you Kabuto-kun…While I know you did some 'Dark' things for Orochimaru I could never be mad at you…You were my son after all, even if it wasn't in blood I still loved you like one Kabuto-kun. So don't assume I'd ever be disappointed in you." Nonō said seriously, before she reached for Kabuto's chest where he held onto the glass. Nonō moved Kabuto's arms and guided them up and motioned for him to put back on his glasses.

Kabuto put his glasses back on and gazed at Nonō in a range of emotions ranging from Love to Regret. Kabuto felt Nonō hug him but he wished he could hug her back.

"Kabuto-kun it's almost time for me to go." Nonō voiced sadly causing Kabuto to react.

"B-but…I don't want you to leave…I-I I can create a body for you…you don't have to leave…please don't leave…please don't leave me." Kabuto pleaded.

Nonō gazed at Kabuto sadly. "Sorry Kabuto-kun, I can't stay…But know I would never leave you…I'll always watch over you…And while I failed to raise you, I'll always be with you…and no matter what you become, you can be the greatest saint or the vilest monster but I will always love you." Nonō declared before she kissed Kabuto's forehead and disappeared in a glow of white light leaving Kabuto alone in the Gaunt's Shack.

Kabuto wiped the stray tears from his face as he tried to compose himself. Kabuto stood up straighter as he left the Shack; he glanced around before he disappeared in a swirling vortex. The Snake Sage appeared at the entrance of a large cave near the shore of the sea.

While standing on the water Kabuto found the entrance to the cave easily through the rushing waters. While at the entrance of the cave Kabuto sliced his hand with a kunai and wiped it on the wall of the cave activating, paying the toll for the 'Blood Sacrifice' making the entrance to Crystal Cave open.

Kabuto continued forward until he came across a large lake with a small island in the center. Glancing to his left Kabuto saw a small unsteady looking boat. Before he focused onto the small island and walked forward. With his water walking ability he didn't need to use the flimsy boat.

Kabuto looked down while he was water walking to see hundreds of dead bodies that he knew where Inferi and he knew that only Voldemort himself is the only person that can control them. Arriving at the Small Island Kabuto was able to see a small basin filled with murky liquid. 'So that's the cursed potion…but Voldemort didn't come up with a way to get rid of the potion…hmm.' Kabuto thought as he inspected the potion. 'I of course am not drinking this crap…but it was specifically made not to be moved, vanished or touched unless the person has the intention of drinking it…Oh I have an idea.' Kabuto mused as he reached into his ninja pouch under his cloak and pulled out his collection.

Kabuto un-sealed a body from his collection and laid it near the basin filled with the cursed potion. "Shikon no Jutsu(Dead Soul Technique)" Kabuto whispered as he reanimated the corpse of the dead body. Kabuto forced the animated corpse to drink the cursed potion, which it did. With the corpse being reanimated and not actually alive it couldn't feel the effects of cursed potion.

With the potion gone Kabuto sealed the corpse again and went to inspect the basin for the Horcrux. With the basin empty Salazar's Locket was able to be seen. §Open§ Kabuto hissed to the locket only for nothing to happen causing Kabuto to narrow his eyes. §Open§ Kabuto commanded to the locket again in parseltounge when nothing happened Kabuto used his hands to open the locket.

Kabuto saw a note inside it.

To the Dark Lord

I know I will be dead long before you read this but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.


'R.A.B…R.A.B who is that? B could be for the Black family but whom?' Kabuto thought to himself. Kabuto pocketed the note and tossed the fake locket away. 'There's Sirius Black but he didn't work for Voldemort, Voldemort did have a Death Eater named Regulus Black…hmm but I have no idea where he lived or could have possibly hid it.' Kabuto questioned to himself, he felt something about to attack him. The inferi tried to sneak up on Kabuto and attack, but when they attacked they were stopped by a large crimson colored ribcage. The Ribcage spread until they surrounded Kabuto's body, the inferi surrounded and tried to dog pile on Kabuto but he was protected by his Susanoo's Ribcage. Kabuto's pulled up his sleeves revealing his Fire Transmutation Circles; the Circle's glowed lightly as Kabuto transmutated the air around him to a combustible state.

