I'm your lord and savior, Jashin." Kabuto voiced.

"I-I already had a lord…that…that Betrayed me…I don't need another one." Bellatrix said hysterically only to feel a hand rest on her cheek.

"I am your Lord and Savior…If a wanted to kill you I could have easily done it…But I stay my hand for such a powerful witch such as yourself…I could have saved anyone in this prison, yet I chose you." Kabuto said charismatically.

"W-why would you choose my?" Bellatrix asked meekly.

"Why wouldn't I, from what I heard you strong in the Dark Arts, you're a master duelist, you were a top scores in almost everything in your generation, along with being fiercely loyal…Why wouldn't I want such a prodigious ally." Kabuto stated.

"How will I know that you won't betray me like Voldemort did?" Bellatrix demanded.

"Would you like a promise or a vow?" Kabuto asked getting wide eyes from Bellatrix.

"I want a vow, an un-breakable vow that you would never betray or hurt me." Bellatrix compromised causing Kabuto to smirk under his skull mask.

"Of course." Kabuto agreed as he pulled out his wand and handed it to Bellatrix. Bellatrix inspected the wand and had an almost orgasmic look on her face.

"Where did you get such a wand?" Bellatrix asked gleefully.

"I made it." Kabuto stated getting a shocked look on her face. "And I could make you one after this is done." Kabuto offered causing her to nod furiously. Kabuto held his right hand forward allowing Bellatrix to clasp it with her right hand. Bellatrix said something un-intangible but a white flame like line connected their hands together.

"If I Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black were to join you Jashin would you never betray me or abandon me?" Bellatrix asked.

"I, Jashin would never willingly betray or abandon Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black." Kabuto stated. The flame like lines that surrounded their wrists imbedded themselves into their wrists causing Bellatrix to look relieved. Before she started to laugh manically which Kabuto ignored and while she was distracted Kabuto pulled up her prison outfit sleeve up revealing her Dark Mark.

Kabuto inspected the Mark and placed his wand that he took back from Bellatrix and used the memories form Voldemort to remove the Mark and sealed the corrosive magic ink that Voldemort used. Without the Mark siphoning her powers Bellatrix felt her own powers returning to her.

Kabuto sat Bellatrix down which she did happily. Kabuto pulled his hood down and opened his cloak then dug into his ninja pouch and pulled out several potions he created.

"Here, drink these, they will help you." Kabuto ordered as he handed Bellatrix several potions he created a few hours ago. Bellatrix gleefully took the potions and drank them all. Kabuto them placed his hands on Bellatrix's chest and forehead. "In'yu Shōmetsu (Yin Healing Wound Destruction)"Kabuto whispered as he guided his advanced version of his healing chakra into Bellatrix's body. The combine healing potions and advance medical chakra introduced into Bellatrix's body allowed her body to heal far faster than it normally would.

Kabuto sensed several people approaching Bellatrix's cell which caused Kabuto to narrow his eyes slightly. "Bella." Kabuto announced getting his subordinates attention.

"Yes My lord." Bellatrix as she faced her new master.

"There are some…complications in our little escape…" Kabuto said as he leaned close to Bellatrix's face. "Allow me, to show you My Power." Kabuto whispered causing Bellatrix to nod furiously.

Kabuto turned to face the cell door and pulled up his hood. He held out his hands and grabbed the metal bars and started to crystallize them before the metal bars disintegrated into emerald dust. Kabuto strolled out of the cell with his cloak billowing behind him.

The prison guards saw a cloaked figure and fired several stunners at the figure. The red lights raced towards the figure only for it to disappear and reappear a few feet to the side completely dodging the spells. The guards and Bellatrix watched in morbid fascination as the cloaked figure held his palms forward and created two bone like swords.

Kabuto threw his swords at almost blinding speeds stabbing the two front guards in the chest. He then formed a Ram hand-seal and made the bone swords inside the guards explode and expand out the guards back's pinning them to the nearest wall. The other guards were surprised by their comrade's death they couldn't react fast enough when Kabuto charged at them with a lightning and wind infused chakra scalpels. Kabuto quickly killed two more guards leaving one guard alive.

