Huh." Kabuto sounded with a look on his face, as his head was tilted to the side. In front of him was a large mansion that was extravagant and depressing at the same time.

"Isn't it great!?" Daronica asked excitedly, hoping her crush liked her house.

"It's ah…" Kabuto began, before he noticed her look. The looked that said, she was going to hold onto what he said forever…In a good way. "… It's very…You." He commented unsure.

"R-really?" Daronica asked with a smile.

'…She's really full of herself, isn't she?' The Snake Sage thought dryly. "…Yeah…" He replied.

"Come on, Father really wanted to see you." The Witch in White insisted.

"Joy." Kabuto replied sarcastically, before he looked down at himself. He wasn't really dressed to impress, but he was talking to the parents of the girl who had the hots for him. "…I'll be right back, kisses." He said, before he vanished in a swirling vortex.

Daronica glared, as she crossed her arms. "Why does he keep doing that?" She asked herself.

"Miss me?" A sarcastic voice asked, causing the Witch to jump. Daronica turned around and saw Kabuto standing behind her, but what surprised her was what he was dressed in. He was wearing a black suit, and black tie, well black everything.

"W-what are you wearing?" Daronica asked.

"Oh, this old thing." Kabuto commented, as he glanced down. "Thought I'd wear something presentable, you know. Impress my girlfriend's parents and all that." He said dryly.

"G-girlfriend." Daronica managed to force out, with a slight blush.

"Isn't that what you wanted? I'm not an idiot." Kabuto replied dryly, before he looked at the large manor. "I have to say, your house has the creepiness factor down." He commented.

Daronica scowled as she narrowed her eyes. "Well it is a few hundred years old. And it's not creepy." She insisted.

"…Right the perpetual misty are, the dead trees that look like skeletons and let's not forget the head stones over there." Kabuto said dryly, as he looked over her place.

"Uck…It's just…" Daronica began, before she sighed and agreed. Her manor did have a big creepy factor. Even she had nightmares as a kid, thinking the place was haunted.

The two walked into the manor and were greeted by a house elf.

"M-mistress Daronica." The House Elf said, as he bowed.

"Huh…" Kabuto sounded with a smirk, as he glanced at the girl. "…Why am I not surprised you'd have them call you Mistress." He commented.

"Mistress Daronica, is there anything you require? Shall Dobby take your guest's coat?" the House Elf asked.

"No, Dobby." Daronica said with a sigh.

"Oh no, has Dobby done something bad? Dobby shall punish himself right away!" Dobby announced.

"It's not that, Dobby. Kabuto doesn't have a coat." Daronica informed.

The short elf had wide teary eyes as he looked at the two. "D-Dobby's so stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" The elf yelled as he slammed his head into the wall.

Kabuto looked a bit confused. 'What a strange creature.' He thought with a raised eyebrow, before he glanced at Daronica, to see she was looking a bit embarrassed. "What is it doing?" He asked unsure.

"Being an idiot, come on. Let's go." Daronica said with a sigh, as she led the young man though her house.

"So what is the reason exactly, why your father want's to meet with me?" Kabuto asked. 'He could always send me a message for a meeting.' He thought with narrowed eyes.

"He said; it had something to do with you teaching me." Daronica admitted.

"I see…" He muttered.

The two arrived at a large room. The room had a fireplace in the center of it. A man with silver-ish blond hair sat in one of the chairs.

"You've arrived, my Lord." Lucius said in surprise, as he looked at the grey haired Sorcerer. He feared and revered Voldemort for his power, and Kabuto was the person who killed said Wizard. He did not want him on his bad side.

"Yeah, what seems to be the problem?" Kabuto asked very straight forward. He didn't want to dilly-dally.

"To be blunt…" Lucius said with a scowl. "…It's about my little Daronica." He informed.

Kabuto looked from the man to the girl in question, to see she was looking around innocently. "…Right…" He said, before he looked at the man again. "What about?" The Sorcerer asked.

Lucius sighed as he leaned back in his chair, and looked in the fire. He reached for the small table next to his chair and took a glass of alcohol off the table and took a sip of it. "…I'm worried about Daronica." He admitted.

Kabuto looked over to the girl in question, as she was organizing the bookshelf at the other end of the room, with an OCD like obsession. "…I am too sometimes." He muttered.

"She's…a bit of a recluse." Lucius commented. "If you are her friend, you should notice almost no one hangs out with her." He informed. The grey haired Sorcerer nodded slightly, he saw that. "She's…Extremely confident in herself, her name, her skills in magic and her intellect. And to some…it might come off like arrogance." He admitted.

Kabuto looked at Lucius blankly. The grey haired medic could believe that Daronica's attitude could push people away.

"Admittedly, it isn't all her fault." Lucius said. "Narcissa and myself were tough on her…mostly Narcissa though." He informed.

"Yeah…let's say that wasn't bullshit. Where exactly is this supposed to be going?" Kabuto asked, as he sat down.

Lucius scowled as he looked at his liquor. "I would like to humbly request something…My lord." He said, as he bowed towards the grey haired sorcerer.

Kabuto blinked a few times, before he looked a bit unsure. "Um yeah, go ahead." He said.

The man took a breath as he leaned back. "Hogwarts…is…shit." He admitted. "It's not the same school I went to when I was young. And I only want what's best for my little baby girl." Lucius said. "Despite what 'Light' wizards think, I'm not heartless. I love my family…I just…" He said.

Kabuto saw where this was going. "…You want me to apprentice Daronica." He said dryly.

"Yes." Lucius replied, with a slight nod. "She's always been second best since the beginning of her first year, always behind that Muggle." He said with annoyance. "But, you came along and almost instantly her grades skyrocketed and past the thing's…I believe that Hogwarts is no longer fit to teach my baby girl. I've tried countless times to appeal to the board, but they kept shutting me out. It's gotten a bit annoying to be honest." He voiced with a sigh.

"Which is why you want me to teach her?" Kabuto clarified, as he looked at the man blankly.

