"…And there…Finished." A male voice announced.

A young adult in his early twenties, stood at about a foot away from a large book case. The young adult had ash grey disheveled hair that went down to his neck, dark green eyes, and black rimmed circular glasses.

Kabuto took a few steps back from the book case and looked to his sides to see the Book case extending a few dozen yards. The Book case itself looked like it was composed of metal blocks. Kabuto looked at all the books in the case with critical eyes, making sure nothing was out of place.

Since his raid of Salazar's libraries from his Vault, Hogwarts' Chamber of Secrets and Elemental Nation's Jashin Temple, Kabuto gathered nearly a hundred different types of books or tomes. When he collected the books, Kabuto just put them in his Kamui dimension. But the problem was. All those books began to create a lot of needless clutter. So Kabuto took it upon himself to organize all of the books...also because he was bored.

'Now what?' The Snake Sage mused. It had been about a week since He killed Voldemort. And nothing has really happened.

Kabuto looked to his left when he heard the sound of clinking metal. He saw a mechanical spider that he easily recognized as his 'personal' replicator Kumo. Kabuto held out his hand and in a few seconds the robotic spider launched itself onto it.

"Is there something you need?" Kabuto asked to the machine. The Replicator flapped its metal wings a few times, before it created a series of clicking sounds.

"Heh, it's already that time? Wow." Kabuto muttered. He had been in his Kumai dimension so long it was already the next day. Kabuto held his hand up allowing the Replicator to climb onto his shoulder, while also allowing him to get a better look at Kumo. The Replicator had a more sleek and chrome look to it. Originally the Replicators had had a grey completion, but now it is chrome silver, but also the Fuinjutsu markings have vanished too.

'I guess they're evolving…' Kabuto mused, which wasn't really a surprise. A few days ago he sent about a group of Replicators through the 'Dimensional Gate' i.e. the Ruin/Fuinjutsu circle he used to get from the Nin-verse to the Wizard-Verse. All he did was mess around with a few Ruins and hopefully the Replicators were sent to a new place instead of the Nin-verse.

Kabuto installed several protocols into the Replicator's hive mind Link. One: do not attack unless attacked. It was a very simple rule, if they came across an advance civilization and started a war, the civilization could track the Replicators to his location and he didn't want that. Two: If you are attacked, hunt it down, kill it and consume it. It again was a fairly simple command. If it was attacked then war would be inevitable. So they were to attack the attacker and consume its remains to remain hidden. Three: Find and assimilate higher forms of Technology. With the Replicators hive mind. Whatever they learned and assimilated, it would be transferred to the Replicators here. And the final Protocol was to replicate.

Even though he sent the group of Replicators as few days ago their evolution was incredibly fast. But Kabuto wasn't worried. He chalked it up to time difference. The odds of every universe in existence on the same time scale as the other was incredibly ludicrous.

Kabuto walked out of his 'library' and into a large empty room that was composed of silver blocks. The young man continued to walk at a moderate pace, before he stopped at a door. Kabuto opened the door and saw two figures standing over a table.

"Karin, Guren, it's about seven in the morning. Why don't you two take a break?" Kabuto voiced to two of his students. Two moved away from the table, revealing a cut open giant spider in the center of it, the one that he caught in the Maze.

"Kabuto-kun, I'm so close to finding out how spiders regenerate their limbs. While Orika and Hidane are essentially immortal, the rest of us aren't. And while you and Yang have your healing abilities, you can't regrow limbs. So I'm trying to find the right chemical that induces their cellular regeneration." Karin spoke as she fixed her glasses.

"Right…" Kabuto said slowly, before he looked at Guren.

"I wanted to study the venom and wanted to replicate it. It's amazing that their venom paralyzes its enemy while inducing the highest amount of pain." Guren spoke with a type of sadistic glee.

"Hmm-hmm…" the Snake Sage sounded. It was a weird pattern out of all his three students, each of them inherited one of his quirks. Karin liked to research, medicine and science. Guren loved to torture and harm her opponents. And Yang liked to taunt and piss off her enemies.

"Well, it's about, seven in the morning. I was going to get some breakfast and get the others." Kabuto spoke. "But, if you want to stay here. I guess I'll just have to eat by myself. Maybe Yang will like to eat with me." He added with an uncaring shrug.

Karin and Guren looked at each other, then to Kabuto. "Wait, wait, wait, you don't have to get that blonde skank. I'll happily accompany you." Karin quickly announced.

"I don't know. You have some pretty important work to do. And I would never burden you with my problems." Kabuto commented as he turned around with a smirk and walked away. His smirk increased when he heard commotion from the room he just left, before Karin and Guren raced out of the room.

"Kabuto-kun *pant* you could have waited." Guren voiced.

"You're right. I could have." Kabuto agreed, getting a scowl from the blue haired woman and a giggle from Karin.

"Then why didn't you?" Guren asked with narrowed eyes.

"Oh you know this reason and that reason." Kabuto waved off, irritating Guren further.

"You're evil Kabuto-kun." Karin joked.

"I like to think I'm morally challenged." Kabuto replied easily, as the trio walked through the Replicator hallway.

"Who else is here?" Guren questioned, after they walked for a minute or two.

"Hmm…Yang, Suigetsu, Jūgo and Tayuya." Kabuto voiced, Gaia, Temari, and Kankuro returned to Suna. Because they had a Hidden Village to rule, so they couldn't stay with him. And while he missed Gaia deeply, he didn't want her to be irresponsible. Anko went with them, mostly because he asked. After the whole Shinobi War thing, Suna did lose some Jonin in the process. After Kabuto did some convincing, Anko went with the sand siblings.

The new members of Nightfall i.e. Severus and Lucius were melding into the group…well 'organization' decently. Severus was given access to potion books Kabuto got from Salazar's libraries. If Kabuto were to be honest with himself, he hated potion, which was one of the reasons why he recruited his 'uncle' in the first place. Potions were so 'flimsy' that one needed a certain eye to make them effectively. Even if Kabuto read the ingredients to a T he always messed it up. Unlike medicine and poisons, which required him to be precise to get the right result, potions were…random. So he couldn't make potions because of his mindset.

