One figure stepped forward and pointed at everyone. "My Name is Naruto Uzumaki! Remember it!" The figure announced.

"Oh." Daronica muttered.

The blond looked around as he smiled fully, before he looked back to the other figures. "Come on Sakura-chan, this place is awesome!" Naruto yelled, only for a pink haired girl to slam her fist into the back of his head.

"Shut up you idiot!" Sakura yelled before she bowed to everyone in the room. "I'm really sorry about him." She apologized.

"N-Naruto…I-is here…" Yang muttered as her fist twitched. Most of the teens that sat near Kabuto and his group looked at Yang fearfully as her eyes turned blood red and her hair began to flicker.

"Calm down, Yang." Kabuto advised, to the blonde.

"What's wrong, why's she acting this way?" Daronica asked.

"She and the blond have a past." Kabuto stated. "Guys, we need to Henge. Now." He ordered to the other Nin. Yang, Orika, Hidane and Jūgo went through several hand-seals before their appearances changed to blend in with the students around them.

When everyone was disguised, Kabuto looked at the Nin. He recognized Naruto, Sakura…he narrowed his eyes and saw Kakashi. But his eyes widened when he saw Sasuke. 'What the hell is he doing here?' Kabuto thought to himself.

The Snake Sage noticed Sasuke was squinting like it was hard to see, causing him to smirk. 'It seems your eyes are just about used up.' Kabuto mused. 'I'm sure I can find a use for them.' He thought with a smirk. Kabuto's eyes trailed the other Nin that was with Kakashi, it was Mighty Guy, Neji Hyūga, Rock Lee and Tenten.

"Hmm, three Jonin, three Chuunin and two Genin…what could they possibly want?" Kabuto asked out loud.

"I'd hazard a guess and say they're looking for you." Orika imputed.

"I'd hate to do this, but I agree with her." Yang added, with narrowed eyes as she looked at Naruto.

"Why would they want you, Kabuto?" Daronica questioned.

"It may or may not have to do with the fact that I broke into their village. Killed several of their high ranking warriors and I may or may not have stolen some very powerful techniques." Kabuto replied.

"Yeah, you really dropped the ball on that one." Yang teased, trying to calm down and not focus on the object of her hatred.

"As I remember, you and Orika accompanied me on that mission." Kabuto replied easily. "Now, shush, I need to hear what they're doing." He added as he and the group focused on the Konoha Nin.

Kakashi looked around the Great Hall, until his eyes landed on 'Dumbledore'. The clone of Dumbledore stood a few feet from the Nin, and looked at them with the original's 'Grandfatherly' look, that he was known for.

"Is there anything I can do for you gentlemen?" 'Dumbledore' asked kindly.

"We're looking for someone, a criminal." Kakashi informed. "We'd like to request that you give us clearance to search the area." He said formally.

Kabuto scowled, before he did a hand-seal under the table. Unseen to anyone Dumbledore's eyes shifted from twinkling blue to Black and white, as Kabuto took complete control. The eye change was hidden from the Nin by the unique glasses the Dumbledore clone wore.

"What's your name, young man?" Dumbledore asked.

"Kakashi Hatake and my team Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno." The Jonin informed, as he pointed to his team members. "This is my fellow Jonin Mighty Guy and Neji Hyūga, and Chuunin, Rock Lee and Tenten." He added.

"I see, and you said you were looking for a Criminal?" Dumbledore probed.

"Yes a dangerous one. It took us awhile but we were able to track him here?" Kakashi stated.

"Oh? How'd did you do that?" Dumbledore asked. "You just came out of thin air, from a weird looking circle." He replied.

"It's more complex than that. But, I guaranty, that we aren't the bad guys here." Kakashi insisted.

"Then you have free reign, then. Just don't disrupt the students." Dumbledore said what Kabuto had him say.

'I don't want the Nin suspicious of the Wizards. I have to catch them by surprise. Take them to the Kamui dimension. Then I'll have to learn how they tracked me…and possibly get something powerful in the process…' Kabuto thought as he looked at Sasuke's eyes.

"Thank you, sir." Kakashi said with an eye smile. "Can you show us around, I'm afraid we don't know the area that well?" He asked.

"Of course my boy." Dumbledore said.

"Cool, lead the way old man!" Naruto announced, getting an embarrassed look from Sakura and a sigh from Sasuke. When the Konoha Nin left the Great Hall with Dumbledore, the Nox members sighed in relief.

"Yang, are you alight?" Kabuto asked to the blonde. When he saw she was glaring at the table with clenched fists.

"I'm…I'm furious." Yang said with a scowl that didn't belong on her usual happy face. The blonde looked up towards Kabuto and noticed she had blood red eyes with black sclera, something she only had when she was incredibly pissed. "But Hehe, I'm so glad I have a chance to kill him." She said darkly, as she smirked, reminiscent to her original Yami smirk.

"Of course, in due time, we have to wait until their guards are down. Then I'll pull them into the Kamui dimension. There we'll have our fun." Kabuto spoke seriously.