"I would pay you handsomely." Lucius informed seriously. "Name a price, and I'll double it." He added.

"I don't need money…" Kabuto said, as he glanced at Daronica to see she was trying her best to not look like she was listening.

"What is it you want then?" Lucius asked with narrowed eyes. "Surely you won't do it for free." He informed.

"Good heavens no, that'd be stupid." Kabuto replied, as he pushed up his glasses. "What I want is a bit more…personal." He said.

"My Soul." Lucius said.

"What, no!" Kabuto replied, making a face.

Lucius' scowled as he looked at the young man with narrowed eyes. "…You want my daughter…" He said darkly.

"Not in that sense…no." Kabuto answered.

"Is she not good enough for you?" He said offended.

"Don't entrap me, and that's not exactly what I meant." The grey haired sorcerer said with a glare. "She told me about how you were going to marry her off. Let's just say that if you halt those activities, I might happen to teach the girl a few things." Kabuto said with a shrug.

Lucius scowled, before he drank more of his alcohol. "I see." He muttered. "Daronica dear…" The man announced, as he look at his daughter. "Pack your things. You'll be staying with him for the time being…and I'll be pulling you out of Hogwarts." He informed.

Daronica forced a straight face as she left, but when she was gone she was smiling up a storm. When she was gone, Lucius narrowed his eyes at the young man. "Don't let her get hurt." He said darkly.

"Of course not, I'd defend her with my life." Kabuto replied nonchalantly, before he left the man to his own thoughts.

Kabuto stood in the hallway and scowled as he looked down. 'Nicodemus of the Blackened Denarius and The Erlking…They both heard of and sought me out…who else…what else knows of me?' Kabuto thought with a scowl. 'I have to prepare for any and all possible outcomes…but first the priorities. If I am to fight the Denarius or the Sidhe on their level…I'm going to need the Eternal Mangekyō. Sasuke's Mangekyō allowed him to use Amaterasu along with giving him a high affinity with manipulating it. Along with my eyes and his having the Susanoo, I think I can summon it without draw backs. I'll have better control of Kamui, Amaterasu and Susanoo…And sense I have the Naruto Manga, I know what my limitations are and what techniques I can perform.' The grey haired sorcerer mused.

'After I transplant my eyes…Some of us will go to Konoha…the Uzumaki Mask Shrine and get the Shinigami Mask. That's where we'll get the Yang Half of the Kyūbi and merge it with the Yin half in the Kamui dimension.' Kabuto planned, before his eyes went wide. 'Wait…if we do that…Than we'll have the Ichibi, the Sanbi and the Kyūbi on our side. Three tailed beasts, that'll help me against the Denarius and the Sidhe.' He thought with a smirk. After the Fourth war Kabuto help resealed the Shukaku back into Gaia, and since he knew what happened in the Naruto Manga, he knew how to sweet talk it. And Gaia was fine with it.

'Question is…What about the Rinnegan?' Kabuto thought seriously. He knew that that Dojutsu was an essential WMD. No one used it without a lot of damage dealt. He also knew that Sasuke had the potential of activating it, but that was because he was the reincarnation of Indra. But since he was the incantation of Jashin, the God of Chaos, Death and Destruction, what did that mean for him?

Kabuto's musing was cut short, by the arrival of a young girl dressing in white. "…Isn't that a bit much?" He asked, as he looked at Daronica to see she had two suitcases in one hand, a bag over her shoulder, a silver rapier sheathed at her side, two more suitcases in her other hand, and was carrying a purse from the straps in her mouth.

"MmMmMmmmMm…" Daronica sounded, with a shake of her head.

"I'm not even going to pretend I understood whatever that meant." He said, as he reached out and grabbed onto her luggage and it vanished in a swirl that came from his eye. "What's with the sword?" Kabuto asked, as he grabbed it off her waist.

"Ugh, it's a rapier." Daronica said with narrowed eyes, appalled the thought of it being 'the sword' it was more than that.

"Right…" Kabuto said as he inspected the thing blade, before raised an eyebrow and looked at the handle of it. "…Why's the handle hollow?" He asked.

Daronica looked surprised, as her eyes darted around. "Please don't tell my father." She said, as she grabbed the rapier.

"Why?" Kabuto asked.

"Well it's just…it's just this is a family heirloom. And after I passed my lessons, daddy gave it to me." Daronica informed, as she pulled her wand out. "When I was younger I saw him put use his cane to sheath his wand and...Well…" She trailed off, as she put her wand inside the handle of the rapier.

"Huh, so you hallowed out the handle." Kabuto said, as he pushed his glasses up.

"That's not all." She admitted, before she took a deep breath and went into a stance. Kabuto watched as the girl in white kept adjusting her posture. The grey haired sorcerer felt magic radiating off of her, before the rapier gave off a high-pitch whistling sound as the blade gleaned a deep crimson, before she swiped the sword. A crescent line of fire flew through the air, before it dissipated, not going any damage to the area.

Kabuto looked decently surprised. 'That was…real magic…she has actual talent in it.' He thought with wide eyes, as he looked at the girl dressed in white. He coughed, as he fixed his glasses. 'Though I do too, so I guess it isn't out of the realm of possibilities for another Wand Wizard to have talent. It would be egotistical to assume I'm the only one.' He mused.

"It was…decent." Kabuto informed, causing the girl in white to look down. "Which is why, from here on out, I will be teaching you full time." He stated, as he turned around and walked. He looked back to see the girl, to see Daronica was still looking down. "You will be the best and you will be matched by no other…" Kabuto said, causing the girl in white to look at him. "…Follow me." He instructed.

Daronica glanced down for a second, before she sheathed her rapier and followed the young man. Once they were outside, they vanished in a swirling vortex.

The two appeared in a large room, with several chairs. Daronica flinched when she heard the sound of several explosions.

"Haha, take that cock suckers!" The two heard the residential Jashin priestess yelled.

"You bitch! Of course you would go for the rocket launcher." They heard Guren yell.

"Says the girl, camping in the corner with a Sniper and a Shotgun." They heard Yang taunted.