Lucius was doing alright. He really only talked to Bellatrix, Barty, Severus, and Orika, which was fine with Kabuto. One of the reasons why Kabuto assimilated Lucius into his organization was well. Lucius was very high in the food chain. Kabuto decided to pull an 'Akatsuki' and put out his group's services to have a constant rate of income. With Lucius being very high up, people are going to be more open to his word. And if they want someone taken care of, he'll recommend Nightfall and soon the word will spread.

Kabuto stopped outside another door, before he opened it. The Snake Sage saw a young blonde woman sitting in the center of the room, in a meditative stance. Kabuto raised an eyebrow when he saw her sitting perfectly still.

"Yang, are you alright?" Kabuto questioned curiously.

The blonde's eyes snapped open revealing yellow eyes with toad-like irises. Kabuto tilted his head slightly when he saw this. After a few seconds Yang's eyes changed back to their usual blue, before she shot up.

"You know you should really knock, Kabuto." Yang said, before she smirked. "Unless you were hoping to get a free show, then by all means you can walk in." She teased.

"Hilarious." Kabuto replied. "What were you doing?" He asked seriously.

"Oh, you mean with the whole freaky eyes thing?" Yang questioned, getting a nod from Kabuto. "Weellll…" The blonde sounded evasively. "You know how I have a connection with Naruto, right?" Yang questioned.

"Yes, I'm well aware of it." Kabuto said dryly.

"Well, Naruto learned Senjutsu from the Toads." Yang informed. "And I thought, 'Kabuto and Orika can use Sage mode, so why can't I' so I used the memories from Naruto to train myself." The Blonde said proudly.

Kabuto narrowed his eyes at his student. "Do you know how incredibly stupid it was for you to do that? You could have died!" Kabuto announced.

"I know, I know. But I…" Yang began.

"No, you should have done it under my supervision. One wrong move or too much Nature Chakra and you could have died!" Kabuto said forcefully.

"I-I just wanted to surprise you." Yang said with a quivering lip and watery eyes.

'Oh God damn it!' Kabuto thought to himself. He may have been a pretty dark person but even he had limits. "Look, I'm sorry I reacted like that. It's just I'm finally free of the Elemental Nations and Voldemort, I just don't want to lose what I have." Kabuto admitted.

"Y-you mean it?" Yang asked, somehow making her eyes go large.

"Yes, just quit making that face." Kabuto ordered.

"Yay! I knew you couldn't hate me!" Yang announced as she pumped her fist into the air, her mood doing a complete 180.

"Oh, you manipulative little bitch." Guren voiced.

"What, you mad sis?" Yang taunted.

"Not as mad as you're going to be when I kick your ass!" The blue haired girl declared as purple crystal formed around her fists.

"Adorable, I think I felt something. I'm not sure it was fear though." Yang replied with a large smirk as her gauntlets formed over her fists.

"Um…you guys realize Kabuto-kun left, right?" Karin informed to the fighting duo.

"Nice job distracting me, Ms. Dazzle Shine." Yang insulted.

"Ms. Dazzle Shine?" Guren muttered to herself.

"Yeah, I mean who else is so obsessed about their own crystals. Ms. Dazzle Shine." Yang replied.

"Fine, Blondie." Guren said in triumph.

Yang just shook her head and walked away. "Ha! I got you this time!" Guren announced.

"No, it just wasn't very good." Yang admitted, before she went off to find Kabuto.

Karin sympathetically patted Guren on the back. "No need to be down. I thought it was a good insult." Karin voiced.

"Whatever, let's just get back with them." Guren said brushing off the red-head's attempt to help her. Karin narrowed her eyes at Guren's retreating from, before she followed the direction Kabuto went in.

'You don't have to take that, you know?' A child-like voice said.

'I know Isobu. She's just angry. Besides I am stronger than her and I'm not petty enough to use it against her.' Karin thought to her tailed beast. Which was true in terms of pure power, Yang was the highest having about seven tails of Kyūbi's Chakra at her disposal. Then Karin with the three tails. Then Gaia was third with the one-tails, then Orika with the Philosophers' stone giving her power and then Kabuto, who has the most natural power.

'I just don't like her being mean to you.' Isobu said.

'I know.' Karin thought, before she met up with Kabuto, along with Yang and Guren.

"So Kabuto, what do you think about me learning Senjutsu? Are you scared I might get stronger than you?" Yang asked teasingly.

"And why would you want to be stronger? Is it to…overpower me?" Kabuto questioned as he gave a look to the blonde. "I never knew you were into that." He commented, causing the blonde to blush slightly at the innuendo.

"Oh, so you have fantasies of me dominating you? That's nice to know." Yang replied.

"I don't know about that, but I do like to see you on your knees." Kabuto replied easily, getting a smirk from the blonde.

"That'll be pretty hard. But, I find it easier to get your head in a leg lock…especially with our last spare." Yang shot back.

"I remember that spare. But you seemed to forget that you were also doubling over, with all those hard hits you were talking." The Snake Sage said.

"Touché." Yang voiced as she crossed her arms and nodded.

"Now that you're sexual debate is over. Can't get the others?" Guren interjected with annoyance. One thing she hated about Yang was the fact she was…quick witted and always found a way to tease or taunt anyone.

"Are you mad Kabuto wasn't sparing with you?" Yang taunted. "…Or are you mad you weren't sparing with me?" She asked with a raised eyebrow, stopping Guren in her tracks.

"Eww…no." Guren said forcefully.

"Good." Yang replied. "The only one who can have this voluptuous, seductive, luscious and hot body is the one and the only, Kabuto." She informed. While she was a clone from Naruto, he wasn't old enough to notice the opposite sex. So she was essentially a clean slate. With her body full of Estrogen, that sorta knocked her sexual preferences in a different direction.

"Then we have an understanding." Guren stated.

"Yeah, that you can't have me." Yang added with a smirk.

"That's not…whatever I don't care." Guren muttered.

Kabuto looked at the two arguing women, before he looked at Karin to see she was watching them. "They are really immature." Karin commented.

"Yeah…" Kabuto said dryly. 'You're one to talk. One minute with Suigetsu and you go insane.' He mused. The Snake Sage spared one last glance at the girls before he faced a door and opened it up.