"Good." Yang said satisfied with the answer.

"Are we going to get the others?" Jūgo questioned.

"There're three Jonin, three Chuunin and two Genin…While we have One Sage, One Sannin, an immortal priestess, you and…of course we always end a fight without a…" Kabuto began as he looked at Yang pointedly. "…Yang." He punned dryly, changing 'Bang' with 'Yang'. He himself hated puns, and Yang loved them, but when he was training her he asked her to stop. He found them really annoying. It also had to do with the fact that Yang wasn't very good at them.

Yang blinked a few times, as her eyes changed back to their normal blue color. "Oh My God!" She said excitedly as she grinned. "You made your first pun and it was about me!" She announced happily.

"Hmm-hmm, don't expect me to do it again." Kabuto replied, but Yang's grin didn't falter.

"I knew you loved them…" Yang began. "I have so many of them. I can't wait to star…" She said.

"No, you're not." Kabuto stated, getting a pout from the blonde.

"That's no fair." The blonde whined. "Why can't I?" She asked.

"Because you suck at puns." Orika commented, she remembered it from Orochimaru. Yang would make the most unusual puns that didn't make sense half the time.

"I don't hear you making any good ones!" Yang argued.

"I don't need to make puns to know that you suck. Do you need to be a five star chef to tell if the food you're eating is awful?" Orika asked rhetorically.

"Touché." Yang muttered.

"You guys realize that the Konoha Nins are still around, right?" Jūgo reminded.

"I do, I'm just waiting for those two to stop." Kabuto replied, before he looked at Hidane, who was sitting next to him. "Looks like you'll get more sacrifices, Hidane-chan." He stated, getting a large bloodthirsty smile from the priestess.

"T-thank you Jashin-sama!" Hidane announced. "I-I can never repay your kindness." She spoke happily.

"Um…Yeah, you really don't have to do that." Kabuto replied unsure.

"Hey, Kabuto." Daronica said getting the Ash-haired man's attention.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Is it alright if I help?" She asked curiously.

"Why? And how would you help?" Kabuto questioned.

"How would I help!?" Daronica replied indignantly. "I'm the top in my class in Defense against the Dark arts, Transfiguration and Charms." She boasted arrogantly. "I can definitely hold my own against most opponents. Plus with your help I'm proficient in most of the curses out there." Daronica stated.

"So you've proved that you're competent in a fight. But why do you want to help me fight people you don't know?" He asked.

"Kabuto, Kabuto, Kabuto…" Daronica said in a patronizing type of voice. "We're friends, right?" She queried.

"Yeah, we also went on a date to a dance and you kissed…" Kabuto began, only for Daronica to quickly cover his mouth and looked around.

"Don't speak a word of what we did in private." Daronica hiss out as she glared at Sage.

"And here I thought you had a great time, Tsundere-chan." Kabuto said condescendingly.

"Enough." She spoke. "I want to help you deal with those nuisances." Daronica informed.

"But, why? What do you get out of it?" He asked.

Daronica sighed as she looked at Kabuto. "I consider you a very close…friend. I know how most of your friends are very strong in their own right. And I just…I just want you to know, that I'm strong like them. I want to prove to you that I'm strong enough to do the things you guys do." Daronica informed.

Kabuto sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, before he looked to Daronica. To see she was looking at him pleadingly, well as pleadingly as she could look, through her usual cold, arrogant look. "Fine." He muttered.

"Yes." Daronica whispered to herself.

"Get your things ready, Daronica." Kabuto said to the witch. "Get your wand, potions, armor…whatever you have, because this will be a pretty tough fight." He advised. Kabuto was very curious to see how this turned out. He also wanted to see if she had the right stuff to be his full time student.

"What will you be doing?" Daronica questioned curiously.

"I will be setting up the trap…Yang, Orika, Jūgo and Hidane. I'll send you guys to the Kumai dimension. Alright?" Kabuto asked. He didn't want to send them there without telling them, that'd by rude. When they nodded, Kabuto's eyes shifted to its Mangekyō state. He looked at Yang, before a vortex formed in the center of her, then she vanished. He repeated the process with Orika, Hidane and Jūgo.

Kabuto stood up and glanced around. Since he had the Henge still active, none of the students spared a glance at him. With his Sharingan still active, he scooped out the Great Hall, looking to see if any of the Nins lagged behind. Kabuto search for any Chakra signatures, but only saw the area saturated with Magic. It was pretty easy to differentiate Chakra and Magic, Chakra had a calmer look, like it was in perfect serenity, while Magic was more unpredictable and chaotic.

When Kabuto was satisfied that there was no Nin around, he dropped the Henge. Kabuto sighed as he ran a hand through his disheveled ash-grey hair. "Daronica, remember to get ready." The Snake sage reminded.

"I know!" Daronica snapped, as she looked at Kabuto. Only to see he had vanished. "And he's gone." She complained. She hated when he did that. Daronica stood up and looked around, and noticed most of her fellow classmates were gossiping about what was going on. When she realized no one was paying attention to her, she headed out of the Great Hall.

