Kabuto looked at the Sidhe with wide eyes. "'He' wants me to be the Champion Primal of killing?" He asked unsure, making sure not to say The Erlking's name.

'Of course.' Fawkes replied.

"…Um, no thanks." Kabuto said making a disgusted face.

'W-what?' The Sidhe responded in surprise.

"I heard how the mantle is passed." The Snake Sage said. "Through sex…I'm not having sex with a dude…no matter how much power I get." Kabuto informed seriously. He was no homophobe by any means, and he really didn't give a shit regarding sexuality. But he looked himself up while he was here…and well he was annoyed that everyone assumed he was gay…or a pedophile…or a Rapist…or all three. 'Honestly, what the fuck did I do to piss people off?' Kabuto thought to himself.

The phoenix looked at Kabuto like he was an idiot. 'That's not how the mantle is passed down from the Fae Kings you idiot.' Fawkes informed.

"Oh thank God…" Kabuto muttered.

'You have to drink a goblet of His blood.' The Sidhe informed.

"…That's ah…that's a bit morbid…don't you think?" the Snake Sage asked. Even to him that was a bit weird.

'Eh.' The Phoenix replied with what could be considered a shrug.

"So I'll be the Kings' bitch, essentially?" Kabuto asked bluntly. He knew the Winter and Summer knights were bitches to the Faerie Courts. The Sidhe Knight is a mortal and a champion of either of the Sidhe Courts, Summer and the Winter. They were basically their Hitmen, and if the Knight directly went against their court, their Mantle would be stripped.

'…I wouldn't know…' Fawkes replied evenly.

"Why is the 'big man' so interested in me?" Kabuto questioned seriously, as he reached up and pulled his hood back and tossed his mask aimlessly.

The Sidhe glanced to its side, before it focused on the young man. 'As it is in the Nevernever, it will be here…Are the Erlking's words. You embody everything about him. Why wouldn't he want you as his Champion…What better person to represent you, than yourself?' The Sidhe spoke.

"I'm nothing like him, I am my own person!" Kabuto snapped. He didn't want to be associated with someone. Especially sense he finally escaped Orochimaru's, Voldemorts and Dumbledore's Shadow. He was finally his own person.

'Don't mistake our intent…' Fawkes said, as it landed on Kabuto's shoulder. 'We are not your enemy.' It informed. 'Like it or not, but you are exactly like the Erlking. Just as you are neutral from Good and Evil. His majesty is Neutral from Summer and The Winter.' The Sidhe stated. 'You both are wild forces, not forces of Evil. But, something that simply is. You both crave to kill those that oppose you, have a hunger to become strong, a bloodlust that is only rivaled by each other's…You are both devious, cunning, strong…deadly…Do not mistake our intent, Kabuto Yakushi, Harry Potter…He Who Has Traveled Past The Outside.' The Phoenix said seriously. '…This is not an order, this is not a necessity…this is an offer no one has ever been offered before...But, know this…His Majesty does not like being denied.' The Sidhe said, before it flew off of Kabuto's shoulder and landed on the Replicator block ground.

Kabuto actually looked surprised, while the offer was shady. It was essentially an offer a life time. "…Can I have some time to think about it?" He asked.

'Hmhmhm…All the time you need.' Fawkes replied, before it vanished in an explosion of fire.

Kabuto stood by himself as he looked off in thought. He was knocked out of his thoughts, when he heard metal clicking on metal. Kabuto looked down to see a tiny Spider Replicator at his feet. The Snake Sage knelt down and allowed the Replicator to climb up.

"What's wrong?" Kabuto asked. He was glad for the distraction.

The Spider Replicator flapped its wings, before it made a high-pitched sound.

"You're getting information from 'the Link'? What's the supposed to mean?" He questioned, before the Replicator flapped its wings again. "…You're getting information from the others..." Kabuto muttered, before his eyes went wide. "The others! The ones I sent to the other world!" He announced.

The Replicator flapped its wings again, before it jumped off of Kabuto's shoulder. "What does that even mean?" He asked as he followed the obviously excited spider, before it flapped its wings again and made a series of clinking sounds. "Saying 'Goa'uld' over and over again doesn't help Me." the Snake Sage replied dryly, as the Replicator lead him.

Kabuto arrived at a site that surprised the hell out of him. In front of him was something being constructed by the Replicators. It was about thirty five meters long, and fifteen meters high. It had a weird pyramid-shaped design, with two large wings extending from the base. Under it, it had what looked like two cannons mounted on a pivot.

"…What in the world?" Kabuto muttered, only for the Replicator to make a series of clicking sounds. "An…Al'kesh?" He said unsure. "Why in the bloody hell is it called that?" He asked, only for the Replicator to flap its wings. "You don't know, huh. Can you tell out buddies in the other universe 'Thanks for the Present'" Kabuto instructed, before he looked at the ship that was being quickly constructed by the Replicators.

Unknown to Kabuto a few kilometers away the Replicators were constructing several other vessels. Vassals their counterparts had either 'confiscated' or found. Some being the Older Goa'uld Ha'tak motherships, but enhanced with some of the technology they found in their Galaxy. And a giant Ship, something larger than the Ha'tak. A Ha'tak mothership that was originally built by a System Lord named Sokar, but was seized by another System lord Apophis, and then subsequently subjugated by the Replicators.

Kabuto looked at the Al'kesh, before down to the tine Replicator Spider. "Good work." He said, as he affectionately pet the robot. The Snake Sage's eyes turned blood red, with a pinwheel design, before he vanished in a vortex.

When the Snake Sage was gone, the tiny Replicator joined in on the construction of the Goa'uld Bomber/Transport ship.

A black vortex formed in a large hallway, before Kabuto formed. The Snake Sage glanced around and noticed Orika was leaning against a wall, with her arms crossed and a scowl on her pale face. Hidane was checking her triple scythe. Jūgo was looked out one of the large windows of the hallway. And Daronica was impatiently tapping her foot.