The guard had a terrified look on his face as he started firing random spells at Kabuto only for them to pass through him aimlessly. The Guard tried to run away for his legs to be trapped in emerald crystal.

Kabuto glanced to his side to see a wide eyed Bellatrix staring at him. He motioned for her to come to him which she happily did. Kabuto handed Bellatrix his wand and motioned to the trapped guard. "Here's a little…present for you Bella." Kabuto said, Bellatrix had the most sadistic smile on her face as she approached the terrified Azkaban guard. Kabuto watched apathetically as Bellatrix tortured the guard. 'So now all I have to do Is gain access to the Lestrange Vault, get Helga's Cup than ask Bella about Regulus.' Kabuto thought.

"Bella, let's go." Kabuto ordered causing Bellatrix to stop torturing the guard and killed him. Kabuto dismissed the crystal's holding the dead guard and the bones pining two of the dead guards. When Bellatrix joined Kabuto's side he incinerated the bodies leaving no trace that he was never there.

Kabuto held out an arm of Bellatrix to hold onto. "Um…My lord I thought that anti-apparition charms prevented anyone from apperating from Azkaban." Bellatrix stated confused.

"Trust your Lord. He knows what he's doing." Kabuto insisted, Bellatrix hesitantly grabbed Kabuto's arm and the two disappeared in a swirling vortex that originated from his right eye. The duo appeared half a mile away from Azkaban, Kabuto calmly stood on water and crystallized the water under Bellatrix so she could stand.

Kabuto cast a sideways glance at Bellatrix. 'I know a way to ingrain your loyalty in me…I just have to show I bit of my power.' Kabuto thought as he glanced up at the storming clouds where lightning constantly struck at the water.

"I know you doubt my power Bella." Kabuto stated, getting a surprised and nervous look from the dark witch.

"N-no my lord…I would n-never doubt your power." Bellatrix pleaded.

"Hn…you can never lie to me Bella…I can see through most." Kabuto stated causing Bellatrix to flinch. "But don't worry…I'll show you but a portion of my power." Kabuto finished.

"I know how Azkaban treated you Bella and I know how to demonstrate my abilities." Kabuto said getting a surprised look from Bellatrix.

Kabuto watched as the lightning around Azkaban become erratic as he went through several hand-seals, casing black and emerald lighting to encase his fist with the sound of hundreds of chirping birds echoing around the area.

Kabuto slowly raised his hand until he held it over his head connecting his chakra based lighting with natural lightning, as Maelstrom of lighting crashed into Kabuto's Chidori. Bellatrix watched with wide eyes as Kabuto 'Wandlessly' create and control lightning. Kabuto motioned his hand towards the prison, and loud echoing roar sounded throughout the area as a dragon formed out of black and green lightning.

"Kirin" Kabuto announced as he pulled his hand down. The lightning beast retreated into the sky before it appeared again slammed into the Azkaban Prison destroying it completely. 'Now most of Voldemort's run of the mill Death Eaters are now dead.' Kabuto thought.

Kabuto glanced to his left to see a surprised and awed Bellatrix. Kabuto grabbed onto her shoulder and they disappeared in a swirling vortex, the duo appeared in Kabuto's Kamui dimension.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are we My Lord?" Bellatrix asked nervously.

"I'm my own personal dimension." Kabuto said as he walked through the void with Bellatrix following behind him loyally.

"Why are we here my lord?" Bellatrix questioned.

"Well we're not going to walk around London with you dress like that." Kabuto stated inspecting the prison garb Bellatrix wore.

"Where we're going to go might startle you, so don't be surprised by where we end up." Kabuto commented as he held out his hand which Bellatrix grabbed gleefully before they disappeared in a swirling vortex.

The duo appeared in front of a large estate surrounded by sand. Kabuto unlocked the door to the Kazekage's estate and walked in with Bellatrix following.

"What is this place?" Bellatrix asked as she glanced around the estate.

"This is the Kazekage's estate." Kabuto informed.