'I'll prove to Kabuto that I'm strong enough to join his group. Then I'll get out of this place.' Daronica mused as she walked through the hallway. While Hogwarts was a magical place, she was…annoyed by the constant failures on the Teachers. Every year a more incompetent Defense against the Dark Arts teacher would be hired, and each year she was missing more important education. The only DA teacher she liked was Mad Eye Moody, but she knew that after this year he'd be replaced by a useless teacher, yet again.

'I've learned more from Kabuto than I have with any other teacher. I do not want this chance to slip away.' Daronica mused. 'I'll make my family proud with how strong I'll become.' She swore to herself as she arrived at the Slytherin Common room, which was located in the dungeons.

Daronica passed some younger students without sparing them a glance. The teen quickly entered her room, and looked around. 'Kabuto said to get whatever I needed, but I think he meant the necessities for the fight.' Daronica thought with narrowed eyes, before she smirked.

If she were honest with herself she was glad that she was going to help Kabuto fight. For the past few years she's had a few legitimate fights. Some fights took place in her second year when the fraud taught the DA. In the few duels she had then, she well, systematically destroyed who she fought, with a slight sadistic glee. She was related to Bellatrix after all. But the duels always ended before she could actually have a challenge…or fun.

Daronica changed out of her Hogwarts uniform into something less…bulky. The teen looked through her wardrobe with a quizzical look. 'I need something that doesn't hinder me…but also looks elegant. What to wear, what to wear?' Daronica thought to herself.

After a few minutes of searching, Daronica stood in front of her personal mirror with two outfits. She held a black thigh length dress up to her body and looked in the mirror. "Hmm, it looks more deadly than elegant." Daronica muttered to herself, before she held a white thigh length dress over herself and looked in the mirror. "This one looks more elegant then threatening…this is a hard decision." Daronica muttered to herself.

In a large hallway a black vortex formed, before Kabuto formed in the center of it. The ash-haired man wore a different Cloak than before, having a pitch black cloak rather than his Sage Cloak. He had grey gloves made of pyrotex/ignition cloth that had the Fire Transmutation circles on the back of them. Kabuto originally used his Chakra to ignite the Transmutated Oxygen, but that was incredibly dangerous. In Kabuto's left hand he held a White skull mask that had two black vertical lines. The Same mask he wore when he went to save Gaia from the Akatsuki, the same mask he used when he hid right in front of the Konoha Nin.

Kabuto went through several hand-seals, forming a large green Crystal mirror, before another version of him came out of it. The Sage glanced at his Crystal Clone, before he put the Mask on. Kabuto's eyes shifted from their normal dark green, to glowing red with a pinwheel design in them.

Kabuto pulled up the hood and pulled it forward, using it to cover the right side of the mask. So only the left side of the mask was shown, and only his left Mangekyō was revealed. "I'm going to need you to get Uncle Sev. While we're only fighting two teams, Team 7 and Team Guy. They did survive the Fourth Shinobi War for a reason. And they've had months to get stronger. So it'd be best not to underestimate them." Kabuto said to his clone.

"Wouldn't it be smarter to get the others from the Grimmauld Place?" the Clone questioned.

"No, Tayuya is a Genjutsu type fighter. With the enemy having Sasuke, Kakashi and Neji on their side, Genjutsu will be useless against them. Karin, while having some combat experience is more of a field medic. Suigetsu is God knows where. Bellatrix is…well asleep, since Hidane had her stay awake the entire night, so she'll be unreliable. Guren is the only one who would do any actual good, but I really don't want to go to the Grimmauld Place just to get one person." Kabuto explained.

"Hmm, I see." The clone muttered, before he vanished in a swirling vortex.

Kabuto smirk, but was hidden behind the mask, but one could see it in the eye that was uncovered. The Snake Sage looked out a window and saw 'Dumbledore' guiding the Konoha Nin around the Hogwarts Courtyard. Kabuto narrowed his one Sharingan eye at Kakashi, and slowly flared his chakra.

Kakashi stopped, and turned around and looked up. He saw a figure in a black cloak and a white mask. Kakashi narrowed his eye and before it widened with he saw a glowing red eye. A red eye with a Mangekyō only one person other than him had. "O-Obito!" Kakashi muttered, grabbing all the Nin's attentions. They all looked where Kakashi was looking, and saw nothing there.

"Kakashi-sensei, what are you talking about?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Didn't you see he was…right…there." Kakashi said, before he noticed there was no one there. "It must by the stress of work." He commented with an eye smile.

"Yeah." Sakura agreed.

When the Konoha Nin began to walk again, Kakashi spared one last glace at where he saw his dead friend. He nearly jumped with he saw the cloaked figure again, but decided to keep it to himself. Or risk looking like an insane person.

"HmHmhmh…." Kabuto chuckled to himself, as he tormented Kakashi, before he vanished in a swirling vortex and followed the group, revealing himself to Kakashi, over and over again, driving the Jonin mad.