The ash haired teen, saw a white haired teen holding a large sword fighting a bunch of large Replicator's ranging from spiders to beetles.

"Yes! Come on! I want to cut you all up! So rise up, so I can just cut you down!" Suigetsu yelled as swung his large blade at the blocks. "Yes! Yes! Hahaha!" He sounded.

"I'm actually scared of the fact that he could possibly procreate." Karin admitted.

"Same here." Guren muttered.

"What? I don't see what's wrong with it. It seems like fun." Yang commented.

"Oh crap, it seems I have to prepare for the possibility of you having kids too." Karin voiced.

"What. It's not a possibility. I'm definitely going to have kids…right Kabuto?" Yang questioned to the Snake Sage.

"Huh? Yeah, yeah sure whatever." Kabuto waved of uncaringly.

"Really?" Yang said excitedly, before she realized Kabuto wasn't even paying attention to their conversation. He was waiting for Suigetsu to finish his training. "Can we make one right now?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah sure." Kabuto replied.

"Good…" Yang said before she leaned in close to Kabuto's ear. "Then I'm ready to take your…warm seed into my, mmm, wet pussy." She said in a whisper.

"W-what the Fuck!?" Kabuto yelled, as he leaned away from Yang. No matter how much self-control he had, someone randomly saying that is…surprising.

"What you agreed to make a baby with me." Yang stated.

"…You're insane." Kabuto stated.

"I never said I wasn't." Yang easily replied.

"But you are a crazed horny bitch." Guren taunted.

"Now that's just silly, I'm not a rose bush, so I can't be horny." Yang defended herself.

"W-what, that's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard." Guren voiced.

"Eh, then you haven't listened to Naruto declaring something." Yang added dryly.

"Oh I've heard the stories." Karin muttered. "Hokage this, Sasuke that…honestly, I feel sorry that you share the same DNA as him." She said.

"Same with you, you are his cousin…does that make you my cousin too?" Yang asked out loud.

"No." Guren imputed.

"No Guren, I actually think she's right." Karin corrected.

"That's impossible." Guren argued.

"Hey, we were taught by the same person. Are you calling Kabuto stupid?" Yang asked with a slight glare, as her eyes shifted from blue to red.

"No, no, no!" Guren quickly replied.

"…Damn right." Yang said with a nod.

"…but your mom is." Guren added.

"Ha, jokes on you, I don't have a mom." Yang said with a smirk. "If anyone is my parent it's Kabu…Bad thought, bad thought, go away!...and it's repressed." She said as she held her head. "Phew that was a close one." Yang admitted.

"What that you thought Kabuto was your…" Guren began.

"Na, Na, Na, Na, I can't hear you!" Yang yelled as she put her fingers in her ears.

"Guys, you know. Suigetsu is done with his destruction high, and he and Kabuto have been watching you." Karin informed. Yang and Guren turned to see Kabuto looking at them with a raised eyebrow, while Suigetsu was smirking at him.

"And you didn't say anything?!" Guren demanded with a dangerous glare.

"Well sorry, I was watching two idiots argue." Karin replied with her own smirk.

"And you have a harem with these psychos…" Suigetsu trailed off. In the beginning he was envious of Kabuto, but now he pitied him.

"Yeah, but they're my psychos." Kabuto replied dryly. "Let's go get Jūgo and Tayuya, and get some breakfast." The Snake Sage said to the group.

"What're we having for breakfast?" Yang asked curiously, only to get a shrug form the Snake Sage. "Some genius you are." The blonde mumbled to herself, getting a sideways glance from Kabuto.

The group eventually arrived at another door. Kabuto opened it, and saw a tall orange haired teen sitting against a wall, while changing between his normal state and his rampaging state.

"Am I interrupting something?" Kabuto asked, though with the condescending tone, it was hard to tell.

"Oh, my apologize Kabuto-sama. It was just trying to shorten the time it takes to change into my other state." Jūgo quickly informed.

"Hmm, I see…" Kabuto muttered. "Well it's morning and we're getting some breakfast. Want to come?" He asked.

"Of course, Kabuto-sama." Jūgo voiced as he stood up and walked over to the group.

"A kiss ass, as usual." Suigetsu commented, only to get hit in the face by Karin.

"Don't be an asshole, just because Jūgo's devoted to Kabuto-kun!" Karin reprehended. Suigetsu's face reformed, before he gave Karin a annoyed look.

"Hey I like Kabuto as much as the next guy, as long as the next guy isn't Jūgo." Suigetsu replied uncaringly. "I follow Kabuto, because he got me six out of the seven swords." He informed, leaving out how Kabuto saved him from Orochimaru's tortures. "But just because that, doesn't mean I'm going to kiss his ass." Suigetsu stated.

Karin just glared at the teen, while Kabuto sighed in annoyance before he began to walk away with Jūgo following him. Yang and Guren looked at Karin's and Suigetsu's immature argument, before they went with Kabuto.

"How long do you think it'll take for Karina and Suigetsu to realize we left?" Yang asked out loud.

"Eh, twenty seconds." Guren answered.

"In about, six seconds. Odds are Karin will want my opinion on something and they'll realize I'm gone." Kabuto answered, and after a few seconds the group heard a yell. "And now they know." He added.

"Are you going to wait for them to catch up?" Guren asked.

"…No." Kabuto said uncaringly.

"Damn right. If they weren't so oblivious to the fact that we left, then it's their fault." Yang commented, forgetting the fact that she and Guren did the same thing. After a minute the four arrived at the last door.

Kabuto walked forward and opened the door. He saw a light-red haired girl, sitting back with a large pair of head phones around her ears. Kabuto watched as Tayuya bob her head to a beat, and noticed her attire.

Unlike everyone else who had relatively the same style of clothing, as they did when they arrived. Tayuya changed hers. She still wore tight black shorts, but instead of a beige tunic. She wore a black T-shirt that had a large white skulk and two bat wings on its sides. She had forgone her purple belt rope, and her shinobi saddles, opting to wear black boots, though she still wore her hat.

Kabuto headed over to the red-head, before he knelt down to her level and noticed her eyes were closed. And her mouth was moving, like she was sing to something.

