Daronica vs Sakura

A girl with blonde silver-ish hair and white clothing had a smirk, as she looked at a girl with pink hair and red clothing. Sakura slowly stood up and glared at Daronica. As she tried to shake the effects of the dueling spell off.

"Why are you fighting me?" Sakura asked.

"…Why? Because I can." Daronica replied uncaringly, aggravating the Med Nin.

"Why are you with Kabuto then? What has he done to you?!" Sakura demanded.

"You are one strange girl." Daronica muttered. "I bet you're jealous. Kabuto's taught me so much. Is that what you want, Muggle?" She asked with a smirk.

"Why would I want to learn anything from him?! When I can learn all I want from Tsunade-sama." Sakura said defiantly.

"A filthy Muggle learning from one of its own kind, it has a form of…poetry to it, don't you think?" Daronica taunted.

"What did you just call me? And Tsunade-Sama!?" Sakura demanded as tightened her fists.

"I called you nothing but filthy Muggels, why does it upset you?" Daronica taunted. "Are you going to cry?" She asked with a smirk.

"I can see why you work with that bastard. You are just like him, acting all cool, thinking your all perfect!" Sakura yelled.

"Oh, I know I'm not perfect." Daronica informed, getting a surprised look from the Med Nin. "Not yet anyways. But I do know I'm leagues better than you." She replied seriously.

Sakura glared at Daronica, before she charged while rearing her fist back. The Med Nin jumped into the air and prepared to slam her fist down on the Witch. "Shānnarō!" Sakura announced as she reached the mid-way place from where she stood and Daronica was standing.

Daronica leveled her wand at the air born Sakura. "Arresto Momentum" Daronica muttered with a wave of her wand. Sakura immediately felt herself slowing down. The witch looked at Sakura dryly, before she took a few steps to the side, and released the charm. In an instant Sakura plummeted into the ground and slammed her fist into the Replicator block ground.

The sound of clanging metal echoed as Sakura cradled her fist. "OWW! W-what?!" She announced, before she looked down at the ground, and saw the replicator blocks. "Oh, no." Sakura muttered. She remembered them when they confronted Kabuto on the Tenchi Bridge. They absorbed Chakra from their attacks…and from their bodies. "I have to warn the…" Sakura began.

"Confringo!" Daronica interrupted, before a flame-like projectile hit the Med Nin. When it exploded, the projectile sent Sakura flying.

Sakura coughed a few times as she slowly stood up, she glared at Daronica. "I need to warn the others, I can't get distracted." She muttered to herself, before she took off in a dead sprint.

"She ran…" Daronica muttered as she blinked a few times. "…She won't get away from me!" She announced as she leveled her wand at the Med Nin, and had her hand do a specific movement. "Locomotor Mortis!" Daronica announced, before a purple light fired from her wand and flew after pinkette.

Sakura's leg's locked up and stuck together as the leg-locker curse hit her. The Med Nin's still had momentum, so she fell face first into the Replicator Blocks. She tried to move her legs but stopped when she heard footsteps approaching.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk…you shouldn't have run like that. I do understand the need to run from the large predator. But that was pathetic, even for a filthy muggle." Daronica said with disappointment.

"I'll get out of whatever you did! And when I do I'm going to kick your ass, heal you, and then do it again!" Sakura declared.

"…Funny." Daronica commented as she watched Sakura try to break the leg-lock curse. She leveled her wand at the Nin, before she did another hand movement. "Petrificus Totalus!" Daronica spoke, before Sakura's body was completely paralyzed.

"Now that you have to stick around for a bit…I'm going to explain a little something. You know have a little heart to heart chat, if you will." Daronica said tauntingly as she knelt down to the trapped Nin.

"I am a…" Daronica started before she looked up in thought. "…A bully." She informed, as Sakura's eyes stared at her in confusion.

"Ever since Kabuto came back I've been spending most of my time with him." The witch informed, before she smirked and looked at the trapped Nin. "I've slacking on most of my 'duties' if you will. And I think you fit the bill to help me catch up." Daronica said quietly as her face was a few inches from the trapped Nin, before she stood back up looked down at Sakura.

Daronica put the tip of her wand on Sakura. "Levioso" She said, before she took a step back and lifted her wand up, causing Sakura to levitate too, When Sakura was in the air Daronica, leveled her wand at her. "Expulso!" She announced, before a blue light slammed into Sakura. A large explosion went off, launching the Med Nin far.

Daronica smirked as she walked over to the trapped Nin. "You know I saw how you ogled that one boy…Sasuke, is what I think you called him. If I hadn't had my heart set on someone else, I would consider him a looker." Daronica informed, before she looked down at a glaring Sakura. "You know what, I'll help you get him." She said darkly.

"I'm going to give you a…makeover, you and him will never forget." Daronica said, as she leveled her wand at the pinkette. "You know, Derik tried to use this jinx on me, and well. I will pay him back one day…Furnunculus!" Daronica spoke, as a black light shot from her wand and hit Sakura.

The Med Nin broke out in boils that covered her face entirely. "Now isn't that just positively revolting." Daronica taunted, before her eyes inspected Sakura, and she saw her hair. "Your hair looks soft, smooth, and unique. Is your hair really pink? That's really interesting. Let me fix that…Calvorio." Daronica said, before a red light hit Sakura's head. Slowly her pink hair began to slowly fall out.

"Ah, now isn't that beautiful?" Daronica asked, but Sakura couldn't move due to the paralyzation curse. "What was that? You want more. Okay, if you say so." She said with a shrug. 'I've never really gone this far…what do I do now?' Daronica mused to herself, before she remembered something that she repressed years ago.

"…Slugulus Eructo!" Daronica said angrily, as a green light hit Sakura, and then canceled the paralyzation spell. Sakura quickly shot up and tried to attack Daronica, before she stopped and gagged, only to spit out a few slugs. '…I am going to kill Ronald Weasiey.' Daronica declared. In her second year, when she insulted the mud-blood Herminie, Ron cast this exact spell on her. She had never been so humiliated before.

Daronica watched apathetically as the disfigured Nin throw up slugs before she got bored and canceled the spell, something Ron never did. "Stupefy!" Daronica announced, before Sakura collapsed unconscious. "Pitiful, muggle." She muttered, before she cast a binding spell and used a levitation spell to carry Sakura, as she walked towards Kabuto's location, but stopped for a second when the sky was illuminated by white lightning.