Severus Snape sat in the empty room of his class, enjoying the silence. The Potions master looked in his desk and saw a picture of Lily Evans, now Potter. 'What has happened to you, Lily?' The man thought to himself. 'The once smart, caring, selfless woman is now…a carbon copy of James Potter.' Snape mused bitterly.

"I guess stupidity…is contagious." Snape said out loud. "Now you're nothing but a woman as arrogant as James, riding off your kids' fame, and would do anything for the attention…what happened?" He asked himself. 'What happened to the woman I loved?' Snape thought to himself. That question plagued him for the past fourteen years. When he begged Voldemort to spare her life, even at the price of his own, he didn't know she'd turn out like this.

"People change." A familiar voice announced. Snape's head shot up and saw Kabuto standing a few feet.

"And you have the greatest Idea of coming out of thin air. When I'm enjoying silence…Why am I not, surprised?" Snape commented dryly.

"I'm sorry Uncle Sev, but a problem has come up." Kabuto said as he glanced around the class room and walked over to some of the ingredients.

"Does it have something to do with the random bunch of idiots showing up? Spouting off their 'mission' to capture a dangerous criminal, completely destroying any secrecy that might have had. And tipping off the criminal…instantly." Snape said as he focused on the Sage.

"Possibly." Kabuto replied.

"…You're the criminal aren't you?" Snape asked with a sigh.

"Maybe, maybe not." Kabuto commented.

"You are a complete and utter fool." Snape voiced, getting a raised eyebrow from Kabuto.

"How so?" He queried.

"You are a Criminal. If I you had the right mindset you wouldn't have been caught." Snape stated.

"True, true." Kabuto replied, before he completely faced his uncle in all but blood. "I know you have some doubts on being with my group." He informed.

"It's not doubts, per say." Snape said tiredly. "I've spent most my life, fighting a war on both sides. I was a spy for Dumbledore. And I was a spy for Voldemort. Dumbledore held the fact that I harmed you over my head and Voldemort was going to kill everyone. I'm just…tired of it. I just want to know if I'm fighting a needless war, Or a switching one Dark Lord for another." He said. Snape knew Harry was dark, but he wasn't evil like Voldemort.

"What do you think?" Kabuto questioned curiously. If it were anyone else he didn't care about, he would manipulate them, but he did care for Snape's honest opinion.

"I don't trust you. Nothing personal, I don't trust anyone. But…I do know you aren't a megalomaniac, like Voldemort. And you aren't using blind faith to control your subordinates, disregarding the religious nut." Snape spoke slowly. "They are equals among themselves. What is the goal of your organization though?" He asked.

"Knowledge." Kabuto replied. Which was true in a since. "To further understand of our place in this large, large universe and beyond." He added aimlessly. "I want to unlock the secrets that the universe has. We may happen to have some fights with people, we might not. We might find allies out there, we might not. But in the end…Nightfall's goal remains the same." Kabuto informed.

Snape looked down at his desk and scowled. 'Voldemort's goal was to gain power and wipe out his enemies. Dumbledore's goal was to show everyone the 'Right' way to live. Harry's goal is to gain Knowledge of the universe. While it sounds the least dangerous, it is probably the most dangerous route to take.' Snape mused, before he looked up to Kabuto. He lied when he said he didn't trust him, he saw Kabuto as his own flesh and blood, well he saw Harry as his own flesh and blood. And Harry is Kabuto, so he should give him the same privilege. He always wanted a son, Snape promised himself he would never be like his own father. And one thing he was going to do was protect his child.

"I see. You have my full support, Harry." Snape informed, getting a nod form the Sage.

"It's good to know, Uncle Sev." Kabuto replied evenly. "I'm going to need your help taking care of the Nin that have come here. I need to figure out how they followed me." He informed seriously.

Snape nodded as he stood up and walked over to Sage, with his cloak billowing behind him. "These…Nin…you're talking about. What are their abilities?" Snape questioned, as Kabuto grabbed on his shoulder.

"Well first there's…" the Kabuto clone began as the two were enveloped in a vortex.

Kabuto looked at the Konoha Nin with Apathy and Condescendence, before he chuckled as he dropped the Disillusionment Charm again, allowing Kakashi to see him.

"Enough! Whoever you are! Get out here!" Kakashi yelled, surprising the other Konoha Nin, by his outburst.

"Kakashi-sensei, what's wrong? You're acting all…loopy." Naruto said.

"It's this bastard that keeps following us!" Kakashi announced.

"What bastard…." Naruto began.

"Hmhmhm…While I won't dispute the fact that I'm a bastard, is that a way to talk to a friend? Kakashi." a deep voice asked.

The Konoha Nin looked forward and saw a black vortex open up. Before a cloaked figure formed out of it, the figure had a white skull mask that had the hood of the cloak covering the left side of it, only showing one Mangekyō Sharingan. The Mangekyō Sharingan's design had three stretched triangles evenly spaced around the pupil that each curved at the top around the eye to form a circle, giving the appearance of a pinwheel.

"Obito!" Guy, Naruto and Kakashi announced. They were the only ones who knew of his identity indefinitely.