Kabuto ignited the fire encasing himself along with the Inferi horde in a pillar of fire. Kabuto was protected by his incomplete Susanoo but the animated corpses weren't as lucky as they were burnt to a crisp. The fire dissipated to reveal dozens of charred corpses and Kabuto who was encased in a crimson Ribcage. Kabuto noticed more Inferi climb out of the water, he dismissed his Susanoo when he felt liquid roll from his eyes and glanced around to see more Inferi try and surround him.

"Sawarabi no Mai(Dance of the Seedling Fern)"Kabuto whispered as he slammed his hands on the ground. Dozens of bone spikes shot out of the ground skewing the Inferi. With that distraction Kabuto was able to escape the Cave by using Kamui.

While outside of the Cave Kabuto crouched down and took several deep breaths and wiped his face. When he looked at his hands Kabuto noticed some blood was on it. Kabuto used the water from the sea outside the cave to wash the blooded tears from his face. 'Even with all my training and power up's from Voldemort's Horcruxes the Susanoo still strains my eyes…I think it does that because I'm not an actual Uchiha, I'll just have to train harder to achieve Susanoo I guess.' Kabuto thought to himself.

'I don't know where Regulus could have his the Locket so I'll come back to that later…But how do I get Helga's Cup from the Lestrange Vault…there are only three living members of the Lestrange family…Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, and Bellatrix Lestrange…Who should I use?' Kabuto thought to himself. 'Bellatrix was originally a Black, maybe she would know where Regulus would or could have hid the Locket…Two birds with one stone.' Kabuto mused.

After Kabuto regained his bearings he disappeared in a swirling vortex that originated from his right eye. 'While I could have used Kamui to enter the Lestrange Vault I had to have been there, seen it or remember it to make a connection with it from the Kamui Dimension.' Kabuto thought as he appeared on the watery shore of Azkaban Prison. Kabuto pulled up the hood of his robe and un-sealed his skull mask to hide his identity.

Kabuto felt the chilling effects from the Dementors but tried to ignore them. Kabuto activated his Kamui intangibility and activated the Hiding in Camouflage technique then walked through Azkaban unnoticed. While walking through the lower levels Kabuto heard the screams and yells of the inmates causing him to remember the good times he had experimenting for Orochimaru.

Kabuto trekked forward going deeper into what some Wizards would dare to go. The inmates continued to get worse and far more insane looking as He continued forward. Kabuto heard the rantings coming from a woman who was yelling on how Voldemort was coming to save her. Kabuto arrived at her cell and glanced in and almost grimaced in the state she was in. Kabuto knelt down to eye level outside of the cell still camouflaged.

The Snake Sage un-cloaked but Bellatrix was to out of it to notice he was there. Kabuto taped on the cell getting Bellatrix's attention when she faced Kabuto, his Sharingan eyes glowed a malicious red. "Genjutsu: Sharingan (Illusion Technique: Copy Wheel Eye)" Kabuto whispered as he placed Bellatrix in Genjutsu.

The Genjutsu depicted Voldemort Insulting her, demeaning her, hating her, torturing her and him 'removing' the memories of his actions to keep a loyal weapon. After a few minutes Kabuto released the Illusion and Bellatrix broke down.

Kabuto walked through the cell of Azkaban into Bellatrix's cell and comforted the distort witch. The broken witch latched onto Kabuto like a life line.

"There, there it's alright…Your safe now." Kabuto whispered.

Bellatrix looked up to see Kabuto's menacing skull mask along with his Dark cloak and in her distort state she feared the worst.

"I-I-I'm n-not r-ready to die." Bellatrix managed to stutter out. 'She probably thinks I'm Death…Oh how she doesn't realize how close she is.' Kabuto thought.

"Don't worry Bella my dear. I'm not here to kill you." Kabuto voiced. "I am your Salvation." Kabuto finished.

"S-salvation?" Bellatrix questioned.

"Oh yes, salvation I'm here to free you from this abominable place." Kabuto said getting a hopeful look from Bellatrix. Kabuto held onto the chains that held Bellatrix in place and Bellatrix watched in amazement as the chains crystalized in a beautiful emerald crystal. She knew most of the cells cancelled out magic. The crystals shattered freeing Bellatrix from her binds.

"I-I'm free…who are you?" Bellatrix questioned.

"I'm your lord and savior, Jashin." Kabuto voice