154Chapter 9

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Naruto or any of it's characters. Kishimoto Masashi does. I do not make any type of profit from writing this fanfiction. This is strictly for my and my readers' pleasure. The Japanese language used in this fanfiction is translated by Google.

CLAIMER: I OWN Yami Uchiha. Do NOT steal.

RATED: R and is subject to change.

WARNING: This is going to be an YAOI/MALE+MALE story.

BETA READER: None; so there will be errors that I miss.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The scenarios involved in this fanfiction are fictional. The main character may also strike readers as a Mary/Gary Sue. If this fact bothers you, turn back now. Construction criticism is welcomed. No flames.

A/N: I also have this story posted on my Mibba account titled Kumo no Su De.



Hand Signing


When Yami finally made it to Team Seven's morning test, it was to a pacing Sasuke, a worried looking Sakura and a frustrated Naruto.

"Yami-sensei, you're late!" Naruto and Sakura shouted.

Yami held up his hands in mock peace and smiled at the two. He caught Sasuke's eyes and readied himself.

"Why do you look so tired? You were fine this morning when I left the house." Sasuke asked, and the three genin stared up at Yami with questioning gazes.

I was helping out a friend. Yami told them.

"Helping out a friend?" Sakura asked, confused.

Yami nodded. Any further explanation was halted when Kakashi appeared in a shunshin. Yami and Kakashi greeted each other with nods, Kakashi giving Yami a knowing look that had Yami wondering what the silver haired jonin had been up to earlier that morning.

"Alright my cute little genin—"

"You're late too!" Sakura and Naruto shouted, once again at the same time.

"—let's get this test started shall we? Here are two bells. You have until noon to take them from me. To make things fair, Yami-san will only observe you three." Kakashi told them while tying the bells to his vest and pulling an alarm clock from his hip pouch. "Whoever does not get a bell will be tied to one of those three posts and go without lunch. They will also be sent back to the Academy for another year of learning."

To start things off, Yami took the alarm clock and sat down on top of one of the large posts. He hit set and Kakashi said 'go'.


Yami's eye twitched as he watched the poor blonde go rocketing into the nearby river that ran through training ground seven. He looked back at the silver haired jonin who had straightened up from his crouching position.

Was that really necessary? Yami signed, referring to Kakashi stabbing the blonde in the rear under the guise of Konoha's Secret Finger Jutsu: One Thousand Years of Death.

"Absolutely." Kakashi stated, amusement thick in his voice as he blocked a 'surprise' kick from Sasuke.

Yami refrained himself from rolling his eyes as he watched the top of the river ripple. He smirked, feeling the burst of chakra accumulating from underneath. At another large source of chakra, Yami looked back at Sasuke's fight and saw the giant fireball slam into Kakashi's substitution.

'So he knows a Katon jutsu and is able to perform it. This is good.' Yami thought.

The older Uchiha choked on a silent laugh when Kakashi's hands broke through the ground only to yank the younger ravenette into it, burying the boy up to his neck. Sasuke glared over at his laughing cousin. He could tell Yami was laughing, because the man's eyes were closed and he was bent over beating one of his legs with a fist while using his other hand to keep his balance on the post.

"Hn, laugh it up while you can." Sasuke mumbled, trying to wiggle himself free.

This only caused Yami to wave his hand, the one that he was using to balance himself, at Sasuke to stop because it was only making Yami laugh harder. Yami felt the tilt and blinked. Sasuke smirked at his cousin, who was now sprawled on his back on the ground.

"Hn. Serves you right." Sasuke shot at Yami who was now sporting the glare.

From behind his tree, Kakashi chuckled with his single visible eye going from his book to Yami and Sasuke. Taking the chance, Kakashi found Sakura. Sasuke stopped wiggling and Yami straightened up with his back up against the post as Sakura's scream echoed through the training ground. When Kakashi made his presence known again, Naruto burst out of the river with about twenty clones of himself.


I almost believed that they would fail. Yami signed to Kakashi, the two watching from this hiding spot behind some bushes as Sakura and Sasuke offered their lunch to a starving Naruto. Ah, she is actually feeding him.

Kakashi shunshin in front of the three genin, while Yami performed a Genjutsu that made a thunderous storm appear behind the silver haired jonin. Shadows hide Kakashi's eye in a threatening attempt to scare the kids.

"You dare disobey my direct order?" Kakashi spoke, his tone dangerous and causing the genin to tense up.

Sakura had backed up into Naruto and the blonde had accidently kneed the girl in the back. Sasuke had pulled out a kunai, grasping it tightly in his hand until his knuckles were white. Then Kakashi's eye curved upwards and he leaned back as the storm behind him vanished into sunshine.

"You pass." Kakashi stated, holding up a peace sign at the confused genin.

It took the three a moment before his words set in and they each gave their own reaction of passing. Naruto's was obviously the loudest and Yami wondered if it was to compensate for the blondes lack of being able to jump up and down. He solved this by untying the rope holding the blonde in place and watched with amusement as the blonde landed on the ground.

How about we celebrate? Yami signed, patting his cousin lightly on the head.

Kakashi went to sneak away, but Yami saw this and yanked the man back by the collar of his vest.

You're coming too. Yami signed, giving the silver haired man no choice as he began to drag him.

"Where are we going to celebrate?" Sakura asked, looking up at her raven haired sensei.

"Ramen?" Naruto asked in excitement.

Yami only smiled in response.


Team Seven squeezed together inside the small takoyaki stand. Kakashi sat on the far left while Yami sat on the far right. The three genin were shoulder to shoulder in between the two jonin.

"Hey, Sasuke-kun, what does Yami-sensei's face look like?" Sakura asked in a whisper.

Three paired of eyes stared at the older Uchiha as his takoyaki ball phased through the bandages covering his mouth. Sasuke shrugged.

"What about Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked and the three pairs of eyes moved from one target to the next.

They gapped at their silver haired sensei's empty plate and the flushing woman behind the counter.

"We missed our chance." Sakura groaned quietly.

Kakashi smiled a closed-eyed smile at the kids before glancing at Yami who actually took his time eating.

'Maybe I should ask Yami about the seal he uses that allows him to eat without removing his bandages.' Kakashi thought, scratching his chin in contemplation.