"Hmhmhm, Maybe." Kabuto replied, speaking from his chest instead of his throat. Making his voice deeper than it usually was, making him sound more like Obito did when he mascaraed as Madara.

"Wait…you're….you're the man that killed Sasori!" Sakura announced, when she remembered the mask. Kakashi's and Naruto's eyes went wide.

"Hehe, guilty." Kabuto said, and the Konoha Nin could see the eye smile from the Sharingan.

"What are you doing here Obito? I-I thought you died." Kakashi asked.

"It's two for two, isn't it?" Kabuto replied with a smirk, getting a mortified look from Kakashi. "But I didn't die, I mean. Look at me. I'm standing in front of you all." He added.

"But how?" Kakashi questioned.

"My new master." Kabuto lied.

"Your new master?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes, and she's far stronger than Madara." Kabuto informed, getting a scoff from Sasuke.

"I doubt it." Sasuke commented.

"Oh, a non-believer. Do you wanna know who she is? She's the origin of Chakra, the Byakugan, Sharingan, the Senju Clan, and the Rinnegan." Kabuto informed.

"The Sage of the Six Paths." Naruto said dumbly.

"Hmhm…No, his mother." Kabuto replied. "Kaguya Ōtsutsuki." He added. Kabuto was actually glad he read the 'Naruto' Manga. He was really glad he destroyed Madara when he did. He did not want to fight Kaguya. But reading Manga also gave him an extra insight on a lot of things. While it was inaccurate about him, most of the other stuff was spot on. There was no point in telling the Konoha Nin about Kaguya, but it was fun to fuck with them. 'That reminds me, I'll have to hunt down Black Zetsu.' Kabuto mused.

"That's impossible!" Sakura yelled.

Kabuto tilted his head and looked at the pinkette. "Are you retarded?" He asked curiously, completely stunning the group. "I mean you're a Med Nin, you should know how life is conceived." Kabuto stated.

"T-that's not what I meant!" Sakura yelled.

"Yeah! Take that back!" Naruto demanded as he charged at Kabuto, only to pass right through him.

"Naruto enough!" Kakashi ordered, before he focused on Kabuto. "Obito, we don't want to fight you. We're only here to track down Kabuto." He informed.

"Kabuto? Oh, Orochimaru's right hand man." Kabuto said with a nod.

"Not anymore, he's a dangerous criminal and he…" Kakashi replied, only for Sasuke to step forward and narrow his eyes at Kabuto.

"You said Kabuto was Orochimaru's right hand man. Weren't you defeated by him?" Sasuke asked suspiciously. "You should know he's more than that." He stated.

Kabuto shrugged. "I don't remember much after I sealed the Ten-tails in me." He lied.

"That is true. Remember he didn't even know his name." Naruto added, getting a sideways glance from Sasuke.

"What I find strange is your Chakra. I don't remember fighting you, yet I recognize your Chakra signature." Neji said in a matter-of-fact, he remembered it from somewhere but he couldn't remember where.

"I don't know about that. But, what was it you wanted? To find Kabuto? Why?" Kabuto asked curiously.

"To pay for the crimes that he's done." Kakashi informed.

"Oh? What crimes?" Kabuto asked, with a tiled of his head.

"The Attack on Konoha, the break in and theft of the Namikaze estate, the murder of six Clan Heirs, the theft of the Sealing Scroll, the impersonation of a Leaf Genin, crimes against humanity by Cloning Naruto and Orochimaru and Kidnapping Sasuke Uchiha." Kakashi explained.

Kabuto whistled. "Damn, what a record." He commented.

"Wait, he cloned Orochimaru?" Sasuke asked. He did not know that.

"Yes." Kakashi replied.

Sasuke didn't looked surprised, he saw Yang the clone of Naruto. So it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that Kabuto would clone Orochimaru.

"How'd you guys even come here? I used my Mangekyō to get here. How did you do it?" Kabuto questioned, if these guys trusted him…well weren't trying to attack him, then he'd fish for as much Info as he could.

"We…" Naruto began only for Sakura to cover his mouth.

"Shut up, idiot!" Sakura yelled.

Sasuke ignored the two, as he focused on Kabuto. "I find it…strange, Obito." He said with sarcasm. "I saw your fight with Kabuto." He informed.

That comment got confused looks from the Konoha Nin. "Oh, what does that mean?" Kabuto asked with amusement.

"I saw you get defeated by Kabuto…but I also saw something else." Sasuke said as his dull black eyes shifted into their three tomoe'd Sharingan state. "I saw Kabuto take his Sharingan Eye." He informed.

This time all the Konoha Nin glared at Kabuto, and got into their fighting stance. "Hmhmhm…HeheHEHE!" Kabuto laughed, before he focused on Sasuke. "My, it seems your brains haven't dulled. I'm sure your brother would be proud." He taunted.

"Don't take about me brother you bastard!" Sasuke yelled.