"What's the Kazekage?" Bellatrix questioned as Kabuto lead her to a room.

"The Kazekage is the leader of Sunagakure or the Village Hidden in the Sand…This area is filled with…people who can manipulate either Wind or Earth to attack or defend, the Kazekage is the strongest of out of everyone and has to defend the village if it were to be attacked." Kabuto explained as he looked through several closets for clothing. Bellatrix listened to Kabuto's explanation with rapid attention.

"Are you and this Kazekage…friends, if you're allowed on his estate?" Bellatrix questioned when Kabuto handed her some clothing.

"She." Kabuto corrected.

"What?" Bellatrix asked.

"The Kazekage is a she and you can say we're close friends considering I did train her." Kabuto stated, getting a slight surprised look from Bellatrix. Kabuto lead the witch to the restroom which had a shower in it.

Kabuto left the restroom giving Bellatrix her privacy while he prepared food for her and unsealed several more potions from his ninja pouch; he also removed his cloak and mask and allowed his basilisks to roam free. While Bellatrix was taking a long shower Kabuto checked on Suna's defenses to see if anyone tried to break in or invade the walls while he and Gaia were out of the village.

What he found brought a slight smirk to his lips. Several bandits and missing-Nin tried to enter only to get savagely killed by his replicators. Kabuto then checked his medical supplies to see they were still usable and packed then as he moved them to the kitchen.

Kabuto heard the shower stop and after a few minutes Bellatrix came out and Kabuto could say she was attractive especially with all that dirt and soot off of her. Plus with the potions he gave her, her skin didn't hang off her bones.

She had raven black hair that looked far more tamed then it originally was and her hair went to down passed her waist; she also had dark grey half-lid eyes, with pale skin. She also had a tight long sleeve black Kimono dress that went to her ankles along with black high-heel boots.

Bellatrix was surprised when she saw her new lord. By the way he acted and with how much power he wielded she assumed he was around thirty or forty, not an attractive twenty year old. She noticed he had abnormal ash-white disheveled hair that went to the base of his neck and passed his ears. Along with black rimmed circular glasses with dark green eyes.

When Kabuto glanced at her, Bellatrix looked down, to not get caught staring. "Come, eat…your stay in Azkaban could not have been good on your diet." Kabuto said as he pointed to the food he prepared from his new subordinate.

While Bellatrix was eating to gain more nourishment, Kabuto ran some medical test on her. Bellatrix didn't really complain seeing who was doing the testing. Kabuto took some of her blood to study and had his hands light up in medical chakra and used it to search for any illnesses that Bellatrix could have had.

"Bellatrix." Kabuto voiced getting the dark witch's attention. "What are your stances on…Voldemort?" Kabuto asked, a hurt look crossed Bellatrix's face before it was quickly changed into one of hate.

"I hate the bastard…He…he left me in that hell whole…And laughed at me, my pain and my suffering…I Hate him!" Bellatrix yelled hysterically only for Kabuto to wrap his arms around her form causing her to snuggle into his chest.

"Don't worry I plan on killing him." Kabuto stated, getting a worried look from his subordinate.

"Even if I hate Voldemort, I know he's powerful." Bellatrix insisted.

"Trust me I know how to kill him…But I need your help to do it." Kabuto said getting Bellatrix's attention.

"My help?" Bellatrix asked in surprised.

"Yes you see I need to find several items to completely kill Voldemort…and I've already found four of such items, but I need help finding the other two." Kabuto stated.

"What do you need, I'll find them for you," Bellatrix declared.

"I need Salazar's Locket and Helga Hufflepuff's cup…I have a lead on where to look for the Locket but I have no idea where the cup would be." Kabuto lied seamlessly but Bellatrix's eyes narrowed in thought.

"I remember Voldemort giving me an important cup for me to hide and he expressed that he wanted it to be protected with great care…Maybe that's it." Bellatrix theorized, causing Kabuto to smirk slightly.

"Excellent work Bella…Where is it? So we can get it?" Kabuto ask.

"It's in my Vault at Gringotts." Bellatrix stated.