Dumbledore Clone vs Guy

"Please stand back. I can't fight one of the elderly. It would be un-youthful of me." Guy said seriously.

Dumbledore looked at Guy with narrowed eyes. "I may be on the older side, but a do know a thing or two." He commented, before he quickly thrust the elder wand in Guy's direction. Red lightning fired out of the wand and hit the Jonin point black in the chest, sending the Tai-jutsu master back.

'I have to finish this quick, before I can help Kabuto-sama.' The Dumbledore clone though.

'That ability is similar to Kabuto's from what I heard. I even saw him deflect the Meteor that Madara summoned. I cannot take this elder lightly.' Guy mused.

The Elder Wand gleaned a light blue as Dumbledore pointed his wand forward, causing a torrent of rushing water to be formed, before he sent it towards Tai-jutsu master. Guy jumped up and stood on top of the water and looked at wizard.

With a twist of his wand Dumbledore gained control of the water and held his hand up to assist him. Guy looked at Dumbledore in confusion before the water spring to life and encapsulated him in an orb of water. 'That water prison technique…but how?' Guy asked himself.

The Jonin tried to break out of the water prison, but the water seemed to move with him. 'I might have to resort to the Gates to get out of here.' Guy thought to himself.

Dumbledore moved his hand upwards along with the Elder Wand, moving the large orb of water with it, before the tip of the wand changed from light blue to white. The orb of water the trapped Gut began to get colder before the outer layer of water turned completely to ice.

Guy panicked and continued to try and break out of the water and ice prison. Dumbledore wordlessly had the orb of Ice levitate up high in the sky.

When the orb was high in the sky, sparks enclosed the tip of the Elder Wand. Dumbledore released the Orb, before he thrust the wand up, causing a large torrent of pure white lightning to fire into the sky. The lightning hit the orb of water and ice, disintegrating it with its intense heat, when nothing remained Dumbledore left.

Hidane vs Tenten

One by one Hidane pulled the blades. The ones Tenten threw, out of her body. "This is fun, isn't it? Always getting fucking impaled." Hidane asked sarcastically as glared at Tenten.

"You're immortal, why does it matter?" Tenten asked back.

"Immortal doesn't mean I can't feel a fucking thing, dumb shit!" Hidane yelled as she pulled the triple bladed scythe off her back.

Tenten glared at the priestess before she summoned her own weapons. She twirled a chained kusarigama, before she whipped it at Hidane. The scythe-like blade impaled Hidane, but she grabbed onto the chain and pulled Tenten closer. But the Chuunin let go instantly.

"Oh, come on! Are you goin to be a little pussy and just throw shit at me!?" Hidane demanded.

"That's all I need to do…" Tenten muttered to herself, before she pulled out a scroll.

"Oh boy…another scroll." Hidane said dryly. "I wonder in this one?" She asked sarcastically. "Could it be a…dead body, food…dildos?" She guessed.

Tenten channeled chakra into scroll and dozens of weapons flew towards Hidane. "Weapons, holy shit, I'm so surprised!" Hidane yelled in sarcasm.

The priestess stood there as dozens of blades impaled her. Hidane looked down and saw the blades had explosive tags on them. "…Oh shit." Hidane muttered before she was engulfed in an explosion.

"Servers her right." Tenten said with a smirk, before she notice a shadow enveloped her.

Tenten looked up and saw a bloodied Hidane in the air above her, before she quickly rolled out of the way, just as Hidane landed right where she stood. While also embedding the triple bladed scythe into the ground, the scythe broke through the Replicator construct, stirring the Replicator blocks from their hibernation.

Tenten reached for anther scroll, before she opened it up and launched dozens of large weapons. Weapons like Maces, Spears, Fūma Shuriken and Naginata flew towards the priestess.

Hidane tensed, ready for the pain. But her eyes widened in surprise when the ground formed a wall by itself.

A weird sound echoed off the area as dozens of Replicators formed out of the ground. Tenten took a step back and watched with wide eyes as spiders and beetles formed out of the ground and eat her weapons.

While Tenten was distracted, Hidane grabbed onto her scythe and spun it. In an instant Hidane whipped the scythe towards the Konoha Nin. The sound of whipping air grabbed Tenten's attention before she narrowly avoided the red blades.

Hidane grabbed onto the wire that tethered her scythe to her, before she twisted it. Tenten leaned back, just as the Triple bladed scythe passed over her nose. As the scythe flew back towards Hidane, Tenten stood back up and grabbed her large scroll.

"I'll finish you in one move." Tenten declared before she jumped up and used the large scroll as s ribbon as she spun around. After a few seconds of spinning Tenten launched hundreds of weapons at the Jashin priestess.

Tenten landed on the ground and smirked, before she felt…weird. The Konoha Nin felt something warn on her lips and chin. Tenten touched her chin and saw blood on her fingers, before she felt her lips, and then discovered the blood was coming from the tip of her nose. She then felt a swearing pain all over her body.

Tenten looked at Hidane to see she had black and white skin, giving her the appearance of a skeleton and she was standing in a circle with a triangle inside it. The Konoha Nin gargled as blood pooled out of her mouth.

"You were you right. You did finish this in one move." Hidane commented with a large smirk as Tenten collapsed. The priestess pulled all the weapons out of her body, before she went for her God.

Jūgo vs Rock Lee

Jūgo continued to try and crush Rock Lee with his piston fist. But the Chuunin was able to hold the piston back with pure strength. In an instant Rock Lee pushed the enhanced fist away from him, and sent a devastating kick to Jūgo's face, sending the teen flying back.

"ArrAGHH! HAHAHA!" Jūgo laughed as his skin turned dark and the sclera of his eyes turned black.

"Oh no." Rock Lee muttered, before he vanished in speed and appeared next to Jūgo, and sent a kick to the enraged teen.

Jūgo barely moved, before he grabbed onto Rock Lee's foot and slammed him into the ground. When Rock Lee twitched Jūgo lifted him up and slammed him into the ground again, before he started laughing and repeatedly slammed the Tai-jutsu master into the Replicator ground.

"I won't lose to such a un-youthful person…Hachimon(Egith Gates)…" Rock Lee began as he started to open the Gates.

"HmHMHMHEHEHAHAHAHA!" Jūgo laughed manically as jet boosters formed out of his back, dozens of Chakra Jets twisted and aimed at Rock Lee. "BYE-BYE!" He said gleefully before Rock Lee was engulfed in a large explosion of pure Chakra. The explosion was only out done by a large flash of white lighting that went off in the sky.