"…Hey, camping is a legitimate strategy." Guren argued, as Kabuto and Daronica walked in on what was going on.

Yang, Guren, Karin, Hidane, Tayuya, and Orika were all playing video games on system link. Kabuto raised an eyebrow at this sight. '…So Suigetsu is out doing whatever he does…Jūgo's probably meditating…and Bellatrix is most likely sleeping…So…Huh.' He thought.

"Oh you fucking bitch as bitch mother fucker!" Tayuya yelled, as Yang assassinated her.

"Hehe, you mad?" Yang asked with a smirk.

"…What are they doing…and what is that?" Daronica asked quietly.

"They're playing Halo…" Kabuto replied with a shrug.

"Damn it, Hidan! This is multi team, and we're on the same team! Quit killing me." Yang said annoyed.

"I see your name everywhere. And it's red…Red is the color for bad guys. So I'm obligate to kill you." Hidane informed.

"…You're red too, you idiot." Yang stated.

"I know. I'm a self-hating red guy." Hidane said sarcastically.

"I find it so amusing how much you guys take this seriously." Orika commented, with Karin nodding in agreement.

"Says the woman, who's on the team with the nerd." Yang replied with a smirk.

"I am not a nerd!" Karin argued, as she adjusted her glasses.

"Says the girl who has a twenty two kills and one death." Tayuya insulted.

"…I've never heard an insult that said you were so bad, because you were so good…" Guren commented with a roll of her eyes.

"Well fuck you. That's how good I am." Tayuya said with a smirk.

Yang just smirked, as she crossed her legs and leaned back, while putting the controller down. She arched her back to 'stretch' as she leaned her head back. "Oh my, Kabuto, what are you doing here?" She asked in fake surprise.

Kabuto raised an eyebrow when he saw she was trying to show him her cleavage. "I don't know. Maybe it's because I happen to live here." He said with a shrug.

Guren, Karin, Tayuya, Orika and Hidane turned and saw Kabuto standing in the door way. But what caused them to scowl was the girl in white standing next to him. Daronica scowled, to their scowls.

"…Who are you?" Guren asked with narrowed eyes.

"Hmph." Daronica sounded, before she looked at Kabuto. "Where do I put my stuff?" She asked.

"Wait, wait, wait…" Karin interjected. "…What was that supposed to mean?" She asked, as she looked at the sorcerer.

"Oh yeah, this is my new apprentice." Kabuto said with a shrug. "Daronica, Introduce yourself." He said, as he motioned to the other.

"I'm Daronica Malfoy." The girl in white said curtly, as she looked at the group.

"Well what a pleasure to fucking meet you." Tayuya said sarcastically, as she looked at Kabuto. "Why the hell is this princess your damn apprentice?" She demanded angrily. "What the hell! When you healed my leg injuries, for those few years you didn't take me as an apprentice. And we fucked almost a dozen times!" She yelled.

Kabuto pushed his glasses up, as he sighed. Daronica herself was blushing at the mention of sex. "Well I've only had…Mmm, four apprentices, Yang, Karin, Guren and Gaia." He said uncaringly. "They all told me that they wanted the apprenticeship, you didn't and about the 'Fucking' thing. I remember it a bit differently." He informed. "…You tried to tie me up, before you basically raped me." The grey haired sorcerer said dryly.

"…It's not rape if you like it." Tayuya said with a scowl.

"Then you obviously haven't read any hentai manga." Kabuto muttered sarcastically.

"What?" Tayuya asked in confusion.

"…Nothing…" Kabuto muttered, before he sighed. "There are something's we to talk about." He informed seriously, getting everyone's attention.

After an hour Kabuto sat at one end of a long table, in the dining room of the Grimmauld Palace. On his left sat Daronica, on his right sat Yang, then Orika, and then Guren. On the other side was Karin, Tayuya and Hidane.

"So there's these Fallen Angel guys and they want you with them, am I getting this right?" Yang asked, as she leaned back, with her brown boots on the table. Daronica scowled, before she pushed Yang's feet off the table. But the blonde just put them back up.

"Yes and no…" Kabuto said. "…From what I remember, they're called the Order of the Blackened Denarius. They're an organization of Fallen Angels that are sealed into thirty ancient coins, i.e. Denarii." He explained.

"So you have to touch these coins to actually be affected by them." Karin said, as she adjusted her glasses. "So…don't touch them." She added.

"That's not it. There are those that have the coins. Those that have the coins are imbued with the Fallen Angel's power. But that's not what makes them powerful." Kabuto said seriously. "These beings have existed sense before time. They are older than time and have spent thousands of years learning the ways of the mortal world and mind. They understand things humans can't comprehend. They know every trick in the book. They understand everything about a human, and how to manipulate them." He informed.

"Geez, way to sugar coat it." Yang said, as she rested her hands behind her head. She was a pseudo-primordial being so she really didn't see it as a big deal. "And once we have Kurama on our team, nothing short of the Jūbi, A Six Paths enhanced Madara and Kaguya would be able to overpower us." She stated with a smirk.

Kabuto looked at her like she was stupid. "I think you're grossly underestimating the power Angels actually have. The Blackened Denarius are the weakest, but that's because they're sealed inside the coins. But, there are other Fallen Angels out there…" He informed. "…And there's one that has enough power to destroy this planet with a blink of an eye." He said seriously.

Daronica looked nervous. "What can do that?" She asked.

"The one Archangel that rebelled against God, the ruler of Hell, the prince of Darkness…" Kabuto informed. "…I've had several people come to me. And express their desire for me to join them. Powerful groups, who all seem to know who and what I am…I can't assume other powerful beings haven't heard of us." He said.

"Wait, when you said the 'Prince of Darkness' you don't mean…The Morning Star." Daronica said with wide eyes. She might have not been a religious person, but she knew who Lucifer was.

"Is anyone else lost here?" Yang asked, as she looked at the others. The Religion in the Elemental Nations was more centered around the Shinto and Buddhist philosophy, so it isn't a surprise they wouldn't know.