"Why, is it because you killed him?" Kabuto asked rhetorically, getting an enraged look from Sasuke. "I have to say, thank you." He added, confusing the group. "If you hadn't had killed Itachi-san, I wouldn't have learned the secrets…of the Sharingan." He informed, getting a mortified look from Sasuke, before his eyes shifted to their 'atom-looking' Mangekyō state.

"You! You!" Sasuke forced out.

"What's going on? Why's Sasuke yelling at Obito?" Naruto asked.

"That's not Obito…that's Kabuto." Kakashi said slowly.

"You're right." Kabuto commented.

"Dumbledore-san, this is the criminal we're talking about. We'll need your help to apprehend him." Kakashi spoke to the old man. Dumbledore nodded and pulled out a unique looking piece of wood. Kakashi's eyes widened when he saw the stick, he had seen Kabuto use something similar. 'This must be where Kabuto came from…maybe they're all part of a unique Clan. I'll have to talk to Tsunade-sama about this when we return.' The Jonin thought analytically.

"Of course my boy." 'Dumbledore said as he pointed the Elder Wand at Kabuto. The Nin smirked, before they all charged at Kabuto from all directions, hoping to hit him, thinking that since he didn't naturally have the Sharingan, he wasn't proficient in it as Obito was. Kabuto stood still as all their attacks passed through him and hit each other.

When all the Nins were stunned by their own attacks, 'Dumbledore' leveled the Elder Wand at the group. "Immobulus" He spoke, as a blue light fly from his wand and exploded in the center of the group. All the Nins were immobilized, but Kabuto who was still in his Kamui intangible state.

Kabuto knew why the Spell didn't affect him, even when he was in the same state Obito was in, when he cast the cure that affected the Uchiha. Magic and Chakra were two different things. Chakra had rules to them in a since, it had limitations. Magic didn't. Magic reacts the spell caster's will and want. Kabuto 'Wanted' to maim Obito, so his Magic maimed Obito. Same reason why Kabuto was able to bypass Sasuke's Susanoo, when they fought at the Kage summit, he wanted his attack to pass through Sasuke's defense and harm the Uchiha, so his Magic made it so. This is how he wasn't affected by 'Dumbledore's' spell. Dumbledore only wanted to stun the Konoha Nin instead of Kabuto, but the Kumai helped too.

The Konoha Nin blinked in confusion when they couldn't move. Kabuto smirked, which could be seen in the exposed eye hole of the mask. "Did you really think you could come to my home land and catch me by surprise?" He asked condescendingly. "I have the home field advantage." He added as he reached out and grabbed onto Kakashi's shoulder, and was absorbed into a vortex that originated from his Eye. Kabuto did this to all the Konoha Nin, before he grabbed onto the Dumbledore clone.

"Now, it'll be eight on eight." Kabuto muttered, before the two vanished in a swirling vortex. While he hated Dumbledore, he knew he was powerful…well powerful for a Wand Wizard. It was a whole Rock, Paper, Scissor type of thing.

The two appeared in a large area, the ground was made up of layers upon layers of Replicator Blocks. In the distance every inch of the ground was covered in Replicator Blocks, along with sharp building-like structures. The Endless void of the Kamui dimension was replaced by a large never ending rust colored storm cloud that covered the entire 'sky'.

Kabuto went through several hand-seals. "Jinton: Hirenkyaku(Swift Release: Flying Screen Step)" Kabuto muttered before he grabbed onto Dumbledore's shoulder and they vanished, leaving a after image of the two.

The two appeared, near a group of five. Yang, Orika, Hidane, Jūgo and Severus looked at Kabuto. But the Potions master's eyes widened when he saw Dumbledore.

"Harry, what's he doing here?" Severus questioned darkly.

"Hm, oh you mean Dumbledore. This isn't him, he's a clone." Kabuto informed.

"What?" Severus demanded, getting a glare from Hidane.

"I killed Dumbledore when I found out he bound a Sidhe. Not only was it unbelievably stupid, it was dangerous. So I killed him, freed the Phoenix and cloned him from his genetic material." Kabuto informed.

"You don't do things half-assed, do you?" Yang asked with a smirk.

"What can I say?" Kabuto replied with a shrug.

"Wait, Fawkes?" Severus asked, he remembered the Phoenix.

Kabuto flinched and looked around like he was ready to be attacked. "Don't say its name. If you do it'll come." He said fearfully. It was one thing to free the Sidhe. It was obligated not to attack. But if someone summoned it, it wouldn't give the same curtesy.

"What, Fawkes." Yang said.

"No! Don't say it!" Kabuto ordered with a glare, shutting Yang up. She knew when Kabuto was being sarcastic and serious, and he seemed really serious. Kabuto's Sharingan eye darted around and found nothing and sighed in relief. He may have been strong, scratch that, he was incredibly strong. But the Sidhe can control reality, time and had an understanding of Magic far deeper than any human alive, even him. If anything could kill him it would be them.

"I'm sorry I snapped. I'll be right back." Kabuto said to the group, before he vanished in a vortex.

"That was intense." Yang commented, when he was gone.