Severus vs Neji

The Dark cutting curse collided with Neji's chest, before his crimson blood was shown in stark contrast to his white clothing.

"You shouldn't have called my nephew a degenerate." Snape commented apathetically as he left Neji fall onto the cold metal ground.

Neji tried to move but the pain was unbearable. Snape watched as the Jonin tried to move, but to him it looked incredibly pitiful. "…Avada Kedavra…" Snape muttered as he killed the Jonin painlessly. He looked up at the sky as white lightning went off in the sky.

Orika vs Kakashi

Kakashi glared at Orika with his lone Sharingan eyes, while the Clone looked at him with two Sharingan eyes.

"How do you have the Sharingan!?" Kakashi demanded.

"Oh, you'll have to thank Kabuto-kun for that feat." Orika said with a smirk.

"Kabuto! How did he give you two Sharingan!? And how can you control them?" Kakashi questioned as he held his lightning encased hand.

"Is someone jealous?" Orika taunted.

"No! What you're doing is impossible!" Kakashi argued.

"Oh, but it's not." Orika replied. "Kabuto-kun is the reason I can do this. He did have Itachi was a research subject after all." She added, getting a wide eyed look from Kakashi.

"You have Itachi's Sharingan." Kakashi deduced.

"Possibly…" Orika said teasingly.

"Then you truly are Orochimaru's clone." Kakashi said with narrowed eyes.

"What are you going to do about it, Team Killing Kakashi?" Orika asked with a smirk, as Kakashi glared hatefully.

Kakashi charged at Orika with his Chidori encased hand. The Female Sannin, watched with amusement as Kakashi charged at her from her front. Orika thrust her hand at the Jonin, before several snakes launched out of her sleeves and entrapped Kakashi. When the Snakes bit the Jonin, he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Orika lurched forward as lightning encased hand burst out of her chest. "Chidori." Kakashi announced, before he slowly pulled the hand out. Kakashi waited for a few seconds, when Orika didn't move he pulled down his Sharingan head-band.

Kakashi turned around and walked away, only for a silver bladed sword to burst out of his chest. The Jonin coughed up blood as he felt himself be lifted up, before he was slowly turned around. Kakashi saw a large snake coming from around his back and it came from Orika.

Red lightning sparked off of hole in Orika's chest, causing the wound to seal up along with her clothes. Orika slowly stood up and faced Kakashi, revealing a snake coming out of her mouth. Kakashi gurgled on blood as the blade pulled itself out of his chest. The blade was pulled back into a Snake before it went back into Orika's mouth,

Kakashi collapsed, as Orika licked her lips. "I tip in the afterlife…when you kill a snake. Make sure you cut off its head." She taunted. 'That wouldn't have worked on me though.' Orika mused, before she glanced up as lighting lite the sky.

Yang vs Naruto

"Yang-chan, why are you fighting? Don't you want to go home?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Quit calling me 'Yang-chan' you idiot!" Yang demanded.

"But all I wanna do is help you, Yang-chan." Naruto insisted.

"You are really starting to piss me off." Yang informed with a glare.

"If you're angry even if you hate me, I'll still try and help you. Vent your anger out on me, I can take it." Naruto said solemnly.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Yang yelled angrily. "You shouldn't have to take it. No one has the right or the privilege to 'Take' someone's anger!" She argued.

"But I have to." Naruto replied.

"Bull-fucking-shit! You don't have to do anything." Yang said as a flame-like aura began to envelope her.

"It was Jiraiya-sensei's dream to bring peace to the world. And I'm his student, and it's my responsibility to make sure that happens." Naruto informed.

"That's fucking stupid! There can be no peace. As long as there're humans there will always be differences, fear, Hate! There will always be war as long as two humans exist." Yang said with a scowl.

"Then I'll take that hate!" Naruto shot back. "With me that cycle will end!" He announced.

"You can't take hate! What don't understand about that! Hate is an emotion, and you are a human! No Matter how 'Good' you are. All that un-adulterated emotion will corrupt the most of saints." Yang argued.

"I'm better that than Hate, I've lived with it and pushed through it." Naruto replied.

"You didn't 'push through it' you barely survived twelve years of the weakest hate directed at you. And do you know what happened?" Yang asked rhetorically. "I was made, dumbass." She added.

"I…" Naruto began.

"No, fuck you! You assumed that you were higher than everyone else because of me taking all your corruption!" Yang said lividly.

"I'm…" The blond started, only for Yang to smash her armor encased fist into his face, sending the Nin back. While Naruto was midair, Yang grabbed onto his ankle and pulled him back, only to slam her fist into his face again, sending him to the ground.

Before Naruto could move, Yang grabbed him by the throat with her right hand and lifted him up. Yang reared her left fist back, and punched Naruto in the chest, creating an orange flame-like explosion. "Argh!" Yang yelled as she continued to punch Naruto in the abdomen, creating dozens of explosions.

Yang tossed Naruto up, before she reared her left hand back and sent it to the Konoha Nin. But before her fist made contact with Naruto, it was stopped.

"What?" She asked confused, before she looked at Naruto's face and saw he had orange pigmented around his eyes. "Oh crap." She muttered, before his eyes snapped open, showing that his eyes were yellow and they had a toad-like look to it.

Naruto pushed Yang's fist back, before he sent a fist to her stomach. The force caused her to spit up blood, before Naruto sent a hit to her chest, sending her flying back. Yang slowly pushed herself back up. She had never been hit like that.

"Even if you don't want to be saved, I'll help you." Naruto declared, before he created a two shadow clones. One clone charged forward, while Naruto formed a Rasengan with his other clone.

More Flame-like chakra enveloped Yang as she called upon more Kyūbi chakra. A red aura enveloped Yang's body and took the shape of a fox, as she grew a pair of claws and her hair took on the appearance of pure fire.

Yang vanished and appeared behind the Sage Naruto clone, before she cut him in half with her claws. "Fūton: Rasenshuriken(Wind Release: Spiraling Sphere)!" Naruto announced, causing Yang to turn and see Naruto holding a wind infused Rasengan.

Yang quickly held her hand out, before a black sphere formed along with a few white rings that orbited that black sphere. "Rasenringu (Spiraling Fear Wheel)" Yang spoke, before she and Naruto threw their respective attacks.