"Uck, finally." Daronica said with a scoff.

"My humblest apologizes, you're highness." Kabuto said dryly. "But, bookish types like me need to compose themselves if they're to talk to someone so socially high." He added coolly, as he pushed his glassed up.

"Flattery will get you everywhere." Daronica replied, as she tossed her pony-tail over her shoulder.

"But I don't need to go anywhere." Kabuto said with a slight smirk. "Because, I've already been to all the places that interested me." He commented offhandedly.

"Are you sure? I'm sure I can take you anywhere." Daronica said, as she moved closer to the Snake Sage.

"Will you come with me?" Kabuto questioned.

"It depends, if where we're going is…" Daronica began.

"Jashin-Sama!" Hidane announced.

"…Yeah…" Kabuto asked with a sigh, as he looked away from the Witch dressed in White.

"Can you quit flirting with her…" Hidane asked. "She's not good enough for you." The Jashin priestess insisted.

"What? How dare!... The nerve of... Ugh!" Daronica announced, before she stormed up to the priestess. "Do you want to fight?" She asked with a chilling glare.

"Would you even know how to fight me? Princess?" Hidane asked with a bloodthirsty grin.

"Hidane." Kabuto said warningly.

"But Jashin-sama!" The priestess said with a whine. "Please can I kill this heathen?" She asked pleadingly.

Kabuto appeared in front of the priestess and cupped her cheek in his hand. "Hidane-chan…" He said, before he leaned in close. "Don't disobey me…If you follow my order, you might get rewarded." He informed, as his face was inches from the bloodthirsty priestess'. "You've felt some of my punishments…Would you like me to reward you instead?" Kabuto asked quietly.

Hidane looked at the person she considered her God, with wide eyes and a blush on her face. "I-I-I would like to be rewarded…" She admitted.

"Then you have to listen to what I say." Kabuto said, as he leaned back, causing Hidane to lean forward.

"B-but that heathen, doesn't believe in you, Jashin-sama." Hidane argued.

"So? Neither does this entire world, I'm not asking you to slaughter them." Kabuto replied dryly.

"…That doesn't mean I shouldn't." The priestess said with a pout.

"Now that couple's therapy is over, didn't you have things to do, Kabuto-kun?" Orika asked, as she pushed herself off the wall.

"Oh yeah, I have to see Fleur and Gabrielle off." Kabuto said off handedly, as he fixed his glasses. "Thanks for reminding me." He added.

Orika just smirked. "Anything to stop the love fest you seem to be having." She commented, getting glares from Daronica and Hidane.

"Jealous?" Kabuto asked dryly.

"Oh, indefinitely." Orika said sarcastically.

Kabuto, Orika, Daronica, Hidane and Jūgo walked through the hallway, until they reached the entrance to the Courtyard.

"You know a lot of people are going to be out there, right?" Orika asked with a dark smirk. "Are you sure you can handle it?" She questioned tauntingly.

"I don't know." Kabuto replied as he pulled his hood up, obscuring his face. "People like me, don't like to be stared at." He commented with a smirk.

"Just don't embarrass me." Daronica said with a scowl.

"I'd never." The Snake Sage said dryly, before he reached up and pushed the door open. Before the group was assaulted by loud talking, the talking of hundreds of people all at once, the type of noise no one can understand and wishes would be quiet.

Kabuto looked around the large crowd with inattentive dark green eyes, before he walked forward. The Snake Sage walked through the crowd unhindered.

"These people sure are fucking noisy." Hidane commented, as she scowled.

"'These people' what's that supposed to mean?" Daronica asked offended.

"I think she means humans…You know…people." Kabuto informed dryly.

"You talk as if you aren't one." Daronica said.

"Eh, I have no idea what I am…" The Snake Sage trailed off with a sigh.

"Yeah, boo-hoo." Orika imputed rudely. "Cry me a river, why don't you." She said

"You know what I love about you Orika." Kabuto began. "You're people skills." He said dryly.

"And I thought you just loved me for my body, who would've guessed." Orika said sarcastically, as she crossed her arms and kept her pace with the bespectacled young man.

"My, my, Orika so focused on sex…Maybe you're more like your previous partner than you'd like to admit, hmm?" Kabuto said with a smirk.

"I'm nothing like Jiraiya." The Clone of Orochimaru said forcefully.

"Who's this 'Jiraiya'?" Daronica asked.

"A fifty year old man, who would try to get into your pants and sleep with you if he had the chance." Kabuto informed.

"Ewww!" The teenage girl sounded animatedly, before she held herself. "That's disgusting!" Daronica said with a shudder.

"…You have the hots for me? How is that any different?" Kabuto asked curiously, he wasn't stupid. "Not that I'm trying to get in your pants and sleep with you…" He added, to make sure there were no mixed messages.

"Well you aren't a fifty year old man. And you are…well…" Daronica began before she looked away, with reddened cheeks. "You're just the perfect person." She informed.

"In which way?" The Snake Sage questioned slightly surprised. Yang and Gaia, who were probably the ones he'd say loved him the most, never said that. Though in their defense, they aren't romantics either.

"Well it's hard to explain. It's just that…" Daronica began. "It's just that, everything about you pulls me in. Your dark, introverted, devious personality…The way you don't give a crap about what people think about you. The way you can do what you want, face your responsibilities, and seem to be five moves ahead of everyone." She spoke with wide greyish-blue eyes. "You're someone I aspired to be." Daronica admitted.

"…Um…" Kabuto sounded, not really sure how to react to that. "That's ah…Nice." He said unsure.

"Talk about obsessed." Orika whispered into Hidane's ear, getting a smirk from the priestess.

"'Arry!" A childish voice announced, before the Snake Sage felt someone hugging his abdomen.