"You shouldn't have messed around when he said not to do something." Orika said, even she was put off by the fear Kabuto had. He rarely showed fear even to Orochimaru, but whatever this Sidhe was, it was enough to scare Kabuto.

"I know." Yang muttered.

"Just calm down, he isn't mad." Jūgo imputed, he had never seen Kabuto get mad. Irritated yes, mad no. "And besides he probably only wants to protect you from whatever this Sidhe is. He did tell us in this world giving out your name is dangerous, maybe that's why he got mad when you were calling the Sidhe's name. Maybe it's a summon." Jūgo deduced.

Yang and Orika looked at Jūgo in surprise. That actually made a lot of sense. They also didn't think Jūgo was all that smart.

"You all are incredibly stupid, of course names have power." Snape informed. "How else would Harry have been bound to the Goblet? His name was put in it, and if he hadn't have come here. His power would have been ripped from him." He added with a slight glare.

"I still wish I could destroy the fucking cup!" Hidane said bitterly.

"It would be really cool if I could use magic." Orika admitted randomly.

"You can't. You have to be born with it." Snape informed.

"Like a Bloodline limit?" She asked.

"…I have no idea what the hell that is." Snape said dryly.

"Well is there anyway…" Orika began, only for a black vortex to appear a few feet near them. Kabuto formed along with a girl. The girl had a white-ish blue Thigh-length dress, along with a pale blue bolero jacket over it. She also had white shoes and her hair pulled back in a pony-tail.

"Daronica?" Snape asked in confusion.

"Hello Uncle Severus." Daronica said curtly.

"What are you doing here? What is she doing here?" Snape demanded as he looked at Kabuto.

"She wanted…she begged to help." Kabuto informed, getting a glare from the witch.

"Why in God's name would you want to come here?!" Snape demanded.

"Because…" Daronica began. "I don't have to explain myself to you." She said defiantly.

"I promised your parents I would keep you safe." Snape informed angrily.

"Do I look like I care?!" Daronica replied.

"Oh, the wonders of teenage rebellion." Kabuto muttered to himself, before he felt several Chakra signatures approaching.

"You guys might want to wrap up your argument. We'll have company in a few seconds." Kabuto informed.

"Then you have enough time to get Daronica out of here." Snape voiced.

"I'm not leaving." Daronica replied.

Snape glared, before he pulled out his wand and aimed it at the witch. "Then I'll force you to leave. I don't have a problem with that." Snape said.

"They're here." Kabuto said with a smirk that was hidden behind his mask. He still had his hood covering the left side of his face, to hide the fact he had two Sharingan. The Nox members glanced at each other, before they stood by Kabuto's side and waited. A few seconds later eight Konoha Nin landed a few dozen feet from the Nox members.

The two groups looked at each other. Yang glared at Naruto, Daronica looked arrogantly at Sakura, Orika looked at Kakashi with a smirk, the Dumbledore clone looked at Guy blankly, Hidane looked at Tenten with a bloodthirsty smile, Severus looked at Neji with distain, and Jūgo looked at Rock Lee with narrowed eyes. While Kabuto's lone Mangekyō Sharingan looked at Sasuke, who was looking at Kabuto with his three tomoe'd Sharingan.

"My, now isn't this a surprise. Leaf verses Nightfall, such an interesting combo." Kabuto commented.

"Shut up, you pedo freak!" Naruto yelled.

"Don't use words you can't understand, Naruto-kun." Kabuto replied condescendingly.

"Shut up! Now give Yang-chan back!" Naruto demanded.

"…No…" Kabuto said dryly, as he looked at the blonde. "Please refresh my memory…did I take you?" He asked.

Yang smirked slightly. "…Well…" She began.

"Not like that you idiot." Kabuto added, seeing where she was going.

"Don't talk to Yang-chan like that!" Naruto ordered.

"Naruto…shut the fuck up." Yang said to the blond.

"Don't worry Yang-chan. I will save you from Kabuto-teme. You won't have to have his perversion of love. I'll love you. You won't be alone anymore. You'll have me, Sakura-chan, Sasuke-teme, Kakashi-sensei, Iruka-sense, and Tsunade-baachan. We'll all be a family, alright? You'll be forgiven of your crimes like Sasuke has. I'll protect you from everyone, even Kabuto-teme." Naruto spoke passionately.

All the members of Nox looked uncomfortable, mostly because of the sappy speech. Yang glared at Naruto, but before she could speak, Kabuto raised his hand stopping her and getting everyone's attention.

"Naruto Uzumaki…" Kabuto began. "What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent declaration were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought…Everyone here." Kabuto spoke as he motioned to the members of Nox. "Is now dumber for having listened to you." Kabuto informed, getting amused looks from most of the Nox members.

Naruto blushed in embarrassment before he glared at Kabuto, but before he could yell Sasuke stopped him. "Enough Naruto, this is what he wants." Sasuke spoke.

Kabuto looked at Sasuke. "Says the man who killed his older brother, I'm sure when you die. And you meet each other in the afterlife. You can explain to him your reasons on why you killed him." He taunted.