The two attacks collided, creating a devastating explosion of pure chakra that was absorbed by the Replicators. Yang glared at Naruto, but a large shadow enveloped her. She noticed the Naruto she was looking at vanished in a puff of smoke. Yang looked up and saw a massive Rasengan heading towards her.

The Kyūbi chakra that was surrounding Yang lessened and moved towards her left hand. The concentrated chakra burned off her skin, created a black and red chakra shroud. Yang thrust her Version 2 chakra shroud hand up, in an instant a large black and red chakra arm shot forward and caught the massive Rasengan.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he tried to push the Rasengan forward, but his eyes widened when he felt his Rasengan slowing down. Yang scowled as she forced her chakra into the Rasengan and took control of it.

After taking control, Yang smashed the Rasengan into the ground with Naruto under it. "Hmhmhahaha!" Yang laughed when the Rasengan dispersed, revealing Naruto was embedded into the ground.

Yang walked over to the downed Naruto, with her arm still in the version 2 state. "Is this the extent of your power? Your Sage mode surprised me, but in the end, I am the better half." Yang spoke with a smirk.

"I will help…you…Yang-chan." Naruto forced out, only for the blonde to put her boot on his chest.

"How? I beat you in your Sage mode. Are you going to use 'Kyūbi's' chakra?" Yang questioned.

"Never! I promised myself I would never use the bastard fox's chakra!" Naruto announced.

"Hmph." Yang sounded with a scowl. "Such a hypocrite ." She spoke.

"How am I a hypocrite?!" Naruto demanded, forgetting the fact that Yang was standing on his chest.

"You say you wanted to end the world's hatred, that you would bring peace. Yet a creature that is hated by everyone escapes your bounds. Have you ever thought about how the Kyūbi felt in all this?" Yang asked.

"Who cares what it thinks! It attacked Konoha! And made me live the life I lived!" Naruto yelled.

"Such…a…Pathetic…Human." Yang commented as she forced her boot deeper into Naruto's chest. "You know when I was in the recesses of your mind…alone and neglected, before I met Kabuto. I only had one person to talk to. His name was Kurama. We would mostly talk about how stupid, idiotic, pathetic, annoying, un-thankful, disrespectful, and irritating you were. How much we wanted to kill you, how much we wanted to destroy Konoha…those were the good days." Yang said with a smirk.

"You talked to the Kyūbi?" Naruto asked fearfully.

"Hehe, oh yeah. And guess what?" She said happily.

"W-what?" Naruto questioned.

"Even if you tried to use Kurama's chakra against me, it wouldn't work." Yang said with a smile.

"Why?" Naruto asked.

"…Because Kurama…likes me, way more, than he likes you." Yang informed, using reverse psychology.

"We'll see about that!" Naruto yelled as his eyes turned blood red and a red chakra shroud enveloped him. Yang smirked as golden chains wrapped around Naruto's limbs and pinned him to the ground. Naruto growled as his Chakra shroud shifted into its three tailed state.

Yang just continued to smirk as Naruto entered the Version 2 Four-tail state, with her Chakra Chains absorbing the chakra, she was definitely going to get more than the Seven Tails of Kyūbi's Chakra. Naruto continued to lose more control as he entered the Six-tailed state, giving Yang more power.

'Just two more Tails Naruto, just reach your Eight-tailed state. That's all I need to break the seal.' Yang thought. The Blonde had to create dozens of Chakra Chains when Naruto began to grow when he entered the Seven Tailed State. Yang felt her chakra weaken, when Naruto's power began to overpower her own. Since her power originally overpowered Naruto's she was able to absorb most of it. But with Naruto going into his Seven Tailed State his power was slightly more powerful then hers.

Yang did a hand seal and formed a shadow clone. "Kabuto's going to be mad I did this, but I'll take the heat." Yang muttered, before her clone jumped back and went into a meditating stance. The Blonde focus back on Naruto and created a few more Chakra Chains, when the jinchūriki broke out of some of the chains.

Yang felt her body burn under the stress of the new Kyūbi Chakra entering her system and the stress of holding the Seven Tailed Naruto back. In an instant Naruto broke free of the Chains and slashed at Yang sending her flying back, before it dispelled her clone.

The Kyūbi Naruto hybrid, glared at Yang. The blonde stood up and glared back with her yellow toad-like eyes, before her eyes took on a cross-like shape when she began to use her Kyūbi chakra in unison with the Senjutsu.

Yang held her hand out as the Seven Tailed Naruto charged. A large Rasengan formed in her hand, but it didn't stop there. Three regular sized Rasengans formed around the larger one, and orbited the larger one. Yang narrowed her eyes, before she sped towards Naruto at incredibly high speeds, being enhanced by the Senjutsu and Kyūbi chakra.

The two collided, before the Seven Tailed Naruto was thrown back by a vortex-like wave, stunning the beast. Yang watched as the Seven Tailed Naruto crouched down and whimper as an eighth tail began to form.

Yang went through a hand-seal and formed another clone. While Yang held her hand out and formed a Rasengan, her clone put her hands over the orb of swirling Chakra. The Rasengan got increasingly bigger, until Yang held it above her head. She had to use both her hands along with her clone's help to weave Wind chakra into the Sphere.

Before Naruto could enter his Eight Tailed state, Yang threw that large wind infused Rasengan. "Fūton: Chōōdama Rasenshuriken(Wind Release: Ultra-Big Ball Spiralling Shuriken)!" Yang announced as the attack glided across the ground and collided with Naruto.

The jinchūriki was engulfed in a gigantic explosion of orange wind bladed chakra. The Seven-tailed Naruto yelled as he grew his eighth creating a shockwave dispersing the attack. But before it could move it was bound by hundreds of Chakra Chains.

The Kyūbi-ified Naruto thrashed, but glared forward when it saw a small figure looking up at him. "You ain't getting out of that one." Yang said as her Sage Mode deactivated, as she pointed around. The beast looked around and saw a few dozen clones all had Chakra Chains coming out of them, all bounding him.

Yang walked forward towards the Eight-tailed Naruto, and held her Version 2 chakra shrouded hand to beast's abdomen. The Eight-tailed Naruto roared, but the blonde was unaffected. "You'll be out soon enough." She muttered.

Yang dug her fingers into the center of the beast's stomach and used her free hand to go through a set of Hand-seals. "Hakke no Fūin Shiki(Eight Trigrams Sealing Style)!" Yang announced, before the beast growled louder. "…Release." She finished.