Kabuto looked down and saw a small blonde girl hugging him. "Gabrielle." He said as he awkwardly pat the girl on the back. He never liked it when people touched him without his consent, it was nothing personal. He just didn't like people touching him. "…How'd you know it was me?" Kabuto asked.

"Silly, no one else 'ears a cloak like you." Gabrielle said innocently, causing the young man to actually look a little sheepish at that comment.

'That makes sense.' He mused.

"I'm so 'appy zat you actually came!" The little blonde girl said happily.

"…Yeah, we are friends." Kabuto commented, before he noticed the little girl was holding on tightly. "What's wrong, Gabrielle?" He questioned.

"I just…I just don't want to leave." She admitted making a sad face, as she looked up at the Snake Sage with teary eyes.

Kabuto looked around for help, mostly at Daronica and Orika, but all he got were looks of amusement. "Um…There, there…don't cry." He said unsure.

"But…But, I'm going to miss you 'Arry!" Gabrielle declared.

'I'm not that much of a fun person to be around…Not much to miss really.' Kabuto thought dryly. "You'll be alright." He informed.

"Gabi, 'at are you doing?" Fleur said, as she came out of the crowed. "O-Oh, 'A-Arry." She said with a slight blush, getting a furious scowl from Daronica.

"Fleur." Kabuto said with a nod, as Gabrielle let go of the Sage. "I came to see you guys off." He admitted, getting a beaming smile from her.

"Z'hank you 'Arry." Fleur said with a smile that certain men would kill to see again.

"Ugh, really?" Daronica rudely interjected. "You're so bloody irritating." She said with a condescending scowl.

"Z'hen why don't you stuff your face English pig." Fleur snapped back.

"Whoa…Shots fired." Kabuto muttered. 'Wish Yang was here, she'd love this.' He mused.

Daronica looked appalled. "You-You French slut!" She announced, with a chilling glare.

"If I was one, at least I would know how to get a man. How do you get one? Oh Z'at's right…" Fleur began with a condescending smile. "…You has to pay z'hem, no?" She said tauntingly.

'Whoa, ah chick-fight.' Kabuto thought, before he sighed. "Ladies." He said.

"What!?" The two blondes yelled, before they realized what they did.

"I'm sorry, 'Arry." Fleur apologized. "Z'his English hussy pissed me off." She said, as she aimed a glare at Daronica.

"Uh-huh." Kabuto sounded dryly.

"What! You're not going to stand up for me?" Daronica said, as she stomped her foot.

"…Why?...You started it." He replied condescendingly.

"He's got you on that one." Orika commented.

"Shut up." Daronica snapped to the serpent-like woman.

"Oh, you're words sting, as much as the sharpest sword." Orika replied uncaringly.

Kabuto choose to ignore the bickering girls, and focused on Fleur and Gabrielle. "I've never been much for 'Goodbyes' per say." He said to the two blondes, before he noticed their sad looks. "…So I'm not going to say it." The Snake Sage informed. "…If we don't say 'goodbye', then no one's really gone. Then we're just…Not here right now." Kabuto said, as he glanced around trying to think. "So I won't say Goodbye, because we will meet again." He informed. 'Now I'm glad Yang isn't here, or she'd call me out on what I said.' Kabuto thought, before he was engulfed in hug by two blondes.

"Z'hank you 'Arry, we…we won't forget you." Fleur said, with watery eyes.

"We'll never say Goodbye eiz'er." Gabrielle said sally, before the two girls noticed their classmates were leaving.

"I guess we're leaving." Fleur said sadly.

"Don't be sad." Kabuto replied, before he patted himself down. "Ah, where is it…" He muttered to himself, before he stopped and reached into his cloak. "Here it is…" The Snake Sage said, before he pulled out a black scroll.

"Eh, what is Z'his?" Fleur asked unsure, as Kabuto handed her a scroll.

"It's a Communication Scroll…It's a working title. Basically you write words into it, and they're transported into a subspace and sent to another identical subspace matching the same frequency. That data is then pulled into my scroll, interpreted, and translated." Kabuto explained.

"…Huh?" Fleur and Gabrielle sounded simultaneously.

Kabuto sighed, as he pushed up his glasses. "You write in it, the words vanish and appear in my scroll." He stated dryly.

"Oh." Fleur sounded with a nod.

"Z'his means we can always talk. It'll be like we aren't even apart!" Gabrielle announced happily.

"…That was the point…" Kabuto replied, trying his best to hide the sarcasm.

"I'll promise to write you, everyday!" Gabrielle informed.

Kabuto just blinked slightly. '…That's strange…' He mused. "Sure, if that's your prerogative." The Snake Sage said with a shrug, getting a beaming smile from the little blonde.

Fleur smiled, before she leaned close and gave Kabuto a kiss on the cheek. "See you again, 'Arry." She said happily, before she grabbed onto her little sister's hand. "Let's go Gabi." She said sternly.

"See you again!" Gabrielle said, before she and her sister left.

"Later." Kabuto said, with a slight wave.

"Oh, so many emotions. It's practically revolting." Orika said with a scowl.

"You want me to hug you, don't you?" Kabuto asked, getting irritated look from the female Snake Sannin. "Are you one of those girls that complain about certain things, but secretly wants it?" He questioned tauntingly.

Orika just looked away, not dignifying it with a response. "Oh my, are you a Tsundere?" Kabuto asked with wide eyes. That caused Hidane and Jūgo to look at Orika with raised eyebrows.

"Shut up." Orika replied with a glare.

"Oh, forgive me Orika-sama." Kabuto said in a sarcastic manner, similar to what he did with Orochimaru.

"Enough about her! Why did you let that French harlot kiss you!?" Daronica demanded with a glare, as she stomped her foot and put her hand on her hip.