"Trust in my Self-righteous suicide. I cry when angels deserve to die…In my self-righteous suicide. I cry when Angels deserve to die…" Tayuya sung to herself, before she opened her eyes and saw Kabuto right in front of her. The red-head, quickly shot up in surprised, blushed in embarrassment, and glared at the same time.

"W-what are you doing here?" Tayuya demanded. "…and how much did you hear?" She asked quietly.

"I heard enough." Kabuto commented, with a shrug. "And I'm here to take you and the others out of here." He added.

"Finally we get out of this shit hole." Tayuya voiced, before she looked at Kabuto nervously. "What'd you think?" She asked.

"Well I don't think my dimension is a shit hole, per say." Kabuto replied.

"No you retard!" Tayuya yelled. "I meant, what do you think of my signing?" She asked in a quieter voice.

"I think you have a beautiful voice." Kabuto complimented. "Now let's go." He added, getting a nod from the red-head before they headed back to the group.

"What the hell are you shit heads looking at!?" Tayuya demanded, causing almost everyone to look away.

"Now, now Tayuya. There's no need for that." Kabuto said condescendingly. "They were probably enticed by your lovely voice." He said with a shrug.

"Damn fuckin' right." Tayuya said with a triumph look.

"How could you leave me, Kabuto-kun?" Karin asked as she and Suigetsu met up with the group.

"You seemed to be having a private conversation with Suigetsu. So I didn't want to intrude." Kabuto lied easily.

"Hm, like I would have a conversation, let alone a private one, with Suigetsu." Karin said heatedly.

"Hey! I'm right here!" Suigetsu yelled.

"Oh, believe me. It's hard not to know you're there." Karin muttered.

"My, Karin is there trouble in paradise? And here I had such high hopes for you and Suigetsu." Yang teased.

"W-what, are you insinuating, what I think you're insinuating?!" Karin asked with a glare.

"Oh, no, no, no…unless you mean, that you and Suigetsu are into each other. Then yes, yes I am." Yang replied with a smirk.

"You stupid, idiotic, ugly blonde!" Karin exclaimed as red chakra began to form around her.

"Ugly?!" Yang yelled in outrage, as her eyes turned blood red and her hair flickered.

Kabuto looked between the two, before he snapped his figures. And in an instant the replicator blocks that made up the hallway, enclosed around Yang and Karin.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk…you two shouldn't be fighting. Especially indoors." Kabuto said in a condescending tone. Yang and Karin tried to move out of the Replicator blocks, but couldn't since it was leeching off their Tailed Beast Chakra.

"But she called my ugly!" Yang argued.

Kabuto looked at her dry, before he walked over to her and leaned it. The Snake Sage sealed his lips with the blonde for a few seconds, before he pulled back. "Do you really think you're ugly?" Kabuto asked rhetorically.

"I don't know…Maybe another kiss will help me figure it out." Yang said with a nod.

"…You're fine." Kabuto muttered.

"Damn right I am." Yang imputed, but was ignored as Kabuto faced Karin.

"And you…don't take Yang's words at face value." Kabuto spoke, before he leaned in and kissed her too, just so no favoritism was shown.

The Snake Sage looked at the two, before he snapped his fingers. When he did that, the replicator blocks mended back into the ground. Kabuto held out his hand, when he did that, Yang, Guren, Karin and Tayuya instantly tried to grab it. While Jūgo and Suigetsu grabbed onto Kabuto's shoulders.

Kabuto's eyes shifted from dark green, to red with three tomoes surrounding the pupil. The Tomoes began to spin and meld to together creating a pinwheel design in each eye. In a split second the entire group vanished in a swirling vortex.

The Group appeared in a large room of the12 Grimmauld Place . The Room had a king sized bed along with wall, with a desk littered with scrolls and books. The walls of the room were mainly blank and there was a dresser against another wall.

"So this is your room, eh Kabuto? It seems…" Suigetsu trailed off.

"Homey." Yang imputed.

"Comforting." Guren added.

"Clean." Karin stated.

"Boring as hell." Suigetsu finished. "This is the first time I've ever been here. How come you all aren't surprised by…its…appearance?" He asked, but slowly realized how they knew what it looked like and realized now it was a stupid question.

"Well when a man and a woman love each other very much…" Kabuto began.

"I'm not having the Sex talk with you!" Suigetsu announced. "…or maybe I should." He muttered mostly to himself.

Kabuto ignored the swordsmen. "You guys head downstairs." He voiced as he opened the door, but stopped when he noticed Hidane leaning against a wall sleeping, while using her triple-scythe for support. He looked to his side to see Bellatrix was also sleeping on the floor.

"*sigh* Okay, what's this?" Kabuto muttered, when he saw the two women. Hidane's eyes snapped open and she quickly stood up.

"I'm sorry Jashin-sama. I was just resting my eyes!" Hidane announced.

"Uh-huh…" Kabuto sounded, not really believing her. "And you were 'resting your eyes' in front of my door, why?" He asked.

"I always stay and watch your door. To make sure no fucking heathens try to attack you while you're sleeping!" Hidane voiced passionately.

"…Do you do this, every night?" Kabuto questioned, slightly weirded out.

"Of course, Jashin-sama." Hidane voiced gleefully.

"…Okay…" Kabuto said slowly. He honestly felt a bit bad that she forced herself to do it. 'I'll make it up to her later.' He thought as he looked at a sleeping Bellatrix. "Why's she here though?" Kabuto asked.

"She wants to be one of your fuckin' priestesses. So I'm showing her the ropes." Hidane said happily, since she now has a sister acolyte.

"So you had her stay up the entire night and watch my room?" Kabuto clarified.

"Well yeah of course, what fucking else would I do?" Hidane asked.

"…I can think of a few things." Kabuto muttered. "Well I'm awake now. So you're free to do your own thing." He waved off.

"Okay." Hidane nodded, before she stood up and stood by Kabuto's side.

The Snake Sage sighed again. "When I said 'You're free to do your own thing' I meant. Do what you want to do." He clarified.

"Oh." Hidane sounded, before she moved closer to Kabuto, causing the ash-haired young adult to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"How about you get something to eat, you must be starving." Kabuto voiced with concern, getting a surprised look from Hidane as well as a blush.