Yang flatted her palm on the beast's stomach and pressed it hard. "Shiki Fūjin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal)!" The Blonde voiced. "…Release." Yang finished, before she jumped back, before a titanic explosion of pure red chakra exploded from Naruto's form.

A Large orange fox towered over Yang as it looked at her with blood red eyes. "…Yami?" The Fox asked in confusion.

"Yep!" Yang said cheerfully.

"…Why the Hell are you a chick?" Kurama asked incredulously.

"That…that's a long story. But, I got you out." Yang informed with a sigh.

"So you freed me...now what?" Kurama questioned.

Yang looked from the giant fox, then to the surrounding area. "Well I'm sure I can convince Kabuto allow you to live here. I mean, look around. It's isolated from almost every human out there. Only Kabuto can access this place and the only things that live here are docile Mechanical blocks that form into other things." Yang spoke aimlessly. "I'm sure you can have your peace here." She added as she looked at the Giant Fox.

"Hmm…that actually doesn't sound that bad." Kurama muttered as he laid down on the metal ground.

"And…I was wondering." Yang said nervously.

"…What?" Kurama asked with annoyance.

"Weellll, can I make a contract with you?" Yang asked excitedly, causing the giant fox's eyes to narrow.

"…Why?" Kurama questioned.

"You're the strongest of the Tailed Beasts. If I ever fight something so powerful that I can't even harm it, I'd want the best of the best…fighting with me." Yang said with a smirk reminiscent to her teacher's. "And as I hear, you're the cream of the crop." She added, appealing to the Fox's ego.

"Hm, what you say is true." Kurama muttered. "…But the last time I was summoned I rampaged a Village and was sealed…There's not much of a good track record there." He added.

"I'm very good with seals. I mean, come on. I broke you out of the Seal that held you in the pipsqueak." Yang informed.

"True…" Kurama said with a loud sigh that caused Yang's hair to move. "How about this, get my other half, my Yin half and I'll make a contract with you." The Fox bargained.

"Alright, where is it?" Yang asked.

"It's sealed in the blonde dude." Kurama informed.

"Yeah…that's not really much to go on." Yang replied.

"It's in the blonde dude who sealed me, idiot!" Kurama announced.

"Geez, you don't have to be so butt hurt over it." Yang muttered to herself, before she looked back to the Giant Fox to see it was sleeping. "That was quick." She added, before she walked over to Naruto.

Yang scowled when she saw he was dead. "I am sorry, but there can be only one." She said, before she walked in Kabuto's direction.

Kabuto vs Sasuke

Kabuto looked at Sasuke with his lone Mangekyō Sharingan eye. "So you came all this way to personally fight me. I take that as a compliment." Kabuto commented.

"Don't think so highly of yourself, I came to get your Sharingan eye." Sasuke informed.

"Oh?" Kabuto said as he tiled his head curiously. "Hmhmhm…so your eyes have gotten that bad." He said with a nod, getting a surprised look from Sasuke.

"Why are you so surprised? I told you I learned all the secrets of the Sharingan form Itachi's body." Kabuto informed which was half true. Since he read the 'Naruto' Manga, he knew every, possible ability Sasuke has and will come up with. It was interesting how Sasuke planned to fight him, without Itachi which was how Sasuke would have originally fought him.

"You snake bastard, what you did to Itachi was unforgivable!" Sasuke yelled.

"Hmmm, yes." Kabuto said. "Give in to your hate." He spoke eerily.

"Shut up!" Sasuke said as he brandished his sword.

"Yes, the hate is swelling inside you. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant." Kabuto said, quoting the Emperor from Star Wars, mostly to mess with Sasuke.

"W-what?" Sasuke said confused.

"Weren't you going to get retribution for your brother? Come on then, attack. I might not fight back." Kabuto taunted.

"You want to fight then, I give you a fight!" Sasuke yelled as he went through several hand-seals that Kabuto recognized. 'I see…so you're the one who did it.' The Snake Sage mused.

"Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei (Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation)" Sasuke announced, before a signal coffin formed.

"So you're the one who summoned all those Uchiha during the War…that's pretty arrogant." Kabuto spoke.

"Hn, it's only natural I summon the strongest." Sasuke replied, before the coffin opened up, revealing Itachi Uchiha.

"So you summoned Itachi, huh. I am not falling for that Izanami crap." Kabuto muttered, as he took a few steps back and watched as the two Uchiha talk. Kabuto knelt down and allowed his two Basilisks to loom over his shoulders.

§Watch them. Tell me when they decide to attack.§ Kabuto said to the two powerful snakes, before he pulled his hood more over his face. "Kumo, have the surrounding blocks change the terrain when we fight. I do now want them to get used to one fighting ground." Kabuto said to the Replicator on his forearm.

While the two Uchiha talked, Kabuto held his hand over the Replicator ground. The ground opened up as a brown hilt with a small skull at the base of it came out. Kabuto grabbed onto the handle and pulled the sword out of the ground revealing it was completely cover in bandages. After putting the sword on his back, Kabuto held both his hands over the ground. A staff and a bone white stick came out of the ground, the staff was entirely covered in different sigils and the bone white stick was covered in Fuinjutsu markings.

Kabuto held his Staff foci in his left hand and his bone wand foci in his right hand. The Snake Sage's lone Sharingan noticed the two Uchiha approaching him. "So It seems the estrange brothers have finally come to gang up on me. Hmm, I find it unfair that you're the only one who has family fighting for him…Sasuke." Kabuto commented as he leaned forward, as he flicked his bone Foci up his sleeve freeing his hand.

"If you get to summon a member of your family I should do the same!" Kabuto announced as he went through several Hand-seals. "Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei (Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation)" Kabuto spoke as a single coffin rose a foot to at his side.

Sasuke and Itachi watched the coffin with a critical eye. The coffin opened up revealing a man with pitch black hair that was pulled back and reached his neck. He had a mustache and a goatee, and had dark green eyes. The man had a long black robe-like outfit and had a locket around his neck.

"While he is more of a…ancestor, than a relative, I'm sure he counts." Kabuto commented. "Uchiha brothers, meet my ancestor. Salazar Slytherin." Kabuto spoke as the man's eyes snapped to the Snake Sage's form.

"Who in the bloody hell are you?" the man asked.

"…Your incarnate." Kabuto replied dryly, getting a wide eyed look from the man.

"Seriously, you went to that world and everything?" Salazar questioned.

"Yeah." Kabuto responded, getting smirk from the wizard. Before Salazar noticed the two Snakes looming over Kabuto's shoulders.