"I am." Guren admitted with a sigh.

"So this Prince of Darkness asshole rebelled against you, Jashin-sama…I'll kill him!" Hidane said, as she stood up.

"…There's no need for that…" Kabuto said with a sigh, as he looked up. "…If anyone of you seen anything that's related to the Denarius. Run." He advised. "The only ones that can stand a chance, is Yang, Karin, Orika and myself." He said seriously. He didn't count Hidane in the group because, while her immortally was good. It wasn't impervious. She can't regenerate like Orika could and if someone cut her head off, her body was useless.

"And that's not everything we need to worry about." He added. "There are the Faeries." He informed.

"Hmhm…Hehe…Haha!" Yang laughed, almost so hard that she fell back. "What? You mean like Tinker Bell?" She asked with a smirk, she lost her smirk when she saw the grey haired sorcerer's serious look.

"You're underestimating things again Yang. I gave you several books, what'd you do with them?" Kabuto said with a sigh.

Yang rubbed her back, with a sheepish look on her face. "Well, you see. It was filled with so many large boring words…I kinda just…." She trailed off.

"Ugh, yeah I get it." Kabuto said, as he rubbed his forehead.

Daronica looked at Yang with narrowed eyes. 'You have access to highly advance books from Kabuto and you didn't read them because they were too boring.' She thought incredulously. 'You don't deserve to be his apprentice.' She mused with a scowl.

Karin adjusted her glasses. "From the way you talk about them. We can only assume that these 'Faeries' are just as powerful as the Denarius." The Red-head said.

"You'd assume correct." Kabuto said with a slight nod, getting a smile and a blush from Karin. "The Faerie are a powerful race of Magical beings that live in a separate dimension than ours. Sort of like the Kumai. And they have an understanding of Magic that trumps anything any human has." He informed.

Yang held back the laugh at 'Magic'. She thought it was adorable people referred to the stuff they do as Magic. She'd take it seriously if they called it Energy Manipulation, Reality-Warping or even Psionic Manipulation. But calling it Magic, made Yang think she was fighting kids. Calling something magic implied that they were using something they didn't understand. 'And if I can see that. I bet Kabuto is hating himself for referring to it as Magic.' Yang thought.

"And like the Angels they are something not to be underestimated." Kabuto voiced seriously. "And whatever you do…don't talk to one." He stated.

"…Why?" Orika asked curiously, as her golden serpent-like eyes gleaned.

"Despite being called Faeries, they are devious deceitful creatures." The grey haired sorcerer informed. "While they are unable to lie, they are incredibly versed in world play and can twist the truth. They will try to make deals, and they can grant your wish. But, that's where the saying 'Be careful what you wish for' comes in. They will twist your desire and at a high price." He said.

"So don't ask for anything…got it." Yang said with a nod, it sounded simple enough.

"And don't give anything to them or take anything from them." Kabuto said stressing the point. "Everything, all their power, revolves around debt and obligations. Like when I freed the Phoenix Sidhe. I saved its life, and it didn't take mine. Simple enough, a life for a life…But that itself was a risky business. No one, none of you, are safe from them. So…Do Not Talk To Of Them." He instructed.

Yang, Karin, Tayuya, Hidane and Guren nodded obediently, while Orika rolled her eyes and looked off. 'I wonder if I can study these 'Faeries'…that might be interesting.' She thought with a shrug.

"…So what are we gonna do now?" Yang asked, as she glanced at the young man.

"Well I am going to try to use Sasuke's eyes to Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan…While You, Guren and Tayuya, are going to help my train Daronica, while my eyes are healing." Kabuto informed.

"Training?" Daronica asked unsure, she thought she was going to be learning.

"What we do, involves fighting along with intelligence. We can't always be diplomatic with our enemies, most of the times we'll have to kill them." Kabuto said seriously.

"I see…." Daronica said quietly, as she put her hands in her lap, sitting in a straight and up tight manner.

"Geez, tone down the excitement Ms. Prim and Proper." Yang said dryly. "I'm afraid I might join in with all that enthusiasm." She commented.

"…Right…" Kabuto said slowly, as he stood up. "You guys should rest up and pack some of your stuff up." He informed.

"Why?" Yang asked, as she looked at the young man.

"Well, I'm going to be extremely venerable once I do the operation. For the next few weeks my eyes will be recovering." Kabuto informed. "So I will essentially be blind and I won't be able to use the Sharingan on any level. So I'm going to do the operation in the Kumai dimension, and I'm taking you, Guren, Tayuya and Daronica. So while I'm recovering, we'll train Daronica. And then, by the time I've recovered. We'll get the other half of the Kyūbi." He stated.

Kabuto scowled as he looked at Karin and Orika. "I have a dozens of books full of information on the Faeries and the Fallen Angels. I got them from Salazar's vaults. And I haven't had the time to actually read through them. Can you look for any weaknesses that could help us combat them?" He asked.

Karin nodded. "Of course Kabuto-kun, you can count on me." The red-head informed.

Yang got up and walked to her room, to pack her stuff up.

Guren sighed, as she looked Daronica over. 'I have to help train this little princess. If anyone's a princess it's me.' She thought vainly.

Tayuya scowled as she glared at the girl in white. 'Fuck, I was hoping to get some alone time with Kabuto. Now I have to fuck and suck him off in front of the blonde bimbo, the crystal bitch and now you!' She thought angrily, as she got up and went to her room.

When most of the girls left, Kabuto looked at Hidane. "I want you to inform Suigetsu, Jūgo and Bellatrix about the Denarius and Sidhe when they return or wake up…alright." He instructed.

"Of course, Jashin-sama." Hidane said loyally.

"Thanks…I'm tired, so…you know do what you usually do." Kabuto said with a sigh, as he walked to his room.

Three Days Later

The Sound of knocking echoed around the house. Down the hallway of the Grimmauld Palace, Hidane slept in front of one of the doors, holding her triple bladed scythe in her sleep.

The Knocking sound continued. And after a few minutes, as slight scuffle could be heard from behind the door Hidane was guarding/ sleeping in front of.