"Why would you hide it in your Vault?" Kabuto asked trying not to be suspicious.

"Well no one's stupid enough to break into Gringotts." Bellatrix said causing Kabuto to nod.

"Then let's go retrieve the cup." Kabuto said as he readied his cloak. What surprised Bellatrix though were the two snakes that wrapped around Kabuto under his cloak. Before she could ask a question Kabuto held her hand and they disappeared in a Swirling Vortex.

The Snake Sage and the Dark Witch appeared at the entrance of the Wizarding Bank. Kabuto noticed Bellatrix sneer at almost every goblin causing him to sigh at her racist behavior, he'll have to get rid of that later.

Bellatrix demanded entrance into her Vault and was eventually lead there. But Kabuto waited at the entrance of the bank waiting for Bellatrix to return with the cup. So he glanced around and waited, a couple minutes later Bellatrix returned but walked quickly to Kabuto's location.

When she arrived she quickly handed the Cup to Kabuto. "Hmm…With how fast you did this, one might say you like hanging around me." Kabuto teased to the insane dark witch.

"Of course you're my Lord. I will always be at your side Lord Jashin." Bellatrix declared causing Kabuto to form a small sweatdrop. 'I already have one subordinate who's a borderline fanatic I really don't need another one, but I guess they do get the job done…and they won't betray me.' Kabuto thought.

"And I'm glad I have such a loyal subordinate, Bella." Kabuto said as he rubbed the back of Bellatrix's head affectionately, which to anyone else would have looked wired mostly because Bellatrix was a few years older than Kabuto. But Bellatrix relished in Kabuto's touch causing him to smirk slightly.

'Oh Voldemort, you had such a powerful Death Eater but affection is a far more receptive emotion than fear and pain. Bellatrix was starving for your affection and if you gave it to her, you would have had her complete and utter loyalty but you regarded her in disgust…But know I switched her loyalty from yours to mine and with the kind of affection that Bella craves and with my giving it to her, she will never turn against me.' Kabuto mused to himself as Bellatrix groaned when she felt Kabuto pull his hand away, before he grabbed her hand and they disappeared in a swirling vortex and appeared in the Kamui dimension.

Bella was confused on why they were in this strange place again, and she watched as Kabuto inspect the cup. "Um…my lord, how's a cup going to kill Voldemort?" Bellatrix questioned.

"Oh no, the cup's not going to kill him that's just crazy." Kabuto stated getting narrowed eyes from Bellatrix. "The cup's keeping him alive." Kabuto finished getting a surprised look from Bellatrix.

"H-how's that possible?" Bellatrix asked in shock.

"Simple really, Voldemort split his soul and placed it in here keeping him anchored to this plane of existence and essentially giving him the illusion of immortality." Kabuto explained shocking Bellatrix further.

"Wait, you said that you needed Slytherin's locket as well…Did...did Voldemort split his soul twice." Bellatrix asked in surprise and relief for leaving someone as unstable as Voldemort. Splitting your soul once caused people to go insane but twice that is incredibly dangerous.

"Seven times, actually." Kabuto commented as he started to un-attach the soul fragment from Helga's cup.

"W-what! That's insane…where did he put them if he used Helga's cup and Salazar's locket…then what else would he use?" Bellatrix asked.

"Hmm…Voldemort used a Dairy, The Gaunt's Ring, Salazar's locket, Helga's Cup, Ravenclaw's Daidem, His snake Familiar and…myself." Kabuto said getting Bellatrix's attention.

"You were one, how?" Bellatrix questioned.

"When I was about few years old Voldemort tried to kill me but failed and destroyed himself in the process. " Kabuto explained.

"Y-you're…you're Harry Potter!" Bellatrix yelled in surprise, making Kabuto jump slightly being too focused on absorbing the soul sort of distracted him.

"Technically, I am him…but I prefer Kabuto now." Kabuto stated.

"I-I'm working for one of you 'Good' wizards." Bellatrix moaned in depression.