"Y-you don't have to think about me, Jashin-sama. I'd rather starve then disappoint you." Hidane said with a passion that worried Kabuto slightly.

Kabuto looked around and noticed the others had left, before he focused on Hidane. The jashin priestess looked at Kabuto nervously, under his intense stare.

"J-jashin-sama, what's...MmmM?!" Hidane sounded, as Kabuto sealed his lips with the priestess. Her eyes widened, when she felt her 'god' kissed her. After a few seconds, Kabuto pulled back and saw Hidane was breathing quickly, along with blushing.

"Now, why don't you take Bellatrix to her bed, and you get something to eat." Kabuto requested. Hidane quickly nodded and grabbed Bellatrix, before she left still blushing. When everyone was gone, the Snake sage sighed.

"Kreacher." Kabuto announced, before he heard a pop.

"You called for Kreacher, master." A gravelly voice asked.

Kabuto looked down to see a three foot tall creature. "Yes. Could you prepare breakfast for everyone?" Kabuto ordered.

"Yes, Master. Kreacher will prepare the finest food for his Master and his associates." Kreacher voiced, before he vanished.

Kabuto walked deeper into the hallway, before he heard a muffled voice, causing him to stop. The Snake Sage looked to his left, where he was a large canvas covering a large frame. Kabuto curiously walked towards the canvas and heard the muffed voice become louder.

"Interesting…" the Snake sage muttered, before he grabbed onto the canvas and pulled it off.

"Freak! Get out of my house you Half-bloodied filth!" A painting of an old woman yelled.

"You surely aren't talking to me, are you?" Kabuto asked as his usual devilish smirk formed on his face.

"You have one minute to get out, filthy Half-blood! Before I kill you!" the painting shrieked.

"As amusing as it would be, to watch a painting attack me. I have other things to do at the moment." Kabuto replied condescendingly as he fixed his glasses, creating a glare.

"You think I'm un-worthy of your time!? You disgusting freak!" the painting yelled, getting a smirk from the Sage as he rested his forehead in the palm of his hand and chuckled.

"Hm, I don't think you know who or what you're talking to…" Kabuto said, before he looked up. The woman in the painting saw the young adult in front of her had changed. He had pale white scaly skin, yellow serpent-like eyes, with purple markings around. "But, I'm The Next Dark lord." He informed as his tongue slithered out, reminiscent to his former master.

"W-what?" Walburga asked nervously. She had heard stories on how Voldemort mutilated himself with rituals. But the young man in front of her was more…horrifying, but was enticing in a way.

"Haven't you heard? I'm the new Dark Lord…I killed the last one myself." Kabuto taunted. "I'm so delighted to know that you're allowing me and my organization to stay here. I mean, if someone denies me something, they usually don't live very long…excuse me, I ramble from time to time. Now what were you saying?" Kabuto asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Enjoy your stay here." Walburga quickly replied.

"That's what I thought." Kabuto agreed, as he deactivated his Kabutomaru state and walked away. The Snake Sage arrived at closed door, before he opened it and walked in. Kabuto froze at who he saw, next to the bed of the room, was an abnormally pale woman with long raven black hair and yellow-slitted eyes. But what caused him to freeze was the fact that she was getting dressed and the upper half of her body was bare.

Kabuto and Orika stared at each other, before the ash-haired teen quickly turned around. Orika looked at the Snake Sage with amusement.

"I'm terribly sorry, Lord Orochi…Orika." Kabuto quickly said, correcting himself. Being in the habit of referring to Orochimaru as Orochimaru, for a decade was hard to break.

"Kabuto-kun, you've already seen me bare. I don't mind if it's your eyes that admire me." Orika teased.

"It's not that. If I were to walk in on anyone else, I'd do the same as I am doing now. Familiarity has nothing to do with courtesy." Kabuto spoke, still facing the other direction.

"Such the gentlemen, it seems Orochimaru has taught you well." Orika said condescendingly.

"He didn't teach me, more than I already knew." Kabuto replied.

"Funny." Orika said dryly. "I'm dressed." She added.

The Snake Sage turned around and saw the female snake Sannin. Like Tayuya, her outfit had changed. Orika wore dark grey shorts that went passed her thighs with a small purple rope, as a make shift belt. She wore a tight dark green long-sleeved shirt. And using the material from her beige tunic, she created a coat that was over her shirt. Instead of Shinobi sandals she wore knee-length platform boots, similar to Yang's boots.

"You look good." Kabuto complimented.

"Kabuto-kun, I could be wearing the worst clothing in existence, and you would still drool over my appearance." Orika replied easily.

"Hmm that maybe, but it doesn't hurt to compliment people." Kabuto replied. "And it's time to eat." He added, getting a nod from the Sannin.

The Snake Sage and the Snake Sannin walked side by side, through the hallway.

"How are you're little projects, coming along?" Orika asked.

"You need to be a little more…specific." Kabuto stated.

"You were researching your extended family, were you not?" The Sannin questioned.

"Oh my cousins. That's actually been harder than I thought." Kabuto admitted. "Harry…the other Harry, was the only one I could get decent information on. Harry Dresden was orphaned at Six, when his father died. When he turned ten, Harry began to display…abnormal abilities. And shortly after that he was adopted by a Justin DuMorne. A few years later and Justin DuMorne died in a mysterious fire. Harry dropped off the grid for a better part of a decade. And now he's a rent a wizard in the phone book." Kabuto informed.

"Quite the resume." Orika commented.

"I'm curious about what Harry did 'off the grid' though." Kabuto voiced.

"What about your other cousin?" Orika asked.

"I didn't get that much. There was so much protection around Thomas Raith, it was unbelievable. Even Replicators had trouble hacking into it. And the data that they retrieved was…disturbing." Kabuto said with a shudder. For some reason The House of Raith and Porn was very close nit.

"Kabuto-kun, Kabuto-kun, I thought you had a strong stomach." Orika commented with a shake of her head. Kabuto ignored her, as the duo arrived at the kitchen, to see most of Nox there, excluding Bellatrix who was sleeping, Snape and Barty who had to work at Hogwarts, And Lucius who didn't live there.