"Don't talk to Sasuke-kun like that. You Snake-like pervert!" Sakura yelled.

"How exactly am I a pervert?" Kabuto asked curiously. The longer these idiots talked the longer the Replicator blocks they stood on leeched their chakra, so it was all fine to him.

"You cloned Naruto and Orochimaru!" Sakura announced, getting a confused look from some of the Konoha Nin, wondering how exactly that made him a pervert.

"…And?" Kabuto asked.

"You made them females!" Sakura yelled.

"…And?" He asked again.

"You made them females to fulfil your sick desires!" Sakura announced as she pointed at Kabuto dramatically…again.

"…Were you dropped when you were a baby by any chance?" Kabuto asked curiously. "One, Yang is a female because of the way I cloned her…I used Karin's DNA to increase the possibility of Naruto's clone to get the Uzumaki bloodline limits. Since Karin's a female, splicing of the DNA resulted in Naruto's clone coming out as a girl…Two. Orika is a female mostly likely because Orochimaru took over several if not dozens other bodies. Several of which were female. Orochimaru's DNA was pretty unpredictable. The odds of both of them being female were pretty unique. That's it. I didn't do it to 'fulfil my sick desires' as you say. It was an anomaly that I am happy for." Kabuto explained evenly.

"Oh, Kabuto-kun, how wonderfully cliché." Orika commented, causing some of the Konoha Nin to look at her. Sasuke's eyes went wide, when he saw the female Orochimaru. Sasuke did not expect her to look so…hot. But then again Yang was attractive too, so he really shouldn't have been surprised.

"Now she's flirting with…!" Sakura began.

"Silencio." Daronica spoke as she jabbed her wand in Sakura's direction. "God, she was annoying." She said snobbishly. Sakura yelled but nothing came out.

"Finally some shut that banshee up." Snape muttered.

"Hey! Fix her right now!" Naruto demanded.

"Why? So you could get off at her annoying voice?" Kabuto asked curiously.

"Shut up!" Naruto said with narrowed eyes.

"But that isn't you…is it? It's Sasuke you have a thing for." Kabuto said.

"Shut up!" Naruto yelled as his eyes turned red.

"I wonder. Who's the catcher and who's the pitcher? Hmm, who's the dominate one and who's the submissive one?" Kabuto questioned.

"Shut up or I'll kick your ass!" Naruto threatened as the whisker marks on his face darkened.

"I think Sasuke's the dominate one. You are more submissive than anything. I'm curious, do you take him up the ass?" Snake Sage asked, only for Naruto to vanish and appear in front of Kabuto and slammed his Kyūbi chakra incased hand into his stomach. Before he was violently through across the area, while Naruto stood where once Kabuto stood.

Yang, Hidane and just about every Nightfall member glared at Naruto with the utmost hatred. "You…Monster!" Yang yelled as her eyes turned a blood red with black sclera, before she slammed her fist into Naruto's face, sending the teen flying. Yang glared at Naruto's tumbling form before she charged.

The Konoha Nin took that as the signal to attack and they split apart to fight the individual members of Nightfall.

Daronica glared at Sakura before she leveled her wand at the pinkette. "Everte Statum!" She announced. An orange light shot out of her wand and his Sakura in the chest sending her flying.

'Dumbledore' quickly flicked the Elder Wand in Guy's direction, launching a gigantic wave of fire at the Tai-jutsu master.

"Don't underestimate me!" Tenten announced as she launched dozens of projectiles at Hidane. All the blades impaled the priestess.

"Is that your catchphrase?" Hidane asked as she ignored the blades.

"Let's have a youthful fight!" Rock announced, only for Jūgo to grab onto his face. Lift him up and slam Rock lee into the ground. Before Jūgo's arm transformed, out of his elbow a Chakra jet formed. Jūgo used chakra jet to exert a large amount of pressure on the Chuunin.

"So you work for Kabuto?" Neji asked to Severus. "How can you work with such a deaerate person?" he questioned curiously.

"Hm, Levicorpus." Snape spoke as he aimed his wand the Jonin. In an instant a green light hit Neji's legs, before the Jonin was lift into the air upside down. "Don't talk about my nephew like that…Sectumsempra!" Snape announced as a white light flew at Neji.

Kakashi glared at Orika as he pulled up his head-band revealing his implanted Sharingan eye. "I'm not going to allow you to win!" He declared, as lightning encased his hand.

"Oh, I beg to differ." Orika replied as her yellow serpent eyes shifted, to blood red as three black tomoes circled around a black pupil in both of her eyes, surprising Kakashi.

Sasuke narrowed his three-tomoe'd Sharingan eyes as he sped towards Kabuto's location. 'I might not know where you put Itachi. But I do know you have a Mangekyō Sharingan. And I only need one to see and get the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!' Sasuke thought as he went to track down Kabuto.

While all the combatants were fighting a Red and black bird flew high in the sky, hidden in the rust colored clouds. Watching all the humans fighting, with happiness but focused more on Kabuto and Sasuke.