"Wrong." Kabuto stated, getting her attention. "I'm not good nor am I bad…I'm more neutral in the scheme of things...I'm not in the mindset of sacrificing my life to saving people that don't want to be saved, but I'm also not going out of my way to actively kill or massacre groups of people for my pleasure…I only do things when the situation affects me personally or when I get something out of it…So don't worry, you can still do your stuff while I do my own." Kabuto informed as he fished absorbing the soul of Voldemort.

"You aren't anything like the Harry Potter I've heard of." Bellatrix voiced.

"You'll find that most people's assumptions of me are...exaggerated." Kabuto commented offhandedly getting a slow nod from Bellatrix.

"Now all we have to do is find the locket, and then kill Voldemort's snake and he'll be kill-able." Kabuto stated.

"Do you know where the locket is, my lord?" Bellatrix asked curiously.

"I did." Kabuto commented. "But someone took the locket and left a decoy for Voldemort, but the person left a note…maybe you know who it is." Kabuto finished as he pulled the note out of his pocket.

"I'm not as knowledgeable as you might be, in possible Death Eaters." Kabuto said as he gave Bellatrix the note. Her eyes narrowed in thought as she read the note, until she looked at Kabuto.

"This looks like my cousin Regulus' signature." Bellatrix voiced, causing Kabuto to nod even if he already knew who it was.

"Do you know where he could have hid the Locket, Bella?" Kabuto questioned, Bellatrix looked down until she nodded to Kabuto.

"I think he would have hid it at the Grimmauld Place." Bellatrix informed causing Kabuto to smirk as he nodded. Kabuto held out his hand for Bellatrix to grab and they disappeared in a swirling vortex.

The duo appeared near the outskirts of Diagon Alley, mostly because Kabuto didn't know where the Grimmauld Place was. "Bella dear, how about you take us to Grimmauld Place, I'm sure you want to visit your birth home." Kabuto commented, Bellatrix smirk slightly before she held onto Kabuto's shoulder before she apperated Kabuto and herself to the Grimmuald Place.

The duo formed out of black smoke outside of a dinge looking apartment building. Bellatrix lead her Lord into the building. While inside of the Grimmauld 12 Palace Kabuto expanded his senses and found a large energy signature inside the building.

"Kreacher!" Bellatrix yelled, Kabuto felt the large energy signature disappear and re-appear near his location.

"Yes Mistress." an old grouchy asked. Kabuto looked around for where the voice came from but found no one until he glanced down to see an old looking house elf.

"We're looking for something Kreacher…a Locket. Do you know where it is?" Bellatrix demeaned, Kabuto noticed Kreacher flinch slightly as a small amount of fear entered his eyes.

"N-no Kreacher doesn't know where the locket is mistress." The old house elf replied. Bellatrix narrowed her eyes, but be for she could snap and attack the elf Kabuto interrupted her.

"There are other ways to get information Bella, and some just might give you a loyal ally in the process." Kabuto whispered into her ear. Bellatrix reluctantly agreed. Kabuto knelt down to eye level with Kreacher.

"Kreacher…Where here to destroy the Slytherin's Locket…I traveled to the caves…And found the fake Locket with the note that Regulus left…he wanted to destroy Voldemorts soul inside the locket…and so do I." Kabuto voiced getting a surprised look from Kreacher. "I understand why you would want to keep the locket." Kabuto finished.

"That locket was the last thing Regulus gave you wasn't it…The only way for Regulus to get the Locket would be to drink the cursed potion…and drinking the cursed potion would set of the Inferi trap…Regulus died there didn't he?" Kabuto questioned but his voice was sympathetic, he noticed Kreacher's eyes started to water.

"he gave you the Locket to protect it…to hide it until he found a way to destroy it didn't he…I know how to destroy the soul inside the Locket Kreacher…But I won't take the Locket from you…I let you keep the last thing Regulus gave to you, while I complete Regulus' last task before he died." Kabuto said softly to the old house elf, while the elf started to form tears. 'The locket is basically that, a locket…There's nothing special about it other than the fact it opens with Parseltongue, so there's really no reason for me to keep it.' Kabuto mused.