Kabuto sat at the table, with Orika sitting next to him. He glanced to his side to see Yang sitting at his other side. The Snake Sage looked around to see everyone was eating, before he decided to join in.

"So, when the hell are we actually going to do something?" Suigetsu asked as he looked at the leader of Nightfall. "Not that I don't mind sitting around and doing nothing. But, I'm getting really bored. And I really want to cut something up." Suigetsu complained.

"I don't care what you do. As long as you keep yourself out of the public eye, then you can go crazy. You just need to be here if I need your assistance." Kabuto stated.

"But are we going to do something soon?" the Swordsman asked.

"Well I am going back to the Hogwarts castle." Kabuto informed. "Today's the day that the other schools are returning to their homes. So I'm going to see some people off." He said uncaringly.

"You mean that blonde French bimbo!" Yang yelled.

"If you mean Fleur, than yeah." The Snake Sage replied dryly.

"What's the deal with that? Are you into her or something? I'm I not enough?" Yang asked with narrowed eyes.

"Just because she's a girl and we're friends, doesn't mean we're together. Or that I I'm 'into her'." Kabuto replied.

"You better keep it that way." Yang said darkly as her eyes turned red. She barely tolerated the other girls as it was. She may have been open to the Harem idea, but she didn't want Kabuto actively trying to find new members.

"Yeah, whatever." Kabuto waved off. 'Honestly just because I'm friends with a girl. Doesn't mean we're in a relationship. Besides I already have enough women in my life.' He thought tiredly. "Anyway, I'll be heading to Hogwarts in a few minutes. Does anyone want come?" He asked. 'Because I know someone will.' He mused.

"I do!" Yang announced as she raised her hand.

"I come with you, Kabuto-sama." Jūgo said with a slight nod.

"I guess someone has to make sure you don't do something incredibly stupid, right Kabuto-kun?" Orika asked rhetorically.

Before anyone else could volunteer, Hidane quickly stood up. "Don't forget me Jashin-sama!" The Priestess quickly announced. "I would never let you go into a heretical place, without your most loyal follower. With me, they just might be saved." Hidane declared.

"…Yeah…" Kabuto slowly said. "Well five is enough." He admitted. With Yang, Jūgo, Orika, Hidane and himself formed a group of five, and that was more manageable then ten. After a half an hour when everyone was done eating, Kabuto prepared.

Kabuto stood in his room and stared at his open closet before he grabbed a new set of cloths and headed for the bathroom. The young adult showered, mostly to get rid of the dust, old books, metal and sweat smell.

After he was done showering, he put his clothes on. Kabuto wore a pair of black jean pants, along with a black T shirt, with a purple sleeveless shirt over it. Reminiscent to the purple shirt he wore in the Elemental Nations, except it didn't have a high collar, and He had a pair of black shoes.

Kabuto looked around his room for something, until he found a large piece of black clothing, on his desk chair. He picked it up and saw it was his cloak. Kabuto placed his Sage/Nox cloak on, and saw his two Basilisks coiled in his chair.

§Viliangia, Seraph…Let'sss go. § Kabuto ordered to the deadly snakes. The Ash-haired man held out one of his hands allowing Viliangia to coil around it, before she slithered into his cloak and wrapped around his torso. Kabuto shuddered, when he felt Seraph slither up his legs coil around his waist and one of his legs.

'That feels weird.' Kabuto mused. No matter how many times he felt his Basilisks move around his body. It always weirded him out sometimes. Kabuto glanced down at his desk when he heard the sound of clanking metal.

"Is there something you need, Kumo?" Kabuto questioned, only for the Replicator to flare its wings and click. "Oh." He muttered, before he pulled the sleeve of his cloak, allowing the mechanical spider to attach itself to Kabuto's wrist and forearm.

Kabuto fixed his sleeve, before he looked at his desk again and saw one of the books he got from Salazar's vault. The book was on Kinetomancy, and Kabuto had to admit he liked that form of Magic.

Kabuto picked up the book and began to aimlessly read through it again. He already read it a few times, but he wanted to get every thought and theory out of it. The Snake Sage left his room and walked through the Grimmauld Place.

"Kabuto! Hurry up!" A familiar voice yelled, getting a sigh from the bespectacled medic.

"I'm already here, Yang." Kabuto sighed out, as he looked up from his book to see Yang, Orika, Hidane and Jūgo. The blonde looked sheepish.

"Sorry, It's just I wanna get this show on the road." Yang replied. "And I wanna see your fans." She added with a smirk.

"…Fans…I forgot about them." Kabuto muttered morbidly as he looked down in despair.

"Oh there, there." Yang cooed as she stroked Kabuto's ash grey hair.

Kabuto stood straighter, before he went back to reading. "I guess I'll have you talk for me then Yang. I'm sure you'll love the attention." Kabuto replied, like he wasn't in a depression a few seconds ago.

"Hehe, that's funny." Yang responded with little to no enthusiasm.

"I try." Kabuto said dryly as he continued reading.

"As fun as it is to watch you to flirt, can we leave now, Kabuto-kun?" Orika asked.

"Oh, yes." Kabuto said with a nod. "Just grab onto me, and we'll leave." He added, as he began to read again. Kabuto blinked when he felt Yang hug him from the back, Orika wrap her arm around his, and Hidane grabbed onto the hand the was holding his book. Jūgo looked at the three women weirdly, before he held onto Kabuto's shoulder. Kabuto's eyes shifted from dark green to blood red, and the design of a pinwheel formed, before the group vanished in a swirling vortex.

In the middle of a large hallway, a vortex opened up and five people formed out of it. "Well this place certainly hasn't changed that much." Yang commented.

"We were only gone for a week. How much did you except things to change?" Orika asked rhetorically.

"Hmm, this coming from the person who's known to switch bodies every other year." Yang snapped back.

"You know I don't do that. That was Orochimaru." Orika replied easily.

"Oh yeah. You're the Old clone of Orochimaru, I forgot." Yang taunted. "You already have Immortality and the Sharingan. Why don't you just leave?" She questioned.