After a few seconds, the door opened up. Kabuto stood there half naked, only wearing his boxers. He blinked a few times, as he rubbed his eyes, before he put his glasses one. "Ugh, who is it?" He asked half asleep, but the knocking still continued.

"Kabuto…who's making that noise?" A female voice asked tiredly, causing the young man to turn around.

A teenage girl with long blonde hair, that flowed in a loose and messy manner sat up. Yang rubbed her eyes, before she stretched and yawned. "What's the annoying sound?" She asked, as she got out of the bed.

"Ugh, quit talking!" another female voice snapped. "I need my beauty sleep!" She added.

"Yeah, you defiantly do, Guren." Yang taunted, as she walked up to the underdressed sorcerer.

A young woman with disheveled shoulder length light blue hair sat up and glared at the blonde. "Shut up." Guren said, as she got out of bed.

Kabuto looked at the two of them. Yang was only wearing an orange tank top with one of Kabuto's boxers. While Guren herself wore only a pair of red panties and a red bra, revealing her pale flawless skin, with her hair let loose.

"Who the hell is knocking at this time of day?" Guren asked irritably.

"…It's ten in the morning." Kabuto said dryly. "…Of course you two would make us sleep in." He commented.

"I didn't hear you complaining last night." Yang replied, with a hand on her hip.

"For once I agree with you." Guren said, as she wiped her mouth and licked her fingers.

"Quit being so melodramatic." Kabuto said dryly, as he left the room. "I honestly don't know who could be knocking at the door. I mean this place is hidden." He informed, as the two walked with him. "…Any reason why you two are coming with me?" He asked.

"I'm bored." Yang admitted.

"I want to eviscerate whoever woke me up." Guren stated.

"And you both want to be scanty clad while you do it." Kabuto said dryly.

"I like the breeze." Yang said carefree.

"…They'll be dead." Guren answered with a shrug, as pink crystal formed over her hand, creating a blade.

Kabuto sighed as he reached the door and opened it. "…Okay, you woke me up. What do you want?" He asked with a voice filled with annoyance.

A man with long black hair stood there, he wore a pair of shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, and sun glasses. He also carried a suitcase. "What do I want? I want to get back in my house." He replied.

"That's nice…you do that." Kabuto replied dryly.

"You see, I kinda have a problem." The man said.

"Yeah, don't we all?" The grey haired sorcerer asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, some kid and his…girlfriends?" the man said with a raised eyebrow, as he saw the scanty clad Yang and Guren behind him. "…Are living in my house." He informed.

"That totally sucks man, I don't really see how that's my problem." Kabuto said with annoyance.

"Right…" The man said. "…Well it just so happens that I live here." He informed.

Kabuto narrowed his eyes. "…Bullshit." He said.

"No." The man said with annoyance.

"What's your name?" Kabuto asked.

"Sirius Black." The man informed.

"Aren't you dead or something?" Kabuto questioned.

"No, what gave you that impression?" Sirius asked in surprise.

"The place looked like no one lived in it for decades." The grey haired sorcerer replied with a shrug. "Also Bella told me all her family was dead...So I'm sure you can understand my confusion." He said sarcastically.

"Bella?" Sirius said unsure.

"Yeah, you know the dark evil MLF witch." Kabuto replied as he fixed his glasses.

"Bella…Bellatrix!" Sirius announced, as he pulled his wand out of his pocket. "Who are you?" He demanded.

"Pfft, Kabuto." The grey haired sorcerer replied with a shrug, but noticing the confused look on the guys face, the young man sighed. "You know the guy that won the wrongly named tournament, the person who appeared in the middle of Hogwarts…" He trailed off.

"…I have no idea what you're talking about." Sirius admitted.

"What have you been living under a rock or something?" Kabuto asked incredulously, his arrived was pretty big news.

"No, I've been in the tropics for several months. I've been trying to work on my tan." Sirius replied.

"Huh…Okay, would the name…Harry…and or Pot…Ter…be reverent." Kabuto said, in a way that if someone i.e. a Fairy or a Denarius heard him say his name, they wouldn't be able to do anything with it.

Sirius took a step back, as he dropped his wand. "H-Harry?" He asked with wide eyes. 'I…I remember. During the war, Lily and James had a child. He was always in the Order's Hideout.' Sirius thought, before he looked down. 'Then after the defeat of Voldemort, his hair turned grey…' He remembered, as he realized what was going on. 'But he vanished…After the incident with Remus…' Sirius thought sadly. After the defeat of Voldemort, some of his loyalists tried an attack. Remus died protecting little Harry. 'James and Lily took it exceptionally hard.' The man thought.

"Yeah, I usually get that reaction when I tell people my other name." Kabuto said dryly.

"Harry…It's me. Sirius." The man said, with wide eyes.

"Saying 'it's me' will not give me a miraculous insight as to who you are." The grey haired sorcerer replied sarcastically.

"I'm…I'm your Godfather." Sirius said, as he picked his wand up off the ground.

"What kind?" Yang asked curiously, as she hugged Kabuto from behind. "A Godfather with the incompetence that Jiraiya had or the super cool Godfather that buys booze for his God child." She said, as she rested her chin on the young man's shoulder.

"The second one." Sirius said with a grin.

"Uh-huh." Kabuto sounded uncaringly, before he sighed and took a step back, letting the man in. He couldn't blame the man for his childhood. Sirius was a Godfather, so he really couldn't take care of him unless his 'parents' died. Besides odds are Sirius was living his own life.

Which was true, after Voldemort's first death, Sirius was arrested. But James and Lily vowed for his innocence. After that scare, Sirius realized how short life was. So he chose to use his money to explore the world, only occasionally seeing his friends. So he never knew the state of Harry's life.

"So, Harry what are you doing here?" Sirius asked excitedly, before he narrowed his eyes and looked the young man over. "…Wait, aren't you supposed to be like…Seventeen?" He asked unsure.

"…No I'm twenty three." Kabuto answered dryly.