"You're too kind to Kreacher, but Kreacher will get you to Locket to help Master complete his tasks…Master." Kreacher said as he disappeared into thin air. Kabuto glanced at Bellatrix with a slight smug smirk on his face.

"That's how it's done." Kabuto said quietly, Bellatrix immaturely stuck her tongue out at him.

A pop sounded signaling that Kreacher had returned. Kabuto turned to the old house elf and held out his hand for the Locket. Kreacher handed Kabuto the locket hesitantly. With the locket Kabuto walked through the hallway to find a place to sit.

§Open§ Kabuto commanded to the locket, several clicks sounded as the locket unlocked. When the Locket opened pitch black smoke encased the locket and tried to cast an illusion on Kabuto to prevent him from destroying the locket, but Kabuto was able to break it easily with the Sharingan.

Kabuto wrapped his hands around the locket as he pulled the soul out of the locket. With already absorbing the power from the Diary and Gaunt Ring the Locket didn't hurt Kabuto that much in comparison. 'So I absorbed the Diary, The Ring, The Locket, The Cup, The Diadem, and the one that was originally in me…Now all that's left is Voldemort's snake.' Kabuto thought. 'Should I go after Voldemort now or wait…Hmm…There has to be a reason Voldemort would only have one person with him, It could mean Voldemort trusts his guard's abilities, plus Voldemort could have chosen his hiding place for a reason, he knows the layout and has the home field advantage…and the area could be littered with traps…Oh what to do." Kabuto mused.

Kabuto looked at the now useless locket and sighed. He stood up and walked to the old house elf and knelt down next to him.

"Here you go Kreacher…The last thing from Regulus is now yours." Kabuto said causing the house elf to break down.

"Kreacher is-is so happy…Thank you master, you are to kind to this elf…If you need anything just ask Kreacher and Kreacher will happy help." The old elf gushed as he held the Locket close to his chest.

"You're welcome Kreacher. Continue what you were doing before we arrived." Kabuto ordered and the old elf happily left.

"Bella, Is there a library here?" Kabuto questioned.

"Yes My lord, shall I take you to it?" Bellatrix asked.

"Yes." Kabuto stated. 'Voldemort's knowledge in magic was only limited to only Dark Magic and Potions, and me being novice in the 'Wand Wizards' version of potions that knowledge in useless. From Salazar's Libraries' from the Elemental Nations only had books Paresltongue healing Magic, Runes and Alchemy, which I mastered all three of them. From Salazar's Library in the Chamber there was more of an information guide preparing me for the Information from the library in Salazar's Vault which contained info on True wizards, True Magic along with Ectomancy aka Ghost based magic, Ferromancy aka mineral manipulation magic, Kinetomancy or motion based magic, and Warding or magic defense magic. The True magic abilities are far more complex and energy consuming but entirely worth it. But I need more 'Wand Wizard' based attacks without relying on Dark Magic. 'Kabuto mused to himself as Bellatrix led her master to the Black Magic Library.

For a few hours Kabuto and several clones skimmed through the library. There were some charms in the library that Kabuto didn't know and happily used his Sharingan to imprint them into his mind. One of the charms Kabuto imprinted was the Partonus Charm for a precaution sense he did have 3/4th more of a soul than anyone has and could increase the chances of being attacked by a soul eating demon. The Disarming Charm a pretty simple charm. He also learned the Confundus charm.

Along with learning several Charms Kabuto brushed up on his Dark Arts abilities, he only had Voldemort's memories to go off of but with a library full of Dark Arts book he was able to better control his abilities'. Like increase his control of the Fiendfyre and got rid of the problem of fatigue after casting the Killing Curses.

After Kabuto looked through the small Library he searched throughout the 12 Grimmauld Place and memorized every room inside the place so if he needs he could use it as a hide out to Kamui too, and the place was big enough to house all the members of Nox. So while there in this world they can live here.

Kabuto walked by a room to see Bellatrix starting a wall that looked like it had a family tree on it. It looked to be a private moment for her so he continued forward and continued to plan for his encounter with Voldemort.