"Are you racist?" Kabuto asked, before he blinked. "…Oh, wait of course you are." He added, as he face palmed.

"It's not racism." Daronica defended herself. "Have you heard of the atrocities Muggles, Mud bloods, half breeds and Half Bloods have committed? They're nothing but liars, thieves and Murderers!" She declared.

"And I'm pretty sure they feel the same way about you." Kabuto said dryly.

"Ugh, what have I ever done to make them feel that way?" Daronica asked, before she raised her hand up. "Don't answer that." She added with a scowl.

"Smart." The grey haired young adult said with a nod.

"Harr-Kabuto." A young voice said, getting the group's attention.

"Potter." Daronica said with her usual narrowed eyed chilling glare.

"Malfoy." Derik said with a glare.

"Jashin-sama!" Hidane announced, causing everyone to look at her. "What…everyone was doing." She said sheepishly, to the Snake Sage.

"What are you doing here, Potter?" Daronica demanded.

"I can ask you the same, Malfoy." Derik replied.

"Okay can we stop, all this witty dialogue is going to my head?" Kabuto said sarcastically, before he looked at his little brother and his Co. "Sup, Derik, Hermione and…Fire crotch." He said using the old nickname he used to call Tayuya, behind her back of course.

"What did you just call me?!" Ron questioned angrily.

"He called you fire crotch, little Weasley." Daronica said arrogantly, only for Kabuto to slap her upside the head. "Ow! Why the hell did you hit me?" She demanded.

"…You were annoying me…and that was a love tap." Kabuto informed dryly, when he trained Gaia, Yang, Guren and Karin, he opted to not hold back.

"How was I annoying you?" Daronica questioned.

"Having trouble in paradise, Malfoy?" Ron asked with a smirk.

"Shut up, blood traitor." The Witch in White snapped out.

"Oh, do you want to impress your Death Eater boyfriend." Ron taunted.

"Nightfall." Kabuto corrected uncaringly.

"What?" Ron asked in confusion.

"I'm not a Death Eater, it's to…Eh, and so I started my own group. Not that original, I know." The Snake Sage said. "I call it Nightfall, it's short, sweet and rolls off the tongue." He informed with a shrug.

"So you have your own terrorist group?!" Ron announced dramatically.

"No actually, we're a group that does arts and crafts." Kabuto replied with a straight face. "We often meet up once ever few weeks to also discuss how to weave baskets better." He informed.

"W-what?" Ron asked in confusion.

"He's being sarcastic." Hermione said, while face palming.

Kabuto clapped, before he pointed at the brunette. "Nailed it." He commented.

"Enough with the pleasantries." Daronica imputed.

"…You were being pleasant?" Kabuto asked in genuine surprise, but was also incredulous. 'If being a bitch is pleasant…I can see why she was single.' He mused.

"Hmph, are you patronizing me?" The witch in white questioned.

"I wouldn't dare." Kabuto replied dryly.

"Good, because if you do, you wouldn't be able to stay in my presence." Daronica informed, as she struck and arrogant pose, before she moved closer to the Snake Sage.

"Oh, the Humanity." Kabuto said with a smirk. "I don't think I'd be able to live without your marvelousness." He commented.

"Then all you have to do is…" Daronica began as she leaned closer to the grey haired medic, most likely to kiss him.

"Ewww!" Derik and Ron sounded, as they did gaging noises.

"Harr-Kabuto, how can you stand her?" Derik asked incredulously. "She's…She's a Malfoy?" He questioned.

"…I sometimes ask myself that." Kabuto replied uncaringly, getting a betrayed look from the witch in white. "I'm kidding, you're adorable." He informed.

"Her? Adorable?" Ron asked. "More like adorably insane!" He added.

"…I'm not picky." Kabuto responded.

"Yeah!" Hidane yelled. "Oh, wait…that was an insult." She muttered.

"You're not the sharpest kunai in the pouch, are you?" Orika questioned.

"I don't understand that reference." Hidane informed, she was a genius in pain and torture, but everything outside the bounds of her religion escaped her grasp.

"How can you stand, Malfoy though?" Derik asked genuinely curious.

"…Once your dick starts working. You'll notice how hot she is." Kabuto informed dryly.

"I don't ever see that happening." Derik said forcefully.

"You think I'm hot?" Daronica questioned, getting a deadpanned look from the bespectacled medic.

"What do you think?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh, I know I'm attractive…I just don't like holding it over people." The Witch in white said uncaringly.

"…Bull-fucking-shit." Kabuto replied.

"It's true. I've never held my looks over people's heads…only my name, and status, and my money…and occasionally my blood purity." Daronica said, defending herself.

"That is true." Kabuto muttered to himself, before he looked at his bother. "What do you want, little brother?" He asked apathetically. He knew it was pretty pathetic of him to hate his brother, but that didn't mean he particularly enjoyed his company. He'd have to get Derik out of his parents' control before that happened.

"N-nothing, I just wanted to say thank you for the book." The black haired green eyed boy replied.

"Oh, you're welcome…I guess." Kabuto replied with a shrug.

"We were wondering Mr. Kabuto, sir…." Hermione began.

"I'm not buying you little kids, alcohol." He informed dryly.

"W-what, I would never ask for that!" Hermione said, with a blush.

"…Right…" Kabuto replied, not really believing or caring. "What do you want?" He asked, as he pushed his glasses up, creating a lens flare and made him look far more intimidating.

"We were just…" Derik began.

"Harry?" A familiar voice announced, causing Kabuto, Daronica and Hidane to simultaneously sigh.

"Mom?" Derik asked, as he turned to his side.

"Ah, the plot thickness." Orika commented, as she smirked.

Kabuto turned his head slightly and cast a sideways glance at Lily Potter. "Bollocks…" the Snake Sage said to himself. "Hello." He said uncaringly.