"Seraph, Viliangia, you two got smaller." Salazar commented with a condescending smirk. The two basilisks hissed threateningly at him. "Oh, gotten yourselves a bit of a back bone now, have you." He said uncaringly, before he faced Kabuto, who was keeping his eye on the Uchiha.

"Let's have a reunion later. We have a fight to dish out." Kabuto informed, causing Salazar to look at the two Uchiha.

"Huh, what the hell is wrong with your eyes?" Salazar asked as he looked at the two Uchiha's Sharingan.

"They're the Sharingan." Sasuke proudly proclaimed, getting an annoyed look from Itachi.

"No that's not it…" Salazar trailed off. "Your 'Sharingan' are incomplete. There was only one person that I've seen with that eye, and it had a ripple-like look to it with nine of tomoe…" He informed.

"The Ten-tails." Sasuke muttered, but everyone heard.

"No, no…it was a human. Actually it was my hot priestess." Salazar said with a smirk as he looked off. "Damn was she a looker, excluding the whole 'horns' she had. It gave her a more exotic look in my opinion." He informed.

"Wait…" Kabuto said with narrowed eyes. "…This woman, was she named…Kaguya?" He asked slowly.

"Oh, yeah. Mmm, she was my favorite priestesses I had, so devoted to me. Such a shame I had to return to England, I liked her. But Jashin said. I couldn't take Kaguya with me for some reason." Salazar said with a sigh. "Whatever happened to her?" He asked.

"She went insane and had her children have to seal her in the moon." Kabuto said dryly.

"I definitely dodged the bullet on that one." Salazar muttered, and in an instant he and Kabuto leveled their respective wands at the Uchiha. A pitch black light hit Itachi, sending the reanimated Nin flying back, with most of his body being disintegrated.

"Sectumsempra!" Kabuto said harshly as he slashed his bone foci at Sasuke. A white light flew towards Sasuke, but the Nin evaded it.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu(Fire Release: Great Fire Ball)" Sasuke announced as he exhaled a large fireball.

The fireball flew towards Kabuto, but he flicked his wand at it causing it to shrink. Kabuto reached forward and grabbed the fire ball before he held it to his mouth and exhaled, not that anyone knew because of his mask. The small fireball shifted into a giant snake made out of flames, as Kabuto silently cast the Fiendfyre curse.

The Dark fire launched itself towards Sasuke, but the Uchiha's three tomoe'd eye shifted to an atom-like symbol.

"Amaterasu!" Sasuke spoke as black flames shot out of his left eye. The black fire collided with the cursed fire. The Black fire out burned the Dark fire and headed towards Kabuto.

Kabuto stood there, before he was lifted into the sky, when the ground under him formed a pillar of Replicator blocks. The Snake Sage looked down, before the Transmutation circle on his glove glowed slightly. Kabuto waved the bone foci before the entire area Sasuke stood was ignited. With Kabuto Transmutating the oxygen to a flammable state, he silently cast an Incendio charm.

Salazar watched as Itachi regenerate from his attack. Itachi's eyes shifted into their Mangekyō state. The Uchiha Nin went through several hand-seals. "Katon: Hōsenka Tsumabeni (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson)" Itachi announced as he launched a volley of Shuriken that were enveloped in Fire balls.

The fire balls with Shuriken inside them flew towards Salazar, who slashed his wand. The fire balls turned blue as they orbited around the wizard. Itachi narrowed his eyes, before one-by-one the fire balls launched themselves at him, forcing him to dodge.

An orange flame-like ribcage formed around Itachi as took the last fireball. Itachi focused on Salazar, before the ribcage formed into a full skeleton. A bone hand reached for Salazar, but the wizard jabbed his wand at Itachi. A black, smoke-like projectile flew and hit Itachi in the chest.

Itachi was thrown out of his Susanoo, before he was violently slammed into one of the replicator pillar. 'I need to make sure he can't regenerate.' Salazar mused, before he aimed his wand up into the sky, causing Itachi to up into the rust colored sky.

Salazar thrust his wand up at the sky, launching pitch black lighting at the air born Uchiha. Itachi activated his Susanoo into its final sate. But the Black lighting passed through it and hit the Uchiha. The reanimated Nin was disintegrated, into microscopic pieces. "There, regenerate from that." Salazar said with a smirk.

Kabuto watched as the fire he set die out, but narrowed his eyes when he saw Sasuke was surrounded by a light blue skeleton. "Tsk, Susanoo." Kabuto muttered, while he himself had that ability, he was not very good at it. 'Maybe it's compensation?' Kabuto mused. Whenever he used Kumai there was little to no fatigue, so maybe the pain and fatigue he got when he used Susanoo was just a form of compensation.

"Let's see what you can do." Kabuto muttered. He wanted to see what Mangekyō abilities Sasuke's sharingan had. And if they were worth trying to splice with his Mangekyō, since his Mangekyō had more defensive abilities, he wanted to gain an Eternal Mangekyō with an offensive based Mangekyō to even itself out.

Sasuke's Susanoo formed a large bow and formed an arrow of black fire. The Susanoo fired the Black fire bow, but it harmlessly passed through Kabuto. "Hmm…" the Snake Sage sounded, as he knelt down. Allowing his two basilisks slithered out from under his cloak and went underground when the metal blocks opened.

'So not only does he have the flames of Amaterasu, he also has a better manipulation of it…far better than Itachi's Sharingan that's for sure.' Kabuto mused, before he pointed his Staff foci at Sasuke, the sigils on the staff gleaned a silver-ish white. "Repellere(Repel)" Kabuto spoke as he forced his will into the attack.

Sasuke felt a tremendous force hit him, before he was sent flying out of his Susanoo defense. Kabuto panted after he used that attack. 'What the…what the hell?' The Sage thought to himself as he felt sweat coming onto his face. 'Is using True Magic that tiring? It feels like I've formed a dozen Justus.' Kabuto thought. 'I guess that's why it takes decades to master True Magic…or at least become proficient in it.' He thought cynically. 'And I guess that's why they're so strong.' He added, before he looked to Sasuke.

Sasuke's eyes released tears of blood as he glared at Kabuto, before a torrent of black flames flew towards the Sage. Kabuto combusted into Black smoke and flew around the black fire. "Come on, Itachi would be disappointed!" Kabuto announced as he re-formed from the black smoke.

"Shut up! You don't know a thing about my brother!" Sasuke yelled.