"Whoa, you've grown into a fine lad." Sirius said with a smile, before it fell. "Can you put some cloths on though? Those lovely ladies can wear what they're wearing. I'm just uncomfortable being turned on, with my half naked Godson in the room." He admitted, as he sent a grin and a wink to Yang and Guren.

"…Right…" Kabuto said slowly, as he wrapped his arms around Yang's and Guren's bare shoulders. "We're going to get dressed, you can stay put…I'll also get your cousin." He said dryly, as he walked away.

Yang glanced back at Sirius, and sent him a teasing smirk, as she walked away with a sway in her hips. As if saying 'Haha, you can't get this.'

About half an hour later, Kabuto, Yang, Guren, Tayuya, Bellatrix, Daronica and Sirius were all sitting at a long table, and everyone could feel the tension in the air.

"…Auntie…" Daronica said curtly, as she looked at Bellatrix.

With the medical and potions, Bellatrix's completion was better than it had been. Healing most of the damage Azkaban had done. "Oh, ickle Daronica, the baby's all grown up." Bellatrix said in a baby-like voice…Except her insanity.

Daronica scowled, as she looked away. "Don't mind her, she's always been bonkers." Sirius commented.

"Do not speak unless you've been granted permission!" Bellatrix snapped out angrily, as she pointed her wand at the man.

"Ugh, Bella…stop that." Kabuto said with a sigh. She did that a lot. Mostly to Suigetsu, Severus and for some reason Karin.

"F-Forgive me L-lord…" Bellatrix said depressed, as she looked down with her lip quivering.

"There she goes." Yang said with an eye roll. It seemed whenever Bellatrix thinks she's disappointed or failed Kabuto, she goes into a depression.

Kabuto just tried to ignore it. "So…Sirius…what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Um…Living in my house." Sirius replied.

"That's not what I meant…What are you doing here? You could have forced me out the moment you knew who I was. You could have asked questions. We've never met, but you say you're my Godfather." Kabuto said with a scowl. "What is it you want to accomplish by saying that?" He asked, causing Yang, Guren and Daronica to look at the man, while Tayuya was confused.

Sirius made a face. "…Huh?" He sounded.

Kabuto sighed as he closed his eyes for a moment. "You and me, have never meet…Do you believe you'll get something, by saying you're my Godfather…If you are my Godfather, why did you let my parents walk all over me, before they left me at my abusive, bigoted, angry, hateful relatives." He said slowly.

"You're parents what!?" Sirius announced, as he stood up. "T-they would never do that to their child." He insisted.

"Uh-huh, right." Kabuto said dryly. "Because they're just so loving, when's the last time you've actually talked to them?" He asked.

"Well, a few years ago." Sirius admitted with a shrug.

"Well, they've become attention whores." Kabuto informed.

"…Like the Malfoys?" Sirius asked unsure.

"Hey!" Daronica yelled, as she stood up and glared at the man.

"What?" He said.

"I know that my family…has done some dark things in the past. But that doesn't mean you can belittle us and call us attention whores!" Daronica said with a glare. "And as I remember correctly, you're family isn't filled with saints either." She shot back.

Sirius narrowed his eyes at the girl, before he grinned. "Hahaha…You have some fire in you." He commented, but the girl looked at him with unamused narrowed eyes.

"Geez guys, put your measuring sticks away." Yang interjected. "So you had no idea, Kabuto's parents were douches. Okay, I can believe that. But him spontaneously disappearing was…okay?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I did think it was weird." Sirius admitted, as he glanced around. "I just thought you were always out, when I came around." He said.

"…For a decade?" Kabuto said dryly.

"Okay, let me just sum it up for all you fucking idiots!" Tayuya interjected, getting a really irritable. "Kabuto, this shaggy guy is your Godfather, he wasn't always around. There is no other motive. Not everyone is as paranoid and well planned out with you. And Sirius, Kabuto has had a bit of a bitchy ass fucking childhood and is paranoid as shit! There! Now it's all out in the fucking open!" The foul mouthed red-head yelled, as she sat back and took a deep breath. She was all pent up, she hadn't had sex in over half a year, sense before the Fourth shinobi war and she didn't believe in masturbating if she had a man to do her stuff for her.

"Man Tayuya, now tell us how you really feel." Yang teased, only for her to be glared at with yellow eyes.

Sirius looked down. "…I'm sorry Harry." He said, he had no idea what his Godson went though, and he didn't want to know. He was a bully when he was a kid and he knew what pain a child could go through, and he wouldn't wish it upon Harry.

"Eh." Kabuto sounded, as he pushed his glasses up. "It's not like I could blame you. You had your own life to live. My parents on the other hand, well they're my parents and they are sort of obligated to take care of me. And they aren't dead, so you shouldn't have had to take care of me." He said with a shrug.

"I am still sorry though, Harry." Sirius said sadly. "What happened to you? You vanished and…well…you're Twenty three…My god you're Twenty three. You're old enough to drink and party!" He announced. "Don't worry I'll make it up to you." Sirius declared. "I'll get us some liquor and we'll find you a striking young lady to hook you up with." He informed.

"Ahem…I'm kinda a polygamous." Kabuto admitted, as he coughed into his hand.

"Oh…" Sirius said in surprise. "…Even if it's illegal, I'll try to set you up with several fine woman." He said.

"No…" Kabuto began with a sigh, as he motioned to Yang, Guren and Tayuya. "…You don't understand." He said.

"Oh…" Sirius sounded. "Oh…OH!" He announced. "You and them…You lucky bastard." He muttered, as he looked over Yang, Guren and Tayuya.

"Eh, eh, eyes up here buddy." Yang said with a smirk.

"Sirius, this is Yang, Guren and Tayuya…" Kabuto introduced, as he motioned to the three. "Karin is reading most likely. Hidane is sleeping outside my door…again. Gaia is running her village. Orika is probably experimenting on some poor creature, trying to get magic. And Anko is with Gaia…" He trailed off.

"Wait that's…Eight girls!" Sirius announced.

