154Chapter 6

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing

***Thank you so very much, , for the lovely comment!


Yami landed silently on the ground while Mizuki's body thumped loudly in his paralyzed form.

"Ya-Yami-san!" Iruka shouted in shock, not sensing the other man.

Yami went over to a tear-streaked Naruto and took the scroll from him. He tossed it to Iruka who fumbled in catching it. Naruto's shoulders shook in silent tears as he refused to look at the others.

"Naruto, this wasn't your fault. Mizuki lied to you, so you won't get in trouble." Iruka tried to explain.

Yami's hand on the blonde's head had watery blues looking up at him.

Show him what you learned. Yami signed, motioning his words by taking Naruto's hands and forming the familiar Shadow Clone seal.

Naruto nodded and formed the seal.

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu."

Without the proper chakra control, the blonde ended up making over a hundred clones of himself. Yami's eyebrows rose at the large amount and Iruka was beside himself. Yami patting the blonde's head, pleased at the stuttering mess Iruka was. The Academy teacher smiled and ordered Naruto to take his goggles off. The teacher then tied his own hitai-ate around the blonde's forehead which earned the brunette a tight hug.

I will take Mizuki to the Hokage. I am leaving Uzumaki in your care. Yami signed as Naruto's clones dispelled.

He walked over and grabbed hold of Mizuki's collar before he shunshin them both to the Hokage tower where the village leader waited.

Hokage-sama. Yami saluted while letting his grip on Mizuki go, causing the paralyzed man to fall limply to the ground.

Hiruzen stared at the traitor and sighed.

"I had a feeling this would happen. Did he tell Naruto-kun about it?" Hiruzen asked, his tone and gaze hard.

Yami shook his head 'no'.

I arrived just in time, but if not Mizuki, someone else is bound to tell him. Maybe you should be the one to tell Naruto now that he is a genin. Yami signed his thoughts.

"I will have Naruto-kun see me tomorrow and I will tell him then. I will have Ibiki speak with Mizuki concerning his actions tonight." Hirzen stated and a noise escaped Mizuki at Ibiki's name. "I saw you training Naruto-kun yesterday. Did Kakashi tell you about the boy being selected for Team Seven with Sasuke-kun?"

Yami nodded and earned a smile from Hiruzen.

"How did Sasuke-kun take it?"

Surprisingly well. Yami stated, smiling back.


The following day was set for team placements and having asked Yami about what he thought, Sasuke was given a shrug in reply. Waiting for the rest of the graduates to show up, Sasuke was surprised to see the dobe walk in with a hitai-ate on his forehead.

"I thought you failed, Usuratonkachi." Sasuke stated, earning a scowl from the blonde who plopped down in the seat next to him.

"Iruka-sensei saw my awesome new jutsu and passed me. Your cousin was there too. He was so cool! He—" Naruto stopped, remembering that he was told not to tell anyone the details. "Never mind, Teme."

Sasuke's brow rose at the blonde, before he went back to having a blank face half hidden behind his laced fingers that were propped up on the desk.

"…Team Seven will consist of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno—"

"Yeah, alright!" Naruto shouted with glee

"Uh, why me." Sakura groaned.

"—and Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka finished as if he was not interrupted.

"Yes! True love conquers all, Ino-Pig!" Sakura yelled, her mood doing a complete turnaround.

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Iruka-sensei! Why does an amazing ninja like me have to be on the same team as that teme?" Naruto asked, standing up and pointing at Sasuke who glared back.

"Naruto, it has always been the dead last placed on the team with the Rookie of the Year. You, Naruto, scored the lowest out of everyone in the class." Iruka explained and the others laughed at the blonde while Sasuke stayed quiet. "Now, everyone is dismissed for lunch, but meet back here afterwards to meet with your Jonin senseis."

Everyone was in a hurry to leave and set with their friends and/or teammates. Sasuke hopped out of the window with his bento and Sakura hurried out the door to find him. Sasuke popped back up to the window before tossing something at Naruto's head.

"Yami-Itoko told me to give you that." Sasuke muttered, before disappearing again to find a place to eat in peace.

Naruto stared down at the wrapped bento Sasuke had thrown at him. Grinning, he ran out of the classroom to find Sakura to see if she wanted to eat with him.


An hour after everyone else's senseis had picked them up, Team Seven was the only ones left in the classroom waiting.

"Ah, I can't take it anymore! Where is our sensei!?" Naruto shouted, standing up on his desk.

Both Sakura and Sasuke agree on the inside, but Sakura told Naruto to get down while Sasuke remained silent. The classroom door slid open and in walked Yami dragging a defeated looking Kakashi behind him.