"Hello…Hello?! With how you treated me! All you say is 'Hello'!" Lily demanded.

"…Would you prefer a hand written apology along with a gift basket?" Kabuto asked curiously, as he pushed his glasses up.

"No." Lily replied with a glare.

"Hmm, well can't blame a girl for trying, eh?" Kabuto replied sarcastically. "Now, what is it you want? Is it to sit down and chat with some wine and a fag?" He asked curiously. "Talk about the old days." The Snake Sage added.

"I want you to come…." Lily began, only for Kabuto to put his hand up, in a stopping motion.

"Ah, save your little re-cap…In fact I'll deal the short hand for you." Kabuto informed, before he pointed his finger at Lily. "'I want my son back, Harry, please come home.'" The Snake Sage said, in a poor imitation of Lily's voice, before he pointed to himself. "I'm afraid I not, sweet cheeks. I really don't care anymore." Kabuto said in his own voice, before he pointed back at Lily. "'But I'm all pretty and have vivid green eyes, listen to me.'" He said. "Then, blah, blah, blah…Then you throw in an insult, and then a witty retort by yours truly." Kabuto said, before he looked at Lily seriously. "Bottom line is…you don't get anything." He informed.

"Why do you hate us? What did we ever do to you?" Lily questioned.

Orika and Hidane waited for Kabuto to explode on her, but he just fixed his glasses.

"Hate? I don't hate you." Kabuto admitted, surprising everyone.

"Y-you don't?" Lily asked in surprise.

"Do you know what hate is?" The Snake Sage questioned. "Hate…Hate is…work." He informed. "To hate someone, is to give that person an intense emotion of loathing. To Hate, is to give your absolute judgment and act out on it repeatedly. To Hate, is to ignore every rational part in your brain, just to prove a point…" Kabuto informed aimlessly. "I don't hate you Lily, I don't hate James either. Why would I? It's too much work and effort for you…No…No, what I feel is…apathy, indifference, disinterest, annoyance…those describe the feelings I get when I see you." He stated, causing the red-head to look heartbroken.

"…In fact, I believe Hate, is the highest form of flattery." Kabuto said, as he pushed his glasses up. But his declaration surprised Orika, Hidane, Jūgo and Daronica. "To Hate someone…to really hate someone, takes focus, passion, declaration…Obsession." He added. "It's the only emotion were you can spend years hating, and it only goes higher and higher, and it doesn't stop for anyone. It's the only emotion someone can be fanatically obsessed about, and everyone would understand and might not try to stop." He informed. "You cannot love someone, as much as you can hate someone else." Kabuto said with a smirk.

"That's why I don't hate you." The Snake Sage said. "Because I'm not going to feed your already large ego…Hating you...Hmm, that's so last week." Kabuto commented, before he looked at his little brother. "Ta." He said, before he turned around and walked away.

"What was that about?" Daronica said, as she walked with the medic.

"What was what?" Kabuto replied uncaringly.

"I think she's talking about your 'Hate speech'." Orika imputed.

"Oh, that. Those were just my thoughts." Kabuto informed, as he glanced off.

"But-but I thought you hated them." Daronica said which was true. The way he acted towards them originally, he was incredibly hostile.

"I did." Kabuto said. "…But my run in with Sasuke-kun, reminded my how stupid people become concerning hate, how blind, how uncontrollable…I do not want that." The Snake Sage informed.

"When did you become philosophical?" Orika questioned tauntingly.

"Hmm, I can be deep if I want to be." He stated with narrowed eyes, before he looked at Hidane, Jūgo and Orika. "Daronica and I are going to her place…alone." Kabuto informed, before he raised his hands up and touched Jūgo and Hidane on the forehead. In an instant they both vanished in a swirling vortex.

"…That wasn't much of a heads up." Orika commented.

"They wouldn't mind...That's your heads up." Kabuto said, before he held onto her hand, before she too vanished.

"Finally, we're alone." Daronica said happily with a smile, as she snaked her arm around his.

Kabuto looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 'Yeah…a total Tsundere, with a hint of insane.' He thought with a sigh. "Since I really have no idea where you live…" Kabuto began.

"I live at Malfoy Manner, of course." Daronica informed offhandedly.

"…Yes, because me being from another world, gives me magical insight on where that actually is." Kabuto said sarcastically.

"Geez, you're so moody." Daronica commented, as she rested her head on the Sage's shoulder. "It's in Wiltshire." She informed.

"…Okay, let me say it again. Another World. No insight on Location." Kabuto said again. He knew where the continents were, the countries, and most of the different territories of the world Mundane and Supernatural, he didn't care to learn the small stuff like this.

"We can just Floo there." Daronica informed.

"What the fuck's Floo?" Kabuto asked incredulously.

"You don't know what Floo is?" Daronica asked shocked.

"Tell me what it is and I'll tell you why I don't know it." The Snake Sage replied evenly.

"Floo, is the mode of transportation in the Wizarding World. Using Floo Powder and a fireplace anyone can travel through the Floo Network and arrive at desired location in an instant." Daronica informed, as she took a on a self-confident posture.

"Huh, oh." Kabuto sounded, totally uninterested.

"Oh!?" Daronica demanded.

"Yeah, 'oh', now I know why I never heard of Floo…because I don't need it." The Snake Sage commented with a shrug. "I have about…five different types of transportation." He informed.

"F-five? I thought you had one." Daronica admitted. "You know that…swirling vortex of terror." She added dramatically, while making small swirls with her hands.

"That's Kamui…" Kabuto began.

"What's that mean?" Daronica asked.

"It's a…Spell…" He said dryly. "It means 'Authority of the Gods'…a fitting name, since Kamui is basically me tearing a hole in Space-Time." Kabuto commented.

"What are the other four?" Daronica questioned curiously, she always loved learning new things.