"Well not really. Orika doesn't understand the concept of love…Hidane sees me as her God…And I don't think Anko is in love with me. I think it's more of a 'friends with benefits' type deal." Kabuto said with a shrug.

"Hey! I love you." Yang informed seriously.

"I know." Kabuto said with a slight smile. 'And so does Gaia.' He thought.

"I love you." Guren said, before she glared at Yang hatefully.

"Hey I had to stay almost three years alone with his crazy ass!" Tayuya said angrily. "If I'm not insane, that should say something!" She argued.

"Three years alone, that sounds like a fun time if you ask me." Yang commented with a smirk.

"You would think that you blonde bimbo." Tayuya insulted.

"…I take it back…" Sirius muttered, referring to the 'Lucky Bastard' comment.

"Yeah…me too…" Kabuto said with a sigh, before he scowled. "Sirius, my parents despised me as a kid. Do you know why?" He asked, causing all the girls to be quiet.

Sirius sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "…In the war…A lot of people gave their lives. When you were a child, some people gave their lives to protect you. One person was a close friend between James and myself. Remus, he was a poor fella. He always got the short end of the stick. When you were a baby, he took it upon himself to protect you. After Voldemorts death, some Death Eaters attacked. Some…a lot went after your family." He explained. "…Remus died to protect you specifically. I think James and Lily took it hard." Sirius said sadly.

Kabuto scowled. "…Remus was your friend, aren't you mad?" He asked.

"Hmph…If I were to blame Remus' death on you…Remus would surely kick my ass. It's not anyone's fault Remus died. It just that my best friend was the type of person who would die to protect his friend's child, and I can't forget you're the guy that my best friend gave his life to protect." Sirius answered with a slight smile. "It appeared the James and Lily didn't see it that way." He commented, as he looked down.

"I see…enough with all this feeling stuff." Kabuto said, changing the subject, before he looked at the others. "Are you guys ready?" He asked.

"I'm packed up." Yang informed.

"I have all my stuff ready and sealed." Guren replied.

"I only need the cloths on my back." Tayuya said with her arms crossed.

"…Ew…" Yang sounded.

"I have my outfits all in order for the next two months." Daronica informed, with her nose in the air.

"What's going on?" Sirius asked curiously.

"I'm having an operation done on my eyes and I'm taking them all out for a bit…Eh, since this is technically your house…I guess you can stay here. Just don't fuck with anything." Kabuto replied.

"Scouts honor." Sirius said with a grin.

"Hmm…" Kabuto sounded with narrowed eyes, before he and the girls got what they needed.

After a few minutes Kabuto stood in a black sleeveless shirt, and a pair of black pants. He wasn't going to be doing anything strenuous so he was wearing some light clothing. Yang, Guren and Tayuya all wore their usual attire, while Daronica was forced to wear grey training cloths.

"W-why do I have to wear this?" Daronica asked, as she squirmed uncomfortably in her cloths.

"Well if you want to ruin all your good cloths, it's fine with me." Kabuto said, as he reached out and grabbed her shoulder and Yang's. Guren reached out and ran her hand on the young man's chest. While Tayuya hugged him from behind, as she began to slowly grind her pelvis against him.

The group vanished in a swirling vortex that came from the young man's eye. The five appeared in a flat metallic land.

"What the hell!" Guren and Yang announced as they looked up.

In the sky floated a ship. It had a pyramid-shaped design. It had two large wings that extended from the base, with a curved cockpit at the head of the vessel. On the bottom of the ship, there was a two barreled pivoted turret.

"…What in the world?" Daronica muttered, as she turned around.

"It's called an Al'kesh apparently." Kabuto said, as he fixed his glasses.

"…What about those…?" Daronica asked with wide eyes, before everyone turned.

Up in in the rust colored sky floated four incomplete ships. Three were all about the same size, all having a golden tetrahedron in the center. Built around the pyramid was a large triangle-shaped superstructure that wrapped around the center pyramid. Another ship floated higher than the rest, and it was about five times larger than the other three.

"…What the fucking hell?" Tayuya asked with a scowl.

"I have no idea." Kabuto admitted, as they watched several giant Replicator spiders float up to from the ground and to the constructing ships. He looked down as the ground moved, before a Replicator formed. The Spider Replicator climbed up the young man's leg and onto his shoulder. "What are these?" He asked, as he looked at the mechanical spider.

The girls listened as the Replicator created an assortment of chirping, metallic grinding and high-pitched screeching sounds. "You're using the technology from the others. And you're…creating interstellar warships from it…" Kabuto said with surprise, but there was a dry tone in it. A tone that said 'you have access to advance technology and you create warships'.

"You have the access to advance technology and you create such weird looking ships?" Yang asked with a hand on her hip, as she looked at the three partially complete Ha'tak and Apophis' Mothership. "If you can create this, why not make a Covenant Supercarrier or like the UNSC Infinity?" She said.

"…That would be relevant, if I knew what you were talking about." Kabuto said dryly.

"Come on, you've played Halo with us." Yang whined out. "You should know." She stated.

"I'd hate to agree. But having the Infinity or the Supercarrier would be awesome to have. And it'd fit our power." Guren said, with her arm crossed. "But those pyramid ships do kinda look cool." She commented.

The Spider Replicator's wings drooped, as it's made a low sound. "No, no I love them." Kabuto said with a small smile, as he pet the mechanical spider. "They're just offering suggestions. You know, for new challenges and designs you guys can make." He informed.

Tayuya watched with a small smile, as the grey haired medic comforted the robot. She scowled before anyone noticed.

"Yang, how can I give the Replicators the designs for the 'UNSC Infinity and Supercarrier'?" Kabuto asked, as he glanced at the blonde girl.

"Uh-du-nu." Yang sounded, with a shrug, before her eyes went wide as she reached into her bag. Kabuto raised an eyebrow as the girl pulled out seven game cases. With the titles 'Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary ' 'Halo 2' 'Halo 3' 'Halo 3 ODST' 'Halo Reach' 'Halo 4' and 'Halo Wars'. "Oh, just have them read these." She said with a wide smile.