"Oh, but I do. You did give me his body as research after all." Kabuto informed. "I mean, come on. You thought I wouldn't have a way to track you after you killed Orochimaru. What about that team you were going to form?" Kabuto asked with an eye smile.

Sasuke's eyes slowly got wider. "Y-you erased my memory!" He snapped, when he remembered his plan to recruit Suigetsu, Karina and Jūgo.

"More like…over written really." Kabuto replied uncaringly, before he turned to black smoke and flew, just as Black flames collided with the area he was at. "Now, now Sasuke-kun, if you keep doing that, you'll go blind." He commented as he materialized again.

"It doesn't matter, once I kill you I will get the Sharingan that you stole!" Sasuke voiced as he glared at Kabuto.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Sasuke-kun…when are you going to realize, there is no stealing in the Ninja world. There's only taking what's yours, and destroying what isn't." Kabuto said condescendingly.

"Even if I somehow die, I'll make sure my Sharingan is un-usable." Sasuke spoke with a slight smirk.

"Hmhmh…I don't need your eyes Sasuke-kun, I just need your DNA." Kabuto said before he his body turned to black smoke and it rushed at the Uchiha. 'There are so many things I can do with your DNA Sasuke. I can do what I did with Naruto and Transmutate your blood into your eyes, clone you then take its eyes…but I do want the originals.' Kabuto mused as he collided with Sasuke.

The black smoke when through Sasuke, but before could react he felt a hand on his shoulder. Sasuke turned around and saw Kabuto right behind him. The Uchiha's hand was encased in lighting, before he tried to stab at Kabuto.

The lighting encased hand passed through Kabuto, but the Snake Sage caught the fist as soon as it passed through him, grabbing him by the wrist. "Now Sasuke, that was just pitiful." Kabuto said dryly.

"It would be…Chidori Nagashi(One Thousand Birds Current)" Sasuke spoke as lighting discharged from every point of his body. Kabuto froze as lighting entered his nerves system. Sasuke reached for his back and un-sheathed his katana.

Sasuke slashed his Sword at the paralyzed but froze when he felt a tremendous amount of killing intent. He slowly looked down and saw two large snakes coiling around his body.

"Owww!" Kabuto voiced as he began to move again. 'Thank God I put Samehada on my back, if it wasn't there the lightning Chakra would have lasted longer in my system.' He mused, before he focused on trapped Uchiha, who had two Basilisks coiling around his body and hitting him with a high amount of killing intent.

"Now that you're all good and trapped, it's time for the best part." Kabuto said, before he blinked. '…That sounded creepier than I intended.' He thought as he put his bone foci to Sasuke's temple. "Let's see how you got here." Kabuto said with narrowed eyes. "Legilimens." He muttered, before Sasuke gritted his teeth.

Kabuto tore through Sasuke's mind viewing every good and bad memory he had, before he found what he was looking for. "Really…that's it." He muttered. It was really…boring…on how the Konoha Nin got here. "All they did was capture a Suna Jonin. Torture him. Implant a dead switch seal into his heart and had him infiltrate Suna. Break into Gaia's house where the Dimensional Gate was. The Jonin copied it down before he gave it to the Konoha Nin…" He said with a sigh. "I guess I'll have to go back to Konoha and destroy it, I really don't want more of these pests to follow me." Kabuto said with annoyance.

"Avada Kedavra!" Kabuto spoke as he aimed his wand at Sasuke. The killing curse collided with Sasuke, before the Basilisks uncoiled from the Uchiha, allowing him to fall lifelessly to the ground. "In the end my bloodline out did yours, Sasuke." Kabuto said holding some remorse, before he reached up and pulled his mask off along with pulling his hood down.

The Snake Sage looked at Sasuke with his Pinwheel-like Sharingan, before he knelt down to the Uchiha. Kabuto opened Sasuke's eye lid and saw dull black eyes, before he put his fingers to the Uchiha's temples and channeled Chakra, turning the dull black eyes to their three tomoe'd state. 'Perfect.' Kabuto mused as he smirked.

"Take his corpse to the closest structure and prepare it. I'll be there shortly for the procedure." Kabuto said to nothing, but several large bugs formed out of the ground under Sasuke, and began to follow their order.

'I'll need to create a stable clone for my procedure. I can't just transplant my current eyes with Sasuke's. Since I'm not an Uchiha and I didn't awaken the Mangekyō, I would just be switching my current eyes with Sasuke's almost used up eyes.' Kabuto thought to himself. 'I'll have to splice some of Obito's DNA into my ocular nerves, before I try to transplant Sasuke's eyes into me. With Obito's DNA in my eye sockets, it'll 'trick' Sasuke's Mangekyō into awakening its Eternal State, believing I'm an Uchiha that has awakened the Mangekyō.' Kabuto planned. 'While in actuality the DNA from Obito's Mangekyō and the Sasuke's Mangekyō will merge creating the Eternal Mangekyō.'

'And if it doesn't work I'll just Transmutate the Two Sharingans together.' Kabuto thought with a shrug, before he met up with Salazar.

"So you're my incarnate…eh, I could've be worse." Salazar muttered, getting a glare from the Sage.

"Dude, you're a dick." Kabuto said with a scowl. 'I like your portraits much better.' He thought.

"You brought me back from the dead. I get to be a bit snarky." Salazar replied, before he disintegrated into nothingness, as Kabuto stopped the reanimation technique. Kabuto took the Samehada off his back, before the ground opened up, allowing him to put it in the ground. The Snake Sage looked at his Staff foci, before he scowled. "I should really work on the true magic." He muttered, before he dropped the staff, allowing the ground to enclose it.

Kabuto walked a few metered away from his 'Battle field' and saw he had an audience.

"…That was pretty awesome!" Yang announced.

"Um…thanks." Kabuto said unsurely, before he walked over to the other members of Nox.

"D-did you really kill him?" Daronica asked slightly nervous, getting the Snake Sage's attention.

'Why is she…oh, she's like fifteen.' Kabuto mused. "Yes, he was insane and was bent on killing me to take my eyes." He replied. "Don't worry he deserved." He added.

"But aren't we supposed to be better?" Daronica asked, even if she was on the darker side she didn't like the idea of killing someone.

"That's good." Kabuto said with a nod. "No normal human being wakes up one morning and decides they're fine with killing. I was born and trained into it, so are most of the people here. And about us being better the better person. We are much better than people like him are. We didn't go out of our way to kill our family member just to sate a needless emotion. We don't enjoy the idea of killing…it's just…something that has to be done." Kabuto spoke seriously, leaving out the opinions of Hidane.