Sasuke and Naruto spoke at the same time. Sakura blushed, seeing Sasuke's older cousin again who waved at the three in return before releasing the silver haired man.

I along with Kakashi Hatake will be the joint senseis for Team Seven. Yami signed.

Yami noted happily that Sasuke told Naruto what he had said.

"My first impression of you all is that you are all bor—" Kakashi stopped when he saw the glare he received from Yami. "Promising. You all look promising. Meet us up on the roof for introductions."

With that said, both Yami and Kakashi shunshin up to the rooftop. Yami took a seat on the railing while Kakashi leaned up against it with his arms crossed. A few minutes later and the three genin made it to the roof and sat down on the steps there.

"Okay, so let's introduce ourselves. Give me your name, likes, your dislikes and any hobbies or goals you wish to achieve." Kakashi spoke monotonously.

"Why don't you go first, Yami-sensei." Sakura said, smiling at Yami.

The older Uchiha shrugged.

"'Uchiha Yami. I like takoyaki. My dislikes are private. I like reading. My goal is a secret.'" Sasuke spoke up what his cousin was signing.

"Three things? That's all we get?" Naruto murmured to the ravenette beside him.

"My name is Hatake Kakashi. I have many likes and not a lot of dislikes. My hobbies are…not for you to hear and I have a goal." Kakashi said, chuckling at the sweat drops the genin gave him.

Yami chuckled silently at Kakashi's antics.

"Alright, Pinkie, you're up." Kakashi stated.

"My name is Haruno Sakura. I like…I mean who I like is…" She glanced at Sasuke. "My hobbies are…" She giggled. "My goal for the future is!" Yami winced at the high pitched noise that came from the girl.

"And your dislikes?" Kakashi asked, not particularly wanting to know after that.

"Naruto!" She shouted without hesitation.

Sasuke had shuffled away from the pinkette and closer to the blonde, obviously choosing to sit next to his rival than his stalker. Yami's eyes twinkled, already working on a plan to knock the fan-girl right out of the pink haired girl.

"Uchiha Sasuke. I have no likes and I dislike many things." Yami could not stop his shoulders from shaking from his silent laughter at what his cousin was sprouting. "What I have isn't a dream, but an ambition. I will restore my clan and kill a certain someone." By the end of his introduction, Sasuke was glaring at the ground and Yami's laughter had stopped.

'I will have to talk to him about his avenger's path.' Yami thought seriously.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I love cup ramen and trying all the different types of ramen. I especially like the ramen Iruka-sensei buys me. I don't like the three minute wait for ramen to cook. My hobby is gardening. My goal is to become Hokage so that everyone will stop ignoring me and acknowledge me, Dattebayo!"

'I'll have to fix that goal to better suit him too.' Yami thought, scratching the side of his neck.

"Meet us at training ground seven tomorrow morning at five am. Don't be late and don't eat breakfast unless you want to throw up." Kakashi told them.

Yami stayed quiet, knowing what Kakashi was up to.

"Are we going on a mission?" Naruto asked excitedly.

Kakashi began to laugh.

"We are doing survival training." He stated.

"But we did that in the Academy." Sakura voiced, confused.

This will determine who passes and who fails as genin. The Exam was only to weed out those who were lost causes. Yami signed and watched as Sakura's eyes widened and Sasuke's eyes narrowed.

"What? What did he say, Teme?" Naruto asked Sasuke.

"The Exam was a ploy to knock out the ones who wouldn't make it." Sasuke hissed, but he sort of understood why that was.

Kakashi then grabbed a hold of Yami's forearm and shunshin them a few rooftops away so they could watch the genin. Kakashi whipped out his orange book while Yami actually watched the three kids. Sakura was blushed while asking Sasuke something, but the ravenette ignored her and went to jump down from the roof. Yami was surprised when Naruto stopped him by asking him something. Sakura seemed surprised by Sasuke's answer and watched as the blonde jumped down after the ravenette. Instead of walking away immediately, Sasuke tilted his head up to look at Sakura while Naruto waved his arm up at her.


Yami winced as he could hear Naruto's shouting all the way over to his and Kakashi's hiding spot. Kakashi chuckled and Yami sent him a look.

"They might actually end up passing the test tomorrow." Kakashi stated.

I was not expecting for them to leave together. Yami signed and Kakashi nodded in agreement. I better get home then and start dinner. It seems as though I'll have two extra mouths to feed…three if you show up.

Yami did not give Kakashi a chance to reply as he shunshin back to the Uchiha Clan compound.