"…Why do you have those with you?" Kabuto asked, slightly worried for Yang's mental health.

"You never know when you might need it." Yang replied easily, with a carefree smirk.

"When would one need seven games?" Kabuto questioned.

Yang just looked at him innocently. "We need them now." She replied as she hopped on the balls of her feet.

"…Right…" Kabuto said slowly, as he watched Yang opened each of the cases, before she put the disks into the ground. The group watched as the disks were devoured by the metallic blocks, before the replicators in the ground red the data.

The Spider Replicator froze for a few seconds, before it made several sounds. "You think you can?" Kabuto asked in surprise.

"There's actually a lot of information on the web on how the technology in Halo works." Yang informed with a shrug. "…I'm sure that'll help too." She added.

The Replicator made a few more sounds. "I see. You have the collective data of…Goa'uld and…Asgard technology…" The grey haired sorcerer trailed off, before the mechanical spider made several more sounds. "…But since you lack the sufficient power and the right materials to use the Asgard technology, the Halo stuff is an excellent outlet for all that collective technologies of the enhanced Goa'uld and Asgard." Kabuto said making a considerate face. "Huh…that's interesting." He muttered.

"Asgard…like the Norse mythology thingies?" Yang asked curiously.

"I have no idea…" Kabuto muttered, before he looked at the group of girls. "…I'm going to transplant my eyes. While I'm doing that, you better prepare Daronica." He said, as the group walked towards the closest pointed structure.

Few Days Later

Kabuto sat on a metallic silver chair, with several dozen Replicator spiders, beetles and flies guarding him. Around his eyes was white cloth. In front of him were four girls.

One was a young woman with light blue hair that was kept in a spiky ponytail with long strands of her hair framing her face. Another was a young teenage girl with long flowing messy blonde hair and blue-ish purple eyes. Another was young girl with long untamed pink-ish red hair, brown eyes and a perpetual scowl on her face. And finally was a girl with silver-ish blonde hair that was kept in an off-center pony tail, with cool grey-ish blue eyes.

"For the past few days you've been eating a lot of carbs, along with exercising to build up muscle mass so you can actual perform the tasks at hand." Kabuto spoke loudly, even if he was blinded right now, he knew what to do. "Now we'll start a grueling training session." He said.

"But wait, wouldn't that cause horrible muscle degeneration for somebody my age?" Daronica asked. she was still only fourteen. "Crippling me for years to come." She said.

Tayuya, Yang and Guren looked at Daronica blankly. "…You're a wordy little bitch, aren't you?" Tayuya asked rudely.

"My father wants me to be a…" Daronica began.

"NERD!" Yang yelled.

"W-wha?" The girl replied.

"Anyway…" Guren said, glancing at the two. "…The fastest way Kabuto had us adapt and unlock our potential was to put us in immense physical danger. So…" She trailed off, as she formed two giant pink slow flake crystal shuriken, while Yang's gauntlets activated and Tayuya pulled out several kunai. "…We're going to throw dozens of dangerous objects at you, until you adapt." The blue haired girl said sadistically.

Daronica's knees shook as she held her silver rapier weakly. "H-help me…" She muttered.

"We are helping." Yang said with a smile, as Guren threw the one of the giant crystal shrunken.

"Uh…Uh…" Daronica sounded nervously, before she dropped to the ground, as the blade passed by.

"Nice reflexes…what about the other one." Kabuto commented, before Daronica rolled out of the way, just as the other crystal projectile passed by.

Kabuto 'watched' the training progress. Well he wasn't seeing anything. He was actually seeing through the 'eyes' of the Replicators. One of the reasons why only Kabuto could understand what the Replicators said, was because he had a telepathic connection with them, or more specifically the original Replicator i.e. Kumo.

Kumo was in the center of the Kamui dimension, because of all the new information being distributed its size increased exponentially. Since Kabuto and Kumo shared a telepathic link, the grey haired sorcerer could go into the Replicator link and assimilate all the knowledge they assimilated. But that would kill him. But he could tap into the link and block the information out, while seeing from the Replicator's perspective, which is what he was doing right now, to watch Daronica progress.

While Daronica was having her session, Kabuto held his hand up and scowled. He focused and felt the chilling effects of his magic. 'I am the incarnation of Jashin…the God of Death, Destruction, Pain and Chaos…I've been trying to use magic like Telekinesis and Kinetomancy, which is the magic of manipulation. While I did the impossible and used a Killing Curse wandlessly…why?' Kabuto thought, as his palm gave off a black-ish glow.

'It's an affinity.' Kabuto mused. 'I have an affinity for Magics that deal in Death, Destruction, Pain and Chaos.' He thought with a slight smirk. 'So I should focus more on Necrokinesis and Necromancy for the Death one…Thermokineses and Pyromacy for Destruction…Biokinesis for Pain…and for Chaos, any form of Dark Magic is affiliated with disorder.' He thought with a sigh, before he faced the closest Replicator. "At my library…There are a few Tomoes I got from Salazar that I didn't want to be seen by anyone else. Can you bring them to me, this will take a while." Kabuto instructed.

The grey haired sorcerer sighed, as he saw through the Replicators that Daronica was barely able to dodge the attacks the three girls sent. And when her body didn't move, she's put the rapier in the way, blocking them.

'Magic is very simple to use once you know what you're doing.' Kabuto thought, as he tightened his fingers as a black energy-like mist formed in-between his fingers. 'First you have to gather the energy you need…Then with that energy you have to think on what you want it to do….Then you launch in the right direction.' He mused. 'But it all stems from your belief. You have to have the confidence it'll work it will…if not…' He thought as the black energy dissipated. "…Poof…" He sounded quietly.

The ground beneath him opened up, as several old black, creepy looking books came out. Kabuto grabbed and opened the first one up, before he coughed as dust came off it. A Replicator jumped down onto the pages and helped the grey haired sorcerer read. "Ugh…it's times like this I hate reading." He muttered to himself.