"There's Apparition, of course. That's a given." He informed, getting an understanding nod from the Witch in white. "Then there's my Jinton or Swift Release, which is me basically moving at high speeds." Kabuto said absently.

"What are the other two?" She asked.

"Bear with me on this. It might seem a bit crazy." Kabuto said, leaned close to the girl. Daronica listened with rapid attention. "…Walking and if I'm feeling ballsy…I might even Run." He said dryly, causing Daronica to comically fall over.

"Oh, you insufferable dolt!" Daronica said with a scowl.

"I love it when you talk dirty to me." Kabuto replied, as he used one of his hands to flick the shoulders of his cloak, knocking it off.

"W-what are you doing?!" Daronica yelled, when she saw he was taking off his cloak.

"…It's six PM and about fourteen Celsius. I was going to offer my cloak to you." Kabuto stated dryly, as he looked over the girl. She was still wearing her thigh-length dress, a bolero jacket and heeled wedged boots that went up to her mid-calf. Not something you wear in public…well in this world. "As elegant as you look…You will attract a lot of attention, and I don't like standing out." He commented with a shrug, though he only liked standing out to mess with people.

Daronica scoffed, before she snatched the cloak out of the Sage's hands and put it on. The Witch looked at Kabuto without his cloak and looked surprised. He wore black pants, a black T-shirt with a purple sleeveless shirt over it and black shoes. With his grey hair, he looked like a Goth to be honest, but seemed to pull the look off at least and made it seem natural.

Kabuto looked at Daronica weirdly, when he saw her wearing his cloak. It looked entirely too big for her and made her look absolutely ridiculous.

"What?" She questioned with a scowl.

"Oh nothing, black is defiantly not your color." He commented, before he reached out and allowed the girl to grab onto his hand. Kabuto's dark green eyes turned red, before the duo vanished in a vortex and reappeared on the outskirts of England.

"Hey…Kabuto." Daronica said, as the two walked to her estate.

"Yes." Kabuto replied.

"You…you said you didn't hate your parents. But, you told me you wanted to kill them before." Daronica said unsure. "Are you…becoming a goody two shoes or something?" She asked.

"…No…" Kabuto said dryly. "Why would I kill them?" He asked. "That would be too easy, too simple. I'm not going to kill them. I'm going to destroy them…Their reputation, their name, their finances, their recourses, their fame…everything. I will systematically reduce them to nothing. They would be so poor and starving for attention, they might become ten cent whores to satisfy their inescapable hunger for attention." He said with a scowl.

Daronica glance off and shuddered at the thought of that ever happening to her. "And if the life I've lived has ever taught me anything, it would be patience." Kabuto informed. "Enough about me though, you asked me what I thought about my parents. What do you this about yours?" He asked.

Daronica smiled slightly. "Despite what people think, they are good parents." She admitted.

"…But…" Kabuto imputed.

"But…they…are controlling." Daronica said sadly.

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

The Witch in white glanced down and gripped Kabuto's cloak tightly. "My Father wanted a boy…" She began. "Someone who could keep the Malfoy Line alive and strong…But they had me…" Daronica said, with a quivering lip.

'Oh crap…' Kabuto thought uncomfortably, before wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder. "It'll be alright." He commented.

"I-I know." Daronica said. "…But since I was born, I was raised to be the best…" She admitted. "Everything about my life has been decided for me, who I could talk to, who I could like, how I should dress, how I should talk…everything." Daronica informed. "And eventually who I will marry." She said with narrowed eyes.

Kabuto's eyes flashed red for a second. "…Marry?" He questioned.

"Yes, I will eventually be married off to a Pure-blood Wizard." Daronica said with a slight scowl. "And that…that's why I like you so much." She admitted.

"To marry me?" Kabuto said unsure.

"No...nononono, not that anything's wrong with that." Daronica said quickly. "But that's why I look up to you. You are so…Perfect…everything I aspire to be. You aren't held down by anything. You don't let others control you…" She said, as she looked to the Snake Sage.

"…Others don't control me because they physically can't." Kabuto informed.

"Be that as it may…" Daronica began. "The only time I have control of my life, is at school." She informed.

"You have control and the first thing you do is…be a bitch." The Snake Sage commented.

Daronica looked embarrassed, from that comment. "It's more complicated than that. At school, I'm in control. I first started acting that way during my first year. Being that way…a lot of people listened to me, and…it felt good to boss people around." The girl informed.

"You were controlled for your entire life, and it felt good for you to control others, am I right?" Kabuto asked.

"Yes." Daronica admitted, before she looked at Kabuto. "…Is it wrong that I think that?" She asked.

'Well it isn't exactly healthy.' Kabuto thought dryly. "It's fine." He replied.

"Thanks." She said happily.

The two continued to walk down a long road, but they started to slow down when a fog began to form. "Huh, we're not near my house yet." Daronica commented.

'It's only 6:39…and the temperature and there isn't enough water vapor in the air to naturally form this fog.' Kabuto thought, before he heard the sound of several footsteps.

"Harry Potter…" A male voice said. "And I honestly thought that was made up name, by a J.K Rowling fan boy. " He commented, as six people appeared in front of the duo.

Kabuto narrowed his eyes at the six mysterious people, before his eyes turned blood red with three tomes rotating around each pupil. The Snake Sage's eyes went wide, before he reached out to Daronica and pushed her behind him. "What are you?" He demanded to the six people.

"Oh, what?" The middle person asked tauntingly. "We're humans." He replied.

"Bullshit, I see right through your little façade…Your face is fake." Kabuto informed, as his Sharingan eyes spun. "And I would know something about that. My mentor had the ability to steal and wear people's faces." He commented.

"Well then, I guess the charade is up." The center man commented with a smirk, revealing pointed teeth.

"…Vampires?" Kabuto said unsure.

"Those disgusting things…" Daronica said.