"I…I see." Daronica muttered, getting a look from Snape.

"No one's forcing you to be here." Kabuto informed. "If you aren't comfortable, you can leave if you want." He stated.

"N-no, you don't…I mean, I don't." Daronica said. "What I'm trying to say is. I understand what you're trying to say, Kabuto." The witch informed.

"Good, let's get out of here." Kabuto said.

"Wait!" Daronica announced, getting everyone's attention. "What do I do with her?" She asked as she pointed to something.

"Ew! What the hell is that?!" Yang yelled when she saw a disfigured…thing.

"Oh, Jashin-sama, shield your eyes!" Hidane said she blocked his view.

"What a revolting thing." Snape commented, while Jūgo looked uncomfortable.

"I saw we just kill it." Orika added, before Kabuto moved around Hidane and saw what they were talking about, and almost threw up.

"W-what the hell is that?" Kabuto asked barely keeping his breakfast.

"That was the pink haired girl I fought." Daronica informed.

"Hm…Hmhm…Heheheh…Hahahah!" Kabuto and Yang sounded as they laughed their asses off.

"Really…" Yang began.

"That's Sakura?" Kabuto finished still smirking, as he looked at the disfigured thing. "What'd you do?" He asked as he looked at the witch.

"Nothing, I just brought out her…inner beauty." Daronica said with an arrogant tone.

"Hehe, I'd say. You and I are going to be good friends." Yang commented.

"What are we going to do with her though?" Daronica asked, as she motioned to Sakura. Kabuto looked into the Med Nin's eyes, as his Mangekyō Sharingan started to spin, before Sakura's eyes changed to the look like a Sharingan.

"I don't care." Kabuto replied, as he looked away from the trapped Nin. "Throw her in the ocean or into space for all I care. You could even free her, though I don't think she'll get very far." He added with a wave of his hand, as his eyes turned a dark green.

"Um, Kabuto I need to ask for a favor." Yang said, getting the Sage's attention, the two stared for a few seconds.

"…I'm waiting." Kabuto said dryly.

"Oh, sorry." Yang said sheepishly. "I need to go to Konoha." She informed, getting looks from Orika, Hidane and Jūgo.

"And you want to go to Konoha, why?" Kabuto asked.

"When I fought Naruto…" Yang began.

"He didn't get you with one of his speeches, did he?" Kabuto questioned with a sigh.

"What, oh God no! I killed the blond." Yang replied. "No, no, something happened after it…I freed the Kyūbi." She informed.

"You what!?" Kabuto demanded.

"Why would you free The Kyūbi?" Orika asked.

"Even I wouldn't go up against that thing." Hidane commented.

"Shut up and let me finish!" Yang spoke, quieting the Nin. "I talked to the Kyūbi…" She said, before she looked at everyone, waiting for another outburst. "And we made a…deal." Yang informed, before she stopped again.

"What was the deal?" Kabuto asked dryly, when she stopped talking.

"I was waiting for someone to yell. Anyway, Kyūbi said that if I help him get his other half, he will allow me to summon him." Yang said seriously.

"Hmm, I see. That gives us another reason to go to Konoha." Kabuto muttered.

"We have to find Minato…" Yang began.

"Minato Namikaze's body to free the Yin half of Kyūbi, yes I know." Kabuto replied.

"H-how did you know that?" Yang asked in surprise.

"…I'm just that good." Kabuto said dryly, if she didn't remember the fact that he could read about the Nin-verse than he wouldn't point it out. "Anyway, let's get going I have something's I'm going to do before we even think about heading to Konoha." He said, before he faced Snape. "Do you want me to send you back to your office?" Kabuto questioned.

"I really don't care." Snape replied, before Kabuto grabbed onto his shoulder. In a few seconds the Potions master vanished in a vortex. The Snake Sage then transported the Dumbledore clone too.

"Well I'm going to see Fleur off. Do you guys still want to accompany me?" Kabuto questioned.

"Meh." Yang sounded.

"You don't have to come. If you want I can send you back to the Grimmauld Place, and play those video games that I bought you." Kabuto said.

"Really?" Yang asked excitedly.

"…Yeah." Kabuto replied.

"Yes, Halo here I come." Yang muttered, before she vanished in a vortex.

When she was gone, Kabuto looked at Orika, Jūgo, Hidane and Daronica. "Are you guys coming, or do you want to go home?" He asked.

"I will always be by your side Jashin-sama." Hidane voiced passionately.

"I really don't care." Orika commented.

"You already know my answer." Jūgo informed.

"I still have to take you to my home, so you can see my father." Daronica said curtly.

"Hm…" Kabuto sounded. 'I'll see Fleur off, and then I'll go see Lucius to see what he wants. After that I'll splice my eyes with Sasuke's, after I'm ready, then I'll go to Konoha.' The Sage thought with narrowed eyes, before he transported the four out of his Kamui dimension.

Kabuto glanced to his side when he heard a small explosion, before he took a step back. A few feet in front of him was a red and black colored bird. "…Fawkes." He said with narrowed Mangekyō eyes.

'Harry Potter or should I call you Kabuto Yakushi, or maybe The One Who Has Traveled Past the Outside.' An androgynous voice answered.

"The outside?" Kabuto asked.

'And here I thought you knew everything.' Fawkes said with a condescending tone.

"What's the Outside?" Kabuto questioned.

'Oh you want something, what are you willing to give for it?' The voice asked, getting a 'Tsk' from the Sage.

"What do you want and what are you doing here?" Kabuto questioned, no one was able to enter in his dimension. But it did make sense that Sidhe could, since they are from their own dimension and could easily manipulate it.

'My Master thinks…highly of you.' The Phoenix informed. 'After I was freed, I was supposed to observe you. And when the time was right, confront you.' The voice answered.

"Confront me, for what?" Kabuto questioned.

'To be our avatar.' The phoenix replied.

"Avatar for summer…You mean the Summer Knight?" Kabuto asked incredulously, if the descriptions were anything to go by The Winter Sidhe seemed to be more of a fitting side for him.

'You think I'm talking about the Summer Queens, no. I don't work for them…I work for someone equal to them in power.' The Sidhe said. 'I work for the Primal spirit of violence, Bloodlust, And the Hunt…I work for Lord Herne, or you might know him as…The Erlking.' The Sidhe said into Kabuto's mind.