154Chapter 5

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I will miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.



Hand Signing

A/N: This story is also posted on my Mibba account tilted Kumo no Su De.


The next morning was a repeat of yesterday with Yami making breakfast and walking Sasuke to school. Tomorrow was the Genin Exams and Yami knew that Sasuke was striving for the number one rank in the class. The wind blew Yami's hair and he caught a whiff of ramen, but it was not the type of ramen scent he had smelled yesterday when he and Kakashi had walked past Ichiraku Ramen. His eyes scanned the area, trying to find where that smell was coming from. Only by chance, Yami looked up towards the Hokage Monument. His eye twitched at the colorful doodle marks an orange figure was leaving behind on the stone faces. Yami shunshin to the top of the monument and began walking down the stone carvings until he was right beside the oblivious blonde boy he knew as Naruto Uzumaki. Taking hold of the hideous orange jacket, Yami ignored the startled noises and shunshin back to the top of the monument.

Uzumaki. You are supposed to be at the Academy. Your Genin Exam is tomorrow. Yami signed, wondering why in Hi no Kuni was the blonde skipping.

"What's the big idea, Mister!" Naruto shouted, waving his arms about wildly.

Academy. Now. Yami signed.

The blonde looked just as lost as the first time. Sighing, Yami took out a piece of paper and used a chakra tipped finger to write.

"'No skipping class.' Hmph! Like they will notice I'm gone anyways!" Naruto shouted again.

The boy went to run away, but Yami was quick to grab hold of the boy's jacket. The blonde flinched away from Yami's raised hand, but blue eyes widened when all Yami did; was pat the blonde's head. Out of paper, Yami unsealed one of his senbon and wrote a simple message on the ground.

"'Why will no one notice your absence?' Because they don't care! They don't teach me anything there! It'll be my luck they have the clone jutsu on tomorrow's test. Then I'll never become Hokage." Naruto's voice started off in a shout and trailed off into a crestfallen whisper.

Yami scratched his chin in thought, before writing something else.

"'Go to class now. Afterwards, follow Sasuke to the Uchiha Clan training area.' Uh? Follow that teme?" Naruto asked in disbelief.

Yami's mouth twitched into a smirk at the nickname the blonde had for his cousin. He nodded, giving the blonde a closed eyed smile before gently shoving the boy off towards the staircase that leads down to the village. Naruto began to walk while glancing at the ravenette man every so often over his shoulder.


"Stop following me, Usuratonkachi." Sasuke hissed at the blonde annoyance behind him.

"Tsk, some guy that looks like you told me to follow you after classes, Teme." Nauto told the ravenette loudly.

Sasuke stumbled slightly and turned around to glare at Naruto.

"Yami-Itoko told you to follow me? Why?" Sasuke growled, his fist balling at his sides.

Naruto shrugged.

"He didn't say. It was after he caught me painting on the Hokages' faces." Naruto snapped, his own fist balling.

Sasuke sneered before looking over at the stone faces. Indeed there was paint covering the monument.


Sasuke jerked back into a run which Naruto copied. Seeing this, Sasuke sped up. His mouth formed a frown as the blonde kept pace with him. Running as fast as his legs would carry him, Sasuke burst into the Uchiha compound and straight to the training grounds. Naruto stopped beside him, both boys gasping for breath. A slow clap followed their arrival and they looked up to see an amused Yami standing in the center of the field much like yesterday.

Sasuke, tell Uzumaki to show me his Taijutsu stance. Yami signed to Sasuke, saving the time from writing it down for the blonde to read.

"Usuratonkachi, Yami-Itoko wants you to show him your Taijutsu stance." Sasuke muttered, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Okay." Naruto agreed

Yami faltered at the sloppy stance that the blonde took. Sasuke was smirking, but his smirk vanished when he looked up and saw the anger in his cousin's eyes. Naruto gulped when Yami walked closer. Immediately, Yami began to correct Naruto's stance to the basic Academy one.

Practice this stance until it becomes muscle memory. Yami signed and Sasuke spoke aloud what his cousin had stated.

Naruto nodded and began to practice this new stance. It was a lot easier than the one Mizuki-sensei taught him. While Naruto practiced, Yami brought Sasuke back to the tree from yesterday. Before Sasuke could start the tree walking exercise, Yami's hand on his shoulder stopped him. Sasuke watched as Yami kneeled down to be eye level with him.

For some reason, Uzumaki was taught everything wrong in the Academy. I told him to come here, because I thought you could be a huge impact in helping him. I am sorry that I did not ask how this would make you feel. Yami signed slowly so that Sasuke did not miss a word.

"Hn. They tried to sabotage him?" Sasuke asked quietly, his brows furrowed in confusion.

Yami nodded.

"Do you know why?" Sasuke questioned his cousin who shook his head 'no'.

Do me a favor and keep an eye open during the Genin Exam. Make sure no one tries anything. Yami signed, his eyes showing how serious he was.