"Don't compare our kind to the pathetic creatures you know. Red Court will always be better than the Black Court." The center man said arrogantly.

"What's going on?" Kabuto questioned seriously, he knew a bit about the Red Court Vampires. One was they didn't usually live in England, in fact their territory is around Central America and South America.

"You don't know?" The man questioned with a smirk. "You pissed off the wrong person. Someone's paid us a hefty price for your head on a stake." He informed. "And the fact you're a Wizard makes it all the better." The Vampire added.

Kabuto reached up and pulled his sleeves up to his shoulders, before he narrowed his eyes at the Red Court Vampires. "Daronica, do. No. Interfere." He said seriously.

"But…" Daronica began.

"Listen to me." Kabuto said again, as he clenched his fists.

"I can help." She informed.

"No, you can't…Forgive me. Shōton: Kurenai no Kajitsu (Crystal Release: Crimson Fruit)" Kabuto muttered, as he cast a sideways glance at Daronica. Before the girl could react she was surrounded by a dome of emerald crystal.

"You should have let her help. It might have given you a chance." The Red Court Vampire commented with amusement.

Kabuto just reached back and grabbed the back of his own neck, before he cracked it. "I guess it's time to mix things up a bit." He commented, as he held his arms up and gritted his teeth in pain. "Karamatsu no Mai(Dance of the Larch)" Kabuto muttered, as several bones protruded from his forearms, arms and shoulders.

The Vampires looked surprised at that. "Don't bother with it, he's a Wizard. What'd you expect…kill him." The Leader Vampire ordered, before two Vampires charged forward.

But as soon as the Vampires took a few steps forward, they stopped, before they started to gargle up blood. The Kabuto that was standing in front of the emerald crystal dome, turned and formed into a swarm Replicator Spiders. While Kabuto shimmer into existence in front of the two Vampires, with both his hands impaling their chests.

"Rock beats Scissors." Kabuto commented, before he shoved his hands deeper into their chests, causing them to choke up more blood. "Wizard beats Vampire." He added, before he tore his hands out, dragging flesh and bones out.

The bones around Kabuto's arms detached, as a precaution from getting infected by the Vampire blood. The four Vampires looked at Kabuto in shock, as the other two Vampires collapsed dead.

"Well then…Who's first?" Kabuto asked, as he allowed his left hand to drop and had his hand to tighten. Black and green lightning began to spark off his hand, before a continuous current enveloped his hand, and gave off the sound reminiscent to dozens of birds chirping.

The Red Court Vampires shed their masks, revealing their true monstrous bat-like form. Kabuto's eyes shifted from the three tomoe form, to a Pinwheel design. The Snake Sage flickered out of existence and appeared in front of one of the Vampires, before he slashed down at the monster's chest. Kabuto turned and slashed up at the approaching Vampire's chest. Before The Bespectacled medic turned one last time and thrust his hand forward, impaling another Vampire.

Kabuto put his right hand on the dead Vampire corpse, and used it to help pull his left hand out of the Vampire's chest. He flicked the blood off his hand, before he looked at the two living Vampires with a dark smirk. "…Is that it?" The Snake Sage asked.

"AhH!" The Vampire next to the leader yelled, before he charged.

Kabuto stood there, as the Vampire swiped its claws at him. Daronica and the two Vampires looked surprised when the claws just passed right through him, like he was a ghost. Just as the Vampires hand passed through him, Kabuto grabbed onto it.

The Snake Sage pulled on the Vampire's hand, before he stomped on creature's back knee, causing its leg to snap.

"ArGHH!" The Vampire yelled.

"Hmm." Kabuto sounded with a scowl, before he tore the Vampire's hand out of its socket. The Snake Sage turned the arm around and shoved the Vampire's claws, right through its chest, killing it.

The Last Vampire took several shaky steps back. "Y-you're a Warden?!" The Vampire announced.

"Warden? You mean the White Council…" Kabuto commented. "I'm not part of that group." He stated, getting a shocked look from the Vampire. The Snake Sage's face started to turn pale with, with scales. As purple markings formed around his eyes, while his eyes turned golden with serpent-like slits. "…I'm something much worse." Kabuto added going in his 'Kabutomaru' state.

"W-what the hell are you?!" The Vampire demanded, as it bared its teeth like a rabid dog.

"…I don't know…" Kabuto replied with a smirk, as his tongue liked the air. "…and I don't care." He added. The Snake Sage's eyes turned blood red, with a pin-wheel design as he looked in the Vampire's eyes. After a few seconds, the Vampire's eyes matched Kabuto's.

Kabuto took a few steps towards the entrapped Vampire. "Silence fills this empty road, now that all have died." He spoke, to the entranced monster. "But my mind is not at rest, for questions linger on. I will ask, and you will answer." Kabuto said aimlessly.

"…Y-Yes, M-Master…" The Vampire muttered, as it was trapped in the Genjutsu.

"Tell me…" Kabuto began, only for the Vampire to catch on fire, along with the other Vampire Corpses. All the Vampires were reduced to dust. Kabuto scowled at the missed opportunity for information, before he felt a presence that made him take a few steps back.

It was a presence he never felt before. It was…Evil, pure unadulterated Evil. If it could be described it'd be a mixture of Orochimaru's twisted, sociopathic, fear, inducing presence, mixed with Danzō's absolute manipulative planning, calm nature, mixed the Madara's power and madness. Something that made every fiber of Kabuto's being, want to escape and hide.

"Hmm…I guess you should never send creatures to do a monster's work. Am I right, Harry?" a deep mellow voice asked, causing Kabuto to compose himself and look forward. A few meters in front of him was a man with average height and build. He looked middle aged. He had dark eyes and dark hair with hints of silver. He wore a suit that looked entirely expensive, but what was strange was that he wore a noose around his neck.