"I find it amusing that you call me out on being a clone, while you yourself are on too." Orika commented, but her serpent eyes narrowed as she looked at the blonde. "And why do I stay with Kabuto-kun? Why wouldn't I. He gave me Immortality and The Sharingan." She said with a smirk. "Why do you think I wanted those two things? I wanted the Sharingan to help me learn the secrets of the world, and immortality to give me the time to do it." She informed. "If I stay with Kabuto-kun, than not only will I learn about one world, but every world and every universe!" Orika raved.

"You don't do things small, do you?" Yang asked dryly.

"Hilarious. If you want to ask personal questions, why are you with Kabuto-kun?" Orika asked. "I thought you only wanted to kill Naruto, prove your superiority and all that." She said condescendingly.

"So, just because I want to kill Naruto, doesn't mean I can't live my own life." Yang shot back. "While my dream is to eventually destroy Naruto, I won't my dream control my actions. I mean look at Sasuke, he's an insane creep, all because he wanted to kill his brother. And besides, I love the adventures I have with Kabuto. I mean, look at all the stuff we've accomplished and can you imagine the adventures we'll have in the future?" Yang asked.

"Hm, I can surely imagine." Orika agreed.

Kabuto just listened to their conversation, as he continued to read. He already knew their reasons for staying with him, so it wasn't new to him.

"I can't believe soon, we'll be able to go to other worlds. Explore them. Find new people…maybe new people to fight!" Yang said excitedly.

"New people to experiment on." Orika added.

"A way to spread the word of Jashin-sama." Hidane imputed, getting sighs from Yang and Orika.

"What do you think we'll find out there? Robots? Aliens…or Alien Robots…or Cyborgs." Yang ranted off aimlessly.

"Your attention span scares me sometimes." Orika admitted.

"Oh, I can create a list on how many things you do that creeps me out." Yang taunted.

"Are you sure it isn't jealously. I'm sure someone as slow as you would get those two mixed up." Orika condescendingly replied.

"You pale bitch, take that back!" Yang demanded as she glared at Orika with red eyes.

"Have I offended you? I wasn't sure you'd be able understand the complexity of my words." Orika said with a large smirk and a shrug.

"I'm going to enjoy wiping that look off your face!" Yang yelled as she activated her gauntlets.

"Girls, enough." Kabuto ordered.

"But she…" Yang began.

"When Jashin-sama says 'Shut the fuck up!' you shut the fuck up!" Hidane announced as she held her triple-bladed scythe threateningly.

"Thanks, Hidane-chan." Kabuto said affectionately, getting a blush from the priestess as she took a step back and bowed her head in submission. "As I was going to say, we're here." He added, causing Yang and Orika to look around and notice a large pair of doors in front of them.

"Are you sure it was smart to bring all three of them?" Jūgo asked quietly. "Not only do Yang's and Orika's personalities clash, but throwing a religious zealot into the mix. It's a bomb waiting to go off." He added.

"Eh, I trust them…" Kabuto said as he looked up from his book. "…not cause too much damage." He added.

"I hope you're right." Jūgo muttered, before he went back to admiring the scenery.

"So who's going to open this door?" Kabuto asked with a raised eyebrow. As he used his free hand to pull up the hood to his cloak and moved it over his face, then went back to reading.

"Leave it to me." Yang said as she walked up to the doors and put her hands on the large doors. Using her enhanced strength she easily pushed opened the doors in a quick motion. "Guess who's back!" Yang announced as she smiled fully.

Every young and old wizard looked at her in awe and fear. Most of the kids looked at her in awe, sense no kid in their right mind would do something like that. And those who were afraid, were afraid because they knew who she was, and if she was here than Kabuto wasn't too far behind.

"What?! No greeting party for me and my buds! And here I thought we were all friends!" Yang said loudly, but still had her smile.

"I can believe you're the clone of Naruto. With how loud you are." Orika said quietly, getting a glare from the blonde.

"What are you doing here?" McGonagall questioned with narrowed eyes.

"Weellll…" Yang said evasively.

"We're here to see off the guests, from the tournament." Kabuto said, drawing attention to him, as he tilted his head up, revealing to glowing yellow serpent-like eyes. "It'd be in pour tastes not to. Unless you want the winner of the tournament, to seem like a…disrespectful person. I'm sure someone of your stature can understand." Kabuto spoke calmly, before he went back to reading.

McGonagall glared at the group, before reluctantly allowing them to pass. But Yang did give her a triumph smirk.

"You guys get situated. I have something I need to do first." Kabuto said, to his group. Yang, Orika, Hidane and Jūgo headed towards the Slytherin table, mostly because they were the most familiar with that area. Kabuto himself walked towards the Gryffindor, while reading.

"Derik." Kabuto said out loud when he reached his little brother.

The fourteen year old quickly reacted, and fearfully looked at his older brother. "Harr-Kabuto! What are you doing here?" Derik asked nervously.

"I just wanted to talk." Kabuto replied uncaringly as he looked away from his book and looked at his little brother.

"Talk about what?" Derik asked fearfully.

Kabuto saw his brother's fear and sighed. "Look…I know you and I have had some…misunderstandings in the past." He said. "And while it seems like I hated you. I was more of annoyed, than anything." Kabuto commented, but that didn't make his brother feel any better. "And I've come here to…apologize." He added.

"So…I'm sorry." Kabuto said quietly.

"T-thanks, Kabuto." Derik muttered.

"Good. Oh, I got something for you." Kabuto said as he reached into his cloak and into his Ninja pouch. The Snake Sage pulled out a book and handed it to his brother.

Derik looked at the book, before he looked at Kabuto weirdly. "A psychology book?" The teen asked incredulously.

"Yeah, it helped me a bit. And I heard you're on the…less intelligent side of things. You should read more, get smart." Kabuto spoke, before he saw a red-headed boy staring at him. "What do you want?" He asked uncaringly.

"You got Derik a present, did you bring me anything?" The red-head asked.

"Yeah, I brought you a gift." Kabuto said happily, as he put his hand in his cloak.

"Really?" The red-head said with an excited smile.

"No, what the fuck is wrong with you. Of course I didn't bring you a fucking gift." Kabuto replied, as he pulled nothing out. "Anyway, I'm going now…and stay in school." He added with a shrug before he walked away from the table.