Sasuke could not object even if he wanted to. He then began his own practice. By the end of the day, both boys were laying on the ground in heaps of sweat and dirt. After Naruto had mastered the basics of the Academy Taijutsu stance, Yami had the two boys spar. He then had the two get to tree walking. Sasuke was halfway up his with Naruto close behind. Exhaustion had the two barely conscious enough to acknowledge Yami at all. Not seeing the harm in letting the blonde stay over this one time, Yami grabbed both boys by the back of their pants and hauled them inside where he deposited them in Sasuke's bed for the night.


Yami stood in front of the stove the next morning cooking breakfast when two shouts came from down the hall.


"THIS IS MY ROOM, USURATONKACHI!" Sasuke yelled back.

Feet stomped down the hallway until both boys stood in the kitchen.

"Itoko, why is this dobe here?" Sasuke asked, pointing at the blonde.

Yami's shoulders shook in a silent laugh.

You both were asleep, so I put you to bed. Yami signed.

Naruto looked lost.

"Bu-but why my bed?!" Sasuke asked.

Yami picked at his left ear with his left eye closed in a joking manner that Sasuke's voice bothered him.

It was too much trouble carrying you to two different rooms.

Sasuke gapped at his cousin, before huffing and sitting down at the table. Naruto, looking just as lost as ever, took a hesitant seat beside his classmate. Yami set the bowls of rice in front of the boys before getting his own. The three ate in silence until Yami shooed them out with a bento in each of their grasp. Sasuke jerked his chin in the air, not sure what he thought about having to obviously share his cousin's attention with the blonde dobe. Then he remembered what Yami told him yesterday and decided to keep an eye out only for the mere fact that his cousin asked him to.

Once inside the classroom, Sasuke took his usual seat in the middle row by the window. Naruto took the available seat in front of him. When everyone was present, the written tests were handed out. Halfway through his test, Sasuke glanced down at the row in front of him and saw Naruto's test waver slightly. He narrowed his eyes at the Genjutsu placed on the blonde's test. He raised his hand.

"Yes, Sasuke-kun?" Mizuki asked, catching the ravenette's questioning look.

"Mizuki-sensei, why does the dobe's test have a Genjutsu on it?" Sasuke asked, face blank.

Mizuki gulped while Iruka gapped and rushed to see the blonde's test.

"What the?" Iruka dispelled the test and gave it back to Naruto after sending a glare at his assistant.

"Oooh, Sasuke-kun is so cool!" Female voices rang throughout the classroom.

"Hn." Ignoring them, Sasuke went back to his own test.

The Taijutsu and Weapons tests came next. When Naruto got into the basic Academy stance that Yami had taught him yesterday, Mizuki tried to tell him that it was wrong. Sasuke spoke up once again.

"Actually, Mizuki-sensei, the dobe did it correctly for once." Sasuke statement had the girls agreeing immediately even if they did not know what he was talking about.

Iruka took that moment to dismiss Mizuki from the testing altogether. It was when the last part of the test that Naruto was on his own. The blonde boy left the testing room with a sullen look and without a hitai-ate. Sasuke, having been called before Naruto, watched as the blonde went over to the swing to sulk. Before he could decide whether or not to go over and talk to the blonde, Sasuke saw Mizuki-sensei go over and whisper to the blonde. A hand on his shoulder had Sasuke look up to see Yami.

"Mizuki-sensei put a Genjutsu on the dobe's test, but I can't prove that it was him. Also, Mizuki-sensei tried to get the dobe to perform the Academy Taijutsu stance wrong." Sasuke told Yami, pointing at where Mizuki was with the blonde.

Yami looked over, but Naruto and Mizuki were gone. Sasuke frowned. Yami's eyes narrowed in thought.

"Ya-Yami-san, it's you." Iruka said, walking up to the two Uchihas. "Have you two seen Naruto? I was looking for him."

"Mizuki-sensei left with him." Sasuke stated.

Iruka's mouth tightened, hiding the concern he was feeling.

Umino-san, is everything alright? Yami signed to the Chunin.

"Oh, yeah. Congratulations on graduating, Sasuke." Iruka said before leaving the Academy in search of the blonde Uzumaki.

"Itoko, something doesn't feel right." Sasuke voiced as the two walked towards the Uchiha compound.

The two had stopped for some bar-b-q to celebrate Sasuke's graduation. Out of the corner of his eye, Yami spotted the circling falcon and stopped.

Go straight home. I have to meet with the Hokage. Yami signed quickly before using chakra to jump onto the nearest rooftop.

Yami joined other jonin and ANBU at the Hokage tower where they were informed that Naruto Uzumaki had stolen the Scroll of Sealing. Eyes narrowed, Yami took off in search of the blonde. He had a feeling that Mizuki had something to do with why the blonde stole the scroll. Stretching out his sensory ability, Yami searched for the blonde's chakra source. He found it along with Iruka and a fast approaching Mizuki.

"Haven't you ever wondered why the villagers hate you!?" Mizuki yelled at the blonde.

"Stop it, Mizuki! It's forbidden!" Iruka shouted at his friend turned traitor.

Mizuki smirked down at the frozen boy.

"It is because you are—"

Mizuki's words were cut off when a senbon struck his neck. His eyes widened in shock as his body began to shut down from paralysis. The last thing his saw as he fell out of the tree he was in was the dangerous red glow of the Sharingan.