The Replicators Kabuto summoned, to use as a substitute for his illusionary clone, sensed their master's distress and moved in front of him and in-between the mysterious man.

"Hmm…" The man sounded with amusement, before he flicked his wrist at them. His eyes went wide for a split second when nothing happened, before he narrowed them. "Interesting," The man commented.

Kabuto stood straighter, as he glared at the man with his Mangekyō Sharingan eyes. "You really shouldn't glare at me, boy. Someone could cut those little red eyes out." The man commented, in a charming manner.

"…What are you?" Kabuto questioned.

"What am I?" The man repeated. "Now that is the million dollar question." He commented, as he reached into his pockets.

"I said, what are you?" The Snake Sage asked, as he tried to cast a Genjutsu on the man with his Mangekyō Sharingan. The Man stood still, as his shadow writhed slightly.

"Sorry, boy. But, your ocular tricks aren't going to work on me. You're a few thousand years to young." The man said in a condescendingly charming manner.

"So, you sent the Vampires to kill me?" Kabuto questioned, as he composed himself better and began assessing the situation.

"Kill? Oh, that'd be ridiculous. You barely broke a sweat against those mongrels." The Man replied. "I was testing you." He informed.

"Testing me? For what?" Kabuto probed.

"For this…and that." The Man replied. "You…interest me." He stated.

"As do you, let's discover each other's secrets." The Snake Sage said dryly.

"Now that's the attitude, I was looking for." The man said. "You're so much like your cousin." He commented.

"…My cousin…" Kabuto said unsure, keeping the illusion he doesn't know about his family.

"Oh, don't be like that Harry, I mean you do share his name after all." The Man said tauntingly. "I never met Dresden personally, something I plan to do this year." He admitted with a shrug. "You're cousin Dresden, has so much hidden potential…and such darkness it's intoxicating. But you don't have hidden potential, because you've already tapped into it. And your darkness…It's almost as tempting as his." He said.

"You want me to join you?" Kabuto said in revelation.

"In a certain manner…" The man replied. "I want you to join the Order of the Blackened Denarius." He informed. "…I know what you say right now, 'No' 'I don't need the power' 'Why would I join you?' but you are Human, and you will come eventually." The man informed, as he pulled out a coin. "Saluriel has been ever so lonely…You two would work well together." He commented charmingly, as he put the coin back in his pocket.

'The Blackened Denarius…Salazar had some notes on them…They're Fallen Angels and they're Never to be trusted.' Kabuto thought, as he tensed for battle.

"I'm not here to fight with you, boy." The Man informed, but the way he said 'Boy' wasn't condescending, but out of seniority. Kabuto was a boy compared to him. "If we did, you, your pretty girlfriend…" He said, as he glanced at Daronica, who was still trapped in crystal. "And your toys would all die in the most painful of manners." He stated, like it was a fact. And Kabuto believed him.

"We will meet again, Harry." The Man said, as he turned around.

"Wait…what's your name?" Kabuto asked with narrowed eyes.

"They call me, Nicodemus." The Man informed, before he vanished.

When the Leader of the Blackened Denarius vanished, Kabuto collapsed to his knees and panted heavily. 'What the fuck was that?!' Kabuto raged internally. 'That's not…normal…' He thought fearfully, before he slowly pushed himself up.

With Kabuto's natural sensory ability, he could feel energy, along with the Sharingan better reading and deciphering energy plus with his Sage training. He had a very high sensitive to people's energy. Kabuto looked at the empty area, before he pushed himself back up and slowly took a few steps back. 'Whatever that guy is…He is dangerous…Sidhe level dangerous…possibly higher.' The Snake Sage thought seriously, before he turned around and looked at Daronica.

Kabuto walked to Daronica, as he deactivated his 'Kabutomaru' state. The Snake Sage tapped the emerald crystals, causing them to shatter, before he turned around and knelt down to his Replicators.

"There, there…" He said to the shaking spider robots.

"What was that?!" Daronica demanded.

"It'll be okay..." Kabuto muttered, as he pet the Replicator.

"Kabuto!" Daronica yelled, knocking the Sage out of his thoughts.

"…What?" Kabuto asked, as he cast a glance at the girl.

"Why did you trap me!? I could have helped? And why did you let that guy get away?!" Daronica questioned.

Kabuto stood up and let the Replicators mold together to form a large construct, before it climbed onto his back. "I don't want you to die." He admitted.

"Huh?" The Witch in white sounded.

"Those Vampires would have used you, to attack me." Kabuto informed. "That is why I put you in the dome, so you wouldn't die." He informed.

"I could have helped." Daronica insisted.

"Don't use me as an excuse to kill yourself." Kabuto said coolly, stunning the girl. "With how strong you are now…those Vampires would have torn you to ribbons." He informed, before he turned around. "Let's go." He instructed as he walked away.

Daronica shook slightly, before she followed the grey haired man. 'Does he really think I'm that weak?' she thought to herself.

"No." Kabuto answered, surprising the girl.

"C-can you…" Daronica began.

"Read your mind?...No." Kabuto said dryly. "You're just very easy to ready." He added. "And I don't think you're weak. You…you're arrogant and well that will get you killed. You assume you are the best." He commented.

"But I am…" Daronica started.

"Can you beat me?" Kabuto asked.

"O-of course not." She said, like he was stupid.

"Then by that logic…you aren't the best, and neither am I." He informed.

"Impossible." Daronica replied.

"It's true." Kabuto stated, relieved that Daronica wasn't asking about the man he encountered. "Anyway let's hurry up. We don't want to upset your parents." He added, getting wide eyes from the witch, before she grabbed onto his hand.

"You're right let's hurry!" She announced, as she began to pull him.

While Daronica was pulling Kabuto, he was scowling in thought. 'If the Order of the Blackened Denarius and the Erlking are interested in me…then who else is?' He asked himself. 'And what do I say?' He thought seriously.