Kabuto arrived at the Slytherin table and sat next to his group. "Why were you talking to the idiot?" A snobbish voice asked.

"Tsundere-chan, he is my brother. So I have an excuse to talk to him." Kabuto replied condescendingly as he glanced to his side to see Daronica. She had her blonde/silver-ish hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she was wearing the usual Hogwarts uniform, which looked very bad on her.

"Why do insist on calling me 'Tsundere-chan' I don't even know what it means!?" Daronica demanded.

"It's because you're a total…" Yang began, only to be cut of when a grape landed in her mouth. The blonde looked around and saw Kabuto had his hand extended. When she knew who threw it she ate the grape, before she gave the Snake Sage a questioning look.

"I want it to be a secret. Besides, Daronica will curse me indefinitely, if she were to discover what it means." Kabuto replied.

"Is it an insult?" Daronica asked slightly self-conscious.

"Oh, no. It's not an insult. It describes your personality." Kabuto informed, getting a snicker from Yang.

"So it is an insult!" Daronica said with a glare.

"No…" Kabuto replied easily. "So how are your studies going?" He asked curiously, he was her tutor in a since.

"About that, my father wants to talk to you about your tutoring." Daronica informed.

"Hmm, does he want me to stop?" Kabuto asked curiously, he actually liked teaching Daronica. But again he liked teaching Guren, Yang and Karin.

"No, opposite in fact, but he said he wanted to ask you himself." Daronica clarified.

"I see. But you didn't tell me how your studies were doing." Kabuto stated as he glanced at the silver haired girl. "Is there something your hiding? I do know how difficult magic can be to learn. But I thought someone of your lineage could have mastered it easily." He said in his usual condescending tone.

"What?! That's not true. I mastered those spells and curses you taught me!" Daronica said angrily.

"Oh, did you know. All of them?" Kabuto asked.

"Every single one of them." Daronica said confidently as she crossed her arms.

"Which one was the easiest to learn?" Kabuto questioned. Unknown to Daronica, Kabuto gave her some advanced elemental spells from Earth, to Fire, to Wind, to Ice. He wanted to see which element she was more proficient in.

"Ice. It was one of my favorites." Daronica replied arrogantly.

"Interesting." Kabuto said completely uninterested. He could already tell by the way she acted what type of element she had. She's arrogant, cold, calm, confident, serious, and bitchy.

"Hey don't dis my ice element." Daronica said, calling out Kabuto in his uninterested tone.

"My apologize, I just wasn't surprised Ice was your element." He replied.

"Yeah…wait, what's that supposed to mean?" Daronica asked with narrowed eyes.

"Whatever you want it to mean." Kabuto waved off, before he went back to reading.

"So I'm curious. Do you know how to fight, Daronica?" Yang asked as she leaned forward and looked around like she was asking for a secret.

"Um…excuse me?" Daronica asked.

"You know 'Fight' pow pow and you're out, type of thing." Yang announced as she did some shadowboxing. Daronica looked away with a slight blush. "Oh, am I right, come on tell me. I won't tell a soul." Yang said excitedly.

"Well, I don't know how to fight per say." Daronica said evasively. "But when I was younger, my mother and father had me learn swordplay." She informed.

"So you know how to play with swords?" Yang asked dryly.

"No you dunce, I fence." Daronica replied angrily.

"Huh, so you use tiny swords." Yang said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's called a Rapier, not a tiny sword." Daronica said indignantly.

"Oh, excuse me." Yang said with a teasing smirk.

"I find that using a sword is far more elegant than using your…fists." Daronica replied giving a slight arrogant smirk towards the blonde.

"I like her." Orika commented.

"You would. Snake bitch likes the ice bitch. Who woulda guessed it?" Yang asked in fake surprise.

"Play nice, Yang." Kabuto reprimanded, getting a pout from the blonde, before he went back to reading.

"Hey, Kabuto." Daronica voiced, as she glanced at the book he was reading. "What are you reading?" She questioned.

"A book behind the mechanics of Kinetomancy." Kabuto stated, before he looked to the silver haired girl. "Why?" He asked.

"I was just curious." Daronica replied with narrowed eyes. "But what's Kinetomancy?" She asked.

"The Magic that deals in movement…Like moving objects with your will, or using it as pure kinetic force." Kabuto said with a shrug as he put his book in his ninja pouch, and pulled his hood down. "Does that sound like something you're interested in?" He asked.

"I already know those spells." Daronica replied.

"I know. This is different. It doesn't…ah, forget." Kabuto said as he placed his elbow on the table and rested his head on it. "Do you know when the Tournament guest will be leaving?" He asked out loud, mostly to anyone who'd answer him.

"Half an hour." Daronica informed easily. "Why, are you going to see off that blonde bimbo?" She asked as she narrowed her blue eyes at Kabuto.

"What blonde bimbo are we talking about?" Orika questioned with a smirk.

"Hey! Did you just call me a bimbo?!" Yang demanded as she faced the Sannin.

"No, I believe you called yourself one." Orika taunted.

"She means Fleur. To answer your question, yes. And we aren't a thing." Kabuto stated.

"Mm-hmm…" Daronica sounded.

"I'm serious. Just because I'm friends with a girl doesn't mean we're in a relationship. Why does everyone think that?" Kabuto asked himself, getting dry looks from Yang, Orika and Daronica.

"Whatever, but…" Kabuto began, before he, Yang, Orika, Hidane and Jūgo glanced in a direction, which happened to be in the front of the Great Hall, when the felt an influx of Chakra.

Lightning sparked on the ground as a circle formed on the ground, a large one. The Circle looked incredibly similar to the 'Dimensional Gate' Kabuto used to transport himself, and the others to the 'Wizard-verse' but the circle looked more deplorable, like it was made by an amateur at best.

The lightning cleared revealing several figures standing in the epicenter. Kabuto and his groups' eyes widen when they saw the familiar figures. Yang's hands dropped and hit the table as she glared at one of them.

"What's going on, who are they?" Daronica asked.

One figure stepped forward and pointed at everyone. "My Name is Naruto Uzumaki! Remember it!" The figure announced.